(From the desk of Doctor Pervert and Professor Knockers)
Early on in our experimenting in the lifestyle we learned the value of being able to host parties as well as the importance of making the party fun, respectful and safe. As thick bodied people we only play with those who are thickly built. The goals of our parties are to provide an open minded, laid back, no pressure, insanely fun experience while maintaining safety, respect and being mindful of each person’s personal limits and rules.
We have been in the lifestyle since the spring of 2007 and have experience in MFM, FMF to MMMMMFFMMMMM to full on large orgies of more than 30 people. However, we have come to a point where Professor Knockers likes to be the only lady and be the center of attention, and on occasion with a trusted lady friend joining to help her out. So to be clear, most times Professor Knockers will be the only lady but there will be occasion that there will be another gal joining us and you will know that in advance. We seek a range of 3 to 5 guys per gal.
If you are invited it is because you PROMISED to show up and not be a coward or flake. It also means you presented yourself as falling within a body type that everyone attending would be attracted to regardless of the size or shape of your body or any part thereof. Further you have indicated you are down to earth, a social drinker, easy going and fun as well as a non-smoker, non-d**g user and have avoided trouble with the law.
We do need to emphasize that just because our lady/ladies enjoys multiple partners does not mean they enjoy rough sex or rough contact of anyway shape or form. Professor Knockers is our reason for getting together in this manner and she will be treated like the gift she is and that means everyone will be treated with respect at all times.
Our events are very social starting with cocktails and conversation as a way to get to know any new folks as well as catch up with the regulars. You need to know that the social time and foreplay are really the most important part of our events. Sex / play is usually initiated by Professor Knockers or another guest who has played with us in the past and at that point you will actually find it quite easy to go with the flow of the event. Generally you can expect an hour to an hour and a half of social time before the clothes come off and the fun really starts. As far as how many men are with a lady at any given time, it really depends on the mood of the woman and the men involved. Sometimes it may be 1 on 1, sometimes 2 or more guys and one gal and sometimes we will all pack the bed. A lot has to do with how many guys actually show up. It is too hard to state or even predict what will actually happen when it comes to numbers or how or what will happen outside of a sexy good time.
Sexual interaction is allowed anywhere inside the house except in the kitchen because of the food being out. Nudity IS allowed in the kitchen, just keep your pubes out of the food. We have house rules that we share before every party, even with our regulars, just to keep them fresh in everyone’s mind. But I always want people to know that we never allow any doors closed, including the bathroom, unless of course you are pooping. Why? It's a safety issue. The rest of the rules will be provided as part of JPEG.
Please note, the couple of times we have had to ask someone to leave they have cooperated and we avoided any further drama and the party continued on in a fun atmosphere. We do have men here who are more than capable, and if needed willing to physically remove someone if need be but certainly not something we would relish doing.
Our starting time is firm and we require all attendees to arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before or 15 minutes after the stated start time, allowing you a 30 minute window to arrive. Why the firmness in starting time?
1. It gives us the time we need to set up for the event
2. It is important to be part of the social time because we need to get to know any new folks.
3. It's a safety thing, we usually lock the door 15 minutes after the start time.
As far as a location, that will be provided the morning of the event in the form of a JPEG which will include the address, a map and detailed parking instructions. And unless otherwise specified you can figure the Village of Lannon for planning purposes.
Because we may lock the door you are asked to let any other person know when you are leaving so that they can lock the door behind you; again, you are not required to give a reason for leaving.
Although not mandatory we do ask all our guests to consider bringing a food item to share and that can be homemade or store bought and can be anything from a hot dish, baked goods, veggies, fruits, nuts to chips and dip; just think party food. Your food / snack donation adds to the party being more enjoyable.
We do keep a very well stocked bar and ask that people bring the mixer of their choice, no large bottles of mixers because space around the bar can be an issue, in other words your mixers are asked to be kept in single up to 8 packs of 20 ounce containers or less. If you use an actual fruit juice larger containers are welcomed. We do not stock beer or wine so that would be bring your own (BYOB). In the past people have asked if our bar accepts bottle as a donation or gift. and in fact it does
In regards to condoms, while we always have a supply on hand you are welcome and encouraged to bring your own, especially if you prefer a specific brand, style or size. Yes, lubricated condoms are okay. Unused condoms can be left behind as a donation.
Attendees are encouraged to bring blankets, pillows and any toiletries they might use should they be too intoxicated to drive home and need to sleep it off, keeping them in their vehicle until needed. We have plenty of towels and washcloths. We do have lots of floor space and recliners and our guest bed is available. The pecking order for the bed is couples get first choice, then single ladies then of course if none of them are using the bed for sleeping a single guy can use it.
WE NEVER CHARGE A FEE for our parties, however we always have a tip box set up on our bar and WE WELCOME DONATIONS. That money would be used to help offset the cost of things like alcohol, plates, napkins, cups, ice and increased water usage etc...
We thank you for taking the time to read all this information and hope you find it helpful in deciding if we might be the type of people you may want to explore with. Please contact with any questions or feedback to let us know your thoughts on moving forward.
(From the desk of Doctor Pervert and Professor Knockers)
Early on in our experimenting in the lifestyle we learned the value of being able to host parties as well as the importance of making the party fun, respectful and safe. As thick bodied people we only play with those who are thickly built. The goals of our parties are to provide an open minded, laid back, no pressure, insanely fun experience while maintaining safety, respect and being mindful of each person’s personal limits and rules.
We have been in the lifestyle since the spring of 2007 and have experience in MFM, FMF to MMMMMFFMMMMM to full on large orgies of more than 30 people. However, we have come to a point where Professor Knockers likes to be the only lady and be the center of attention, and on occasion with a trusted lady friend joining to help her out. So to be clear, most times Professor Knockers will be the only lady but there will be occasion that there will be another gal joining us and you will know that in advance. We seek a range of 3 to 5 guys per gal.
If you are invited it is because you PROMISED to show up and not be a coward or flake. It also means you presented yourself as falling within a body type that everyone attending would be attracted to regardless of the size or shape of your body or any part thereof. Further you have indicated you are down to earth, a social drinker, easy going and fun as well as a non-smoker, non-d**g user and have avoided trouble with the law.
We do need to emphasize that just because our lady/ladies enjoys multiple partners does not mean they enjoy rough sex or rough contact of anyway shape or form. Professor Knockers is our reason for getting together in this manner and she will be treated like the gift she is and that means everyone will be treated with respect at all times.
Our events are very social starting with cocktails and conversation as a way to get to know any new folks as well as catch up with the regulars. You need to know that the social time and foreplay are really the most important part of our events. Sex / play is usually initiated by Professor Knockers or another guest who has played with us in the past and at that point you will actually find it quite easy to go with the flow of the event. Generally you can expect an hour to an hour and a half of social time before the clothes come off and the fun really starts. As far as how many men are with a lady at any given time, it really depends on the mood of the woman and the men involved. Sometimes it may be 1 on 1, sometimes 2 or more guys and one gal and sometimes we will all pack the bed. A lot has to do with how many guys actually show up. It is too hard to state or even predict what will actually happen when it comes to numbers or how or what will happen outside of a sexy good time.
Sexual interaction is allowed anywhere inside the house except in the kitchen because of the food being out. Nudity IS allowed in the kitchen, just keep your pubes out of the food. We have house rules that we share before every party, even with our regulars, just to keep them fresh in everyone’s mind. But I always want people to know that we never allow any doors closed, including the bathroom, unless of course you are pooping. Why? It's a safety issue. The rest of the rules will be provided as part of JPEG.
Please note, the couple of times we have had to ask someone to leave they have cooperated and we avoided any further drama and the party continued on in a fun atmosphere. We do have men here who are more than capable, and if needed willing to physically remove someone if need be but certainly not something we would relish doing.
Our starting time is firm and we require all attendees to arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before or 15 minutes after the stated start time, allowing you a 30 minute window to arrive. Why the firmness in starting time?
1. It gives us the time we need to set up for the event
2. It is important to be part of the social time because we need to get to know any new folks.
3. It's a safety thing, we usually lock the door 15 minutes after the start time.
As far as a location, that will be provided the morning of the event in the form of a JPEG which will include the address, a map and detailed parking instructions. And unless otherwise specified you can figure the Village of Lannon for planning purposes.
Because we may lock the door you are asked to let any other person know when you are leaving so that they can lock the door behind you; again, you are not required to give a reason for leaving.
Although not mandatory we do ask all our guests to consider bringing a food item to share and that can be homemade or store bought and can be anything from a hot dish, baked goods, veggies, fruits, nuts to chips and dip; just think party food. Your food / snack donation adds to the party being more enjoyable.
We do keep a very well stocked bar and ask that people bring the mixer of their choice, no large bottles of mixers because space around the bar can be an issue, in other words your mixers are asked to be kept in single up to 8 packs of 20 ounce containers or less. If you use an actual fruit juice larger containers are welcomed. We do not stock beer or wine so that would be bring your own (BYOB). In the past people have asked if our bar accepts bottle as a donation or gift. and in fact it does
In regards to condoms, while we always have a supply on hand you are welcome and encouraged to bring your own, especially if you prefer a specific brand, style or size. Yes, lubricated condoms are okay. Unused condoms can be left behind as a donation.
Attendees are encouraged to bring blankets, pillows and any toiletries they might use should they be too intoxicated to drive home and need to sleep it off, keeping them in their vehicle until needed. We have plenty of towels and washcloths. We do have lots of floor space and recliners and our guest bed is available. The pecking order for the bed is couples get first choice, then single ladies then of course if none of them are using the bed for sleeping a single guy can use it.
WE NEVER CHARGE A FEE for our parties, however we always have a tip box set up on our bar and WE WELCOME DONATIONS. That money would be used to help offset the cost of things like alcohol, plates, napkins, cups, ice and increased water usage etc...
We thank you for taking the time to read all this information and hope you find it helpful in deciding if we might be the type of people you may want to explore with. Please contact with any questions or feedback to let us know your thoughts on moving forward.
4 年 前