The Wall

The moonlight shines so brilliantly on the wall, so high. I tirelessly use my hands to break it down.
I am driven, a man driven to emancipate his soul from the heartless walls.For they imprison her.My fawn.
The moonlight is just like the moon.All silver and lumiscent but opaque and lifeless like mausoleum.
My soul mate wails inside cruel walls .A wall within which lays incarcerated .She wants to live.To be free again.
Little did she knew that she has become what the devil wanted her to be.Loveless, lifeless and lonely.
Oh!, pardon me my lord, she pleads ,just one last time.For I knew not what seed I nurtured .A seed of unhappiness.
I fall on my knees.The wall smirks at me.See, even you can't even if you try again.

My wish to live is only thing which falls.
I look at the stars , my vision impaired with tears.My heart aches,my breath quivers.
It is doom.It is dark. But to give up is against by grain.
And suddenly I hear faint crumbling.Earth shakes.Yes, the wall cracks.
I look up to celestial spectators.They smile and say-it was in your stars to be with her,your soul again.

My love walks up,slowly but steadily. Smile bejewels her visage.
I knew we could do this,she says.I just wished to live,live again
4 年 前
Kumarsinghkumar 出版商 4 年 前
Thanks .it comes from someone who matters .