Unaware wife on Vacation
Thanks for the requests from members asking to see more of my wife’s beauty. It inspired me to write another short post about her with pictures. Some of you may recognize that the attached pics are really the first time I’ve ever exposed her tits :-).
We are fortunate to take many vacations with just the two of us. While hanging out at the beach or the hotel pool, we’ll have drinks and get a good buzz on. Admiring her, and also watching other men check her out throughout the day is very arousing for me. I’ve snuck in a few phone camera “clicks” here and there of her doing her thing which she doesn’t know about (like this one at the pool bar in her bikini), but really that’s more of a test to make sure my camera is ready for more adventurous fun later.
This vacation happened to be in Jamaica. After enjoying the beautiful warm weather, we headed back to our hotel room to rest, shower, and get ready for dinner.
After checking her out all day in her bikini, I usually am pretty horny on the walk back to the room. Often times, I will intentionally walk behind her so I can admire her legs and ass wiggling as she strolls casually back. She really has no idea what I’m doing which makes it all the more enjoyable.
Sometimes we’ll nap and have sex before showering but either way, my favorite part is keeping my phone handy as she poses unknowingly in various states of undress. I’ve commented on countless pictures of XH husbands who’ve done the same with their wives and shared them. I love the candid and natural aspect to it because there is no posing involved – just happily attached women in their natural beautiful state.
The best for me is when my wife receives texts on her phone while she’s undressing. She’ll have removed her top… and then gets completely distracted by her correspondence – offering ample opportunity to capture her exquisite beauty. The pic here is one of those taken after we got back from the pool in Jamaica – texting away with a friend after she had lowered her halter top – unknowingly exposing her beautiful tits to my camera (click click) – thank you baby!.
In this sequence of events at the hotel, after removing her clothes, she sauntered into the bathroom to do whatever it is women do – preparing their clothes, hanging up their wet bathing suit, getting their makeup ready etc etc. The best part is that not only is she completely naked while she’s doing these tasks, she’s also very distracted – focused on what she’s doing. Obviously this allows my camera to observe her further but I still had to be very careful not to get caught!
In this sequence of 6-7 pictures, after texting her friend while topless, she made her way to the bathroom and bent over the tub to hang up her suit (click).
For every picture you see here, I probably took 3-4 pictures which turned out too blurry to keep, let alone post because my hand is often shaking! (You can see my thumb holding the headboard of the bed)
Then she turned on the shower. As she waited for the water to warm up, she she received another text and couldn't help but answer it. Of course this offered an opportunity to photograph her beautiful ass, complete with tan lines.
I love the way she is stretching out and texting another friend in the image to the left while my camera clicks away. .
Finally in the last picture to the right she got in the shower. I love many of the modern showers with see-thru glass like this one was. The best are those that are completely open :-) but glass will do.
Once again us husbands have to be careful! I’ve found the optimal time to view my wife in the shower is as she’s innocently washing her face. I’m not sure why my wife was bending over while cleansing her face at this point in her process, but guess what? My camera didn’t care and loved every minute of it! (click).
I do recall that after seeing her round ass protruding like this and exploiting the opportunity to capture her beauty which she offered so kindly to me… I was rock hard. She needed to be mounted don't you think??? So I joined her in the shower and bent her over like she was here… out stuck her ass... and in went my stiff cock…
And thus concluded the short trip back to our hotel room in Jamaica!
4 年 前