Bucket List Trip to Africa
This is fiction based on a k**napping in Uganda earlier this year. At the time I was in Tanzania and it inspired this fantasy.
I was on one of my foremost bucket list trips to see gorillas, chimpanzees and other wildlife in Uganda. Single and in my early thirties, I had saved enough money for this once in a lifetime trip.
We were driving down a dirt road in southern Queen Elizabeth State Park in Uganda, a few miles from the Congo border, looking for the lions that climb trees. It was about 3 in the afternoon when suddenly the driver slowed for a log in the road. Suddenly there were two men with automatic weapons in front of us. He started to put it in reverse, but then saw two more men behind us. They yelled at the driver in some African language. He complied and they pulled him out of the car. They pulled out the elderly couple with us, but when I started to crawl out, they pushed me back in. They took the cell phones and any valuables from the driver and elderly passengers before piling in and driving further down the road. We must have been more than 10 miles from any help at the time.
They were obviously in a hurry, driving recklessly down the poor dirt road, but the two in the back found fine to fondly my breasts and try to kiss me as we bounded around. Eventually the road ended in a jeep trail and then not much more than a path through thickening brush, until we reached the river which is the border with the Congo. There on the bank was a rickety canoe. One of them pushed me at gun point down the bank, while the other three ransacked the vehicle for anything of value. I was not sure the canoe would stay afloat as they all piled in with their loot and started across the river.
On the other side they half dragged me up the bank while they emptied the canoe and then attempted to hide it in the brush. With their loot in stolen backpacks, they started to march me between them when the leader stopped and picked up a long stick. He stuck it behind my neck and tied it there, then tied my hands to the ends, making them spread out and useless and making balance much more difficult and running impossible. As almost an afterthought one of them grabbed my safari shirt and tore it open. A few slashes with a large knife and it and my bra were gone, leaving me nude from the waist up. They all laughed and slapped my tits, but they were obviously in a hurry.
For those who do not know Africa, there are hundreds of small flies that are always looking for moisture. The swarm around your face and eyes unless you have repellant on, and especially go for exposed sweaty skin. In addition, there are biting flies which you in the US would probably call horse flies, but here they are on steroids. As I stumbled along, I was soon harassed by many small flies and the biting flies began to find the soft flesh of my boobs.
They marched me up out of the river valley and across an open plain dotted with acacia trees. One of them picked up a broken branch to swat my back occasionally to keep me moving. They were constantly looking behind, obviously worried about being found. After what seemed like several miles, we approached another drainage and started up the edge of it, deeper into the Congo.
It was nearly dark when we finally went down into thicker cover near a small creek, and there was a small camp with four more men sitting around a very small camp fire. They talked excitedly as one of them forced me to the ground next to a tree and tied me by the neck to it. They pulled out some bits of food and began to nibble on it as they held serious discussions, with some arguing. The youngest one, it was hard to tell his age but certainly early teens, brought some water from the creek and offered me a drink. I knew it was probably bad but I was so dehydrated I did not care. I said thank you but I do not know if he understood.
It was dark now, and only the light from the small fire lit the campfire. A full moon was starting to rise casting long shadows. The men passed around a container which I was sure contained alcohol is some form. Then it was time for the nightly entertainment, me.
They untied me from the tree, with my hands still spread out and useless, and quickly stripped me naked, pulling of pants, panties, boots and socks, leaving my whole body exposed to them, and the insects. The older one approached me and gave me a long drink from the container they were passing around. It was some of the vilest alcoholic drink I had ever tasted. I have no idea what was in it, but it may have had some of the plant stimulants they chew regularly.
The oldest grabbed my pussy, thrusting two fingers roughly far inside me. He laughed and announced something to the rest. Of course, I was wet for I had been sweating profusely for some time. He rammed his fingers in and out slapping my pussy as he did. Then they forced me to my knees and he whisked off the dirty pants he was wearing and slapped my face with his hardening cock. They grabbed my head and forced his stinking, dirty cock, tasting of stale urine and sweat deep down my throat. Fortunately, I long ago learned to control my gag reflex pretty well for it was a rather violent face fuck. He laughed calling me various names I did not recognize until one translated “dirty white whore” and “Filthy cunt mouth.”
When he pulled out, I was gasping for breath, but they just slammed me onto my back, two pulled my legs far apart and the oldest began to **** me violently. It did not take him long, for I suspect he had been without female company for some time. Despite myself I was getting wet by the time he unloaded the first load deep inside me. It would not be the last. A second repeated the process, propping me up to force his cock down my throat and then plowing deep inside me. I was panting and groaning and I guess they were afraid it was too load for one of them clamped a hand over my mouth.
The ****s went on and on until all eight had emptied their balls into me. One chose to anoint my face and tits, but the rest were deposited deep inside my pussy so it was running out, down my legs and pooling beneath me. When they finished, they just left me lying there gasping, totally exhausted, used and used up. Little did I realize they were not done with me yet.
An hour or two pasted. The men were in serious discussions and at least one had a cell phone which he was talking to someone in a various firm but serious voice. A couple of the younger men offered me more water and fed me a little dried meat which I eventually managed to swallow. Then moon was up and the camp fire out with several of them decided on a second round with me.
This time the older man in charge had them flip me on my stomach and spread my legs wide. He spit on my ass and began to work it in. One of them stuffed a filthy rag in my mouth to probably keep me quiet. The only one who apparently knew any English whispered “Scream bring lion.” Then the anal **** began. He was not gently. He tested me with one finger then two, then I felt the head of his cock pushing against me. On hard push and the head was in. I screamed with pain into the gag. Two more thrusts and he was all the way in, grunting as he skewered me. He began to fuck me slowly and then faster. Since he had already shot one load into me that evening, it was a long slow process this time. I was nearly faint from screaming by the time he finally shot his load deep into my bowels. Then another took his place.
Fortunately, his cum and my own secretions had lubricated me a lot more so the next was not as painful, but just as humiliating as my ass was being taken against my wish by a dirty, stinking tribesman. After the second, the one English speaker whispered, “Must do here. Can not in village.” I interpreted this as anal sex was not allowed in the village.
Fortunately, only four of them wanted to take advantage of my ass, but that was enough to leave me broken, aching, with copious semen dripping out of my dilated asshole. When they were finally done they tied my neck to the tree, my hands still spread out and useless. Two of the younger ones curled up to sleep next to me. I was actually thankful for the warmth and parts of their blankets. During the night each of them took a turn fucking me.
Before first light they were up. They gave me some water and some hard bread, and untied my hands for a while. I ate and drank what I could but was very weak, and certainly had no idea of running. They mercifully gave me back my pants, boots and socks. I put them on in the waning moonlight. One of them tied a rope around my neck as a lead as we started off, taking everything with us and leaving little sign we were there. I even noticed the hid the remains of the fire under debris.
We walked all morning. At maybe 11 or so we finally came to another small creek and on the other side a donkey cart was waiting for us with a young boy driving it. They greeted him and let him fondle me for a bit, but they were still in a hurry. We piled in and were off and the young boy was allowed to ride in the back and play with me as he wished. I do not know how young he was by his pubic hair was still short and soft as he pushed his cock into my mouth. It took no time bounding down the trail before I had a mouth full to swallow. They laughed at him for being so quick.
After a couple of hours, we came to a small village with a wood and thorn palisade and a number of small waddle and dob huts with thatched roofs. There was much commotion as the women and c***dren watched me being led off the cart. Young boys gathered around to touch my white skin and matted red hair, and some more adventurous to slap my behind. I was led into one hut. The roof was supported by a central pole. A short chain and lock were produced and fastened about my neck. It was firmly nailed to the central pole.
There was a lot of commotion and discussion outside. After awhile several young women came to minister to me. They gave me water and some bread and began to wash me. They produced a bucket for a toilet. I was so dehydrated I had little to pee, but the bad water was having an effect and I emptied my bowels. They let me clean myself as best I could with some leaves. One of them even tried to wash my hair a little with some lye soap and water. Finally, they gave me two Kangas, square pieces of decorated cloth used for everything from clothes to blankets.
I curled up in a corner and fell into an exhausted sleep.
After dark several other men decided to use me. As before they made me suck them, joking all the time for I gather that is something their women would not do, then r****g me. There were four of them that night and they took away my pants and boots, leaving me with just the kangas.
The process went on for several days, until they seemed to run together. Every night several men would use me, once it was a group of quite young boys and one sort of “instructor.” Apparently, I was a learning tool. My degradation was now complete, just a fuck toy for the men and boys of the tribe.
One morning there was a lot of discussion at dawn. Several women came in and cleaned me up, including again trying to wash my hair. Then I was unchained and led wrapped in the kangas to the donkey cart. We travelled for about two hours with one elderly man and a young boy driving and two men in back with me. Then the two men jumped off as we approached a dirt jeep track. There was a land rover apparently waiting for us. The boy helped me down while the old man talked to two men in uniform. They led me to the vehicle and offered me fresh water in rather good English. A woman appeared from the back who was apparently some form of health worker like a nurse. She and I got in the back seat and she began to talk to me about how I was doing. I told her a little and she gave me some fluids for rehydration. Soon we were driving away and I realized for the first time I was free!
(For those who do not know the real story, the tour company paid the ransom and later some of the supposed
I was on one of my foremost bucket list trips to see gorillas, chimpanzees and other wildlife in Uganda. Single and in my early thirties, I had saved enough money for this once in a lifetime trip.
We were driving down a dirt road in southern Queen Elizabeth State Park in Uganda, a few miles from the Congo border, looking for the lions that climb trees. It was about 3 in the afternoon when suddenly the driver slowed for a log in the road. Suddenly there were two men with automatic weapons in front of us. He started to put it in reverse, but then saw two more men behind us. They yelled at the driver in some African language. He complied and they pulled him out of the car. They pulled out the elderly couple with us, but when I started to crawl out, they pushed me back in. They took the cell phones and any valuables from the driver and elderly passengers before piling in and driving further down the road. We must have been more than 10 miles from any help at the time.
They were obviously in a hurry, driving recklessly down the poor dirt road, but the two in the back found fine to fondly my breasts and try to kiss me as we bounded around. Eventually the road ended in a jeep trail and then not much more than a path through thickening brush, until we reached the river which is the border with the Congo. There on the bank was a rickety canoe. One of them pushed me at gun point down the bank, while the other three ransacked the vehicle for anything of value. I was not sure the canoe would stay afloat as they all piled in with their loot and started across the river.
On the other side they half dragged me up the bank while they emptied the canoe and then attempted to hide it in the brush. With their loot in stolen backpacks, they started to march me between them when the leader stopped and picked up a long stick. He stuck it behind my neck and tied it there, then tied my hands to the ends, making them spread out and useless and making balance much more difficult and running impossible. As almost an afterthought one of them grabbed my safari shirt and tore it open. A few slashes with a large knife and it and my bra were gone, leaving me nude from the waist up. They all laughed and slapped my tits, but they were obviously in a hurry.
For those who do not know Africa, there are hundreds of small flies that are always looking for moisture. The swarm around your face and eyes unless you have repellant on, and especially go for exposed sweaty skin. In addition, there are biting flies which you in the US would probably call horse flies, but here they are on steroids. As I stumbled along, I was soon harassed by many small flies and the biting flies began to find the soft flesh of my boobs.
They marched me up out of the river valley and across an open plain dotted with acacia trees. One of them picked up a broken branch to swat my back occasionally to keep me moving. They were constantly looking behind, obviously worried about being found. After what seemed like several miles, we approached another drainage and started up the edge of it, deeper into the Congo.
It was nearly dark when we finally went down into thicker cover near a small creek, and there was a small camp with four more men sitting around a very small camp fire. They talked excitedly as one of them forced me to the ground next to a tree and tied me by the neck to it. They pulled out some bits of food and began to nibble on it as they held serious discussions, with some arguing. The youngest one, it was hard to tell his age but certainly early teens, brought some water from the creek and offered me a drink. I knew it was probably bad but I was so dehydrated I did not care. I said thank you but I do not know if he understood.
It was dark now, and only the light from the small fire lit the campfire. A full moon was starting to rise casting long shadows. The men passed around a container which I was sure contained alcohol is some form. Then it was time for the nightly entertainment, me.
They untied me from the tree, with my hands still spread out and useless, and quickly stripped me naked, pulling of pants, panties, boots and socks, leaving my whole body exposed to them, and the insects. The older one approached me and gave me a long drink from the container they were passing around. It was some of the vilest alcoholic drink I had ever tasted. I have no idea what was in it, but it may have had some of the plant stimulants they chew regularly.
The oldest grabbed my pussy, thrusting two fingers roughly far inside me. He laughed and announced something to the rest. Of course, I was wet for I had been sweating profusely for some time. He rammed his fingers in and out slapping my pussy as he did. Then they forced me to my knees and he whisked off the dirty pants he was wearing and slapped my face with his hardening cock. They grabbed my head and forced his stinking, dirty cock, tasting of stale urine and sweat deep down my throat. Fortunately, I long ago learned to control my gag reflex pretty well for it was a rather violent face fuck. He laughed calling me various names I did not recognize until one translated “dirty white whore” and “Filthy cunt mouth.”
When he pulled out, I was gasping for breath, but they just slammed me onto my back, two pulled my legs far apart and the oldest began to **** me violently. It did not take him long, for I suspect he had been without female company for some time. Despite myself I was getting wet by the time he unloaded the first load deep inside me. It would not be the last. A second repeated the process, propping me up to force his cock down my throat and then plowing deep inside me. I was panting and groaning and I guess they were afraid it was too load for one of them clamped a hand over my mouth.
The ****s went on and on until all eight had emptied their balls into me. One chose to anoint my face and tits, but the rest were deposited deep inside my pussy so it was running out, down my legs and pooling beneath me. When they finished, they just left me lying there gasping, totally exhausted, used and used up. Little did I realize they were not done with me yet.
An hour or two pasted. The men were in serious discussions and at least one had a cell phone which he was talking to someone in a various firm but serious voice. A couple of the younger men offered me more water and fed me a little dried meat which I eventually managed to swallow. Then moon was up and the camp fire out with several of them decided on a second round with me.
This time the older man in charge had them flip me on my stomach and spread my legs wide. He spit on my ass and began to work it in. One of them stuffed a filthy rag in my mouth to probably keep me quiet. The only one who apparently knew any English whispered “Scream bring lion.” Then the anal **** began. He was not gently. He tested me with one finger then two, then I felt the head of his cock pushing against me. On hard push and the head was in. I screamed with pain into the gag. Two more thrusts and he was all the way in, grunting as he skewered me. He began to fuck me slowly and then faster. Since he had already shot one load into me that evening, it was a long slow process this time. I was nearly faint from screaming by the time he finally shot his load deep into my bowels. Then another took his place.
Fortunately, his cum and my own secretions had lubricated me a lot more so the next was not as painful, but just as humiliating as my ass was being taken against my wish by a dirty, stinking tribesman. After the second, the one English speaker whispered, “Must do here. Can not in village.” I interpreted this as anal sex was not allowed in the village.
Fortunately, only four of them wanted to take advantage of my ass, but that was enough to leave me broken, aching, with copious semen dripping out of my dilated asshole. When they were finally done they tied my neck to the tree, my hands still spread out and useless. Two of the younger ones curled up to sleep next to me. I was actually thankful for the warmth and parts of their blankets. During the night each of them took a turn fucking me.
Before first light they were up. They gave me some water and some hard bread, and untied my hands for a while. I ate and drank what I could but was very weak, and certainly had no idea of running. They mercifully gave me back my pants, boots and socks. I put them on in the waning moonlight. One of them tied a rope around my neck as a lead as we started off, taking everything with us and leaving little sign we were there. I even noticed the hid the remains of the fire under debris.
We walked all morning. At maybe 11 or so we finally came to another small creek and on the other side a donkey cart was waiting for us with a young boy driving it. They greeted him and let him fondle me for a bit, but they were still in a hurry. We piled in and were off and the young boy was allowed to ride in the back and play with me as he wished. I do not know how young he was by his pubic hair was still short and soft as he pushed his cock into my mouth. It took no time bounding down the trail before I had a mouth full to swallow. They laughed at him for being so quick.
After a couple of hours, we came to a small village with a wood and thorn palisade and a number of small waddle and dob huts with thatched roofs. There was much commotion as the women and c***dren watched me being led off the cart. Young boys gathered around to touch my white skin and matted red hair, and some more adventurous to slap my behind. I was led into one hut. The roof was supported by a central pole. A short chain and lock were produced and fastened about my neck. It was firmly nailed to the central pole.
There was a lot of commotion and discussion outside. After awhile several young women came to minister to me. They gave me water and some bread and began to wash me. They produced a bucket for a toilet. I was so dehydrated I had little to pee, but the bad water was having an effect and I emptied my bowels. They let me clean myself as best I could with some leaves. One of them even tried to wash my hair a little with some lye soap and water. Finally, they gave me two Kangas, square pieces of decorated cloth used for everything from clothes to blankets.
I curled up in a corner and fell into an exhausted sleep.
After dark several other men decided to use me. As before they made me suck them, joking all the time for I gather that is something their women would not do, then r****g me. There were four of them that night and they took away my pants and boots, leaving me with just the kangas.
The process went on for several days, until they seemed to run together. Every night several men would use me, once it was a group of quite young boys and one sort of “instructor.” Apparently, I was a learning tool. My degradation was now complete, just a fuck toy for the men and boys of the tribe.
One morning there was a lot of discussion at dawn. Several women came in and cleaned me up, including again trying to wash my hair. Then I was unchained and led wrapped in the kangas to the donkey cart. We travelled for about two hours with one elderly man and a young boy driving and two men in back with me. Then the two men jumped off as we approached a dirt jeep track. There was a land rover apparently waiting for us. The boy helped me down while the old man talked to two men in uniform. They led me to the vehicle and offered me fresh water in rather good English. A woman appeared from the back who was apparently some form of health worker like a nurse. She and I got in the back seat and she began to talk to me about how I was doing. I told her a little and she gave me some fluids for rehydration. Soon we were driving away and I realized for the first time I was free!
(For those who do not know the real story, the tour company paid the ransom and later some of the supposed
5 年 前