Oh. You like this. I mean, you REALLY like this.

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60,544. 100% As of right now - 27 September 2020 -- 05:45 (+5) GMT, the following performance tenderly named 'Muscular Ball Flexing' has been viewed over 60,000 times and earned a positive rating of 100% by 807 out of 809 .

(Not too sure what the 2 negative reactions found repulsive about a stunning cock throbbing and convulsing with the heavy nectar of the cum gods. We'll just chalk those two in under the category of either 'Jealous' or 'Green With Envy'. Philistines.)

When I stumbled across this delicate diversion somewhere in the bowels of Smut City, I had the same reaction as 100% of the 807: "Hot" and "Who the hell *IS* this??"

Judging by the number of comments - 92 at the moment - and given the routine notification of comments for this clip, this is the cumshot that stirred more loins than any other selections found at this profile. I had no idea it would become so popular.

Veiny and oozing with a lively start and a brilliant white that invites a bit of taste, this dick's muscular urethra looks as if it gets vigorous workouts. Frequently.
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At times, it's too easy to get wrapped up in horsecock like Bo Sinn, Sean Zevran or straight DP Masters like Chris Strokes.

Or the fine exotic taste of Mr.Ilhan91 who's featuring a fantastic photographic spread of Othman Abed Al-Muttalaby AKA Ali Liam. Definitive proof that Turkish men have a discerning eye for NBF's (Natural Born Fuckers) and are sexy, sexual and sensual. https://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/othman-abed-al-muttalaby-14771649

Every now and then it's important to fuel the fantasy furnace... stoking the fire and flames of desire... imagining the possible if not probable. Much of the pleasure of a great groin explosion has origins in the head and building a mental library of erotica comes in handy when a special night calls for a bit of sampling the unusual with just the right partner.

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Sometimes the same pose with a similar body/package leaves an altogether different memory, one that's more vivid and memorable.

While variety is the spice of life, repetition can be the power that ignites the final volley; a favourite visual that never fails to... inspire.

Here in the north, winters are a feeble comparison to years past. Blizzards, icestorms and bitter cold have all been diluted to varying degrees but the occasional power outage still happens. Shutting down access to the internet can leave some master jackers looking at an error message with their dick in their hands. Minus any playmate, a fully charged laptop or a beefy UPS to provide enough power to finish what was started is a saving grace.

At times like that, having a favourite kink available can mean the difference between a good conclusion or one truly fine mess. Sex is supposed to be messy. That's where cum rags come in.

And cum rags are an entire essay themselves. Keep on jacking.


发布者 alode
4 年 前
alode 出版商 4 年 前
Thanks for compiling that excellent gallery.  If you ever run across what ever happened to Othman, could you let me know?
Sprtfckr2000 4 年 前