My year

Started a new job in a local supermarket filling shelves and working checkout.
Its an ok work with some great people and the customers aren't so bad have noticed not so many women wear bras and a lot of cameltoe in leggings perks of living in a student city i guess. But I realise that like the nightclub jobs many years ago i use it as a social life and while i were temping the work and income were unpredictable. so going out and meeting new people just never happened

the cam girl i hooked up with many years ago we had a rough bit of a rough patch but we both of us had money worries she wasn't making enough to live on with camming. and i was working at a temp agency and coping with depression and low self esteem. Now she is working full time a studio cam company. we were planning some trips to paris and then a week and another with her coming to brighton and seeing the city but covid. we are now really good friends and we will meet again.

Me and dating not had any luck other than the cam girl things have been no existent had a date with a girl back in 2017 but kinda had issues with my job at the time(cleaner) and she wanted me to remove all female friends from FB including sisters. I kinda gave up on love life after that. I figured i had so many faults i was undated coupled the amount of fake women on dating sites but really its more my world has shrunk down to work home and sometimes a trip to churchill square.that's pretty much it for now.
4 年 前