2021 Going Foward

Uploading and videos

I hate to say it but I'm done uploading videos to this website. The Review process has become too strict and nothing I upload goes through. Too many videos I either don't bother uploading or are being removed cause the anime girls look too young. So if they don't want my content then I can't be bothered spending the time uploading it and slowing my internet down for them.

The only thing I will be updating is the SOP image gallery since it isn't subject to review.

Follow me on twitter for videos. @TouhouLove6


This year I have spent too much time with requests and it has limited me on doing images I would like.
Every video I post gathers 3 or 4 more requests and it has just become too much for one human.

So I'm having to limit requests to 3 a month. The other option was to just not take requests at all which may still happen if I get annoyed enough.

To the good and respectful people that enjoy my videos I do thank you.
I hope you will view me over at twitter and soon I wish to backlog everything to erome.
发布者 touhoulove
4 年 前
It's a real bummer Xham is so strict with hentai/anime content. I'm glad you're not totally quitting, though! Erome is also a good alternative for videos, people on all kinds of sites have been using it for tributes, especially Xham.
Well, at least it's good that you'll be continuing on twitter
LewdPai 4 年 前
you should try erome, just let us know whens new content :smile:
FLBPFan 4 年 前
That sucks to hear since you're one of the more dedicated tributers on here.