What probably happened at XH

As of this writing (12/22/2020), it hasn’t been possible to upload images to galleries gor days, the video download button is gone, and selected content has been removed. Unlike the “big purge” at tumblr a couple of years ago, all of this happened without warning or explanation.

The only possible explanation is that someone is very heavily leaning on the site to make changes. Which is and isn’t a surprise. Porn is a vast industry that exists in the shadows, filling human need. Everyone knows it’s there and readily available, but for the most part it’s quietly tolerated and its presence, by some with anger and disgust, ignored. Heck, before the internet every hotel offered “adult” movies in its rooms...

There come, however, times when opposition to porn boils over or someone tries to reign it in or shut it down. There are plenty of ways to do that and many points of attack. Activities depicted may not be allowed in some places and parts of the world. Publishing may violate some laws and rules and regulations. And there are likely a myriad other ways to protest or attack porn.

Porn, of course, while addressing a primary human need, has always lived in tolerated shadows. Let’s face it: if only original, protected content were allowed, 95% of the content here would be gone. Places like this would be completely commercial, shopping malls for pictures and videos where you couldn’t see anything unless you pay up first. Pretty much all the sharing would be gone. Likewise, any rule that those who sign up for the site would have to fully identify themselves and, in essence, make their identity available to any authority, etc., would quickly kill a site.

Places like this exist because there is a massive need for them. And they exist in the shadows because society has long agreed to turn a blind eye and tolerate it because the sex life and sexual needs everyone has are private matters. Like everyone knows that everyone else has a sex life and sexual urges and practices, but that is private.

Those who create or sell content for a business, of course, are entitled to compensation for their work, and undoubtedly there is plenty of content here and similar places that has been copied and uploaded. Does that make it unacceptable in one way or another? Most likely. But it’s also a major form of marketing and advertising. Who hadn’t seen pictures or videos here and then gone to a model’s site to sign up? Heck, without sites like this, no one would even know of all those sites out there that feature models and content.

This site unquestionably fills a basic, inherent need and provides a wonderful service that in an unofficial way fills the needs of all involved, consumers and producers. On top of being a lovely and so much needed “community.” But, living in the shadows, sites like this are inherently vulnerable. And that is what we are seeing now. Let’s hope the powers that be find a solution that allows the site to continue to exist, for that is not certain.
发布者 mcrae212
4 年 前
xjanis 1 年 前
Good points 
arguy69 1 年 前
-Snap-Crotch-Beaver- : Thanks. Will try that. 
回答 原始评论
arguy69 : This has more to due with the darn credit card companies' rules

you can still share them via chat and here is how:

in your photo galleries, be on a page that is one photo
then in the photos field, right-click on it and 'open image in its own page
then copy the URL line and send that to a friend

they should be able to open and view that page - good luck
回答 原始评论
arguy69 1 年 前
-Snap-Crotch-Beaver- : I have been trying to verify for a couple of years now. Nothing to hide as I'm retired my face has been visible in my pics for years anyway. My videon still appers to be open for all, but every picture gallery I have EVER posted is only for owner1 Oics of my own dick are ONLY FOR OWNER Everything was free once, with a few exceptions. I know it costs money to run a site, But WHY should us providers of our own stuff have to PAY to POST stuff that others then have to PAY to watch?????
回答 原始评论
HayThere 4 年 前
No downloads isn't a surprise... other sites like p0nhub are already doing "pay to download"...
This doesn't matter... right now, despite the lack of a 'download" button, as they say "there's an app for that".. for now.

When they change it to "beat" the app, well, someone will make a better app to do it,

I can understand having people responsible for what they upload, because it's been abuused.... unknowing uploads, uploads without any permission, illeagleuploads. Oh well.
"Did your Favorite's Galleries Saved vanish to?"
Here is why:


Now there is a New verification process: Your "Green Badge" is no longer gonna cut it for uploading photos.

You must go and make a "Creator Badge" to verify yourself and upload a photo of your I.D. and a photo of you holding it with a dated note with your username on it. This does NOT wind up on your profile! And it remains free even tho it looks like you are ready to do live cam-shows now. NO way am I letting xham make a dime off of me!