Not mine but I’d love this
“ We’d had dinner, and went to the bar afterwards for some drinks. While we were there, we got talking to three men on another table who worked for an electronics company, who were there on a business trip. They were really eyeing Shelley up, and rightly so, she’d made a real for this trip, having her legs waxed, and her hair done up nicely, and wearing a short black dress with sexy stockings and heels, so she looked absolutely gorgeous, and it was no surprise that men were looking at her. She’d even bought some sexy new black underwear for the occasion, which would be well appreciated later on. Shelley is 5’3, with blue eyes and blonde hair (she’s grown it longer in more recent years, but at the time she had it cut in a mid-length bob style). She has a nice body that she’s always kept in trim. Not ultra-skinny, but definitely not overweight, you might say she has just the perfect figure, and certainly looked very hot in that dress. I was always very proud to be seen out with her, and needless to say I was very keen to get her up to the room that night to enjoy her new underwear.
Anyway, we sat talking to the three guys for a little while in the bar. They were a proper mixed trio – there was a white man called Darren, an Asian bloke called Simran, and a black guy called Omi. I guessed they were probably all somewhere in their thirties, Darren may have been slightly older, and Simran may have been slightly younger, it was difficult to tell, but Shelley was definitely a bit younger than the rest of us. The guys were now off-duty and knocking back the drinks, looking to unwind, and hopefully get laid. They were quite loud and lary compared to Shelley and I, who are normally a bit more reserved, but once Shelley had a few drinks, she could really loosen up, so we stuck with them as they drew their chairs over to our table. At first, it was just idle chit-chat – what we thought of the place, what we did for a living, that sort of thing, and they bought us another drink, insisting Shelley have a double gin and tonic. “Are you trying to get me fucking pissed?” Shelley giggled. “Maybe,” said Darren. They asked us what we were staying there for, and we said we were just there to take it easy and have some fun. Simran suggested that maybe they could all have some fun with us, and the talk got more flirty. Darren said, “so do you often get away for ‘fun’ breaks then?” I just felt like being honest. “No, not as much as we’d like,” I said. Shelley gave me a little look as if to say ‘why are you going into our private life with three complete strangers?’, then turned back to the other guys and said, “sorry about him, he’s just getting personal, probably blaming me because I’m always tired.” But Darren pushed the subject further. “That’s alright darling, let him open up, we’re here to offer counsel and advice”, he said, causing the others to laugh. “What can we help you with?” asked Omi, acting like a doctor. Shelley decided to play up to it a bit, admitting that we don’t always get much personal time together because of work and stuff, so we thought a break away from all distractions would be really good. “So basically you’ve come here to fuck?” Simran suddenly blurted out, causing more laughter. Shelley looked a little bit coy, then said, “basically, yeah.”
That caused a bit of a cheer. “Wayhay, now we’re getting somewhere!” said Darren, moving his chair right next to Shelley’s. He put his hand on her arm. “Well you know, if there’s anything we can help with darling, let us know.” Shelley had had a few drinks by this point, so she was loosening up as things got more suggestive. We’d sometimes talked about sexual fantasies, and she’d previously admitted before that gangbangs weren’t something she’d ever done, but wouldn’t say no to one if the opportunity ever arose. I was starting to feel like an opportunity was now arising, but wasn’t sure what to do about it, so I decided to let her carry-on flirting away and see where it led. I’d only ever partner-shared once in my life before, with a previous girlfriend a few years earlier and some bloke we met in a nightclub. It was a very drunken one-off experience, but I enjoyed it greatly, even though I couldn’t really remember much about it! However, what was now starting to play out with Shelley would be a whole new level – with my girlfriend potentially taking on four men at once, and the thought of that turned me on massively. Darren put his hand on her leg, which was noted by Omi. “Careful mate,” he said to me, “Darren’s getting cosy with your girl.” “That’s alright,” I said, “she can be a bit of a flirty tart at times.” Shelley looked at me, slightly shocked, before Darren pulled her head back towards him. “Is that true sweetheart, are you a bit of a tart sometimes?” Shelley looked at me again, then back at him. “Apparently yes,” she said. “Well you’re a very attractive tart and I’d certainly bang you,” he said. She was a bit taken aback by that, but clearly enjoyed getting the attention. “Oh, would you now?” she said, looking him right in the eye. Omi and Simran were both jeering him on. “Yeah, you’re a very sexy girl,” said Simran. “Very nice, I wouldn’t mind a piece of you” added Omi. I could tell Shelley was actually getting horny from all this, as she was making very little attempt now to put them off or change the subject.
The alcohol had clearly numbed her senses a bit, because she was never normally so ‘easy’ with other men, typically being a very loyal girlfriend. “You boys need to behave yourselves,” she said, with little conviction to her voice. Then Darren just cut straight to the chase and said, “seriously, why don’t we all go upstairs together and have some fun,” winking at Shelley. She teased them for a bit. “What sort of fun were you thinking of?” she asked, knowing full well what they meant really. “Well, there’s one of you and four of us,” said Darren, “you could have a lot of fun with four guys,” gesturing his finger going into a hole. “But I’m here with my boyfriend,” Shelley said, not really putting up much of an argument. “It’s alright, your boyfriend can join in too,” joked Simran. Darren continued stroking her leg. “Come on sweetheart, us blokes have needs, and I’d love to see what’s under that sexy little dress you’re wearing,” he said. “Come on, come on,” they kept saying. But Shelley composed herself and was having none of it, as she realised things were actually starting to get more serious. “No, no way,” she insisted, “go and find another little sex slave for the night, I’m not doing it. I’m here with my boyfriend and that’s that.” She was actually starting to sound a bit more sincere now. “Ok, tell you what,” said Darren, “how about we come up with you and just watch you while we wank off?” Shelley drew back, “oh that’s fucking disgusting,” she said. He went on, “but that way, we won’t even touch you if you don’t want, and we won’t do anything you don’t want us to do.” She looked at the three of them. “Yeah right, you can’t even keep your hands to yourself here,” she said. “Come on gorgeous, we just want to look at you, and maybe you could do a little strip for us,” said Simran. “No, I’m not doing it,” she kept saying, practically pushing Darren off her by this point. “God, you’re like a bunch of naughty schoolboys, you’re worse than the k**s in my class,” Shelley said. “Well, you can teach us a lesson, miss,” said Omi, “and you can spank us if we don’t behave.” They all laughed. “As long as you let us spank your cute little arse in return,” added Simran.
She looked at me as if to say ‘PLEASE can we go?’, nodding towards the door. She clearly wanted to get out of the situation, but I felt it was more out of loyalty to me, because she thought I didn’t want this. I was actually getting massively turned on, and my cock was throbbing at the thought of the four of us gangbanging her. I really wanted this to happen, and was trying my best to urge her on, but she was still holding back! Despite her resistance however, her body language was suggesting otherwise, as she had been constantly crossing her legs and flaunting her cleavage at them for some while, even though she may have started to find them a bit vulgar with their pushiness. I could tell that deep down though she was actually feeling horny as hell. “Listen babe,” said Omi, “once we get our cocks out, you’ll be begging us to fuck you.” Shelley looked really shocked at their persistence and forwardness. “I just want to get your lovely legs around me so I can fill your pussy with my dick, have you ever tried black cock?” She looked a bit meek. "No I haven’t,” she answered. “Well you haven’t tried nothing till you’ve had a black cock inside you,” he laughed. “Or even an Indian one,” added Simran. “Obviously you’ve had white cock before,” said Darren, “but you’ve never had my white cock in you, and I’m fucking itching for a piece of you, I want to get you naked and fuck the shit out of you,” he said softly in her ear. “Come on sexy, what do you say? Think about it, four of us guys fucking you right now, your gorgeous body being used by four randy guys, fucking the shit out of you till you can’t take anymore, think about all our cum all over you, our hot cum on your soft skin, on your tits, and on your pretty face.”
Shelley was shuddering now, and her pussy must have been throbbing at his words, as he stroked her thighs up and down. “You’ve got lovely legs darling, and I bet the rest of you looks good too, I bet you’ve got a great body under that sexy little dress haven’t you?” Darren said. Then he looked at me, finally acknowledging the fact I was even there. “What do you say mate?” he asked, “do you want to see your sexy girlfriend get used by us?” Then he looked back at Shelley. “It’s a well-known fact that blokes love to see their women get fucked by other men,” nodding at me. I don’t know if that was actually true in general terms, but I certainly wanted that to happen more than anything right now. In fact, part of me wanted the three of them to just tear her dress off and fuck her right then and there in the bar in front of the other guests. That would have been amazing to watch, but at the very least, I was praying something would happen tonight behind closed doors with the five of us, Shelley being used like a sex toy. Darren seemed to be the kind of ringleader of the group, and I noticed he was actually wearing a wedding ring, but I didn’t ask any questions. However, Shelley noticed it too and decided to probe the subject. “Jesus, why are you doing this?” she said to him, “aren’t you married?” He continued stroking her leg, edging the dress further and further up her thigh till he reached the top of her stocking. “Look, don’t worry about that sweetheart, all you need to worry about is that I’ve got a fucking big boner that needs relieving, and I want YOU to do it, I’ve got a hard-on just looking at you and thinking about what I want to do to you.” He wasn’t the only one with a big hard-on, I can tell you. “Why me?” Shelled said, her breathing getting heavier. “You’re so sweet and sexy, but you look as if you could do with this, and I know you want it really,” he said softly.
She looked at me, searching for a sign of approval, or any response at all. I’d been very quiet throughout the whole time they’d been flirting with her, happy to let events take their own course. But she must have been eager to know how I was feeling about it all, watching three strangers trying to get into her knickers. I pulled her towards me. “It’s alright honey,” I whispered in her ear, “if you want this, that’s good with me, I’d love to see you give yourself to them completely.” She sat back and looked at me, slightly shocked. “What?” she said, “you’re sure?” I kissed her. “Yeah, definitely, it’ll be fun, but only if you want it,” I said, giving her the nod of approval that she needed. Simran got up and stood behind Shelley, placing his hands on her shoulders and running them down her bare arms. “What you thinking sweetheart?” he said, then knelt down and whispered “want my big cock inside you?” She gasped as he said that, and it was a gasp of excitement, as she turned her head and looked him in the eye. “I’m thinking that might be quite good,” she slowly replied. “QUITE good, only QUITE good?!” Simran laughed, “babe, it’ll be more than good, you’ll be begging me to fuck you harder and harder till you can’t take anymore.” Shelley closed her eyes for a moment as he talked dirty in her ear. She was clearly feeling hornier than ever, and I can only imagine how wet her pussy must have been already. With Simran gently massaging her arms, Darren continually stroking her leg, and the four us generally lusting over her, I was surprised nobody else in that bar had noticed how much attention she was getting.
Is your girl going to let us have her or not?” Omi said to me. She looked at me once more, making certain it was ok to go ahead. A further nod from me confirmed it, and I could tell she was already lost in the heat of the situation. She turned back to them and after a few seconds taking them all in, said, “oh my god, I can’t believe I’m doing this, but yeah… alright then.” Their eyes lit up – they’d scored, all three of them at once! “Yes!” cried Omi, “you won’t regret this, gorgeous.” Simran kissed her on the cheek, and said “just you wait till we get you upstairs babe,” then went and sat back down. “You’ve just made four men very happy,” Darren said to her, holding her head and kissing her on the lips. Shelley said, “just give us five minutes, we’ll go and get ready then you can come up to the room.” She stood up. “Fuck, what am I doing?” she said, still holding back, even though she’d just agreed to do it. “It’s alright honey, come on,” I said, taking her hand. I told the guys our room number and said “see you in five,” before heading up with Shelley.
As we got back to the room, I could tell she was really nervous. “You alright?” I asked. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine, but you sure you’re alright with this?” she said. I promised her that I was, reminding her that it was just sex and nothing more, and I was happy for her to do whatever she wanted with the guys, assuring her that it wasn’t cheating or anything because I would be there all the time taking part, and enjoying just watching even when I wasn’t joining in. “I love you,” she said as she kissed me. “I love you too,” I replied, “now let’s make sure we’re ready, they’ll be here in a minute.” We left just the bedside lamps and a small one on the dressing table on, so the room wasn’t too brightly lit and felt a bit ‘moody’. She put on a bit more makeup and checked herself over in the mirror. “How do I look?” she said. “Stunning,” I replied, asking one more time if she definitely wanted to go through with it. She said that she did, just before there was a knock at the door. I went to let the three men in, who were very, very keen to get their hands on Shelley properly. “Thanks for this, mate,” Darren said to me, before moving towards her. “You’re very lucky to have such a sexy girlfriend,” he added, as he took hold of her. She gasped as his hands explored her body, pulling her tightly against him as he reached around her and gripped her arse, looking her right in the eye as their faces became closer and closer.
“I’ve never done anything like this before,” she said suddenly, a little nervously. “Don’t worry sweetheart, we’ll look after you,” Darren said, “and we’re all gonna have a really good time, after tonight you’ll be begging to do it again.” Obviously I’d never seen her get it on with another bloke before, and I felt a slight mixture of jealousy and excitement as he kissed her. I reminded myself that this was all just going to be about sex and nothing else – she could give her body to these men and let them do all sorts of things to her physically, but at the end of the day she loved me, and me alone. Their kiss quickly became a full-on snog, as I could see her mouth opening up to take his tongue, which she reciprocated.
Simran moved behind her and brushed her hair to one side, as he started kissing her neck, running his hands up and down her body. “I bet your pussy tastes good,” Darren said, slipping his hand between her legs. She gasped loudly as he pressed firmly. “I’m gonna lick your juicy wet snatch and taste you properly,” he said, before kissing her again. “Yeah, and I’m gonna fill your fucking wet cunt with my dick,” Simran said in her ear, reaching around her and groping her tits as Darren stepped back. “Carry on lads,” he said, starting to undress, as Simran gyrated against her, pressing his crotch to her arse. “Feel my dick against you?” he whispered, “that’s gonna be inside you soon, babe.” He dropped his hand down and shoved it forcefully between her legs, rubbing it up and down. Shelley gasped. “Mmmm yeah, I hope so,” she panted, clearly loosening up to the situation more and more. He grabbed her waist and pushed his erection firmly against her. “I’m gonna fuck you from behind while you bend over for me, you sexy slut,” he said, quickly pushing her head down and rubbing hard up against her, making her gasp again even louder. By now, her eyes were closed and she was breathing heavier and heavier. She stood back up, placing her hand around the back of his neck. “Oooh yeah, I’ll do that for you,” she said, as he kept kissing her neck and shoulders.
Omi went up to her, pressing himself hard onto her. She could obviously feel the big bulge in his trousers, panting loudly “oh my god,” as he rubbed up against her crotch, kissing her roughly. Their wide-open mouths were all over each other’s face as they breathed heavily and panted with desire, Omi hitching up her dress revealing the tops of her stockings before he started groping her. I stood back watching all this, feeling so turned on as I watched my sexy girlfriend being manhandled by these men, these random strangers who we’d never even met till a couple of hours ago, now helping themselves to every inch of her body. I started stripping off, and I could see Darren was also now down to just his pants.
“Fuck, I’ve been itching to get this dress off you for over an hour,” Simran said as he unzipped the back of Shelley’s dress, opening it up and with Omi’s help, taking it off completely so she was standing there between them in just her black underwear, stockings and heels. She looked so fucking hot, turning her head back to snog Simran as Omi grabbed her tits, kissing her neck and chest. “Sexy girl”, he said. “Naughty bitch”, added Simran. “I may be here with my boyfriend,” she said winking at me, then looking Omi in the eye, “but right now I’m your little whore, so do what you fucking want with me.” “Don’t worry, we will,” they responded, their hands all over her. “You’re such a sexy little fucking whore aren’t you?” Omi said, before snogging her roughly. Darren had deliberately kept his pants on until Shelley looked at him, before he pulled them down, revealing his long, semi-hard cock. He was well endowed, and obviously very proud of it. I noticed Shelley’s eyes light up as she saw it, and he went up to her wanking it, as Omi stood back to get undressed.
“Take it sweetheart,” Darren said, offering his now fully erect cock to her, “it’s all for you.” Slightly reluctantly, Shelley took hold of it and slowly massaged it up and down, panting as she wanked off another man’s cock, aware that her boyfriend was only feet away. I couldn’t have been more turned on though, and quickly got my own dick out, gently stroking it as I watched her going for it. Darren pressed himself firmly against her, probing her crotch with the end of his dick, while Simran, who had now pulled down his trousers and pants, started rubbing his cock up and down her arse. Her panties were now the only thing that stood between her genitals and the two hard shafts of meat that were virtually double-ending her already. “I’m gonna shove my dick in your wet cunt and fuck the crap out of you, you fucking filthy slut,” Darren said, grabbing her face and looking her right in the eye. “Oh yeah, I hope you do,” Shelley gasped.
Simran took off his shirt and unclipped her bra, exposing her tits to Darren, who without a moment’s hesitation, grabbed hold of them and started licking her nipples, as I moved in and snogged her, pinching her arse in that sexy thong. “Look at these fucking tits,” Darren said, running his fingers over them. “I bet you’re a right little cum whore aren’t you babe?” Simran asked, “do you like cum?” Shelley groaned. “Oh fuck yeah, I love it,” she panted, “I hope you boys are gonna give me lots of it.” They all laughed. “Don’t worry babe, we will - all over you,” Simran replied. Omi, who was now also naked, stepped in and began kissing and licking her nipples as the rest of us continued exploring her body with our hands. Pretty soon, we’d all stripped off completely, with four cocks all standing to attention and ready for action, pressing against her – all rock hard at the thought of fucking her senseless. “Now get down there,” Darren ordered Shelley, pushing her head down.
She crouched down in the middle of us, and even though I knew exactly what was going to happen, I still watched in amazement as my girlfriend took our dicks in her hands and started massaging them, then she looked up at Darren and kissed his throbbing helmet before licking along the length of his hard cock like a lollipop. “Go on, all the fucking way,” he said. She hesitated briefly, as she was about to go to the next level, but then came the ultimate move – she closed her mouth around his shaft and began to suck on it hard, taking him all the way down her throat as the others cheered on. Darren ran his hand through her hair and groaned as she ate him whole, looking at him lustfully. “Oh fuck yeah, that’s good sweetheart,” he said, “suck my fucking cock you sexy little slut.” Then she repeated the same action on each of us, sucking on us one after the other. “Yeah that’s good,” said Simran. “Good girl,” said Omi. These were just some of the comments they were making as she blew on our pipes and sucked our balls. All three men were well endowed, and Shelley was just lapping it all up like a cock-hungry little whore, continuously alternating between the four of us.
“Do you know what I’d really like you to do?” asked Darren. She looked up at him. “What’s that?” she said, with a slutty glint in her eye. “I’d like you to go and lay on that bed and spread your lovely legs open, so I can fuck you hard,” he replied, “and I know my friends here would love to fuck you too.” She looked around at each of us, taking us all in. This was now the last chance for her to back away before she gave herself completely, but I didn’t think she would do that now, and quite frankly, I really didn’t want her to – I was loving this. “Go on, get on that fucking bed for us darling,” Darren said, “show us what else you can do.” Shelley stood up and moved onto the bed, doing as he requested and laying back down, opening her legs for them. Obviously I knew that’s what they’d come up here for, but I still couldn’t quite believe they were going to do this to my girlfriend, right in front of me. Mind you, if she was going to get fucked by any other man at all, I wanted to be there to see it for myself! As they moved onto the bed, I sat down on the chair. “You guys carry on for a minute, I want to get a little memento of this,” I said, and took out my phone so I could film some of the action, jerking off with my other hand.
They were all happy to comply, and as Shelley laid back on the bed, Darren asked who she wanted to fuck her first. “I don’t care,” she said, “because I’m going to have all of you eventually,” causing a cheer. “Right, let’s have this pussy then,” Darren said, as he quickly pulled her knickers off and spread her legs apart, then went down on her, licking at her snatch as the other two positioned themselves either side of her so she could carry on eating them. Darren forced his tongue into her moist pussy, lapping up her juices, making her gasp and moan as he licked her out, then he got up, pinning her legs back as he teased his throbbing hard cock over her clitoris, gently rubbing it along her lips. She shuddered and panted heavily as the sexual desires tingled through her body.
“Think I might just have to fuck this gorgeous cunt,” he said, probing at her pussy lips with his helmet. “Oh yeah go on,” Shelley groaned, “please fuck me, I want to feel your cock inside me.” Hearing my girlfriend say that to another man was a bit weird, but my dick was rock solid as I wanked it, and I just wanted to see him go all the way now – I just wanted to watch him fuck the shit out of her. I wouldn’t be jealous in the slightest, because she was still my girlfriend, but I desperately wanted to see her get ravaged by these three randy men. But he was being such a tease, running the end of his knob up and down her slot, gently rubbing it over her clit. “Oh god that feels so good,” Shelley whimpered, slipping her hand between her legs and fingering her pussy, stroking his shaft at the same time and trying to push him inside, as Omi and Simran tried to feed their cocks into her mouth.
Then Darren lifted himself up a bit and placed his hand over hers, guiding his fingers into her pussy as she continued to play with her clit. “Your cunt’s so fucking wet,” Darren said as he thrust his fingers in and out of her, causing her to gasp and moan. “It’s wet for you,” she panted. With the stimulation of Shelley rubbing her clitoris as Darren finger fucked her at the same time, she was soon building up to a climax, and he worked his fingers harder than ever until she couldn’t take anymore, spraying her juices out onto the bed as he thrust hard and fast. “Oh god, just fuck me please, I just need your fucking dick inside me” Shelley begged, gasping for breath, and this time, he didn’t wait. “God might not fuck you, but I definitely will!” Darren laughed.
Lowering himself back down, he plunged his cock inside her, sliding in with one easy thrust as her pussy was now so wet. The other two jeered him on as he began to fuck her, pushing her legs right back and onto his shoulders, holding them there by placing his arms either side of her thighs. From where I was sat, I could see his dick sliding in and out of her wet cunt. It was actually a massive turn-on, watching another man fuck her, and as she let out a huge moan upon feeling him penetrate her deep, I could have easily cum there and then, but no way was I going to let that happen! Omi and Simran kept fucking her mouth, as she tried her best to keep up with all three dicks being fed to her simultaneously.
“Bend over,” Darren said after a while, “get on all fours like a fucking dog.” “Well, she’s a horny bitch,” added Omi, to the agreement of the others. Then they moved her onto all fours, bending her over to suck on Simran and Omi’s cocks as Darren continued to pump her from behind. He rammed her hard, forcing her backwards and forwards with each thrust as he sank his dick inside her. “Your cock feels so good inside my pussy,” she said, urging him to bang her like there was no tomorrow.
“Yeah fuck me, fuck me harder with your big cock,” she was groaning, “fuck my juicy cunt with your gorgeous cock.” She was obviously so massively turned on by all this, talking dirty like I couldn’t believe. This was my (seemingly) innocent, well-behaved girlfriend – on her knees like a dog, begging to be fucked harder and sucking the cocks of these guys she’d only met an hour or so earlier, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t enjoying every second of it. Total lust had taken her over, and nothing was going to hold her back now. Next it was Simran’s turn, as he laid back down and told her to sit on his cock. She kicked off her heels and straddled him and lowered her pussy down onto him, riding him as Omi and Darren knelt either side, running their hands over her body. Darren moved round so she could take him in her mouth, as Omi started fingering her arse. With the double sensation of being fucked in her pussy, and fingered in her arse at the same time, it wasn’t long before she was building to another climax, gasping as the orgasm swept through her body.
I felt it was time to join in now, so I put down the phone and moved to the bed. “Hi honey,” she said, then alternated between myself and Darren in her mouth. Then we all took it in turns to fuck her, in multiple positions and combinations, causing her to cum over and over again. We banged her continuously for over an hour, and she was in absolute ecstasy. “How would you like a big black cock up your arse instead?” Omi asked her after a while. “Oh fuck yeah, I’d love that, stick it in my arse” Shelley replied, as he laid her down on the bed while the three of us all stood back to watch. “Way, a girl who likes anal, fuck, this bitch gets better and better,” Darren laughed. “Let’s have these lovely legs,” Omi said, peeling off her stockings and stroking and licking her lovely smooth legs, before wrapping them around him as he sunk his cock inside her pussy, shafting her deep. Then he pulled her legs right up and pinned them back, before moving his head down into her crotch and lapping up her pussy juice, then licking her arsehole which caused her to tingle at the sensation. “I need to fuck that gorgeous arse now,” he said, probing himself inside her tight little arse.
She groaned and gasped like a filthy whore as he sunk his big black cock in and out of her, and he was on the brink of cumming. “Cum in my arse,” she winked at him, and sure enough, moments later, he was ready. “Oh yeah baby, your arse feels so fucking good, you want me to spunk in it?” he asked. “Oh yeah, go on, cum in my arse” she gasped, looking him right in the eye. Shelley was about to let another man cum inside her, albeit in her arse and not her pussy, but I wondered if she still would have done if it had been her other orifice. She was on the pill, so the basics were covered, but even so, allowing a man – a stranger- to offload inside her was still a big thing. She was clearly lost beyond hope now in this situation. He slammed his dick into her arsehole, and wouldn’t let up until the very last second. “Ohhh fuck yeah,” he growled as he reached the point of no return. His body stiffened and jerked as he shot his thick load deep into her arse before she licked him clean. “Yeah that’s it, taste your dirty little arse on his cock,” Darren said, as he pinned her legs back again and rammed his cock into her pussy once more, pumping her harder than ever until he couldn’t hold back any longer.
“Oh fuck, you randy little slut, you’re going to make me fucking cum!” Darren cried. “Yeah, give it to me, I want a big load,” Shelley replied. And with that, Darren was ready to go. “You sexy bitch, I’m gonna fucking cum all over your pretty face,” he said, pulling out and moving to her, just as he exploded all over her, letting out the biggest load I think I’d ever seen! Streams and streams of it just kept coating her face and hair. “Fucking hell man,” said Omi, as Simran laughed. “looks like you haven’t cum for a fucking year,” he said, causing more laughter. As much as I was loving all this, I must admit that I still found it a bit strange how a guy could have so little respect for another woman’s partner, that he could actually do that right in front of him and not bat an eyelid. Watching my girlfriend receive possibly the biggest facial of her life from some bloke she’d only met a couple of hours ago was still massively exciting, but somehow a bit degrading at the same time, and Darren had barely even acknowledged me since getting into our room. He just wanted to fuck Shelley and have a good night with his mates, regardless of the cost. By the time he’d finally stopped cumming, Shelley’s face was dripping with his spunk, and she was giggling, albeit in a slight state of shock. “Jesus Christ, what have you done? Oh my god you’ve absolutely covered me!” she said, trying to wipe some of it off her face. “Hang on babe, I’ve got some more for you,” said Simran, moving in towards her as he jerked off frantically, and seconds later he was spraying a second load over her face, causing more cheers and laughter. “That’s it, take it all you little bitch,” smirked Omi.
As much as they clearly fancied the pants off her, it was obvious she was just another shag to them – these men who blatantly had no respect for their own partners (Darren at least was obviously married, and perhaps the others were too), or anyone else’s. They were just acting like randy teenagers who wanted to get laid, and my girlfriend had been selected as their target hole for the night. I guessed that something very similar to this probably happened every time they went away.
But in spite of all this, I was still loving it. Sharing my horny girl for the first time like this was something I would never forget, and I was in dire need of cumming myself now. I briefly returned to fuck her cunt one more time, but the sight of the two of them ejaculating onto her face was too much, and I whipped my cock out, blowing off over her stomach and tits. The three of them cheered again. “That’s it mate, give your slutty little girlfriend what she deserves,” Darren said with a smirk. “You’re a fucking horny slut aren’t you?” Simran said as he wiped his cock across her face, shoving it into her mouth to lick him clean. In less than two minutes, she’d received three hot showers, splattering across her skin, and thick cum was running down her face and neck. “That is a sight for sore eyes,” Omi joked. “Yeah, you filthy little slapper,” added Darren.
She lay there, panting with exhaustion, and grabbed some tissues to wipe her face, cleaning up as best she could. “Well, thank you boys, that was something else,” she said. But they weren’t done with her yet. They were just gearing up for round two. “What do you mean you little slut?” said Darren, “we’re far from finished!” Omi had already got hard again, and sat back on the bed holding his cock. “Come on little girl, you’ve got work to do,” he said, gesturing to her to sit on top of him. “You’re serious?” asked Shelley. “Completely,” said Darren, “now sit on his fucking cock.” His order seemed quite firm, so Shelley climbed on top of Omi and lowered herself down onto him. Again she groaned as his big dick slid inside her juicy cunt, and soon she was riding him good and proper. “How does it feel honey?” I asked. “Oh it feels fucking good yeah,” she answered. I saw an opportunity too good to miss here. As she was on top of him, sticking her arse out, I just had to try something that we’d never had the chance to do before, but always wanted to – double penetration.
I got myself behind her, placing my hands on her hips. “What are you doing?” she said. “Sshhh, just go with it,” I replied, teasing my rapidly hardening cock along her arse. “Go on mate,” said Omi, forcing her to stop for a moment so I could slide my dick into her arsehole, already well lubricated of course by Omi’s cum. I wasn’t sure if she’d ever actually had a full-on DP before, she’d obviously never done it with me, but she seemed to love it, as we both ploughed her deep from both ends. “Oh god!” Shelley cried as we began to DP her. “Oooh fuck that feels so good!”
By now, Darren and Simran were standing around wanking off, ready for another piece of her. It felt amazing, taking her up the arse like that, but I knew I’d cum in minutes if I carried on, so I pulled out and took up the phone again to film some more action. Simran moved onto the bed behind her, sliding himself into her juicy arse, as Omi continued to fuck her pussy. It looked incredible, seeing my girlfriend’s sexy naked body being double penetrated, with a big black cock in her cunt and an Indian dick in her arse. Her body looked so soft and pale in-between them, and she looked so fucking hot as she tilted her head back and snogged Simran as he slid his dick into her arse, running his hands up and down her silky thighs. “You’re so sexy and smooth, your legs feel amazing,” said Simran, as she thrust her tits into Omi’s face so he could lick and suck on her hard nipples.
Darren stood on the bed, shoving his dick into her face. She licked his balls and ran her tongue up the length of his shaft. He was long, and even though I’m not gay in the slightest, I felt myself transfixed on watching his cock working itself in and out of her hungry mouth. Again, it was unbelievable but amazing, watching Shelley take all three of them inside her at once, allowing all her orifices to be filled with their hard cocks. “God you’re good,” said Darren, “taking all of us so readily, my wife would never do this!” The rest of us laughed, but I felt almost a bit ashamed. I felt a bit sorry for Darren’s wife, who would have been at home somewhere, oblivious to what her husband was currently doing, but at the same time, I loved watching these guys fucking Shelley. A couple of hours ago, she’d never even meet these men before, yet here she was, letting them all fuck her like there was no tomorrow.
Moments later, Shelley was climaxing again. Screaming as a huge orgasm swept through her body. Saliva was running out of her mouth, as Darren pumped her deep, slapping his dick over her face every now and again, spreading the saliva all over her. By this point, her hair was just a thick, matted mess, tangled up with cum, saliva and sweat, and her appearance was now a far cry from the pretty and prim look she was sporting earlier that evening. A few hours ago she looked like an attractive, respectable girl. Now she looked like a dirty, cock-hungry whore, and anything but respectable, but fucking hot as hell I had to admit. Omi kept kissing and sucking her tits, as Simran continually stroked her legs. They were building up to breaking point again, and so was I. “Are you boys ready to offload again?” Shelley asked, “cos I want you all to cum on me, and I really want it all over me.”
They all pulled out of her holes and flipped her over onto her back, spreading her legs wide open as she slid her fingers into her dripping wet cunt. We all stood around, jerking off frantically, until, almost simultaneously, four loads of hot cum splashed across her body, coating her stomach, chest, neck and face. She smeared it over her skin, then held her hand over her face, allowing it to run into her mouth. “I really need to clean up properly now,” she said, taking herself off to the bathroom.
Wow! What a night. The other men eventually all got dressed, and on their way out thanked me for lending them the use of my girlfriend for a few hours. “You’re a very lucky man, mate, having a girl that’ll fuck other men,” said Darren, “a good woman should be shared I say – I tried to get my wife to do this a few years ago but she refused, and kept refusing, so I just gave up in the end, but when you’ve got a hot sexy girl, why should only one man be allowed to enjoy her? It just doesn’t make sense to me!” he laughed. “I think we might do this again, do you think honey?” I asked Shelley, who stood there, still completely naked in front of us. “Mmm, maybe – but I could do with a bit of time to get over this one,” she replied with a dirty little grin. “Like I said, a very lucky man, and you, you saucy little minx, you’re just fucking filthy aren’t you?” Darren said, before giving her arse a slap. After they all left, Shelley and I took a shower together, and ended up fucking again while we were there. I banged her up against the wall as the water ran down our bodies, cleaning ourselves from the amazing fuck session we’d just experienced.
We never saw the other three again. By the time we went down for breakfast the next morning, they’d already left. They’d had their bit of fun – namely my girlfriend, but those three randy buggers had opened the door to many possibilities, and many further experiences that followed!
Anyway, we sat talking to the three guys for a little while in the bar. They were a proper mixed trio – there was a white man called Darren, an Asian bloke called Simran, and a black guy called Omi. I guessed they were probably all somewhere in their thirties, Darren may have been slightly older, and Simran may have been slightly younger, it was difficult to tell, but Shelley was definitely a bit younger than the rest of us. The guys were now off-duty and knocking back the drinks, looking to unwind, and hopefully get laid. They were quite loud and lary compared to Shelley and I, who are normally a bit more reserved, but once Shelley had a few drinks, she could really loosen up, so we stuck with them as they drew their chairs over to our table. At first, it was just idle chit-chat – what we thought of the place, what we did for a living, that sort of thing, and they bought us another drink, insisting Shelley have a double gin and tonic. “Are you trying to get me fucking pissed?” Shelley giggled. “Maybe,” said Darren. They asked us what we were staying there for, and we said we were just there to take it easy and have some fun. Simran suggested that maybe they could all have some fun with us, and the talk got more flirty. Darren said, “so do you often get away for ‘fun’ breaks then?” I just felt like being honest. “No, not as much as we’d like,” I said. Shelley gave me a little look as if to say ‘why are you going into our private life with three complete strangers?’, then turned back to the other guys and said, “sorry about him, he’s just getting personal, probably blaming me because I’m always tired.” But Darren pushed the subject further. “That’s alright darling, let him open up, we’re here to offer counsel and advice”, he said, causing the others to laugh. “What can we help you with?” asked Omi, acting like a doctor. Shelley decided to play up to it a bit, admitting that we don’t always get much personal time together because of work and stuff, so we thought a break away from all distractions would be really good. “So basically you’ve come here to fuck?” Simran suddenly blurted out, causing more laughter. Shelley looked a little bit coy, then said, “basically, yeah.”
That caused a bit of a cheer. “Wayhay, now we’re getting somewhere!” said Darren, moving his chair right next to Shelley’s. He put his hand on her arm. “Well you know, if there’s anything we can help with darling, let us know.” Shelley had had a few drinks by this point, so she was loosening up as things got more suggestive. We’d sometimes talked about sexual fantasies, and she’d previously admitted before that gangbangs weren’t something she’d ever done, but wouldn’t say no to one if the opportunity ever arose. I was starting to feel like an opportunity was now arising, but wasn’t sure what to do about it, so I decided to let her carry-on flirting away and see where it led. I’d only ever partner-shared once in my life before, with a previous girlfriend a few years earlier and some bloke we met in a nightclub. It was a very drunken one-off experience, but I enjoyed it greatly, even though I couldn’t really remember much about it! However, what was now starting to play out with Shelley would be a whole new level – with my girlfriend potentially taking on four men at once, and the thought of that turned me on massively. Darren put his hand on her leg, which was noted by Omi. “Careful mate,” he said to me, “Darren’s getting cosy with your girl.” “That’s alright,” I said, “she can be a bit of a flirty tart at times.” Shelley looked at me, slightly shocked, before Darren pulled her head back towards him. “Is that true sweetheart, are you a bit of a tart sometimes?” Shelley looked at me again, then back at him. “Apparently yes,” she said. “Well you’re a very attractive tart and I’d certainly bang you,” he said. She was a bit taken aback by that, but clearly enjoyed getting the attention. “Oh, would you now?” she said, looking him right in the eye. Omi and Simran were both jeering him on. “Yeah, you’re a very sexy girl,” said Simran. “Very nice, I wouldn’t mind a piece of you” added Omi. I could tell Shelley was actually getting horny from all this, as she was making very little attempt now to put them off or change the subject.
The alcohol had clearly numbed her senses a bit, because she was never normally so ‘easy’ with other men, typically being a very loyal girlfriend. “You boys need to behave yourselves,” she said, with little conviction to her voice. Then Darren just cut straight to the chase and said, “seriously, why don’t we all go upstairs together and have some fun,” winking at Shelley. She teased them for a bit. “What sort of fun were you thinking of?” she asked, knowing full well what they meant really. “Well, there’s one of you and four of us,” said Darren, “you could have a lot of fun with four guys,” gesturing his finger going into a hole. “But I’m here with my boyfriend,” Shelley said, not really putting up much of an argument. “It’s alright, your boyfriend can join in too,” joked Simran. Darren continued stroking her leg. “Come on sweetheart, us blokes have needs, and I’d love to see what’s under that sexy little dress you’re wearing,” he said. “Come on, come on,” they kept saying. But Shelley composed herself and was having none of it, as she realised things were actually starting to get more serious. “No, no way,” she insisted, “go and find another little sex slave for the night, I’m not doing it. I’m here with my boyfriend and that’s that.” She was actually starting to sound a bit more sincere now. “Ok, tell you what,” said Darren, “how about we come up with you and just watch you while we wank off?” Shelley drew back, “oh that’s fucking disgusting,” she said. He went on, “but that way, we won’t even touch you if you don’t want, and we won’t do anything you don’t want us to do.” She looked at the three of them. “Yeah right, you can’t even keep your hands to yourself here,” she said. “Come on gorgeous, we just want to look at you, and maybe you could do a little strip for us,” said Simran. “No, I’m not doing it,” she kept saying, practically pushing Darren off her by this point. “God, you’re like a bunch of naughty schoolboys, you’re worse than the k**s in my class,” Shelley said. “Well, you can teach us a lesson, miss,” said Omi, “and you can spank us if we don’t behave.” They all laughed. “As long as you let us spank your cute little arse in return,” added Simran.
She looked at me as if to say ‘PLEASE can we go?’, nodding towards the door. She clearly wanted to get out of the situation, but I felt it was more out of loyalty to me, because she thought I didn’t want this. I was actually getting massively turned on, and my cock was throbbing at the thought of the four of us gangbanging her. I really wanted this to happen, and was trying my best to urge her on, but she was still holding back! Despite her resistance however, her body language was suggesting otherwise, as she had been constantly crossing her legs and flaunting her cleavage at them for some while, even though she may have started to find them a bit vulgar with their pushiness. I could tell that deep down though she was actually feeling horny as hell. “Listen babe,” said Omi, “once we get our cocks out, you’ll be begging us to fuck you.” Shelley looked really shocked at their persistence and forwardness. “I just want to get your lovely legs around me so I can fill your pussy with my dick, have you ever tried black cock?” She looked a bit meek. "No I haven’t,” she answered. “Well you haven’t tried nothing till you’ve had a black cock inside you,” he laughed. “Or even an Indian one,” added Simran. “Obviously you’ve had white cock before,” said Darren, “but you’ve never had my white cock in you, and I’m fucking itching for a piece of you, I want to get you naked and fuck the shit out of you,” he said softly in her ear. “Come on sexy, what do you say? Think about it, four of us guys fucking you right now, your gorgeous body being used by four randy guys, fucking the shit out of you till you can’t take anymore, think about all our cum all over you, our hot cum on your soft skin, on your tits, and on your pretty face.”
Shelley was shuddering now, and her pussy must have been throbbing at his words, as he stroked her thighs up and down. “You’ve got lovely legs darling, and I bet the rest of you looks good too, I bet you’ve got a great body under that sexy little dress haven’t you?” Darren said. Then he looked at me, finally acknowledging the fact I was even there. “What do you say mate?” he asked, “do you want to see your sexy girlfriend get used by us?” Then he looked back at Shelley. “It’s a well-known fact that blokes love to see their women get fucked by other men,” nodding at me. I don’t know if that was actually true in general terms, but I certainly wanted that to happen more than anything right now. In fact, part of me wanted the three of them to just tear her dress off and fuck her right then and there in the bar in front of the other guests. That would have been amazing to watch, but at the very least, I was praying something would happen tonight behind closed doors with the five of us, Shelley being used like a sex toy. Darren seemed to be the kind of ringleader of the group, and I noticed he was actually wearing a wedding ring, but I didn’t ask any questions. However, Shelley noticed it too and decided to probe the subject. “Jesus, why are you doing this?” she said to him, “aren’t you married?” He continued stroking her leg, edging the dress further and further up her thigh till he reached the top of her stocking. “Look, don’t worry about that sweetheart, all you need to worry about is that I’ve got a fucking big boner that needs relieving, and I want YOU to do it, I’ve got a hard-on just looking at you and thinking about what I want to do to you.” He wasn’t the only one with a big hard-on, I can tell you. “Why me?” Shelled said, her breathing getting heavier. “You’re so sweet and sexy, but you look as if you could do with this, and I know you want it really,” he said softly.
She looked at me, searching for a sign of approval, or any response at all. I’d been very quiet throughout the whole time they’d been flirting with her, happy to let events take their own course. But she must have been eager to know how I was feeling about it all, watching three strangers trying to get into her knickers. I pulled her towards me. “It’s alright honey,” I whispered in her ear, “if you want this, that’s good with me, I’d love to see you give yourself to them completely.” She sat back and looked at me, slightly shocked. “What?” she said, “you’re sure?” I kissed her. “Yeah, definitely, it’ll be fun, but only if you want it,” I said, giving her the nod of approval that she needed. Simran got up and stood behind Shelley, placing his hands on her shoulders and running them down her bare arms. “What you thinking sweetheart?” he said, then knelt down and whispered “want my big cock inside you?” She gasped as he said that, and it was a gasp of excitement, as she turned her head and looked him in the eye. “I’m thinking that might be quite good,” she slowly replied. “QUITE good, only QUITE good?!” Simran laughed, “babe, it’ll be more than good, you’ll be begging me to fuck you harder and harder till you can’t take anymore.” Shelley closed her eyes for a moment as he talked dirty in her ear. She was clearly feeling hornier than ever, and I can only imagine how wet her pussy must have been already. With Simran gently massaging her arms, Darren continually stroking her leg, and the four us generally lusting over her, I was surprised nobody else in that bar had noticed how much attention she was getting.
Is your girl going to let us have her or not?” Omi said to me. She looked at me once more, making certain it was ok to go ahead. A further nod from me confirmed it, and I could tell she was already lost in the heat of the situation. She turned back to them and after a few seconds taking them all in, said, “oh my god, I can’t believe I’m doing this, but yeah… alright then.” Their eyes lit up – they’d scored, all three of them at once! “Yes!” cried Omi, “you won’t regret this, gorgeous.” Simran kissed her on the cheek, and said “just you wait till we get you upstairs babe,” then went and sat back down. “You’ve just made four men very happy,” Darren said to her, holding her head and kissing her on the lips. Shelley said, “just give us five minutes, we’ll go and get ready then you can come up to the room.” She stood up. “Fuck, what am I doing?” she said, still holding back, even though she’d just agreed to do it. “It’s alright honey, come on,” I said, taking her hand. I told the guys our room number and said “see you in five,” before heading up with Shelley.
As we got back to the room, I could tell she was really nervous. “You alright?” I asked. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine, but you sure you’re alright with this?” she said. I promised her that I was, reminding her that it was just sex and nothing more, and I was happy for her to do whatever she wanted with the guys, assuring her that it wasn’t cheating or anything because I would be there all the time taking part, and enjoying just watching even when I wasn’t joining in. “I love you,” she said as she kissed me. “I love you too,” I replied, “now let’s make sure we’re ready, they’ll be here in a minute.” We left just the bedside lamps and a small one on the dressing table on, so the room wasn’t too brightly lit and felt a bit ‘moody’. She put on a bit more makeup and checked herself over in the mirror. “How do I look?” she said. “Stunning,” I replied, asking one more time if she definitely wanted to go through with it. She said that she did, just before there was a knock at the door. I went to let the three men in, who were very, very keen to get their hands on Shelley properly. “Thanks for this, mate,” Darren said to me, before moving towards her. “You’re very lucky to have such a sexy girlfriend,” he added, as he took hold of her. She gasped as his hands explored her body, pulling her tightly against him as he reached around her and gripped her arse, looking her right in the eye as their faces became closer and closer.
“I’ve never done anything like this before,” she said suddenly, a little nervously. “Don’t worry sweetheart, we’ll look after you,” Darren said, “and we’re all gonna have a really good time, after tonight you’ll be begging to do it again.” Obviously I’d never seen her get it on with another bloke before, and I felt a slight mixture of jealousy and excitement as he kissed her. I reminded myself that this was all just going to be about sex and nothing else – she could give her body to these men and let them do all sorts of things to her physically, but at the end of the day she loved me, and me alone. Their kiss quickly became a full-on snog, as I could see her mouth opening up to take his tongue, which she reciprocated.
Simran moved behind her and brushed her hair to one side, as he started kissing her neck, running his hands up and down her body. “I bet your pussy tastes good,” Darren said, slipping his hand between her legs. She gasped loudly as he pressed firmly. “I’m gonna lick your juicy wet snatch and taste you properly,” he said, before kissing her again. “Yeah, and I’m gonna fill your fucking wet cunt with my dick,” Simran said in her ear, reaching around her and groping her tits as Darren stepped back. “Carry on lads,” he said, starting to undress, as Simran gyrated against her, pressing his crotch to her arse. “Feel my dick against you?” he whispered, “that’s gonna be inside you soon, babe.” He dropped his hand down and shoved it forcefully between her legs, rubbing it up and down. Shelley gasped. “Mmmm yeah, I hope so,” she panted, clearly loosening up to the situation more and more. He grabbed her waist and pushed his erection firmly against her. “I’m gonna fuck you from behind while you bend over for me, you sexy slut,” he said, quickly pushing her head down and rubbing hard up against her, making her gasp again even louder. By now, her eyes were closed and she was breathing heavier and heavier. She stood back up, placing her hand around the back of his neck. “Oooh yeah, I’ll do that for you,” she said, as he kept kissing her neck and shoulders.
Omi went up to her, pressing himself hard onto her. She could obviously feel the big bulge in his trousers, panting loudly “oh my god,” as he rubbed up against her crotch, kissing her roughly. Their wide-open mouths were all over each other’s face as they breathed heavily and panted with desire, Omi hitching up her dress revealing the tops of her stockings before he started groping her. I stood back watching all this, feeling so turned on as I watched my sexy girlfriend being manhandled by these men, these random strangers who we’d never even met till a couple of hours ago, now helping themselves to every inch of her body. I started stripping off, and I could see Darren was also now down to just his pants.
“Fuck, I’ve been itching to get this dress off you for over an hour,” Simran said as he unzipped the back of Shelley’s dress, opening it up and with Omi’s help, taking it off completely so she was standing there between them in just her black underwear, stockings and heels. She looked so fucking hot, turning her head back to snog Simran as Omi grabbed her tits, kissing her neck and chest. “Sexy girl”, he said. “Naughty bitch”, added Simran. “I may be here with my boyfriend,” she said winking at me, then looking Omi in the eye, “but right now I’m your little whore, so do what you fucking want with me.” “Don’t worry, we will,” they responded, their hands all over her. “You’re such a sexy little fucking whore aren’t you?” Omi said, before snogging her roughly. Darren had deliberately kept his pants on until Shelley looked at him, before he pulled them down, revealing his long, semi-hard cock. He was well endowed, and obviously very proud of it. I noticed Shelley’s eyes light up as she saw it, and he went up to her wanking it, as Omi stood back to get undressed.
“Take it sweetheart,” Darren said, offering his now fully erect cock to her, “it’s all for you.” Slightly reluctantly, Shelley took hold of it and slowly massaged it up and down, panting as she wanked off another man’s cock, aware that her boyfriend was only feet away. I couldn’t have been more turned on though, and quickly got my own dick out, gently stroking it as I watched her going for it. Darren pressed himself firmly against her, probing her crotch with the end of his dick, while Simran, who had now pulled down his trousers and pants, started rubbing his cock up and down her arse. Her panties were now the only thing that stood between her genitals and the two hard shafts of meat that were virtually double-ending her already. “I’m gonna shove my dick in your wet cunt and fuck the crap out of you, you fucking filthy slut,” Darren said, grabbing her face and looking her right in the eye. “Oh yeah, I hope you do,” Shelley gasped.
Simran took off his shirt and unclipped her bra, exposing her tits to Darren, who without a moment’s hesitation, grabbed hold of them and started licking her nipples, as I moved in and snogged her, pinching her arse in that sexy thong. “Look at these fucking tits,” Darren said, running his fingers over them. “I bet you’re a right little cum whore aren’t you babe?” Simran asked, “do you like cum?” Shelley groaned. “Oh fuck yeah, I love it,” she panted, “I hope you boys are gonna give me lots of it.” They all laughed. “Don’t worry babe, we will - all over you,” Simran replied. Omi, who was now also naked, stepped in and began kissing and licking her nipples as the rest of us continued exploring her body with our hands. Pretty soon, we’d all stripped off completely, with four cocks all standing to attention and ready for action, pressing against her – all rock hard at the thought of fucking her senseless. “Now get down there,” Darren ordered Shelley, pushing her head down.
She crouched down in the middle of us, and even though I knew exactly what was going to happen, I still watched in amazement as my girlfriend took our dicks in her hands and started massaging them, then she looked up at Darren and kissed his throbbing helmet before licking along the length of his hard cock like a lollipop. “Go on, all the fucking way,” he said. She hesitated briefly, as she was about to go to the next level, but then came the ultimate move – she closed her mouth around his shaft and began to suck on it hard, taking him all the way down her throat as the others cheered on. Darren ran his hand through her hair and groaned as she ate him whole, looking at him lustfully. “Oh fuck yeah, that’s good sweetheart,” he said, “suck my fucking cock you sexy little slut.” Then she repeated the same action on each of us, sucking on us one after the other. “Yeah that’s good,” said Simran. “Good girl,” said Omi. These were just some of the comments they were making as she blew on our pipes and sucked our balls. All three men were well endowed, and Shelley was just lapping it all up like a cock-hungry little whore, continuously alternating between the four of us.
“Do you know what I’d really like you to do?” asked Darren. She looked up at him. “What’s that?” she said, with a slutty glint in her eye. “I’d like you to go and lay on that bed and spread your lovely legs open, so I can fuck you hard,” he replied, “and I know my friends here would love to fuck you too.” She looked around at each of us, taking us all in. This was now the last chance for her to back away before she gave herself completely, but I didn’t think she would do that now, and quite frankly, I really didn’t want her to – I was loving this. “Go on, get on that fucking bed for us darling,” Darren said, “show us what else you can do.” Shelley stood up and moved onto the bed, doing as he requested and laying back down, opening her legs for them. Obviously I knew that’s what they’d come up here for, but I still couldn’t quite believe they were going to do this to my girlfriend, right in front of me. Mind you, if she was going to get fucked by any other man at all, I wanted to be there to see it for myself! As they moved onto the bed, I sat down on the chair. “You guys carry on for a minute, I want to get a little memento of this,” I said, and took out my phone so I could film some of the action, jerking off with my other hand.
They were all happy to comply, and as Shelley laid back on the bed, Darren asked who she wanted to fuck her first. “I don’t care,” she said, “because I’m going to have all of you eventually,” causing a cheer. “Right, let’s have this pussy then,” Darren said, as he quickly pulled her knickers off and spread her legs apart, then went down on her, licking at her snatch as the other two positioned themselves either side of her so she could carry on eating them. Darren forced his tongue into her moist pussy, lapping up her juices, making her gasp and moan as he licked her out, then he got up, pinning her legs back as he teased his throbbing hard cock over her clitoris, gently rubbing it along her lips. She shuddered and panted heavily as the sexual desires tingled through her body.
“Think I might just have to fuck this gorgeous cunt,” he said, probing at her pussy lips with his helmet. “Oh yeah go on,” Shelley groaned, “please fuck me, I want to feel your cock inside me.” Hearing my girlfriend say that to another man was a bit weird, but my dick was rock solid as I wanked it, and I just wanted to see him go all the way now – I just wanted to watch him fuck the shit out of her. I wouldn’t be jealous in the slightest, because she was still my girlfriend, but I desperately wanted to see her get ravaged by these three randy men. But he was being such a tease, running the end of his knob up and down her slot, gently rubbing it over her clit. “Oh god that feels so good,” Shelley whimpered, slipping her hand between her legs and fingering her pussy, stroking his shaft at the same time and trying to push him inside, as Omi and Simran tried to feed their cocks into her mouth.
Then Darren lifted himself up a bit and placed his hand over hers, guiding his fingers into her pussy as she continued to play with her clit. “Your cunt’s so fucking wet,” Darren said as he thrust his fingers in and out of her, causing her to gasp and moan. “It’s wet for you,” she panted. With the stimulation of Shelley rubbing her clitoris as Darren finger fucked her at the same time, she was soon building up to a climax, and he worked his fingers harder than ever until she couldn’t take anymore, spraying her juices out onto the bed as he thrust hard and fast. “Oh god, just fuck me please, I just need your fucking dick inside me” Shelley begged, gasping for breath, and this time, he didn’t wait. “God might not fuck you, but I definitely will!” Darren laughed.
Lowering himself back down, he plunged his cock inside her, sliding in with one easy thrust as her pussy was now so wet. The other two jeered him on as he began to fuck her, pushing her legs right back and onto his shoulders, holding them there by placing his arms either side of her thighs. From where I was sat, I could see his dick sliding in and out of her wet cunt. It was actually a massive turn-on, watching another man fuck her, and as she let out a huge moan upon feeling him penetrate her deep, I could have easily cum there and then, but no way was I going to let that happen! Omi and Simran kept fucking her mouth, as she tried her best to keep up with all three dicks being fed to her simultaneously.
“Bend over,” Darren said after a while, “get on all fours like a fucking dog.” “Well, she’s a horny bitch,” added Omi, to the agreement of the others. Then they moved her onto all fours, bending her over to suck on Simran and Omi’s cocks as Darren continued to pump her from behind. He rammed her hard, forcing her backwards and forwards with each thrust as he sank his dick inside her. “Your cock feels so good inside my pussy,” she said, urging him to bang her like there was no tomorrow.
“Yeah fuck me, fuck me harder with your big cock,” she was groaning, “fuck my juicy cunt with your gorgeous cock.” She was obviously so massively turned on by all this, talking dirty like I couldn’t believe. This was my (seemingly) innocent, well-behaved girlfriend – on her knees like a dog, begging to be fucked harder and sucking the cocks of these guys she’d only met an hour or so earlier, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t enjoying every second of it. Total lust had taken her over, and nothing was going to hold her back now. Next it was Simran’s turn, as he laid back down and told her to sit on his cock. She kicked off her heels and straddled him and lowered her pussy down onto him, riding him as Omi and Darren knelt either side, running their hands over her body. Darren moved round so she could take him in her mouth, as Omi started fingering her arse. With the double sensation of being fucked in her pussy, and fingered in her arse at the same time, it wasn’t long before she was building to another climax, gasping as the orgasm swept through her body.
I felt it was time to join in now, so I put down the phone and moved to the bed. “Hi honey,” she said, then alternated between myself and Darren in her mouth. Then we all took it in turns to fuck her, in multiple positions and combinations, causing her to cum over and over again. We banged her continuously for over an hour, and she was in absolute ecstasy. “How would you like a big black cock up your arse instead?” Omi asked her after a while. “Oh fuck yeah, I’d love that, stick it in my arse” Shelley replied, as he laid her down on the bed while the three of us all stood back to watch. “Way, a girl who likes anal, fuck, this bitch gets better and better,” Darren laughed. “Let’s have these lovely legs,” Omi said, peeling off her stockings and stroking and licking her lovely smooth legs, before wrapping them around him as he sunk his cock inside her pussy, shafting her deep. Then he pulled her legs right up and pinned them back, before moving his head down into her crotch and lapping up her pussy juice, then licking her arsehole which caused her to tingle at the sensation. “I need to fuck that gorgeous arse now,” he said, probing himself inside her tight little arse.
She groaned and gasped like a filthy whore as he sunk his big black cock in and out of her, and he was on the brink of cumming. “Cum in my arse,” she winked at him, and sure enough, moments later, he was ready. “Oh yeah baby, your arse feels so fucking good, you want me to spunk in it?” he asked. “Oh yeah, go on, cum in my arse” she gasped, looking him right in the eye. Shelley was about to let another man cum inside her, albeit in her arse and not her pussy, but I wondered if she still would have done if it had been her other orifice. She was on the pill, so the basics were covered, but even so, allowing a man – a stranger- to offload inside her was still a big thing. She was clearly lost beyond hope now in this situation. He slammed his dick into her arsehole, and wouldn’t let up until the very last second. “Ohhh fuck yeah,” he growled as he reached the point of no return. His body stiffened and jerked as he shot his thick load deep into her arse before she licked him clean. “Yeah that’s it, taste your dirty little arse on his cock,” Darren said, as he pinned her legs back again and rammed his cock into her pussy once more, pumping her harder than ever until he couldn’t hold back any longer.
“Oh fuck, you randy little slut, you’re going to make me fucking cum!” Darren cried. “Yeah, give it to me, I want a big load,” Shelley replied. And with that, Darren was ready to go. “You sexy bitch, I’m gonna fucking cum all over your pretty face,” he said, pulling out and moving to her, just as he exploded all over her, letting out the biggest load I think I’d ever seen! Streams and streams of it just kept coating her face and hair. “Fucking hell man,” said Omi, as Simran laughed. “looks like you haven’t cum for a fucking year,” he said, causing more laughter. As much as I was loving all this, I must admit that I still found it a bit strange how a guy could have so little respect for another woman’s partner, that he could actually do that right in front of him and not bat an eyelid. Watching my girlfriend receive possibly the biggest facial of her life from some bloke she’d only met a couple of hours ago was still massively exciting, but somehow a bit degrading at the same time, and Darren had barely even acknowledged me since getting into our room. He just wanted to fuck Shelley and have a good night with his mates, regardless of the cost. By the time he’d finally stopped cumming, Shelley’s face was dripping with his spunk, and she was giggling, albeit in a slight state of shock. “Jesus Christ, what have you done? Oh my god you’ve absolutely covered me!” she said, trying to wipe some of it off her face. “Hang on babe, I’ve got some more for you,” said Simran, moving in towards her as he jerked off frantically, and seconds later he was spraying a second load over her face, causing more cheers and laughter. “That’s it, take it all you little bitch,” smirked Omi.
As much as they clearly fancied the pants off her, it was obvious she was just another shag to them – these men who blatantly had no respect for their own partners (Darren at least was obviously married, and perhaps the others were too), or anyone else’s. They were just acting like randy teenagers who wanted to get laid, and my girlfriend had been selected as their target hole for the night. I guessed that something very similar to this probably happened every time they went away.
But in spite of all this, I was still loving it. Sharing my horny girl for the first time like this was something I would never forget, and I was in dire need of cumming myself now. I briefly returned to fuck her cunt one more time, but the sight of the two of them ejaculating onto her face was too much, and I whipped my cock out, blowing off over her stomach and tits. The three of them cheered again. “That’s it mate, give your slutty little girlfriend what she deserves,” Darren said with a smirk. “You’re a fucking horny slut aren’t you?” Simran said as he wiped his cock across her face, shoving it into her mouth to lick him clean. In less than two minutes, she’d received three hot showers, splattering across her skin, and thick cum was running down her face and neck. “That is a sight for sore eyes,” Omi joked. “Yeah, you filthy little slapper,” added Darren.
She lay there, panting with exhaustion, and grabbed some tissues to wipe her face, cleaning up as best she could. “Well, thank you boys, that was something else,” she said. But they weren’t done with her yet. They were just gearing up for round two. “What do you mean you little slut?” said Darren, “we’re far from finished!” Omi had already got hard again, and sat back on the bed holding his cock. “Come on little girl, you’ve got work to do,” he said, gesturing to her to sit on top of him. “You’re serious?” asked Shelley. “Completely,” said Darren, “now sit on his fucking cock.” His order seemed quite firm, so Shelley climbed on top of Omi and lowered herself down onto him. Again she groaned as his big dick slid inside her juicy cunt, and soon she was riding him good and proper. “How does it feel honey?” I asked. “Oh it feels fucking good yeah,” she answered. I saw an opportunity too good to miss here. As she was on top of him, sticking her arse out, I just had to try something that we’d never had the chance to do before, but always wanted to – double penetration.
I got myself behind her, placing my hands on her hips. “What are you doing?” she said. “Sshhh, just go with it,” I replied, teasing my rapidly hardening cock along her arse. “Go on mate,” said Omi, forcing her to stop for a moment so I could slide my dick into her arsehole, already well lubricated of course by Omi’s cum. I wasn’t sure if she’d ever actually had a full-on DP before, she’d obviously never done it with me, but she seemed to love it, as we both ploughed her deep from both ends. “Oh god!” Shelley cried as we began to DP her. “Oooh fuck that feels so good!”
By now, Darren and Simran were standing around wanking off, ready for another piece of her. It felt amazing, taking her up the arse like that, but I knew I’d cum in minutes if I carried on, so I pulled out and took up the phone again to film some more action. Simran moved onto the bed behind her, sliding himself into her juicy arse, as Omi continued to fuck her pussy. It looked incredible, seeing my girlfriend’s sexy naked body being double penetrated, with a big black cock in her cunt and an Indian dick in her arse. Her body looked so soft and pale in-between them, and she looked so fucking hot as she tilted her head back and snogged Simran as he slid his dick into her arse, running his hands up and down her silky thighs. “You’re so sexy and smooth, your legs feel amazing,” said Simran, as she thrust her tits into Omi’s face so he could lick and suck on her hard nipples.
Darren stood on the bed, shoving his dick into her face. She licked his balls and ran her tongue up the length of his shaft. He was long, and even though I’m not gay in the slightest, I felt myself transfixed on watching his cock working itself in and out of her hungry mouth. Again, it was unbelievable but amazing, watching Shelley take all three of them inside her at once, allowing all her orifices to be filled with their hard cocks. “God you’re good,” said Darren, “taking all of us so readily, my wife would never do this!” The rest of us laughed, but I felt almost a bit ashamed. I felt a bit sorry for Darren’s wife, who would have been at home somewhere, oblivious to what her husband was currently doing, but at the same time, I loved watching these guys fucking Shelley. A couple of hours ago, she’d never even meet these men before, yet here she was, letting them all fuck her like there was no tomorrow.
Moments later, Shelley was climaxing again. Screaming as a huge orgasm swept through her body. Saliva was running out of her mouth, as Darren pumped her deep, slapping his dick over her face every now and again, spreading the saliva all over her. By this point, her hair was just a thick, matted mess, tangled up with cum, saliva and sweat, and her appearance was now a far cry from the pretty and prim look she was sporting earlier that evening. A few hours ago she looked like an attractive, respectable girl. Now she looked like a dirty, cock-hungry whore, and anything but respectable, but fucking hot as hell I had to admit. Omi kept kissing and sucking her tits, as Simran continually stroked her legs. They were building up to breaking point again, and so was I. “Are you boys ready to offload again?” Shelley asked, “cos I want you all to cum on me, and I really want it all over me.”
They all pulled out of her holes and flipped her over onto her back, spreading her legs wide open as she slid her fingers into her dripping wet cunt. We all stood around, jerking off frantically, until, almost simultaneously, four loads of hot cum splashed across her body, coating her stomach, chest, neck and face. She smeared it over her skin, then held her hand over her face, allowing it to run into her mouth. “I really need to clean up properly now,” she said, taking herself off to the bathroom.
Wow! What a night. The other men eventually all got dressed, and on their way out thanked me for lending them the use of my girlfriend for a few hours. “You’re a very lucky man, mate, having a girl that’ll fuck other men,” said Darren, “a good woman should be shared I say – I tried to get my wife to do this a few years ago but she refused, and kept refusing, so I just gave up in the end, but when you’ve got a hot sexy girl, why should only one man be allowed to enjoy her? It just doesn’t make sense to me!” he laughed. “I think we might do this again, do you think honey?” I asked Shelley, who stood there, still completely naked in front of us. “Mmm, maybe – but I could do with a bit of time to get over this one,” she replied with a dirty little grin. “Like I said, a very lucky man, and you, you saucy little minx, you’re just fucking filthy aren’t you?” Darren said, before giving her arse a slap. After they all left, Shelley and I took a shower together, and ended up fucking again while we were there. I banged her up against the wall as the water ran down our bodies, cleaning ourselves from the amazing fuck session we’d just experienced.
We never saw the other three again. By the time we went down for breakfast the next morning, they’d already left. They’d had their bit of fun – namely my girlfriend, but those three randy buggers had opened the door to many possibilities, and many further experiences that followed!
4 年 前