15 Reasons Why Prostitution is Beneficial

Often referred to as Sexworkers who are the professionals as opposed to the street hooker.

1) Sexworkers are a legitimate option for older single men or those married.

Many men enjoy variety and zillions of married men are sexually frustrated since the wife lost interest long ago. . Going to sexworkers is far better than an affair and can actually help keep otherwise loving marriages together, if man gets basic sexual needs met by sexworkers vs. an "affair".

2) Biblically Not an Issue - Many wives and concubines was acceptable as were "common" prostitutes for Christians there is clearly nothing wrong for Christians or Jews seeing "common" prostitutes. The only negative references in the Bible is to the sex goddess prostitutes in the Temples worshiping the fertility gods. It was idolatry not sex that was the sin. Many times common prostitutes are mentioned in the bible with no negative inference. Prostitution has always been legal for example in Israel and Tel Aviv is known as the brothel capital of the world. Yet so many ignorant Christians totally distort biblical sexuality based on negative traditions that have no biblical basis. Likewise having many wives and concubines was not wrong. A married man never committed adultery as long as the "other women" was single - not the property of another man. Adultery was a property sin not a sex sin. For extensive biblical study see Prostitution Is Not A Biblical

For many Muslims you marry by reciting certain words. Marriage can be for any length from 1 minute to 99 years. I have heard of sexworkers with a Muslim client who recites the marriage vows with the time limit, so he feels no guilt since he is married to the sexworker for the time they are having sex. For many Muslims this makes the "arrangement" perfectly legal and is acceptable by the society since you are married! It is called "sigheh." Mohammed, it is said, recommended it to his soldiers and friends. And of course you can be married to many women at the same time. Mohammed is said to have had between 9 and 14 wives, the exact number is not clear.

3) Prostitutes can make the world safer for women and healthy for normal men
Rather than encourage ****, or sexual harassment from sexually frustrated men, prostitutes are there for people who have a strong sex drive and cannot find anyone to have sex with or who enjoy sexual variety. For the socially inept man, they cope with all those with confused and repressed sexuality, removing the risk of attack they cause to other women. But most clients are just ordinary normal men, your neighbors, the man in the Church pew next to you, your c***dren's teacher, your lawyer, or politician. Some of us well adjusted normal men enjoy physical intimacy with a variety of women and it is physically and emotionally healthy for otherwise healthy men.

4) Prostitutes become experts who can offer high quality sex.
If there was not such a negative stigma, most everyone would want to visit prostitutes for erotic inspiration and self indulgence. They provide the chance for new experiences without entering a new relationship which many people find of enormous value at certain stages of their lives. In some cultures, it is customary for all young men to learn about sex from the local prostitutes before they have sex with other women.

5) Prostitution is the oldest profession and should be respected
Like any other profession - there are the experts, the specialists, the all-rounders, the scoundrels and the bad people who need hounding out. Bad people such as the cash and dash scams ruin the reputation of the industry as to those few that are on d**gs, drink to much or just think of men as ATM machines.

6) Prostitutes offer many services often far more than just sex
Prostitutes call themselves all kinds of names, from whore to ther****t; slut to Tantric teacher; hostess to surrogate. Each have their own style but when you listen to what they actually do, most provide approximately the same range of services. They act as listeners (to everyone in pain, including sufferers of c***d sexual abuse), pacifiers (often of the same), substitute mothers, sisters and brothers, they enact fantasies, dominate to force those who are normally in control in their work and social lives to play submissive; whores may also play sub.

Prostitutes fulfill all kinds of role: from a quick hand-job behind a carrier bag in the park, to dinner and all night bed companion to "girlfriend" for a month's holiday.

Some do this with grace and love, others with one eye on the clock and the other eye on his wallet, hoping to steal it. There are sex workers who can actually adapt their mind sets to "fall in love" with each client, in order to give them maximum benefit of the time spent. There are others who despise all clients and play tricks to make them come fast. But there are many who sincerely love and enjoy men and for them it is an ideal profession and not only about men as ATM machines. These are usually the most successful sexworkers since men can tell their sincere enjoyment of what they do.

7) It can be a satisfying Job
The fact is that a growing number of women are switching to work in sex rather than in other jobs because they find it gives them more freedom and job satisfaction. You chose your hours, you make more money per hour than most of your friends and you spend your time giving pleasure (and often receiving it too).

Some women who may once have opted for a career in nursing find it more satisfying offering a caring "hands on" service caring for people's personal needs. So many people in society have never been touched caringly or had their emotional needs catered for. Sex work allows caring individuals to offer such services and they often just advertise as a prostitute because this is the easiest way to make a living.

8) Many Men Need Teaching
Sociologists recognize that many men pay for sexual gratification and emotional solace because they have not yet learned to find either elsewhere. Many shy, socially phobic and disabled men rely on prostitutes to teach them how to gain a positive body image, seduce and make love. The book Shadow Syndromes by John J Ratey and Catherine Johnson identifies a high incidence of minor forms of Aspergers Syndrome in males in Western cultures, which means that they can't respond to normal invitations of emotional bonding and socialization.

9) Prostitution enables many women to liberate themselves
It is not uncommon for women to enter the sex industry in order to establish their own sexual identity. Belle du Jour was a classic. There are many situations where women decide to enter sex work because it seems to be the only way they can throw their sexual repressive background to the wall. They usually have to keep quiet about it and never identify themselves publicly.

10) Prostitution provides a better alternative to starving or stealing
When a woman is desperate to feed herself and her c***dren and has no other income, prostitution is often the best option for her. One woman is quoted as saying that working as a street worker to provide the money to buy heroin for herself and her partner is better than him going out thieving because he might get a long prison sentence. (Mckeganey, Neil and Barnard, Marina 1996 Sex Work on the Streets). But there should be safe off street incalls available or zones of tolerance so as to not be a public nuisance "in the face" of the public in neighborhoods where not wanted. If prostitutes want respect they should also respect neighborhoods and businesses that do not want street hookers in front of their homes or businesses.

11) Prostitutes Educate
Prostitutes provide a service where people can learn. A young person can learn about their orientation and how to become a good lover. A couple can experiment with group sex. Isolated people can learn how to become intimate, people can learn about S/M and explore their submissive or dominant sides.

12) Prostitutes provide fun
They offer a service of pleasure. In countries where women are allowed to work together, there are clubs where people go along for an orgy: sex parties with several prostitutes and a group of clients. People enjoy visiting prostitutes for light hearted yet intensely erotic experiences, which may be very difficult to find elsewhere.

13) Prostitution is good for mental health
Comforting sex without ties is excellent for mental health, soothing the nervous system, and helping the client improve their sense of well being.

14) Prostitution can cure problems
People with social disabilities such as stammerers can be helped to overcome their problems by loving attention and uncovering anxieties. People who have been sexually abused as c***dren often need a lot of patient body work to overcome sexual difficulties and prostitutes are invaluable in this work.

15) Sex Work can be empowering
People gain personal strength from selling their bodies because their clients worship and admire them, they have as much sex as they want and the defy traditional mores and roles imposed on them. Often prostitutes are extremely healthy, playful, creative, adventurous and independent women.
Good luck, enjoy them

Sexy Courtesan former Nevada stripper and “entertainer”


[email protected]

发布者 robert_33324
4 年 前
bikerm 2 年 前
robert_33324 : Yea, now I found out.  I was just enjoying the view and the tastes during clean up....it was nice though
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robert_33324 出版商 2 年 前
bikerm : Big mistake....lol
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bikerm 2 年 前
And all this time my wife just gave it away...
I completely agree with all your reasoning, even I would include the fact that also married women could be or rather should be prostitutes with other men who were not their husbands that would make them more accommodating with their husbands and understanding in addition to enjoying benefits that their beloved husbands may not be able to provide as men much more expert in the art of sex with greater vigor, better, bigger cocks and with much more stamina and with much more quantity of quality sperm, much thicker and of quality, above all, much more abundant to repeat the sexual act several times in a row, for all this I defend prostitution for all women of all social conditions, single or married.
claudedesm 3 年 前
Interesting, I agree with you about prostitution !
robert_33324 出版商 3 年 前
SNextremathule : Thank you, kind of you
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SNextremathule 3 年 前
This is another interesting and instructive subject and for this reason, I fully agree with you.
robert_33324 出版商 3 年 前
twilightshadows : Agreed
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twilightshadows 3 年 前
So true all of it. Basically sex workers with a degree in psychotherapy and sexology would make the world a far better place. 
robert_33324 出版商 3 年 前
xjanis : Agreed
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xjanis 3 年 前
Good ideas
HNG5252 3 年 前
Incredible write up Sir :smile:
robert_33324 出版商 3 年 前
blairgowrie : Kind of you
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blairgowrie 3 年 前
10 out of 10
luvmyhotwife 3 年 前
Beautiful article! 
funall 3 年 前
Robert, I find your Vids very hot and arousing indeed and Amanda is oh so hot however, in the vids they look more like as if Amanda is not working but rather she is being fucked or gangbanged by friends. Are they clients who paid to fuck a white chick every which way? I like to know more etc. cheers to both of you. 
robert_33324 出版商 3 年 前
Yorkshirebrummy : Agreed
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Yorkshirebrummy 3 年 前
Well put together post.....no one has the right to sit in moral judgement over prostitutes, as long as a woman is of legal age she should be free to decide what she does with her mind and body.
robert_33324 出版商 4 年 前
cocksounder : Agreed, nothing wrong with it
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cocksounder 4 年 前
Sound pretty much the same as cocksuckers like me.  We provide a service and enjoy doing it.
bustnut 4 年 前
Thanks to Amanda!  The world is a better place with you doing what you do! Sad I can't take a bit of learning from you myself!
robert_33324 出版商 4 年 前
JB21401 : Good for you, nothing wrong with it
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JB21401 4 年 前
Enjoyed this post. I had a regular escort that helped me get through 2020