Dice dare exposure/blackmail

This game requires a slave who is interested in the idea of blackmail/exposure.
Your master will roll for each section and then you must complete the required step based on the roll, sending the photos/info. Then you may move on to the next roll.
If you roll for a section and refuse to provide what is required of you, the master can freely distribute what you have provided info or any pictures he have gained so far in this dare. The further you get into this game, the harder it will be to back out.

If you complete all the rounds successfully, you have finished the dare and master will delete all your pictures and information.

Round 1. info
1) your name
2) last name
3) city
4) phone number
5) name + last name
6) name + city

Round 2. info 2
1) age
2) your facebook name
3) your instagram name
4) best friend's name
5) best friend's last name
6) nothing, you lucky

Round 3. Easy 1
1: Full body shot, no face, just wearing underwear
2: Shirtless picture, no face
3: Fully clothed picture, no face
4: Full body picture, trousers and underwear pulled to your ankles, no face
5: Closeup shot of your face
6: Roll again

Round 4. Easy 2
1) Side of your head
2) Fully nude, from front, any pose. Full body visible, face not required
3) Fully nude, from back, any pose. Full body visible, face not required
4) Fully nude, from side, any pose. Full body visible, Face not required
5) Fully nude, from font, spread pussy, Face not required
6) First, second and fifth from the above list

Round 5. Medium 1
1: Full body shot, half face, just wearing underwear
2: Shirtless picture, half face
3: Fully clothed picture, full face
4: Full body picture, trousers and underwear pulled to your ankles, half face
5: Closeup shot of your pussy
6: Roll again

Round 6. Medium 2
1: Fully body nude photo, covering genitals, full face, kneeling
2: Fully body nude photo, covering genitals, no face, kneeling
3: Fully body nude photo, covering genitals, full face, laying
4: Fully body nude photo, covering genitals, no face, laying
5: Full frontal half face shot
6: Roll again

Round 7. Hard pictures
1) Fully nude, from front, any pose. Full body visible, full face
2) Fully nude, from back, any pose. Full body visible, full face
3) Fully nude, from side, any pose. Full body visible, full face
4) Fully naked, Doggy pose, full face visible
5) Fully naked, Legs in the air, full face visible
6) A photo nude, kneeling down, full face

Round 8. Bonus info (cumulative round - i.e. if you roll 4, you must do 3, 2, and 1 also)
1) Your deepest fantasy in min. 30 words.
2) Your dick length(or largest thing you've fuckes yourself with if female), the age you lost virginity, your sexual preference
3) What do you desire from the other person who you are currently doing the dare with (minimum 30 words)
4) Ever have/want sex with your cousin or own sister/ Brother?
5) Ever saw/want to see your Cousin or own Sister/Brother naked?
6) Provide all emails and names possible for round 1

Round 9. Bonus pics (cumulative round - i.e. if you roll 4, you must do 3, 2, and 1 also)
1) Nude selfie, with face, any pose, in a semi-public location (near an open window, balcony, stairs etc.)
2) Nude laying on your back picture
3) Nude picture best you can trying to suck your cock (spread pussy if female), full face
4) Nude doggy pose photos with full face
5) 3 most naked & embarrassing photos of yourself from your phone (before the dare began)
6) Roll again

Round 10. Bonus pics 2
1) Start over from round 1 (must provide new email)
2) Nudes with face, pose will choose dom.
3) 2 Nudes with face, different posses, poses will choose by dom.
4) 3 Nudes with face, different posses, poses will choose by dom.
5) 4 Nudes with face, different posses, poses will choose by dom.
6) 5 Nudes with face, different posses, poses will choose by dom.

game is finished, if you want there is an extreme part (only for pro)

Round 11. Risky Pictures
1) Nude selfie, with face, any pose, in a semi-public location (near an open window, balcony, stairs etc.)
2) Full face full naked pic outside (balcony, backyard, or terrace etc)
3) Pic of your I.D (driver's license, passport, student i.d) only address may be covered.
4) Full face full naked pic outside (balcony, backyard, or terrace etc)
5) Nude selfie, with face, any pose, in a semi-public location (near an open window, balcony, stairs etc.)
6) Full face full naked 2 pics outside (balcony, backyard or terrace etc)

Round 12. Extreme Task
1) Make short video nude w/full face stating you give permission for all pictures to be used freely.
2) Pic of your i.d uncensored and completely legible.
3) nothing, you are lucky
4) create FB post that includes 4 screenshots of the chat (censored as needed) chosen by your master. Post stays active for 24h and screenshot proof must be provided.
5) provide URL link to your social media. (FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc)
6) Email (from your email) one friend with a picture of Master's choosing. (Master may modify or edit picture beforehand). Provide screenshot for proof.
发布者 mc250
4 年 前
blairgowrie 4 年 前
Most interesting, we care all open to exposure in this society with social media dominating