Superintendent of Schools

Your parents had just moved into a new association in Southern California. They paid a fortune for this home and were a bit disappointed that the homes were so close to the neighbors.

They were doling out the rooms and you ended up with a small room on the second floor on the side of the house. You looked out and there was no view, all you saw was a large wall that blocked your view completely. You were now officially in a fucking cave.

The family settled in the new home. It was large, comfortable in a middle class neighborhood in Orange County. The traffic was bad as usual for Socal but the situation was good. You got enrolled in Brea Olinda High. The crowd there was a bit uppity and obnoxious especially for you as the new k** in town. You did not have to worry about those losers too much because you were about to turn 18 in a couple of months and, as a senior would be out of that rat hole soon.

Things were not easy at school because your uncle had given you his jalopy to drive to school. Your parents gladly accepted it for you and you were stuck with that whale of a station wagon. It was an Exorcist puke green Ford Country Squire with fake wood accents on the side. The guys at the high school immediately nicknamed it Kermit the Boat. You hated that and often parked down the street and walked the last few blocks to school.

The time went by and you got settled in your room. You had the use of the guest bathroom, which was down the hall from your room. The guest bathroom was a full bath. From the entrance there was a set of mirrors to the right with a single sink. The bathtub with shower glass sliding doors was on the back wall and the toilet on the left. That is when the door opened the toilet was covered by the opening door which was a desirable architectural feature. Just in case you forgot to lock the door and were there jerking off and someone opened the door they would not see you. At your age jerking off has become an important feature of your life.

One of the nice features of the neighborhood was that it was composed of mostly empty nester Caucasian couples in their late 50s and 60s. You had seen some of the daddies in the neighborhood as they went about their business especially on Saturday mornings when they tended to be in their garages or working in the front yard doing this and that. There were about 20 homes between your home and the main road and walking down on a Saturday was a delight. You also checked out the action in the opposite direction where your street T boned into a nice park. The scenery in the opposite direction was just as auspicious.

One restless night apropos of nothing you could not sleep. You had gone to bed relatively early around 11:00 PM but could not sleep. You decided to stand up and maybe sit in the computer for a while or maybe play a game of frogger. As you got up you noticed some light coming from your window. Almost automatically you looked out your window. You saw the same large barren wall except for a single small window. You had never paid attention to it before but it was the bathroom window of the home next door. The light was on and the strange thing is you could see inside. You had never noticed that before, they did have white horizontal blinds and they were pulled up completely. The window was small but you could see clearly some of the features of their bathroom. No one was in sight but you could see part of the toilet and the shower. It was similar to the shower in your home with a standard bathtub and transparent glass enclosure. You looked at it for a while and thought it was strange you had never noticed that before. You sat there and stared at that scene for a while and then decided to close your window and went to bed.

The next morning was Saturday and you decided to go around your normal walk around the neighborhood to check out the daddies. You saw some of the regulars doing their thing in their yard or garages. You decided to walk to the park. The park was nice, not very large. It had a large grassy area that ended up in a wooded area right next to a deep ravine. There were a couple of park benches and on one side some playground equipment for the k**s. You decided to take a break from your walk and sat down on the bench to rest from your walk and enjoy the sunshine. That is when you saw this guy coming up the street. He was magnificent! He was Caucasian about 5' 10" tall and around 240 lbs. His hair was gray and cut short, he had a round face and a bit of a belly. He was wearing a T-shirt and nylon shorts. As he walked the shorts left nothing to the imagination. He may not be wearing underwear because he put on a show with every step. You found it strange that you had never seen him before. He kept on walking towards the park and you could not get your eyes out of his magnificent body. He crossed the street and turned to the left. Based on his trajectory he was going to walk by you.

You sat there mesmerized with this guy but at some point you stopped looking at him. You did not want to appear to be creepy. You felt him approach from your left and you looked up. He was looking right at your face. He smiled and said "Morning!" You struggled to get the words out but replied "Good morning." He kept on walking right by you. When he passed you, you saw the well toned glutes clad by that thin navy blue nylon layer. You were mesmerized as his powerful legs flexed as he walked. He continued to the next street and turned left. He crossed the street and glanced back for a moment before getting out of view.

You could not stop thinking about that mystery man and how come you haven't seen him around the neighborhood before. The following Saturday around same time you came back to the same bench. Of course you were hoping to see that man again to enjoy his masculine architecture walk down the street. You sat there, and sat there, and sat there... from 10 AM through 12:00 PM you waited but no sign of him. Disappointed you decided to just go home and forget about it. Maybe he was a visitor and did not live in the neighborhood.

Next Wednesday was your 18th birthday. Yeah! You were officially a man now, no longer a "k**." Your parents took you out to dinner and started asking you about college. You have not made up your mind yet. Besides, you were at the Sizzler in the neighborhood and was a bit embarrassed when they brought in a slice of cake with a candle on it. You look up and it figures! Some of the assholes from fucking Brea Olinda just came in. One of them was a fucking bully and you hated his guts. Now there you were with mom and dad and a fucking cake with a candle in it. That was too much! You blew the candle trying to hide your embarrassment from your parents. Mom and dad were good people and they loved you and you did not want to sound ungrateful.

This restaurant was kind of the go-to place for your parents, for some reason they loved going there. Your dad knew the manager who was a skinny guy in his 40s who looked too baby faced to be the manager of anything. You even had the favorite booth you used for family functions such as today.

Then your heart sunk! You felt a jolt go through your body. The hot guy from the park just walked in! He was dressed in a pair of faded jeans and a black silk shirt. He came in with some nondescript guy a bit younger than him that looked like a co-worker or a business associate. It did not matter, there he was. They sat on a table and you could see him clearly. He was sitting almost across from you. Because of his frame he sat with his knees wide apart with a bulge on his jeans clearly visible from under the table. He sat there with his buddy and the waiter came and took their drink orders. Later the waiter returned with two large glasses of soda with plastic straws sticking out of them. You could not take your eyes off the guy.

Then a miracle happened. The guy stood up from the chair and headed to the men's room. You were not going to waste this opportunity and you told your parents that you had to go to the men's room. You got out of your table and headed out. He was ahead of you. Your heart was beating so fast that it was about to come through your mouth. He opened the door and walked in, a few seconds later you walked in the men's room. The man's room had 2 stalls, one for the disabled and a regular one. Next to then there were 2 urinals with no partition. Then to the left as you are standing in the urinal on the perpendicular wall there were a couple of sinks and a large mirror covering the wall above the sinks. And talking about sinking, your heart sunk as instead of standing at the urinal to take a pee he headed for the disabled stall. You sat there, heart broken not knowing what to do. You heard his strong stream hit the water. You did not wait, headed to the sink and washed your hands and returned to the table with your parents. You were flushed with disappointment. After that dad got the bill and paid it.

Your parents and you left shortly after that and you still had to pass by the table with the assholes from school looking and giggling. Fuck it, you just kept on going. Assholes!

You got home and got to your room. That was your first night as a man in your own room. You thought about rubbing one out and just before you started doing it you noticed the light from next door on your window. You stood up and looked out the window and saw the same scene of the other day. The bathroom of the neighbors was lit, the blinds were rolled up but there was no one there. You stood there and looked for a little while then decided to go to bed.

Next day you were back at school, you parked "Kermit the boat" near school just as a couple of those assholes drove by in a brand new Beemer 325 I. They honked their horn and laughed out loud. You almost heard them yell "loser" as they went by. Gee! You were not catching any breaks. You got to school and the day dragged on. In one of the breaks you had to take a piss, you walked in the closest boy's room and stood there trying to take a pee. All of a sudden you heard steps. It was the pack of assholes. You had not started to pee yet you zipped up thinking "motherfucker!" and walked out of the men's room while they laughed. This day did not seem like it was going to end. You still had to pee so you found another men's room near the cafeteria. You walked in and your heart sunk! The hot guy you had seen walking in the park was in there. Even though he was dressed in a suit and tie you recognized him. Your heart was beating outside of your chest as you walked to a urinal a couple of urinals away from him. As you approached you looked in his direction. There he was, you were to his left and he had his left hand on his belt holding his suit jacket back, his belt was undone and his pants were down a bit. Both his cock and balls were flopped over the belt of his compression shorts style underwear. His cock was magnificent! It was veiny and very Caucasian; it was unusually fat with a bulging head on it. He had a bit of a foreskin that covered the head of his cock halfway.

As you approached you did not have a lot of time to enjoy the view. As if he were embarrassed that a student was in the men's room with him, he finished and pulled his cock and balls in. Without looking at you he composed yourself quickly and went to wash his hands. You had not started to pee yet, and started to compose yourself, you were ready to get off the men's room just seconds after him. You were watching him walk away when you heard "Hi Jon!" It was your friend, your only friend in that cesspool of school. You were startled and said "Hi Ted". Your eyes followed that man as he walked away. Then you realized that Ted was also looking at him. "Do you know who that guy is?" Ted laughed, "Yes, you don't know? He is the superintendent for our school district." As he said that the man turned a corner and disappeared from view. "What are you up to?" Ted asked. "Just trying to get through this damn day!" You replied. Ted understood. "The assholes uh?" Ted commented. "They are fucking everywhere!" That said you realized I had to pee really bad. "Ted, you go ahead I catch up to you." Ted looked at you a bit puzzled. You turned around and got in the men's room again before you peed your pants. That would have really capped the day.

You got home, went to your room and plopped in bed. You were exhausted with all the bullshit going on that day and took a nap. After dinner you went upstairs to do some homework before going to bed. Soon the night fell and you noticed a glow coming from the window next door. You got up from your desk and looked outside. The blinds were down this time but some light was bleeding through. You went back to your desk and finished doing homework.

The next few days went by like a blur. You were coping and not having a lot of fun in school. One afternoon you got home. You arrived and there was no one at home. You decided to take a shower so you got in the bathroom near your room, took your clothes off and got in the shower. You were so lost in your thoughts that you forgot to lock the door. You got in the shower and got a bit of a chubby which was a very common occurrence. You were stroking your cock a bit with the soapsuds when the door all of a sudden opened. You were startled as you heard your dad say "sorry son! I did not know you were there." As he said that he turned around and left. The thing is he was in such a hurry that he left the door a crack open. There you were naked in the shower and your dad just caught you rubbing one. It keeps on giving!

Then something even weirder happened. You noticed, looking through the mirror, the reflection of what you thought it was your dad standing by the door looking in. You were even more embarrassed because you did not know what to do. You decided that the best thing to do is to pretend you did not notice. So you finished your shower all the while you could see him there looking in. Fortunately he disappeared from view the minute you slid the glass door and started to get off the bathtub. You walked towards the door and shut it and locked it. You finished drying yourself feeling a bit disturbed. "Was dad checking me out?" you kept on thinking your heart beating and a strange disturbing feeling coursing through your body. It was not a good or exciting feeling. It was undesirable and disturbing. You were feeling embarrassed to even face him but you knew you had to. You decided to pretend it never happened. That was the best thing to do. That and make sure the door was closed and locked next time.

A few days went by and after a while you forgot the incident and your relationship with your dad continued as before. Your dad was a good man and all of a sudden you noticed that he was a hot guy, not that different from the neighbors you admired so much. But he was Dad and you have never thought of him that way. After a while you were able to convince yourself that you were just imagining things. He was not checking you out; you just imagined it. That is what you told yourself until you believed it. That was it! You just imagined it.

The following week you got home to an empty house again. Your dad was still at work but about to get home and your mother was visiting your grandmother. She lived in an assisted living facility in Anaheim Hills. That happened several times a week. You decided to take a shower and since that last episode you made sure the bathroom door was locked. You were in the shower and lost on your thoughts when you heard steps coming down the corridor. Those walls were paper-thin and one could hear everything. Then something surprising happened, someone tried to open the door. You could hear distinctively the knob turn a couple of times. Then you heard heavy steps walk away and downstairs. Your heart was beating strongly as you dried yourself, got dressed and headed downstairs. As you got to the den you saw your dad sitting on his barcalounger holding the remote. The TV was on the Science Channel. You said "hi dad!" but the words almost did not come out of your mouth "hi son!" He replied nonchalantly. Again you said to yourself, "I am imagining things again." You sat on the couch for a little while then got a can of coke and went upstairs to your room.

That same night you heard noises, steps around the door of your room. It was a bit loud and obvious and that puzzled you. "What the fuck?" you thought. Then you noticed the light coming from the neighbor through your window. You got up and decided to look out again not expecting anything. You looked out and sure enough the light was on, the blinds were up and there was no one in the bathroom next door just like the other times. Then you saw movement. Someone was in the bathroom next door! You turned off the light in your room and kept on looking out. Then a body came into view. At first you could just see his body, but then your heart sunk! It was the superintendent of schools! He was the neighbor. He was completely naked in the bathroom. He was moving around doing this and that. You sat there in your room not believing your eyes, there he was in all his glory, this man you have been lusting for was right next-door. He got in the shower and slowly started to wash his magnificent body. He spent a long time washing his cock and balls then he turned around and washed his asshole. When he was finished he walked to the sink and shaved his face, brushed his teeth, and gargled with mouthwash. You were watching that magnificent scene unfold, your cock as hard as a rock. Then when he was finished with his grooming activities he got out of the bathroom and turned off the light. You knew then the show was over. You laid in bed and jerked off and edged for a couple of hours thinking about that body, that magnificent specimen of a man, naked out there in all his glory and you could watch with impunity because your window was the only window that faced his bathroom.

A few days went by and one day something happened at the high school. One afternoon there was some sort of chemical odor that was so pungent that they had to cancel classes and everyone was asked to leave the facilities and go home. This happened all of a sudden so you walked to Kermit the Boat and drove home. You got home and walked upstairs. When you got upstairs you noticed the door of your room was open. You walked towards the door slowly and were really surprised. Your dad was in your room. "Son," he said a bit startled. "Dad?!?!" "What are you doing in my room?" You asked, hoping for an explanation. "I heard a noise and I came to check it out. We may have raccoons in our attic." He said, still trying to recover. "Raccoons my ass" you thought, thinking that explanation did not hold any water. However you decided not to confront your own dad. Maybe he was checking for something, maybe he was worried you were on d**gs or had porn stashed. Then you panicked a little because you had that joint Ted had given you hidden and there was a lot of porn hidden all over the place. You both played your roles. Your dad did not mention any d**gs or porn and you pretended to accept his explanation about the raccoon, as if!

Your dad left the room shortly after you caught him and you decided to find a better place to stash your stuff. Or maybe he even may have found the stuff and did not really care because it was just pot. At any rate you were glad to see him go. He was embarrassed and so were you. But wait a minute, what if he found your daddy magazines. You had my copies of CR and some photos of older guys and some daddy son porn. What if he had found those? You quickly went to that stache and checked it out. Nothing seemed to be missing and things were as you remembered. Still could it be that he found it before? Could it be that was the reason why he was checking you out when you were showering? You decided not to go there again. It was an honest mistake he made and the thought of him being there checking you out was all your imagination.

That same night you were doing your homework after dinner. The bedroom window was open and all of a sudden you saw the glare coming through the window. Your heart started to race as you ran to the window. You turned off your lights, and waited. Sure enough the superintendent got in his bathroom. He was wearing gabardine pants and a white business shirt. He must have just come home from work. You decided to get your binoculars you had in your dresser drawer. It had been a recent gift from your dad for your birthday and you used when you and your dad went bird watching. It was a good quality pair. You got the binoculars and now you could see him in much more detail. He took his shirt off exposing his handsome torso. He then undid his belt and took his pants off. You guess they were going to the cleaners because he unceremoniously dropped them on the floor and kicked them to the side. He took out his black socks and pulled down his compression shorts exposing his magnificent cock and balls. With the binoculars he was so close you felt you could almost touch him. He sat on the toilet and he had something on his hand. It looked like a magazine of some sort.

You tried to focus on it with the binoculars to find out what it was. Then he let the magazine drop and you were able to identify the picture. It was a picture of two bears fucking! He spread his legs and started to jerk off. He was fucking jerking off! You focused your binoculars on his huge fat cock and balls and then to his face. He was working his cock furiously. You could almost hear it. Sometimes he would tilt his head backwards and immerse himself in self-pleasure, his mouth open, his breathing labored. Then he shot a huge load. It came out in jets. At this point you were having a hard time focusing your binoculars because you were furiously working your own cock. After he came and just about a second after you spewed your cum all over the wall by the window. "Shit" you thought, "I better clean this up” You pulled up your sweat pants and still semi hard tried to make your way to the bathroom to get a wet wash cloth or something to clean the wall. Just as you opened the door of your room you saw your dad walking in the direction of the bathroom as well. "Shit" you thought. The strange thing is your dad did not close the door. You thought "what the fuck?" And you tiptoed towards the bathroom door. You saw your dad standing there cleaning his cock. You were puzzled. He was cleaning his cock as if he had just shot a load of cum. But why do it in your bathroom and with the door open? You were confused as heck. Something was going on and you had no idea what to think. Maybe he was not jerking off, you thought, better not jump into conclusions.

You tried to not think about what happened that evening especially in the way you related to your dad. You had a great relationship and did not want that to change ever. At any rate as time went by things came back to normal. Of course you could not stop looking out the window hoping for another show from the hot neighbor but to no avail. The bathroom next door had been dark and the blinds down. You started to think that was a one time thing but you were hoping upon hope to see it again. A few more days went by and you were already losing hope.

Another day came by when your mother went to visit grandma at the assisted living facility. You got home from school late afternoon and was surprised to see that dad was already home. "Dad?!" you said as you saw him sitting on the barcalounger watching TV. "Hi son, I knocked off work early today." You thought "OK" and headed to your room. Out of habit you looked out the window and sure enough the blinds next door were open and the lights were on. Even though it was daylight still you could clearly see inside the room. Nothing was going on and you watched it for a while. All of a sudden you were startled. There was a knock on the door. It was your dad. "Son I am going out for a walk." "OK Dad" you said but found it a bit strange that he would announce that. It did not matter, dad was getting a bit pudgy anyway and he needed the exercise. Maybe he went on a walk to the park. Besides, you could not wait to go back and check what was going on at the window. You got to the window and were disappointed. Nothing was going on but the lights were still on and the blinds wide open.

Then you saw some movement. It was the superintendent again. He got in his bathroom with a blue bathrobe on. He moved around a bit and did a few non-descript things. He putzed around for a little while and then got out of his bathroom. You just stood there hoping upon hope that he would return. 5 minutes later (which seemed to you as if it were one hour) he returned, still wearing the robe. He also had something else in his hand; it was his wireless phone from his house. You found that was strange. He laid the phone on the sink. Then he proceeded to open up his robe. But he did not do it naturally as someone who is about to take a shower. He took it off slowly. You were glued to the window with your binoculars trained on his actions, his body and his face. At this point he was completely naked, his gorgeous body all exposed for your pleasure. You took your cock out and started stroking. You decided that you were going to do your best to edge and wait until he came to shoot your load. Then something happened that completely blew your mind. You saw some movement down there. The door opened and someone else got in his bathroom with him. The man walked in, got into his knees and took the superintendent's huge cock in his mouth.

It was dad. "Dad!?!?!??!" "Dad!?!!?" you thought with complete shock and surprise. "Dad!?!?!" "Oh No!!!!" "Dad!?!?" Dad started to suck the superintendent's cock and you could see with the binoculars close up in detail the passion on his own father's face as he sucked that cock. You succumbed to this sexual shock and stimulation and started to work your own cock. You were turned on watching that. The man that gave you life sucking the man you desired. The stimulation was too much. He continued to suck the superintendent submissively then an even bigger shock. The superintendent looked out the window at you and made a V shaped sign with his index and middle finger. He looked right at you, smiled, pointed the V at his eyes and then towards you. Your heart sunk. He knew!

The superintendent knew all along you were watching him. At this point you did not know what to think. Your cock was so hard that your mind stopped working. You did not fucking care. This was shocking and hot at the same time. Then Dad stopped sucking the superintendent and got up then he turned his back to the superintendent and bent over. The superintendent planted one hand on your dad's back and another hand on the middle of the back. Dad bent over. The superintendent bent his knees slightly and moved up burying his fat cock into your dad's asshole. Then he reached over for the phone while pumping dad's ass full of cock and started dialing. He kept on fucking the heck out of your dad, I could see dads ass rise up as the superintendent thrust up.

The phone in the house started ringing. The closest phone was in your parent's room at the end of the corridor. You ran there and picked up the phone. "Hello?" you whispered nervously. "Just a minute" a strong deep male voice replied. Then you heard on the phone a male voice moaning "mmm , yes, fuck hes, fuck me, yes mmmmm yes, fuck me" You made your way back to your room and looked out the window. Your dad had the phone on his ear and it was his voice you were hearing. This was too much! Your cock was so hard it was about to explode. You kept on listening and watching through the window. Then the superintendent pulled his cock out of your dad's ass and dad sat on the toilet. The superintendent disappeared out the door of the bathroom. Then dad started to jerk his cock off sitting on the toilet by himself. "Dad?!?!" you pleaded. "Yes son, he made me do it! " "What dad?" you asked him. "He seduced me and made me do it" "I am sorry son, I put a camera in your room" "What???!" you asked, incredulous. "Yes son, in your bedroom and bathroom, he and I have been watching you jerk off for months" "He fucked me while we watched you."

No soon dad said that you heard a voice behind you "having fun?" It was the superintendent. He was standing by the door, completely naked and hard. You completely succumbed. You stood up and pulled down your sweat suit. "good boy" he said victoriously. "Now come here and suck it." You obeyed. "Good boy... good boy" "Suck that cock son." "Yes sir" you said completely under his spell. "Yes taste your dad's ass in my cock son" "Yes sir" you replied, your head spinning. Then he ordered, "turn around and bend over son” You obeyed without saying anything. He spit on your asshole and then you felt a ball of flesh press against your asshole. Then his cock stretched your asshole to the limit and made its way in. "Ughhhh!" You grunted feeling a bit of pain followed by extreme pleasure. The head of his cock seemed to swell as it made his way inside you. He slid his fat cock slowly and you could feel every vain on his cock rub against your anus. Then the head pressed against your prostate and you felt a warm sensation all over your body. It was an amazing, powerful rush that took over your body and made it limp. Then he started pumping. You felt a sense of intense pleasure that came from the deepest part of your soul. He had you. Images of the past months, the events preceding, your own dad getting fucked, all danced in your mind as you surrendered to the pleasure. "Yes..." you thought to yourself "fuck me... fuck me..." You were so shocked that he had complete psychological control over you. You were under his spell. He kept on pumping you full of cock until you felt his cock swell. Your cock has been swinging as that powerful man was fucking you and then the warm sensation as jets of his cum filled your asshole. Then, without touching yourself you came and came and came. As you convulsed with the biggest orgasm you had ever had you heard the superintendent laugh victorious, a deep sinister laugh. Another notch carved in his belt. "You are mine now boy” he stated it as a fact. "Yes sir” you replied. That said he turned around and left closing the door behind him.

You lay on the bed on your back staring at the ceiling, a shimmering tingling sensation persisting in your asshole. You kept on re-living the events and wondering if there was going to be more. You heard the door open slowly. It was your dad. He sat on the bed leaned over and gave you a hug. His big body enveloped you, his head on your chest. That is when you felt the warm drops hit your chest. Dad started sobbing. "I am sorry son" he said with deep regret in his voice. "I understand dad, I do understand." Your dad did not say anything. "When do you think he will come back dad?" you asked in a meek voice. "I don't know son... I don't know... do you want him to come back?" He asked also in a meek voice. "Yes dad! Yes!" Your dad replied. "Me too son, me too."
发布者 likeburly1
4 年 前
uncut_lover2004 4 月 前
I would love to relive the story with you and me in it.
4daddybear 9 月 前
Dear friend you can be a professional writer. The story has everything from beginning to the end. Great vibe, constantly hard on, expectations, great descriptions, I literally could imagine the characters. That 'fight' 'over superintendent. Just woow. Can't wait to read next one
likeburly1 : Great writing..wanted to work at a motel for that reason lol
回答 原始评论
Hot naughty. So many naughty boys wish this would happen to them.
likeburly1 : looking forward to it
回答 原始评论
likeburly1 出版商 1 年 前
WhoppingEvidence9 : Thanks.  That is what  I was going for.  I think that this was the best thing I have ever wrote.  Not being a writter that is not saying much.  This sprouted into my 500 page book elaborating in this story.  I will publish it for free for the world as a PDF on Twitter.
回答 原始评论
your buddy from CB, Rob.... this was made me hot
Pressing_Tutor 1 年 前
Nice one wait for the rest
Micki18 2 年 前
Wow,great story
quique01 2 年 前
Muy buena historia estube duro mientras lo leía 
WFD367740 2 年 前
This has gotten me off on more than 1 occasion (and by more than 1 I mean its in the double digits).  Can’t wait for the prequel.  And then the sequel.
likeburly1 出版商 2 年 前
jim69jim : This is my favorite story I wrote.  As you can imagine I was hard most of the time I wrote it.  It is based on a personal experience when I used to stay at the Galleria Park hotel in San Francisco in an inside room.  I saw lots of guys jerking off and having sex in the middle of the night. 
回答 原始评论
jim69jim 2 年 前
wow, you put a lot of work into that, very entertaining, thanks for sharing
likeburly1 出版商 2 年 前
frankotaylor : I have not written yet.  I can't make up my mind unfortunately.  I started but somehow the inspiration did not come.  One of these days it will come out.  I want to write the prequel first. 
回答 原始评论
frankotaylor 2 年 前
likeburly1 : Would like to read
回答 原始评论
likeburly1 出版商 2 年 前
JJLTC : You are very kind.  This is also my favorite story.  It was fun to "live" it as I wrote.  I wanted the superintendent of schools to be a seductive and somewhat evil entity.  He represents the conflict inside of us who want to do nasty things and fight against the urges not always successful.  Thanks for your thoughtful comment.  
回答 原始评论
likeburly1 出版商 2 年 前
frankotaylor : I believe that is the best thing I have ever written. I am thinking about a prequel where I describe how the Superintendent of schools seduced and gained control of the dad and a sequel where the competition between the dad and the son for attention to the superintendent of schools causes a lot of problems between them.  The evil character relishes in the conflict but eventually they come to terms with it.  
回答 原始评论
frankotaylor 2 年 前
Very good, thanks 
likeburly1 : Hot story... Yes, keep them going!
回答 原始评论
likeburly1 出版商 3 年 前
Apogless : Muito obrigado.  Fico contente que voce gostou.  Eu queria que o superintendente fosse um personagem meio malévolo como em um filme de horror.  Malévolo mas um tesão!  Ele usa o sexo para seduzir e manipular as pessoas. 
回答 原始评论
Apogless 3 年 前
adorei muito bem escrita, senti tesao, e me senti como o persoagem senti o que ele sentiu
likeburly1 出版商 3 年 前
Billymac77 : I am glad you enjoyed.  I am proud of that one.  I am considering writing a prequel from the point of view of the dad.  And then a sequel as well.  Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed it. 
回答 原始评论
Billymac77 3 年 前
Getting hooked on your writing. Might try some writing myself. Thanks for the hot story.
uncut_lover2004 3 年 前
Sounds like that superintendent had a beautiful cock like yours......
roller100 4 年 前
likeburly1 : I love your gay porn stash, has me hard and leaking.  Great to know that the pleasure of cock is something we can enjoy for a long long time.  
回答 原始评论
likeburly1 出版商 4 年 前
roller100 : I am glad you enjoyed it.  It is nice to get compliments on my writing not just for my balls.  LOL! 
回答 原始评论
roller100 4 年 前
Great sexy story, well told, had me hard and leaking...  Thanks
uncut_lover2004 4 年 前
I would love to be able to look in on you, and have you come and take care of me.
grandpa100ed 4 年 前
Very hot, voyeuristicly sensitive, privately eroticly satisfying, sexually shocking, deep underlying acceptance. 
JJLTC 4 年 前
Wow, Jesus Christ. I havent read a porn story like this in a WHILE. This is one of the hottest, if not, the hottest stories I've read. Usually in porn (amateur/homemade), you just see the actual sex and nothing else. Though while that can be hot on its own, context about what happened before and how things led to the sex can be just as erotic. I loved how you went into great details about how the character was feeling, the attempts to get the superintendent's attention, just to realize that he knew all along. And with that ending, at first, I didnt see it coming, but that was probably because i didn't think it would, but it actually did!! Such a hot story, you got me hooked, and im definitely looking forward to the next one ???