Bigger Picture

This post will likely be overlooked, ignored, or shadow-banned; regardless. . .

Why does no one examine the bigger picture? You cannot elevate yourself by returning to the vomit. In the United States, and around the world, the media is the vomit from whence you came and to which you return. Ever notice how Clinton and Obama were never blamed for the "mass shootings" that took place under their Presidency's? Ever notice how no one questions the issue of psychotropic d**g use and the effects on the human mind and body? Ever notice how the same false narratives are regurgitated over and over and over again? Media and advertising is at the root of a majority of the unrest in the world. Expanding more on the issues seems rather a fruitless pursuit.
5 年 前
megan_rose1120 出版商 5 年 前
Pretty much.
megan_rose1120 出版商 5 年 前
Pretty much.  I find it rather amusing that so many want to bicker about what he does when a majority of it is items he campaigned on.  Heaven forbid that!  A politician actually keeping his campaign promises!
megan_rose1120 出版商 5 年 前
I don't watch Fox News, nor do I promote it.  You're the blinded imbecile that wants to "believe" propaganda and follow it as though it is your religion.
megan_rose1120 出版商 5 年 前
withnoego : Old age and disease are the leading causes of death in the United States.  Next after that is automobile accidents.  If those protesting and flapping their useless gums really cared we'd have the death penalty for every idiot driver, not to mention that the pharmaceutical industry is the ones who should rightfully be blamed, but never will be in a million years.
回答 原始评论
megan_rose1120 出版商 5 年 前
You're much better off not watching television.  I gave up wasting my time with it about 9 years ago when the broadcast signals in the US were changed from analog to digital.  I bought one of the converter boxes and never even hooked it up.  I don't go all out to avoid it, and see bits and bobs of shows when I'm at friends houses, but am usually disgusted by what is on the air.
withnoego 5 年 前
ur so right guns used are called "weapons of war guns" wtf...