Bigger Picture
This post will likely be overlooked, ignored, or shadow-banned; regardless. . .
Why does no one examine the bigger picture? You cannot elevate yourself by returning to the vomit. In the United States, and around the world, the media is the vomit from whence you came and to which you return. Ever notice how Clinton and Obama were never blamed for the "mass shootings" that took place under their Presidency's? Ever notice how no one questions the issue of psychotropic d**g use and the effects on the human mind and body? Ever notice how the same false narratives are regurgitated over and over and over again? Media and advertising is at the root of a majority of the unrest in the world. Expanding more on the issues seems rather a fruitless pursuit.
Why does no one examine the bigger picture? You cannot elevate yourself by returning to the vomit. In the United States, and around the world, the media is the vomit from whence you came and to which you return. Ever notice how Clinton and Obama were never blamed for the "mass shootings" that took place under their Presidency's? Ever notice how no one questions the issue of psychotropic d**g use and the effects on the human mind and body? Ever notice how the same false narratives are regurgitated over and over and over again? Media and advertising is at the root of a majority of the unrest in the world. Expanding more on the issues seems rather a fruitless pursuit.
5 年 前