Getting Your White Wings

Sum 1 asked about the title of this post so here ya go....

Mongol M.C. Patches

By Taifun

Back of the vest:

[San Andreas] - It's the location kicker. This is the first kicker you earn, when you get invited into the Mongols MC.
[*MMC LOGO*] or [M.C.] - It's the second kicker a Prospect earns. You get this after you earned part of the respect.
[Mongols] - It's the third kicker a Mongol can earn. You're now fully patched, and gained our full respect.

Front of the vest:

[Mongols] - A patch wich shows everyone that you're part of the Mongols MC.
[San Andreas] - A location front patch, so people that you talk to can see wich state are you from, in case of a meeting.
[*nickname*] - Your road name, the name that everybody calls you.

[1%er MFFM] - You're an outlaw biker, people need to know this, and who you represent aswell.
[Respect few - Fear none] - One of the Mongol quotes, wich shows our cut-hroat attitude.
[*Black Heart*] - You're black heart'ed, wich means that you took a bullet for a brother.
[*Eightball*] or [8] - You served a serious time in prison for the Mongols brotherhood.
[13] - You attended the funeral of a fellow brother. 13 stands for Chapter 13.
[$] - You are running a business for the club.
[Mongols M.C. - In memory of] - A big, round patch. Under it are placed the memorial patches of fallen brothers.
[Skull & Cross bones] or [Skull] - This patch shows you have taken out a specific target as a club hit.

[D.F.F.L.] - Dope Forever Forever Loaded. - Means, you're always "dope loaded", always can get any dope.
[FLY COLUORS] - Means, you ride a bike, which is coloured as club's colours. White&Black.
[F.T.W.] - Fuck The World.
[DILLIGAF] - Do I look like I give a fuck.

[Golden Wings] - Participation in group sex involving more than six brothers.
[White Wings] - Performing oral sex on a woman being fucked.
[Black Wings] - Performing oral sex on a black woman.
[Yellow Wings] - Performing oral sex on an Asian woman.
[Red Wings] - Performing oral sex on a menstruating woman.
[Green Wings] - Performing oral sex on a woman infested with insects (crabs, scabies, etc.).
[Purple Wings] - Performing oral sex on a dead woman.
[Brown Wings] - Performing oral-anal on a woman.
[Blue Wings] - Having sex with a policewoman.
发布者 oldcucksf
4 年 前
Bloodwood37 1 月 前
I am getting on in years but can own up to White, Black, yellow, Red and Brown.  Does eating 10 creampies out of my Mistress count for Golden??
crzs 1 年 前
been awhile since I enjoyed Red Wings , does giving oral when she has a yeast infection count for anything 
robert_33324 2 年 前
Love it
oldcucksf 出版商 3 年 前
I've since heard a rumor that one of the bigger clubs awarded "white wings" to a brother that ate his girl after she'd been passed around and/or gangbanged.  