Hello is every one ready for 1984

Dam i shure feel like getting my fuck on.....let me ask you a ?.......so after the most popular president And k** Fucker who gets a 1 like to every 5 dis-likes on the white house official utubz, propped up by big tech and fake News openly stole the last election (read the NY-times article ) and with the help of his VP heels up kamala made large sums donations to the George Soros bail out program's so shits bags like BLM and Antifa who where Caught time and time agin Starting the West coast wild fires this summer summer so Demo-KkK-RATS could blame Climate Change on us....but not after killing more the 30 people and hurting 1'530 Cops and cusing 80 billion from there MOSTLY Peaceful Protest by looting & burning down mainly black folks small business in the Dixie Demo-KKK-Rats shit holes covered in AIDs Needles and Human fecal matter while attempting to virtue signaling there low IQ communist ☭ GO Woke and get Broke Hella-In-your-FACE Rasist HATE-all-White's and "Just where the De-Humanizing filthy Germ collecting and Oxygen and vitamin D depriving mask that can't protect your from a Re-branded Flu-virus thats meny meny P.P.M. smaller (Particles per millions) ( and hello what about your exposed eyes ? )............ HAZ-MAT S.C.B.A (Secured Breathing Apparatus) as it is the only thing to Know man that will protect you from any Virus. And if we haven't reached heard immunity yet there's still a 99.954384 chance surviving it Giving every one better Odds then the Un-TESTed Dr. Falci and the Bill Gates Event 201 MRNA Vaccine (Who named his company after his PENIS "MicroSoft' and ON record calling for mass depopulation and flew on the l****a express but not for the same reason Hunter Biden " yha the 1 with leaked photos of him smoking meth and crack while naked with a 12 year olds.'' and the Blue Dress Bill Clinton .) the "Event 201" calls for the planedemic 14 days to pass the spread lockdown's to destroy the middle class with the "Gorge Soros open Borders" flooding our country with Illiagal immigrants crisis and stuffing as meny k**ds in Cages as they Can before it look like the El-paso crain Game but not before making us once agin energy de-pendent on our enemys China's and middle eastern oil mean while killing 100,000 jobs veggie brain 's 1st day and incress taxes to blow out the amiercan dollor-then setting up trump suppporter 's on jan 6th calling them domectic terrorist's calling for re-educatin camps. and banning Gunns of any type and requiring .......co H.R. 6666 bill U.S. GOV. track and Trace and the patent number 202-06-06-06 vaccine past port before the Great Re-set also known U.N. Agenda 21 , new world order 2030.
发布者 ZdayBaghera
3 年 前
billdarnell2 1 年 前
Love your take on this.