About us.


I thought that it was time to go into a little bit more detail about me and my lifestyle. Hopefully those who read this will get an idea of who I am and what I do and also help others looking to follow in my footsteps. Also it is a good way for anyone who knows or thinks they know me to get the truth about what I do and how I live my life. Hopefully they might understand why I live my life in this way. It may also answer any questions they may have without any embarrassing face to face awkward conversations.

I think it's best that I start by telling you all a bit about me and my life and then talk more about what I do that most people in my life don't know about up until now. Anyways I'll start with a few bits most already know about me and progress.

This is my Story....

As you can see from my photo I am an average type woman who has been happily in a relationship for a number of years. I’m not going to go into how we met or anything as it is nothing out of the ordinary. Our relationship pretty much started the normal way any starts. Myself and my fiance are really good friends and that I think is important in a relationship. We started life in much the same way as any couple however there is one aspect of the relationship that became virtually non existent very fast and it is a common problem for some relationships.  Basically to cut to the chase our sex life has been pretty much zero since we met. The main reason for this is that my fiance has a very small penis that is pretty much useless to me. At first I overlooked this as I do love him and thought i would be able to carry on our relationship without sex. Unfortunately I have a fairly high sex drive and often want some sort of sexual pleasure several times a week. To start with I just masturbated rubbing myself off with my fingers. This however this only satisfied me short term and it wasn't long before needed something more. I spoke to my fiance about this problem several times and after a lot of talking we decided that we would have an open sexual relationship which basically means I would be allowed to satisfy my itch so to say by having sex with other people. We agreed that I would not form any emotional feelings for my sexual partners and that I would only have sex with condoms and most importantly remain in a relationship and would tell him whenever I had any sexual encounters.

This seemed to work for a short while and I had sex with a couple of people and felt more content. Kind of like a smoker getting their fix.

The next part of my story is the part that is pretty much a secret side to my life that many have no idea about and what I am keen for people to understand and respect my choices.

After a couple of normal sexual encounters with average guy's my girlfriend introduced me to a Black guy who was a few years younger than me and was up for some open no strings sex which is pretty much what I had been doing. I had never had sex with a Black guy before and was very unsure about having sex with one to begin with as I had only ever been with white men. After a lot of persuasion I decided to take the plunge and try. He was a very handsome looking guy and I thought what's wrong with having sex with a Black guy. After all he's still a man and I’m a woman. I’m not going to go into a blow by blow account of what happened but all I can say is OMG it was the best sex of my life at that point. He as most black men do had a lovely big penis and it was considerably bigger than any penis I had before. We had sex several times and I have to say I experienced my first multiple orgasm.

After that night I must of awakened something inside me and from that moment on I would compare all of my partners to the black guy I had sex with. As time went on the amount of men I had sex with became less and less only managing to find another two partners who didn't measure up or satisfy me fully.

 It was then that I was introduced by my friend to the local online swingers group. She got me an account and I looked through the profiles. As I looked through the profiles I felt myself drawn to a number of the couple's who were in an interracial relationship with a black man and a white women. Unfortunately there was a problem with most of the couple's on this swingers group in the sense of most of them we’re looking for other couples and my fiance wouldn't measure up to their requirements.

After a couple of weeks of no sex I decided that I had to have some black cock in some shape or form so I treated myself and ordered a fairly Large Black Dildo and joined xhamster under the name of Samwalkercuck to keep some anonymity and made do watching interracial pornography. The day that the dildo arrived was a god send I unboxed it in private in the bathroom as I didn't want my mum to see what I had bought. When I pulled the thing out of the box I remember my legs trembling. It was a beautiful replica of a black penis as I’d been careful to order a more realistic looking toy. The first time I used it OMG I was watching a Jan B clip of a black guy taking a woman not to unlike myself. I remember climaxing just as he unloaded in her pussy. It was mind blowing. I guess that explains my collection of Jan b on my profile and now fairly healthy toy collection of which are mostly black. Lol

Anyways on with the swingers part...

After a couple of months I noticed a couple join the swingers group who were looking for white female to join them and to my luck they were a white female and a Black male. I contacted them and I met up with them and the three of us had sex. Once again the black guy didn't disappoint having a large Black Penis and I even enjoyed having sexual contact with his white girlfriend eating his black load out of her pussy. We talked after the sex and I told them about my situation and my new curiosity in black men. They we're a really nice friendly helpful couple and they gave me information on a smaller local group of swingers that were specifically for interracial couples and female's. This was exactly what I was looking for. They told me that everyone who was a member had regular health screening by a private doctor who was a member of the group and a small fee was required. I decided to join and just over a week later I was health checked and had my membership. Since then I have had many sexual encounters with Black Men and Interracial Couples. At first I didn't tell my fiance to many details about how I had become exclusively for Black Guy's only but after a while I gradually indicated I had been having sex with Black Men and this was made more obvious when he came across my toy collection of two big black dildos at the time. I have more now.  Lol

Gradually as time went on I have built up a good circle of friends who consist of well hung black guy's and hot white ladies of all ages young and mature. I have even introduced a couple of girlfriends into this lifestyle.

Another thing I forgot to mention is that in my exclusive circle of friends and in the swingers group is that as we are all health checked and are on birth control it means that condoms aren't generally needed and black guy's generally end up Cumming inside our ladies. As a result I have become a little bit of a cum junkie. The more black sperm the better.

Since joining the group I have also been able to include my fiance in some of my evenings watching to start with and then more recently I have cuckolded him. Which to those of you who don't know means that he assists me and my black lover when we have sex. We get him to do things like sucking the black guy hard and placing the penis inside my pussy. He also performs clean up duties which is basically licking the cum out of my pussy and clean my lovers cock off. To name a few duties.

I have also locked him in a chastity cage only letting him out to go work and to clean himself.

I also let him out on his birthday and for a short while on holidays. The rest of the time he is locked up unable to have any sexual release. This is what we have both decided and how we like to live.

I have also devoted myself to black men by having a tattoo on my pussy of the queen of spades logo. It is carefully placed on my body so that I can conceal it when wearing a normal pair of knickers but it is clearly visible when I wear certain lingerie and am naked.

I now see black men at least once a week for sex and often attend interracial sex parties once a month.

To sum up my story I guess it is fair to say I have jungle fever as they say. Lol

I would now like to stress that this aspect of our life is very private to us. Most of our families friends and colleagues do not know we do this and we wish to keep it that way.

We are a hard working couple who for the most part lead the normal life if you can call it that. We don't hurt anyone by what we do and don't disrupt anyone else’s life.

Much the same as a normal couple our sex life is private to everyone who we have not included in our circle. If we haven't told you or spoken with you about what we do then we have decided that with respect we do not want you involved in our private lifestyle. We ask that you do not interfere with what we do. We ask that you try to understand and respect our choices. We also ask that you do not embarrass us by approaching us about it. In short don't call us we'll call you as they say.

If you are reading this and or have seen aspects of our sex life in pictures or video and we have not chosen to include you in our lifestyle we ask that you do not embarrass us or other's by showing them or us. We would just rather you kept what you have discovered to yourself and quietly move on. The things we post on xhamster are for our circle of friends enjoyment and for other's in this lifestyle only. I have used the name Samwalkercuck on my profile to remain fairly descreet and my profile is generally only open to friends and people of like minded interest. I have chosen to do this as I have had trouble in the past with people interfering out of ignorance of what I do.  Please respect me by respecting my profile and space.

I hope that this post has answered maybe a few questions about us.

We hope that you understand and keep an open mind to our choices and that you also most importantly respect our privacy and leave us to enjoy our private time.

Many Thanks

 What we do....

发布者 samwalkercuck
3 年 前
inadequatecuck 1 年 前
Superb, clear account of a fabulous cuckold couple! 
cuckoldpa 2 年 前
turb069 2 年 前
wow, so sexy x
If I could only meet a Woman just like You SAMWALKERCUCK!!!
ready4ude2002 2 年 前
Swagzura 3 年 前
Hey, I was wondering if you're trying to get blackbred, with your new statuses and all
searve 3 年 前
Entiendo perfectamente tu modo de vida sexual, es tan importante en el equilibrio emocional que nada impide el que cada uno pueda tener lo que necesita. El matrimonio es para equilibrar esa necesidad tan importante como es la estabilidad sexual en la intimidad del mismo, sin embargo si no funciona se debe buscar lo que no se tiene sin que deteriore esa unión, es comprensible para ambos que lo componen esa diferencia que pueda existir sin que ninguno reproche al otro su libertad de conseguir con otras personas eso que le falta.
shovel82 3 年 前
Hot hot hot
Gene04 3 年 前
I enjoyed this.  I have enjoyed your profile page and its content for some time.  Best of luck to you both.