Some thoughts I felt the need to share...
I would see how many donuts fit on it and I would only refer to it's size in donut terms :) I would make love to a jar of strawberry preserves :) Then screw a jar of peanut butter and wrap a slice of bread around my penis and present it to my woman :) I'd penis paint a picasso on my bedroom wall with it :) Just to get extra creative, buy a drum and use my penis to make "fresh" beats ;) These are just a few reasons I believe I wasn't born with a penis :D
12 年 前
You're like me. If I had a VJJ, I'd never, ever, leave the house! LOL
I'd love to mke your donut, and/or PBnJ ideas come true for you
Now since donut-holes are just the center of the donuts the unit of measurement between donuts and donut-holes would coincide with each other and this could render the SAE and Metric system useless with one international form of measurement. The world will change.
BTW the peanut butter may be hard to get off.... You know literally that is, not figuratively. Just some food for thought.
O' and the drum.... uhmm OUCH!
I might could fit a few!
I could write your name in the snow!
But probably misspell it.
We have decided to have our penis dedicated to whirled peas!
We are fans of soft pour corn & invite you to the corn chowder festival!
Glad I don't have a vagina, I'd probally have tried sticking everything but the kitchen sink in it. LoL