1. Compare him unfavorably to other men (his lovemaking skills, his endurance, his penis size)

2. Make fun of him, tease him, and belittle him… especially in front of others (like your girlfriends, people you meet in public, his friends and family)

3. Let them know that he’s not necessary, and irrelevant.

4. Let another man be your hero. And your cocksman.

5. Fuck one of his friends. Make sure he finds out about it, but not right away… give it a few weeks or months. And don’t tell him who it was. Keep him guessing.

6. Lock up his little penis, and control his orgasms… to no more than once a month.

7. Take his ass with a strap-on, gradually increase the size until he can take a dildo as big and thick as your Bull’s cock.

8. Make him suck cock for you. Make him suck off your Bull, to completion in his mouth. And make sure he knows that you told your girlfriends about it.

9. Make him offer his ass to your Bull. And make sure he realizes that it’s not going to just be a one time thing.

10. Take a leather belt to his ass when he disappoints you. Don’t be afraid to mark him up. And remember, corporal discipline should always be to tears, so that he “gets it”.

11. Severely restrict his access to the pussy, and make him pay for it. Get him acclimated to the idea that he will always have to pay for the pussy… even just to touch it, to taste it, and to smell it.

12. Give away the pussy to other men for free. And make sure he knows it.

13. Make him wear girly lace panties to work under his business suit.

14. Send a close girlfriend to his office to inspect his chastity device, to make sure it’s locked up like it’s supposed to be.

15. Make him lick you out and clean you up after you’ve been with another man. Make this a regular part of his experience. Get him used to the taste of creamy cummy pussy.

16. Take him in to a salon to have his balls waxed… and his legs, and his ass, especially in the crack between. Insist that he be smooth and hairless for you below the waist.

17. Let him “accidentally” catch you in bed with a black man… like when he gets home from work, or whatever… then look over at him and tell him to “get the fuck out and close the door”.

18. Have a friendly talk with his secretary over the phone about his erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation problem, casually mention it in the context of confirming a medical appointment for him.

19. Slip away at a charity event to give some other guy a blowjob in the hallway, and then return and give him a kiss. But don’t tell him who the guy was. Keep him guessing.

20. Invite your Bull over to spend the night with you in the master bedroom… and make your man sleep in the guest room.

21. Don’t hesitate to reach over and smack him in the balls when he does or says something inappropriate.

22. Tease him that you’re seriously thinking about having his balls removed because… “it’s not like you really need them anymore”.

23. Fuck one of his enemies, and make sure he finds out about it. Tease him afterwards about how good the guy was in bed, that “at least he didn’t cum in two minutes, like someone I know”… and that the guy was “a lot bigger than you, much longer and thicker”… and that “he wants to fuck your wife again next week”. This will drive him absolutely mad!

24. Make it clear to him that you intend to date and fuck other men, and that “you’re just going to have to be okay with that”.
发布者 uclajock
3 年 前
Milosb125 5 月 前
Fuck this is mean lol
subijana 1 年 前
great list 🎀
redirvine 2 年 前
Sposerei questa donna subito
SalonMarquis 3 年 前
I'm a pro dom but I'd totally be down to sub out for you. Sounds like you know your shit and these articles are excellent are making me hard. HMU next time youre in NYC. Sir.
suckingdicks81 3 年 前
It is so real and exciting.????
All of these.
kink2kink 3 年 前
Just reading that wonderful text,made my limp clitty twitch. After been chucked,humiliated and exposed by my previous two wives,I m now ready for number three that will push my beta loser limits...
cruzin 3 年 前
5, 10, 15 and 20 more or less sums up the Cuckold lifestyle ?
#18 would definitely get to him. When his secretary knows all but don't say anything about it other than a subtle hint to make him think about it.
jojosmallone 3 年 前
All these were done to me by my first wife and her mother except for 14 and 16. I lea rn to love this treatment and still miss it all these years later. Lucky for me i have found a couple of Dominate  Alpha stud that have continue degrading me
I think I speak for tiny cocked beta subs when I say that as I went from one punishment to the next my clit got harder and harder, so much so that I could feel it almost fill my cage......