I wonder what has been going on with this site?
I used to have quite a few videos uploaded here, all approved at the time and none of them with any sort of questionable content. 49 of them have been moved to a line calle pending approval even after having been online for years, and there was no explenation given at all. I tried uploading a few new videos but they failed, which I though might be because I wrote te title and text in Dutch. So now I just uploaded 2 videos with an English title and text and am keen to find out if these pass approval.
It is not that the ones that were taken down all were in Dutch, on the contrary, most of them were in English, so to say that I understand the logic here would be an overstatement. Also it is clear that they do allow similar posts, I mean, it is porn, so something particular must have irked them to take this action, and I have to say, the site is not the better for it. Of my vast favorites list a lot are suddenly offline as well, so they don't only do this to me. Maybe they want to make sure they're not better than their competition so we will all switch over to the competition, and they can turn theis into a right wing Christian eriticism site, with lots of questionable porn that nobod is allowed to see.
It is not that the ones that were taken down all were in Dutch, on the contrary, most of them were in English, so to say that I understand the logic here would be an overstatement. Also it is clear that they do allow similar posts, I mean, it is porn, so something particular must have irked them to take this action, and I have to say, the site is not the better for it. Of my vast favorites list a lot are suddenly offline as well, so they don't only do this to me. Maybe they want to make sure they're not better than their competition so we will all switch over to the competition, and they can turn theis into a right wing Christian eriticism site, with lots of questionable porn that nobod is allowed to see.
3 年 前
Yes, I agree, but I don't get their logic since the ones that are left are still very very explicict, and certainly not less so than the ones that are "waiting for moderation" or " In Conversion"? I will try to see if I can contact anyone from here, since I agree, it is a shame. The site was really good.