Glory Hole In The Park
I must say that as I left the school I had a spring in my step feeling pretty pleased with myself after my assessment meeting with Miss Webster and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to look at her in the same way ever again, yes she was prim and proper on the outside but fuck me if she wasn’t a sexual goddess once you broke down the barriers and hopefully it wouldn’t come back and bite me in the arse in the future, I was good at keeping secrets and I could see absolutely no benefit in talking about my sexual conquests, I would just carry on being the loner and keeping myself to myself.
As I crossed the road I happened to see a girl coming out of Sandy’s house and I immediately recognised her as the girl that shouted out ‘pervert’ on the stairs which got me busted for looking up her skirt which after the satisfactory outcome resulting in a session with Miss Grimes I had long decided it all worked in my favour so I had no axe to grind even if I was pissed off at the time. My initial thought process was had Sandy said anything to her about my massage techniques or mentioned anything about our time together but she didn’t see me crossing the road so I decided to follow her at a distance especially as her skirt was rather short and she did have nice legs, not as long as Sandy’s but nice all the same.
As it turned out it looked like she was heading towards the park which was on my way home too so I wasn’t exactly going out of my way and I figured that unless she makes the first move then I would just observe taking in the view of her tight arse and nice legs as I didn’t want to make a fool of myself and risk my friendship with Sandy and I was gobsmacked when I got into the park there was no sign of the girl, where the fuck did she go?
I looked all around and couldn’t see her anywhere, there was a small café in the corner which had a path down the side, the café was closed so she wasn’t in there and I noticed a sign pointing down the path which said ‘Toilets’ so thinking that I had lost my prey I thought I would go for a piss and then head home.
The toilet block was small and on the door it just said ‘Toilet’ which in itself was strange as it didn’t say ladies or gents and if I’m honest it looked a bit run down so I was fully expecting the door to be locked but it wasn’t and creaked a bit as I pushed it open, the lighting wasn’t good and as I walked down the small corridor and turned I couldn’t see any urinals and there were just two cubicles one of which had the door closed with the nearer one open, I still needed a piss so I went in and closed the door which didn’t have a lock but I figured this place was so out of the way and hidden that it was unlikely I would be disturbed. I knew there was someone in the next cubicle and didn’t pay any attention to it as I stood at the toilet bowl and unzipped my trousers and as I was holding my cock taking a piss I started to look at the walls which were covered in writing, I was gobsmacked reading things like, ‘Sarah’s a good fuck’ and ‘James sucks cock’ and I had to chuckle to myself at what looked like an unofficial message board and then I saw an arrow pointing down to a hole in the dividing partition which reminded me of the toilets up at the common, ‘Get sucked here’ it said at the top of the arrow.
I was still pissing but I felt my cock start to harden as my immediate thought was that whoever was next door was watching me pissing and from my experiences up at the common I was getting turned on at the anonymity of being sucked by an unknown person, I couldn’t see who was next door as I was standing up but I knew someone was there and I was getting excited at the thought of them watching me piss.
As my golden stream started to subside I looked around the small cubicle and noticed that there was a good gap of about 12” at the bottom and another big gap at the top and I could definitely hear breathing coming from the unknown person so when I finally finished I stood there milking the drips from my cock which was now starting to fill with blood and it was all for the benefit of my neighbour whoever he or she was.
I turned slightly towards the hole which wasn’t as big as the one at the common but big enough to get a hand through so I inched my way closer as my cock got harder so I decided to undo my trousers and let them fall to the ground quickly followed by my underpants so I was now standing there basically naked from the waist down with an erection which I was slowly stroking right in front of the hole with the person next door watching.
“Mmm nice cock” I heard whisper from the next cubicle and for some reason I was convinced it was a female voice, surely it couldn’t be Sandy’s friend, could it? She had disappeared into thin air so it would make sense and I even felt my cock getting harder with that thought in my mind, I so wanted to crouch down and look but I feared that knowing each other’s identity would bring this scenario to an abrupt end.
I stood my ground and the tip of my cock was now adjacent to the hole as I continued rubbing and pulling the skin back to expose my swollen head, the ‘girl’ next door seemed to be breathing heavier as I teased, “Oh yes, Mmm that looks so good mister” she whispered and now I was not only convinced it was a female but I was now certain it was Sandy’s friend and feeling quite sure this wasn’t the first time she had been into these toilets, damn.. her mouthy friend was a true cock sucking slut and I was about to reap the benefits and she wont even know it was me. “You want it sucked mister” came the soft whispering voice and the fact she was calling me mister meant she had no idea I was from the school and a couple of years younger, I guess she thought from the size of my erection that I was a grown man.
I slowly eased my cock through the hole inch by inch until my belly was tight to the partition and I then felt her fingers pulling my balls through the hole too and then as I held on to the top of the partition for support I felt her tongue running up and down the shaft before swirling around the head and then wrapping her lips around the shaft I felt her sucking hard on the tip, damn.. my knees started shaking as she went to work on my cock and it was obvious that this girl was an experienced cock sucker and although I wasn’t 100% certain it was the 6th form girl I was enjoying it just the same, she was quickly bringing me to the brink and then changed her technique so as not to make me cum which confused me a little but then making me think that she was actually enjoying sucking the cock that had just been inside Miss Websters pussy, surely she could taste it which made it all the more arousing.
I didn’t know how much longer I could hold on as my knees were shaking which made the partition rattle and I could feel the tightness of the girls throat as she deepthroated me through the hole, I had to muffle my cries as my cock started to pulsate shooting my cum down her throat and I knew she was swallowing it as she tightened her grip to the point I could feel her teeth on my shaft, it was such an intense orgasm that I was struggling to keep control of my body and was basically hanging from the partition while my anonymous friend sucked the last few drops out of me and I figured that all the time she had contact with my cock I wouldn’t withdraw.
I had to figure out my exit strategy as I wanted to leave first as I didn’t want her to know who she had just blown however knowing who she was would give me the edge and with my cock still through the hole the answer to my exit strategy arrived as I heard the outside door open.
With both cubicle doors closed even though mine wasn’t locked I heard the person waited outside and then as there appeared to be no contact on my softening cock I decided to pull back quickly pulling up my underpants and trousers flushing the chain to let the person waiting know I was about to leave and as there was no flushing from next door I figured she was going to stay for another cock that was waiting outside.
The light wasn’t brilliant as I opened the cubicle door but it was good enough for me to see the man waiting to take my place, I was totally gobsmacked when I realised who the girls next customer was and luckily I don’t think he recognised me as after seeing his face and we didn’t make eye contact, I left rather quickly.
I went into the trees and found myself a good vantage point to see who actually came out and gave some thought as to how I could use the fact that I saw Mr Mott the new headmaster going into a toilet block to be sucked off by one of his 6th form students to my advantage, did he know who was in the other cubicle and did the girl know that she was sucking off the headmaster? This was valuable information and I was starting to get aroused again as I made myself comfortable knowing that the knowledge I had was powerful. I can see now how Mr Mott was so lenient with me as he obviously didn’t want to reprimand me for something that he probably does himself, I was in a good position and I loved it.
I hate sitting around but it gave me time to think, how many other students knew that the glory hole was there? How many other teachers knew it was there? I didn’t even know the café was there as I never went through the park the way I did today but it was worth knowing especially the chance of getting an anonymous blow job anytime I wanted without having to cycle up to the common. I was feeling quite pleased with myself when I saw Mr Mott exit the toilet block with a smile on his face and walk down the pathway back to the school where his car was probably parked. I waited for the girl to appear and at one point wondered if there was another exit or whether she was waiting for more cock to arrive as it was at least 10 minutes before she finally appeared and my suspicions were spot on as it was Sandy’s friend.
She seemed to be walking my way which left me with a dilemma in so far as do I make myself known or not, if I did would she associate me with the first guy or just an accidental meeting in the park? I didn’t have long to decide as she got closer walking down the path towards my hiding place, I decided against making myself known as there was always the chance she would associate me to her earlier bellyful of cum but if I didn’t she wouldn’t even know I was there but the fact I knew it was her was gold dust in my eyes so I let her pass with the knowledge that I knew her secret but she didn’t know mine.
I did enjoy her blow job and it made me want more but under the right circumstances so I needed to formulate a plan that would give me the freedom to fuck her properly and I knew that Sandy would be instrumental in making that happen but that was a task for another day so I decided to cut through the woods to the other side of the park and make my way home. I must admit that I got lost and had no idea where I was and as I came to a little clearing I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw the same girl sitting on a makeshift bench smoking what looked like a joint, “Oh hello there” I said in a surprised voice, “What are you up to?” I added as she looked up at me with totally glazed eyes obviously emanating from what she was smoking.
“Hey mate, how you doing?” came her reply as she held out the joint offering me a hit and never having smoked one before I was a bit hesitant but decided to accept, “Thank you” I said and took a big hit and immediately felt dizzy with the strength of it and handed it back, “Oh I’m just chilling mate” she said trying to focus on me, “Do I know you?” she asked and hoped she didn’t recognise me from the toilets which if she did I had no idea how as I never spoke nor did I show my face, “Oh you probably seen me in school” I replied which seemed to satisfy her as she again passed me the joint which I gracefully accepted and was quite enjoying the effect it was having on my head and I was feeling a bit wobbly, “You might wanna sit down mate” she said seeing the effect to smoke was having on me so I did just that and sat on the ground right in front of her which gave me a perfect albeit dazed view right up her short skirt, “I’m Alex by the way” she said as we passed the joint between us and with her knees slightly parted and her skirt so short I had the perfect view of her white panties and she was so fucked up she either didn’t care or she didn’t realise it, at least she wasn’t shouting out ‘pervert’ this time.
“I’m Frank, great to meet you Alex and thanks for sharing” I said as we both started to get the giggles, “Oh and you got great legs” I said as the giggles took over, luckily she saw the funny side of my comment looking down at her pins and lifting up her skirt to let me see right to the top, “Thanks mate, they go right up to the top too” she said giggling and not even being concerned that she had just shown me her knickers in their entirety, “Oh yes, and you have nice panties too” I said still giggling at our total stupidity as the joint took effect on both of us.
Alex was in a silly mood and lifted up her skirt again allowing me a lovely view of her tight white gusset, “Oh really mate, do you think so” she said still giggling giving me an even longer look between her smooth thighs, I could feel my trouser snake responding but I don’t think she could see or even focus further than her nose.
My head was spinning and I was also finding it hard to focus and I had to get on my knees and crawl closer to Alex in order to pass back the smoke which was now almost gone and as I rested my elbow on her knee her legs spread like butter and it seemed that she had no control over her body, “Ooops thanks mate” she said taking the smoke and finishing it off and she was now sitting on the makeshift bench with her legs spread wide and me kneeling rather close looking straight between her legs.
Alex sat there leaning back with her eyes closed as she enjoyed the effects of her high and didn’t really notice I was so close to her especially so close to her panties and the effects of my own high was making me feel quite horny and seeing her close up wasn’t helping the boner that was now evident in the front of my trousers.
I got my head closer and could smell the musky aroma and let my tongue run up and down her gusset when she opened her eyes, “What are you doing?” she sighed softly with a giggle unable to move due to the effects of the rather strong smoke we’d had, “Oh I was just trying to get up Alex but lost my balance and my face ended up between your legs, so sorry” I said still having a fit of the giggles, “Oh that’s ok then mate, I thought you were trying to eat my knickers” she replied also having the giggles which wasn’t too far from the truth, “No Alex, if I was going to eat your panties I would slip my hands under your arse like this” I said pushing my hands underneath her arse and inside her panties grabbing the bare flesh of her arse cheek, “And then I would pull you closer to my face like this” I continued pulling her crotch towards my face and started to gnaw away at the panties and as I had my hands inside the back it loosened them between her legs allowing me to get my tongue inside and taste her sweet labia lips.
“Oooh right, sorry for misreading the situation but Mmm what you’re doing is nice” she sighed letting me carry on and even widened her legs more which increased my access into the front of her knickers. As I was getting my tongue further into her I suddenly realised that what I was tasting wasn’t just her sweet juices but a mixture of her juices and semen which told me that our beloved headmaster didn’t get blown in the toilets but actually fucked Alex and I was now licking out the proceeds which for some perverted reason was actually turning me on to think that I was eating his cum plus the added bonus knowing that Alex really was a total slut.
With my hands still inside the back of her panties I let my fingers push into her crack and I heard her gasp as I pushed one into her dry hole, my head was all over the place and I wasn’t totally aware of what I was doing but I soon got the impression that Alex had enough as she told me she was sorry and had to get home, I was convinced that wouldn’t be the last with Alex and we both staggered to the edge of the woods where I then knew where I was and was able to get myself home from there full of a fresh batch of knowledge.
As I crossed the road I happened to see a girl coming out of Sandy’s house and I immediately recognised her as the girl that shouted out ‘pervert’ on the stairs which got me busted for looking up her skirt which after the satisfactory outcome resulting in a session with Miss Grimes I had long decided it all worked in my favour so I had no axe to grind even if I was pissed off at the time. My initial thought process was had Sandy said anything to her about my massage techniques or mentioned anything about our time together but she didn’t see me crossing the road so I decided to follow her at a distance especially as her skirt was rather short and she did have nice legs, not as long as Sandy’s but nice all the same.
As it turned out it looked like she was heading towards the park which was on my way home too so I wasn’t exactly going out of my way and I figured that unless she makes the first move then I would just observe taking in the view of her tight arse and nice legs as I didn’t want to make a fool of myself and risk my friendship with Sandy and I was gobsmacked when I got into the park there was no sign of the girl, where the fuck did she go?
I looked all around and couldn’t see her anywhere, there was a small café in the corner which had a path down the side, the café was closed so she wasn’t in there and I noticed a sign pointing down the path which said ‘Toilets’ so thinking that I had lost my prey I thought I would go for a piss and then head home.
The toilet block was small and on the door it just said ‘Toilet’ which in itself was strange as it didn’t say ladies or gents and if I’m honest it looked a bit run down so I was fully expecting the door to be locked but it wasn’t and creaked a bit as I pushed it open, the lighting wasn’t good and as I walked down the small corridor and turned I couldn’t see any urinals and there were just two cubicles one of which had the door closed with the nearer one open, I still needed a piss so I went in and closed the door which didn’t have a lock but I figured this place was so out of the way and hidden that it was unlikely I would be disturbed. I knew there was someone in the next cubicle and didn’t pay any attention to it as I stood at the toilet bowl and unzipped my trousers and as I was holding my cock taking a piss I started to look at the walls which were covered in writing, I was gobsmacked reading things like, ‘Sarah’s a good fuck’ and ‘James sucks cock’ and I had to chuckle to myself at what looked like an unofficial message board and then I saw an arrow pointing down to a hole in the dividing partition which reminded me of the toilets up at the common, ‘Get sucked here’ it said at the top of the arrow.
I was still pissing but I felt my cock start to harden as my immediate thought was that whoever was next door was watching me pissing and from my experiences up at the common I was getting turned on at the anonymity of being sucked by an unknown person, I couldn’t see who was next door as I was standing up but I knew someone was there and I was getting excited at the thought of them watching me piss.
As my golden stream started to subside I looked around the small cubicle and noticed that there was a good gap of about 12” at the bottom and another big gap at the top and I could definitely hear breathing coming from the unknown person so when I finally finished I stood there milking the drips from my cock which was now starting to fill with blood and it was all for the benefit of my neighbour whoever he or she was.
I turned slightly towards the hole which wasn’t as big as the one at the common but big enough to get a hand through so I inched my way closer as my cock got harder so I decided to undo my trousers and let them fall to the ground quickly followed by my underpants so I was now standing there basically naked from the waist down with an erection which I was slowly stroking right in front of the hole with the person next door watching.
“Mmm nice cock” I heard whisper from the next cubicle and for some reason I was convinced it was a female voice, surely it couldn’t be Sandy’s friend, could it? She had disappeared into thin air so it would make sense and I even felt my cock getting harder with that thought in my mind, I so wanted to crouch down and look but I feared that knowing each other’s identity would bring this scenario to an abrupt end.
I stood my ground and the tip of my cock was now adjacent to the hole as I continued rubbing and pulling the skin back to expose my swollen head, the ‘girl’ next door seemed to be breathing heavier as I teased, “Oh yes, Mmm that looks so good mister” she whispered and now I was not only convinced it was a female but I was now certain it was Sandy’s friend and feeling quite sure this wasn’t the first time she had been into these toilets, damn.. her mouthy friend was a true cock sucking slut and I was about to reap the benefits and she wont even know it was me. “You want it sucked mister” came the soft whispering voice and the fact she was calling me mister meant she had no idea I was from the school and a couple of years younger, I guess she thought from the size of my erection that I was a grown man.
I slowly eased my cock through the hole inch by inch until my belly was tight to the partition and I then felt her fingers pulling my balls through the hole too and then as I held on to the top of the partition for support I felt her tongue running up and down the shaft before swirling around the head and then wrapping her lips around the shaft I felt her sucking hard on the tip, damn.. my knees started shaking as she went to work on my cock and it was obvious that this girl was an experienced cock sucker and although I wasn’t 100% certain it was the 6th form girl I was enjoying it just the same, she was quickly bringing me to the brink and then changed her technique so as not to make me cum which confused me a little but then making me think that she was actually enjoying sucking the cock that had just been inside Miss Websters pussy, surely she could taste it which made it all the more arousing.
I didn’t know how much longer I could hold on as my knees were shaking which made the partition rattle and I could feel the tightness of the girls throat as she deepthroated me through the hole, I had to muffle my cries as my cock started to pulsate shooting my cum down her throat and I knew she was swallowing it as she tightened her grip to the point I could feel her teeth on my shaft, it was such an intense orgasm that I was struggling to keep control of my body and was basically hanging from the partition while my anonymous friend sucked the last few drops out of me and I figured that all the time she had contact with my cock I wouldn’t withdraw.
I had to figure out my exit strategy as I wanted to leave first as I didn’t want her to know who she had just blown however knowing who she was would give me the edge and with my cock still through the hole the answer to my exit strategy arrived as I heard the outside door open.
With both cubicle doors closed even though mine wasn’t locked I heard the person waited outside and then as there appeared to be no contact on my softening cock I decided to pull back quickly pulling up my underpants and trousers flushing the chain to let the person waiting know I was about to leave and as there was no flushing from next door I figured she was going to stay for another cock that was waiting outside.
The light wasn’t brilliant as I opened the cubicle door but it was good enough for me to see the man waiting to take my place, I was totally gobsmacked when I realised who the girls next customer was and luckily I don’t think he recognised me as after seeing his face and we didn’t make eye contact, I left rather quickly.
I went into the trees and found myself a good vantage point to see who actually came out and gave some thought as to how I could use the fact that I saw Mr Mott the new headmaster going into a toilet block to be sucked off by one of his 6th form students to my advantage, did he know who was in the other cubicle and did the girl know that she was sucking off the headmaster? This was valuable information and I was starting to get aroused again as I made myself comfortable knowing that the knowledge I had was powerful. I can see now how Mr Mott was so lenient with me as he obviously didn’t want to reprimand me for something that he probably does himself, I was in a good position and I loved it.
I hate sitting around but it gave me time to think, how many other students knew that the glory hole was there? How many other teachers knew it was there? I didn’t even know the café was there as I never went through the park the way I did today but it was worth knowing especially the chance of getting an anonymous blow job anytime I wanted without having to cycle up to the common. I was feeling quite pleased with myself when I saw Mr Mott exit the toilet block with a smile on his face and walk down the pathway back to the school where his car was probably parked. I waited for the girl to appear and at one point wondered if there was another exit or whether she was waiting for more cock to arrive as it was at least 10 minutes before she finally appeared and my suspicions were spot on as it was Sandy’s friend.
She seemed to be walking my way which left me with a dilemma in so far as do I make myself known or not, if I did would she associate me with the first guy or just an accidental meeting in the park? I didn’t have long to decide as she got closer walking down the path towards my hiding place, I decided against making myself known as there was always the chance she would associate me to her earlier bellyful of cum but if I didn’t she wouldn’t even know I was there but the fact I knew it was her was gold dust in my eyes so I let her pass with the knowledge that I knew her secret but she didn’t know mine.
I did enjoy her blow job and it made me want more but under the right circumstances so I needed to formulate a plan that would give me the freedom to fuck her properly and I knew that Sandy would be instrumental in making that happen but that was a task for another day so I decided to cut through the woods to the other side of the park and make my way home. I must admit that I got lost and had no idea where I was and as I came to a little clearing I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw the same girl sitting on a makeshift bench smoking what looked like a joint, “Oh hello there” I said in a surprised voice, “What are you up to?” I added as she looked up at me with totally glazed eyes obviously emanating from what she was smoking.
“Hey mate, how you doing?” came her reply as she held out the joint offering me a hit and never having smoked one before I was a bit hesitant but decided to accept, “Thank you” I said and took a big hit and immediately felt dizzy with the strength of it and handed it back, “Oh I’m just chilling mate” she said trying to focus on me, “Do I know you?” she asked and hoped she didn’t recognise me from the toilets which if she did I had no idea how as I never spoke nor did I show my face, “Oh you probably seen me in school” I replied which seemed to satisfy her as she again passed me the joint which I gracefully accepted and was quite enjoying the effect it was having on my head and I was feeling a bit wobbly, “You might wanna sit down mate” she said seeing the effect to smoke was having on me so I did just that and sat on the ground right in front of her which gave me a perfect albeit dazed view right up her short skirt, “I’m Alex by the way” she said as we passed the joint between us and with her knees slightly parted and her skirt so short I had the perfect view of her white panties and she was so fucked up she either didn’t care or she didn’t realise it, at least she wasn’t shouting out ‘pervert’ this time.
“I’m Frank, great to meet you Alex and thanks for sharing” I said as we both started to get the giggles, “Oh and you got great legs” I said as the giggles took over, luckily she saw the funny side of my comment looking down at her pins and lifting up her skirt to let me see right to the top, “Thanks mate, they go right up to the top too” she said giggling and not even being concerned that she had just shown me her knickers in their entirety, “Oh yes, and you have nice panties too” I said still giggling at our total stupidity as the joint took effect on both of us.
Alex was in a silly mood and lifted up her skirt again allowing me a lovely view of her tight white gusset, “Oh really mate, do you think so” she said still giggling giving me an even longer look between her smooth thighs, I could feel my trouser snake responding but I don’t think she could see or even focus further than her nose.
My head was spinning and I was also finding it hard to focus and I had to get on my knees and crawl closer to Alex in order to pass back the smoke which was now almost gone and as I rested my elbow on her knee her legs spread like butter and it seemed that she had no control over her body, “Ooops thanks mate” she said taking the smoke and finishing it off and she was now sitting on the makeshift bench with her legs spread wide and me kneeling rather close looking straight between her legs.
Alex sat there leaning back with her eyes closed as she enjoyed the effects of her high and didn’t really notice I was so close to her especially so close to her panties and the effects of my own high was making me feel quite horny and seeing her close up wasn’t helping the boner that was now evident in the front of my trousers.
I got my head closer and could smell the musky aroma and let my tongue run up and down her gusset when she opened her eyes, “What are you doing?” she sighed softly with a giggle unable to move due to the effects of the rather strong smoke we’d had, “Oh I was just trying to get up Alex but lost my balance and my face ended up between your legs, so sorry” I said still having a fit of the giggles, “Oh that’s ok then mate, I thought you were trying to eat my knickers” she replied also having the giggles which wasn’t too far from the truth, “No Alex, if I was going to eat your panties I would slip my hands under your arse like this” I said pushing my hands underneath her arse and inside her panties grabbing the bare flesh of her arse cheek, “And then I would pull you closer to my face like this” I continued pulling her crotch towards my face and started to gnaw away at the panties and as I had my hands inside the back it loosened them between her legs allowing me to get my tongue inside and taste her sweet labia lips.
“Oooh right, sorry for misreading the situation but Mmm what you’re doing is nice” she sighed letting me carry on and even widened her legs more which increased my access into the front of her knickers. As I was getting my tongue further into her I suddenly realised that what I was tasting wasn’t just her sweet juices but a mixture of her juices and semen which told me that our beloved headmaster didn’t get blown in the toilets but actually fucked Alex and I was now licking out the proceeds which for some perverted reason was actually turning me on to think that I was eating his cum plus the added bonus knowing that Alex really was a total slut.
With my hands still inside the back of her panties I let my fingers push into her crack and I heard her gasp as I pushed one into her dry hole, my head was all over the place and I wasn’t totally aware of what I was doing but I soon got the impression that Alex had enough as she told me she was sorry and had to get home, I was convinced that wouldn’t be the last with Alex and we both staggered to the edge of the woods where I then knew where I was and was able to get myself home from there full of a fresh batch of knowledge.
3 年 前