Forest Adventure

After the sightseeing session was over I decided to spend a pleasant hour “enjoying myself” - again in the local forest . I had found an ideal spot a couple of days earlier earlier soon after we arrived at the little village hotel. It was about a 30 minute walk from the village up the winding path that led up the mountain. The local forest was at a low enough altitude to contain a mixture of broad leaved trees as well as the usual tall pines. My chosen spot was off the beaten path about another ten minute walk up the hillside. There must have been a storm a few years earlier because several of the broad leaved trees had been brought down leaving a small clearing which had been partially re-colonised by grasses and a few low shrubs. The surrounding trees made a nice protective barrier to shield me from prying eyes from the path below me. Although, as usual, I half hoped some-one might stumble across me when I had stripped off.
As usual I walked around the area just to make sure there was no-one else around at that moment. When I was satisfied I began my usual preparations. I got out the video camera and began to record an introduction to the video I hoped to post on -line when we got back to the UK. I then set the camera on the remains of one of the fallen trees near the edge of the clearing and stripped of my shirt and carefully laid it over the trunk. Then I took off my trainers and socks and pulled down my jeans. Already I could feel the gentle breezes blowing over my exposed skin and felt that usual exciting tingle in my groin as my penis began to swell and my balls began to tuck up tight against me. I carefully laid my clothes neatly over my shirt and then, after one final check to make sure I was all clear I pulled my underpants down and placed them on the pile. I was stark naked in the woods, again ,and ready to enjoy a good wank session. I smiled at the camera and got ready for the next stage.
There has to be some slight chance of being seen for me to get the full satisfaction so my rule is that I must be well away from any clothing and must be totally naked . So no shoes or socks!My heart was beating that little bit faster and I already had a semi- hardon which I caught quite well in the camera view finder as I walked out into the middle of the clearing in the late afternoon sunshine.
There was a tree stump over by the far edge of the clearing so I decided to make that the spot for my latest “performance”.I set up the camera and made a few checks to make sure I would be in full shot at the climax. The sun was shining so the light was good and it was pleasantly warm. When I was satisfied I began to stroke my body and penis and quickly became fully aroused .It is always a wonderful sensation to be naked and aroused in the open air. I never tire of it and strip and masturbate outdoors whenever I get the chance. Each time seems more pleasurable than the last. Knowing I can enjoy the event again when I edit the video and post it is an extra thrill and the hoped- for thousands of views is the icing on the cake.
I wanted to enjoy the feeling for as long as possible so I was just gently caressing the tip of my penis with the thumb and forefinger of my right hand when I heard a rustle in the undergrowth a few feet away from me on the edge of the clearing. I froze as I expected to see a hiker walk out and catch me in the act. I was too far away from my clothes to reach them in time to cover my nakedness. Then an a****l emerged from the trees. At first I thought it was just a dog. That was bad enough because its owner might be just behind but then I realized with shock it was a Wolf. I had heard that wolves had been re-introduced into the wild in Austria but didn't think they were a danger to humans.
It was a large grey wolf. It looked about 6 feet long and stood a good three feet at the shoulder. It could certainly do me a lot of harm if it wanted. It stopped a few feet away from me then it hackles rose and it bared its teeth at me with a threatening growl. My hear was really beating now and my mouth was dry. Any feeling of sexual excitement had long gone. I didn't know what to do. If I ran it would have me in seconds. I couldn't fight it off I am not a particularly strong man - after all I am in my late 60's. I t seems stupid now but I decided to play dead. I dropped to the ground and curled up into a tight ball with my arms over my head. If it was going to attack it wouldn't have a clear target.
As I lay there I heard the soft pad of its feet as it came closer. The I felt its muzzle and hot breath on the back of my neck. I tried to keep absolutely motionless and stop my panicked breathing. It growled softly but then moved away. I relaxed slightly. It wasn't interested in me. Then I heard it move behind me and I felt its muzzle on my bottom. Then I felt its tongue begin licking it. My arse has never been licked by another guy let alone a wild a****l . It was another shock. Instinctively, I curled up even more tightly. At this the wolf growled threateningly and gave me a nip on my left buttock almost as if it wanted me to uncurl. I didn't want to antagonise it further so stretched out a little more. It stopped growling and resumed nuzzling me with its snout. I realised that I was in a submissive position as far as the wolf was concerned and it could do with me what it wanted. I was half horrified and half fascinated. The a****l didn't want to kill me – it wanted to fuck me!I sneaked a quick look over my shoulder. The wolf had its tail straight up in the air and I could just glimpse a pink object just beginning to emerge from between its legs which were spread proudly.
The wolf looked straight at me with its yellow eyes and I looked away. I didn't want to appear to challenge him .I heard him move away and I relaxed slightly but then I felt his muzzle against my left side. He growled and pushed against me. He wanted me to change position! When I resisted he nipped my buttock again. This time I rolled onto my stomach but still kept my legs tucked in. The wolf simply grabbed me by an ankle and pulled my leg straight. I couldn't resist and when it did the same with the other leg I let him arrange me as he wanted.
I was now face down with my arms over my head but otherwise stretched out. The wolf resumed sniffing and licking my anus. The feel of its rough warm tongue was extraordinary and I felt a warm glow begin to spread in my groin again even though I was pressed hard against the ground. That soon began to change. The wolf padded to my side and pushed its massive head under my thigh and began to try to lift me. It wanted me to adopt the position! I couldn't believe what was happening. A few minutes ago I was about to enjoy a nice wank and now a ferocious a****l wanted to fuck me up my arse! At first I hesitated but a warning growl in my ear persuaded me to obey. I shuffled onto my knees and raised my arse upwards . I saw I had a massive erection of my own swinging below me. My body certainly knew what it wanted even if I was feeling rather more reluctant. In my time I had watched a few illicit b********y videos so I thought I knew what would happen next but I had never expected to be a star in one.
I looked back and the wolf was right behind me. Its tail almost as stiff and upright as my own cock below me. The pink object between its legs had grown a little longer and ,at first, I thought the wolf was having a pee but then I realised precum was streaming from it. The wolf was clearly enjoying himself already. I was so aroused I was also looking forward to what would follow. The wolf seemed to be staring at my raised anus. I imagined its view of my little brown arse-hole framed by my white buttocks. It is quite a nice view even though I say it myself. After a few delicious moments of hesitation The wolf launched itself onto my back . He seemed to weigh a ton and my face was pushed hard into the ground as I struggled to support myself so he could enter me. I felt his cock jabbing at my buttocks as he tried to enter without success. I could feel a warm sticky fluid running over my anus and down between my buttocks as the pre-cum poured from him. His fore-paws had a clamp-like grip on my ribs and I could hear his panting almost in my ear then I felt him slip inside me.I was half fearing the sensation but it was almost effortless and I was slightly disappointed. Was that all there was to It?! Then he began to pound against me and almost immediately I could feel him thickening inside me. I have played with a few butt plugs in my time so I could accommodate him reasonably comfortably but as he continued to pound me his cock continued to expand and I experienced an almost exquisite feeling of pain as my anus was pushed wider and wider. I read later that a wolf's penis can grow up to 10 inches long. His felt more like a foot. I almost felt as though it was pushing up against my abdomen and could burst through at any moment. He was whining in my ear as I struggled to support his weight and I was gasping from a mixture of effort and passion . Then I felt his cock jerk convulsively and I felt what seemed like gallons of cum gushing up me. That was enough for me and my cock also jerked and I had the most intense orgasm I have ever felt before or since and my cum gushed onto the ground beneath me in a steaming pool. However, if I thought that was the end of the matter I was mistaken. The pressure inside my anus began to increase even more dramatically. I thought I might split in two. I realised I was being knotted! The base of his cock was swelling enormously and there was nothing I could do about it. Fortunately, just as the pain was becoming almost unbearable it settled to a dull ache.
The wolf was almost as spent as I was and he simply collapsed on top of me. I knew there was nothing I could do until his knot subsided and he could withdraw. I hoped that as far as he was concerned he would then leave me alone having had his “wicked way” with me!I lay there for about 5 minutes with him panting on top of me. The he raised his forelegs. I hoped he wasn't going to pull out as I could feel him stuck firmly up my arse and didn't want to be damaged. Instead he twisted round so our backside were touching. The feel of his knot twisting in me was quite painful but I could bear it. We lay like that for a few more minutes then I felt him pull out with a sucking noise. I felt his cum oozing out as he did so. I lay motionless half relieved and half sorry it was over and unsure what would follow. When I dared to look round the wolf was sitting a few feet away licking his private parts. I hoped he would not try to do the same for me as his fangs looked pretty ferocious. Instead, after a few more moment he got to his feet and padded away from me. I sat up as he reached the far edge of the clearing. He stopped and looked back at me. He almost seemed to have a smile on his face. Then he disappeared into the forest.
The sun was going down and I was shivering,partly from the chill in the air and the emotion of what had just happened. Here I was, stark naked ,dripping his cum and mine in a deserted woodland. I had some scratches on my ribs from where his claws had gripped me and a couple of bruise on my buttocks from his “love bites” but otherwise I was unharmed. Mind you, my backside did feel like it was on fire but in a delicious way.
I hobbled across to my clothes got dressed and went back to the Hotel for a good shower. The next morning I remembered the video camera was still in the forest. I went to collect later in the day. It was still there. The marks in the grass where I had been “****d” where also still there and the memory gave me an instant erection. I had a soothing wank there and then. I did not really want to risk a second wolf session which might not end so well. When we got home I watched the video. It was amazing -almost as though it had been shot deliberately. I had to have another wank but couldn't post it on-line as it was too extreme and my face could be clearly seen Even I didn't want to take that risk.
A few weeks later I read that a large grey wolf had been i*****lly shot by some farmer worried about his flock. I hoped it wasn't my wolf but who knows?!
发布者 bigears
3 年 前
Mds1636 2 年 前
Great story, love the twist of a wolf
cheatinghubby1 2 年 前
i'm a k9 lover
oralfettish 3 年 前
Lovely post 