Who I Am (nutshelled)

I am a white male in my early 50's and I have been serving the spanking needs and desires of women in my area for around 30 years now. I find college students from WVU and Washington Jefferson University turn to me more that any other for my services in providing them with structure. I understand that their new found freedom can be a little much for them and how they miss the rules, guidance and consequences they recieve at home.

The other type of woman that I find turning to me more than others is the married girl. Women deserve a safe place to experience spanking in their lives without the risk of losing their marriage over it. They also deserve not to be seduced and m*****ed during these very delicate encounters.

No matter who you are, you deserve to be treated with dignity and respect and feel safe and confident that agreements will be made and kept and your limits and boundaries respected. Anyone who tells you a spanking is not a spanking if it is not on the bare bottom is full of it! There is so much more to spanking than the physical act itself, and I have a deep understanding of the emotion and even the psychology behind it for a girl.

If you are ready to finally experience this in your life and live near my area, reach out to me and let's get to know one another. I can be found as top underscore jimmy on several popular apps. Just go fishing and try and find me. Or you can always write me at top underscore jimmy at mail dot com. It all starts with simple conversation. If we have chemistry, we'll both feel it pretty darn quick. If we don't, we lost nothing by having a chat.
3 年 前