Sasaeng Fan

Hey..again lol. So I just uploaded the first post a few hours ago. Now here I am making a second one. I honestly suggest reading it to understand this one so I'll link it down below. However it is entirely up to you if you wanna read it.

Link to first post:

Moving forward, despite being on a pornsite, I want people to know me. I also really enjoy story telling which is why writing is one of my hobbies. And what better way to get to know someone and story tell than to share experiences? Now obviously I'm a virgin with zero sexual experiences. There are many reasons as to why but I won't get into it on this post.

So as I said in the previous post, this is NOT my first account and I am NOT new here. I went into details about my first account and answered a few questions but I didn't really get into the specifics. I skimmed through the surface & that was just the tip of the iceberg. But now? We get into the chunks.

But before I get into it, a little disclaimer & fair warning. This story is not for the faint-hearted. This story will discuss topics that may be triggering to some people. Viewer/reader discretion is advised.

So what's a Sasaeng fan? A sasaeng, or sasaeng fan, is an obsessive fan who stalks or engages in other behavior constituting an invasion of the privacy of celebrities, specifically Korean idols, drama actors or other public figures. It is a term coined by K-pop fans to describe "fans" that take things to an extreme. Sasaeng fans steal personal things from their idols. They break into their favorite idols homes. They even endanger their life and their idol's life by paying taxis to speed chase and follow their idols on the road.

The main part I want all of you to focus on is how obsessive and dangerous they are.

Many years ago on my first account, I had my own sasaeng fan. artu1028. At first, things were nice and wholesome. He was sweet, kind and it felt refreshing talking to someone that didn't treat me like a fleshlight (at least in the beginning). So I ended up befriending this guy. But things eventually took a turn for the worse.

My sasaeng fan Artu did the following:

❖ ​stalked my page/profile multiple times a day

❖ ​got extremely possessive over me

​harassed others that messaged me

​threatened and blackmailed me

All that and tried to play the victim. I should mention this happened 4 almost 5 years ago, making it all the more disturbing. For those that don't understand what I'm saying, I'm 20 turning 21. Do the math. I was not an adult yet. And he knew that very well. He was like 25 at the time of all this. Now to get into more details as to what he did.

stalked my page/profile multiple times a day

This one is pretty straightforward. Artu would message me on and off the site (gave him my WhatsApp...big mistake) and would ask why I was online. And he'd do that every single time I was on. I usually logged on multiple times a day back then so he did this pretty often. That should have been an immediate red flag.

❖ ​got extremely possessive over me

This one ties in with the online stalking. He would get upset whenever I was online. He didn't like it & wanted me to talk to him and only him. He would also want me doing personal stuff for him like take selfies, talk to him over the phone, go on cam etc. Artu even went as far as to calling me his "little kitty princess" & wanted me to call him my "teddy bear". A ton of his requests--or demands better said---were romantic and quite sexual.

❖ ​harassed others that messaged me

As if harassing a sophomore in high school wasn't bad enough already, he would drag others into the situation. Whether it was guys that commented on my profile or those I private messaged and had conversations with, Artu would contact those people and lie to them. He would say I was his gf and then continuously say mean things to them or tell them to never message me again. It got to the point where he found out what my password was, hacked my account, blocked those people he didn't like. I only got my account after begging him and doing things for him I didn't want to do.

threatened and blackmailed me

If you thought all of that was horrid, it get even worse. I'm putting a trigger warning here. At the time I was a naive & gullible girl. In a sense, I still am. From this experience I truly understood the danger of befriending people online. You never know 100% who you're talking to. And there's no guarantee that these people care about your well-being and or your safety. This is exactly why I call him a sasaeng fan.

Whenever I said no, resisted or tried to get away from him.. Artu would threaten me. Threaten to show up to my school. Threaten to break into my home. Would tell me if I got a boyfriend that he'd k*ll him. He also said he would **** me and breed me. However, there were time he used different approaches to get me to do what he wanted. Such as: posting my under*ge nudes on here, releasing personal info of me on here, calling me 52 times while i was at school, sending me videos of him cutting himself and showing pics of guns saying he'd commit suic*de and it would be all my fault.

All that just to see me naked on cam while I was 16.

Now you all are probably wondering why didn't i just block him. The thing is, I did. Multiple times. But he made multiple accounts and did not stop contacting me until I was in my senior year of high school. Police almost had to get involved which I was terrified of. Because that meant my parents would have to get involved. And for those from strict, religious understand that fear.

Luckily he has never came near me, gave up and his account(s) are NOT active. I am very fortunate that nothing else happened from that scary situation. I got through this situation thanks to a friend on here who that saw the situation and intervened. This friend told artu he'd get enforcement involved if he didn't leave me alone. Also they made sure to check on me and ask if I was ok and if Artu was still causing problems even years after Artu stopped contacting me. I'll always be grateful to that person for getting involved and restoring my wavering faith in humanity. And that is one of the reasons my first account is nothing like it used to be and also why i will never do cam again lol.

Let me know if y'all have ever been in a scary situation like this and if so how did you handle the situation.

Anyway, have a good day or evening and stay safe! Latersss
发布者 chunky-monkey
3 年 前
Jazian 3 年 前
It's terrible to meet such unhealthy people. All these behaviors that you describe are shameful. Even on a porn site no one should harass. I hope it won't happen again :
mmoore56 3 年 前
Glad you are ok now...gotta be careful on the internet
bitchyprincess 3 年 前
ay dios mio! que el dios te bendiga bonita monita. maldita sea la madre que lo pario! jodiendo con un niña chiquita, coño!
VirtualGeisha 3 年 前
artu is fucking lucky that his account is retired. people like that don't deserve to walk around freely in society. what a fucking psychopath!
Honestly what a crazy story but glad you got through it. Wishing you the best that this will never happen to you again.
Kkum_Fairy 3 年 前
it's the fact that this was only ONE reason. but its good that he's out of your pretty hair
artu was indeed a scoundrel. not only was he harassing you and other but also tried catfishing so many people, posing as a girl. correct me if i'm wrong dear but from my memory, wasn't artu harassing you because you fell inlove with someone on this site? and because he couldn't handle you having an innocent crush on someone he became monstrous.