I have spoken many times about women as exhibitionists, to one degree or another. To me, it’s certainly part of foreplay. If I’m going to have sex, whether it’s with my husband, or ANother, I like to do the unwrapping. Standing a few feet away, unzipping my dress…………………… A real turn-on for me.
I remember as a young girl. I’d be 12, or 13. I’d just started growing breasts and I had nice curvy hips. I’d started growing pubic hair and had a lovely dark triangle. I’d already started to get sensations between my legs and touched myself in bed, but hadn’t yet started to finger myself properly. I remember, one afternoon, getting home from school, and, as usual, went to my bedroom to get changed. I'd stripped down to my bra and knickers and, rushing around, to get out with my friends, tripped over a discarded shoe. I finished up, on my front, on the floor, and, suddenly felt an amazing sensation, in my breasts, as my bra brushed against the roughness of the carpet. I lay there, quite still, mesmerised by the sensation. I moved my body from side to side, feeling my nipples harden. I knelt up, undid my bra and threw it on the floor. I remember touching my stiffened nipples before lowering myself back to the floor, this time my bared breasts making contact with the rough carpet. With my hands clasped behind my back, I moved my body from side to side, my breasts pressing into the pile of the carpet. I don't remember doing it, but, at some point, I must have put my hand inside my knickers. All I remember was gasping for breath as I fingered myself to my first real orgasm. Needless to say, that became quite a regular after school activity.
But, of course, there were other stages of my growing up. A couple of years later, I was probably 15 by now, I was in my bedroom. The curtains on the full-length French windows were open. We lived in a bungalow, the same one I live in now. My husband and I moved back in when my mother left it to me in her will. Anyway, back to the tale. I’d just got back from school and was going to get changed. My mum had nipped across the road to a neighbour for coffee. Mr Pointer, who lived next door, was in his garden. I was going to shut the curtains, but something stopped me. I felt such a hot flush when I saw him there. He didn’t turn me on, it was the realisation that I could turn him on. He looked across at the room I was in. I diverted my gaze to give the impression that I’d not seen him. I remember thinking I had to do something to hold his attention before he turned away. My hands were already at my school tie, undoing the knot. I moved a couple of yards across the room. I was still in his view, but, from my new vantage point, I could now see him in my dresser mirror. Oh, I’d certainly got his undivided attention. He’d moved behind a bush, his face visible between the branches, looking straight at me. The tie off, I started on my blouse. I was fumbling as I undid the buttons.
I opened it fully and felt the most amazing tingling in my pussy as I took the blouse off. My heart was pounding like mad. I threw the blouse on the bed and a quick check in the mirror. Yes, he was still there. I put my foot on the bed and undid my shoe. I took it off and repeated the exercise on my other foot. I remember thinking that I shouldn’t make this look too contrived. If I stripped too slowly, he may think I know he’s there. I wanted this to look so innocent. I remember thinking what a mature thought that was !! Years later, I always thought of that moment as being my real sexual awakening. I unzipped the skirt and stepped out of it. I moved nearer the window and bent down to slip my socks off. God, I felt ever so sexy. Stripped to my knickers and bra, being ogled by a man.
Should I stop ? The thought did occur to me, but, feeling between my legs, I realised how wet I was. I’d never had that happen to that extent before. A bit scary. Maybe, I’d pissed myself. But, as I pressed my pussy, I got such a sweet sensation, such a thrill I couldn’t start to describe. Should I stop. My heart was pounding. I had my back to the window. I couldn't stop myself. I had both hands behind my back and my trembling fingers found their way to the clasp. I undid my bra and slipped the shoulder straps down my arms. Wow, that sensation, as a slight breeze through the open window touched my breasts. Christ, what was happening. My nipples were so hard. I half turned and put the bra on the back of a chair. Here I was, this young innocent girl, stripped to her knickers, showing her tits to a neighbour, old enough to be her father. I’d better stop now……….no, I won’t, ………..yes, I must, my brain argued with itself. I looked down my body, now only covered by a flimsy pair of white cotton knickers. I couldn't stop my hands moving downwards and delicately touching the waistband. I held my breath for a second and suddenly I was stepping out of my last item of clothing. Too bloody late. I was completely naked now.
Another glance in the mirror. He was still behind the bush, his eyes transfixed on me. I was the star of the show. I turned him on all by myself. I was a woman. I’d got all the bits. I walked towards the window. Look at this. Bet you’d like to fuck this, wouldn’t you, my brain wanted to say. But, still having a little sense, I made sure I was looking into my garden, so as not to let him think he’d been caught. No, sir, this was going to happen again and again. I stretched up and closed the curtains.
I got on the bed and, legs apart, I set about inspecting my pussy. God, I was so wet. Before I knew it, my fingers were in, splashing away. My other hand was on my tits, each one in turn, tweaking my nipples. I don’t know why, but I rolled over. It must have been pure instinct. Both hands now between my legs. Lifting my lower half up on my knees, fingering myself stupid, moving my upper half forwards and backwards on the eiderdown, agitating my nipples. Then that explosion as I came. I just lay there, spent.
The sound of the door opening startled me from my daydream. Mum came in. I sat up and instinctively grabbed a pillow to cover myself. “Ooooops”, she said. She walked over to the bed and sat down. “Don’t be embarrassed”, she said, as she reached across and felt the wet eiderdown. “We all enjoy some me time, you know. Even me. I’ll just have to remember to knock on your door, in future.” She leant across the bed and kissed me on the forehead. “I’m going to start making tea. You take your time”. She left and closed the door.
I lay back and felt better than I’d ever done before. And, my God, my mum masturbates…….amazing.
发布者 mrsrobinsonx
3 年 前
mrsrobinsonx 出版商 5 月 前
trebleclef76 : Thank you for commenting. Yes, so many wonderful memories. Anne.
回答 原始评论
trebleclef76 5 月 前
An exciting time of discovery!
ishable 6 月 前
Ha ha thats brilliant!!  Love your mums reaction too. Another hot, erotic story!!
mrsrobinsonx 出版商 1 年 前
Thank you so very much for reading it, and for taking the time to comment. As with all my stories, it is a true account of that particular afternoon. Anne.
mrsrobinsonx 出版商 1 年 前
twolookingforfn2 : Thank you so much for reading my little tale. Anne.
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WOW wish I could have watched 
mrsrobinsonx 出版商 1 年 前
AngelababysDaddy : Yes, those are very sweet memories. And my mum, yes. She was my best friend. We had some right giggles, together. Some of the things she got up to, in her younger days. Made even me blush!
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Such a lovely story, and an absolute fly on the wall account, I loved it, especially when Mum came in. 
mrsrobinsonx 出版商 1 年 前
samd4b : Thank you so much for reading and, especially for taking the time to comment. Yes, it was all true and, I'm sure, we've all got tales to tell of our awakenings. Yes, Mr Pointer saw me many times and, hopefully, his wife got the full benefit of his arousal. As for your daughters, of course they're exploring themselves. Always remember to knock! Again, thank you for reading. Anne.
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samd4b 1 年 前
A lovely story, and so much better for being real - too many people post stories that are just their fantasies. I wish I had been the guy in the garden. I can tell you, I would have appreciated it. And now my daughters are that age: I wonder if they are discovering themselves like this. I hope so.
mrsrobinsonx 出版商 1 年 前
csoc622 : I loved that period in my life. Exploring myself, discovering new ways to thrill myself. Gosh, some my memories make me blush. Thank you for reading. Anne.
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csoc622 1 年 前
Growing up can be so much fun as we experience changes in our body and in our senses as we learn new pleasures. Your story reflects that in a very well versed way. I am sure your neighbor never trimmed that bush of his for a long time and you being a good neighbor made sure of that :smile:
mrsrobinsonx : wow, yes, the thought of him going indoors, his testerone hit lifting him sky high, his rod harder than ever before, taking his wife, forcing her legs apart, stabbing her cunt with short, urgent strokes, spurting, spurting, draining into her . . . but inseminating you  . . with your flawless young skin, youth belied by the dark triangle between your smooth white thighs
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mrsrobinsonx 出版商 2 年 前
MisterGiggles : Thank you so much for reading my story. I suppose it's a woman thing, that exhibitionist streak. If I'm away on business, I always select a ground floor room and, rather than strip in front of a window, the curtains completely open, I tend to close them, but leave a slight gap. It looks so accidental and so much more erotic for the viewer, or so I'm told. It makes sense, really. If it looks like I'm doing it deliberately, I want the watcher to see. If it looks accidental, he's seeing something he shouldn't, if that makes sense. I love your story about the tenant. Yes, I think she did it on purpose, too. Again, thank you for reading and for taking the time to comment. Anne.  
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MisterGiggles 2 年 前
This is a fantastic coming of age story! Reminds me of a tenant I once had. She rented our garden suite and our back (2nd floor) dining room window looked directly down into her living/bedroom bachelor pad. Although it had blinds that could be lowered, she never closed them. She began parading her naked slender body with perky breasts in the mornings while getting ready for work, and then again at night while getting ready for bed. She had my complete attention. She eventually began masturbating and would always do it at the foot of the bed.  Fortunately, this gave me the best view of her while she pleasured herself - I think she knew it!  Her long strawberry blonde hair would flow out over the pillow behind her, as she fingered her shaved pussy  Eventually I felt uneasy with my peeping and tried to bring to her attention that her room was in plain view.  I would make exaggerated movements, flash the lights on and off, open and close the blinds repeatedly... but, even after all that, she continued to show me all she had to offer and perform just for me.  She eventually got a boyfriend and you guessed it, they often had sex at the foot of the bed or on the couch.  It felt like she would position herself and her boyfriend perfectly so I could see everything and watch as they fucked each others brains out.  Needless to say, on the odd occasion, I was able to pull my cock out and stroke along to the show in front of me.  Sadly, she and her boyfriend decided to find a new place of their own and move in together... I like to think somewhere out there is a landlord as happy as I was.
mrsrobinsonx 出版商 2 年 前
Thank you for taking the time to comment. Much appreciated.  After the initial embarrassment, yes, mum walking in on me was a major step forward. Prior to that, if I was masturbating and she was at home, I used to bury my face in a pillow to drown my gasps. But, since then, I was comfortable to let myself really go. Anne. 
bond333 2 年 前
This is such a hot story. 
mrsrobinsonx 出版商 2 年 前
tribute-ary : Thank you so much for reading. Yes, I think part of growing up is pushing your own boundaries. Daring yourself to do something, and those wonderful moments when the thrill is so intense that you couldn't stop, even if you wanted to. Anne. 
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tribute-ary 2 年 前
That’s a great tale!  The thoughts you had while you tested the waters were very reminiscent of mine as I began exploring in my youth so many years ago. 
mrsrobinsonx 出版商 2 年 前
Yes, I had an amazing relationship with her. Thankfully, I inherited her genes ! I'm sure old Pointer must have wanked himself daft. I think it was more exciting for him because he witnessed something he shouldn't have. Had I done it, in a less innocent fashion, in other words, he thought I did it on purpose, the excitement would have been much less. Does that make sense ? 
mrsrobinsonx 出版商 2 年 前
ishable : Thank you for reading it. Yes, we've all had many moments like that, as we're growing up. Like all my stories, it's a true account of a particular occasion. Exciting for you to read, yes, but imagine the sheer thrill for me, as I reminisced. Clearly the detail had a pleasant effect on you. Again, thanks for reading and, most of all, taking the time to comment. Anne.
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ishable 2 年 前
Wow!!!  How erotic reading this. Such a hot insight and made my cock so hard. Thank you for sharing. And I know what you mean when your heart pounds been there before…. X 
mrsrobinsonx 出版商 2 年 前
olaticumbo99 : The thrill, for me, was always to make it look innocent, so, no, I didn't wear mum's stuff. Yes, I probably did get slower, wandering about in my underwear, for much longer, .As I turned sixteen, I started wearing lacy black nylon knickers, instead of the usual white cotton, so, I would spend quite a time pottering about. To be honest, wearing such grown-up stuff, did make me feel ever so mature.     
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olaticumbo99 2 年 前
mrsrobinsonx : I would have been delighted to watch you progress into a pro stripper, maybe modelling your mums stockings and suspenders, but i guess young girls dont yet think that way ??  Did you get slower and more seductive for Mr Pointer ??
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mrsrobinsonx 出版商 2 年 前
olaticumbo99 : I'm  sure he did get it out at some point. Well, I hope he did. To be fair, though, I'm glad I didn't have sex with him. It would have spoilt the thrill I got from those dozens of afternoons when I "innocently" stripped off in me bedroom window. Anne. 
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olaticumbo99 2 年 前
Mr Pointer should have got his cock out for you. I would have done, it is only fair. Life is about give and take.
SancheZ069 2 年 前
hot :smile: wish it was me behind the tree
mrsrobinsonx 出版商 2 年 前
Thank you for reading my story. Much appreciated. I'll read your post, as requested. Anne.
Plonk123 2 年 前
I love your stories. 😎👍
Guy49007 2 年 前
mrsrobinsonx : If that had been me watching I’d be on a high for years ha ha
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