Exercising With Sally
As Andrea was showing me out she said to her mum that she was going to her best friend Sally’s house to work out and her mum told her it was fine as she was going to soak in a nice hot bath but I’d picked up on the reason for Andrea’s visit to Sally so when outside I asked if she works out seriously as from what I could see she had a beautiful figure, “Not really Frank, we just do some basic exercises in her bedroom” she said with a giggle so I decided to step in, “I train quite a lot Andrea, I would be happy to show you some exercises to work on if you want” I said softly with a smile and knowing that Andrea liked me anyway I felt it would be an easy sale.
“Really?, do you want to come to Sally’s now? I’m sure she won’t mind” she said smiling at me and then adding that she only lived two doors away so I agreed that I could spare a bit of time and at the least give it a try and Andrea was so happy that I’d offered to help.
I didn’t put my shirt on as it was too hot so we walked a couple of houses up the street into Sally’s drive, “Oh no.. she might be out as there’s no car in the drive” Andrea said with a disappointed look on her face but we decided to knock anyway and within a few seconds the door opened and her friend Sally stood there looking me up and down, “Oh who’s this Andy?” she asked and I was guessing that she called her Andy for short.
“Oh this is Frank, he does a lot of training and said he would help us” she replied as Sally smiled, “Oh wow, I can see he’s pretty fit” she replied smiling as she invited us in. Sally looked nice although she was still in her uniform of white open necked shirt and short pleated skirt and although was nowhere as tanned as Andrea she did have a nice tone to her skin. “Are you home alone then Sal?” Andrea asked and Sally explained that her mum and dad had driven into town to see some show or other and her brother was out with his mates for the evening allowing her to have some ‘alone’ time which I thought was great news which would enable us to exercise in peace.
“Lets go up to my bedroom” Sally said as she headed up the stairs with Andrea close behind allowing me to have a peek up Sally skirt on the way and could see the white of her cotton panties which were actually quite loose and even Andrea glanced back at me and caught me bending my head down to have a look but she kept quiet and didn’t say anything but did give me a cheeky grin. We got up to Sally’s room and when we entered it was a bit messy with clothes s**ttered all around the place, “OMG so sorry for all the mess” she said as she frantically tried to pick stuff up which I was guessing that Andrea had seen before but with me being a stranger she didn’t want to set a bad impression, “Oh don’t worry about it Sally” I said as I sat on the edge of her bed.
At least she had cleared up some floor space for us to exercise and Andrea had sat down next to me while Sally sorted her life out chucking her clothes into the corner and looking rather flustered she finally came to a halt, “Right then, what do we do?” she asked looking at me and Andrea sitting patiently on the bed, “Are you going to exercise like that Sal?” Andrea said to her ditzy friend with a giggle, “Oh right, no.. um.. Frank what do you suggest?” she said taking a deep breath and I thanked her for putting me on the spot, “What do you normally wear when you exercise with Andrea?” I asked thinking that would be a good starting point and at first she looked a bit puzzled especially as Andrea was dressed in a pair of sports shorts and a crop top that barely covered anything, not that she had anything to cover.
“Oh we usually just do it in our knickers” she said with a giggle like it would offend me, “That’s fine Sal” Andrea replied and I had no problem with that at all, “Yeah that works” I added so Sally pulled out her shirt and started to unbutton it and as she took it off I could see she had a couple of nice bee stings and her nipples looked like they were beginning to stiffen and then as she unzipped her skirt letting it drop to the floor I noticed the elastic in her knickers wasn’t what it should be so her panties were rather loose which again was fine by me and Andrea didn’t seem to mind either however seeing her like that was starting to make my cock twitch.
“OK Girls, we’ll start with some simple abs exercises but the important thing to remember is if you feel anything hurting to let me know straight away, we don’t want any pulled muscles” I said softly so they understood.
They both nodded in agreement, “I will assist you both so who wants to go first?” I asked and as I had come with Andrea she suggested going first so I told her to sit on the floor with her legs outstretched about 3 foot apart which she happily did and I told Sally to sit on the bed and watch and with a quick pull up of her knickers she sat down while I knelt down level with Andrea’s feet sitting on my heels.
“Ok, I want you to put your arms above your head and start by taking deep breaths” which she did and with her arms above her head her crop top pulled up showing off her little tanned bumps and I could also see her nipples starting to harden, what was also nice and the reason I told her to take some deep breaths before the exercise was that I could see right up the inside of her shorts and with her not wearing any panties I had the perfect view of her young pussy, Mmm so nice.
“OK Andrea, I want you now to come down slowly and the idea is to get your head into my lap, it may not happen first time but we will have two attempts each to see how you’re doing, ok.. in your own time” I said and with a serious look on her face and with Sally looking on intently Andrea started to bend forward and as her head came down her arms reached around my back and I felt her head coming down my chest and I immediately thought she was doing great for a first attempt and she kept going until I could feel her face pressing into my lap, “Wow that’s a great first effort Andrea, hold it there for 30 seconds” I told her as I felt her face pressing against my cock.
What I didn’t realise at the time was that she was dribbling so as she came up slowly there was a wet patch on the front of my white shorts and I saw Sally had seen it and thought I’d peed myself until Andrea put her straight telling her it was a dribble, “Ok Andrea, great first effort and now go again and try to go an extra inch if you can” I instructed and again she bent forward and found it quite easy to get her head into my lap but then again she did have a small frame so it wasn’t unexpected and as I felt her head pressing against my cock again I could feel it starting to respond and to make it worse she put her arms around me grabbing on to the waistband on the back of my shorts, “That’s great Andrea, now hold it there” I said as I felt my cock starting to stiffen, “Wow Andy, you’re good” Sally said as she watched her mate with her head in my lap.
Finally as Andrea started to rise it appeared that she’d dribbled again and the front of my shorts became a little transparent and as my cock stiffened it became visible and I knew that Sally had seen it and as Andrea got upright her friend was eager for her turn, “That’s great Andrea, now take a breather and Sally if you could sit down here with your legs spread we’ll see how nimble you are” I said as the girls swapped places and I could see the look in Andrea’s face telling me she enjoyed that one.
I looked at Sally and she’d already got her hands up above her head and was already taking deep breaths and as I looked between her legs a gap had appeared as her panties were so loose and just like Andrea I could see her hanging labia lips, Mmm again so nice.
As Sally started to bend she had her own technique and as her hands came down she ran them down my back sending shivers through my body so by the time her head had got past the waistband her hands were already pushing inside my shorts at the back and her face was easily pushing against my cock which had now become fully erect and pushing the front quite hard, Sally took full advantage of the situation and I could feel her mouth rubbing my boner plus she was also dribbling but I could definitely feel her lips against my shaft, “No hold it there Sally, your.. um.. oooh.. doing a great job girl” I said as I felt her nibbling at my cock, Andrea smiled as she knew exactly what her friend was doing.
As she came up I told her how well she had done and she gave me a big smile as both girls looked down at my bulging shorts which were now transparent at the front and clearly showing the outline of my erection so she was happy to come back down for the second run and again she ran her hands inside the waistband at the back pushing my shorts down a bit and as her head came down she seemed to slow up as she made contact with my boner, I let out a soft sigh, “Oh that’s good Sally” as I felt her mouth against the shaft again but this time she went a bit further which made me instinctively widen my legs allowing my nuts to fall out the leg which Sally managed to find with her tongue, OMG when her tongue made contact all I could say was “Hold it there Sally”.
I could feel her face nuzzling between my legs and her tongue was definitely licking my balls and now my cock was solid inside my shorts and even Andrea was getting impatient as her mate took longer for her turn.
Finally as she rose up I could see the smile on her face and even Andrea looked down to see my balls hanging out one leg of my shorts and I was sure she wanted another turn, “Did you enjoy that exercise girls?” I asked and both of them answered together, “Oh hell yes” they said in unison and as I looked down I could see my shorts were wet and transparent.
They were both sitting on the edge of the bed as I stood up thinking about what exercise to do next and they were both looking directly at my transparent shorts, “Maybe you should take them off Frank, they look uncomfortable” Andrea said giggling as she looked at my cock angled and pressing hard against the waistband and she was right, I would be more comfortable if I took them off, “Tell you what girls, why don’t we all get naked, it’ll be much more fun” I suggested and the girls looked at each other and smiled, “OK” they said together and as Andrea peeled off her crop top Sally easily pulled down her panties exposing a small tuft of fair coloured pubic hair which was almost identical to Andrea as her shorts came off, they both giggled as we were all now naked.
I had no idea if they’d ever played together but from them saying they used to exercise together in just their knickers it wouldn’t surprise me if they had so I figured one way to find out is to ask, “So what exercises have you done together?” I asked softly and it got the girls thinking, “We done squats with my brother” Sally said after a quick consultation with her friend and I think I knew which one they were talking about, “OK, that’s a good one, shall we try that one” I suggested and with their agreement I laid down on the floor while they discussed which end they were going. Andrea was first to get up and stepped towards my head which meant that Sally was going to be doing most of the squats.
Andrea put one leg either side of my body and I looked right up between her legs and then she got down onto her knew and as I had my hands up above my head I reached up grabbing the soft cheeks of Andrea’s arse as she lowered herself down onto my face and OMG the warmth and musky aroma of her young cunt made my cock pulse as Sally got into position with her knees either side of my hips.
I felt her reach down and take hold of my cock just as Andrea lowered down and with my nose pushed into her arse crack I quickly got busy with my tongue flicking and exploring her protruding labia lips causing Andrea to moan softly. Sally was guiding my cock between her legs and into her warm cunt and gasped as I made entry and as she put more body weight on me my cock pushed into her tight little hole and OMG she was so tight however as she gasped out my cock slid in further and further.
I had my hands grasping Andrea’s sweet arse cheeks and pulled them wide apart and looked up at her puckering arsehole which I knew she enjoyed having licked so I concentrated solely on that flicking and prodding my tongue trying to open up her dirt box and as she gyrated slowly on my face she seemed to not move too mush as she liked what my tongue was doing. I could hear them both moaning something which seemed muffled and as my cock bored into Sally she started to squat up and down and I’m sure she was experiencing multiple orgasms as her hole became more and more lubricated but she kept up a nice steady rhythm as she bounced.
I think Andrea was really getting into the zone judging by the juices that was running down my chin as my tongue forced it’s way into her puckering hole and her groans seemed to spur Sally on and I don’t know what triggered it but Andrea started to pee which was an unexpected surprise and whether it was on purpose or not I had to quickly adjust my position as her golden shower sprayed over my body, luckily I could adjust and take a lot of it into my mouth but such was the exhilarating effect on me it forced me to have one of the most intense orgasms I had ever had in my life, I just felt my cock explode inside Sally as Andrea continued to shower me.
We were all in a sexual frenzy and the noise was deafening and god only knows how many orgasms were had but it felt like my spurts would never stop and my whole body was just shaking and shaking.
Nobody wanted to move and even after Andrea’s weak bladder subsided she continued to grind my face and my cock was showing no signs of softening so Sally kept bouncing albeit a lot slower and I felt my cum seeping out of her and running down my balls or at least I thought it was my cum but fairly sure it was a mixture but it all added to the lubrication as we just all kept going, we were all breathless but had found that little bit extra
Andrea had repositioned herself so my tongue could continue rimming her tasty arsehole and I don’t think any of us wanted this to end but one thing I had learnt was they had done this with Sally’s brother.
After what seemed like an eternity I felt my cock starting to soften which meant that Sally had to slow right down but Andrea seemed like she was on me for the long haul and when my cock finally slipped out of Sally I discovered that she too needed to pee and having seen what her friend had done she wanted to add to the fun so after moving her body up towards my waist she let it go and I found a warm golden stream hitting my chest and neck and I had to quickly readjust my position to catch the bulk in my mouth, I think this gave Andrea the chance to ease off of me as Sally’s piss hit my face.
OMG I was soaked and totally knackered after a session that seemed to go on and on and on but the look on the girls faces said it all and when Andrea started to apologise for pissing on me I told her not to worry as I loved it and it brought a much more intense orgasm for me which Sally got the full benefit of but I soon learned that this was the first time either of them had embarked on any kind of water sport and the fact I liked it seemed to turn them on more. As luck would have it after such an intense orgasm I needed to empty my bladder too so I turned to the two girls, “Who want’s to give it a try?” I asked and they both smiled.
I told them to both get on their knees and I stood in front of them and suggested they open their mouths as I took hold of my flaccid cock and first aimed it at Andrea’s naked body and let my golden stream begin and she absolutely loved it as I pissed into her mouth and although she couldn’t swallow quick enough I could see my piss dribbling down her body, I then turned to Sally who was waiting patiently for her turn and she also loved my piss hitting the back of her throat although my stream was weakening but she reached forward to grab my cock pulling it towards her open mouth so as to not waste any of my golden urine, what a finish to a perfect afternoon.
“Really?, do you want to come to Sally’s now? I’m sure she won’t mind” she said smiling at me and then adding that she only lived two doors away so I agreed that I could spare a bit of time and at the least give it a try and Andrea was so happy that I’d offered to help.
I didn’t put my shirt on as it was too hot so we walked a couple of houses up the street into Sally’s drive, “Oh no.. she might be out as there’s no car in the drive” Andrea said with a disappointed look on her face but we decided to knock anyway and within a few seconds the door opened and her friend Sally stood there looking me up and down, “Oh who’s this Andy?” she asked and I was guessing that she called her Andy for short.
“Oh this is Frank, he does a lot of training and said he would help us” she replied as Sally smiled, “Oh wow, I can see he’s pretty fit” she replied smiling as she invited us in. Sally looked nice although she was still in her uniform of white open necked shirt and short pleated skirt and although was nowhere as tanned as Andrea she did have a nice tone to her skin. “Are you home alone then Sal?” Andrea asked and Sally explained that her mum and dad had driven into town to see some show or other and her brother was out with his mates for the evening allowing her to have some ‘alone’ time which I thought was great news which would enable us to exercise in peace.
“Lets go up to my bedroom” Sally said as she headed up the stairs with Andrea close behind allowing me to have a peek up Sally skirt on the way and could see the white of her cotton panties which were actually quite loose and even Andrea glanced back at me and caught me bending my head down to have a look but she kept quiet and didn’t say anything but did give me a cheeky grin. We got up to Sally’s room and when we entered it was a bit messy with clothes s**ttered all around the place, “OMG so sorry for all the mess” she said as she frantically tried to pick stuff up which I was guessing that Andrea had seen before but with me being a stranger she didn’t want to set a bad impression, “Oh don’t worry about it Sally” I said as I sat on the edge of her bed.
At least she had cleared up some floor space for us to exercise and Andrea had sat down next to me while Sally sorted her life out chucking her clothes into the corner and looking rather flustered she finally came to a halt, “Right then, what do we do?” she asked looking at me and Andrea sitting patiently on the bed, “Are you going to exercise like that Sal?” Andrea said to her ditzy friend with a giggle, “Oh right, no.. um.. Frank what do you suggest?” she said taking a deep breath and I thanked her for putting me on the spot, “What do you normally wear when you exercise with Andrea?” I asked thinking that would be a good starting point and at first she looked a bit puzzled especially as Andrea was dressed in a pair of sports shorts and a crop top that barely covered anything, not that she had anything to cover.
“Oh we usually just do it in our knickers” she said with a giggle like it would offend me, “That’s fine Sal” Andrea replied and I had no problem with that at all, “Yeah that works” I added so Sally pulled out her shirt and started to unbutton it and as she took it off I could see she had a couple of nice bee stings and her nipples looked like they were beginning to stiffen and then as she unzipped her skirt letting it drop to the floor I noticed the elastic in her knickers wasn’t what it should be so her panties were rather loose which again was fine by me and Andrea didn’t seem to mind either however seeing her like that was starting to make my cock twitch.
“OK Girls, we’ll start with some simple abs exercises but the important thing to remember is if you feel anything hurting to let me know straight away, we don’t want any pulled muscles” I said softly so they understood.
They both nodded in agreement, “I will assist you both so who wants to go first?” I asked and as I had come with Andrea she suggested going first so I told her to sit on the floor with her legs outstretched about 3 foot apart which she happily did and I told Sally to sit on the bed and watch and with a quick pull up of her knickers she sat down while I knelt down level with Andrea’s feet sitting on my heels.
“Ok, I want you to put your arms above your head and start by taking deep breaths” which she did and with her arms above her head her crop top pulled up showing off her little tanned bumps and I could also see her nipples starting to harden, what was also nice and the reason I told her to take some deep breaths before the exercise was that I could see right up the inside of her shorts and with her not wearing any panties I had the perfect view of her young pussy, Mmm so nice.
“OK Andrea, I want you now to come down slowly and the idea is to get your head into my lap, it may not happen first time but we will have two attempts each to see how you’re doing, ok.. in your own time” I said and with a serious look on her face and with Sally looking on intently Andrea started to bend forward and as her head came down her arms reached around my back and I felt her head coming down my chest and I immediately thought she was doing great for a first attempt and she kept going until I could feel her face pressing into my lap, “Wow that’s a great first effort Andrea, hold it there for 30 seconds” I told her as I felt her face pressing against my cock.
What I didn’t realise at the time was that she was dribbling so as she came up slowly there was a wet patch on the front of my white shorts and I saw Sally had seen it and thought I’d peed myself until Andrea put her straight telling her it was a dribble, “Ok Andrea, great first effort and now go again and try to go an extra inch if you can” I instructed and again she bent forward and found it quite easy to get her head into my lap but then again she did have a small frame so it wasn’t unexpected and as I felt her head pressing against my cock again I could feel it starting to respond and to make it worse she put her arms around me grabbing on to the waistband on the back of my shorts, “That’s great Andrea, now hold it there” I said as I felt my cock starting to stiffen, “Wow Andy, you’re good” Sally said as she watched her mate with her head in my lap.
Finally as Andrea started to rise it appeared that she’d dribbled again and the front of my shorts became a little transparent and as my cock stiffened it became visible and I knew that Sally had seen it and as Andrea got upright her friend was eager for her turn, “That’s great Andrea, now take a breather and Sally if you could sit down here with your legs spread we’ll see how nimble you are” I said as the girls swapped places and I could see the look in Andrea’s face telling me she enjoyed that one.
I looked at Sally and she’d already got her hands up above her head and was already taking deep breaths and as I looked between her legs a gap had appeared as her panties were so loose and just like Andrea I could see her hanging labia lips, Mmm again so nice.
As Sally started to bend she had her own technique and as her hands came down she ran them down my back sending shivers through my body so by the time her head had got past the waistband her hands were already pushing inside my shorts at the back and her face was easily pushing against my cock which had now become fully erect and pushing the front quite hard, Sally took full advantage of the situation and I could feel her mouth rubbing my boner plus she was also dribbling but I could definitely feel her lips against my shaft, “No hold it there Sally, your.. um.. oooh.. doing a great job girl” I said as I felt her nibbling at my cock, Andrea smiled as she knew exactly what her friend was doing.
As she came up I told her how well she had done and she gave me a big smile as both girls looked down at my bulging shorts which were now transparent at the front and clearly showing the outline of my erection so she was happy to come back down for the second run and again she ran her hands inside the waistband at the back pushing my shorts down a bit and as her head came down she seemed to slow up as she made contact with my boner, I let out a soft sigh, “Oh that’s good Sally” as I felt her mouth against the shaft again but this time she went a bit further which made me instinctively widen my legs allowing my nuts to fall out the leg which Sally managed to find with her tongue, OMG when her tongue made contact all I could say was “Hold it there Sally”.
I could feel her face nuzzling between my legs and her tongue was definitely licking my balls and now my cock was solid inside my shorts and even Andrea was getting impatient as her mate took longer for her turn.
Finally as she rose up I could see the smile on her face and even Andrea looked down to see my balls hanging out one leg of my shorts and I was sure she wanted another turn, “Did you enjoy that exercise girls?” I asked and both of them answered together, “Oh hell yes” they said in unison and as I looked down I could see my shorts were wet and transparent.
They were both sitting on the edge of the bed as I stood up thinking about what exercise to do next and they were both looking directly at my transparent shorts, “Maybe you should take them off Frank, they look uncomfortable” Andrea said giggling as she looked at my cock angled and pressing hard against the waistband and she was right, I would be more comfortable if I took them off, “Tell you what girls, why don’t we all get naked, it’ll be much more fun” I suggested and the girls looked at each other and smiled, “OK” they said together and as Andrea peeled off her crop top Sally easily pulled down her panties exposing a small tuft of fair coloured pubic hair which was almost identical to Andrea as her shorts came off, they both giggled as we were all now naked.
I had no idea if they’d ever played together but from them saying they used to exercise together in just their knickers it wouldn’t surprise me if they had so I figured one way to find out is to ask, “So what exercises have you done together?” I asked softly and it got the girls thinking, “We done squats with my brother” Sally said after a quick consultation with her friend and I think I knew which one they were talking about, “OK, that’s a good one, shall we try that one” I suggested and with their agreement I laid down on the floor while they discussed which end they were going. Andrea was first to get up and stepped towards my head which meant that Sally was going to be doing most of the squats.
Andrea put one leg either side of my body and I looked right up between her legs and then she got down onto her knew and as I had my hands up above my head I reached up grabbing the soft cheeks of Andrea’s arse as she lowered herself down onto my face and OMG the warmth and musky aroma of her young cunt made my cock pulse as Sally got into position with her knees either side of my hips.
I felt her reach down and take hold of my cock just as Andrea lowered down and with my nose pushed into her arse crack I quickly got busy with my tongue flicking and exploring her protruding labia lips causing Andrea to moan softly. Sally was guiding my cock between her legs and into her warm cunt and gasped as I made entry and as she put more body weight on me my cock pushed into her tight little hole and OMG she was so tight however as she gasped out my cock slid in further and further.
I had my hands grasping Andrea’s sweet arse cheeks and pulled them wide apart and looked up at her puckering arsehole which I knew she enjoyed having licked so I concentrated solely on that flicking and prodding my tongue trying to open up her dirt box and as she gyrated slowly on my face she seemed to not move too mush as she liked what my tongue was doing. I could hear them both moaning something which seemed muffled and as my cock bored into Sally she started to squat up and down and I’m sure she was experiencing multiple orgasms as her hole became more and more lubricated but she kept up a nice steady rhythm as she bounced.
I think Andrea was really getting into the zone judging by the juices that was running down my chin as my tongue forced it’s way into her puckering hole and her groans seemed to spur Sally on and I don’t know what triggered it but Andrea started to pee which was an unexpected surprise and whether it was on purpose or not I had to quickly adjust my position as her golden shower sprayed over my body, luckily I could adjust and take a lot of it into my mouth but such was the exhilarating effect on me it forced me to have one of the most intense orgasms I had ever had in my life, I just felt my cock explode inside Sally as Andrea continued to shower me.
We were all in a sexual frenzy and the noise was deafening and god only knows how many orgasms were had but it felt like my spurts would never stop and my whole body was just shaking and shaking.
Nobody wanted to move and even after Andrea’s weak bladder subsided she continued to grind my face and my cock was showing no signs of softening so Sally kept bouncing albeit a lot slower and I felt my cum seeping out of her and running down my balls or at least I thought it was my cum but fairly sure it was a mixture but it all added to the lubrication as we just all kept going, we were all breathless but had found that little bit extra
Andrea had repositioned herself so my tongue could continue rimming her tasty arsehole and I don’t think any of us wanted this to end but one thing I had learnt was they had done this with Sally’s brother.
After what seemed like an eternity I felt my cock starting to soften which meant that Sally had to slow right down but Andrea seemed like she was on me for the long haul and when my cock finally slipped out of Sally I discovered that she too needed to pee and having seen what her friend had done she wanted to add to the fun so after moving her body up towards my waist she let it go and I found a warm golden stream hitting my chest and neck and I had to quickly readjust my position to catch the bulk in my mouth, I think this gave Andrea the chance to ease off of me as Sally’s piss hit my face.
OMG I was soaked and totally knackered after a session that seemed to go on and on and on but the look on the girls faces said it all and when Andrea started to apologise for pissing on me I told her not to worry as I loved it and it brought a much more intense orgasm for me which Sally got the full benefit of but I soon learned that this was the first time either of them had embarked on any kind of water sport and the fact I liked it seemed to turn them on more. As luck would have it after such an intense orgasm I needed to empty my bladder too so I turned to the two girls, “Who want’s to give it a try?” I asked and they both smiled.
I told them to both get on their knees and I stood in front of them and suggested they open their mouths as I took hold of my flaccid cock and first aimed it at Andrea’s naked body and let my golden stream begin and she absolutely loved it as I pissed into her mouth and although she couldn’t swallow quick enough I could see my piss dribbling down her body, I then turned to Sally who was waiting patiently for her turn and she also loved my piss hitting the back of her throat although my stream was weakening but she reached forward to grab my cock pulling it towards her open mouth so as to not waste any of my golden urine, what a finish to a perfect afternoon.
3 年 前