This is a test, this is only a naughty test.

Found this, so let's have a little fun and find out how much of a Sissy everyone is.
Even if your not one it's still fun to take. I had a good time taking it, and you might be surprise yourself. Leave in the comments your test number and score, let's see what everyone gets and compare ;) Have Fun!

My test results.
Test 1 total = 156
Test 2 total = A= 26 B= 10 C= 4 You're a Sissy, but you have room for progress!
Test 3 results = Bicurious Wannabe Sissy
Test 4 results = Confirmed Sissy
Test 5 results = Cock Hole
Test 6 results = You're Sissykins!

All in all it was fun to take.
发布者 ShadowX86
3 年 前