I lost a very special friend to me
I am Catherine Ava and I use to be a cam model performer in livecams since the year 2014 here in xhamster with my old account username. I am a very religious person.
I lost a very special friend to me in my life even though we never met in person and never will because I don't do meet ups and respect others privacy at my best even cammodels they do this for a living like me.
I lost a very special friend of mine that I connected with and loved online in livecams I do know the person's real name which I don't mention. I know my friend by her online nickname as a cammodel these are her account username she use to be https://xhamster.com/users/Ashleyevanss https://xhamsterlive.com/dreamyclarice and outside of xhamster: " Lexadark "
She passed away she died in real life in July, 2021 I found out after my surgery at the hospital.
We first met in 2014 online when I was new to being a cammodel and she was a bit new too. Our relationship wasn't always stable I made her uncomfortable many times when I did not mean too because I was immature back then and I felt very guilty of it and I tried my very best to fix our relationship to be positive because I really wanted to be a part of her life we had our positive and negative relationship with each other the truth is I was meant to be a loyal carer to her online supporting her with a bit of tokens and being friendly and talk about life we use to play together a lot in livecams visiting each others chatroom when we first met in 2014. We never met in person.
I did know who she was in real life. She also knows who I am because I told her and she found out herself and she knows that I am different she had a hard time getting use too it.
My last time I spent with her was on another site outside of xhamster in 2021 we were together and I shared my tokens using my own cam model account she added me to follow list and we spent our time talking about our life as cammodels.
On July 2021 I did not see her on her cammodel account broadcasting again so I did an investigation to find out if she is still alive since I know her real name after investigating I found out that my cammodel friend passed away she died in July 2021 of some cause.
I was permanently heartbroken by her death she was very special friend to me that I never stopped loving and caring and I was there for her before her death. Because of her death I really quit and gave up on being a cammodel and livecams life because I am so hurt and very sad I cried so much in tears. :(
My poor beautiful special friend Ami I have always wanted to be a kind caring friend to you I miss you so much you will forever be alive in my heart, my soul and my dream. I hope I can join you when my time comes for me to die :(
Ami https://xhamster.com/users/ashleyevanss
I lost a very special friend to me in my life even though we never met in person and never will because I don't do meet ups and respect others privacy at my best even cammodels they do this for a living like me.
I lost a very special friend of mine that I connected with and loved online in livecams I do know the person's real name which I don't mention. I know my friend by her online nickname as a cammodel these are her account username she use to be https://xhamster.com/users/Ashleyevanss https://xhamsterlive.com/dreamyclarice and outside of xhamster: " Lexadark "
She passed away she died in real life in July, 2021 I found out after my surgery at the hospital.
We first met in 2014 online when I was new to being a cammodel and she was a bit new too. Our relationship wasn't always stable I made her uncomfortable many times when I did not mean too because I was immature back then and I felt very guilty of it and I tried my very best to fix our relationship to be positive because I really wanted to be a part of her life we had our positive and negative relationship with each other the truth is I was meant to be a loyal carer to her online supporting her with a bit of tokens and being friendly and talk about life we use to play together a lot in livecams visiting each others chatroom when we first met in 2014. We never met in person.
I did know who she was in real life. She also knows who I am because I told her and she found out herself and she knows that I am different she had a hard time getting use too it.
My last time I spent with her was on another site outside of xhamster in 2021 we were together and I shared my tokens using my own cam model account she added me to follow list and we spent our time talking about our life as cammodels.
On July 2021 I did not see her on her cammodel account broadcasting again so I did an investigation to find out if she is still alive since I know her real name after investigating I found out that my cammodel friend passed away she died in July 2021 of some cause.
I was permanently heartbroken by her death she was very special friend to me that I never stopped loving and caring and I was there for her before her death. Because of her death I really quit and gave up on being a cammodel and livecams life because I am so hurt and very sad I cried so much in tears. :(
My poor beautiful special friend Ami I have always wanted to be a kind caring friend to you I miss you so much you will forever be alive in my heart, my soul and my dream. I hope I can join you when my time comes for me to die :(
Ami https://xhamster.com/users/ashleyevanss
3 年 前