A life course (8)

8. Sex or Love ?

A younger colleague of mine rode the slanted skate. Not that he was married, not that; but let's face it, it is not fair to have a lover in Belgium and in Germany at the same time, is it?

If you're still so clumsy as to make an appointment for a night out with one while the other tells you about the same time that you want to spend a weekend in Cologne, you're in big trouble, of course.
Now I am serially monogamous, even if it concerns a purely sexual relationship but I could hardly let him down... After all, in need one gets to know his friends... So I became the friend of one of them, played no role wich because I had never seen either of them before, otherwise he had to be agile enough to give the impression to both that they were his sweetheart and I the other's...

An absolute blockbuster, depending on whether the director is turning it into a hilarious comedy or a tear-inducing drama.... but it didn't go through, at least not as we had agreed.

His Cologne sweetheart had smelled peril and ended the relationship at the last moment, his Belgian sweetheart had already been informed that friends would be present... a night out with the three of us.
Men conquer women, we think, in reality women give us the impression that we conquer them... there was something between us... but I couldn't do that to my colleague, of course, you don't wish to one lose two sweethearts in one day .

However, the story got another sample, even say a tail.

A few weeks later I arrived at the barracks around 10 am (it had been a rough night and the statute literally said “an officer works when he considers it useful and necessary” – hence) and to my surprise the regimental police did not only salute me, they also made me quit.

There were four visitors waiting for me in the parking lot... and yes, as I walked towards it a car door opened and I was suddenly face to face with Michelle again.
I was stunned but she beamed and immediately gave me a chaste kiss as a greeting... She had told so enthusiastically about me at home that her father (in reality it must have been her mother) wanted to take a closer look at that superman.
They were staying in the Belgian House (Belgian consulate in Cologne annex officers' club) so I decided, while we were having an aperitif in our officers' mess, to invite them to dinner there, “noblesse oblige” you know. It was only annoying that I had treated my sister and her friend to a weekend in Cologne... in the same Belgian house that long weekend.
You will notice some resemblance to the previous adventure, but it is based on a wrong thought on your part. She was interested in me, but I just invited her as a chaperone for my sister, not because I wanted to hook up with her.
There I sat, presiding over two separate groups with a young lady in each group who had a crush on me while I had to put my best foot forward so as not to show my interest in one of them too clearly so as not to offend anyone. My sister, the rascal, beamed, amused herself with her brother, who had to use all his diplomatic gifts at the same time.
Fortunately, the highly experienced staff were used to dealing with difficult situations and arranged everything from table arrangement to service to coffee in the salon, in such a way that I was protected as much as possible from unpleasant situations... in fact all I had to worry about was my conversations and my looks.
During the coffee but before the pousse-café my sister helped me incredibly well, pulling a discreet wink at me, reminding her friend that they still had “Köln by night” on their program and that this really the most appropriate night before. Little white lie, if you know Cologne every night is suitable for it...

Michelle's mom also lent a hand. Already after the first 'pousse' she warned her husband to go to bed because they were up very early (which is also true because if they were waiting for me at 09 o'clock they had to have left home at 05 o'clock). . The younger sister had to come because for a 15 year old 23 hours was also late enough ... Michelle and I were left ... for our first real tête à tête ... at 24 o'clock I was discreetly pointed out, earlier by signals rather than words that the closing time of the bar, determined by military regulations, was 24 hours.

It was impossible to say goodbye by escorting her to her room, I was a regular client there so the staff knew all too well my status and way of life... So it became the lounge, then the reception hall, then the entrance, finally the sidewalk ... well, sweet words take a lot of time.
We were very well behaved, after all Michelle was only 17 – almost 18 – so except for a chaste kiss, an almost accidental caress and of course holding a hand nothing really happened... but the staff must have chuckled... I was forgetting in my euphoria that the building was full of security cameras... even on the street...

A few months later a colleague, the manager of the club, came to thank me personally during a banquet in private; he'd never seen a fledgling romance blossoming into something like this he said... well, he wasn't there that night but security footage is kept for a while, isn't it?
Oh yes, on what occasion? it was limited. The chaplain who had blessed my Solemn Communion, the Bishop of the Belgian Armed Forces in Germany, Michelle who came from Belgium especially for it, and I... "Paris vaut bien une messe" said Henri IV, on July 25, 1593... .Michelle was well worth this, and immediately my search for the right path to God that I had been carrying since (or before) my birth also came to an end.
发布者 ericca48
3 年 前