Friend request declined.

Hi there,

unfortunately, it seems that hardly no one reads my profile or even the profiletext, but many still send a friend request (most likely you too) and I at least want to give people the chance to find out why the request was rejected, but I don't want to have to write a reason every time, I will simply post the link to this blog entry under their profile in the futur.

Here are a few reasons why your friend request may have been denied. Please choose the one that applies to you:

1. You were unable to read my profile text and therefore ignored all references to friend requests.

2. You did not consider it necessary to put (meaningful) information about yourself in your profile.

3. You have neither uploads nor a significant number of favorites and / or are lazy to write in the comments and blogs.

4. All or most of your uploads / favorites are in a mode in which they cannot be easily viewed as a user.

5. You obviously do not maintain a profile (e.g. many of your favorites consist of "deleted" fields, your profile text is clearly showing its age, etc.).

6. You have a tail picture or anus picture as a profile picture.

7. Your profile gives the impression that you have lost control of your linguistic expression (e.g. galleries with titles like: "Depraved ugly bastards") and you have to compensate for any inadequacies.

8. It can be seen from the overall impression of your profile that we obviously have no similarities in terms of our interests and orientations.

9. You are completely unknown to me, hardly arouse my interest and generally my gut feeling tells me that you are just a placeholder in my friends list.

10. My FAKE radar hits you beyond measure and I am of the opinion, that a friendship with you would not have an objectively positive effect.

11. Your main profile page is littered with some meaningless copy & paste disclaimers with which you have proven that your interest in serious contacts is minimal and that you don’t worry about your work here or you have confused the "About me" category with a gallery and thus ensure that you first have to scroll from the profile header to the guest comments until your fingers hurt.

If you still want to follow me, you are welcome to subscribe to my profile, or you can eliminate the abuses listed above for the benefit of all and try again with a certain amount of time.

Until then, have fun here and best regards


(Thanks to »volle-eier« for this inspiration.)
发布者 Pup-Renard
3 年 前