Story:(George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 10.

Sex On The Stairs Landing.
--------------------------------------------- I reached the landing at the top of the stairs,i could feel the heat in my Buns from George slapping them,George was two or three treads behind me.
I stopped on the landing,pushing my Ass out and looking back at George,i said,enthusiasticly,"Go for it George",he knew what i meant, two hands,one after the other came crashing down on my Buns,"Ooooooooow", i let out,dancing up and down on the landing,rubbing my Buns,George,laughing said,"Kemco,your a Masochist,you loved that",i did,nt know what he meant,but for some reason i do luv my Buns being Hard Spanked.
George,his hands now on my hips,turns me around facing him,i look down at him,me seeing my Cock bouncing like mad,"Threads of Pre Cum hanging from it,catching onto my thigh,it gave me a exciting feeling inside,causing my Cock to slam up against my Belly,leaving Pre Cum on my Belly and trailing down over my Cock and over my Little Ball Bag,i also catch sight of Georges Hard Cock,glistening,Oozing Pre Cum from his Peehole,this exciting me more for his Cock inside my Boihole,Fucking me again.
George looked up at me,him still two or three treads below the stairs landing,"Look at you,don,t think you had Cum before yesterday in the woods,had you?","No George,first time,yesterday,i,m luvving it".
George,still having hold of me by my Hips,pulled me towards him,looking up at me,said,"Lets have a taste of you",his tongue going towards my Balls,"Wow,these are swollen,doubled in size,must be full of Cum",he said,then his tongue was licking around my Balls,travelling up my Shaft,he pulled my Foreskin back over my Glan,exposing my oval shaped Knobend,his warm mouth taking me inside,i could feel his tongue working around my Cock,i could,nt help myself,i was moaning with the pleasure he was giving me,i was luvving it,i was thinking,"Please George,dont make me Cum,save me for later".
He pushed me back from the edge of the landing,him coming up onto the landing,his Lips fell onto mine,i opened my mouth allowing his tongue into me,tasting my Pre Cum,it tasted so good,Georges hand had slipped around my Buttocks,his fingers finding my Boihole,slipping two fingers into me,my Hole was Gaping,I was Gagging for Georges Cock.
We stopped Kissing,both looking at each other,"Down on your knees,Bitch",George said,I smiled at him,giving him a Peck on his Lips,i luvved it,George was taking charge,or had he been in control all the time?.
I went down on my knees,looking up at him,knowing what he wanted,i took a hold of his Cock,running my Tongue over his Cum covered Bulbous Head,it tasted so beautiful,Sweet,Creamy,Salty,yet savoury,licking down his Wet,Spunky Shaft to his Balls,me thinking,"These are much bigger than mine",reaching and feeling my own i thought,"Maybe not",mine also felt big,I sucked on his Balls,first one in my mouth,then the other,then i tried to get both in my mouth,it took a bit of jiggling about,but i got both in,my tongue jiggling them around my mouth,it excited me to be able to do this i was playing with my own Cock and Balls.
George took a hold of my hair,pushing my head back,his Balls coming out of my mouth,"Stop that,Bitch,Wanking Off,Suck my Cock",I looked at him,giving him a smile,he gave me a slap across my face,not to hard,it was a sort of effectionate slap,"Get Sucking,My Bitch",obediently i took his Cock in my mouth,Sucking,after a time he started Fucking my face,hitting hard into the back of my throat,he had me Gagging,each thrust was deeper into my throat,tears running down my face,snot coming from my nose,i tried to push him away,but the harder i pushed the Harder and Deeper he Fucked my throat,he eased off slightly,i heard him moan,he pushed his Cock Deep into my throat,i felt him shoot his Hot Cum into me,i had to Swallow it back as he held me so tight,i dont think any escaped from my mouth.
Eventually he let me up onto my feet,him Kissing me,Tongues in each others mouths,me tasting his Cum,my tears and my snot,surprised, it all tasted so nice.
I wiped my face on the curtains of the landing window,it looked across to our neighbours landing window,(The Riley,s),down onto our paths to our backgates from our frontgates.
I looked at George,"I suppose that,s it,now you,ve Cum your Load in my mouth,George",he replied,"You must be joking,just getting started,gonna Fuck that Boifanny till you can,t take anymore,Now my Billy Elliott,lets see you Ballett Dance your one leg upon to that window sill,then i,m gonna Fuck that lovely Hole of yours".
I stepped away from George about three steps,stretching out,bending towards George,i took a hold of my ankle with both hands,straightening up,bringing my leg up till in a upright position,leg trapped to my side by one arm,i looked at George,pursing my lips as in a Kiss to him,two hops and i had my both hands on the window sill,looking at George i give my ankle a kiss,"OK George".
"Wooow",George steps back looking at me,"Your Fanny is Gaping,you really want my Cock dont you","Yes George,get on with it",he steps towards me,his hand going under me,he feels my Cock,"Wow,you,re Hard,",giving my Balls a gentle squeeze,making me go up onto the ball of my foot and me letting out a moan of pleasure,he licks a finger and slides it straight into my Boihole,"Uuumm",i moan,
"You are ready for it Roy",i feel his Wet Cock slide over my Hole,over and over again,then a firm,positive pressure as he penetrates my Boihole,"Uuuuuuggggggghhhh",i let out,"Fuck me George,Fuck me Hard",which he does,i luv every minute,he Fucks me for about five minutes,then he holds onto me tight,"Aaaaaaaaaaarrrgggggghhhh",he lets out,i feel his Hot cum firing into my Fanny,after a while he relax,s pulling his Cock out of me,i hop back from the window sill,letting my leg to the floor,down onto my knees,pulling George to me,taking his Cum soaked Cock in my mouth,tasting his Gorgeous Cum,licking his Cock clean,feeling some of his Cum leaking from my Hole and running down my thigh,it feels so nice.
George,hands under my arms,pulls me to my feet,we Kiss for ages,both tasting his Cum,after we,re done,i say to George,"I suppose that,s it now,i,ll have to have a Wank",his hand sliding around my Bum,fingers slipping into my Wet Boihole,"No Baby,now it,s your bedroom",with his fingers still in my Wet Fanny,George guided me to my Bros and my bedroom,giving me Little Pecks on my Cheek and my Heart,Flying.

Hope you Enjoy,
Please leave Comments.
Chapter 11.ASAP.
Love from me.
Roy and George.xxxxxx.
发布者 DancingPony
3 年 前
DancingPony 出版商 3 年 前
darter18 : xxxxxx
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darter18 3 年 前
DancingPony : oh wow that will be something to look forward to x
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DancingPony 出版商 3 年 前
darter18 : It will soon cum out inthe following chapters how George found out he was Gay & his first experiences,Glad you like Story.& thanks for your comments.xxxxx
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darter18 3 年 前
omg that wa sooooooooo hot, thank you for sharing get me mega hard.  Sort of think i dreamt about when i was in Yr 10 hoping an older lad from year 12 could have done stuff like that to me, you were so lucky. Love how you describe how you like the taste of cum too.   Be interesting to know a little more about Georges previous experiences as he seems to know what he is doing
prime-frank 3 年 前
DancingPony : Looking forward to it , XXOO
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prime-frank 3 年 前
DancingPony : Probably So.
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DancingPony 出版商 3 年 前
prime-frank : May have been when i was with my ex boifriend,under profile name,(james4roy).xxxxx
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prime-frank 3 年 前
DancingPony : We've been Friends in the past, I think you changed your Page right ?
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DancingPony 出版商 3 年 前
prime-frank : Thank You,hope to get next chapter going soon,ASAP.
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prime-frank 3 年 前
Such a Sexy Bitch You Are, He's a Lucky Man To Have such a Beauty !
A beautiful chapter from a wonderful life
DancingPony 出版商 3 年 前
coastalwilde : Thanks----ASAP.xxxx
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coastalwilde 3 年 前
Loved chapter 10.... can't wait for more!
DancingPony 出版商 3 年 前
peer97 : Thnx for your comment,George is,nt done with me yet,as you will find out in the following chapters.Thnx.xxxxxxx
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peer97 3 年 前
Loved all the chapters and number 10 was brilliant got me so hard reading it.
lindale1 3 年 前
excellent, just knowing you can please a horny man is nice.  having his cum run down your balls and thighs is a trophy