Response to post from BlkMkeDom2012 244 years...f
I tried to add the comment below but there was something in it that XHamster did not like. Maybe it will work here.
This was posted 2 years ago and is even more relevant today. We in the US are saddled with a senile mobster as president and a woman who only got where she is by using her female parts. Her nickname, Heels up Harris, is that for a reason. We now have idi0ts like AOC and Ilhan Omar holding the house hostage. But also remember the sen1le old woman who nearly everyone in DC h@tes, including nearly all members of the U.S. House of Representatives, continues to be the speaker of the house and worked to thwart the will of the people both times she was the speaker. It is amazing how rich her husband became while the old vvitch has been in Congress. Then there is good ol' Chuck the Schmuck Schumer who has apparently never worked in the private sector but has been one of the many leaches making politics a career. Now these liberals, progressives and far left loonies are pushing things like defund police, critical race theory and denying sexual nature. Now this group of loonies wants to spend what seems to add up to $10 Trillion ($10,000,000,000,000) to fundamentally change this country but are trying to tell us it will actually cost nothing. If these socialists get their way, it will totally bankrupt this country. Think about the cost per person. Assuming there are 350 million people in the US, that would be $28,500 per person just to pay for this. Then add the current US Debt of nearly $29,000,000,000,000 which would be another $82,800 per person so they would be saddling our c***dren with approximately $111,000 each. That is not sustainable. Now there is the "question" of what sex is a person? As a scientist, I can tell you there are really just 2 sexes marked by the XX (Female) and XY (Male) sexes. This author referenced Bruce (aka Caitlyn) Jenner. No matter how much plastic surgery and hormones are used, this person will still be a biological male. Bruce may identify as a female (ok a very ugly female) but the DNA is still Male. I have a genuine fear for the future of this once great country. I served in the Navy, 6 years from 1978 to 1984. Even the military "leadership" has become outed as extremely political. Though the General Milley has stated the single biggest threat to the US is "white privilege" while downplaying the threats from Islamic extremists and countries such as China, Russia and a few others he has been an accomplice in the destruction of the US and should be court martialed. I will end here by saying if you have a problem with what I have said, I first recommend you start watching something other than the communist (formerly clinton) news network and MSDNC. Start reading papers other than the NY Times and the Washington Post and definitely stop watching the late night shows like Kimmel, Stewart and a few others whose names fail to be lodged in my brain.
This was posted 2 years ago and is even more relevant today. We in the US are saddled with a senile mobster as president and a woman who only got where she is by using her female parts. Her nickname, Heels up Harris, is that for a reason. We now have idi0ts like AOC and Ilhan Omar holding the house hostage. But also remember the sen1le old woman who nearly everyone in DC h@tes, including nearly all members of the U.S. House of Representatives, continues to be the speaker of the house and worked to thwart the will of the people both times she was the speaker. It is amazing how rich her husband became while the old vvitch has been in Congress. Then there is good ol' Chuck the Schmuck Schumer who has apparently never worked in the private sector but has been one of the many leaches making politics a career. Now these liberals, progressives and far left loonies are pushing things like defund police, critical race theory and denying sexual nature. Now this group of loonies wants to spend what seems to add up to $10 Trillion ($10,000,000,000,000) to fundamentally change this country but are trying to tell us it will actually cost nothing. If these socialists get their way, it will totally bankrupt this country. Think about the cost per person. Assuming there are 350 million people in the US, that would be $28,500 per person just to pay for this. Then add the current US Debt of nearly $29,000,000,000,000 which would be another $82,800 per person so they would be saddling our c***dren with approximately $111,000 each. That is not sustainable. Now there is the "question" of what sex is a person? As a scientist, I can tell you there are really just 2 sexes marked by the XX (Female) and XY (Male) sexes. This author referenced Bruce (aka Caitlyn) Jenner. No matter how much plastic surgery and hormones are used, this person will still be a biological male. Bruce may identify as a female (ok a very ugly female) but the DNA is still Male. I have a genuine fear for the future of this once great country. I served in the Navy, 6 years from 1978 to 1984. Even the military "leadership" has become outed as extremely political. Though the General Milley has stated the single biggest threat to the US is "white privilege" while downplaying the threats from Islamic extremists and countries such as China, Russia and a few others he has been an accomplice in the destruction of the US and should be court martialed. I will end here by saying if you have a problem with what I have said, I first recommend you start watching something other than the communist (formerly clinton) news network and MSDNC. Start reading papers other than the NY Times and the Washington Post and definitely stop watching the late night shows like Kimmel, Stewart and a few others whose names fail to be lodged in my brain.
3 年 前