How I Lost My First Wife

True story here, many years ago (mid 1970s), names changed to protect reputations.

Jessica and I met in college, fell into bed and then fell into love. I was only the 2nd man she had ever had sex with. We married because her parents wanted us to, and finally got our degrees. She actually finished before I did and began working full time as I finished my final classes to become a teacher. She went through 3 different jobs before she found the one that seemed to suit her and stuck with it. She was a junior executive with a national retail outlet and was making really good money for that time and her age. Dallas was a great place to live when you were young and had some money.

Jessica was blonde, drop-dead gorgeous, maybe a bit wide in the hips (which made her a GREAT fuck!) and small but amazingly perfect-shaped breasts. She was also as horny as any woman I had ever met. We had a great sex life, fucking 10-15 times a week, and oftentimes more: every night, many mornings (she liked to wake up before me and suck me awake so we could fuck right away) and whenever we were both home in the afternoon. We had sex in public places. Once we went to a club and when we left we found we were "parked in" & unable to leave, so we fucked in the car while waiting. We were interrupted by applause as a large crowd had gathered to watch us! And she was always giving me blowjobs as I drove when we were out for the evening. We had sex in movies, bathrooms of bars, you name it. With no c***dren, we could pretty much do what we wanted.

Once I graduated and got my first teaching job I was a lot busier than I had been, and perhaps we "slowed down" a bit sexually. The morning fucks became mostly Sunday mornings, Saturdays if I was home, and of course afternoons we were both at work. Plus, my teaching job required me to sponsor an extracurricular activity that consumed 2 or 3 weekends a month, sometimes overnight trips on Friday night. But it was all good because we still went at it like rabbits every night I was home, and she had friends who would take her to "discos" (remember those?) on nights I wasn't around and then bring her home (she didn't hold her liquor very well), or so she said. When we did have time the sex was still great; we were still doing it everywhere we could, and around Christmas she surprised me by asking me fuck her in her ass, something she had always begged off from before. God it was great, and she got off on it like gangbusters! So as far as I knew things were fine.

Late in my first year teaching (about mid-April), I was going on another overnight trip with students on Friday, expecting to be back late Saturday night. But early Friday afternoon, just as we were about to leave school, we got a call that the competition had been cancelled so I suddenly had a free weekend. I called Jessica at work (this was WAY before cell phones!) but they said she had left work early, and no one seemed to know the reason. That was OK, that had been happening a lot lately. She had told me a few months before that her position now required her to work out of the regional office and to go into some of the retail outlets in the area; she frequently didn't get home from work until past 8 PM.

I assumed this was the case again, so I took advantage of the situation to go to our high school's baseball game that evening; the coach was a friend of mine and was always razzing me because I never came to his games. So I went to the game and finally got home at about 9 PM. We lived in a condo that had a garage with automatic door opener that was directly beneath the 2nd floor bedroom. When I opened the garage door I saw Jessica's Toyota there so I knew she was home. I hurried in eager for some great sex.

As soon as I came in the house I could smell that she had been smoking pot, a fairly unmistakable scent. That was fine; we did that when we could and I knew that pot always made Jessica even hornier than she usually was. I hurried to the stairs, where I was surprised to be met by my wife, looking very disheveled and nervous, and she was wrapped in a bed sheet from our bed.

"What-what---what are YOU doing home?" she almost yelled. Before I could answer, I heard someone on the top of the stairs, and then I saw one, then two, then three, finally four men, black men, all naked.

One of them said "Bitch, who's this? You got another gangbang you was plannin?" Another said to me: "Back off white boy; this cunt is ours! We picked her up a few hours ago an we aint nowhere through with her cunt OR her ass yet." Jessica turned back toward them obviously embarrassed, but said nothing to them. A third man said "Hey slut, you is fucking US tonight; tell the white boy to split."

Realizing what was going on, I bolted from the house, drove around for a few hours, finally got a motel room and tried to sleep. The next day was Saturday, I called the house and Jessica answered. "We need to talk." she said. The understatement of the year!

She suggested we meet at a coffee shop we used to go to, quiet place, but I guess she needed to meet me in public for fear of what I might do. She proceeded to tell me her story.

About 6 months earlier, she had been at a pool party with some coworkers after work. She wasn't swimming but they were downing margaritas and passing around a few joints. The liquor and the pot got her horny and lowered her judgment levels. There were 3 black men at the party, all wearing tight fitting swim suits. One started talking to her, and as she got stoned he moved in on her. Apparently he was hung like a horse (I'm not tiny, about 7" and reasonably thick, but apparently he was closer to 10!) She wound up over in a corner of the pool area, kneeling at his feet and giving him a blow job, and then did the same for his 2 friends. She swallowed their cum and was hoping for more, openly asking them to "take me someplace and fuck me", but they all had other plans for the evening. They gave her their phone number (they all shared an apartment in the same complex) and apparently one of them said "If you want to feel these cocks crammed into your cunt, give us a call!" I remembered the night she had come home drunk from the pool party. She was horny as hell and almost insatiable! We had fucked most of the night, and now I was finding out why!

Well she called them at 9 AM the next day, arranged to take off work at noon and went to their apartment and spent the rest of the day in her very first gangbang. Around 5 she took a break and called me to say she was working late in one of the stores (first time for that story), and went back to the men. She finally pulled herself away about 7:30, showered and came home.

From that day on, she got deeper and deeper into the interracial sex scene. She was with these 3 men for a few more times but then discovered that she liked fucking a LOT of different men. One day they passed her around to 4 other black friends of theirs and she LOVED it. So she started hitting bars where black men hung out, not a hard thing to find those days in Dallas. Her basic schedule was to take off work after lunch (using up her vacation time) and go to a bar, pick up anywhere from 3 to 5 black men, go to their house/apartment (or to a motel if they were married too), fuck till about 7 and then shower & come home. She began carrying a small overnight bag in her car with a portable douche kit so she could clean herself out before she came home to me.

Within a few days she had been assfucked and she LOVED it that way, and later other black men put her in bi-sexual scenes sometimes with their wives or girlfriends, other times with another slut like her they would pick up. They would take two young white women to a motel and fuck them in side-by-side beds, then would have her and the other woman clean each other's cunts out with their tongues while the black men fucked them in the ass! She said she wasn't really bi-sexual and never had any desire to "be with" other women on her own, but found it impossible to refuse the black men ANYthing they told her to do.

And so it went, for the next 6 months. She was fucking lots of other men about twice a week and me in between. Many weekends, she would fuck them all night when I was out of town on school trips. (The "disco" trips were her "cover" for those times. She wouldn't answer the phone if I called from the contest but would tell me later her friends had brought her home drunk and she just never heard the phone.) She swore up and down that the night before had been the first time she had ever brought men to our home, but I didn't really believe her. She had lied to me too many times already to have any credibility left.

Then she took a deep breath and asked me if I thought I could "handle" this situation (her continuing to fuck black men on the side), and could we "get back together". But she could tell by the look on my face that I couldn't. Then she said she had thought about it, and if it was a choice between me or black men, she would take the black men. She said their size was usually incredible, and she loved being treated like a "piece of meat" (as she put it). She was absolutely addicted to gangbangs and all the other degrading but sexy things they made her do. I knew I couldn't live with her fucking strangers all the time, so we agreed to separate and divorce. We didn't have any k**s, so that part was easy, from a legal standpoint anyway.

She wanted to move out of the condo because it was quite a drive from her work, and I couldn't afford the rent on my own, so we gave it up. I rented a small house close to my school; Jessica was quiet about her plans. I finally spoke to one of her co-workers who told me that Jessica had moved into the "clubhouse" of a black motorcycle gang in Dallas (the African Bandits). There she became one of their "house fuckmeats", white women who lived there and fucked any and all black men who came in. Apparently most all black cycle gangs have such women, ranging from the newer, prettier ones like Jessica that they keep for themselves and the older, "worn-out" ones that they turn into prostitution. She told her friends that the Bandits were fucking her, 2 or 3 at a time, all night every night, and she loved it. She repeatedly invited her female friends from work to join her at the Bandit's place, and some of them took her up on it. Some were married women, others were single.

About three months later I saw her again, at the divorce hearing. I was stunned at her appearance. She looked great, beautiful as always,maybe even more so. Being an unabashed slut seemed to agree with her. She was wearing a black leather micro-miniskirt and a black leather halter top, and these open-toed high heels. She had bright red lipstick and heavy eye shadow, and her hair was teased and full. She looked for all the world like a really beautiful but really really trashy hooker.

She was with 3 of the African Bandits, who led her into the court on a leash, as she had a dog collar around her neck. They pulled her from place to place, only unhooking her from the leash when her case was being heard and she had to approach the bench. As soon as her case was over, she went immediately back to the Bandits and knelt at their feet as they re-attached the leash. When I was closer to her, I could see that she had the words "Slut for Black Cock" tattooed on her lower midriff, just above the waistline of her miniskirt. When she spoke I could see that her tongue was pierced, fairly unusual for 1977, in 3 places. The men openly fondled her in public and while they were waiting for our case to come up, she had her hands inside their pants and appeared to be stroking their cocks.

As the hearing ended, they pulled her into the hall by the leash. Another black man approached them, some money changed hands, one of them turned to her and said "Cunt, go with him, do what he say", and the new black man took the leash and led her into the men's room. I left.

I didn't see Jessica again for almost 7 years. I heard through co-workers that she lost her executive job after another 4 months. Too much work missed was the excuse, but the real reason seemed to be that she flaunted her new lifestyle in the office, and it was a fairly conservative company. She would openly proposition Black Men who worked in their retail stores; she apparently had a business card made up that she would hand to a Black Man saying "Whatever You want: Anytime, Anyplace, Any WAY", and then her phone number. She recruited other white women in the home office to join her at the Bandits' clubhouse, and more than one became sluts for black that way. She dressed like a slut and acted like one too, but scornfully repelled the advances of any WHITE man who approached her. So yeah, I guess she had to be fired.

At that point the Bandits put her "on the street" as a whore to make up for her lost salary. She was lucky, though, as they only made her earn $100 a day before she could come back to the clubhouse and be fucked by the members. They also put her in a lot of amateur porno movies, always with her fucking black men or doing lesbian scenes in addition to taking on several black men.

I moved to a neighboring city and got on with my life. Then in the spring of 1984, I was preparing to move to another state when I got a phone call. It was Jessica, asking if she could come by and see me. I agreed. When she got there I was stunned. She looked terrible. I mean, you could still see that she was a beautiful woman, but obviously the past 7 years had been hard ones. She was 31 and looked 40.

She told me her sad story. The Bandits were moving their base of operations to the Houston area, and told her she could not come with them. They literally threw her out of their clubhouse. It seems that in the past 7 years, she had borne 3 c***dren, all black (no idea of course who the fathers were), and was pregnant with another; had become addicted to crack cocaine; and had lost much of her value as a whore. They were now demanding that she earn $300 a night on the street, and that was very hard to do. When she was in her period or was too pregnant to fuck, they made her give blowjobs in a porn movie theater for $10 apiece. But what really seemed to seal her fate was the arrival of Trudy and Tracy.

Trudy and Tracy were identical twins, blonde, beautiful, and both had been championship gymnasts until their breasts grew too large to be able to do some of the parallel and uneven parallel bars routines, so that ended. Both were as horny as could be and both were crazy about Black cock, coming to the clubhouse to fuck whenever they could when they were still in high school. The day after they turned 18, they had moved out of their parents expensive north Dallas home and had moved in to the African Bandits home. There they became the new "Number One house fuckmeat", and Jessica was reduced to "suck-up slut" (the woman in a gangbang who sucks the men hard was they wait their turn at the main sluts) and eagerly spreading her legs for anyone who didn't want to wait in line for Trudy or Tracy. It was at this point that the Bandits had raised her "quota" that she had to earn each night as a whore (from $100 a night to $300 a night) and then finally kicked her out altogether.

She was broke, pregnant, and had 3 c***dren in tow (waiting for her in the playground of a park near my house). She still had the tattoo on her midriff, and now had others. Both ankles were tattooed, one saying "Black Dick is God" and the other said "Any Black Man can have me".

First she asked if we could "get back together" again. I knew that was not going to work. She was too addicted to her old lifestyle, and it would only be a matter of time, maybe days, before she was fucking some black stranger. Also, I wasn't ready to raise 4 black c***dren.

So then she asked me for some money so she could go home (her mother lived in east Texas). She offered sex, anything I wanted, for it. She was pretty explicit, as you might expect from someone who had been working as a whore that long. She said I could fuck her in the ass, piss on her, tie her up and beat her, whatever I wanted. As aroused as I was, I had to assume that she had contracted almost every STD in the book (AIDS wasn't a big deal yet). I finally consented to let her give me a blow job. Even though it wasn't necessary, she immediately undressed, and I could see that her nipples were pierced and so was her labia, and she was shaved of all pubic hair (she explained that many hookers do that because the bare cunt makes the "johns" cum faster that way and they can turn more "tricks" in a night.) She also had other tattoos: one on her inner thighs proclaimed her the exclusive property of the African Bandits and another announced that only Black Cocks could be used in her cunt and her ass. As she knelt at my feet and gave me a really great blowjob, I couldn't help but think about the thousands of other men she had done the same thing for in the past few years. How many men had used her like this? How many men's cum had she taken in her mouth and swallowed eagerly?

Her tongue piercings were a big help in her blowjob (although she had always been good at that) and I blew my sperm into her mouth. She swallowed eagerly and sucked harder, till I finally pushed her away. I gave her $50 and told her to leave.

I haven't seen her since. I have no idea what became of her. I have since remarried, and have c***dren of my own. The ironic thing is, these days the thought of black men and white women is highly arousing to me as I will explain in my next story.
发布者 hondo1906
3 年 前