Jodi's Breakdown

Jodi wished she hadn't volunteered to drive the van this weekend. She and her new husband had been separated all week by his business and her volunteer work. Jodi met Ken two years ago when he started attending her church, she and Ken began dating shortly after that and they were married just three months ago.

Jodi was proud to have landed Ken, he was moving up fast in the company he worked for and if the promotion he'd been working so hard for came in they'd be set. Ken is a marketing analyst for a large firm and really good at it. Jodi doesn't need to work so she spends a lot of time doing work for the church.

Jodi also has time to do a lot of aerobics and as a result the petite blonde 23 year old could pass for 19 most of the time. Her hair is naturally blonde and comes to just below the curve of her firm ass. Jodi has a Playboy Bunny body with large full D cup breasts and a firm little heart shaped ass perched atop long slender legs. She always gets embarrassed when she is at the beach because the guys always stare at her. She sometimes wishes God had given her body to someone else. She didn't like all the attention she got from those lecherous men at the beach. After all God didn't want us to be running around acting like a****ls, he put us here to look after and control the dumber a****ls. She hated the way men looked at her with those "lustful eyes."

Ken never once made her feel like that. He always had the greatest respect for her as a woman and didn't try to kiss her until after several dates. They never had to worry about getting carried away since both were raised in the church and they both were committed to remain virgins until their wedding night. Ken and Jodi did manage to wait until the honeymoon and between the embarrassment of seeing another person's naked body and all the fumbling around they never did see what the big deal was.

Jodi drove along in the van listening to the local gospel station and thought about how happy her life with Ken was. Between the radio and her thoughts she couldn't hear the noise coming from the back of the van. Her first clue something was wrong was when the tire blew and the van fought her for control.

After a few near misses with losing control she managed to bring the van to a stop on the side of the road. Jodi looked at the tire and saw it was little more than a few shreds of rubber on the rim. Opening the back of the van Jodi looked for a spare but with all of the boxes full of clothes for the needy and the usual junk the van carried she couldn't find one. Besides even if she did have a spare tire she had no idea how to change it.

Jodi checked the map to see where she was and it looked like there was a small town just a few miles away from where she was. Jodi decided to just drive it on the flat into the town and have someone change it for her.

The few miles turned out to be more like ten and as the small town began to take shape in the waning sunlight she felt relieved. She'd get the tire replaced and be on her way in no time now.

As the town grew closer her relief began to fade. She could see from the condition of the houses in the town that it was a very poor neighborhood. There were junk cars on the streets and most all of the houses looked dirty and rundown. Jodi had been to a lot of neighborhoods like this one traveling with the church doing good deeds and helping the underprivileged people there.

Jodi began to worry about finding a repair shop open in this town. From the looks of the cars she had seen so far there wasn't much fixing up going on. Probably just a struggle to stay alive here.

When Jodi finally saw the gas station sign and pulled in she had gone a little over 12 miles on the empty rim. By the time the attendant showed up Jodi had already looked at the tire and was sure it would be bad news. The rim was obviously shot with all the dents and scratches in the outside edge. She was studying the damage when the attendant startled her by talking to her.

When Jodi turned to find the source of the voice her breath caught as she saw a tall black man standing behind her. After a moment the surprise faded as she thought "well what did you expect to find in this town?"

The black man introduced himself as Jim and bent to look at the ruined rim. Jodi stood behind him and tried not to be nervous. The man was not only tall he was powerfully built with broad shoulders and heavily muscled arms. Jim looked at the rim for just a short time and told her the news she already knew. "Rim's shot", you'll need to use the spare if there is one. "I looked for one but didn't see any" Jodi told Jim trying not to let the butterflies in her belly make her voice crack.

"I'll take a look for you if you'd like miss" said Jim and proceeded around the back of the van and opened the door. Jodi waited in the long silence for Jim to return with a tire under his arm and was not entirely surprised to see him come back empty handed.

"Looks like you're in for a long wait today miss, I'm sorry but there ain't any spare tire." Jim told her that since the van was a heavy duty model that he'd need to make some calls and see if he could find a replacement. Jodi followed him to the office and sat as he called one place after another looking for a rim for her. He reassured her about every other call that he'd find her one, but after over a dozen local calls he told her "I'm sorry miss but there just ain't one that will fit in the whole county." "I know a place I can get one but it will be tomorrow before it will be here."

Jodi sat in the chair looking lost and helpless, Jim eyed her when she wasn't looking hoping he didn't get caught staring at those luscious tits. Jim was thinking he was the luckiest guy in town right now. He had himself a genuine damsel in distress and he was going to make sure she thought of him as her guardian angel. He could tell from the way she acted and the name of the church on the side of the van that she was a scared little girl right now. First he had to convince her that she was stuck here for the night. Then he'd work on getting her stuck a few more places tonight.

Jodi began to cry when Jim told her she was stranded for the night and he immediately began to comfort her telling her it would be just fine. She was welcome to stay with him and his sister tonight and they'd get the van fixed in the morning. He did his best to soothe her fears and soon the pretty young blonde believed he really did want to help.

As they were closing up the shop Jim told her that he and his sister were supposed to have a party that night for a few friends and hoped she didn't mind. Jodi really didn't like the sound of it but with no transportation and no hotel she was stuck. Jim assured her she could either join the party and have some fun or just hang out in the back of the house and be left alone. He told her they didn't have wild parties and that it would probably wind down around 10 or so.

Jodi followed Jim up a narrow broken walk to his house and went through the introductions. Jim's sister Cherry took her to the bathroom and let her freshen up after her ordeal. Like Jim she was careful not to let the pretty blonde catch her looking.

Cherry hated the woman because she knew she would be every man at the party's wet dream. Cherry and Jim had a small group of close friends that they got together with every so often and had parties. These parties were always ended by an uninhibited sex orgy with everyone moving from partner to partner until they all were fucked out. Now Jim had brought this white bitch home and all of the guys would be too interested in fucking her to pay any attention to Cherry. But then again little Jodi would help keep all those big black dicks hard and that might not be all bad since there were always more men than women and even adding this little white bitch there would probably be at least two men to every woman.

While Jodi washed the road grime off her face and did what she could to straighten her clothes Cherry and Jim made plans for the evening. Jodi had told Jim she didn't want to go to the party since she would feel out of place and Jim had assured her it would be fine either way. What he told Cherry was completely different. His plan was to let Jodi stay in the back out of sight while the others got warmed up. While she was alone he would get her to drink something, anything she wanted, as long as the taste of the d**g wouldn't be noticed in it. Cheery and Jim exchanged evil grins as they talked about their plans to seduce the hot little bitch in their bathroom.

Jodi rejoined Jim and Cherry cutting short the plans. But not before the main parts had been formed. Cherry chatted with the blonde as her brother began making preparations for the party. Cherry asked Jodi if she'd like a drink and Jodi said "please anything wet would be nice." Knowing the little blonde was driving a church van Cherry made her a tall glass of iced tea and added the first small dose of the d**g.

Jodi sipped the tea and chatted as time passed. Before long Cherry told her she'd help her get comfortable in the bedroom since the guests would be arriving soon and she had to get ready. The girls moved their talk to the bedroom and Jodi had a fresh glass of tea in her hand. She wondered about the after taste at first but passed it off as just cheap tea. After all these people were barely getting by.

As Jodi sipped the tea the trials of the day began to fade from her mind and she lay back to relax watching Cherry get dressed. Cherry's wardrobe was quite racy looking to the pretty blonde but again she passed it off as just the way it was. She had begun to like both Jim and Cherry and thought she might help them with some things for their home after all this was over.

Cherry finally finished dressing for the evening and Jodi had to fight an urge to tell the woman she looked like a harlot. Cherry was wearing a very short tight skirt and stockings, and a thin silk blouse that did nothing to hide her charms. It occurred to Jodi that Cherry was a really pretty woman and she had watched her dress with an interest she didn't fully understand. A lot of things were not making sense but her mind was too tired to put it together.

Cherry left to finish getting ready for the party and Jim came in and talked to her for a little while before leaving to get her another iced tea. By now she had a fair amount of the d**g flowing in her veins. She could feel the warm glow in her body but excused it as relief at finding such helpful people.

Jodi could here the sounds of the party, mostly the bass beat of the music and occasional laughter. She started to join the party several times but talked herself out of it. On one trip to the bathroom she peeked into the living room and saw several couples dancing. But this wasn't like what she was used to seeing, all of the couples were very close together and some were kissing passionately right in front of the other guests. Jodi thought that was a rude thing to do in someone's home.

Jim stopped in from time to time to check on her and Jodi wanted to follow him out of there to the party but was put off by the lewd behavior of some of the guests. Before long the trials of the day combined with the d**g caused her to drift off to sleep.

Jodi awoke some time later, she had a panic filled moment in the unfamiliar room until she remembered where she was. The sounds in the living room had died down a lot and Jodi decided it was time for her to rid herself of some of the tea she'd drunk. On the way back to the bedroom she once again peeked into the living room. There were no dancers now and the lights had all been lowered. After the glare of the bathroom lights it took a few moments for her eyes to adjust.

Jodi's eyes flew open in shock once they did adjust. It seemed to her that all over the room there were people making love. Not just kissing but she could make out people rubbing each other in private places and some of them actually seemed to have their clothing half undone.

As her eyes adjusted she watched as one black woman turned her head from side to side kissing the men on either side of her. Jodi could not be sure of her count but it seemed there were a lot more men than women left at the party now.

Her mind screamed at her to look away, her religious upbringing shocked by the lewd actions going on. Just as she was turning to leave she could see the woman that had been kissing the two men begin to slide off the couch. She watched in disbelief as the woman knelt before the two men as they pulled at the waistbands of their pants. Soon she could see the woman's hands moving in the men's laps. Jodi was sure she couldn't be rubbing their things. Nobody really did the horrid things she'd heard about in the books the church gave her.

Jodi watched in spite of herself, it was like watching a train wreck, she was horrified but could not look away. She watched the woman rub the men's things for a while longer seeing the way they stiffened and rose from the men's laps. They were much larger than Ken's thing. They were easy to see even in the dim lighting.

What happened next blew Jodi's mind completely! The black woman was leaning forward like she wanted a better look at those large black things and Jodi didn't know what she was going to do until the woman bent down and began to lick at the long black penis. The woman began to move from one to the other licking and sucking the nasty things until they glistened in the low light.

Tearing her eyes away from the sinful display Jodi looked around the rest of the room. People all around the room were undressing and playing with each other. The scenes seemed burned on her eyes as she moved from one to the next. In one corner there was a slim black woman with her back to Jodi slowly rising and falling on something Jodi could not see right away. In a few more moments Jodi could see the man under the woman and his huge black penis slipping in and out of the woman.

As Jodi watched the sinful acts she became more and more aware of an itching sensation down there by her privates. She could feel her body betraying her mind as she watched on helpless to look away. Her breath came in short gasps as she watched the people in the room. Almost all of the people were doing some kind of perverted sexual act. All of the woman in the room were either licking a mans thing or had his penis inside her body.

The itching sensation grew and before long the pretty blonde was rubbing at it u*********sly. Jodi could feel a wetness there and heat too. She'd never felt this way before and wondered why the scenes in the room no longer shocked her but kept her fascinated this way.

Moans and sighs could be heard above the music now as more and more the people got into their sexual debauchery. The woman riding the mans penis in the corner was moving faster now and the woman that had been sucking the two men now had one behind her slipping a huge thick penis in and out of her vagina as she continued to lick and suck the other man.

Jodi's u*********s rubbing became more urgent. She could feel her heart beating rapidly in her chest. Her privates felt as though she'd peed herself they were so wet. Her nipples so hard now each shift of the bra brought a confused pain / pleasure signal to her brain.

Jim stood down the hall watching the pretty blonde play with herself. He knew if he moved too soon she might panic and d**g or no d**g fear would make her run. A little longer watching and waiting and she'd be all his.

Jodi moved from scene to scene in the wicked play the others were putting on for her. There were five women and twelve men in the room right now. Cherry was easy to find since there were few women there. Cherry was currently laying across the room from Jodi with one black mans thing in her mouth and another in her vagina. Cherry looked like she was loving it but that couldn't be. Cherry was a nice girl and nice girls didn't take a mans thing in their mouth. Let alone do that and let another man put one in her vagina.

Jim could see the pretty blonde's hand rubbing her pussy, her other hand had seemed left out for a while but now found itself rubbing first one breast then the other. Her hips moved in time with her hand as she rubbed. Jim began to move slowly up the hallway, closing the distance between him and the blonde.

Stopping just a foot from the pretty blonde he could hear her breath as she rubbed herself. He could hear her muttering something like "I can't believe I'm watching this" over and over. Being this close he could feel the heat coming from the petite little blonde and not being able to take it any longer moved closer still.

As Jodi stood staring at the spectacle of all that sex in the room she began to sense someone near her. Just as she was about to turn and look strong hands gripped her sides. She could feel the soft warm currents of someone's breath on her neck, she felt the strong hands moving slowly up her ribcage to her breasts, felt her traitorous body responding. As the hands closed over her tits and began to massage them a pair of warm soft lips began to kiss and nibble at the exposed skin of her neck and shoulders.

Jodi's legs threatened to give out as an unfamiliar feeling built inside her body. The feeling seemed to center on her privates but more and more it spread to the rest of her body. One of the hands left her aching tits and she was about to complain when a long stiff finger moved over her swollen privates. The feeling of something building within her increased until there was an explosion in her head. Her first real orgasm ripped through her d**gged mind and her head went back as her body spasmed again and again. If Jim hadn't held her she would have fallen to the floor.

As Jodi's traitorous body reacted to the orgasm, Jim reacted too and soon had her in the living room and laid on an oversized chair. Before Jodi could think or speak his mouth covered hers and he kissed her deeply. Jodi had kissed only three men in her entire life and one of those had been her current husband. She'd never had a feeling in her body like this before. She knew it was terribly wrong, knew she must stop him, kick him or push him away but make him stop. Instead her body simply opened her mouth and allowed the black mans tongue to enter it.

Nobody had ever stuck his tongue in her mouth before, it felt wonderful. Jim's strong hands explored her body and she found she welcomed it. Her legs spread wide at the touch of his hand inside her thigh. As Jim's hand worked over her privates she again felt the building sensation. She encouraged the feeling now knowing it would soon give her that pleasure again, the one she felt the first time tonight.

Jim whispered to her now "if you'd really like to feel good you'll need to get undressed." Without thinking she tugged the button and zipper of her slacks open and lifted her hips as Jim removed her slacks. In less than a minute she was naked and writhing under a black man in a room full of other people. Her mind didn't seem to work anymore, her body controlled everything now and all that mattered was feeling that wonderful build up.

Jodi gasped as she felt a mouth close over her taught nipple. A tongue flicked it quickly back and forth as a finger rubbed a very sensitive spot in her privates. Jim licked her nipple mercilessly and began rubbing her hard little clit faster and faster.

Jim felt her body begin to spasm once more and kept up his assault on her naked flesh until her body relaxed once more. He began to whisper in her ear now, "you like it when I rub your clit baby?" Jodi didn't know what he meant and didn't want to take a chance of losing the feeling so she asked "what's that?"

Jim reached down and grabbed her clit between his thumb and forefinger. Rubbing it softly he whispered to her "this is your clit!" "You mean that spot there in my privates" she said. Jim chuckled and began to tell her things. "Baby we don't call them privates here!" "Here that's known as pussy" Jim went on to tell her more slang names for her body rubbing or licking each as it was named. He ended the anatomy class by wrapping her hand around his hard shaft and telling her "and this is a cock!"

Jodi could not believe the size of it. She had her fingers on it but they did not begin to go all the way around it. The times she and Ken had made love she had helped him get it inside so she knew it's size. Her husband was not even half this thick. And long, sweet Jesus Jim's had to be three times what Ken's was. She just had to feel it inside her, maybe then the itch in her pussy would begin to go away.

Jodi tried to climb onto the hard black cock but Jim held her back saying "First you need to get it wet!" Jodi didn't know what he meant at first but then remembered the woman licking the men's cocks until the shown in the light. Trying hard to remember what she had seen Jodi began to lick and kiss the massive cock. She could smell the musky scent of Jim's crotch now. The smell raised another itch deep in her pussy. Jim had told her this was called a blow job. She wanted to do it right so Jim would make her feel good after it was done. Mustering all of her courage she opened her mouth and tried to take the head of Jim's cock in her mouth. It took some doing but soon her jaw muscles relaxed a little and she began to blow out as she moved her head.

Jim giggled a little and told her "You're supposed to suck it, blow job is just an expression!" With Jim's patient guidance Jodi soon became a passable cocksucker. Jim wanted to show her what they really meant by blow job but just had to have first shot at her tight little pussy. Pulling her head from his cock he moved her up his body. "Did I do it wrong?" asked Jodi confused. "No I'm just saving it for inside your pussy!" "Would you like to try that now baby?"

Jodi was moving up his body as they talked and her pussy had just begun to slide over his hard cock. Her moan at feeling the heat and pressure of his cock on her pussy lips told Jim all he needed to know.

Jodi could feel the fat head of his cock throbbing against her pussy lips. She could feel him reach between their bodies and begin to rub the hard cock over her pussy lips. She thought she would die from the pleasure of it. She could feel him stop every now and then and begin to press the hard cock inside only to feel it slip away again. Her moans were constant now as Jim teased the petite blonde with his ebony shaft.

Soon Jim could take no more and with a slight jerk of his hips pressed the fat head into the little white bitch straddling it. Jodi felt a sharp pain followed immediately by a very powerful orgasm. Jim waited as the hot little blonde writhed on his cock head. Her body motions caused another delicious inch to slip inside her pussy.

Jim let her calm down a little and began to push the head in and out of the tight opening. Each time he pressed the head back inside it went a little deeper. Jodi lay on his chest panting as inch after inch of hard black cock sunk into her. Her mind held no thoughts now, only feeling, feelings of a most wonderful kind.

Jim could tell she was relaxing now, her body adjusting to the size of his cock. Her pussy dripped juice down his ass as he worked his cock in and out. His long ebony shaft glistened with her sweet honey. His cock was moving fully in and out now and the little blonde just moaned and sighed as she felt the cock inside her. Until now she had only felt Ken's cock inside her body. The feeling she was getting from Jim's seemed a thousand times better.

She began to mutter to Jim "Fuck me, fuck me, oh God make me feel that feeling!" Jim brought her head close to his and said "That feeling is called cumming" "when you want to feel that just say, Make me cum!"

"Oh yes that feels good Jim, make me cum, please make me cum!" Jim moved faster and faster into the tight blonde furred pussy. He could feel the muscles beginning to milk his hard thick cock. Soon his pretty blonde slut was shouting out "I'M cumming!" and grinding her pussy against his pelvis as all 10 inches of black cock were buried in her hot tight pussy.

Jim's own needs began to take over and as the blonde shook through her orgasm Jim began to hammer the hard cock in and out faster and faster. Slapping sounds could be heard all through the room and all of the other people had stopped to watch Jim fuck the pretty little blonde. Jim's balls tightened and the people in the room watched as with one final stroke Jim began pumping a load of cum into her pussy. Jodi collapsed on Jim and lay there panting for some time.

Jodi could feel Jim's cock soften and shrink in her pussy, she could feel the mans cum ooze from her hot pussy as she lay on his chest. Her eyes closed and her mind reeled in ecstasy she lay on the powerful black's chest. She knew she'd hate herself later but her body felt so alive right now she didn't care.

A soft rubbing on her lips brought her part way back to reality. Opening her eyes she saw another large black cock poised at her mouth. Her lips parted and the head filled her mouth with a salty flavor she now knew as the flavor of a man's cock. Under the salty flavor she could taste something else but couldn't tell what it was.

Jim slid out from under her body and she was rolled onto her back. As the man at her mouth worked his cock in and out of her mouth she felt another cock rubbing her pussy lips. The cock slid easing into her hot wet pussy and as the feelings began to take over her body once more she sucked hungrily at the thick black cock in her mouth.

Jodi no longer thought about what was happening. All she wanted to do was feel the good feeling in her body and to feel that explosive release they called cumming. The combination of a cock in her mouth and in her pussy at the same time was just wonderful and she never wanted it to end.

The man in her mouth told her he was about to cum. "Ever swallow cum baby?" he asked. She did he best to answer him but it's hard when your mouth is stretched around a thick black cock. "Well get ready baby, I'm going to cum a lot!" he grunted and with a final thrust he began to shoot hot jets of cum into her mouth. Jodi gulped and swallowed as fast as she could but some still escaped her mouth.

No sooner had the cock left her mouth when another hard black cock was placed at her lips. Again she sucked it greedily into her mouth. Again the taste of something other than a mans salty precum filled her mouth and this time she knew what it was. Both of these men had just finished fucking another woman tonight. That taste in her mouth was from another woman's pussy. Instead of being repulsed she began to think it might be fun to try it without having the taste of cock added to it. It was a more subtle taste and even somewhat sweet.

The man fucking her pussy increased his thrusts and she matched him as best she could without losing the cock in her mouth. As her orgasm hit he thrust once more and added another load of hot cum to the one Jim had given her. As the cock left her pussy she could feel the cum run down into her ass. It felt so wicked to be so full of cum, and she realized she was loving every minute of it.

With her pussy temporarily empty she concentrated on sucking the cock in her mouth. Soon its owner was groaning and thrusting at her mouth trying to get more inside her. Pulling her head back she grabbed the cock in both hands and began to furiously rub back and forth. Her eyes glazed with lust, she felt the massive cock begun to swell just a little bit more and seconds later she watched as spurt after spurt of hot white cum shot from the cock toward her open mouth.

After the cock quit shooting cum she lay back and began to rub the cum that had missed her mouth into her cheeks and lips. She so wicked looking with that cum on her face and fingers that the men started to applaud her.

Jodi lay back and closed her eyes determined to just ride out this night and let tomorrow be whatever it might be. She new this was supposed to be terribly wrong but her body had taken over and her mind seemed only to know pleasure.

Jodi could feel soft hands on her thighs and moments later a warm wet tongue began to slither over her pussy lips. Opening her eyes and looking at her pussy she could see the top of Cherry's head and knew that has to be her tongue in her pussy. She was just about to stop her when Cherry found her clit and sucked it quickly into her mouth. By the time the orgasm had finished Jodi didn't care if Satan was licking her himself she just knew if felt better than anything other than a hard cock in there.

Again she was presented a hard cock at her lips and again she began to lick and suck it. When it was fully wet the man moved to straddle her chest and began to rub his long thick cock between her tits. Cherry's tongue was driving her wild and the sight of the mans cock appearing and disappearing between her tits fascinated her.

The man began to stroke faster between her tit s and he told her "Open wide baby, more cum for you to swallow soon!" His hips flexed faster and faster as he fucked her tits roughly. Jodi could see the fat head begin to swell and like a good little slut opened her mouth. The mans cock started to erupt and hot blasts of cum landed in her mouth, on her face, in her hair, and the last few small spurts formed a pool in the valley between her firm tits.

As the man between her tits left she was lifted from the chair and moved to a man laying on the floor. His erect cock pointed at the ceiling as she was guided to him. She lowered herself on the thick cock and began to ride it hard. A pretty black woman moved before her face and Jodi thought she wanted her to lick her pussy. She was half right, the woman squatted down and placed her pussy over the mans face.

Jodi began to feel the her orgasm building again and when it hit she reached out for support. As the climax began to fade she opened her eyes to find she was hugging the black woman getting her pussy licked. The woman had a dreamy look in her eyes as the man licked her pussy. Jodi leaned forward a little more and began to kiss the lovely black woman.

Lost I the feeling of kissing a woman and getting a hard cock rammed in and out of her Jodi hardly felt the finger slip into her ass. By the time she realized what was happening her ass had adjusted to it and it felt good. Another finger joined the first and her ass again adjusted to it. Soon Jodi no longer cared about who was doing what to who.

By the time the man in her pussy was ready to cum she had had several orgasms and was taking three long black fingers in her ass. The combination of her spasms and the fingers in her ass were too much for the man under her and he began to thrust hard into her. Soon she experienced another orgasm as she felt his cock spraying cum deep inside her once more.

The man under her began to grow soft and with a sigh she climbed off him and began to look for more hard cocks. She found another man laying back waiting for her pussy and she dropped down on it in an instant. As the man slid back an forth in her now sloppy pussy she felt the pressure on her ass again. This time it was much larger and she knew without looking a cock was going in there too.

Before long the two men had a nice rhythm going and her body took over full control once more. Somewhere during her double fucking another cock found her mouth and she was in heaven. Three hard black cocks to use for her pleasure.

During that night and into the next morning she fucked and sucked every man there at least once. She also sucked the pussy of all but one woman, and that one just didn't want her to touch her. All together she had been fucked in all three of her openings close to thirty times. Cum dripped from her pussy, ass, tits, and ran down her legs.

Exhausted and confused she passed out just as the sun broke the horizon. Jodi slept covered in dried cum and sweat for 12 hours before slowly waking. As her eyes focused she could only be sure that wherever she was she wasn't home. Her bedroom looked nothing like the one she found herself in now. Her body was sore and an odor filled the room. Her mouth, pussy and ass throbbed as she lay trying to remember where she was.

Jodi closed her eyes and was immediately assaulted with the image a large black cock spilling its load into her open mouth. Other flashes hit her like ones of a woman's head between her legs or her head between another woman's spread legs. Cocks appeared everywhere she turned in her memories, cocks filling her mouth and pussy, big hard black pricks in her ass. And the cum, it seemed like gallons were poured over her body.

With that last thought she identified the smell in the room as stale cum. She recognizes the smell from the condoms Ken always wore. Pulling back the tattered sheet she can see her body is covered in a mixture of angry looking love bites and a large amount of dried cum. Big flakes of cum lay crumbling in the bedcovers.

Jodi heads for the shower and stays in the hot water stream until it begins to cool. When she steps out she has scrubbed from head to toe and then some. She'd kill for a toothbrush but settles for a finger full of toothpaste to kill the taste of cum in her mouth.

Emerging from the bathroom she realizes she has an immediate problem. She is naked and woke up that way. She last saw her neatly pressed pants and cotton blouse nearly eighteen hours ago. While looking through the closet for a robe or something to put on until she can find her clothes she hears the bedroom door open.

"Feeling better after a shower?" Cherry asked her cheerily. "Well mostly I am but I'm still a little confused!" replied Jodi

"Well how do you feel about it all?" asked Cherry shakily. "I'm not sure, I know I was taken advantage of but I can't say for sure if it was all that bad." "Right now I just want to get something to eat and maybe a drink to settles my nerves!" "Is Jim here now?"

"No he left earlier to go get the parts to fix your van." "He shouldn't be back for another hour or so at least."

Jodi's mind kept flashing images of cocks and pussy and cum, lots of cum. She thought of what her devoted husband might think and began to cry. Cherry came to her and they talked a long time about what its like being a slut in a monogamous world.

Eventually the sobs turned to giggles and the giggles sighs as the two newfound sisters made slow sweet love. Fully alert and aware this time Jodi licked the black woman's pussy till her throat was bathed in her sweet juices. Cherry's pink pussy lips looked so inviting surrounded by the woman's dark skin. Her hair down here so much different than Jodi's soft blonde curls. The girls kissed and sucked and massaged the evening away and near dark as Jim returned home he heard the sweet music of two women in heat.

Jim fucked Jodi twice more that night before pointing her well fucked ass back home toward hubby. Jodi had a few hour drive to think of a good explanation for all this. The flat and ruined rim might cover most of it but there was a lot of marks to explain away. There are no doubts about some of them being bite marks.

Good thing they always wear PJ's at home like proper little people would. In a few days most of the marks would be gone and the rest will fade soon after that. Ken is used to only getting it occasionally so it won't be much of a problem.

She also thought about how she felt about the whole ordeal and what had happened. Mostly she felt used but when she looked deep inside her what she felt was satisfied. More satisfied than she had ever been in her life.

After the breakdown and the party Jodi tried to go back to being a proper wife and Christian. She had nearly died when her period was three days over due since the baby would most certainly be a black man's but which black man she'd have no idea. But her period arrived finally and Ken was none the wiser about her actions that night.

Her biggest challenge was hiding her new found sexual appetite from Ken. Several times she had to stop herself from telling him how to make love to her. She wanted to drop before him and suck his little cock. Wanted him to fuck her mouth, her ass, cum on her face, anything he wanted would have been fine. Except all he wanted was about 5 minutes of the missionary position and 8 hours sleep.

For nearly three months after the episode her strong will to be a good little wife to Ken held (Assisted by a Vibrator she bought from a mail order catalog), then one night on the way back from a church function she stopped dead in front of a nightclub. The nightclub was in a nicer neighborhood and the parking lot was full of expensive cars, but most all of the men going in and out the door were black. These men were not like the men Jim and Cherry hung around, they were well dressed and judging by the cars in the lot they must be pretty successful.

Jodi drove home that night with a mind filled with possibilities. She had managed to avoid a repeat encounter with black lovers due mostly to a fear of getting caught or hurt during some torrid sexual scene. But here was another possibility, she could easily come back here and meet a nice black man.

She knew that most of these men would probably be married and would have to be careful how she acted but this place would be much better than risking her life with some unruly gang of blacks. Besides the married guys would have as much to lose as she did.

Jodi told Ken the next Friday night that she had to go to a church function and that it might run late. Ken didn't look up from his paperwork as Jodi left the house headed for the nightclub. Jodi had bought a new outfit for tonight. The outfit was basically a woman's business suit but if you hiked the skirt just right it could become very sexy.

Her heart was beating a hundred miles a minute as she tugged the door to the club open. The inside of the club was nicely appointed with soft seats and several booth along the outside walls. The lighting was set fairly low and Jodi could see there were a number of couples here.

Jodi also saw there were more than a few couples that were racially mixed. "Good" she thought to herself, it would be easier with other mixed couples around the room.

Jodi had a seat at the bar and was immediately noticed by the bartender. He was a nice looking black man in his early thirties. "And what could I get you to drink miss?" he asked. "White wine please" replied Jodi, her nerves on edge just from being here.

As Jodi sipped the wine she looked around the room. A lot of couples here and not as many men as she had hoped. She noticed a man sitting at a table by himself and looked him over well. He was probably 35 - 40 years old but in fine shape. His body looked like an athletes with well defined muscles on his arms.

Jodi continued to watch the man from her spot at the bar, her experience so far at picking up guys came from sneaking glances at each other during the sermon at church. She had no idea how to go about getting what she wanted. When the man stood to go to the men's room and Jodi could see the large bulge in his pants she knew she wanted him and right now.

Jodi finished her white wine and the bartender instantly asked if she would like another. Armed with another drink she looked for the man again. He was back at his table and Jodi watched him as she sipped her wine. A daydream filled her mind of her and the black man making slow delectable love to each other.

She could imagine him using his cock to please her horny body. If not for the vibrator she would not have had an orgasm since the experience with Jim and Cherry. She needed to feel a thick hard cock in her body as she cums. She needs to feel the hot jets of a man's cum in her pussy, ass, or pretty mouth.

Lost in her fantasy she didn't realize the man was looking at her. When she finally stopped dreaming long enough to come to her senses she looked at him and saw him looking directly at her. She tried to smile and act confident but inside she was as nervous as she had been on her wedding night.

She looked away from the man and took a long drink of the wine. Looking back toward his table she could see he was still looking at her and this time when her eyes met his he smiled at her.

Jodi smiled at the man and then looked at the chair next to him, asking him without words if he'd like some company. His nod was subtle enough for most people not to have noticed but for Jodi there was no mistake.

Jodi joined the man and found out his name was William. Though most of his friends called him Bill. Jodi sat and talked with the man for some time before he asked her what she was doing in a club like this one.

Jodi swallowed more wine before answering "My husband just doesn't know what it takes to satisfy me."

"And just what might that be?" inquired Bill.

"I need to feel used, to feel like a whore" Jodi whispered.

Bill grinned "I'm happy you found me tonight Jodi!", "Tonight you will be my sex toy, and later you may meet some of my friends."

Twenty minutes later Jodi and Bill were in a hotel off the freeway and she had his thick cock in her mouth. Bill's cock was marvelous and Jodi sucked an licked it like it was the last edible thing on the planet. She savored every taste of the man's cock lapping the salty precum from the head of it. When he came in her throat she swallowed every drop and kept sucking until Bill pushed her head away.

His cock temporarily satisfied he began to lick her pretty blonde furred pussy. His tongue teased and delighted her for a long time bringing her to so many orgasms she had lost count. When he finally moved up from between her legs she could see his cock once again hard and ready for her.

Jodi grabbed her legs just behind her knees and pulled them back for Bill. Her spread legs gave Bill easy access and soon he had all of his thick ebony shaft in her hot pussy. Bill was nothing like Jim and the others. He made love to her. he didn't want to just use her he wanted to please her too.

Jodi was lost in the feeling of having her pussy stretched again. She loved the feeling of being so full. Bill moved in and out of her pussy with long slow strokes occasionally giving her a quick hard stroke when going back inside. Jodi would lift her hips to meet him on each down stroke.

Bill's mouth kissed and nibbled her neck and tits as she continued to hold her legs wide apart for her lover. He whispered to her that he would like to change positions and Jodi moaned as the large black cock slipped out of her leaving an empty feeling behind.

Her joy returned as Bill rolled on his back and held the massive black shaft of his cock pointed straight up for her. Jodi climbed on his body and aligned the ebony wonder with her pussy lips. Once she felt the head of it slip inside her she shoved herself down on it hard taking it all the way into her horny pussy.

Jodi rode the hard cock as Bill ran his hands over her lovely ass and nibbled her tender nipples with his teeth and lips. Jodi loved the feeling of being in control now and fucked up and down the thick black cock. Bill loved watching the hot white woman ride his cock. He wondered just how far she would be willing to go.

Bill pulled her close and while sucking her nipple and moving his hard cock in and out of her reached around behind her and slipped a finger into her ass. Jodi stiffened and came hard on his finger and cock. Her body jerked upright with the orgasm pulling her nipple from his mouth with a pop.

Bill knew she was no stranger to getting her ass filled and couldn't wait to see the long thick shaft of his cock buried in her ass. Lifting her hips he pulled her off his hard cock and moved the head to the opening of her tight little asshole. Jodi took control and slowly allowed the huge cock to enter her ass.

Before long Jodi was settled on his hips again. The idea of having her ass full of black cock made her crazy with lust and she began to rise slowly up its length until the head almost popped free of her ass. Then slowly she would descend back down the long thick shaft once more.

Gradually Jodi picked up the pace and soon she was fucking his cock fast and hard with her ass. Bill had never seen a woman get into an ass fucking like this girl. He was biting his lip to keep from shooting his cum in her ass too soon. It was a battle to see who was going to last longer. Jodi was close to another mind stopping orgasm but she wanted to be the best fuck this man had ever had.

Jodi slammed her ass down his cock one last time and ground her hips against Bill's. Looking him in the eye she whispered "Cum in my ass, fill me with your cum, I need it now Bill" Bill grunted and shoved his hips harder against Jodi's, seconds later she could feel the fat head of his cock swelling and contracting as the hot jets of cum filled her ass.

Driving home later that night Jodi looked back on her evening. "Not too bad" she thought remembering how she had gone into the club a little after 8pm and by midnight had had a load of black cum in her mouth and one in her ass. Bill was too wore out to continue and that was probably a good thing since it was getting late for a "church function."

Jodi decided she was wasting too much time sitting and trying to find a man. What she needed were a few steady lovers to fill her with cum. Bill had given her his private office number and Jodi talked to him about whether he still wanted to see her again. Bill said he was counting the hours until the next time and jokingly said "I may have to bring help to satisfy you though." Jodi assured him that would be fine with her.

Two weeks later Jodi met Bill at the club but this time he had a friend with him. Bill's friend was a good looking man similar to Bill but slightly younger. Jodi looked him over openly since she assumed Bill had told him about her.

The hotel scene was hot this time with two hard black cocks to play with and Jodi got to feel them in her ass, mouth, and pussy several times. Both men came at least twice with the younger man filling all three of her openings with cum. As the two men lay spent on the bed Jodi laughed and said "Looks like you could use some more help."

When Jodi met Bill two weeks later he was alone at the table. Jodi must have looked disappointed because Bill asked her "What's the matter baby I'm not enough for you?"

"Well yes and no, you know I get off on having more than one lover!", "but I'll be happy with just you if that's what you want."

Bill's smile told Jodi he was up to something. Bill began to explain to her that after watching her fuck and suck him and his friend last time he wanted to set up something special for her. He told her he had a party set up for her if she was interested.

"How many guys are going to be there?" Jodi wanted to know. Bill told her about a dozen or so, maybe a few more. Then he added that there would be another woman there as well but she was nowhere near as good looking as Jodi so Jodi would have her pick of the guys most of the time.

Jodi couldn't wait to get started and as they drove to the hotel Jodi sucked Bill's cock until it filled her mouth with his salty cum. She would liked to have fucked him but there would be time for that later.

Bill opened the door and led Jodi into the room. Jodi could see about 14 black boys sitting around the room. And boys they were since most of them were just 18. Bill explained that he was a star player for the local college and was now part of the alumni there. The team had just won their first championship in years and as a reward he wanted her to fuck each of them.

Also in the room was a young sexy black girl the same age as the boys. Jodi guessed her to be a cheerleader that had found a fun way to really get the boys going.

"Who's the Captain?" Jodi asked. A tall black boy raised his hand and told her he was the captain. "You get to undress me and then you can pick where you'd like to fuck me."

The captain was on his feet in an instant and after he had her undressed and had shown her sexy body to his teammates said "I want to fuck you on the bed."

"That's not what I meant silly," "Do you want to fuck my mouth, my pretty little pussy, or maybe you'd like to feel my ass on that hard cock?"

"Your A... A... Ass!" he finally managed to blurt out. Jodi told him that he would have to wait until she was ready and she'd let him know when to slip it in. With that settled she asked for the highest scoring player and gave him his choice. He wanted her pussy so she asked him to strip off his clothes and lie on his back.

Jodi straddled his hips and rubbed the fat head of his cock over her pussy lips. Once she was satisfied he was ready she lowered her pussy down his hard cock. As she rode the hard cock she motioned for a boy standing near the bed to come closer. When he was next to the bed she looked up at him and said simply "Fuck my mouth lover."

As the two boys moved in and out of her mouth and pussy the captain wished for a short while he had chosen one of those spots. That is until she stopped sucking the cock in her mouth long enough to look at the young captain and wink at him as she spread her ass cheeks wide for him.

Soon Jodi had three hard young cocks filling her body, she loved feeling so full of cock. The rest of the team started shedding clothes and soon there were hard naked cocks everywhere. The boys helped the cheerleader out of her clothes and soon she was busy with cocks in her mouth and pussy. She could see the pretty white woman's face and knew she was going to have to try getting triple fucked real soon.

The boys took turns with the girls and with just two gals and so many hard dicks the party went on for a long time. Sometime just before morning the last hard cock wilted and the girls fell asleep. The next morning the girls woke up to find they were alone. A note from Bill explained he had ushered the boys out late last night and wanted to let the girls get some rest. He added that the room was theirs for the rest of the day.

Jodi Showered first and watching the shapely ass of the cheerleader sway as she walked soon had her thinking other things. As the girl was soaping her body Jodi joined her in the shower. By the time the washing was done the girls were kissing and rubbing each other.

They spent the day in bed pleasing one another. Jodi finally asked the cheerleader her name and the girl replied "Blossom." Jodi asked her where the name came from and the girl replied "My mom's name is Cherry, and she named me Blossom."

Her nerves a jangled mess again Jodi asked Blossom where she grew up. The neighborhood she described sounded very familiar, very familiar indeed.
发布者 hondo1906
3 年 前
colin51 3 年 前
great story I love the thought of having a party like that with a couple of very willing woman 