First, and most likely last, post

Wow, what an utter mess this is. After 9.5 years, over 10,000 comments left, thousands of favourites saved and enjoyed, and many hundreds of PM conversations had, it appears this once great site is no more.

The entire point of this site (for me at least) was the ability to share and interact with others. It is self-evident, to any individual with a brain, that a great number of users who post and share amateur content would not wish to submit themselves to the highly invasive checking procedures and to conflate their profiles with their real identities. Their family circumstances or career etc may not make it possible for them to do so, as well as a basic right to privacy and not to have to share unnecessary data. Apparently the money grubbing morons who run this site do not fall into the category of those with brains.

Irrespective of the actions going forwards, there are many dormant accounts that still have active content that previously could be viewed, but now everything has been switched to private their content will no longer be available. Even if current active users do submit their credentials, thousands of potentially unique submissions to this site have been lost forever, diminishing it as a library of immense breadth and depth for amateur content.

This day has been coming (pardon the pun ?) for some time, and the journey has reached its conclusion. I will maintain my account for a while yet but am actively looking for alternative sites. I have never had to register anywhere else because this site was so good for so long ? Let me know what the preferred options are, perhaps we can meet again.

发布者 petet6
3 年 前
nwukcupl 1 年 前
Yes, we thought that by now 'they' would have relaxed their rules and allowed some posts? We have tried various other sites, but none have proved too good as an alternative? We now mainly use only FetLife (and of course Skype)...
Paranoid9999 2 年 前
I think that’s called hitting the nail on the head - absolutely spot on.
reddevi1 3 年 前
Such a massive massive shame. Just signed up to Motherless but the quality has taken a dip. Maybe it will improve if content is transferred by users.
Couldn’t agree more