Tammy Goes To Slut School Ch 1

“Tammy! Will you hurry up please, we’re gonna be late”?

Tammy reluctantly appeared in the dingy, untidy kitchen of her parents small, broken-down home. It was her 18th birthday and instead of celebrating it, her parents were taking her to some kind of school, that she wasn’t even sure was a school. Not that she would have had friends to celebrate her birthday with. Tammy had been teased badly all through school.

Smelly Tammy was the name she had been given. A little of it was true but she just didn’t see the point of ever trying to look anything other than plain. Tammy was very plain. She dressed in long sack dresses or in winter in baggy sweatpants and hoodies. Her hair was lank and straight, and she never wore any make up. No boy had ever asked her out, no one ever sat with her, and her parents were more interested in themselves than in trying to help Tammy have a normal life.

She could hear them almost ever night, grunting and groaning and using bad language in the room next to Tammy’s. Sometimes some of her Daddy’s friends came over and they were in her parents’ bedroom as well. On those nights the noises were even worse, and her mum made odd screaming noises and often the next morning seemed to be in pain. Tammy tried not to notice anything.

“Mummy I really don’t want to go. Please don’t make me!” Tammy whined as she watched her mother, Missy, desperately trying to pull the incredibly short skirt she was wearing down enough to cover her crotch. Her mother dressed like those ladies that Tammy would see when she would go with her Daddy to the store, and he always seemed to get lost and end up on that certain street. Daddy always made her sit in the back, and he always drove really slow as well, while he looked at the ladies. Tammy noticed that in that street Daddy always drove with one hand and had his other hand in his crotch.

Missy exploded. “Fucking hell Tammy! We’ve been through this. You are going and that’s that! Daddy and I can’t afford any other school other than this one. You have to learn something, and this school is gonna teach you stuff!”

“What stuff, Mummy?”

“Tammy, just get in the fucking car!” screamed Missy. Desperately pulling at the tight t shirt that showed off her large breasts and prominent nipples, Missy scanned her bag for her sunglasses.

Tammy could see resistance was useless and wandered sullenly to the idling car where her father sat behind the wheel. Rod was a tall, muscly man and his body filled the front driver’s seat. Neither parent had taken much notice of Tammy, but her father showed almost complete disinterest in her growing except for those odd trips to the store.

Finally, Missy bustled into the car and immediately put her hand in her husband’s lap and started rhythmically squeezing. The click of her lighter and a large plume of cigarette smoke indicated that they were ready to leave for the dreaded school. As the miles rolled by Tammy absently stared out the window, oblivious to the chatter of her parents in the front of the car. After what seemed like an eternity to Tammy but was only 45 minutes, they arrived at a grand entrance, a little off the road. Rod pulled the car close and buzzed the intercom.

“Yes” a distant voiced asked. Rod spoke. “We’re the Tuckers, we’re here to drop Tammy off.” The large gates swung open, and the Tuckers drove up a long tree lined drive to an impressive but slightly forbidding 2 story building. As they pulled to a stop a huge muscled black man appeared wearing a skin-tight t shirt and equally tight lycra bike shorts that showed off everything about his physique. In fact, he looked almost naked. Tammy noticed that Missy began making mewing noises and pushing her hair back, but the man had opened her door and for some reason she just got out of the car. “Welcome Miss Tammy” a deep voice rumbled from his chest

“Hi” squeaked Tammy, nervously looking around. “Please go in” the large man rumbled again, indicating with a sweep of his hand the now opened double doors.

As the large man stayed a respectful distance behind them Missy whispered to Rod “Fuck babe, did you see his cock? You’re big babe but he’s fucking enormous!”

“Shut the fuck up!” Rod said coldly as they followed Tammy, who for the first time in her life appeared interested in something, even if it was just finding out where they were going.

“Straight ahead Miss Tammy” the voice rumbled again and finally they appeared in a large white room with the most enormous mirror Tammy had ever seen. In fact, she had never been anywhere as special as this house and her eyes drank in everything even if her brain could not make anything of it.

Two petite stunning blonde women stood in front of a large desk. They were dressed alike: tight narrow black leather skirts, tight white button blouses, 6” black stilettos, dark red lipstick on full perfect lips. Tammy noticed that their blonde hair was cut short, like some of the boys that bullied Tammy. The one on the right spoke.

“Hello Tammy, please take a seat” she said as she indicated a chair in front of the large desk. “Do you have the papers” she asked of Rod, and he handed over a bundle of papers that Tammy had been oblivious too. She immediately handed these to the other lady who scrutinised them intensely. A whispered conversation ensued then slight smiles appeared on their faces. “As far as you know she is…intact” she asked of Missy and Rod. They both nodded.

“Welcome Tammy. Everything seems to be in order, so - congratulations! You have been accepted to the school. My name is Miss Sarah, and this is my sister, Miss Sasha. We own and run the school and you Tammy are our only pupil, so you have our full-time attention. Are you excited”?

“I don’t like school” Tammy whispered in a mousey voice. Miss Sarah stood in front of Tammy and with her finger, lifted the girls face from her chest, so she was looking deep into her eyes. “We can work with the eyes; the hair has to go. Open your mouth, Tammy.” Tammy did as instructed, and Miss Sarah used a long red fingernail to pull her lips back in a number of places. “Teeth are surprisingly good.” Miss Sarah’s hands ran down to Tammy’s chest and without hesitation squeezed each of her titties. Tammy gasped in shock. “Not bad at all” Miss Sarah, said her eyes still staring deeply into Tammy’s. Casually she flicked the sack dressed up to expose Tammy’s thin white legs “Some work needed here”. She left Tammy’s legs exposed.

“When do we get our money” Rod asked, his voice sounding so different to Tammy. Miss Sarah walked to the desk and flipped open a wooden box, extracted a cigarette and handed the box to her sister who also took one. Miss Sarah lit her sisters first then her own and as she exhaled streams of smoke down her nose so that she reminded Tammy of a dragon she finally replied, “When we know we have a product?”

She walked back to Tammy and handed her the lit cigarette with the filter covered in red lipstick. Tammy took it very self-consciously between her fingers. The mousey voiced reappeared, “Miss Sarah, I don’t smoke”. Miss Sarah was busy helping Tammy hold the cigarette properly. “You do now, Tammy. You do everything we say, and you’ll be just fine. Suck on it Tammy like you are sipping the froth off a hot chocolate.....that’s it!! Now just take that smoke into your lungs…..good girl! Now let it out very slowly………. amazing first effort Tammy!”

Tammy’s chest and throat burned, and her eyes watered but she was amazed at the fact that someone thought she had done something even a little bit right. Her hand shook as she tried again and this time she coughed. “That’s fine Tammy. It’s OK. Just take it slowly”. Miss Sarah stroked her face gently as she looked into her eyes.

She lifted her gaze to Tammy’s parents. “Why are you still here” she asked in a voice of command and near anger. For the first time Miss Sasha spoke. “I believe Mrs Tucker is in need of some assistance from Tyrone” she laughingly explained. Missy blushed at the sound of her name.

“Of course. Tyrone could you please assist Mrs Tucker in that respect. That would be so sweet of you. Oh! and Tyrone....no need to be gentle.” The tight evil smile shared between the toy of them was missed on Tammy, but Missy seemed shocked when Tyrone laid a firm hand on her and Rod’s shoulders and ushered them from the room. Miss Sarah followed them to the doors and once they were out, she shut them so now it was just the two school Mistresses and Tammy in the room.

Tyrone ushered the Tuckers to a small room and once inside locked the door. “YOU” he pointed Rod. “Get your cock out, you can watch, and I might let you join in later.” “YOU” he pointed to Missy, ‘On the floor slut and take that fucking top off” Missy followed orders, and her huge tits fell free. Tyrone pulled her hands behind her back and used her t shirt to tie them there. Reaching into his lycra pants he pulled out a black cock that looked like a huge salami. Missy gave a low growl of appreciation at the size of the cock inches from her faces. “Open slut” he commanded. Missy did as ordered, wondering how the hell she was going to get the cock in her mouth. Tyrone shoved the first 2 inches past Missy’s stretched lips then grabbed her hair with both hands and pulled. She could not resist his immense strength.

Her jaw cracked; she could feel the corners of her mouth start to split as the huge black cock edged its way down into her mouth then began it’s decent into her throat. She tried to struggle but a well-placed kick to her groin made her screech around the cock and only opened access even more. “Breath through your nose whore or you gonna drown” Tyrone laughed and then with amazing control he dribbled the first of his hot piss in Missy’s throat. “SWALLOW BITCH” Tyrone commanded. Missy tried and succeeded in swallowing the small stream of piss in her throat, her throat contractions obviously providing immense pleasure on the tip on Tyrone’s huge cock. Missy’s eyes were streaming tears as Tyrone huge snake made its way further into her throat.

Even from where Rod sat, he could see the bulge in her throat. His own cock was hard as steel. Then Tyrone began using Missy’s throat like a cunt, plunging in and out with an intensity that shocked Rod. “Hey man” he managed to get out before Tyrone screamed at him. “SHUT THE FUCK UP MAN OR YOU NEXT”. He stared at Rod then took his large hand and squeezed Missy’s nose shut. Missy’s eyes bugged. She tried to get away, to get this huge cock stopping her air supply out of her throat but she couldn’t. Her face contorted in fear as she struggled then finally Tyrone let go of Missy’s nose and ripped his cock from her throat. He immediately stood well back as Missy puked voluminously.

Tyrone pointed to a chair and told Rod to sit. Missy was right. Rod did have a big cock and it was hard as steel so when he sat down it stood straight up in the air. Tyrone dragged Missy by the hair to her feet and then lifted her like she was a feather over Rods erect cock. Lowering her so she faced her husband he impaled her sopping wet cunt onto her husbands throbbing cock. Both groaned in pleasure. “Fuck yea” Missy moaned as her clit rubbed up against her husband.

The next scream was weird. While Missy had been luxuriating in the feeling of Rod’s cock in her cunt, she had not noticed Tyrone spreading her ass cheeks and with one mighty thrust he had penetrated her ass, past the sphincter and at least 3 inches into her canal. If she thought he would slow down she was mistaken. Using her throat slime as the only lubrication he intensified the pressure until Missy’s scream was continuous. Rod could feel Tyrone’s huge cock rubbing against his own and wasn’t sure he could hold on for too much longer. Tyrone was huge and had grabbed the chair back behind Rod’s head and used it to thrust himself into Missy’s screaming shithole. The fact that Rod was afraid the chair would collapse took his mind off the cum boiling in his balls.

Missy’s scream, for it was one continuous sound, was annoying Rod as he tried hard to thrust into her cunt. Tyrone was going crazy ramming the two of them with hugely powerful thrusts until he finally murmured “MMMM balls deep”. Rod was amazed. He felt his nuts tighten as Tyrone started hard deep thrusts into Missy’s ass and almost on que the two men blew masses of hot cum into Missy’s holes. Missy could feel Tyrone’s cum jets blasting deep in her guts.

As quickly as he cum Tyrone pulled his cock form Missy’s tortured ass. It made a sound like pulling your foot out of mud. He used Missy’s hair to wipe his cock, making sure it was clean before returning it to his tight pants. He lifted the exhausted woman up like she was nothing. “Get up” he commanded Rod. Before Rod even had a chance to put his cock away Tyrone was pushing him out the room and out of the building and into their car. When Rod got in, his half hard cock was still prominent. Tyrone opened the passenger’s door and put Missy inside and forced her head over into her husband’s lap. “Suck him bitch”. Missy dutifully began sucking her husband’s hardening cock as Tyrone slammed the door. “DRIVE” he commanded and with his cock deep in his wife’s throat and his elbow on her neck keeping her there, Rod drove out the gates.

A few minutes earlier back in the white room, Miss Sasha had switched off the large screen that had displayed what had happened between Tammy’s parents and Tyrone. In the crystal ash try on Tammy’s lap were several cigarette butts and she had only just lit a new one. Her throat was dry, and her head was fuzzy and she kind of felt tired.

Both women squatted down next to Tammy. She was sweating profusely. “What did you think Tammy?” Miss Sarah asked as her hand eased its way up Tammy’s right thigh and she looked deep into Tammy’s eyes.

“I don’t know Miss,” said a raspy mousey little voice. “Was that sex?”

“Yes, it was Tammy. One way of having sex. There are many others”. Her fingers found their destination and after briefly dallying in Tammy’s cunt lips, she withdrew them coated in a thick slime. Miss Sarah looked at her older sister. “She is soaked”. Miss Sasha smiled. “Open your mouth, Tammy” The girl did as she was ordered, and Miss Sarah placed her sister’s wet fingers in Tammy’s mouth. “Suck them like a lollypop Tammy”. Miss Sarah could feel the soft tongue sucking at her fingers before withdrawing them and sucking them clean herself.

“Did that taste nice Tammy” Miss Sarah asked huskily. “Not sure Miss. I’ve never had nice things so I wouldn’t know”

“Would you like something nice” Miss Sasha asked as Tammy took the last draw of her cigarette and put it out as she had been shown. “I’m not sure Miss Sasha”. Miss Sasha stood up and unzipped her leather skirt and removed it. She was naked underneath and exposed a perfectly bald cunt. She quickly removed her white blouse until apart from her shoes she was naked. With her nipple bar piercings and her clit piercing she was an impressive sight.

“Give me your hand Tammy” As instructed Tammy gave Miss Sasha her hand. “Do this” She indicated how she wanted Tammy to have two fingers of her hand extended then she worked Tammy’s hand into the puffy folds of her cunt and watched the amazement on the 18year old’s face. “Does it feel good Tammy” Miss Sasha asked. “Do you like what you feel?”

Tammy’s voice was stronger now but still raspy. “Yes, Miss Sasha it feels nice. It’s the nicest thing I have ever felt”

Miss Sasha took Tammy’s hand and pushed the extended fingers into her wet cunt. She showed her how to hold her thumb, so it rubbed against the metal ring in her clit and the speed of how Tammy had to penetrate her. Taking her hand away Miss Sasha showered Tammy with words of encouragement. Tammy was so focused on her work with Miss Sasha she had not noticed that Miss Sarah had also become naked until her other hand was touched.

Tammy looked up at Miss Sarah who asked, “Please do the same for me, Tammy”. Tammy slipped her fingers into Miss Sarah’s wet cunt and marvelled at how hot it was. Using the same pace and action as she was shown by Miss Sasha, soon Tammy was being showered in compliments. She also noticed that the wetness from the two Miss’s was starting to run down her hands and arms. Almost at the same time each woman grabbed Tammy’s hand and ground hard against it and began panting loudly. Tammy was beginning to get afraid, and her arms ached badly when both the Miss’s gave a final thrust and looked very relieved.

Tammy withdrew her fingers and noticed they were covered in the same slickness as Miss Sarah’s was when they went in the same place as Tammy’s had gone. Tammy didn’t think that Miss Sarah’s fingers has gone as deep in her as she had in the two older ladies.

“Open your mouth and suck them for us Tammy” Miss Sasha ordered. Tammy did as she was told, marvelling at the slickness and the difference in taste. This time she cleaned her fingers of all the cunt slime.

“Did you like that Tammy” Miss Sarah asked. “Yes Miss, that was nice. Was that sex Miss Sarah?” Tammy asked, wide eyed. Miss Sarah took Tammy’s face in her hand and softly said “It was one of the kinds of sex Tammy, yes” and then kissed the girls’ lips, tasting both her and her sister’s cunt juices. Her tongue wove its way into Tammy’s mouth and around her tongue sucking it clean of any residual cunt slime.

When their lips parted, for the first time since they had met her there was a slight shine in Tammy’s eyes. “I liked that a lot, Miss Sarah” Tammy boldly said. “I know you did Tammy. I could feel it” Just when Tammy was hoping for the kiss to happen again Miss Sarah stood up and walked to the desk. She pressed a button and very shortly the doors opened, and Tyrone walked back into the room with a beautiful blonde tanned girl a few years older than Tammy and about the same height. Her hair was cropped very close to her head and she completely naked. She had a collar around her neck with the words SLUT-45 embossed in metal studs on it. She also had a chain running from the collar to a metal hook that seemed to Tammy to disappear into her bum.

Sasha handed lit cigarettes to both Tammy and the new girl who seemed to be fascinated with Tammy, stoking her face and kissing her constantly. She drew deeply on her cigarette then kissed Tammy deeply, so she inhaled the smoke. Tammy loved the feel of the new girls’ full lips on hers. “OK 45 enough” Miss Sasha commanded.

“Tammy, Tyrone and 45 will take you now and help you get ready. They will bath you and cut your hair for you. 45 will shave your cunt, Tammy. Do you know what I mean? In our school Tammy you must always be bald. Do you understand?”

Tammy nodded and looked scared. “Will he do to me”, she pointed to Tyrone, “the same as he did to mum?” Tammy asked her voice shaking and the cigarette trembling in her hand. “No Tammy, he will not” Sasha replied. “No one will in this school. You are safe here Tammy, but you must understand. You are special and you must not ever do to yourself what you did to Miss Sarah and I. Ever! Promise Tammy?”

Tammy looked up relieved and took a deep draw on her cigarette, “Yes Miss Sasha, I promise”

“Now Tammy, 45 doesn’t speak. She can speak but she doesn’t. She understands everything you say to her, but she can only respond physically. She will be with you constantly, she will sleep with you, eat with you, everything. Do you understand?”

Again, Tammy nodded. “Miss Sasha, why does she have that thing in her bottom?”

“She likes it, Tammy. Don’t you 45? PRESENT!” 45 snaps into an arched back position reaching behind her to spread her ass cheeks. Miss Sarah pulled from her ass hole the large metal knob, let 45 suck it then pushed it back into her ass.

“Enough“ Miss Sarah exclaimed. “Time for your cleaning."
3 年 前
dumb bit ch
you obey a nig ger lolol
solange_duval 2 年 前
molto bene.....
fdj 3 年 前
Fucking excellent start.
Love this, so good x
loquat51 3 年 前
Has the makings of a great series of adventures for Tammy. Up to the same high standards of previous your previous stories. 10/10
cdx59 3 年 前
Amazing I can’t wait to hear more about what else Tammy will have to do at this school. I’m excited and trying to imagine being in Tammy’s shoes!
Laphroaig001 3 年 前
Absolutle filth. I love it. I can't wait for the next part...
nasti_fun_pervert 出版商 3 年 前
maturehungmale : Why thank you. We intend to :wink: XXX Katie & JR
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nasti_fun_pervert 出版商 3 年 前
666Rhino : hahahahahaha thanks! Glad you liked it. XXX Katie & JR
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nasti_fun_pervert 出版商 3 年 前
piper1969 : Hope you hurt yourself while you read it :smile: XXX Katie & JR
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nasti_fun_pervert 出版商 3 年 前
Kissableking : Thank you :smile: XXX Katie & JR
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nasti_fun_pervert 出版商 3 年 前
JohnSydney84 : Hey John, WOW a man who is actually reading the story!! LOL Only joking, thanks for highlighting it. I think we may have be a bit "highlighted" :smile: XXX Katie & JR
回答 原始评论
Great story, can't wait to read the rest. You need to fix up Kelly/Tammy though as the name changes 
Kissableking 3 年 前
Looking forward to part Two :smile:
piper1969 3 年 前
this definitely needs to be continued
666Rhino 3 年 前
Oh God.  So dull.  I had to read it twice just to check!!  I'll read it again when I get back from the bathroom.  MORE PLEASE!
maturehungmale 3 年 前
Fuck this is hot, hope it it continued