It's been a pleasure :)

Recently one of you made me realize that it had been a year since I started posting on here.
A year of interacting with a bunch of different people from all over the world, I would have never thought that it could happen through porn!!! Hahaha but I'm glad too know that I'm not the only pervy around here :p

I have had some personal issues over the past 8-9 months and had to adapt to new life circumstances.
That's why I haven't been regular on my posts and probably will post even less than I used to.
That's also the reason why I haven't been answering messages lately.

I'll keep this account active, for whenever I have time and energy to share more with you, but probably won't be very often, for a little while.

(I still take private requests through my OF account).

So I wish you all, beautiful people, a wonderful wonderful 2022, in the hopes that we get out of the shithole the world has slowly been sinking into, so we can all enjoy our lives to the fullest.

Thanks for all the support and comments, you have no idea how surprise I still am at some of them!

Be well, be yourselves, be horny and push your limits!!

3 年 前
Jo0311hn 3 年 前
May this be the best rebound year ever  I ask for a blessing for You
Qwerty445 3 年 前
I hope things improve for you Saph. X
AlexanderDUi 3 年 前
I wish you a good and successful new 2022 and especially a great year.
stay the way you are ??
joltingjoe1 3 年 前
Best to you in the new year.
long4960 3 年 前
Be well Saphyre. I wish you the best.
Sexyh4321 3 年 前
Glad it helped