One of the things I do to grow to grow my tits

If you query your browser something like “How to make breasts grow?” you’ll get all kinds of answers, most of which are pretty lame and clinical sounding. However, there was one answer I read that got me horny, and for several reasons. For one thing, I happened to know it was true and thinking about that was in itself titillating. But what really made me open my pants was that this “method” was mentioned at all and it conjured up all these memories of past girlfriends and their tits. The answer was, “We can grow big breasts by doing sex with other boys because they suck our breasts.” Now that may sound strangely worded - and I agree - but I think it was on purpose to sound innocent and disarming, like it was written by someone whose native language isn’t english, which is a classic way for writers to avoid censorship. In fact, my first impression was that a serious female, english-speaking and socially liberal doctor wrote it as a side-door attempt to help encourage more fulfilling sexual experiences for women. It’s obviously controversial advice for young singles and minors, but I know from my own experience that frequently sucking a woman’s breasts can turn them into udders. As simple as it sounds it flat out works, and can be literally life changing. I know that too because it got me to marry my wife. She was at most a “large C” the first time we had sex and within 6 months was wearing a 36 DD bra and complaining it was tight. Sucking tit has always been one of my favorite activities but not until I did it enough and for enough women did I realize its effects. “Benefits” I should say, because in addition to making her boobs get long and fat it also induces them to lactate, which implies mutually assured orgasms for all if you’re really into women. No wonder my favorite position is on my back looking up at tits hanging down. From that vantage point size is not all that matters. It’s the nipples that are on display most prominently then and the longer the duration her tits hang the more flush and voluptuous and mouth-watering they become. Gravity pools the blood in them, darkening and texturing the areolas and engorging and sensitizing the teats, basically making them irresistible to oral stimulation and the accompanying hormonal rushes of sexual pleasure. I love to look up at them in anticipation of that, and that compels me to begin touching and feeling them with my hands. I like to squeeze them gently and feel their fattiness and sponginess, and then their texture by rubbing them with my finger tips. When tits are in that position - hanging down - fat lines, stretch mark ridges and wrinkled skin are at their most prominent and visible. ‘I’ve never been with a guy who is so into boobs like you are!, but I like it,’ is the sexy sentiment expressed by many girlfriends as she positions herself over me, knowing that gives me my hardest and longest-lasting erection. But that’s not her only benefit. The intimacy and sexiness and sheer physical pleasure of feeling her boobs touched and squeezed and her nipples passionately licked and sucked makes her clit harden and her vagina to dilate in gushes, especially if I massage both boobs deeply and firmly. But you have to be careful about rubbing too much, especially if her boob skin is bare, because it’s tender and can get irritated. If you’re serious about growing her boobs then you should use a lotion or oil on them before massaging them. A quality glycerin-based lubricant will make them slippery as eels, but be careful to not touch her nipples when you apply the oil and start massaging. It’s important that her nipples not be touched right away. They’re way too sensitive at first, especially in that position and with such horny anticipation. You can see them enlarge and get hard as soon as she gets over you. If you touch them like that she’ll jolt and it can ruin the moment. Instead you want to feel around them, carefully squeezing each boob in all directions and feeling its skin. Pushing up into them with your fingers until you feel her ribs is also pleasureful. You can also make them swing and flop together if they’re big enough, but - again - being careful to not touch the nipples - not yet. Making them swing and flop also relaxes them and allows them to get more pendulous and as big as possible. I also like spreading her boobs apart and licking and kissing the cleft of skin between them which can be done no matter their size. But, again, doing so without touching the nipples. After a few minutes of that her boobs will become most relaxed and the nipples will probably have receded in size and hardness. That’s when I like to grasp each boob at a time with both hands and using my thumbs - but not touching the still sensitive teat - touch and stretch wide each areola a few times. Women love that. They can feel it all the way down to their clit and know what your looking at. It’s the anticipation that makes them lubricate. After intently stretching each boob’s areola a few times the nipple is ready to be touched. In fact, if it’s not touched at this point she’ll probably start to pull away spontaneously to touch them herself. Start by licking across it carefully, paying attention to her body’s reaction. If she jolts they’re still too sensitive, but she probably won’t, so you can continue to lap it for about a minute, and then grasp the other boob with both hands and lap its nipple. Now they’re ready to be sucked. If you’re lucky enough to be with a lady who’s been lactating for a while you’ll know it by now because milk should start dripping out of both teats. If that happens you’ll probably start to feel even hornier and wanting to come right away and it’s up to you what happens next. If you don’t think you can hold on and prolong the feeling - or you want to make it a quicky - then go ahead and fuck and come hard. She’ll probably want to stay on top and milk your dick right there while you flick her nipples with your thumbs (or suckle one of her nipples - whichever she likes) but that’s your business. But, if you want to continue - either sucking milk out of her tits or just sucking them to make her boobs get bigger and lactate - then now is the time to start. Open your mouth and take in as much nipple as you can. I learned long ago that womens’ bodies are sturdy. They may be the farer sex and all that but their bodies are tough, especially for what they’re biologically made for, and nipples are meant to be sucked. So suck them and suck them hard. She’ll love you for it. (Maybe some women don’t like that, in which you should accommodate them, but most do.) But besides that, you should suck them hard because that’s what they need to induce growth and lactation. And each breast should be sucked like that for at least 5 minutes. Not continuously, which is impossible, but contiguously every 30 seconds or so. The object is to increase the flow of blood and hormones throughout each tit. That will increase the size of the milk ducts and the size of the boob too. If your lady hasn’t lactated before or it’s been a while then milk should start flowing within about 3 months and her boobs should be at least a cup size larger. The longer you do it the bigger they’ll get. Milk production maxes out because of her fixed number of milk ducts but fat and breast tissue production can continue indefinitely. As my wife said a few months after I started sucking her every day, “If you keep doing this I’m gonna have to get bigger bras again.” I think she said that on purpose to make me come hard, and it worked.
5 年 前
davybaby1 5 年 前
Would love to have you straddling me and feeding me YOUR breasts, Kandy! See if e can get you lactating too!