several content here was uploaded without any permission. the cypress company behind this here, was rushed to clean up their vault, and so we stand here, nearly new, but not virgin anymore
I’ve been here almost as long as the founding member and have seen this site go through some maintenance every now and then thinning out some of the memory files cleaning up more space, I had a collection in my faves that reached 170k at one time and over night had wiped out 120k of it, was not aware that I was taking up too much memory, this was a conversation I had with other members at the time, that’s what they had told me, this time I’m not sure what’s going on but I do have friend members that post their personal info and verify their pic and they seem to be able to post without a problem….so it seems they need your personal info and they will reward you with posting pix and vids again, now that’s what I’m seeing that could just be me and they have a totally different agenda…frustrating, surfing for other quality porn sites…..good luck ?