The Stretch Sorority - Chapter 3

Kat put a key into the door and turned the handle, pushing it forward and letting us walk inside. I looked around the room and couldn’t believe what was there, all I could say was, “holy shit!”


My head turned left and right as my eyes tried to take in everything I was seeing. It was a room that contained everything anyone’s darkest desires could need. My heart started to pump in my chest, it felt weird being there, everything thing I’d ever dreamt of was now within arms reach.

The room was laid out much like the main room, tables in the middle, shelves around the outside. The difference was these tables weren’t for working, they we obviously for sex, people to lay on and get fucked in unimaginable ways. I could feel my pussy start to moisten almost immediately. The shelves surrounding the room had everything you could think of, and probably even more. My eyes immediately stared at the back shelf, transfixed on the long line of dildos sitting there. These weren’t like the toys in the first room, these were bigger, much bigger. Some of them were a little larger than Emily and I had used, but others were simply massive. I walked over to take a closer look, and on my way there I looked at the other shelves. d**gs were laid out in small packages, weed, cocaine, and pills that I had no idea what they would do, it made my mind spin to think of the girls I knew here using any of them. I passed a door to a washroom, I peeked inside and saw a marble room with a large shower with triple shower heads.

As I got closer to the back shelves I started to get a better look at the toys on display. They grew in size like the other room, but this time the smallest one was the size of the largest one before. There were all kinds of different styles, simple pink, black and white ones, and then others that looked like alien cocks, it was surreal seeing all of the different colours and textures available. I wanted to reach down and start rubbing my cunt right there, but I held off, trying to focus on exploring instead. The size of the toys kept increasing as I walked along the wall, there were thick toys that were a couple of inches wide and a foot long, but that was just the beginning, soon they were three, then four, then five inches wide, each toy with a little placard in front explaining the size. I felt Emily come up beside me and I looked up at her and I could see the look on her face, she was just as amazed and turned on as me, there was no denying her pussy soaking too.

We moved a little further, looking closely at each dildo infront of us. There were toys that were shaped like fists, some with a full arm, others with just the hand portion, some with fingers pointing, some clenched. There were toys with two hands together, and even three hands together, and they just kept increasing in size and length. I was amazed as they kept growing, six, seven, eight inches wide, one, two, three feet long. Some thin and extremely long, others were shorter but so wide I couldn’t imagine anyone being about to take it. My hands reached out and started to instinctively stroke the dildos as they stood in front of me, my mouth almost drooling.

Finally the long row of dildos ended and our eyes landed on a group of butt plugs, again starting smaller and growing to huge sizes. There were different colours and materials as well, some with ridges, and some smooth, but all of them looked amazing, and I couldn’t wait to try them out. Beside the plugs were containers of lube up and down the wall, ready to take at anytime, and beside the lube was a line of thin metal rods that gradually grew in size, I read the placard below them and saw “sounding rods” and I knew right away my darkest desire of being a four hole whore was something I just might be able to achieve.

I blushed deeply as I looked at the rods, and then turned to look at the rest of the room. It was just so overwhelming, seeing everything available to me, and knowing, after years of just dreaming, my desires might finally be possible, I might finally be able to do what I always wanted to do, I might finally be able to be what I always wanted to be. The emotions I was feeling were amazing, I felt a relief that I hadn’t felt before, and an excitement that I couldn’t contain. Being so far from home allowed me to not worry about the judgement, and only focus on me, and what I wanted. And now I was standing in a room, with people, that would allow me to be me. I smiled and reached towards Emily, pulling her into me and giving her a kiss.

“So, I’m taking it you two like this room?” Kat spoke up with a little chuckle.

I turned towards her, “Uh, ya, this is fucking amazing!”

“Well I’m glad you like it, but I actually have one other thing for you,” Kat stepped closer and reached out her hand. Inside were two platinum credit cards. Emily and I both took one confused.

“Uhhhh what are these?” Emily asked.

“Well, now that you are full members you get an added bonus. Each member gets a credit card with $1000 to spend per month. It can be on food, books, clothes or whatever you want.”

Emily and I looked at each other shocked.

“Oh… well… thanks… but why?” I asked, still confused.

“Because in order to stretch yourself you need to have everything you need, and not have to worry about other things that could distract you, so this is how we help you do that. We really do want you to have everything you need to reach your full potential.”

It took a minute for everything to sink in before I could say anything, “Wow… this is so amazing… thanks Kat!” I moved in and gave her a hug. I felt her hands roam down my body and lightly graze my ass.

“No problem girls, we just want you to be happy,” Kat paused for a second, “well I should be leaving, so I will leave you two here to explore.”

And with that Kat was gone, but it also made me snap back to reality a little and wonder what time it was. I looked at my phone and realized I only had 20 minutes until my first class. “FUCK, I need to go Emily!” I said with a whine.

Emily smiled at me, “that’s OK babe, we will have plenty of time to explore later on. Oh actually, do you want to go to the mall after classes today? Maybe try out this new card?”

I didn’t really have time to think about it as I was in such a rush so I just answered with a quick “sure”.


My day at school was very difficult. Not because of the work or the classes but because it was almost impossible to concentrate on anything. My mind just kept racing back to the room, the toys, the tables, the d**gs. I wanted it all, I wanted to stretch my holes out and cum like never before, but instead I was stuck here, learning about who knows what. I sat there in my jeans and sweater trying as hard as I could to focus on the professor, to keep my mind off my pussy and ass, but I just couldn’t do it, I couldn’t stop my horniness from growing. My cunt was soaking wet and I was getting worried that a wet patch would start to show through my jeans.

I excused myself from the class, leaving my books there, and walking quickly to the washroom. I found a stall in the back, locked the door and quickly pushed down my jeans and panties exposing my wet pussy to the air. My hand immediately went to work, rubbing my clit and within moments I could feel an orgasm coming. I was so turned on that everything was happening so quickly. The more turned on I get, the more I’m willing to do. My hand kept rubbing my clit, slowing a little, letting the sensations run through my body, feeling every tingle as I reacted. My ass scooted down on the toilet seat and I pushed my jeans down to my ankles.

I knew the time was ticking by and the professor was going to start wondering where I was, but I just didn’t care, what I was doing, working myself to cumming, was more important, at that moment it was more important than anything else. My other hand came down and I pushed three fingers into my cunt right away. My hole was stretched out enough from my time with Emily that three fingers was my new minimum. “I’m such a slut,” I mumbled to myself when I thought about that fact. Anything less than three fingers wasn’t even worth my time, my whore hole was only interested in being stretched out.

I kept fucking my cunt with my fingers and rubbing my clit as I got closer and closer to cumming. I heard the door open to the washroom and someone walk in but I was too close to cumming, I couldn’t stop myself anymore. My fingers were pushed knuckle deep into my hole as I started to spasm, my cunt contracting around my fingers, squeezing them tight, “OH FUCK,” I said too loudly, my head falling back against the wall. I didn’t know if the other person heard me, they must have, but I didn’t care.

I sat there for a few moments, catching my breath, trying to compose myself, my mind racing. I moved to change my life, to be someone different, and instead I was becoming more of a slut then I had ever been. Getting off in the school bathroom was not something I had planned, but now, sitting here, it somehow felt right. My mind was finally realizing that trying to change wasn’t me, I was this person, the one sitting here in the washroom, her pussy still exposed, having just cum while someone else was listening. It felt amazing, and I wanted more.

After cleaning myself up I returned to my class. The professor gave me a not great glance as he continued with his course. Looking at my phone I realized I missed 20 minutes which was more than I planned. As the class continued I tried to focus on the course material, but again I was failing and before I knew it my pussy was dripping wet again. The day really did become harder and harder.

Finally my classes ended and I texted Emily to see what the plan was for the shopping she wanted to do. Apparently the credit card was burning a hole in her pocket.

Me: Hey, still want to go shopping?

Emily: Ya of course! Are you ready to go now?

Me: Ya, I just finished class

Emily: I’ll meet you at the mall in 30mins, OK?

Me: Ya sounds good see you soon

The mall was half way from the house and the school so it made sense to meet there, even though walking by myself in my current turned on state wasn’t my first choice. I needed a distraction, I needed something to keep my mind off the pleasure that my pussy was feeling every step that I took. All I could think about was the room back at the house, the toys, the plugs, the d**gs, I wanted to try everything, I wanted to get stretched out like no one else. I could feel my holes hanging open, not being physically able to close again, just being a wide open whore. My heart started to beat faster as I thought about it, about how humiliating it would be, but how slutty it would be at the sametime.

I could see the mall ahead of me and I spotted a bench where I could wait for Emily. I sat down and opened my phone texting her that I was there. My mind wandered again, thinking about getting back to the house, exploring the rooms, and shoving my holes full of toys. Minutes passed by, and soon it had been half an hour since I had texted. I texted her again.

Me: Emily are you still coming?

I was starting to get a little worried and a lot annoyed, maybe it should have been the other way around. Where was she? If she was going to be late that was fine, but she could at least tell me that. I decided to wait a little longer, checking my phone far too often for an update on the time, and if there were any messages from Emily. I saw other people walk in and out of the mall, yet I continued just to sit there. My rage increasing.

After an hour of waiting I gave up, there was no way I was going to wait any longer. I texted Emily a quick passive aggressive message, “I’m leaving”, and headed back to the house. My mind had switched from being extremely horny to being extremely annoyed. Emily was my one friend I had made here so far, and she was already letting me down.

I got back to the house and quickly walked up to my room, I didn’t want to even check on Emily, maybe I was being c***dish, and I was a little worried that something had happened to her, but my annoyance overruled everything, I wasn’t even thinking about stretching my holes anymore unfortunately. After a while of stewing in my own anger and finally starting to calm down, I had to go to the washroom, I opened the door and immediately heard moaning coming from Emily’s room and my anger grew again. “She fucking blew me off to have sex?” I said out loud as I sat on the toilet. I tried to rationalize why she would do it, why she couldn’t have at least texted me to let me know.

Back in my room I tried to think about other things, I did some school work, I watched a movie, I even watched some porn to try to get turned on again, but I just kept thinking of how Emily let me down. Eventually I decided to head down to the room in the basement and take a look around. I walked in and took a look at all of the toys again, touching them, trying to imagine what they would feel like inside of me. I picked up one that was shaped like a fist and inspected it, deciding to bring it back to my room to try it out. I had loved when Emily fisted me, but I found it hard to do myself, so I had hoped that the toy would help.

Back in my room I stripped out of my clothes and started to use the toy, but the angle was just always awkward. I tried to sit on it, I tried laying on my back, I even tried doing it in doggy, but each time it just didn’t quite work, I couldn’t get the fist into my pussy no matter how hard I tried. “FUCK!” I said finally falling on my bed, fist beside me, exhausted and annoyed. I needed help, not only physically, but also emotionally. I needed to feel like an extreme slut to get turned on enough to stretch my holes, and I needed someone to push me, to stretch me. I thought Emily was going to be that person, but now I wasn’t so sure. I rubbed my clit until I had a completely underwhelming orgasm.

A shower, pajamas, tv and sleep was next on my agenda. As I walked into the bathroom again I heard loud moaning still coming from Emily’s room. Was she fucking the same guy? A different guy? It was hard to know, but it just pissed me off more. The shower felt good and helped me relax which was nice. I put on a pair of short pajama shorts and a hoodie and realized I was feeling hungry so I headed downstairs to the kitchen, saying “hi” to any of the girls I ran into and quickly made myself a grilled cheese and brought it back up to my room. The next two hours were spent eating and watching some TV while I relaxed on my bed and tried to forget about things. Soon after I fell asleep, hoping that the next day would be better.


“Julie” I heard being whispered in my ear.

“Julieeeee” I heard another whisper, this time accompanied by a gentle rocking. My eyes groggily opened to see Emily sitting on the edge of my bed.

“What the fuck time is it?” I said right away, looking over at my clock and seeing 2am in bright orange numbers.

“Sorry… I just needed to talk to you,” Emily said still in a whispered tone which I appreciated.

I pushed myself up on my shoulders and looked at her, “what do you want?”

She looked at me with eyes begging for forgiveness, “I just want to say I’m sorry.”

My anger stirred back up, “ya, well, I waited for you for an hour and texted you and I never heard anything… that was pretty fucked up.”

“I know… I know… I just… met someone and…” Emily started before I cut her off.

“Ya, I know what happened, I could hear you loud and clear… you picked a guy over me… I got it…” I didn’t want her to think I was OK with any of this.

“Julie… I know… it wasn’t right… but…”

“Yes…?” I was willing to listen, but not without some attitude.

“Well, remember how we said what we wanted to be? Truly wanted to be? And I wanted to be a huge slut basically?” Emily said with a little more excitement in her voice.

“Uh… ya?” I said back.

“Well, I met this guy and I asked him if he wanted to fuck, and of course he did, and it all just happened so fast, and I got carried away and forgot to text you… I am SO sorry!”

I took a second to contemplate what she just told me. She didn’t text because she was doing what she truly desired. Isn’t that the whole point of being here? But at the sametime she could have texted me, she should have texted me.

“Emily… I mean… I’m glad that you got to do what you wanted to do, being a slut and cumming and all that, I’m happy for you… but… you should have texted me, I was just sitting there waiting for you…”

“I know… you’re 100% right... but can you forgive me?” Emily asked with a smile, obviously hoping to persuade me with it.

A moment passed before I spoke again, “ya, of course I forgive you… but I really need to sleep now… OK?” It was not a completely convincing statement and that was what I was going for. I forgave her to a point, but I was still angry and didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

“OK Julie… sorry again… maybe we can do something tomorrow?” Emily said while slowly walking out of my room.

“We’ll see…” I answered, closing my eyes.


The next two weeks didn’t improve too much. I went to my classes as usual, talked to Emily a little bit, and tried to stretch my holes occasionally without any real progress. The tension between Emily and me was still there and it meant no fuck sessions between the two of us. I knew she was having plenty of them though because there was constant fuck sounds coming from her room. I was definitely watching TV much louder than I used too. It sucked that we still had the awkward distance between us, and I hoped it would change, but I wasn’t sure it would, I wasn’t sure of much anymore.

When I moved into the sorority everything looked like it was going to be great, school, social life, and even being a stretched out whore, but now almost nothing was what I thought. I spent some time with the other girls in the house, but none of us were close. I struggled to really get to a place where I could stretch myself like I wanted, and that might have been the most depressing part of the whole situation. All I could do was go to class, keep positive, and hope that things turned around. Luckily I didn’t have to wait long.

I was about to pack up my things and leave my regular English class when I heard Professor White call up to me and ask me to stay after class. I almost missed it because I didn’t expect it to happen. I put my things in my bag and walked down the steps to the front of the class after everyone else had left.

“Professor… you wanted to see me?” I asked quietly as she was in discussions with her teaching assistant.

“Yes… just one moment,” Professor White said

I took a step back and waited, my mind wondering what I could possibly be needed for, and my eyes wandering. Ms. White was much more attractive than I recalled, maybe because I never really spent the time to look. I think she was in her late thirties, maybe early forties and definitely looked after herself. She was dressed mostly in black, heels, stockings and tight knee length skirt, and a dark blue sweater on top, professional, but still with a little bit of fun too. I couldn’t remember if she always dressed like that or not. These were the thoughts I had while I waited. Her assistant whose name I couldn’t remember was extremely beautiful. She was very tall, maybe even over six feet, and skinny. Her arms and legs seemed to go on forever, I thought she could have been a model. I saw some bare ankles by her flat shoes, but the rest of her was covered up by a long dress. I wondered what she looked like underneath it.

My trance was broken when I heard my name called again.

“Ms. McIntosh?” I heard Ms. White say.

I shook my head a little to get focus, “yes?” I answered.

She smiled before speaking, “I’d like to discuss something with you in my office, do you have time to come up now?”

“Of course Professor,” I said with a smile, getting more worried now.

“Oh please, call me Erica,” she said with a smile of her own.

I followed her and her assistant out of the class, down some halls and up a flight of stairs until we got to her office. Inside were two desks and large windows that looked out over the school grounds. The sun was beaming in and made the room glow a little. Erica put her stuff down on one desk, and her assistant put her things on the other. I waited in the middle a little unsure.

“So, Ms McIntosh…” Erica started before I stopped her.

“Oh, just call me Julie,”

“Ah, OK, Julie… so… I heard you are a member of the Stretch Sorority?”

I was shocked when the words came out of her mouth, was that what this meeting was about? I looked over at the assistant but she gave me no reaction.

“Ummm, yes… for about two weeks now…”

Erica smiled, “and how do you like it so far?”

“Well…” I thought for a moment, “if I’m being honest I feel a little lost there right now.”

Erica moved closer to me and touched my shoulder, “Well it can be hard to find your place, especially when you have moved so far.”

I nodded my head and continued to listen.

“Which is why I wanted to talk to you actually,” she continued, “I used to be a member of the Stretch Sorority.”

I was basically speechless, only able to mutter, “oh.”

“Ya… and I actually spoke to Kat the other day and she mentioned that you were… struggling a little bit and she wondered if I would be willing to help you,” she looked at me closer, waiting for a reaction.

“Ummm… OK…” I didn’t know what to say. Erica laughed a little.

“Here, let me show you what I mean,” she said with a smile, “Megan, can you help me?”

“Of course Erica,” Megan the assistant said as she got up from her chair.

I watched the scene play out in front of me, my mouth a little agape the whole time.

Megan moved closer to Erica and as she did she grabbed her dress with her hands and lifted it up and over head, dropping it on the ground and continuing to walk, all in one graceful motion. Only a black g-string now sat between her and complete nakedness. My eyes gazed upon her figure, her true skinniness now coming into view, her ribs poking through slightly, her stomach as flat as a board, her legs and arms just as thin. Her skin was as white as snow. Something about her made me pussy throb.

Erica was turned with her back towards me, I watched as Megan got down on her knees beside her, her hands reaching for the hem of Erica’s skirt, and slowly lifted it up and over her ass onto her waist. What the fuck was I watching? What was happening? My mind was spinning out of control as my cunt was dripping juices down my jean covered legs.

With the skirt now out of the way Erica’s lower half was covered only in black thigh highs and a pair of black fine mesh panties, I could just see a glimmer of her white skin through them. Megan’s hands now grabbed the panties and started to pull them down, eventually onto the floor where Erica stepped out of them. I looked up for just a second, finally realizing the windows were still uncovered, meaning anyone outside would be able to see the beautiful view I had, it made my heart skip with excitement before I went back to focusing on the scene in front of me.

Erica spread her legs a little bit and took a deep breath, I could see her whole body relax, the room seeming to calm with her. Megan reached around Erica’s ass and put a hand on each cheek, pulling them apart, and letting me see the perfect asshole inside. I wanted to get down and lick it, to taste it, but my body was frozen in place watching the spectacle in front of me. Erica took another deep breath and then I could tell she started to push. I watched as her asshole started to open, slowly, it grew in size, wider and wider. Megan just stayed in place, hands pulling the cheeks apart, no movement, Erica breathed again and pushed again, her ass grew some more, the size was now maybe 2 or 3 inches wide, I couldn’t breath, I was lost with lust and curiosity, Erica pushed again and now I saw something I had only seen in movies, a rose started to appear in the middle of her ass, it looked beautiful, my desire to get closer to it grew, but I stayed still in shock.

Another deep breath and another push and the rose started to push out of her ass, extending into the air outside of her body, at first an inch, and then two inches. I audibly gasped as I watched. One of my greatest fantasies was to have a huge prolapse that hung outside of my body, and now right in front of me I was witnessing it happening with my professor and her assistant. Erica took another breath and pushed again, her prolapse grew further, six, seven, eight inches of her ass hung out. It was bright red and beautiful. My pussy was on fire, I was so turned on, so horny, I would have done anything. Another breath and push, her prolapse kept expanding, my mouth hung open, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. A full twelve inches of her nasty anal hole was out of her body, hanging there, looking like the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

Megan finally moved, her head getting closer to the massive prolapse, her tongue reaching out and she started to lick it. Her mouth moved from the base near Erica’s ass all the way to the tip, and back again. She looked like she was in heaven. Erica moaned. I swore there was a wet spot on my jeans. Megan began to stick her tongue into the end of Erica’s massive prolapse, fucking it with her tongue before Erica finally spoke up.

“I think that’s enough for today.”

And with that Megan took her hand and started to push Erica’s prolapse back into her ass. It seemed to retract into place like nothing had happened, Megan’s hand following it all the way in, pushing it completely, her fist entering Erica’s ass, I thought it would stop but it didn’t, her hand and arm just kept going, sinking deeper and deeper into the anal abyss that was Erica’s hole. Megan’s elbow hit Erica’s ass and finally stopped, she pulled it back out and reached for Erica’s panties, positioning them so Erica could step into them, pulling them back up into place. Then the skirt came down into place and she turned around. Everything was done in silence, it was like a regular occurrence, nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. I was shaken.

Megan got up, grabbed her dress and put it back on her body before going to sit down at her desk again. I stood there not knowing what to do.

Thankfully Erica spoke up, “so Julie, what did you think?”

I struggled to speak, my mouth was dry, “that was… amazing…”

Erica smiled, “so, do you think you would like to be able to do that? Maybe even more?”

I nodded my head yes before speaking, “oh god yes… I would love that…”

“Well good… I would like to offer my services to you… I’d like to help you become what you want to be… a four hole whore… is that right?” Erica said with a sly smile.

I blushed heavily when I heard that, obviously Kat had told Erica quite a bit, “yes… that’s right…”

“Well I think we can achieve that, but it will take hard work and dedication… are you ready for that?” Erica asked.

“Yes!” I said without any hesitation. The thought of being stretched in every hole was all I wanted, and now finally I felt like there might be a way to have it happen.

“I’m so happy to hear that Julie… and to have met you. Unfortunately I need to leave for a meeting. Megan?” Erica looked across the room.

“Yes?” Megan responded looking up from some papers.

“Would you be able to take Julie out and get her setup and explain everything?”

“Ya, of course Erica, no problem… I’d love too,” Megan said before looking at me and smiling.

I just stood there and smiled, confused, lost, horny. Erica grabbed her things before walking towards the door.

“Julie… it was great meeting you today, I’ll see you soon,” and with that my professor was gone.

I didn’t even have a chance to think through things before Megan touched my shoulder, “ready to go?”

I followed her out of the office, down the stairs and out to the parking lot, eventually getting into her silver Honda. Within a few minutes we were on our way to wherever, my mind just starting to refocus on reality.

“Ummmm, where are we going?” I asked in a soft tone.

“Oh, sorry, we’re going to the mall… you have your credit card from the sorority, right?” Megan asked in the most cheerful tone I’d heard from her yet.

“Uh, ya,” was all I blurted out.

“OK good because we have to get you some new things.”

“Oh… OK?” I said completely unsure of what was happening.

Megan turned to me and smiled, “sorry, I know everything has been a bit of whirlwind so far, but I think Erica wanted to do that as a test… you know to see how you would react.”

I looked back at her, a look of confusion still on my face, “well… did I pass?”

I heard laughter before the answer, “oh ya, with flying colours.”

A few moments passed before I spoke up again, “sooooo… are you part of the sorority?”

“Me? Oh god no, I couldn’t do that, I’m way too much of a loaner to live with a bunch of other people,” Megan said with a chuckle, “not to say it’s bad though!” obviously trying not to insult me.

“Ya… I probably wouldn’t be in one either normally, but I didn’t know anyone and it seemed like a good way to meet people.”

“That makes sense… how do you like it now after being there for a while?” Megan seemed genuinely curious.

“To be honest, I’m not sure. At first it was great, but I feel alone there too now. I mean… the facilities are amazing though… if you know what I mean,” I chuckled

“Oh… I do,” Megan laughed before adding, “if you ever want some company you are more than welcome to hang out at my place. I have a roommate but she’s cool.”

I felt a little warmth inside of me, this felt different then Emily, more real, less sexually based, “ya… that sounds great.”

Megan continued to drive and we sat in silence for a few minutes, I looked out the windows and enjoyed the view, the sun beaming through warming my body. I took my sweater off and sat there in my t-shirt, my bag on my lap, relaxing and feeling good.

“So, Julie, we’re almost there, so I guess I should tell you some of the rules Erica has… you know if you want her help,” Megan said seriously.

“Rules?” I asked.

“Ya, I mean, nothing too crazy, just things she likes and expects. If you don’t follow them then she might decide not to help you… so it’s up to you, I just want you to know.”

“Oh… OK,” I was suddenly a little worried about what I had gotten myself into.

Megan could tell I was a little concerned, “Don’t worry, nothing is that bad. So the first thing is Erica wants you to dress a certain way, which is why we’re going to the mall.”

“What does that mean?” I asked.

“Well, basically, slutty,” Megan laughed, “she likes the idea of knowing you are constantly looking like a slut and want to be stretched out at all times.”

“Oh… well… OK,” I tried to stay level headed but deep down I was loving the idea, my pussy twitched just from the thought.

“The second thing is you need to be willing to do whatever she says whenever she says. Now before you freak out she’s not crazy, she’s normal, but… she will want to push you to be what you really want deep down, so some stuff will be… interesting,” Megan continued.

My heart started to beat faster, I was loving everything so far, being pushed to be a dirty stretched out whore? Yes please.

“Thirdly, be honest. If you want something, or something is bothering you, tell her, if you aren’t honest she won’t be able to get you to where you want to be, OK?” Megan turned to me looking for acknowledgement. I nodded in confirmation.

“Number four is more of a tip. Try to keep yourself… clean… inside…” she smiled, “do you know what I mean?”

I did, “yes”.

“OK, good, because if you make a mess, I mean it’s OK… shit happens,” Megan and I both laughed out loud, “but Erica will definitely want you to clean it up.”

“Understood,” I struggled to get out still laughing a little.

“Here is what I do, wake up, clean yourself out, and then don’t eat anything all day, just liquids, and then at night you eat what you want,” she started.

“Uhhhh… don’t you get hungry?” I asked, not sure how I would do what she suggested.

“Honestly, I did at first, but not anymore, and now I love it… something about it is so… ummm… dirty and depraved… I mean I still eat, just not during the day,”

“Wow… OK… I’ll try…” I was still in shock, but I now knew why Megan was so skinny, “so Erica helps you too?” I asked, breaking up the rules speech.

“Oh, ya a little, but honestly I’m more into helping her, I just can’t get enough… and now I guess I’ll get to help you too,” Megan said with another huge smile. God she was perfect. “Now, rule number five is the most important, ready?”


“Have fun,” she laughed again, “seriously, if you’re not getting some enjoyment out of it, why do it? So make sure you like what is happening, and if you’re not remember rule number three, be honest.”

I smiled, I couldn’t believe this was happening, it all seemed too perfect, “I think I can follow that one.”

We pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car, walking into the mall and heading into some stores.

“OK, I’m going to go and pick some stuff for you that I think Erica would like, why don’t you just sit here and relax,” Megan said, starting to walk away.

“Don’t I need to try anything on?” I asked.

“Nope, I’ll try to get your size… if it’s too small you’ll just have to wait or you know… squeeze into it.”

“Oh… OK…” I said, confused, but not willing to screw anything up.

Megan walked off and I sat there, thinking about the craziness of the day. What is my life? How did I get in a situation where my professor was going to help me not only in class but also stretch my holes. Was this a dream? Was it just a figment of my imagination?

This process continued for a few stores, I sat, Megan shopped with my card, my mind ran through crazy thoughts. I was getting more and more turned on as my imagination ran wild. How big would my holes get stretched? What would Erica make me do? What was Megan buying me? My cunt was dripping wet again, I wanted to touch it, I wanted to get off, but I knew I couldn’t, not here, not yet.

Megan eventually returned with another full bag of clothes.

“Hey… how are you doing?” she asked sitting down beside me on the bench just outside the changing rooms.

“I’m good,” my face blushed a little as I said it.

“Oh really?” Megan said with a smirk, her hand landing on my thigh, shock waves shot through my body and culminated in my cunt.

“Uh… ya…” my voice stuttered.

“Well… I’m done shopping… but maybe I should just take a look at one more thing,” her evil grin growing.

In one quick motion Megan left the bag on the bench and moved to her knees in front of me. Her hands started to work on the button and zipper of my jeans, opening them quickly and starting to pull my jeans down.

“Megan! Someone could see!” I said worriedly.

“So?” was her only response, “doesn’t that turn you on slut?”

God, she was right, it did turn me on, her words almost made me cum right then and there. I said nothing and let her continue. She pulled my jeans down below my knees and pushed my knees as wide as they would go making the pink material of my panties stretch against my teenage pussy. Her fingers pulled the material to the side letting the cool air hit my soaked hole for the first time, “mmmmm” I moaned out, Megan smiled.

I felt her tongue touch my pussy for the first time, “Oh fuck…” I said out loud, it felt amazing, I loved it, I wanted more. Soon after I felt a couple of fingers enter me, working their way in and out.

“I can tell your pussy is going to be able to get stretched out nice and wide, I can’t wait to help Erica ruin this beautiful fuck hole of yours,” Megan said looking deep into my soul.

She added a third and then a fourth finger into my cunt, I scooted down lower on the bench offering myself to her, “please… fuck me… stretch me nice and wide,” I said as I locked eyes on her. I felt her tuck her thumb beside her fingers and start to push harder into my cunt, little by little I felt her fist sink into me.

“Do you want this slut? Do you want my whole hand in your pussy? Do you want me to do it right here in the middle of this store? Maybe you’ll get caught, maybe someone will see how much of a fucking dirty slut you are… do you want that Julie?” Megan said with a little rasp, looking straight at me, her hand forcing its way into me.

“Oh fuck yes… rip my fucking hole open… please! Fist my fucking cunt! I want everyone to know how fucking depraved I am!” I said far too loudly.

Megan’s hand pushed harder until it finally slipped inside me, I let out a loud gasp as my mind spun out of control, my hand came down and started to play with my clit as Megan slowly moved her hand in and out of my pussy.

“Do you like this slut? Do you like my whole hand in your pussy?”

“Oh fuck yes… I fucking love it!”

Just then I saw something move to my right, my head turned seeing a sales girl standing there, I heard a gasp, a hand moved to her mouth, and then she turned and ran away.

I looked at Megan not sure what to do, my hand stopped rubbing my clit, my heart was in my throat.

She just looked at me before saying, “you better fucking cum before security gets here!”

My mind could hardly handle what she was saying. She wanted me to continue after being caught, to risk getting arrested, just to be the biggest possible slut. I looked right back at her.

“Fuck me harder!” I yelled out as my hand returned to my clit rubbing it as hard as I could.

Megan’s hand started to move in and out of my cunt harder and deeper with each thrust. I felt her wrist bones enter me for the first time, her fist stretching further and further into my hole. With each thrust she pulled her hand completely out of my cunt before punching it back in, faster and faster until she was punch fucking me as hard as she could. My cunt was so wet, so open it would have taken anything at that point, my body, my mind, everything was melting, unable to control itself.

“OH FUCKKKKKKK…” I screamed out, my body convulsing, shaking, Megan's hand slipping out of my cunt for the last time, I fell to my side laying on the bench, my eyes closing, I couldn’t help myself, my limbs were numb, I had no control, I had never cummed like that, it was mind blowing, I needed more of it.

“Julie! We have to go! Now!” Megan said with a little worry in her voice now. She helped me up, pulled up my jeans and closed them. I could hardly stand. She grabbed the bags and took my hand helping guide me through the back of the door, we went through the employees area and out the rear exit. I tried to go as quickly as I could but I felt like I was floating. Megan opened my door and shoved me in before running around to her side, getting in, starting the car and flooring it out of the parking lot.

“Holy fuck…” I heard Megan say as my mind slowly started to return to normal.

“Huh?” I said groggily.

“That was so fucking hot Julie! We almost got arrested! Holy shit I fucking loved it!” Megan was ecstatic.

“Oh… ya…” I couldn’t concentrate.

“Julie you’re so fucking amazing… your cunt… wow… if your other holes are like that we are going to have so much fucking fun!” Megan was almost jumping with joy.

“Ya…” I said before closing my eyes and passing out.


“Julie?” I heard softly beside me.

I opened my eyes, “what?”

“We’re here,” Megan said.

I looked around and noticed we were at the sorority house. I was still completely out of it, completely worn out. “Oh… thanks."

Megan leaned over and gave me a kiss on the lips, “you were amazing today… now go inside and rest up… I’ll text you when Erica can meet up...and remember the rules on the days you’re going to meet with her… and… ya… I’d love to see you too… just us,” she blushed a little.

“OK,” was all I could say. Megan laughed. I got out of the car, grabbed the bags and headed inside. I was completely out of it. Would it be like this everytime? I could hardly function. I made it to my room, dropped the bags on the floor and got into bed. I passed out in my clothes and dreamed about what was in my future.
发布者 DanielBDavis
3 年 前
manolo_bolo 3 年 前
Long but very exciting