The Wreckoning

Autor: grimbous

"Namaste." I say as I slowly open my eyes.

"Namaste." The flush faced sweaty class of 12 women and 1 man repeats back to me.

The quietude of the final few minutes breaks as people begin to bustle and chat as they roll up their sweat soaked mats and collect their gear. A couple of students approach and do the usual thing of telling me what a great class they had and how good they were feeling and what a skilled instructor I was. I take their compliments with my usual modesty but I knew it had been a terrible class.

My eyes flit over to the new student at the back of the room. The walk-in that joined the class just moments before we began. The woman who had thrown me entirely off my game. Her name was Robyn and I hadn't seen her since we graduated high school. After all that happened between us back then I had hoped I'd never see her again and I assumed the feeling was mutual. I did my very best to ignore her throughout the class but as she was an absolute beginner she demanded a certain amount of attention from me. At no point did she reveal the fact that we knew each other, she simply followed instructions with the rest of them and struggled through the routine.

I grit my teeth as I watch her out of the corner of my eye gather her belongings and hover against the far wall clearly waiting to speak with me.

What in the hell did she want? I take in a calming breath and center myself. Actually her sticking around was for the best. Once the other students had left I could speak with her alone and politely ask her never to show her face here again.

Had things not ended the way they did between us I might have been begging for her forgiveness. I was not proud of it but all through school I was the worst kind of bully and the chunky and awkward Robyn had been one of my favorite targets. You wouldn't have known it to look at me. Barely over 5 foot tall, barely over 100 pounds, big sky blue eyes, long bouncy brown hair, high melodic voice, I was the very poster c***d of a sweet innocent girl. But back then I was a right bitch to those below me in the high school pecking order. Cruelty for the sake of cruelty just for a cheap laugh or to make myself feel superior. Thinking back on those years bothered me to this day and I was thankful I had put the cruel person I once was behind me. I made peace with most of my victims from back then but Robyn...I wanted nothing to do with Robyn. She lost all sympathy from me for her actions leading up to Senior Prom.

The problem was...Robyn was fucking nuts!

Unbeknownst to myself the boy Robyn had asked to the Prom turned her down and ended up asking me go with him instead. I accepted, one thing lead to another and that boy was now the man I loved and my husband of four years. Robyn was convinced I had done this on purpose, one final wicked twist of the knife before our paths parted forever. When I found out I teased her, as was my way at the time, but things were different this time. Robyn would not be cowed. Something inside her snapped. I saw for the first and last time in my life true hatred in another person's eyes. It scared the hell out of me and was one of the factors that caused me to turn a new leaf soon after.

The weeks that followed were a living hell as Robyn followed me, pestered me, and even assaulted me once. After so many years of overt bullying I found few sympathetic ears among the faculty of our high school. I tried to reason with her and make amends with her but she was having none of it. Nothing I did could stop her. For the first time Robyn had the upper hand and she relished it. She knifed my tires. She stole my clothes while I was in the gym shower. She cut off my ponytail. She locked me in a bathroom. She stole my homework. She put dog shit into my shoes. Everyday was something new. And on Prom Night came the piece de resistance. I'm not sure how she did it but somehow she had doused my beautiful powder blue prom dress with a big splash foul smelling liquid mixed with bright red ink. When I noticed I looked for her but she was nowhere to be seen though it couldn't have been more than a few seconds. The dress, and the evening, was ruined. Nobody saw her do it but I knew it had to be her. Though I had put my past behind me there was still an ember of bitterness pertaining to that night. Prom Night was supposed to be special but mine was a nightmare thanks to Robyn.

I bid the last regular a good night and turn to face the unwelcome interloper. She looked much the same as she did 6 years ago when I last saw her. 50 pounds overweight and plain looking to a fault. She was half a foot taller than me and after watching her in class I knew she pretty strong despite her doughy appearance. She intimidated me, the quicker I got her out of here the better I would feel.

"Robyn." I say cautiously. "Long time."

"Natalie." Her smile makes my skin crawl. "Thanks for the class."

"Erm, thanks." I say. "It will be your last. Listen, after what happened between us I just think it would be better if..."

She chuckles.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"Nothing." She shrugs. "I just...I thought little Miss Perfect would amount to something more than a Yoga instructor."


"I guess with a man like Dylan supporting you..."

"Supporting me?" I bristle.

"I'm assuming rich Daddy didn't leave Dylan wanting. You surely can't afford that house and this studio on what you make..."

"Okay, I think that's enough." I interrupt her there. Did she actually know what my house looked like or was she bluffing? Either way I was done with her. I turn toward the studio entrance about to call for my assistant to help me get her out of here.

"You're probably missing him already, yeah?" She studies me closely, amused by my confusion.

"Excuse me?"

"I mean, he's gone a whole year. That's gotta be rough on a marriage."

"How do you...?"

"Although he only left this morning. Probably not long enough for you to be missing him yet."

"Okay, how the fuck do you know that?" I square back up with her. What she said was true. Dylan had indeed left for a one year research posting at the South Pole Station in Antarctica. While his year away wasn't a exactly a secret it wasn't common knowledge either outside of our close friends and family. The whole thing only came together last month when another researcher had to pull out last minute. Dylan asked those that knew to keep it on the low as he wanted to surprise his Twitter followers with a surprise photo of himself on the Southern Continent.

"You poor souls. A whole year sleeping alone, no one there beside you when you wake up."

"Okay, this is just crazy." I take in a breath to call for my assistant.

Robyn tilts her head to the side with a widening smile. "I suppose I could send him that movie you made. I'm sure that would help him through those lonely Antarctic nights."

My heart nearly stops in my chest. "What?" I gasp in a hushed voice.

"You know. That movie you made. The one with you and Jordan and Luis and Deshawn and...and...who was it? Oh yeah! Dylan's brother Bobby. Surely you remember. It certainly looked like a night to remember. Hot stuff." The tone of her voice is sweet and friendly though the intention behind it was anything but. Pulling her phone from her gym bag she taps it and swipes it a few times then turns the screen toward me. On the small screen was a still picture from the sex tape she was referring to. It was blurry but the faces were unmistakable. "Don't you remember?"

The girl I bullied, my foolish night of drunken infidelity, my sex tape, all of my greatest sins were being resurrected before my eyes.

I am frozen. My breath is trapped in my lungs. This couldn't be happening. They deleted that file. I watched them delete the file. How did Robyn get this?

Reading my mind Robyn snickers. "Clever sneaky boys, they made a backup when you weren't looking. One of them did anyway." The growing devious grin on her face told me she was savoring my frightened reaction.

"What do you want?" I gasp, breathing again at last. "Why are you here?" I am already assuming this is a blackmail situation and my racing mind begins running numbers of just how much money I could get my hands on to buy her silence.

The sex tape had been made not that long after Dylan and I were engaged, I remember distinctly that you could even see my engagement ring in the video. Dylan was away on one of his trips and I had been invited to a party at Dylan's brother's house. Luis was an ex of mine whom I still had a cordial friendship with and our flirtations that night combined with pot and booze lead me to make the greatest mistake of my life. I swore it would be the only time I ever cheated on Dylan. I made the others vow to keep it a secret. As two of them were also in committed relationships at the time and Bobby had no interest in hurting his brother they all agreed wholeheartedly. When we were done we watched the video Jordan took of the orgy one time, erased it, and promised never to speak of it again.

Yet here it was, my shame resurfaced. And by the look in Robyn's eyes and by what I knew about her I knew she wasn't bluffing.

Sure I could go to the police. Blackmail was a crime. They might get Robyn but would they get her in time? Before the damage could be done. I felt sure in my heart that if Dylan ever saw the tape our marriage would be over. Dylan was a prideful man. An orgy, with his brother, with my engagement ring on? Fuck. No amount of couples counseling or appeals for forgiveness would save us. It would also throw his relationship with his family into disarray as well with this thing hanging over him and his brother. The pain this tape could cause was incalculable. It would be a special kind of torture for him to have to stew on this knowledge while trapped so far from home for a whole year.

At last dropping her facade of civility Robyn puts her phone away and says in a flat matter of fact voice. "You're mine now bitch. For one year. Until your precious Dylan returns. I don't want money. I don't want anything from you but your obedience."

"Obedience?" My already rattled nerves were quaking. What the fuck was this?

"Don't worry, I won't make you do anything where others could notice. This is just between you and I. We won't meet in person until one year from today though we'll be seeing plenty of each other." Reaching forward she pats me on the cheek, I cringe at her touch but do not move. "You're about to become my must see TV Little Miss Perfect."

"Don' me that."

"I'll call you whatever the fuck I want." She states.

Just then my assistant Melanie pops her head into the studio. "Everything okay in here?"

I swallow hard and nod. "We-we're good. Robyn's an old...friend. You can go home Mel, I'll lock up." It killed me to say that. The last thing I wanted was to be alone with Robyn. I was far more fit than her but, slip of a woman that I was, she was nearly twice my size. But I saw little choice.

"See you tomorrow." She says as she disappears again. Only moments later I hear the front door close.

Robyn's smile returns. "Good girl. Keep it up and everything will go fine."

"This isn't fair. You're no saint either. You ruined my prom night..."

"You ruined my LIFE!" She screams the last word as she momentarily loses control. I am silent as she collects herself again. She lets out a humorless laugh and waves her finger at me. "Ha! Nope, you're not getting to me. You're never going to hurt me again."

I rub my fingers nervously into my sweaty palms. " can I believe you? How do I know you won't just do it even if I listen to you?"

Her features soften, just for a moment. "Natalie, believe it or not I want this to be behind us as much as you do. I want to move on. I need to move on."

"Then move on!"

She shakes her head. "I can't. Not yet." Her eyes glare down at me. "You don't know, do you? You don't know what you did to me. You don't know how it affected me. You can't know how much it took for me to gather my courage to ask Dylan out...only for you to steal him away from me. You didn't see me crying myself to sleep every single night for years. You didn't see me in those darkest hours." Her voice trembles and fades into silence.

"Oh, Robyn. I'm so sorry." I reach for her but she slaps my hand away.

"Sorry is not going to cut it Nat, it's not going to be that easy. Call me petty but I'm an old fashioned woman. Pain for pain, humiliation for humiliation, an eye for an eye. I need my revenge before I can put you behind me. I owe it to that scared lonely girl that I was."

"Robyn, please, I was just a silly girl back then. Can't we talk about this like rational..."

"Shut up. You'll take your medicine whether you want to or not, or else Dylan gets the video." She slings her gym bag higher onto her shoulder and picks up her rolled up yoga mat as she gets ready to leave. "There will be a package waiting for you at home. Follow the instructions to the letter."

"Robyn, don't do this. Please!"

She turns and starts to walk from the studio.


She continues.

"ROBYN!" I plead.

She pauses and glances back over her shoulder with cold piercing eyes. I would find no mercy here.

"Just tell me...the did you do it?"

The side of her mouth curls up into a devilish grin. "Super Soaker from under the drink table."

I nod. At least that mystery was solved.

"See you soon." She says as if we were old friends and just like that she was gone.

I stand in the empty studio staring at myself in a wall mirror and wonder what the price of my sins would be.


As I pull into the driveway of our humble yet elegant cottage style home I can already see the parcel waiting for me on the covered front step. I stop the car and stare at it. Some part of me was hoping this wasn't real, that I had imagined everything that happened with Robyn or that she had just done it to rattle me. But there it was.

I let out a defeated sigh and hit the garage door opener.

The whole trip home I had wracked my brain on what I should do. I really ought to go to the police with this. Maybe if they did it right they could get her before the video was sent to Dylan. But then what? What kind of process would it entail? Would there be a court appearance? Would things be revealed there? I had no answers right now. As Dad would say, she had me by the balls. Whatever happened Dylan could NOT see that video no matter the cost.

The garage door rattles closed behind me as I turn the engine off and get out of the vehicle. The cold February wind blows in around my legs until the door clanks to a close. I stand in the garage a moment dreading to do what I knew I must.

Gathering my courage I head for the door leading into the house. Robyn was correct when she said we were getting help from Dylan's parents. We owned this beautiful home outright, something that would have been impossible otherwise. Dylan's stipend as a post-graduate student was a pittance and my downtown yoga studio was barely breaking even. While it was far from my foremost worry it hits me that, thanks to the pre-nup Dylan's parents made me sign, a divorce would have a disastrous effect on my standard of living.

"Oh my god." I mutter to myself as the full gravity of the situation sinks in. I was about to ask what I ever did to deserve this but I knew damn well what I did. I make my way to the front door and open it up. I am greeted by a blast of winter wind to the face.

I stare down at small box sitting on the welcome mat. It was wrapped in plain brown wrapping paper with a thin twine tied in a bow on top. There were not marking or address, obviously hand delivered by Robyn herself. I kind of wished we had one of those porch cams just to know for sure whether it was her or if she had someone else in on this. I knew one of the men on that tape with me was somehow involved but to what extent I had no clue. They were friends of mine, I had trouble believing any one of them would have anything against me. Not bad enough to give blackmail material to my greatest enemy anyway.

Another frigid gust snaps me out of my stupor. Still I stood there in my front doorway staring down. I didn't want to touch it, as if this whole thing would only be made real once I took possession of the package. I shake my head. I was being silly. The sooner I opened it the sooner I would know what I was in for.

Picking up the parcel I close and lock the door behind me then carry it to the kitchen table. It was fairly light though I could feel a bit of weight at the bottom.

Setting it down I pause again. The package was just under a foot long and about four inches square on the sides. The crazy notion of Robyn sending me some sort of contact poison or explosive device strikes me before I shake it away. She wasn't THAT nuts...I think.

Just then I get a text. Looking at my phone I see it is from my husband. He was in LAX waiting for his transfer to Christchurch. We exchange all the usual things, telling each other how much we love and miss each other, and I am reminded again what was at stake.

"I love you Dylan." I message him. "Always and forever."

"A love unconditional, always and forever." He texts back. He was a hopeless sappy romantic and I loved him for it. A love unconditional, if only that were true. If only the world was as rosy as he believed it to be.

Setting the phone down and I untie the twine with renewed bravery. I carefully unwrap the paper to reveal the box beneath. It was as plain as the outside. Cutting the packing tape I take a deep breath pull back the cardboard flaps. There is white folded piece of paper on top with crumpled packing paper beneath it. I take the letter and open it.

The first thing that grabs my attention was calendar for the month of February at the bottom. Except for the first few days each day had in it a time and some sort of code. Tonight, the 4th, it said: 9 pm, D1-P, 10 minutes. What the hell did that mean? My eyes scan down the days. The entries were mostly similar though the amount of minutes got gradually longer. Near the end of the month things started to change a bit. February 26th for example said: 9 pm, D1-P, 1F-A, 30 minutes. On the last day of the month there were two times listed, 9 pm and 11pm, D1-P and D1-A respectively.

It was some sort of schedule but it was Greek to me. Looking back up to the top of the letter there is a Skype name, a phone number, and a short message which I read.

"Little Miss Perfect. Welcome to your wreckoning." Stupid cow, didn't she have spell check? I continue. "Here is your schedule and supplies for the month. Text me when you read this for further instructions. Yours truly, R." My eyes flit down. "P.S.: The video is preset to be sent to your husband's email each night at midnight unless I stop it from going out. If you disobey or contact the authorities or if I cannot reach my computer for a prolonged period any reason it will be sent automatically. See you soon."

"Shit." She had a killswitch. So much for the cops. Even if they got her they probably couldn't stop the email. I look the letter over front and back then set it to the side. Grabbing the crumpled packing paper I pull it from the box then gawp, not quite believing what I am seeing.

In the box were 5 items: set of nail clippers, a nail file, a small bottle of water based lube, a folded black leather full head gimp mask with holes for the eyes, mouth, and nostrils and finally a tan colored silicone dildo! I could just make out "D1" written in sharpie on the flat base of the phallus.

"What the...fuuuuck?" I say. This had to be some sort of nightmare!

D1...D1...I look to the paper beside the box and part of the code clicks. This was D1.

"No. No, no, no, no, no!" I start to pace back and forth beside the kitchen table. What kind of sick perverted fuck was Robyn!? If she thinks I am going to do ANYTHING with this fucking toy at 9 pm she's got another...thing... My pacing stops and my shoulders slump. I bury my face in my hands and groan. "Ohhh my God. How do I stop this?"

Another shuddering breath later and I stand upright. There was nothing to be done. She had me. She had me in a cage of my own making. I look back to the table and recall she said something about me being "must see TV", I think I knew what the Skype name was for. She was going to watch. My skin crawled at the thought of it. At least she gave me the courtesy of a mask.

Straightening my shoulders I stand tall and proud. One year. A few minutes a night for her to get her sick jollies. I could do this. I would not let this twisted woman break me. Scooping up my phone I text the number provided.

"Got it." I send.


It is almost 9pm and I had followed my texted instructions to the letter. My nails were clipped and filed smooth as they would be for the entire rest of the year according to my orders. My laptop was on a small end table, it's webcam facing the bed. And I am on the bed with the dildo and lubricant beside me. The silicone toy was a modest one, 5 and half inches or so and fairly slender, a bit smaller than Dylan and not quite as big as my own vibrator.

I was in the leather mask and nothing else. It had been a pain to pull down the zipper without catching my long hair but now that it was on I am surprised by how well it fit, perfectly sized for my head and snug around the neck but not choking me.

Even now I kept thinking that all of this couldn't be real and yet this reality just kept spooling out before me. I had to find a way out of this but tonight my mind was drawing a blank and I had run out of time. The bitch would get this day out of me but I would find a way to escape by tomorrow night.

I sit on the edge of the bed with my eyes glued to the time on my computer. The instructions said to call at 9 and I didn't want to be a minute early or late. I wasn't sure just how strictly Robyn expected me to follow her orders and I wasn't about to take any chances. God, this whole thing was so weird.

My fingers fidget up and down my bare thighs. It takes all of my years of breathing exercises to steady my uneven shallow breaths. I take a long breath in, hold it a moment, then slowly let it out. The calendar said 10 minutes. Easy. I could do anything for 10 minutes.

I look over toward the the full length mirror I kept in the corner of the room. I see my petite trim body looking as good as ever. At 24 I was just at the cusp of hitting my prime years. I was a lean mean yoga machine. I was slender with just enough muscle to give my body a lovely toned definition. My proportions were perfect. My flawless silky smooth skin shone with a healthy vibrancy that spoke to my clean lifestyle. My tiny A cup tits seemed to defy gravity, my muff was well trimmed, and my pretty pink pussy was the cute little bow that tied it all together. I had a cute face to match the rest of me but this was covered. It looked weird seeing my familiar body beneath the blank leather mask, only my blue eyes and plump lips showing through. It stripped my identity from me, as if all I am was my body. A cute sex toy. I had to admit it was hellaciously kinky. This was something I'd have to try with Dylan when he got back.

I pose for myself, tilting and twisting my body this way and that to see what looked good. It all looked good. Robyn might have had all the power right now but some petty rebellious part of me felt good knowing that she could never have a body like this. The dumpy plain woman had neither the natural gifts nor the discipline.

I refocus on the computer and continue to wait. Now that it was so close I just wanted to get this over with.

I sit comfortably and fully exposed, not crossing my legs or slyly trying to hide my breasts with my arms. Besides the fact I was being forced to do it, the actual nudity didn't bother me. I had always been confident about my body and, to be honest, I loved it when people looked at me. I had done some boudoir photos for Dylan a few times already and it was not uncommon for the pair of us to make private home movies of our playtime. Having eyes or a camera lens on my naked body just Even now, with all that was happening and with nobody yet watching, seeing that tiny dot of a lens pointed my way was mildly arousing. Dylan often teased me that I missed my true calling as a porn actress.

One minute to go. Almost show time. I gather myself, make a little adjustment to my mask, and sit up straight like an attentive student. Leaning forward I click on the video call button the moment the time ticks over to 9 pm.

It rings once...twice...three times and I begin to get nervous. Was something wrong!? Mercifully she answers on the fourth ring.

Her pudgy face fills the screen. She was wearing glasses now, this was new. They actually suited her, brought some character to her features.

"Well! Little Miss Perfect, right on time." She says. "Look at you. All ready to go."

"As if I had a choice." I mutter.

"You know what you need to do?" She asks.

I roll my eyes. I grab the dildo and hold it up. "D1." With my other hand I pat my pussy. "P." I then point at my wrist as if I was wearing a watch. "10 minutes. You want me to play with this for 10 minutes in my...pussy."

"Clever girl!" She says as if I was an obedient puppy. "Very good. I thought you'd put up more of a fight."

"Can we just get going?" I respond. "God you're such a weirdo. You're a real freak, you know that?"

She laughs. "Says the person in the Gimp mask."

"Can we just get this over with?" I say dejected. "Please."

"Such an eager little thing." She leans back and settles into her chair, she takes a cup of tea or cocoa and holds it in both hands. Robyn had on a comfy looking robe ready and settled for her live entertainment, and I was the dancing monkey. All I could see behind her was a bare white wall. "First I want you do something."

"Yes, fine."

"Just...I want you to put it in and hold it inside. I just want you to stand there for minute." She says. "Your 10 minutes will start then."

I scoff and shake my head at the odd request. She was so WEIRD! I pick up dildo and pause just a moment, hoping beyond hope that this would be the moment Robyn told me it was a bluff. I resign myself to what I must do. I squeeze a bit of clear cool lube onto the tip of the dick then smear it all up and down the shaft. The lubricant was necessary. While having the camera on me and having an audience was shamefully exciting I was far from aroused. Generally I was well warmed up by the time actual penetration would happen.

Stepping off the foot of the bed I face my audience dildo in hand. I reach down and find the right angle then press the toy in right to the fake balls. "Mmf." I grunt despite myself. The noise pissed me off as I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of reacting to it. The cock was cold and dead and I wasn't ready for it, it was terrible. I pull it as deep as it could go then tighten up my kegel muscles. I spread my legs, stand tall, and place both hand on the top of my head. I stare at the wall behind the laptop feeling absolutely ridiculous. Despite the lube the toy stays firmly and effortlessly nestled in my tight pussy.

"Ooo, very good." Robyn says.

I bite my tongue and continue to stare at the wall as the seconds tick by.

After the minute she says. "Okay, that's good. 9 more minutes now. Back on the bed, legs wide, fuck yourself with it."

"Yep." I snip.

Backing up I sit back down on the mattress. Holding the toy in place I scooch back a few feet and spread my legs for the camera. I feel a flush come to my cheeks. The dehumanizing mask, the watchful eyes of my audience, my total nudity, and my legs spread putting my most private area on full display, my exhibitionist itch had never been scratched quite like this before. The non-consensual element to it all only made it naughtier. I hated the fact that some twisted part of me actually liked this.

I remind myself that I was being blackmailed by my greatest enemy and those rousing feelings are soon quelled. I prop myself up on one elbow and stare defiantly at the face in the screen. Committed to showing no reaction whatsoever I reach down and start working the dildo in and out of my pussy with slow even strokes. I go through the motions as I must but I do so silently and mechanically. The only part of my body moving was my forearm and wrist. I was determined to give the worst possible performance.

If Robyn is disappointed by my corpse like display she doesn't show it. From the comfort of her home she watches quietly and with great interest, taking a sip from her handmade clay mug every so often.

I continue my passionless plunging of the little toy in and out and do my best to keep my husband firmly in mind. I was doing this for him even more than me. After a while the lube starts to dry and get tacky. I adjust as I must and continue on with the slow steady robotic pace. The minutes drag on like hours.

Just as I begin to think Robyn was fucking with me I hear a beeping. She reaches off screen and turns off the timer.

My friend Debbie swore by glass toys though I had never tried them myself. I wondered what it would feel like. Reaching into the box I lift it out, it was heavy.

"Nice huh?" Robyn asks.

"Uh...yeah. It's pretty." I say as I twist it around to get a full look at it. "It's, um, big."

"You think so?" She asks with genuine curiosity.

"You don't?"

"Bigger than Dylan then, huh?" She smirks. "I never knew Dylan had a little pecker."

I prickle at that, my wifely pride wanting to protect my man's honor. "I never said that!"

"Dylan's cock is that big then?"

My cheeks burn. "I never said that."

Her tone lowers as she asks me flat out. "Is the dildo bigger than Dylan? Answer me."

"Fuck." I sigh. "Yes, okay? Yes. Longer anyway." This was a partial lie as I knew it was at least as thick as my husband, and probably even a bit more.

"How much longer?"

"Robyn..." I start, but I knew there was no point arguing with her. "I don't know. Like an inch maybe."

"Ha ha ha!" She laughs at my husband as I stew in my anger. She seems to sense my ire and laughs some more. "Have you ever had a glass toy before?"


She smiles warmly. "Don't worry. They are so smooth, they glide so easy. It won't be a problem, even if you are used to smaller."

I look to the box desperate to change the subject. "New webcam."

"I want to see you better." She says. I know I shouldn't be but I was mildly flattered by that. "It's got a better mic on it too. You can set it up for tomorrow's session.


I pick up the schedule and look at it again. As with last month the entries gradually increased in length and difficulty. Starting from 15 minutes tonight, mercifully half the duration of the final days of last month, but steadily increasing day by day. I knew most of the simple code now. The D's were the dildos, F was for fingers, P1 was the plug, P by itself meant pussy, and A meant ass. Tonight was a simple "D2-P, 15 minutes" but it escalated to "D2-P, D1-A, 45 minutes" at the end of the month. Jesus Christ, that would be grueling session! Though as a yoga instructor I respected that I would be given time to build up to it.

"Let's get started." She says.

"Wait, can't I give it a quick wash first?"

"Nope. I want to see it inside of you right now."



I glower at her. She knew how much I hated the countdown. I quickly lube up the super smooth pyrex glass and smear a bit onto my sex then assume the leg spread position facing the laptop.


"I'm going, I'm going." The size didn't worry me. I'd had bigger in my time, my ex-boyfriend Luis was well hung. But it had been 4 and half years, since that fateful night of the video, since I'd had anything larger than Dylan's 6 incher, and I wanted time to warm up to it.


"Fuck." I mutter. I slide the conical tip up and down my slit a few times then plunge it in with a firm push.

"Oh!" I gasp in surprise as the cool super slick toy slides right inside. Even my smooth plastic vibrator seemed grippy compared this! I was not prepared to feel all 7 inches so quickly and now that it was in there wasn't any doubt that it had Dylan beat a bit on girth as well. I freeze a moment and jerk at the sensation of the cold slippery glass filling my pussy. "Oh! Woah!"

My reaction elicits a giggle from Robyn. "I guess that extra inch makes a difference."

I hated to admit it but she wasn't wrong. The flared tip of the toy was filling a space I hadn't been touched in a long time. While I was perfectly satisfied with Dylan there were nights I craved just a little bit more.

"It's just...different." I say. "Whooooo." I let out a centering breath and force myself to adapt. "It's cold."

"It'll warm up soon." She says. "Okay, get going."

I nod obediently. Gripping it around the base I start to gingerly work the clear cock in and out. The little raised knobs felt incredible as they slid through my tight gripping tunnel, the slick glass gliding like butter yet filling me oh so nicely. I now understood why Debbie was so hooked on this material.

Swallowing hard I close my eyes. Since Valentines Day I had developed a mental technique that allowed me to feel and guide my sexual energies in ways that allowed me to delay release. I couldn't stop it from feeling good, and I couldn't stop myself from being aroused by the audience and the vision of my masked figure in the mirror, but with enough concentration I could redirect those tantric forces until I could deal with them properly.

The last thing I wanted was to give Robyn the satisfaction of seeing me climax on one of her toys. Being so powerless against her I had to take my victories where I could find them.

I try to shallow the strokes but Robyn catches me. "Nuh uh uh, all the way in you cheater. Don't make me restart the clock." She warns. "I want it good and deep. Right in there where little Dylan can't get."

I let out a hissing breath through my nose and sink it deep once more. "Ohhh." I whisper, trying to keep it below the level the microphone could pick up. Tonight would be a test for my techniques as this new toy felt very, very, nice. Feeling nicer by the second too. My body was coming alive to the deep filling sensations. I'd make it through tonight but I realized I would need to adapt if I was going to make it through the month without cumming.

In and out, in and out, the glossy bumpy toy glides so easily. Each time filling me up so good.

I had never been more relieved to hear that familiar beep, beep, beep, of the timer.

"Thank you. See you tomorrow." Robyn signs off in that abrupt manner of hers.

I pause a moment...laying there breathing heavy and filled with pent up passion...then continue on without her. A few short minutes later I am bucking and moaning through the best orgasm I'd had in a long time.


The 17th of March, St Patrick's day, and I am in my room alone while all of my friends were out partying the night away. The schedule of Robyn's was playing havoc with my social life. My masturbation sessions happened right in the prime time of the evening. I was constantly having to turn down invitations and friends were asking why I was becoming such a homebody. I made up excuses as best I could but it was clear as day that I was retreating into the life of a hermit.

No matter how I tried to explain it Robyn would not bend. Seemingly she had no social life of her own and saw no reason why I should have one. I begged her to move the times or let me earn my way to some free time but the damned schedule was sacrosanct as far as she was concerned.

A few days ago I had finally embraced my fate and told my friends and family that I was taking advantage of Dylan's absence to go on a journey of personal discovery that required long hours of solitary contemplation. Most of them looked at me funny but they accepted it. I was the "flaky" yoga type after all. It relieved the questions but I was none to pleased with it.

While my social life was falling to pieces something else was happening as well.

I don't know if it was just that I was missing Dylan, or if my tantric delaying techniques were having side effects, or if it was the nightly playtime whether I was in the mood or not, or all of the above, but my libido lately had been soaring to all new heights. I found myself horny almost all the time. Even in yoga class, which was usually a sanctuary for outside thoughts, I began ogling and admiring my students and becoming more than a little aroused.

I was so randy that I had been forced to start taking little sessions for myself before our main sessions just to release some tension. I was as committed as ever to never cumming for my blackmailer. Unfortunately today a post workout supper went late and I'd barely made it home on time. It would be a tough one tonight.

It is 9 pm exactly and I am listening to the ring impatiently waiting for No-Life-Robyn to pick up.

She answers. "Hey Missy. Happy St Patty's Day!" She, unsurprisingly, had a green sweater on today.

"Hey." I say back, trying my best to hide my sour mood. "I almost didn't make it today."

"Oh, that would have been a shame. Good thing you did." She rubs her chin. "Do you think Dylan would jerk off to the video? Or would it hurt too much?"

I ignore her prod, though it pissed me off. "Robyn, I need some flexibility."

"No." She states emphatically.

"Be reasonable."



"Missy!" She snaps right back. "You know the conditions. You're mine for a year. You have to get over that."

I let out a huff and grit my teeth. "Yep, fine, yep."

"You're angry."

"Nope, I'm fine." I say curtly. "Shall we get started?"

She chuckles. "Okay, go ahead."

Tonight was D2-P, P-A, 30 minutes. If I wasn't in such tip top shape these sessions would be brutal, they were like a whole extra workout every day, but I had the strength and stamina to manage.

I spread out the thick towel I brought to protect the bedspread beneath me and slather a dollop of the anal lube onto the plug. I pop the small toy into butthole no problem at all. Next I slick up the glass dildo place it like a tower in the center of the towel. Kneeling over it I lower myself down onto it. I feel that now familiar sensation of cool smooth fullness enter me, the fullness accentuated even more by the plug in my ass. With my right hand holding the base still and my left hand gripping the blankets out in front of me I start to ride the toy.

No-Life-Robyn sips from her stupid mug and watches me with ugly fucking face. I was glad I was angry tonight. It felt good to be angry. Righteous. With anger on my side I knew I could hold out.

I ride for quite some time, just steadily rising and falling on the 7 inches of pyrex glass, and keep my disciplined mind focused on my physical and mental energies. I just...wished this didn't feel so fucking good.

I'm not sure how long I'd been at it, quite a while, when Robyn speaks.

"Faster please."

I glare daggers at the fancy new webcam, I knew she'd be seeing the poisonous gaze in perfect detail. Gripping the covers harder I gradually increase my pace.

"I said faster please." She pokes.

"I am going faster."

"Faster please."

I growl under my breath and increase a bit more.

"Faster please." She says. "I want to see those little titties jiggle."

"You fucking..." My teeth nearly shatter I am biting down so hard.

"Faster please."

"Okay! Fuck!" Grounding myself like only a yogi can on my knees, feet, and single hand I almost double my speed. My hips moving up and down in long swift powerful movements.

"That's better!" She smiles. "Good girl."

Seeing her grinning face something inside me snaps.

"Is that what you want? Huh? You fucking bitch! You fucking like this you sick fuck?" I slam down on the pussy filling glass again and again and again, for the first time in our sessions the bed starts to make a rhythmic squeaking sound. "You fucking like that huh? You no life piece of shit!"

"Oh my!" She acts surprised. "Such language Missy!"

"You mother fucking..." I shake my head and try to force myself ignore her. Going at this pace I desperately needed recenter my mind and spirit before...

"Don't slow down." Her voice breaks my focus. "I see you slowing down."

"Rrrmm." I struggle to keep the same hard driving rhythm as I simultaneously attempt to regain control of my swirling energies. I just needed...a second...

"Don't stop! Keep going."

"Uhhh...uhhhh...mmmmmm..." The sounds come unbidden from my open lips. Oh my god, this was feeling so good!

"Oh yeah, moan for me baby."

"Shut up!" I gasp. "Mmmm. Shut up, shut up, shut up! MMMMM!"

The springs keep squeaking as I keep riding hard and deep.

"Are you going to cum? Are you finally going to cum for me?"

"NO!" My motions falter. "Fuck you!"

"Don't slow down, don't you dare slow down."

I start up again holding the cresting wave back with everything I had. The time had to be close...I just had to hold out.

"Uh, uh, uh, uh!" I grunt on each poon filling down thrust and those little knobs working their magic. The plug in my ass just adding that little bit extra. "Uh, uh, uh, uh!"

"Yeah! Ride it! Come on Miss Perfect! Cum for me!"

"! Noooooooo!" All of my tricks and techniques are powerless to stop it, the pressure is irresistible. Like a bursting dam I feel it forcing through my resistance one small leak at a time before it bursts through in one mighty surge. "Ohhhhhh! OHHHHHHH GOD!!"

I impale myself on the toy one last time and, in perfect frame for the camera, my body heaves and shakes through the powerful and shameful orgasm of my life.


My legs snap together and my pussy clenches down around the smooth glass as my body rocks to the waves of pleasure. Robyn watches me through her monitor smiling from ear to ear. Triumphant.

My body quakes with bliss for what seems like an eternity before I at last collapse down onto the bed a sweaty trembling puddle of flesh. She made me cum. I'd never felt lower in all my years. Plain old No-Life-Robyn just made me cum.

"That's my girl." Robyn says proudly. "Ohh, you came so good for me."

"...uhhhhhh..." I whimper in abject defeat.

Just then I hear the beep, beep, beep of the timer before it is turned off.

"You put on a good show tonight." Robyn says. "I'm very proud of you."

"Fuck you." I say feebly through my heavy panting. "Fuck you."

"Thank you. See you tomorrow."


The 1st of April and Spring was in the air. The snow had mostly thawed and people's moods were brightening with the warmer weather. I wish I could have shared their joy. I walked around that day in a haze, barely able to manage to concentrate long enough to guide my classes.

I was exhausted and sore, my ass especially, from last night's marathon session but it was more than that. Something had changed in me since St Patrick's Day. The forced orgasm changed everything. Weirdly I believed that I had somehow betrayed my husband in a more significant way by cumming for her, as if what I had done before that barely counted. I was a broken woman. I thought I could resist her. I thought I could keep some part of me from her. But that night she showed me just how futile my resistance had been. In less than two months Robyn had brought me to heel with barely even trying. I stopped fighting it and had orgasmed every session since.

From the outside my life was the same. Work, home, work, home. The invitations to do things had dried up as my friends were tired of hearing no for an answer. That made it easier. I talked to Dylan regularly, at least 5 times per week, and he could tell something was wrong but chalked it up to me missing him. How I wished I had him here. Even if he couldn't save me from this at least he could hold me when it was over.

I get home that day and as I pull in I'm surprised to see not a package but a square envelope instead waiting for me on my welcome mat. I feel the flutter of hope reignite in my cold gray heart. Maybe it was over! Maybe she'd brought me low enough that her mission was accomplished. I bring it into the house, open it, and read the paper inside.

"April Fool. Package is on the back step."

I let out a humorless laugh and mutter under my breath. "Ya got me Robyn."

9 pm and I am waiting on my bed with the parcel beside me just like last month. I make the call and it is soon answered.

"Hey Missy."

"Hey Robyn. Good prank."

"Ha! Not really but thank you."

I begin to open the package without being asked. She watches me with piqued interest.

I set the schedule aside without looking for the time being. The box was filled to the brim this month leaving no room for the packing paper. The contents were: a body wax kit, a heavy duty looking Hitachi Wand, a medium sized butt plug, and a new dildo. D3 was silicone, like the first dildo, but way larger. It had to be 8 inches long with a prodigious girth I couldn't even get my fingers around. It was a deep mahogany brown and exquisitely detailed with veins and everything. I suspected it was one of those toys made from a porn star's mold. I couldn't be sure as it had been too long but I believed the fake cock even had Luis beat.

"Why so big?" I ask.

"Don't worry, you'll love it." She then chuckles. "I saw you on the tape with Luis. I know you can handle it."

I simply nod. "The wax?"

"Yeah, starting tomorrow I want that pussy bald for the rest of the year."

Again I nod, my shoulders slump and my head bows. There was no point in talking about it. My role was to obey.

There is a moment of quiet and then. "Hey, are you okay Missy?"

I shake my head. "No, of course I'm not. I just want this to end Robyn."

Another long silent moment. "I know. Back in high school I wanted it to end so many times. I almost made it end too. It's terrible having another person humiliate you and there's nothing you can do to stop them. I understand, I really do. You truly can't know what you did to me."

I look up at the camera and beseech her. "I'm sorry for what I did. I never meant to hurt you, not really."

She raises a hand to stop me there. "Missy, baby, look me in the eyes." I scooch closer to the screen and stare at the brown eyes looking back at me. "This is happening, okay?"

I wipe a tear from my eye and nod. "Okay."

"We just stick to the schedule and we get through this year. I promise you when it is over it is over. We will be level. I realize you can't understand but...I have to do this. I've been planning this a long time and I'm not about to go soft now. The ledger must be balanced between you and I." She leans in very close to her camera and speaks with genuine compassion. "You're doing so good thus far. Far better than I expected. Come on Missy, we can do this."

I swallow, I sniffle, and I nod. "Okay. I'm sorry. I'm emotional today."

She smiles. "Don't be sorry. I get it." She leans back in her chair again. "Hey, did you look at the schedule?"

I look over to it and pick it up. Unfolding it I scan the month. There were some interesting differences this month but the first thing that leaps out at me was the Fridays. Not only were they only one session they were scheduled an hour earlier. It would mean I would have to hurry home from work but it also meant I had the rest of the night free!

"Fridays!" I peep, not believing my eyes.

"I told you if you were a good girl..."

"Oh thank you!" I hop up and down on the bed. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

She laughs. "Hey, we got a quick one today. Or at least I think it will be. Shall we get started?"

"Yeah. Sure." I say in a much better mood. I look at the calendar entry for the 1st. W-O. "W, O?" I ask.

She waits while I figure it out.

I look to package. "W...wand. W is wand. And O..." The light goes off. "Ah! Gotcha. Wand until orgasm."

"That's my clever girl."

"I just have to climax?"

"That's it. Won't be hard with that baby, trust me."

"No dildos or plugs or fingers?"

"Not tonight."

"Hmm." I smile. I pull the wand vibrator out from the box.

"I got you the corded one. They're more powerful. The cord is long so you should have an outlet close enough."

"I do." I tell her. I move around to plug the toy in at the outlet behind my nightstand. Crawling back up onto the bed I pick up the big white instrument and click it onto its lowest setting. A deep powerful hummmmm fills the air and numbs my hand. This made my little battery powered vibrator seem pathetic in comparison, like comparing a 747 to a crop duster. This was a serious piece of hardware. "Oh wow!"

"I know, right?"

I lay on my side facing the computer. With trepidation I slowly bring the big vibrating softball sized head of it down between my legs. I spread my thighs and press it against my crotch centered on the clit. Tingles immediately dance up and down my body.

"Thank you." She says cordially. "See you tomorrow."

And just like that the call ends. I lay there a moment stunned by the abruptness of it. I angrily pull the toy out of me and slam it down beside me.

"BITCH!" I yell at the blank screen.


Fucking Valentines Day and I am on my bed naked and masked as I had been at this time every night for the past 10 days. I knew I couldn't be with my true love this night as he was now settling in at the bottom of the Earth yet I felt I should be doing something besides this on such a special night. A romcom alone or with my single girlfriends, a night out, something. Anything. Yet here I was.

I begged Robyn to give me the night off but it was like bargaining with a stone. She was adamant the schedule be kept precisely. I encouraged her to go find a date for the Valentines but she just laughed as if I was suggesting something impossible. Robyn didn't have much of a social life it seemed. I couldn't say I was surprised. It was so demeaning having such a loser hold the reins of power over me.

Over the past week and a half I had twisted the situation over a thousand times in my head and still I couldn't see a way out that didn't risk Dylan seeing the video. I thought about just telling my husband everything but, again, I knew beyond any doubt it would spell the end of us. There was no way to present this information that would make it palatable to the proud Dylan. I thought about telling him some story Robyn sending viruses and that he should delete any communication he got from her but with a bluff like that I would quickly find myself out of my depth as Dylan was far more tech savvy than I and he would have many questions. I even considered trying to find a prostitute that looked like me from the neck down but quickly gave up on that idea. The chances of finding such a woman would be next to impossible, if I found one I wouldn't be able to afford her every single night, and the fact that Robyn and I actually spoke over the call all made it a dead end.

I was a fly fully entangled in Robyn's web. Escape was not an option. My only hope lay in finding the spider's capacity for mercy. Perhaps if I was friendly enough she might actually see me as real person with real feelings. It was a slim hope but it was all I had.

I sit up tall and ready myself for show time. Today was "D1-P, 20 minutes". The time had gotten longer by a minute each day since the first. I was still over a week away from the "A" days, which I assumed meant ass. Dylan and I did butt stuff so I wasn't necessarily intimidated by the prospect, with enough lube I knew I'd be fine, but I am still glad I had some time. Hopefully she would listen to reason before then.

The time comes and I send out the call. After two rings Robyn answers looking every bit like she did every other time, the only difference this time was instead of her mug she had a wine glass in front of her filled halfway with rose.

"Happy Valentines Day." She says with surprising cheerfulness.

"Uh, yeah. To you too." Attempting to seize on her good mood I press. "How...was your day today Robyn?"

She smiles and leans in. "Great! I've been looking forward to this all day."

I laugh a fake laugh. "I meant besides this."

She shrugs. "Not bad. You? Get to talk to Dylan today?"

"Yeah. We spoke during one of the satellite windows." I say. "He misses me."

I go to continue our causal chat but I am interrupted. "Okay. 20 minutes, let's get..."

"Robyn." I say. "Can't we" I tried to keep the desperation from my voice but it was plain to hear. "Can't we..."

She takes a sip of wine. "You have one minute to start or I end this call."

"Robyn." I plead. "There has to be another way. We need to stop this."

She just stares back me unresponsive, the gleam of her monitor off of her glasses obscure her eyes from me.

"Why does it have to be every night?"


"Damn it Robyn!" I snap, my emotions getting the better of me. "Please. I'm begging you."

"Thirty seconds." She says flatly.

My heart drops as the tiny glimmer of hope I thought I had disappears in an instant. "Okay, okay. I'm going."

I hop onto the bed, spread my legs, lube up the toy well, and start up my usual even rhythm.

"I want you to rub your clit today." She commands.

I, of course, obey.

With my left elbow not supporting me I shift appropriately. Bringing my left hand down between my legs I lightly play with my button with the tips of my middle two fingers.

"Mmm, good girl." She says brightly. "That's it Miss Perfect. Play with your perfect little pussy for me."

'I'm not doing this for you bitch!' I what I think, though I say nothing.

"Fuck yourself faster. Come on, work it."

The talking was new. Usually she just sat and watched in silence. I suspect the wine had something to do with it.

I speed the pace of the dildo up just a little as I continue to tickle my clit.

"Good girl!" She giggles. "Just like that. I knew Dylan couldn't be married to such a dead fish. That's it, just like that."

My shoulders hunched forward I keep my eyes on my tormentor as I play with myself for her amusement.

As I play Robyn sips her wine and every so often says something to me. Things like: "That's a good girl." "Keep it up." "I'm watching youuu."

Her speaking like that made it harder for me to dissociate from the scene as I normally did. I couldn't ignore that camera lens and her intense interest in watching me perform. Out of the corner of my eye I can see myself in the full length mirror though it seems like a stranger, a faceless anonymous body fucking itself with a dildo. As the minutes pass something new begins to happen. My skin tingles around my breasts. My breath quickens, drying my mouth. I feel a flush fill my cheeks and a layer of sweat begins to bead across my flesh. As the time passes the lube isn't becoming tacky and the dildo continues to slide smoothly and easily in and out of my slick tight cunny.

No! No, no, no! Fuck no! This wasn't happening. With all my will I conjure every iota of hatred I held from this wicked woman. I would never give her the satisfaction of seeing me enjoy this. I bite my lips to distract myself and bring my yogic training to bear and focus completely on my breathing.

"Feels good?" She asks.

"No!" I answer too quickly.

"Hm, too bad." She says. Just then the timer goes off. Were my twenty minutes over already? It didn't seem that long yet I knew Robyn was a stickler for staying to the schedule. She signs off with her usual pleasantry. "Thank you. See you tomorrow." And the call ends.

My hands slow to a stop. I relax my shoulders and lay back, my right hand coming off the toy but my left resting where it was. I stare up at the ceiling panting lightly. My body was warm all over like after a good yoga session. I could feel some dampness in my pubes that was not entirely from the lubricant.

"Whooooo!" I let out a long calming breath.

God damn it! As much as I tried to deny it, the last part of today's session actually felt...great!


It is March 1st, the day I received my second package from Robyn. It was identical to the first with no signs of where it had come from or what was inside.

It had been almost a month now under the thumb of my blackmailer and things were starting to become routine. While I was far from happy about this new life I was getting used to it. I had even wrapped cleaning my mask into my laundry routine on Sundays. The rigid structure of the schedule was strangely comforting. It was a reliable anchor around which I could plan the rest of my life. Robyn was always there when I called. The sessions always lasted exactly as long as what the schedule detailed and contained precisely what was listed in code. Sometimes she would vary the positions on the fly, lately she had me riding the toy more, but the general requirement stayed true to the schedule.

Today however I am a bundle of nerves as I wait to see what the new schedule would bring.

I am filled with both curiosity and dread as I kneel on the bed, masked and nude of course, with the unopened box beside me and wait for the time Robyn told me to call her. She told me through text that she wanted to watch me open the package this time. I had D1 and the nearly empty bottle of lube sitting ready on my nightstand just in case they were still needed.

9pm hits and I make the call. It doesn't even ring one full time before her face pops up on the screen, she was obviously excited for tonight.

"Hey Missy." She greets me in my new nickname, short for Little Miss Perfect.

"Hi." I say back. I pick up the parcel. "I got the package."

"Good! Open it, open it." She was like a k** on Christmas morning. I couldn't deny a bit of anticipation myself, more curious than anything.

I had already unwrapped it and started to peel the tape so that it would be easy once the moment arrived. I pull the packing tape off the box, wad it up, and toss it toward the waste basket. It pops right in.

"Ha! Three points." I brag.

"Nice shot." Robyn replies.

I open the flaps of the box. Again there was a folded piece of white paper on top with crumpled brown packing paper beneath. I open the paper to take a quick glance at the monthly schedule. Again, not a single day off. I had been hoping for at least a day or two of respite but it had been a fools hope. Not only was the schedule still nightly the double session days, which we did for the first time yesterday, were now a regular thing. Every Wednesday and Friday had entries for 9pm and 11pm.

"Aww, Fridays?" I whine. "Can't we do Tuesday-Thursday instead?"

She ignores my complaint. "Look what's inside."

I look up at the screen and pout. "Can't we just do it once on Friday. Please?" My voice is demure and subservient, I knew getting angry was useless.

She sighs. "If you're a good girl we'll have one session Friday's next month."

I smile. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet. I said we'll see." She points impatiently. "Open it up."

I nod. Pulling the crinkly brown paper away my new supplies are revealed. In the box was a fresh bottle of lube, another tube of special thicker anal lube, a new webcam, a small black rubber butt plug with "P1" painted on its base, and a 7 inch glass dildo. The phallus fascinated me. It gleamed in the light. Most of it was perfectly transparent though there were a pattern of slightly raised bumps of translucent pink. If it wasn't shaped like a dick you could even say it was quite beautiful. On the bottom of its flared base was painted "D2".

"Oh wow! Ohhh wow!"

Allowing my legs to relax I hug the humming toy with my inner thighs and press it in just a bit harder. The tingles magnify tenfold causing my eyes to roll back in my head. It was incredible! The hum drills deep into my body overwhelming my clit with a whole new kind of euphoria.

"Ohhhhhh!" I moan happily as my groin slowly thrusts to grind against the wand all on its own.


My sexual energies build at a rapid steady pace and it couldn't have been 5 minutes later before my bliss comes.

"Ohhhh yessssss!" My slender frame shakes as my mind and spirit burst bright with carnal release. "Ohhhhhh god yessss! Uhhhh!"

When it was all over I turn it off and pull the wand from between my legs, the smooth white head of it now shiny and wet. I force my eyes to focus and look to the screen. I say again through a drunken smile. "Wow!"

"I'm glad you like it." She says. "Thank you. See you tomorrow." The screen goes dark.

I stare at the blank screen and whisper back. "Thank you. See you tomorrow."


"Hey Missy." Robyn says as she answers the call. "How's your Good Friday going?"

"Hi Robyn." I say nervously. "Hey, um, um, we have a problem."

I see her mood cool. "Oh?"

I rub my hands nervously. "Yeah, um, you see I have to go to my parents house for Easter Sunday and, um, my brother and his family won't be getting there until later. I can't...I can't leave before I see him."

"Missy." She says in a stern voice. "What have I told you?"

"I know, I know. The schedule. But...this was all planned before any of...this." I speak as if I was a naughty c***d asking forgiveness, which is exactly how I felt. "Th-there will be so many questions if I have to leave. Surely you understand. Don't...don't you have somewhere to be for Easter?"

She doesn't answer my question and just glowers at me through the screen.

"Please. Just this one time. One night off and I'll never ask again I swear. I'll be a good girl the whole rest of the year. I-I'll make up the time tonight, we can have a double session tonight." I beg. "Please Robyn, just this once. I swear."

Again a hard stare is the only response.

I bow my head sadly. "Okay, I'm sorry. I''ll just tell them I'm sick. I'"

"This one time? And you'll never ask again?"

I look up, daring to hope. "Oh yes. Yes! I swear to God. If...If I ever ask again you can send the video."

"I can always send the video."

"I know, but..."

She motions me to settle down. "Okay Missy, this one time. But you have to give me double tonight."

My heart is singing! A day off! I didn't think I'd ever see it. I would have kissed her had she been there. "Oh thank you! Thank you so much!" I hop up onto the bed excitedly. "I'll be such a good girl for you tonight. Anything you want."

She shakes her head at my foolishness. "We stick to the schedule. Your second session will be what you owe me for Sunday."

"Of course. Always stick to the schedule." I stop and give the camera a long soulful gaze. "Robyn." I say softly.

"Yes Missy?"

"Thank you. Really." It bothered me deeply to be thankful to my puppet master for briefly letting me off the strings she herself was holding, yet I meant those words from the bottom of my heart.

She settles back and nestles her mug in that way of hers. "Don't ask me again. Okay, shall we get going? I believe we're finally going to get D3 into action."

I nod my head. For a week and a half the instructions were variations done with the wand and the other toys. Last night I had the glass 7 incher in my butt with the vibrator pressed into my pussy. I came so many times. But at long last the big thick 8 incher's time was here. I knew from the calendar I'd be seeing a lot of it in the coming weeks.

Plug 2 was already inside my ass and had been for an hour already, as had been the special pre-session instructions for today, and my booty was feeling pleasantly stuffed. I sit on my towel and begin to generously lube the big toy. I admire again just how realistic it looked and I was looking forward to feeling a toy that had a bit of give to it again. The glass was awesome but I was ready for a change.

"Been a long time since I had one this big."

"Since the video?"

I nod. "This is roughly Luis' size."

"Do you miss Luis? His size I mean?"

I glance up just for a second then return my gaze to the dildo. I had long since given up on lying to Robyn. It was strangely liberating being so unabashedly honest with someone, even if it was my blackmailer. "Sometimes." I confess. "Dylan's fine don't get me wrong."

"But sometimes you want bigger."

"Yeah. Not often, but sometimes I miss it." I giggle. "Though I don't miss Luis' hair trigger."

This makes Robyn laugh, her laugh in turn makes me smile. "Oh yes! I noticed that in the video. He lasted, what? 5 minutes."

I titter back and quip. "And that was a good night for him!" We both laugh together.

The talk of the video had me wondering again who leaked it to her. Was it Luis? Maybe our break up wasn't on as good of terms as I thought. Early on I'd tried to trick her into telling me the name but she was always one step ahead of me. I didn't even try anymore.

"Well D3 won't let ya down. It'll be hard as long as you need it. Not like a man. Don't you worry." She says.

I give her a sidelong glance as my chuckling fades. That was an odd thing to say. I rub my pussy to prepare it for action.

Turning my back to the screen I look over my shoulder. "I'm think I want to be bent over today, that okay?"

"You do you baby."

I spread my knees and bend at the waist until the side of my face and both shoulders come to rest against the bed, my ass is up and facing right at the camera. Even after all these weeks, even with my current predicament being caused by a video recording, having a camera on me was still a huge turn on. With my right hand I guide the toy down through my legs. Wasting no time I start to slide the tip across my slit and I focus my mind on opening up for it.

When I felt ready I position the dong firmly against my opening and I push. Slowwwwly it sinks into my womanhood. For the first time I had to overcome true resistance. D1 was small enough to not be an issue and D2 was crazy smooth. D3 however had some grip to it and its size was no joke. Closing my eyes I concentrate on relaxing while I maintain a steady inward press.

I swear I feel every contour and vein as the big toy gradually fills my pussy inch by inch. Knowing Robyn as I did I continue pushing until I had it inside of me right to the hilt.

"Ohhhh fuuuuck." I sigh as the cock stretches my tunnel in a way I hadn't felt in a long time. Oh god, I forgot what this felt like! That pleasant yet challenging feeling of perfect fullness. With P2 filling my ass the sensation was even greater. There is a new sort of feeling as the internal flesh between the two toys squeezed between them, a feeling only felt now due to the larger size of them. I am grateful to Robyn in not prodding me on as I just keep the toy inside and allow my tunnel to adapt.

With gingerly attention I gradually pull it about halfway out then push it back in again. "Ohhhhhh god!" I pull it out 5 or 6 inches...then more confidently back in again. "Ohhhhhh fuck!" This was even better than I remembered it! The constant pressure it put against my walls and that lovely semi-realistic slight rubbery give to the girth was ambrosia for my tight pussy. In and out it goes again as I start to find a rhythm. "Ohhhhh. Ohhhhh. Ohhhhhh!" I can't help but moan on each glorious stroke.

"Feels good?"

"Ohhhhh! I'm gonna cum pretty quick with this. Ohhhhh!"

She watches in silence for a time before she says. "I bet you wish Dylan had a cock like that, huh?"

"Ohhhhhh!" I try to ignore the question and concentrate on the incredible bliss growing inside me. She doesn't press the point this time.

"Tell me how it feels."

"Mmmmmm!" I hum. "So...full. Mmmmm. So deep. Ohhhh. It feels good. Ohhhh. Sooo good."

It not long before I am a quivering mass and cumming hard thanks to the big ol' D3. A sobering thought hits me as I drift down from my happy heady heights. Had Luis would have had any decent stamina in the sack...I'm not sure I would have given up on a cock like this so easily. I loved Dylan dearly so it worked out for the best, but still an interesting hypothetical. For the rest of my time I shift and try a few other positions as I fuck myself with the large lifelike cock.

It seems no time at all before I hear the timer go off.

"See you tomorrow!" I blurt before Robyn can sign off in her regular abrupt way.

She chuckles. "Thank you. See you later tonight."

"Oh yeah. Forgot."

The call ends. Removing the toy I lay back on the bed, the now very familiar loosey goosey of a post coital glow all through my being. I bring the wet dildo up to my face and admire it. It smelled of my sex. I give it a big kiss on the shaft.

"Ohhh. I think I'll be keeping you. Whoooo!"


The Skype call rings longer than usual. Not surprising as I was calling a few minute early today. I figured I was waiting around anyway so better safe than sorry. Besides, I was fucking horny! The first few days of using the big 8 inch dildo for prolonged periods had me sore all the time, my tender pussy pink and puffy, but I had soon become accustomed to it and quickly grew to like it. Despite getting off every single night, usually multiple times, my libido had only rocketed to even greater heights.

"Missy?" Robyn answers. She wasn't sitting down, instead she was leaned in from the side. ""You're early. Something wrong?"

"Hey. No, nothing wrong. Just bored."

She chuckles. "My tea isn't even ready yet."


She rolls her eyes but smiles. She leaves the screen, all I can see is the back of her chair and the blank wall behind, but I can still hear her moving around.

"You should get some art for that wall." I suggest.

I hear her voice distant and echoing. "You think?"

"For sure." I tap my fingers over my knee as I wait. "Hey, am I on your speakers right now?"

"Nah, air pods." She replies as a kettle begins to whistle. "You can't see them because of my hair."

"You do have a healthy head of hair. I wish mine had body like yours."

There is a moment's silence then I hear her scoff. "Ha. Little Miss Perfect wants better hair?"

That hurt, she hadn't called me that in quite some time now. "Oh...uh, sorry." I sigh. "I your hair. Um, should I call back or...?"

"No, it's okay." A tense silence falls between us though I hear her moving about out of frame. I stare at the screen wishing I could see her face. At last she speaks again. "How's the mask holding up?"

"Oh, uh, great. I clean it and look after it."

"Good girl."

u*********sly my shoulders relax at the praise. I was worried she was angry after the hair comment but I was still a good girl, everything was okay.

"I got the package, it's heavy."


"Hey, when you drop these off...uh...if you ever want to stick around. Just have a coffee or tea or something." I offer. "Just as Nat and Robyn, not like this."

"Ha! No, I don't think so Missy."

"Oh. Okay. was work?"

I see her peek in from the side of the frame. "What is with you today?"

"I'm so bored!" I laugh. "I'm going stir crazy. The schedule makes going out difficult so I'm usual home all the time now when I'm not at work."

"Ha! Welcome to my world."

"Your world? Oh Robyn..."

"Shut up." She disappears again and shifts the topic. "Work was fine. The usual."

"You work at the university don't you."

"Oh ho! Clever girl!"

I giggle at my cleverness. "It was the only explanation. How else could you have known about Dylan's trip so early."

"His department can't spend a dime without me knowing about it." This was the first bit of real information I'd ever gotten from her, a trust was definitely forming between us. She suddenly appears on the screen again pointing a stern finger my way. "Don't you fucking dare look me up or pop by for a visit! My private life is none of your business."

"I won't if you don't want me to."

"Good girl." She smiles. "You might as well open your package. I'll just be a minute or two."


I open the package as Robyn does whatever she needed to do.

"What the...?" Inside the box was a fresh supply of lubricant, a coiled black strip of anal beads, and a smooth shiny stainless steel...thing. It was kind of reminiscent of the wooden fish bat my father kept in his fishing boat. It was just short of a foot long and one end was fatter than the other, though both sides widened to a knobby tip, with the skinnier end having what looked like finger grip grooves. I lift it out of the box and the thing was every bit as heavy as it looked. If used as a billy club this thing could do some serious damage. "What is this?"

"Expensive." Comes the answer. She knew what I was referring to without even looking. "It's called the nJoy 11. I saw how much you liked the glass, thought you should try steel."

I was strangely flattered by her attentiveness. Setting it down I turn my attention to the beads. It was one long piece of silicone with beads of escalating girth. The one at the tip was barely thicker than my pinky while the one near the large loop handled base was bigger than a golf ball. The whole thing was well over a foot in length and I shuddered to think just how deep that little would have to get for the big one to go in. Of course the toys were labeled. D4 for the unique steel dildo and B1 for the beads.

I peruse the calendar and cannot help but notice it was becoming more complex by the month. More special instructions and more letters added. The B of course for the beads and there was an M in there now which I quickly surmise must meant mouth. She had been asking me about my skills with oral just last week and I mentioned how I wished I could deep throat Dylan. I wonder if she had added the mouth stuff or if it had always been a part of the plan.

As before the length times continued to increase peaking out at a full hour at the end. Those would be tough, but that was a problem for later. Tonight was only 20 minutes and my body was ready to get started. It was Pavlovian now, that distinctive sound of the skype ring as I waited for Robyn to pick up got my juices flowing.

Robyn at last settles into her seat, mug in hand. "You ready?"

"Yep!" I was wet and ready to rock! I slap my baby smooth pussy and look at the paper. B1-A, D1-M, 20 minutes. "Oh, right in with the beads then."

"No time like the present."

"I've, this will be different."

Fifteen minutes later I am on my back legs spread and knees tucked up to my sides with three quarters of the rubbery black beads working in and out through my back door. Only two more beads to go but they were the biggest two. I held the ring handle in my left hand, in my right I gripped base of the first dildo Robyn had sent me and I am thrusting 4 inches of it in and out of my mouth. The taste and smell of silicone filled my sense. After handling D3 so consistently D1 now seemed a funny little willy, like a miniaturized novelty version of a dildo, though try as I might I couldn't get it deeper.

Tonight Robyn was a very active participant urging me on from the laptop.

"Come on Missy. Deeper. You can do it. Only two more beads."

Pop! I feel the next thick ball widen my sphincter then enter, my anus clenching down on the other side. God, it was so deep now. I could feel the flexible length twisting with the natural shape of my guts and the slender end piercing deep into places things just weren't meant to go. It felt so wrong, so nasty, and yet so fucking good.

"Good girl!"

"Mmmmmm!" I moan to her welcome praise.

"Okay, take that cock deeper too. Come on, you said you wanted to learn to deep throat. Deep throat that dick. That little thing is nothing. Come on Missy, gag if you have to."

Pop, pop, pop. I continue to push and pull the beads from my asshole. Pop, pop, pop. Meanwhile I am fucking my face with 5 and half incher.

"Mmmm! Mmmm!" Three thrusts later I push forward and force the dildo in all the way, its head entering my throat as my lips touch its fake balls. "GLLRGG!" I heave and nearly wretch. I hold it for one solid second before pulling it from my lips with a loud gasp, streamers of spit accompany the toy. "GAH!" I suck a breath in. "Fuck! I did it!"

"Good girl! Good girl!" She cheers. "Again. Come on Missy. You're doing so good."

With renewed vigor I plunge the dick back into my maw while at the same time pushing the final thickest bead into my anus. POP!


"Yes Missy! Yes! Good girl!"

"Mmmmmm!" My throat full and my ass stuffed I am taken off guard as I am hit with a sudden micro-orgasm that sends shivers up and down my body. "MMM!"

Not once since we started the session had I even touched my clitty or even my pussy. I hadn't even realized it was possible to cum like this. Not only was the release unexpected it had a whole different dimension to it. It was a different flavor of climax I'd never tasted before and it was delicious. This was something entirely new!

I am still enjoying this new bliss when I hear the timer go off.

I slip D1 from my mouth. "No, wait. Not yet."

"Thank you. See you tomorrow."

"Robyn, wait! I need to tell you something." I desperately wanted to share my discovery with her.

The call ends.

"Fuck!" I was disappointed but I couldn't be angry. The schedule was the schedule.


It is the first of June and a howling wind storm is raging outside and I am terrified the power might go out before the session. For all the good will I felt had built up between Robyn and I she continued to make it abundantly clear that she would end my marriage without batting an eye. It helped remind me precisely what was happening here. She wasn't my friend, she was my greatest enemy. I was getting too close to her, I was losing grip on reality. I had to counter this before it was too late.

I had done some research over the past two weeks. Research on two subjects in particular.

The first was Stockholm Syndrome. For all intents and purposes I was Robyn's hostage. Sure I could go about my business during the day but my evenings belonged to her. I spoke with her more than anybody outside of my assistant at the studio, even more than my husband. Combine this regular contact with Dylan's 4 month absence and the, admittedly, incredible sexual experiences and an unhealthy kinship was bound to form. I found myself thinking about her more and more. Wondering how her day was going, worrying about her, hoping she'd enjoy the night's performance, etc. These were not rational thoughts. The woman hated me and I really ought to hate her back. I read a whole book on the subject and forearmed with this knowledge I now felt armored against the syndrome's insidious effects.

The second subject of research was anatomical, specifically around vaginal stretching. The sessions were getting longer and more intense and the toys were becoming larger. Despite myself I was loving it but I began to worry about Dylan and I's sex life once he got back. Time and time and time again I read that stretching was just a myth. That it could happen for short periods of time but that the vagina could and would always return to normal. Some said a certain amount of loosening would happen as a natural aspect of aging but intercourse could not change a woman permanently. Even c***dbirth wasn't enough to permanently loosen a woman in most cases. I noticed these assurances were generally women giving advice to other women, though all of the more legitimate sources on the internet backed them up. Digging into deeper corners of the web for a man's perspective I discovered a much different story, accounts of how wives would loosen permanently after having a baby or stories about girlfriends loosening after work in the porn industry, but in the end I discounted these as sick misogynistic fetishistic fantasies. Knowing there was a road back gave me great comfort.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed with the new package beside me, all dressed down and nowhere to go as usual, I look at myself in the corner mirror. I don't see myself staring back. With the face covering mask on Natalie was no longer present. It is Missy looking back at me instead. Robyn was leeching away my very identity, or trying to at least. I sit up tall and remind myself who I am. I am Natalie, I am a healthy dynamic driven unique woman, I am a wife and a daughter and a sister, I carry within me a spark of the divine. I make the Anjali Mudra, palms pressed together in front of me, and bow my head to my reflection.


Feeling bolstered and grounded once more I wait until precisely the normal time to make the call.

"Hey Missy." Comes my tormentors chipper voice.

"Hey." I reply flatly. "Some storm."

"I know, right?"

"Robyn. If the power would have gone out what would have happened?"

She sits still and studies me for a moment. "That would have depended on you."


She lets out a sigh. "Missy, you are usually such a clever girl."

"Don't call me th..." My low voice trails off as I settle my emotions.


"Nothing" I shake my head. "Robyn, how can I keep doing this if everything might be for nothing through no fault of my own?"

"Oh, I don't think this has been for nothing. No matter what happens." I go to respond but she cuts me off. "Missy, I'm not completely unreasonable."

"Pfff." I cannot help but scoff. "But your precious schedule."

"Our schedule." She corrects me. "It's more for your benefit than mine. us limits and structure. Trust me, if we didn't have it you would not have liked the results especially early on. You do not want me improvising this." Just the way she said that sent a shiver up my spine.


"Missy, are you telling your phone doesn't have a camera?"

"My phone?"

"Yes silly, your phone." She says. "If the power goes out, improvise."

"Oh. I just, huh." Things had been so strict I hadn't even considered a different avenue of communication. This tiny modicum of flexibility eased my fears significantly and I could feel the warm feelings toward her trying to reassert themselves. Tamping them back down I immediately set into opening the package without being asked.

"Somebody's excited to get going." She quips.

I don't give her a reply. Inside the box this time was, as always, a fresh supply of lube, a butt plug in the same design as the others but larger, and a huge foot long silicone dildo. P3 and D5 respectively. The dildo was twice the length of an average man and nearly as thick as my wrist.

I just shake my head sadly. "I don't know if I can handle this."

"I have faith in you." She responds. "Something is up today. What's wrong Missy?"


"No, I can tell. You're missing Dylan, aren't you?"

"Of course I am. We've never been apart this long."

"My poor Missy."

I huff. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay, if you ever do though..."

"I won't." I straighten the towel out beneath me. "Let's get this shit started. Let's feed this sick fetish of yours." I hadn't meant to say that last part but I didn't regret saying it.

She sits back, her index finger tapping along the lip of her mug. "Read the schedule."

"Yep." I snip. Opening the calendar I look over the days and the various times and requirements. I was relieved to see that the longer sessions continued to be capped out at one hour. Then my eyes settle on the 20th, it only had two letter with no time listed. "BD? What the heck is BD?"

Her face softens and her eyes smile. "You don't know?"


"It's your birthday silly girl."

"My birth...what?"

She chuckles. "Yes, your birthday. That day is all yours. You can do whatever you want for as short or as long as you want. It's your special day."

"My special...?" This simple gesture of kindness was rocking my world far more than it should have. "But... Robyn, why? I don't understand."

"You've been such a good girl Missy. You've made me very proud these last four months."

"You didn't have to."

"I know."


She tilts her head to the side. "Because it's your birthday and I want you to be happy. Do I need another reason?"

All of my research and grounding are carried off like a stray kite in the wind. My brain knew better but I am a woman ruled by my heart. Those two simple letters on the piece of paper in my hand in this moment seemed the most wonderful, caring, and extraordinary gift I had ever received. I sniffle and wipe the tears from my eyes.

"Thank you." I whisper.

"Of course." She reaches out an touches the edge of the screen. "If you need a few minutes I understand."

I shake my head. "No. I'm ready."

"That's my girl." She says proudly. "Okay, D5-P 20 minutes. But lets do things a bit differently today."

She has me turn off the bright overhead light. The only illumination in the room now coming from the computer screen. I am then instructed to bring an extra soft blanket and a pillow into the center of the bed. After she ensures I lube up the new foot long monster cock copiously she has my lay across the center of the bed, my head on the pillow but still facing the screen. She then has me pull the comfy blanket over my naked body.

"But you won't be able to see." I say.

"That's okay." Her voice is calm and smooth and lovely. "Okay, just close your eyes and start to work it in. Tell me when you have it half way in."


I close my eyes and begin to rub and prod the fat tip against my slit. The room is completely silent beyond the whistling winds outside the house. With the dim lighting and the blanket covering me I could have easily faked it but I don't. Using the mind-body control I had built up from years of yoga I bring my awareness to my sex and concentrate on relaxing, opening up to the toy like a blooming lily. D5 was crazy thick, even thicker than the 8 incher, but not massively so. Like the others this was an incremental step up.

Gripping it around the shaft just above its big balls I gradually push it inside. I feel my pussy expand to new levels, the muscles pressed out past their natural comfort point.

"Ohhh...oh...whooo!" I swallow hard. "It's big."

"Does it hurt?"

"A little." I push another two inches into my straining tunnel. "Ohhh!" The truth was that it did hurt, but it hurt in a good way. Like holding a deep stretch on a sore muscle. Another two inches. "Ohhhh God!" I am so fucking full, way beyond anything even Luis or D3 could make me feel. I am stuffed to the absolute limit. I felt like an overfilled balloon ready to pop. Shifting my grip so I held the toy by the base I firmly push another two inches just seemed to go on forever! "Ohhhh fuck. Fuck! I think...I'm gonna...cummmmmm! MMMMMMM!"

It is 0 to 60 in the blink of an eye. I am rocked by a climax the likes of which I had never felt before. This one was hard and hit like an atom bomb. My pussy strains to bear down on enormous cock yet the muscles had nowhere to go, I was stretched to the max and already as tight I could be. My abdomen tightens, my pussy cramps around the toy, and I growl out my overwhelming agonizing rapture. "Grrrrraaaahhhhhh!"

"Keep it in. Don't pull it out." Robyn urges me.

"GNNNGH!" My tense flexing body quivers beneath the blanket. "FUUCK!"

As with the anal orgasm we discovered last month I once again experience a whole new facet of bliss. Never before had I cum simply from being entered. And never had an orgasm been so...violent. My pleasure hadn't been stoked and fired up and brought to blaze. This climax had been literally forced out of me by sheer overpowering pussy stretching girth.

When it is over I am panting and trembling like a bitch in heat. "Oh shit!" I could feel I wasn't far off from cumming again.

I hear the steady tone of Robyn's calming voice. "Good girl. Good girl." She says. "Okay, keep your eyes closed."

I nod. "They're closed."

"Just settle, relax, be still."

Using my training I start to breath deeply and attend to the out of control energies swirling through my body and spirit. It felt amazing and exhilarating bringing my disciplined mindfulness to bear during such an intense moment of primal sensation. I am able to tap into that same transcendence I feel when I hold a particularly challenging asana. Without meaning to I had, under Robyn's guidance, tapped into a fresh avenue of self awareness.

"Good, good." Robyn says in a soothing voice. "Now, keep your eyes closed. Listen to the wind. Do you hear it howling?"

"I hear it." I whisper.

"Howling, blowing, raging like an antarctic winter. Imagine Dylan listening to that same wind howling outside his room."

I could see him, I could hear the room, I could see the snow blowing outside his window. "Mmmm."

"He's thinking of you now. You know he is. He's missing you as much as you miss him."

"Yes. Dylan."

"Good, good girl. Now imagine he is there with you. He's come home for a visit. He's come home to see his beautiful wife."

"Mmmm." I could feel his weight on top of me, I could smell his cologne, I could hear his breathing.

"He's making love you. Do you feel him making love to you?"

"Yessss!" Without realizing it the cock had begun moving in and out of me. "Dylan, yesss!"

In my trance it is not rubber but flesh inside of me. A real cock. It is my husband's cock pushing 8...10...12 long thick inches inside of me. So deep that he taps my sensitive cervix as he bottoms out. He FILLS me like I've never been filled before. It felt so right. Soon there is no pain, no discomfort, only an all encompassing heaven as my man takes me.

"Dylan...ohhh Dylan!" He makes love to me with long slow even thrusts. Fucking me deeper and longer and better than he ever had before. He brings the woman out of me time and time and time again with his magnificent manhood. "Ohhhhh Dylannn!

At some point I am dimly aware of a beeping followed by a whispered. "Good night. See you tomorrow."

The wind rattles the house as my beloved Dylan continues to rock my world. We make sweet love well into the night.


I could hear the distant pops and booms of the 4th of July fireworks but I am home as always primed and ready for fireworks of my own.

"Come on." I whine playfully. "Please!"

Robyn scowls. "Stop it. You should have asked on your birthday."

"I didn't think of it then." I pout. "Pleeease!"

"You'll laugh. You'll make fun of them."

"No I won't!" I slap my own titties. "Look at these, they're barely mosquito bites. As if I can talk." This makes her laugh. "Come on, I'm tired of doing everything all alone. Let me at least see your boobs." I knew she had body image issues and this put her on edge but I really wanted to see them.

She grimaces and shifts uncomfortably in her chair. "You swear you won't laugh?"

I cross my heart and say solemnly. "I swear."

She lets out a long breath. "Fine."


"IF...if you can get to the white line."

"Oh man! Come on!"

"You heard me." She teases. "You want to see my tits don't you?"

I let out a huff. "Fine, I'll try."

"How's the plug?"

"Good. Getting used to it." The plug that came with this month's package, P4 as it was labeled, was different than the others. Not only was it longer with a wider plug but the shaft was far thicker as well. She called it a pussy plug and like the butt plugs I had to have it in for prolonged periods. It was in now and I felt pleasantly stuffed.

Picking up the new bright pink two foot long rubber double sided dong, D6, like a sword I wobble it left and right a few times. There were two lines drawn around it. A black one at the center point and a white one half way up one side. I had already had it in me up to the black line, a foot in, but Robyn kept urging me to take it to the white line, 18 inches of rubber dick up my pooper!

I turn sideway to give Robyn a profile view and bend forward on my hands and knees. I slap a glob of lube on my asshole and work it in with three fingers.

Taking the long snakey toy in my hand I press it into my back door. It slipped right in. The first foot is no trouble at all. Holding it there I fuck myself with for a bit just to warm up to the feel of it. My thumb rings the toy just on the other side of the white line so I knew when to stop.

Robyn laughs. "It looks like you have a tail." I giggle with her.

Taking a deep breath I ready myself for that strange and totally unique feeling of a foreign object burrowing into my bowels far deeper than any man might ever go. The beads went in almost this deep but the tip of that was so slender and supple, this was whole other challenge. I breath in...then breath out and push the dildo deeper. I pause and adjust. Breath in...breath out and another inch sinks into my ass. In...out...and an inch deeper. A shiver runs through me.

"Oh Jesus!"

"Did you cum?"

I nod. "Just a little one. Whooo! Fuck it's deep." Rivulets of pussy juice run down my inner thighs, streaming out from around the flared base of the pussy plug.

"You can do it baby, I know you can."

I look at Robyn and see the approval in her eyes. Biting down on my bottom lip I nod. I was almost there now.

"Mmmmm...mmmmmmm...GNNNNGHH!" I push the final few inches and the conical head of the toy pushes into parts unknown. "OH MY FUCKING...GGAAHHHHHH!"

My legs and supporting arm quake as my torso arches up and I throw my head back as a whopper of an anal orgasm sends its warm throbbing waves out from my anus right out through to the tips of my toes and fingers.

"Good girl!" Robyn cheers. "Oh my goodness! I thought that would take most of the month! Wow!"

Her praise makes my orgasm all the sweeter.

As I drift down the other side of my high I pull the toy back a couple of inches but continue to work my hole. My time wasn't even close to finished. I hear the wet slurping sounds as the slick toy fucks my booty. I turn my head back to look at the camera.

"You owe me dem titties!" I say in victory.

All at once Robyn's confidence evaporates. Despite the face I was here with a plug in my poon and a foot and half of rubber up my bung hole she was bashful to show her breasts. It was actually quite adorable.

"Come on." I say kindly. "Please."

She sighs and nods. "A deal's a deal." Setting down her mug she shifts her shoulders as if she were about to lift something heavy. She closes her eyes, takes three deep breaths, and lifts the bottom of her sweater up over her face. She was not wearing a bra and for and instant I see her breasts. They weren't round, they weren't perfect, they sagged a little, her nipples were large and brown, and they were even a bit uneven. Before I could really take a good look the sweater was back down again. Robyn had a rosy blush across her cheeks and nose which really suited her. "There, happy now."

"Aw, I barely got to see!"

"But you saw."

I pause my thrusting hand and look at her with pleading eyes. "Please?"

Her shoulders slump and she lets out an exasperated sigh. Pulling the sweater back up she bunches it up just under her neck and gives me a good long look.

I smile. "They're wonderful."

"No they're not."

"Yes they are." I admire the heavy pair of imperfect breasts and feel so very privileged to see them. They were so beautiful. "I love them."

"You don't have to say that you know." Her eyes were focused down, too embarrassed to look at me.

"I know." I start my hand up again to fuck my ass. "Look at me Robyn."

Her eyes rise to meet the camera.

"They are beautiful. Absolutely lovely." She was lost for words. I shoot her an impish wink. "If you were here I'd suck them."

Back comes the blush as she sputters and drops her sweater to cover herself.

I titter and tease. "I would! I'd suck dem big titties..."


I start making sucky noises. "Num, num, num, num!"

"I said stop it!" I could hear real anger in her voice. "You said you wouldn't tease!"


"We're done." I could see her moving her mouse to end the call.

"But the timer hasn't..."

"Thank you. See you..." She was signing off.


She pauses.

"We stick to the schedule." I throw her words back at her. "No matter what."

I grumble and clenches her jaw. Sitting back stiffly she crosses her arms and waits for the time to end.

The mood spoiled I go through the motions, my focus was on Robyn.

"I wasn't joking." I say softly, carefully. "I think you're...a beautiful woman Robyn." She doesn't say anything. "Robyn..."

"You're being a bad girl."

I flinch at the cruel words, being called a bad girl truly meant something coming from her. "Don't say that."

"It's not nice to tease someone. Not everyone can be Little Miss..."

"Please don't say that."

She stops and stares hard at me. Just then the timer beeps.

I pull the toy from my ass and hurry to the screen. "Thank you. Thank you for showing me. I had fun tonight."

She looks at my up close face for long tense minute before speaking. "I'm sorry I got angry. You're a good girl."

I let out a sigh of relief, the tension melts from my body.

"Thank you Missy. See you tomorrow." She pauses a moment for a reply.

I blow a kiss to the camera. "See you tomorrow."


It is the first week of August and we were in the middle of a scorching heat wave. I loved the heat but even I had been forced to get the air conditioning going.

I am home on a day off listening to some tunes and tidying up the bedroom. Despite regularly doing the laundry my bedroom had developed a sweat, sex and lube tinged funk. I spent so long in this room every evening the aroma of our sessions had permeated the walls and furniture. I'd have to give this place a good deep cleaning before Dylan returned.

It had been 6 months since my sessions with Robyn had begun and I had never felt more in tune with my body and sensuality. The nightly challenges helped cultivate a deeper fully understanding of my being. I had experienced breakthroughs in my yoga practice both physically and mentally. And holy mother of God was I feeling great sexually. I don't think it an exageration that I had cum more often and in more ways in the past half year than I had the previous 5! People noticed it too. They said I looked relaxed, at peace, and had a certain glow about me.

For all that however it was clear things were changing in other ways as well.

This was brought into sharp focus as on the first Robyn had me try to hold D1, the 5 and a half incher, in my pussy unsupported just as I had on that very first day. I put it in as I had then and squeezed my muscles are tight as they would go. As I brought my hands up to my head and stood with my legs spread, try as I might, I could not stop the toy from slowly sliding out of me and dropping to the floor. I tried a few times. I could slow it down but I just could not hold it inside of me, something I had done 6 months ago by barely trying. I realized it would take some time to recover from this once it was all over, I had no idea what I would tell my husband. I would have to find a way to cut him off for a while while I recouped and I knew that would not be easy after a year apart.

This month's package had been a single item, D7, an inflatable dildo. I didn't even know such things existed but it was an experience and a half. It went in easy but then you could start to pump it up, slowly but steadily stretching me out a tiny bit on each squeeze of the bulb. It was...intense. With Robyn's encouragement I was pumping it up just tad more each session.

Robyn and I were getting along great. It was weird but she was honestly my best friend. It had become so much easier once I just accepted my fate. I really had been awful to her all through school and she was such a shy and sensitive woman, I would happy once we were square and we could interact without that unpleasantness hanging over us.

I was just getting ready to head downstairs when I am surprised by the sound of a call coming in. My pussy and ass twitch with automatic anticipation at the sound.

"What the hell?" I look toward the laptop sitting open in its usual place. Robyn was at work and nobody else I knew used Skype anymore.

I approach it and lean down to look and can barely believe my eyes.

I answer the call with a big smile as I see my husband's handsome face appear on the screen. Except for a full beard he looked just as he had the day he left. The room behind him was cloaked in darkness, all I could see was his glowing face.

"Dylan? What the heck?"

"Ha ha!" He says with a slight echo to his voice due to the satellite connection. "I can't believe I caught you on here!"

"Uh yeah, just happened to have it running."

"Wow, you're coming in so clear." He says.

Shit, I forgot. "Uh, yeah. I got a new webcam. I, uh, was messing with the idea of starting online yoga classes." Just a little white lie. "So how are you doing? Starting to see sunlight yet?" I knew down there they were still in the depths of the cold dark winter.

"Barely. I see it's a heatwave up there. God I wish I could have some of that here right now."

I laugh. "I'm happy to see you but...why are you calling on Skype?"

Dylan looks back over his shoulder then turns back to me with a very familiar crooked grin on his face, Dylan was feeling frisky! "Hey, I got comms all to myself for a half hour. Nobody monitoring or anything. I thought maybe if I could catch you home... he he he."

I realize quickly what he is suggesting. He wanted to have video phone sex.

"Dylan!" I exclaim.

"Come on baby." He grins that handsome grin of his.

I find myself torn by conflicting feelings yet I wasn't about to say no to him considering the situation. I nod enthusiastically and get my head in the right place. I was more than game.

"Hey, he he he, you still got that toy of yours?" He was referring to my plastic vibrator.

I cock a flirtatious eyebrow and smile. "Of course." The truth was I hadn't touched the thing since he left, the batteries would surely be dead by now.

"Why don't you go get it." He says. "We don't have much time and I don't know when I can do this again."

"Sure baby. Hold on."

I hurry to my night stand and pull out the toy. My finger wrap easily around it and as I hold it I am stopped in my tracks. I knew for a fact the vibrator was very close to Dylan's size, same length and a very similar girth. After all these months of using D2 through D7, including the foot long D5 which I had quietly fantasized about being Dylan ever since the first night I used it, my old toy looked I knew Dylan was bigger than D1 so I never associated the two together, but seeing my vibrator now I realized he was far closer in size to it than any of the others. It wasn't just length or width, but also weight and volume. What I held now seemed feather light and stick thin. Was this for real? In my skewed reality of the past half year I had forgotten what a normal sized cock actually looked and felt like.

"Baby?" I hear from the computer.

I shake myself out of it and hurry back. "Sorry, here I am."

As I sit on the edge of the bed and face the screen I am surprised to see my husband already leaning back with his cock in his hand. It's little helmet peeked up over his grip.

"Oh my!" I say. "He he he! You are in a hurry."

"Strip for me Nat. Show me that body I'm missing so bad."

I am grinning from ear to ear. Did this feel weird after everything I'd done in this room? Hell yes it did. Did it feel odd doing this without my mask? Yep. And was is strange having Dylan staring back at me instead of Robyn? Oh yeah. But my man asked me to perform for him and I was thrilled to do so.

I set the toy down and get up off the bed. Moving, writhing, and undulating to the beat of the music I peel out of the shorts and t shirt every bit as erotically as I would sexy lingerie. Dylan, having gone without for so long, had no complaints. He sat in rapt attention, slowly stroking his dick as he watched me perform.

I tease him with my tits and play peekaboo with my swaying ass but before long I am in the buff and settling down on the edge of the bed again to join him in some mutual masturbation.

"Oh my god." He says out of the blue. "Did you shave your pussy?"

God damn it, another thing I forgot about. I just giggle. "Don't like it?"

"No, I never said that!" He grins, clearly approving. He lets out a lusty sigh. "Ohh baby, I missed you so much."

"I missed you too."

"Fuck yourself baby. Fuck yourself in time with my strokes." He tells me. "Let's do it together."

My second nature now was to follow orders over video chat. Without hesitation I take the toy and slip it inside my pussy, there is hardly any resistance to meet the smooth plastic of the vibrator. The full 6 inches slides in feeling like a pinky finger.

"Oh!" I let out a fake moan. I then begin to move the toy in time with my husband's shallow strokes. The toy tilts and prods, a different angle on each thrust as it pokes into the vast empty space between my legs.

"Yeah, yeah, that's it baby. You feel me?"

"I feel you baby." Barely.

"Mmmm. God I wish I could be there."

"Me too baby, me too."

Dylan continues to stroke. I hear his breathing pick up and see his chest heave up and down as his passion rose. Doing my very best to fake it for him I mirror back the same levels of moaning desire. I hated my deception but I wanted Dylan to be happy. I squeeze my cunt muscles and angle it just so as to enjoy the tiny toy as much as I could. It certainly felt good, but it was teasingly small now. After fantasizing about my husband so many times with big D5 it was surreal thinking about him as I used this short skinny dick.

"Yeah. Mmmmm. Yeah, so good." I groan lewdly.

"Ohh...ohhh fuck...yeah baby. I'm gonna cum baby!" He announces. Grabbing a wad of tissues he had at the ready he wraps them around the head of his dick and busts his nut. "MMMMMM!"

Taken off guard by the suddenness and earliness of his climax it takes me a second to catch up. I rapid bang my pussy with the toy, sloppy hollow squelches accompanying my slapping thrusts, and simulate a hard orgasm for my grunting and bucking spouse despite the fact I was barely even warmed up.

"Ohhhhh babyyyyyy!" I draw upon all my acting ability as I yelp and gyrate and grab my tit with my free hand in mock release. "Ohhhhhhh!"

"RRRMMMMM!!" His low voice growls through the speakers. I could just make out the shaft of his dick flex with rhythmically as he shoots his wad. I found myself wishing I could taste it.

We both ease down together. "Whoooo!" He grins that cute, slightly goofy, post-coital smile of his. "Oh yeah. Thank you baby. Mmmm. Good for you?"

"Always." I pull the toy from my cunny. "Thank you! Oh, what a wonderful surprise this was."

He is cleaning himself up with the tissues. "I'm not sure if I'll get to do this again. But I just needed to see you Nat."

"Aww, I missed you too." I watch him, just savoring this time spent together. I then look at the moist dildo in my hand and a kinky thought strikes me. "Hey babe."

"Yeah?" He looks up as he sets the tissues to the side then puts his softening cock away. Through the screen his half flaccid manhood looked barely bigger than his thumb. I force the unflattering thought from my head.

"I've got a surprise too. For when you get home." I cannot help but giggle.

"Oh?" He leans in close. "Can I get a hint?"

I hold up the wet glossy toy, presenting it like a game show hostess. Turning my head I open my mouth...then slide the toy through my lips, into my mouth and right down my throat with effortless ease. I could taste my pussy on the toy, a flavor I was intimately familiar with at this point. I strain my eyes to the side to watch his reaction as I deep throat the 6 inches as if it were nothing.

His eyes nearly bug out of his head and his jaw drops open. "Whaaaat!?"

I continue to hold it there, firmly and confidently, showing no signs of choking or gagging, and let his imagination run wild. After a solid minute I pull the vibrator out and give it a tender little kiss to the pointed tip. "He he he he! Wish it was you."

"Oh my GOD!" He exclaims. "Uhhh...I don't even...WOW!"

I smile proudly and set the toy to the side. "Don't be late getting home." I wink.

"Oh my god, 6 months will feel like 6 years."

We chat a bit, express our love for each other, and too soon our time is up.

Within minutes of the call ending I am on the bed thrusting all 12 inches of D5 in and out of my previously frustrated pussy. My eyes closed I replay the whole scene with Dylan again, just with one big improvement.


September 1st and I pull into the driveway to see only an envelope on my front step. Remembering April Fools I assume it is another prank but when I open it I discover the schedule for the month. As I scan over the calendar I quickly realize why there were no toys this month. The theme of September was DIY fun. Fists, cans, bottles, billiard balls, etc. The month would culminate with a wine bottle in my cooch, a baseball bat up my ass, and a cucumber down my throat. How the hell I was going to manage all that at once I had no idea. Robyn certainly liked to challenge me but I always rose the occasion.

The use of everyday objects and fists somehow made it all the cruder. Even just the word fist. Fist, fist, fist. God that's so nasty. Proper young ladies who grew up to get married to men like Dylan didn't get...fisted. That was the domain of true whores.

I guess until next year a true whore is what I would be.

I call Robyn the moment I enter my bedroom to get changed. We talked a lot now. The sessions were still the sessions of course, but we liked to catch up and hear about each other's days well before the action started. As the call rings I head to my closet to slip on my mask and slip out of my work clothes. I still wasn't allowed to talk to her unmasked.

"Hey Missy." I hear her cheerful voice.

"Hey Robyn." I reply. "How was shopping?"

"Great. I picked up those earrings you told me about."

I rush back to look at the screen. "Show me!"

She beams back at me. Turning her head one way she pulls her thick dark back to show me the sparkling dangling earring.

"Oh my god! You got your hair done too!" I say. She'd had about a half a foot taken off and it was done up to accentuate her natural curls. "You look gorgeous!"

She laughs bashfully. "I was out anyway. You really like it?"

"Yes, I really like it." I boop the camera with my index finger. "I never lie to you."

She smiles, knowing it was the truth. "Hey, I looked over those numbers you sent me."


She sighs. "You're right. Someone's skimming."

"You mean Melanie is skimming."

She shrugs. "You only have one employee. Kind of narrows down the suspects. How did you not notice?"

"I'm shit with numbers and that kind of thing. I always left that stuff to her."

"It's your business, you need to do that stuff. She's a thief Nat."

"Well...shit. She's been with me since I opened."

"Sorry." Robyn says sympathetically. "In this economy it shouldn't be hard to find a replacement. With your margins you can't let her keep doing it. The studio's barely in the black."

"I know, I know. It just sucks is all." I wander back toward the closet and peel out of my skin tight yoga pants. Looking myself over in the mirror I can't but notice the different shape at the crotch of my panties. I had been in denial about it but it was impossible to ignore anymore. My perfect pink little pussy was but a memory now. My labial lips had extended into fleshy flaps and my whole pussy had elongated into a great gash. The soft mounds on either side of my slit were thicker and more pronounced. Even through my panties I could see the difference and during yoga practice I had to continually readjust myself so my prominent camel toe wouldn't show. My formerly quarter sized clenched anus was now double the radius and looked pucked up for a big kiss. According to what I read things would return to normal but I was having trouble believing it now. But that was a problem for later. "Hey, I got the schedule."

"Yeah? Any questions?"

"Just one."


"On the last day, the wine bottle."

"Yeah? What about it?"

"Should I pick up a red or a white?"

"Pfff! Ha ha ha!" She sputters and laughs in that charming way of hers. "Missy's choice."

After I dress I carry the laptop down to the kitchen and we continue talking as we prepare and eat our separate dinners. It wasn't easy eating with my mask on but I'd become accustomed.

Later that night I am splayed wide, my legs running almost straight out to the left and right. My hard won flexibility was a blessing tonight. Hunched forward as far as I could go, both my hands absolutely dripping with lube, I am rubbing my pussy with my right hand and my ass with my left. Slipping two fingers into each

"Are you sure about this Missy?" Robyn asks with some trepidation.

"Yes." I insist. "Say it just like I told you." It was time we got this over with.

"Okay, if you're sure." She straightens up in her seat then slams her hand down on her desk with a deafening whack, making it look like an earthquake had just occurred on her end. "Come on you fucking WHORE! Fist that ruined cunt! Fist that wrecked asshole! Fucking FIST yourself you dirty whore!"

Bringing my fingers to wrap around my thumb on each hand, kind of like when you make a shadow puppet goose, I form them both into points and start to press. My ass opens to the pressure as does my pussy. Soon my fingers disappear and I am at the fat point of the hand, right at the knuckles. This would be the one great hurdle.

"MMMMM!" I groan as I push in with ruthless pressure. Wrapping my legs up around the back of my neck I am a human pretzel as I strain forward to get even better leverage. Fisting both holes yourself was no joke and I was realizing Yoga gurus didn't have shit on hardcore porn performers when it came to knowing and controlling their body. With everything lubed up my hands made steady headway despite my body trying to resist. Natalie would have quit long before, but Missy...Missy could do anything. I push in harder. "RRRRMMM!"

"That's it! Do it whore! Fist your loose fuck holes ya fuckin cunt whore!" I could hear the emotion rising in her voice just as I was hoping it would.

"MMMMM!" I struggle. "Say my name bitch!"

There is a moment's hesitation before she lets loose. "Natalie! Natalie! Fucking Natalie! Look at you now Little Miss Perfect!"

Yes, that's it. Let it out.

With a monumental push I force first my left fist and then my right, first my ass then my cunny, and with the knuckles through the rest is almost sucked in.

"OHHH FUCK!" I cry out as I go wrist deep in both my holes. "GAHHHH! Is that what you fucking want!? Huh!? GRAHH!"

"YES! You're nothing but ruined old whore now Natalie and I fucking did that to you. ME! No-Life-Robyn. I did this!" She is nearly frothing. "It was ME who destroyed that dirty cunt. ME who annihilated that loose asshole! ME who wrecked your perfect body from ever enjoying a man again. You're useless to a man now. Useless to your precious Dylan. Why would he want you now? You're not perfect anymore, I TOOK that from you!"

"FUCK YOUUU!" I growl as I plunge my fists in and out my slack sloppy fuck holes. I was past the wrist on both now, my holes hugging around my forearms as I fucked myself mercilessly. Seeing myself in the mirror was an out of body experience. That...thing I was seeing with its arms sunk inside itself was a perverted abomination. That couldn't possibly be me. That was some unholy faceless chunk of flesh, a vulgar b**st whose sole purpose was to entertain through its own carnal corruption. That thing couldn't be me...and yet... I could feel the wet warmth around my fists, I could feel my hands move and shift inside of me, I could feel the my holes slide back and forth over my forearms, I could feel the stretching and straining as I held the pose. I could not escape my earthly reality. That inhuman incarnation of depraved lust was me and I was it. "FUUUUUCK!"

"What man would ever want you now? Fucking bucket cunt whore!" Robyn continues on in the full heat of rage. "Look at you. Filthy, disgusting, useless, stupid slut. You are a dog! You are a pig! You'll never amount to anything! You don't deserve love! You don't deserve happiness! You don't deserve anything!" She was way off script at this point, these words were coming from somewhere deep inside. "You're a fat ugly stupid worthless pig!"

"RRRRRRR!" The crude plunging slip-slop sounds of my fists hammering in and out fills the room making all the more nasty. I punch into my wrecked pussy and ruined ass with careless abandon. I give myself no quarter, treating myself to all of the cruelty Robyn had wished upon it all these years. "AHHHH!"

"You ruined my life! Now I ruined yours! Dylan won't want you! Nobody will want you!" Spittle flies from her mouth and spatters over the lens but I can still make out the wild eyed mask of fury that was Robyn. "Now you'll know what it's be me!" She takes in a big breath, trembles a moment, then screams. "I HATE YOU! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!"


All at once I see her collapse into a heap, her face buried in her arms. Her shoulders heave and I hear the sounds of heavy sobs.

Quietly I ease my hands out of my sore openings. I wipe them off with a hand towel I had ready then I approach the screen. Reaching out I touch the screen, brushing the tips of my fingers over her hair.

"You're not worthless." I whisper.

"I hate youuu..." She moans into her arms. I was pretty sure she wasn't talking to me.

Her body wracking weeps come straight from her soul, letting out the type of agony only a lifetime of pain could foster. It broke my heart to know that had been a part of this suffering. I was a foolish and arrogant and ignorant young woman when I bullied and belittled Robyn, how I wished I could go back to tell myself what I knew now.

"Everybody deserves love Robyn." I say softly. "Even me."

She shakes her head and rises up, though her face was still staring downward. "I'm a monster." She swallows hard and wipes the tears from her eyes. "We're done for tonight."

"Okay." I say, this was not the time to argue. "Hey, before you go."

"Yeah?" She slowly looks up to the camera.

I smile warmly. "Was I a good girl tonight?"

She lets out a long sigh and covers her eyes with her hand. "Unbelievable." She mutters under her breath. After a moment she wipes the tears again and looks up. "Yes Missy, you were a very good girl."

"Thank you."

"And Missy..."


"I...I don't hate you." She licks her lips and says again from the bottom of her heart. "I don't hate you Missy."

"I don't hate you either Robyn. Even after...anyway, I don't hate you either." I lean in and kiss the lens. "See you tomorrow?"

She nods and the hint of a smile plays at the corners of her lips. "Thank you. See you tomorrow."


It is Halloween and I am prancing around my bedroom in a set of pixie wings and swirling designs of pink and green body paint over my slender naked body. Robyn had even let me switch out my regular headwear for the occasion and I had on an elaborate butterfly themed masquerade mask. I truly looked like a mad fairy as I pranced and danced around the room in a giggling tizzy.

"Eeeee!" I squeal with c***dlike abandon as I leap onto the bed and allow the momentum to bounce me across to the other side.

"Run Pixania, run!" Robyn, dressed as a princess, calls out from the screen.

She'd wanted to dress as a witch but after some long and hard convincing I talked her into the princess. Always frumpy and comfy I wanted Robyn to pretty herself up and see what a beautiful woman she actually was, the results were impressive. Her luscious curly locks were held back in a hair clip, slimming out her face. With some tips from me her makeup made her look soft and feminine. This combined with her her dress, which displayed her cleavage nicely, and the delicate tiara atop her head and she really did look quite lovely.

"He's almost got me Princess!" I cry out in mock terror.

"No! Pixaniaaaa!"

We were both hamming it up to the max. While our Halloween roleplay was naughty and erotic it also had an innocence to it. I hadn't played in this unstructured imaginative way since I was a k**. With anybody else in the world I would have felt like an idiot playing make believe like this but with Robyn there were no limits. After all I had done it was impossible for me to feel shame with her.

I slump down at the foot of the bed as if I'd just been felled by a weapon's finishing blow. I fall forward, my upper body landing onto the stout end table I had brought into the room for today's session, and I "accidentally" fall face first into the enormous monster cock that was suction cupped onto the top of the table. Monster cock quite literally.

Robyn had found a place that sold over-sized dildos in any shape or variety one could imagine. They had horse cocks, scaly demon cocks, alien tentacles, and so much more. Anything phallic that one could imagine and they had it. This particular dick was basically human looking in shape but green and grotesquely large, the Incredible Hulk of cocks. I had graduated beyond the realms of human possibility. It was a strange feeling a while back when I realized I could easily take the most hung porn star in the world and still ask for more.

When the inhuman D8 arrived back on the first of the month I never thought I'd take it but with time and patience I had eventually managed it. With how Robyn and I got along now I knew I could have stopped this whole thing if I really tried, but god help me...I was loving it. I looked forward to our sessions, they were the highlight of my days. The unspoken truth between us now was that I knew Robyn wouldn't send the video and she knew that I knew, but we continued on as if the blackmail threat were still real.

I rub my face over the huge green rubber schlong and slap it against my cheeks. "Ohhh Princess! The Ogre King has caught me!"

"Oh no!"

"He says that if I want to save you from your magical prison that I have to fuck him."

"But Pixania, you are just a Pixie and he is an Ogre!"

"I know, but I have to. I have to save you princess." I say. "Maybe this magic potion will help." Produce a pump top bottle of lube from under the table and start squirting the toy with long thick squirts of the stuff. I rub the slippery lube up and down the toy, even with both hands I couldn't reach my fingers all the way around it.

"Just leave me Pixania, it's not worth it. He'll pop your little pixie pussy!"

I stand and pose with heroic determination. "I will never leave you Princess."

Walking around to the front of the table I grip the edge of the surface the laptop sat on and sit back onto the fat viridian shlong. It's blunt club like tip presses into my bare twat and right away starts to make progress. I had warmed up before we started today, this big green bastard was not something one could attempt cold.

"Ohhh god, Princess, he's so big! He's gonna tear me apart! Nnnggh!" I feel the end push in a few inches before the real girth of the toy comes to bear.

"Pixania." She says in a dramatic stage whisper. "You can do it. I believe in you."

While we were speaking in character in this foolish fantasy of ours her words struck home. I adored receiving praise from Robyn in a way very similar to receiving it from my father. After weeks and months of training I trusted in her authority, I embraced it.

I sit my weight back and my pussy stretches to accommodate the mighty trunk like shaft of D8. That oh so welcome sensation of complete fullness glows out from my sex. I continue to lower my frame as inch after inch of fat green cock sinks in.

"Ohhhhh God!" My body shakes. "He's so big! Ohhh Princess, he's stretching meeeee!" Another few inches slide inside.

"Come on Pixania. You can do it, you can do it! Fuck that ogre. Show him no mercy."

"NNNNGH!" I focus on opening myself up while at the same time sinking down further. The rest of the incredible bulk is forced into my already destroyed cunny hole. "FUUCK!" I quiver as a flash climax rips through my body. Dear lord there was nothing quite like cumming when your pussy is stuffed to the limit. "AHHHHH!"

"Don't stop Pixania. Keep fucking him. Keep fucking him. No mercy."

"Ohhhh ahhhhh!" Even as my orgasm continues I begin to ride the Ogre King, it's suction cup base keeping it firmly attached to the low heavy table. My already juicy pussy is taut around it as I ride with increasing intensity. "Oh fuck...fuck...FUUCK!"

"Look at you! That's my girl!"

"Oh Princess! Princess! He's fucking me so good. Ohhhhh god!"

I lean back and grab the back edge of the table the dildo was mounted to, my body forming a backward arch, then I bring my feet up onto the table as well, my legs spread wide and my toes gripping against the slightly raised lip of the table. Supported on my hands and feet in a crab walk sort of stance I continue to ride. The cock pushes against my abdominal wall as the angle changes. My eyes shoot to the mirror so I can see a bulge move across my trim belly as the toy presses out from the inside, my body paint allowing me to notice it better than usual. Another 6 inches longer and it would bursting from my gut like one of those movie aliens. It only inspired me to fuck it harder. That shifting bulge looked so wrong yet so fucking hot!

It looked like a lewd magic trick, so much cock disappearing into the stretched hole of such a little pixie girl, yet I fuck it with wild abandon. My fairy wings flutter and flap in time to my hard driving thrusts. How I wished there really was a 10 foot tall ogre here who could hold me down and pound me with this mega-cock.

"RRRRMMM! Princess! He's tearing me up!" As I climax again I lift up off of the glistening creamy Ogre King with a crude squishy plop and allow my sloppy dripping pink hole to clench and spasm in the open air. "AHHHH!" My hips hump the air as the rest of my body quakes.

"Oh my god! Incredible!" The princess cheers from her prison.

"Oh no! He's going for my ass."

"You can do it. I know you can."

I look at her with beseeching eyes. "Princess, show me your royal breasts." I was making this silliness up as I went. But the expressive unfettered free form play allowed me the leeway to test a boundary Robyn had been reluctant to cross. "Only our powers combined can break the spell of your imprisonment. Play with yourself Princess. Play with your pussy. Come play with me baby."

Suddenly being asked to participate takes her off guard. "Oh! Uh...but, Pixania..."

I wasn't about to debate it. Shifting slightly I lower my anus to touch to the tip of the monster. "Oh no, he's taking my ass. Hurry Princess."


I relax the sphincter and push down on the dense yet spongy cock, it's fat knob immediately pops inside. "FUCK!"


"Please Princess, I don't know how long can last." And with that I ram my full weight down and plung the full length and girth of the superhuman schlong up my bunghole. "GAAHHHHHHH!!" I wail.

I lose a few moments to sweet white hot agony. When I return to myself my body is already humping on autopilot, bouncing up and down on the ass packing battering ram with voracious fervor. The grunts I hear are more a****l than human and it takes me a second to realize they were my own.

"Like this?" The Princess' voice breaks through the haze.

Forcing myself to focus I look up to see the princess had pulled the cleavage of her dress down and to one side to expose her big left breast. She massages it with her left hand, her right is down below my sight but clearly between her regal legs.

I nod with a smile and pant. "Yes. Yes. Play with me. Just like that."

Robyn wasn't nearly the show-woman I am. She leans in with a very intense look. The only movement was her groping left hand and the slight repetitive motion of her right arm. Occasionally she would let out a little gasp. Otherwise there wasn't much happening on the screen. But that was okay, it was enough. For once I could share bliss with another.

Leaning my weight to the left I slurp the four fingers of my right hand and jam them up into my slack coochie. Curling my fingers to rub my g-spot I smash into my clit with my palm and roughly jill myself off while maintaining a hard and steady up and down. I come down on each stroke so forcefully my bubble butt bounces off the table's surface with a clap, clap, clap. A wet hollow slurking noise accompanies my fingering as I had a lot of room to spare in my sopping pussy. The vulgar soundtrack of flesh is music to my twisted ears.

The princess is very quiet and holds herself still and stiff. Even her fondling hand had stopped, she simply gripped her tit tightly as only her right arm now moved in an even rhythmic motion. I could see by the wide darks of her eyes, the flush across her cheeks, and hear in her rapid breath that she was getting close.

"Cum for me Princess." I urge her in a hushed tone. "Cum for your loyal pixie."

"Mmm. Mmmm." Her sighs had grown into soft moans.

My soaking wet hand is a blur as I pummel my pixie pussy with four piercing fingers and a slapping palm. I slam down, taking the huge green trunk right to the limit, my belly bulging once more, and grind down hard in a circular gyration.

"Come on Ogre King." I mock, now feeling my full glory. "Is that all you got?"


"Rrrrrmmmm!" My backdoor full to bursting my hand continues its relentless assault splashing pussy nectar out in a spray on each powerful slap.

I watch my partner suddenly stop dead, eyes and mouth wide. She sits vibrating a moment before hard jerking spasms begin to rip through her body. "AWWWW!!" She groans with orgasmic rapture. "MISSYYY!!" Seeing and hearing Robyn orgasm takes me over the bring as well.

"AHHHHH!" I cry out as a great gush squirts from my pussy and spatters the camera, screen, and keyboard. "YESSSS!"

We hump and heave as one even though miles separated us from each other. Somewhere in there the timer goes off though neither of us give it any mind.

Too soon it is all over. Robyn sits at her chair, her shoulders rising and falling with her heavy breath. She slumps back into it and her body relaxes. Her perfectly done up hair now tussled, strands of her dark curly hair sticks to her forehead and flushed cheeks. "Ohhhhmmm." She purrs.

A final shudder runs through me as I too come down from my heavenly high. I arch up and feel every inch of D8 slide from my warm and still twitching asshole. It slumps to the side as it plops from my back door, as if it too was spent from our fucking. Gingerly I bring my feet down and stand up. My open happy hole slowly collapses to not quite shut.

Leaning forward I come in close to the camera and gaze into it. I run my wet fingertips over the screen leaving three slick trails across her face. "It didn't work. You're still trapped in your prison."

Robyn opens her mouth to say something...before she just smiles and shakes her head. Putting her tit away she simply says. "I had fun."

"Me too." I kiss the camera lens. "Happy Halloween."

Her smile grows. Blowing me back a kiss of her own she says. "Happy Halloween."


The session's time was almost here and I am all ready to go. I had just gotten home a half hour ago having spent the day over at my parent's place for Thanksgiving. While the visit was nice enough I was so happy to have escaped the noise and chaos and be back here in my little sanctuary of sin. Beside me I had the contents of November's box ready to go. A stout replica of a man-sized forearm and fist, D9, and a string of three massive anal beads each one as big as a baseball, B2.

I had tried to call Robyn a few times already but so far there was no answer. I am starting to become concerned but it still wasn't quite time yet so I'm not too worried. However, after another few minutes the time was upon us and still she wasn't answering. In all these past 9 plus months not once had she been late answering. My concern grew as I try again.

At last she pick up. I breath a sigh of relief, though it is short lived as I immediately notice that her eyes and nose were red from crying.

Seized with worry I lean in. "What's wrong?"

"Nothin." She sniffles angrily. " your thing. Time starts now."

"Wait a second. You're upset, what's going on?"

"Nothing." She snaps. "Get going Missy or I'm sending the video." That threat was laughably toothless at this point.

"Robyn." I say soothingly. "It's me. Calm down hun. What happened? Why are you crying?"

She grits her teeth and looks away, anger and pain smoldering in her features. "I went to Dad's for Thanksgiving."

"Oh." I knew her relationship with her father was complicated. For some reason unknown to me he blamed Robyn for her mother running off back when Robyn was still a c***d. He had moved on, married again, had another family, yet still there was a lingering bitterness in the man that colored every interaction he had with his eldest daughter.

"What a stupid idea that was. I'm such an idiot."

"No you're not. It's perfectly normal to want to see family on holidays."

"Family will let you down Missy." She says. "Friends will let you down. Lovers will let you down. Everybody will let you down sooner or later."

"That's not true."

"Ha!" She glances back my way and I see that old jealousy and resentment in her eyes. "Maybe for you Little Miss..."

"Don't you dare call me that!" I stare back sternly. "If you say it I swear I'm ending this call."

She squares up to the screen and sits taller. "I think you forget what is happening here. You forget what you are and who I am. Don't get ideas above your station Little Miss Perfect..."

Blip. I hang up. I am furious. After all we've been through for her to call me that again. She knew how much I hated that. She had had a bad day but that no reason to take it out on me. Yes, she had a tough go of it. Yes, her father was an asshole. Yes, she didn't enjoy all of the blessings that I had. But god damn it, none of that was my fault! I was so tired of her feeling sorry for herself. She was a deranged and damaged soul, there was no doubt, but she had so much going for her that she was blind to. She was healthy. She was good at her job. She had a weird and silly sense of humor. She was smart and playful and attentive. She was attractive when she wanted to be, to me she was beautiful all the time. And she was an excellent listener. It pissed me off that she couldn't see what I saw so plainly.

After a few minutes, once my anger had been given a chance to cool, a fear I hadn't felt in a long time begins to well up inside of me. Shit. What if she did send the video? In her ire would she do something rash just to strike out and hurt someone? Had I gone through almost 10 months of sexual servitude and degradation only to throw it all away now? She wouldn't, would she?

I look up at myself in the corner mirror, staring straight into my sky blue eyes. I knew deep down that no matter what happened now I would never regret the things I had done. I had achieved and experienced things I didn't even know were possible and even from the start...I loved it. I really truly loved it. I didn't know why, it touched some fucked up part of myself. Cute little yoga instructing sex kitten to the world but a dirty nasty double fisting floozy in the bedroom. It made me feel worthless and powerful and hideous and sexy all at the same time. I knew now I was every bit as messed up as Robyn and I had her to thank for getting me in touch with that.

I had no idea what I was going to tell Dylan when he got home. Robyn had wanted to ruin me, and she had, but not entirely like she thought she would. Perhaps the physical changes would eventually disappear but the memories would be there forever. Could Dylan go to those places with me? Would he be repulsed? Disgusted? I wouldn't blame him if he was. I wouldn't blame him if he dropped me like a bad habit. But for now I prayed she didn't send him the video, he didn't deserve to be hurt like that.

I am interrupted from my thoughts by the ring of an incoming call. It was her.

I let it ring a few times before finally answering. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry."

"I don't like it when you call me that."

"I know. I'm sorry Missy. It won't happen again." She says. " carried away."

I smile and lean in close. "I forgive you." I could see my gentle words hit home. "Hey, what happened at your Dad's?"

She lets out a huff. "Just stupid shit, as usual. Name calling and stuff, you know."

"No, I don't know. A parent shouldn't do that to their c***d, even if they are an adult."

She takes a long breath, I could see she wanted to say something so I wait patiently. In a very low voice she says. "It's, um, pretty normal...from what I've read...when you come out."

"Come out?"

She stares back with wide frightened eyes. "I, uh, I'm bi Missy."

I give her my warmest most loving and patient smile. "I don't mean to be trite're k**ding, right?"

"Excuse me?"

"I've seen how you look at me. Did you think I didn't know? Did you really think it was a secret?"


I giggle. "Maybe I knew it before you did. I'm actually more surprised your just bi. I've never once heard you talk about men in that way."

"You knew!?"

"Of course I knew! I mean your favorite show is watching a woman masturbate for you. Kind of a big give away. And besides, it's the 2020's, fuckin everyone is bi nowadays." I lean in and hug around the screen and camera then pull back to look at her again. "I'm sorry your family were such assholes about it, but I think it will be better this way. If they can accept you, great. If not...fuck 'em!"

She grins, pauses, and then lets out a big laugh. "Yeah. Fuck 'em!"

"That's the spirit. Fuck that toxic shit. You're better off without them dragging you down. Get out there and find your own family. Make your own circle. Find your own tribe."


"Be the person you want to be!"

"I love you Missy!"

Everything goes quiet as I am taken completely off guard. "Sorry, what?"

She blushes brightly and sinks down into her chair. "Nothing. Um, we should get..."

"You love me?"

She bring her hand to her mouth, I could see she was wishing she could take those words back.

I press. "Like, love love me? Like in love with me?"

She shakes her head and stammers but no intelligible words come out. "I...uh...I..."

"I'm married Robyn."

"I" She gathers herself. "I know nothing can come of it just...sort of happened." She stares into my soul. "I love you Missy."

"Robyn, sweetie, I don't know what to say." I knew what she wanted me to say but I just didn't know, these were not words you threw around lightly and this had taken me entirely by surprise. "Robyn..."

"Don't say anything." She says abruptly. "Can we just pretend I never said anything?"


"Please!" Her embarrassed expression was begging me to drop this. "Please, I don't want to talk about this. I never should have said anything. Please."

"Okay." I agree, though I had so many questions and things I wanted to say. "We can talk about it later."

"Sure, sure." She nods rapidly. "Hey, it's getting late. We should really get tonight going. Do you have everything?"

My thoughts and emotions still swirling I step back and sit on the edge of the bed and pat the big rubber fist dildo. "Of course."

"Play for me." She whispers.

And so I play for the woman who loved me.


It is later in the evening of Christmas day. I had spent the day with my family, talked to Dylan over the computer for a long time, and was now in my car parked out in front of Robyn's townhouse. It was a plain gray two story place identical to the dozen others along this row. There are no decorations but I do notice some flower pots lined up near her stoop, currently covered in snow. I could see by her undisturbed white of her sidewalk that nobody had come in or out of the place all day.

Without me asking for it Robyn had given me the day off and heaven knows I needed it. Goliath, as I had dubbed D10, was one bad mother fucker. 16 inches of insane pussy destroying rubber, as thick my husband's arm at the bicep. The pain was delicious and it made me cum like a geyser but sweet Jesus it was enormous. All but the truly depraved would assume such a toy were a grotesque novelty, but the real freaks knew better. We were now reaching my true physical limitations, my pussy and asshole might stretch but my pelvic bone could not.

I stare at her house. The lights were on though the blinds closed, I knew she was home. After everything that had taken place since Thanksgiving she had nowhere to go and nobody to be with today. Despite her assurances that simply did not sit right with me.

I prepare myself for her anger. She would not be happy to see me in the flesh. Even now she insisted we never make contact, she didn't even realize that I knew where she lived. For my own curiosity a while back I tracked her down at her work then tailed her home. I wasn't sure if I would ever use that knowledge but it felt important to have, and now here I was.

I pull the leather mask on and zip up the back. Nat might have been embarrassed to be seen with it on but Missy gave no fucks, Missy was proud of her mask, Missy was a good girl. Then I take the bag Tupperware and two wrapped gifts from my passenger seat and start off up the front walk. I think of all of the packages she had left on my doorstep over the months, turnabout was fair play. There was the sound of music and merriment in the house to the left but otherwise all was quiet. I climb the steps then stand before her door. I nod my head knowing I was doing what felt right. I ring the doorbell and wait.

And wait.

And wait.

I try it again. Then after a bit I knock instead. She was probably trying to ignore whoever was at her door, little did she know that I would wait here until morning if I had to. I ring again. At last I hear movement from the other side of the door.

"Hold on." I hear her familiar voice. A moment later the door swings open.

The stunned look on her face was priceless.

"Merry Christmas." I smile.

"Wha...what...are you doing here?"

I show her the bag and the presents. "Playing Santa Claus. Ho ho ho!"

"Missy, you shouldn't have... How did you...? I told you never to contact me!"

I shrug. "I've been a good girl all year, I thought today of all days I might be naughty."

She looks to my left and right nervously, looking to see if anyone was on the street to see this strange leather masked woman at her doorstep.

"No one saw me." I assure her. "Though that might change, can I come in?"



She shakes out of her surprise. "Uh, yeah. O-of course. Come in."

I step in and she quickly closes the door behind me. I kick my boots off then turn to her. "Where can I put these?"

"Um, in the kitchen. Follow me."

Her discomfort was palpable as she lead me through her tidy kitschy home. I half expected a sex dungeon or some crazy altar to Dylan and I but her home was completely normal and delightfully tacky. There wasn't a single seasonal decoration to be seen but that did not surprise me. Christmas would only have been a sore point for her this year as she spent it alone. In the corner of her living room I see her desk and computer and that distinctive chair. So that's where she sits. It was surreal seeing the other side. The kitchen was open and attached. We walk into it and I deposit my armful down onto the table.

"You shouldn't have come." She says quietly.

"Pish. Nobody ought to be alone on Christmas." I start pulling containers from the bag. "We've got turkey, taters, stuffing, glazed carrots, the whole shebang. And enough goodies to send you into a sugar c***. Hope you're hungry."

"We?" She whispers.

"I held back so I'd have room. I mean, who wants to eat alone if they don't have to?"


"And I brought presents."

I look back to see her rooted on the spot. Her arms are at her side and her expression one of complete bafflement.

"Come on, open them."

She shakes her head no but says nothing, she was struck mute by my kindness.

I chuckle. "Then I will."

"Please...don't..." She mutters.

I ignore her and open the larger of the two gifts. I tear the shiny paper and toss the wrapping to the floor. I present the framed piece of art to her. "For the wall." I motion over toward her computer. "Remember how I said..."

"I remember." She gasps.

"It's a Georgia O'Keeffe print. The green and pink reminded me of Pixania. Don't you think?"

She nods yet remains standing there like a statue. I invite her to come take closer look but she just stands there staring.

I set it down. "Something to remember." I then take the other gift and unwrap it. Opening the squat square box I pull a new handmade ceramic mug. It was a rich brown with a splotch of cream color in across the middle, it had reminded me of her skin and hair when I first saw it. "I noticed yours has a chip." I tilt it up to show her the bottom, scrawled into the base was M1. "M1, Mug 1, get it? Like the dildos. If you ever break or crack this one let me and I'll get you another one, a bigger one." I laugh. "I was going to get you a bunch of different teas and make you up a schedule. M1-chamomile 9 pm, and stuff like that. But I thought of it too late. Do you like it?"

Again she gazes at me with a comatose stare. The ticking of the wall clock and the dull thrum of the gathering next door is the only sound in the house as I wait for some response. I offer it to her but once more she stands petrified. I set the gift down.

"Well." I rub my hands together. "You must be hungry." I pick up two of the food containers to take to the counter in order to begin serving out our meal but when I turn back I see her bottom lip trembling and tears streaming down her cheeks. Her face a mask of pain and confusion.

I set down the containers and hurry forward. "Come here." I pull her into a hard hug. "Hey, don't cry. Shh, don't cry baby."

"Why are you doing this?" She whimpers. "After all I've done to you...why? I should be in jail, not getting presents. Why!?"

I tenderly wipe the tears from her face while I continue to hold her close. "Because I love you Robyn. I don't know if I am in love with you, but I do love you."

She is shaking her head. "No. No, no, no, no, no. You can't say that. I'm a bad, rotten, evil...and you're...perfect. You need to get away from me and never..."

I interrupt her there. "Stop that."

"I'm a monster!" She weeps.

"You've done a terrible thing, a really terrible thing." I admit. "You can't undo it but you can't let it define you either. Not if you want to grow from it."

"Grow from it!?"

"Yes grow from it. You've had your dark night of the soul. You know what your capable of. You know just how bad you can be. How many people can truly say that? You've been the monster, become that demon that exists in us all, yet you didn't let it consume you. You could have let spite and hatred rule you forever but instead you found yourself. You found the courage to come out. You found the bravery to reject your father. You found love. And you found a friend. I love you Robyn."

"How can you say that?"

"I don't know, it doesn't make much sense is a funny thing." She slumps in my arms and I embrace her with all my might.

She buries her face in my neck and whispers. "Forgive me."

"I've already have."


Home alone on New Year's Eve. As a girl who was popular all through school and into adulthood I never thought I'd see the day where I sat home by myself as the new year approached, yet here I was. It helped to know that I wouldn't be alone for much longer.

I check over the platter of meats and cheeses and pickled delicacies to make sure everything looked just perfect. The champagne was already resting at an angle in the ice bucket, two empty flutes sitting to either side. Candle were lit around the room and soft smooth instrumental jazz wafted through air. Everything was set up for a romantic evening for two.

Romantic and erotic. I had lube, toys, and towels aplenty tucked here and there for easy access. I wasn't precisely sure what we were getting up to tonight but I wanted to be ready for anything. I was incredibly excited to at last have a partner present to share in my extreme playtime. It would be nice to actually be able to relax as another stuffed my ruined holes. My pussy gaped full time now, with the right angle and a flashlight you could see right through my cavernous flesh tunnel to my cervix, and I had gained such control over my used and abused asshole that I could now open it and close it at will. I practiced my kegel exercises regularly but there was only so much I could do when I was stretching myself to ungodly proportions every single night.

I knew I was outright cheating on my husband at this point. I wasn't afraid of Robyn releasing the video and we weren't only playing over Skype any longer. When I visited her on Christmas I ended up staying the night. We only snuggled but a line had been crossed. I had spent the night there 3 times since, it felt so good to sleep with someone else in the bed again. We continued to save the really sexy stuff for over the computer but our snuggling had soon become making out and heavy petting. It was clear to both of us we were going to get it on but we decided to wait until tonight just to make it extra special.

I still loved Dylan, and I missed him dearly each and every day, yet I also loved Robyn. Or more precisely, Natalie loved her husband yet Missy loved her partner. I was trapped in a double identity. The devoted wife, passionate yoga instructor, and driven entrepreneur on the one hand and the kinky sexually insatiable mask wearing size queen on the other. Sooner rather than later these two sides of myself would come into conflict. My husband was due to return in just over a month. I would either have to find a way to bring these disparate sides of myself together or give up on one of them forever. But that was a worry for another time. In the short time remaining I was determined to live in the moment.

A knock comes to my door and I call out from where I sit in the living room. "Robyn?" I would have gone to answer it but as I was only wearing my leather Missy mask I didn't want any neighbors getting an eyeful.

The door cracks open and her I Robyn's voice. "It's me."

"Come in! Come in!"

The door opens then closes and the deadbolt is clicked. I bound to the entryway to greet my lover, feeling free and light as a bird in my nudity. I round the corner to see Robyn with January's package tucked under one arm.

Not even giving her a chance to take off her coat or boots I rush up and slip into her arms. The shell of her jacket was cold against my warm flesh but I didn't care. I accept her embrace and steal a kiss as she hugs me. I adored the bashful way she blushed after I kissed her.

She swats my bare ass. "Let me get settled first!"

I giggle. "Sorry."

She shakes her head with a laugh. I take the package from her and she peels out of her coat and boots.

"Ohhhh, nice dress." I say.

"It's new. Do you like it?"

"I love it!"

I lead her into the living room and place the package next to the spread of treats and bubbly. She looks over it approvingly before turning her gaze toward me. Her rich chestnut brown eyes smoldering with passion.

"Um...I also have...some..." The words fade as she strides up to me with the singular confidence that she only showed in our most intimate moments. Before I realized what was happening she was pressed against me and holding me to her around my slender waits. "Oh my."

With her free hand she reaches up and in behind my head. I feel the zipper to my mask get tugged at.

Bringing my hands to my leather clad cheeks I hold onto the mask. "No." I plead. "You hate Natalie."

She keeps my gaze held in hers. "You'll always be my Missy."

Slowly I bring my hands down again and allow her to unmask me. As the mask is lifted the fresh air wicks from my clammy skin and my hair falls free. Robyn tosses the leather mask onto a nearby chair then combs my straight shoulder length hair out with her fingers.

She holds me close and admires my beauty. Her fingers trace along my chin, my jaw, my ear, my cheek, then over the edge of my lip. Her expression is soft and attentive as her eyes scan over my features and soak them in. Only my husband had ever looked at me like this before. I gaze deeply up into her brown eyes and give her this moment. We both knew I would be breaking her heart in a month's time but I wanted to let her truly cherish what time we had.

Closing her eyes she leans in and kisses me sweetly and tenderly once, twice, three times. Then all at once she hisses in a breath through her nostrils and presses in hard, her tongue parting my lips. Her right hand grabs my ass and her left gropes my titty as we begin making out deeply and passionately. As she feels me up I am unzipping the back of her new dress.

Before long we are on the rug clutching at each other and Frenching hard. Her clothes lie around us. She is so soft and curvaceous compared any lover I'd had before, she smells so good. Guiding me like a dance partner, with impressive subtlety considering her comparative lack of experience, we gradually make our way into a 69 position. Smooching and caressing all the way.

Although neither of us were experienced with pleasuring another woman nature just takes over. I knew what felt good to me, it wasn't that hard to figure out what might feel good to her. After a big lick across her whole slit I tongue her clit and press my lips in around it, her fuzzy pubes tickle my chin. Bringing a hand up I slide my middle finger into her tight pussy and a flood of memories come storming back. This is how I used to feel, tighter even. It felt like a lifetime ago.

With me on top she wraps her arms around my stomach and we set to work pleasuring each other. We learn as we go, using the other's moans and how they would move to guide our technique. I slurp and lick and plunge my tongue into her as she does the same to me. As I lap at her pussy she rims her tongue around the edge of my oversized slit. We suck each others clits, at one point Robyn even grabbed my hair and humped my mouth like Dylan might do. I loved it!

We grope and moan and writhe against each other as we savor this oral delight.

All of sudden I am pushed off and to the side.

"I wanna fuck you so bad!" Robyn says urgently.

Popping to my feet I help her up off the floor. "Mmmm."

We look at each other, our faces wet from our fellatio, with an irresistible need for the other. She wanted to fuck and I wanted to get fucked as soon as humanly possible.

She finds the package she had brought with her and tears it open with the impatience of a young c***d opening presents on their birthday. Before long she produces the toy of the month. A strap-on affair the likes of which I had never seen before.

The cod piece of it was one solid piece of matte black silicone that attached to a well made leather harness. Sprouting from its front was a magnificent 13 inch cock nearly as thick as the champaign bottle on the table, a pair of balls the size of tennis balls hang from the base of the shaft. D11 was well shy of D10, thankfully it was no Goliath, but it was one hell of a huge schlong by any measure. Inside the crotch of it stood a respectable 7 inch dick for the wearer's pleasure.

"How much did THAT cost?"

She winks. "None of your business Missy."

She steps into the harness and takes special care as she slides the internal dildo up into her tight coochie. "Oh, mmm." She hums as she pulls it fully into place. "Damn, that's deeper than I thought it'd be."

"Pfft! Amateur." I scoff with a smile.

"Shush you." She teases back. The harness in place she tightens everything up then plants her hands on her hips in a superman pose, her mighty Mandingo dwarfing dong hanging out in front of her like a third leg. Actually seeing such a unit attached to a person was a surreal sight. "I'll show you amateur."

"Oh shit!"

She slaps my tit. "Now spread those legs and get ready to be fucked!"

I damn near cream myself right there and then. "Yes Ma'am!" In a flash I am on the sofa, my butt hanging off the edge of the cushions and my two legs pointing East and West respectively.

"Now spread your pussy for me slut. I'm going in raw, no lube for you."

"Oh Jesus." I was loving this take charge attitude! I curling three fingers in on each side of my tunnel I pull my cunny open for her. Legs splayed and pussy yawning wide never in my life had felt so utterly exposed.

I am surprised by the speed with which Robyn swoops in. Before I'd even had a chance to think of some flirty witty line I am being split in two. Having it under the weight, power and control of another person made this a whole new ballgame.

"OH JESUS FUUUCK!" I slap my hands down to either side, gripping the cushions in white knuckled panic.

"Yeahhh! Take you you little fucking whore!"


She doesn't wait, all at once she slams balls deep, throwing her entire weight into the brutal thrust.

"AAAAHHHH!!" I wail like a banshee. I climax instantly to the deliciously rough treatment and blunt language. "AAAAHHHH!"

"Yeah, ha ha ha. Cum you little whore. Cum for me." She starts fucking me hard, deep, and fast. With only my own natural juices for lubricant the massive silicone schlong grips more than I am accustomed and oh is it glorious.

After cumming like a supernova I hold on for dear life as Robyn fucks my god damned brains out. A year ago I never in my wildest dreams imagined I a dick like this could fit inside of me. But after all these months of preparation, especially after Goliath, this massive rod felt good to the last inch.

When I am at last able to gather my wits about me I urge her on. "Oh my god, YES! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!"

She grits her teeth and leans in, fucking me even faster. I knew for each long thrust she gave me the dildo inside of her also moved and I could see by the burning lust in her eyes that she was getting just as much pleasure as I was.

"Nnnph! Mmmm! Gnngh!" She grunts with each stroke. "Fuckin take it you whore. Take my big fucking cock!"

"Ohhh god, yes, yes, YES!"

She grabs at my tiny breasts, squeezing and pinching them as she dicks me down into the soft sofa. Robyn might not have the raw strength of a man but hammering down from above brought the full force of gravity behind every pussy pounding thrust. Her soft body jiggles and her heavy breasts bounce to the hard clapping impacts.

"FUCK MEEEEE!" I am taken over the edge again.

"RRRMMMM!" She growls as she joins me in a mutual orgasm, positively glowing with dominant feminine energy as she did so. Did she stop or even slow down? Nope, not even a little.

I was a quivering puddle of a girl. All my bluster wiped out in the power of Robyn's unrelenting lovemaking. Mewling and whining pathetically I am desperate for a moments respite yet never also wanting this to end. I wrap my legs around her so she couldn't get away. Use me up! Use my slutty little body up!

Unlike the real thing Robyn's bionic bbc could go nonstop. And go it did. Somewhere in my mind I knew this was a fake dick but in my lust madness this monster belonged to Robyn. This incredible cock was her actual cock. It was a cock no mere man could possess, it was a dick only a woman could wield.

She makes me cum again, and again, and again. Everything becomes a blur and all sense of time is lost. My orgasms coming so fast and furious they were overlapping each other. She has a few of her own along the way.

At one point I sense a change come over. For a moment I see the old Robyn. Crazy and vindictive and slightly dangerous. Pinning my shoulders down hard into the cushions and causing my neck to crank forward her thrust become almost violent in their intent. All at once she pulls out completely, a sucking sloppy hollow schhhlop accompanies, leaving me feel empty. My insides a vacuous void. The absence was too much too fast.

"Nooooo!" I beg. "Put it back in!"

She rams it with a wet squelch back inside, grinding in hard even as it bottoms out, and lets me feel it's full glory.

"Ohhhhh yessss!"

Schhhlop! Out it goes again.


BAM! Right to the hilt.


She starts fucking me again as hard as she could with a fire in her eyes.

"Can Dylan fuck you like this? Hmm?"

I didn't want to answer but I hadn't the presence of mind for deception. I couldn't help myself as she literally fucked the truth right out of me. "No." I peep. "No!"

"Has anyone ever fucked you like this?"


"Can Dylan make you cum like this?"

"Mmmmm! Noooo!"

"Whose cock do you like better Missy?"

"Ohhhhhhh fuuuck! Yours Robyn! Yours, yours, yours!" My exhausted flesh trembles with yet another world class O. "OHHHH!"

I see the glint of jealousy fueled glee in her beautiful brown eyes as she slams into me mercilessly.

"No man could ever fuck you like I can Missy."


"Dylan's sad little dick doesn't deserve a real woman's pussy like yours."


Her voluptuous jiggling body ripples from our clapping collisions and glistens with sweat as she hammers her 13 thick inches balls deep with ruthless efficiency. Men tended to hold themselves back, as if I were a fragile thing and might break. But Robyn fucks me like I she knew I could be fucked. She is huffing and heaving with hard open mouthed breaths, sweat pouring off her, as she tests her physical limits.





Slop! Slop! Slop! Slop! She pounds my loose poon like a machine.

Too much! Too much! TOO MUCH!


I'd had all I could take. I place my feet against her hips and push. PLOP! The gargantuan cock springs from my annihilated fuck hole sending a shower of my love honey up through the air before it splatters back down across my stomach and legs.

"Enough..." I pant. "...enough...stop...ohhh fuck...oh fuck." Aftershocks from my dozens of orgasms tremor through my sweaty physically drained body. Had we been fucking minutes? Hours? I honestly couldn't say. I had never been so completely and utterly exhausted in my life. And with that came a deep all encompassing transcendent bliss that went far beyond the physical realm.

Robyn's cock slaps down onto my belly. She leans forward and I welcome her weight as she lays on top of me to give me a deep kiss. Our lips part and her panting bathes my face in her hot breath. I gaze up at her like I might a goddess. Simply in awe of her.

She pets my sweat soaked hair lovingly. "Good girl. That's my good girl."

"Ohhh." I sigh weakly.

"I wasn't too much was I?" She asks softly as she leans back to kneeling and strokes her hands up and down my sweaty torso.

"Ohhh god." I was stil having trouble forming coherent thoughts as I continued to tremble with ecstatic joy.

She chuckles.

"I..." I swallow and wet my dry mouth. "I didn't mind most of it, I loved it, but...can you leave Dylan alone please?" I reach up and cup her breasts in my hands, gently massaging them I gaze up into her eyes. "I didn't like that part."

"Oh." She brushes my sweaty hair from my eyes. "Yes, of course. I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"It won't happen again. Forgive me?"

"Of course." I giggle. I was way to drunk on my afterglow to have an ill feeling toward anybody.

"That's my girl. That's my good girl."

The warm fuzzies I am feeling weren't just coming from my well fucked pussy. I run my thumbs over her stiff nipples as I let out a contented hum. "Mmmmm, damn that felt good."

She smirks, a naughty twinkle in her eye. "I'm glad, but I'm not even close to finished with you yet."

"Ohhhhhh noooooo!"

Robyn fucks me, fists me, deep throats me, DPs me, uses the wand on me, and has me eat her out front and back until the sun comes up on the new year. She uses every toy and stuffs every hole. She is magnificent! When at last we could not go anymore we pass out in each other's arms and I sleep the best most restful sleep of my life, yet in my fevered erotic dreams our session carried on as if it never ended.


It is Groundhog Day. My husband's flight was due to arrive the day after tomorrow. He had left the Southern continent a few days ago and was currently in New Zealand.

I stand before the full length mirror staring at myself without a stitch of clothes on. From the waist up all seemed normal. Tight body, cute little tits, I am still the perky petite Nat of old. My thighs and calves as well were still shapely and fit. But in between...ruination.

My pussy lips were now long hanging meat flaps, reminiscent to the empty sleeve of my bathrobe. These dark rubbery beef curtains ran along either side of a cavernous gaping gash. I swore if I stood outside on a windy day I would hoot like an empty bottle. My ass wasn't much better, it didn't hang open but the big puffy sphincter opened wide to a feather's touch. My farts hadn't made a sound for months now. Dylan might find a bit more traction there, but not much.

I slip little D1 into my wrecked cunt as I had in August and last February. It goes in without even touching the sides. Even trying to tighten around it I cannot feel its 5 and a half slender inches. I do my best to bear down but as I let it go to put my hands to my head it falls straight to the floor with a thump. My pussy hadn't even slowed it down. My "wreckoning" was complete.

I look down at the dildo at my feet knowing full well it was only slightly smaller than my husband. What I had let happen to my body was far worse a crime to my spouse than anything the video could have done. As had been Robyn's original intention I was well and truly ruined for any real man. It wasn't simply the size of the toys but the mileage I'd put on with them. Last night alone we'd gone at it for two solid hours.

And the craziest thing of all? I felt so god damned proud of myself. This obscene transformation had been hard won through hundreds of hours of humiliation, pain, and pleasures beyond my previous fantasies. I was of course worried about Dylan's inevitable reaction yet I could not bring myself to regret any of it. I had never felt more beautiful.

Some part of me hoped Dylan would be angry. That he would throw me down on the floor and use my gaping cunt and slack asshole and tell me what a whore I was. That he would invite all of his friends and brother over to fuck his ruined wife like the slut I was. He could invite every fucking guy from his whole fucking department over if he wanted. 30 or 40 men, old and young, fucking me in every hole. One after another after another. I knew I could take them all and beg for more. Bring over the university football team, the basketball team, both at once. Bring 'em all on! DP, double anal, double vaginal, whatever they wanted to do to me. Nothing frightened me anymore. Hell, I would welcome it.

The increase in my libido had never come down. I was utterly insatiable. My pussy permanently wet and ready to rock. I was forever sneaking off to rub one out. I'd fuck myself with bottles, brush handles, whatever I could find. The worse it got the better I felt, as if I was getting in touch with my true destiny.

Questions fill my mind.

Even if Dylan could somehow accept the new me would he be able to keep up? Would his male ego allow him to fist me and plug me full of fake phalluses that made his own manhood look like a toothpick? Would my incredible oral skills and willingness to do to be used and abused in anyway he wanted be enough to satisfy him? Could a straight laced man like Dylan appreciate having a wanton slut for a wife? If he stayed would he want me to try to return to the way I was? Was that even possible? Did I even want that?

Even if I could flick a switch and return my body to what it was a year ago my body and mind would remember the ecstasy of this year. I missed my husbands weight and scent and strong hands. I missed the way he could lift me and manhandle me and the way he looked as bust his nut on or in me. And while I hungered to pleasure his cock, truly longing for the taste of his seed, I knew the meager morsel could do nothing to pleasure me as I was now. It wasn't his fault, he simply hadn't the size or stamina to do anything beyond getting me warmed up.

And what of my heart? It belonged to two people now. Dylan was still number one but Robyn had carved out a piece all her own. More than any of my yoga masters she had challenged me and encouraged me and guided me on a journey of self discovery. It had started for all the wrong reasons yet I felt indebted to her for helping me get through this year and uncover hidden joys I never would have found on my own. I considered her a dear friend, a dear friend with benefits. How would she react to Dylan's return? How would he react to my former enemy being my new best friend? What would he do when he found out she was the one that changed me?

I had put these questions off all year long but my time for burying my head in the sand was quickly running out. One way or another all would be answered in the next few days.


"So that's everything?" Robyn asks looking down at the big cardboard box that sat on the floor between us. It was February 4th, a year to the day since our adventure together had begun.

I nod. "All but my mask. I earned that. Everything else though. From D1 all the way up to Goliath and everything in between. Calendars too. It's all there." I shift nervously as the awkward silence falls between us. "What are you going to do with it all? Most are too big for you."

She shrugs, her eyes refusing meet mine. "I thought...if you're ever in the mood..."


"I know, I know. You need to talk to Dylan." Another silence. "He's going to hate me."

I couldn't even argue. "He's probably going to hate me more. But I love him Robyn, I have to try."

"I know. He's a lucky man. I'm going to miss you Missy."

"I'm going to miss you too."

"Ha! When we started this I told you that I'd never let you hurt me again. Little did I know."

My heart bleeds for her, I felt it too. "Aw babe."

"If it doesn't work out with Dylan..."

"I know."

The clock on the the ticks the seconds away as we stand quietly in the front hall of my house.

She clears her throat and swallows her emotions. Shifting the topic she asks. "How's the new assistant working out?"

"Fine." I reach out and take her hands in mine, I wasn't about to let her change the topic. I hold them tight. "Hey. We always knew this day was coming."

She nods and laughs, though there is no mirth in it. "I know." At last she looks up to meet my gaze. "What are you going to tell him?"

"The truth. I owe him that at least."

"You're a good woman Missy."

"Hm." I smile a bittersweet smile. "I don't know about that."

"I do." She brings my hand to her lips and kisses it slowly and tenderly. "Pixania saved her Princess in the end. I owe you everything."

I smile and stroke her cheek. I wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her one last time but I knew it would hurt too much to let go again.

"Before you go. The video. How? Who? I need to know."

Shame and guilt wash over her face as her head bows. "Oh god. Promise you won't hate me."

"I couldn't if I tried." I chuckle softly. "Trust me, I tried."

"Missy...everybody knew about the video. Most of our graduating class anyway. Jordan put it up on the internet a year after it happened." She sighs forlornly. "Dylan and Bobby did what they could to contain the damage but not before it was seen a few hundred times. They made everyone swear to keep their mouth shut, they even threatened Jordan with a lawsuit. It's been taken down since but...god, I'm sorry."


"He knew. He knew all along." She nods. "When I came to you a year ago it was on a hope and a prayer that he had protected you from it. I thought you'd know but I tried anyway. I couldn't believe it when it actually worked." She covers her eyes with her hand. "I tricked you. I'm so sorry."

I stand stunned. Dylan had known this whole time!? Why didn't he tell me? Why didn't anybody tell me? Had I just spoken to Dylan or anybody else none of this would have happened. I felt stupid, angry, foolish, and downright wretched. All of it directed only at myself. Most of all I felt ashamed of not trusting my husband to begin with. I was so sure that he would leave me if he saw that video but now I realized just how badly I'd misjudged his love for me. A mistake I would never make again if given the chance.

"What are you going to do?" She asks, wiping tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Throw myself at his feet and beg for forgiveness." I whisper. "What else can I do?"

"A blowjob."

I laugh despite myself, the quip breaking the tension in the house. "Robyn!"

"Just saying. It couldn't hurt."

I walk around the box and bring her into a big hug. Not the hug of a lover but of a good friend. She hugs me back. I finally let go and take in a deep fortifying breath. "I should get going. His flight's due in an hour."

"Hey, call me sometime." I say with a twinkle in my eye. "My Skype is always open."

"I will."

"And Robyn."


"Leave the box." I say. "He might throw me out on my ass, and I won't blame him if he did, but by god I'll give him a show to remember first. It's about time Dylan met Missy."

She nods, seeming to understand. "Very well. It's all yours." She hugs me again. "I love you."

"I know."

"Talk to you soon?"


She steps back and straightens herself out. "Good luck." And with that Robyn turns and walks out of my house.

I stand in the empty hall and listen to her car start up and drive away. "I love you too."

I take the box up and place it proudly in the center of our bed. I look around the freshly cleaned room. The laptop was moved, the mirror back where it belonged, everything just as it had been one year ago today. Grabbing my keys and coat I head to my car to go meet my husband and discover what my future would bring.

The End
发布者 DanielBDavis
3 年 前
lixfur69 2 年 前
Great story!
An absolutely perfect story, thanks so much for allowing us to accompany the characters in their journeys. The future looks bright for Missy…