Spanking, Flogging and Organisms

Liz made the trip home on the plane with a very sore bottom. She was caned on Thursday, her welts were "refreshed" that night with a hand spanking and again both before leaving and after arriving back home in the jeep on Friday. Saturday was spent cleaning equipment. She was spanked prior to each meal and before bed. All of which, made her fidget in her seat on the long flight home. This irritated her sore ass, which intern, made her aroused. She whispered in Tom's ear asking if he wanted to join the mile high club? Tom was a little sore himself after spending an entire week with Liz and suggested they should wait till they were in Denver. Liz gave him her sad puppy expression and said: "please daddy ", then a moment latter, in a louder voice: "Please Daddy!". Tom told her to pipe down and remarked that she would be punished if she didn't. Liz put on her pouting face. Tom realized that this one would be hard to win on an airplane full of people. He squeezed her hand and gestured towards the isle. She rose, he shrugged and followed her to the back of the plane.

Liz went into the tiny toilet room first. Tom waited a few minuets, opened the unlocked door and squeezed in. It smelled bad and the light was harsh, but Liz was already nude. She turned and offered herself from the rear. The cane marks were still very apparent on her pert little ass and seeing them aroused Tom. He dropped his bluejeans and started pounding her pussy as she fingered her clit. Tom reached with his left hand to squeeze and release her left nipple between his thumb and forefinger in a study painful rhythm matching her penetrations. Liz soon climaxed loudly - Tom was sure that even the captain could hear it. But soon after, he came inside her breathing hard himself. Then Tom took his left hand and started fingering her pussy. He put his right hand on her right nipple and repeated the rhythm of pain. Liz fingered her clit again till she came just as forcefully once more. Her orgasm shook her through her body as Liz's respiration quickened. Tom waited for her to come down before pulling his bluejeans up and sliding out to find a women waiting for the toilet. She started around Tom who quickly asked her in a deadpan tone to please wait for the occupant to get dressed. The women's eyes grew wide when Liz stepped out, turned and walked back to her seat trying very hard not to smile.

The plane touched down and they shuffled into the baggage claim area. It was cool - almost cold with gray a sky beyond the tall glass wall. Tom reached for his phone and Liz reached for his hand shaking her head no. Liz said were almost an hour early. Tom replied that their parents can find that out too. Liz suggested that they call a Lift and go to his house, then he could borrow his father's truck to take her home. Tom nodded telling her they could pick up the leather paddle at his place. Liz replied that she deserved a little time over his knee.

Liz wasn't prepared for all questions Tom's parents had. They gave them a detailed PG account of the trip which was interesting enough. He wisely included the brief tour of Berkley's campus which peaked his parents interest. Liz was invited to stay for Sunday dinner with additional requests for details about their trip. Tom's mother called Liz's and told her that they'd k**napped her daughter. That bought them time, though Liz was very pleased to watch Tom finely put her case in the truck. Once underway, She scooted next to him and told him she understood that she was going to receive a good hard one on the way home. Tom replied that that's what bratty behavior will get her. Liz reached over and affectionately squeezed his leg. When they got to their spot and relocated to the back, Liz placed herself over his lap pulling down her leggings. Tom warmed her up with his hand before reaching for the paddle. He started off moderately before increasing force. Liz started to squarm. Tom progressed to striking her hard. Liz started to mutter more loudly. Tom gave her 30 hard swats before giving her a break. Liz turned to smile back at him when her endorphins kicked in. The beginning of the next set turned her head back while her squirming became more pronounced. Tears were in her eyes, but the assault on her sore ass continued. Soon tears were to dropping down to the seat. Her color was getting darker and her kicks higher at the conclusion of the second set. Tom waited for her breathing to slow back down before tightening his grip with his left arm and bringing his right arm down hard on her ass again. Liz cried out and kicked as the sound of leather striking her flesh filled the cab. Tom continued to punish her as her bottom transitioned to a dark red hue with a purple tent. Tom stopped after a total of ninety hard swats reduced her to crying uncontrollably.

When Liz could speak, she simply said: "thank you". Tom instructed her to masturbate. She put her fingers to work on her pussy and came quickly by violently shaking below him. They embraced. Tom told her that he loved her as they kissed. To Tom's surprise, Liz turned and lowered herself back down, raised and lowered her ass over his lap inviting him. Tom realized what she wanted and clamped his left arm against her spine again. Her ass was a sea of blood red with white stripes marking the remains of the deeper cane strokes. He found areas that the cane didn't reach on the lower sides of her bottom. He raised his right arm and brought the paddle down on that spot on her right, then on her left. Tom alternated swats delivered to the same spots raising irregularly shaped circular red/purple sores protruding from her flesh. Liz squirmed and kicked, but didn't utter sound. Tom looked down at her ass and felt himself swelling in his bluejeans. He told her to rise as he slid his jeans and underwear down. Liz licked him clean before trying to swallow him. She moved her head up and down ramming his shaft down her throat. Tom's respiration quickened as he squirted cum into her mouth. Liz swallowed and pulled herself up while telling Tom that she loved him right back!

Tom took her home and they repeated the PG account of their trip to her parents. Jenny, Liz's mom, nodded politely but injected that she's talked to both Megan and her father earlier. Without missing a beat, Tom continued his story interjecting how well Grandad and Megan were doing; but added that they were tired. Soon they said their goodbyes and Tom and Liz passionately kissed goodnight. Mom followed Liz into her bedroom carrying a jar of moisturizer. Her jaw dropped when she saw Liz's bare bottom. Liz said that she'll be reminded of Tom each time she sits down. Her mom agreed and asked her if she was happy. Liz replied that she was happier then she'd ever been.

Monday morning, Liz and Tom walked arm and arm through the school. With their tan skin, Toms square shoulders, Liz's shapely figure and lightened hair flowing over the shoulders of her peasant dress, they were a striking couple. Tom's account of wheeling Liz's grandfather's jeep up the side of a mountain in Death Valley caught the imagination of their classmates. California truly looked golden to those who stayed home during the brake. Liz found that just setting down was an experience with the sores Tom had given her and Tom's cox remained sore as well. But to the rest of their world, they were the ideal pair. They applied ointments to their sore body parts and acted like anyone else - a much harder feat for Liz. They also did actually study together and both of them were doing better in their classes, much to their parent's delight.

It was a long week, but Friday did come. However, Liz still had some marks on her ass, so Tom erected the whipping frame. Liz striped and placed the restraints on her wrists and ankles. Tom secured her, inserted the but plug and started lightly flogged her back - something they hadn't done before. He made several light passes before picking up speed and force making the thin leather strands sting. Liz started to twist in the restraints pulling at cords that secured her. Tom put more force behind the handle which produced real pain that was mirrored in Liz's expression. Her back was getting redder as she muttered loudly in response to the pain inflected on her. Tom gave her several very hard lashes before picking up the pussy whip. Liz was wet and the little whip was applied to her clit. Liz climaxed by shaking violently in the frame. Tom was pleased to see her reaction. When he untied the ropes threaded through the restraints, Liz offered her body for Tom's pleasure. She bent over so Tom could remove the plug and replace it with his member taking her from behind. Tom pounded her forcefully until he climaxed himself.

Saturday night they double dated with Dave and Jill, so Tom borrowed his dad's truck. They had a good time together and Dave and Jill enjoyed their descriptions of the Hot Springs. Jill was especially intrigued by the "clothing optional" park sign. After they dropped their friends off towards the end of the night, Tom and Liz had some quality time together. Liz's bare ass was d****d over Tom's knee in the back seat. After a warm up and a nice long hand spanking to color her bottom dark pink and get her squirming, Tom applied the leather paddle to each cheek which caused her to mummer in pain. Tom kept alternating swats, increasing both the force and speed through a set of thirty swats. Liz was pleased to relish an endorphin rush during the break. The next set caused Liz's eyes to tear up as her squirms became more pronounce and her ass darker red. Tom finished with a hard set using the wooden paddle to reduce her to tears. During the endorphin rush that followed, Liz was told to fingered herself. She came with her usual exuberance shaking and gasping for air. When the spasms subsided, Tom reached under the seat and pulled out a brand new black leather rapped riding crop. Liz's eyes grew large at the sight of the surprise. They tried a few different positions before arriving on a workable position which placed Tom setting with his back against the door while Liz laid on her stomach in front of him. Her torso was between his legs so she could place his dick in her mouth. Tom took the crop reaching over her to strike her ass. This made her squirm as she sucked. Once again, Liz had to fight to constraint on sucking her boyfriend with the pain radiating from her ass each time the crop fell. Tom enjoyed the view, but ejaculated into her mouth before the crop could do any real damage. Once again, he managed only a single row across the bottom of her ass. However, both Liz and Tom enjoyed their new toy!
发布者 spanker_eric3
3 年 前
tamina44 3 年 前
spanker_eric3 : Ich habe dir zu danken. Du bist der einzige Autor hier, der Spanking-Geschichten lebensnah, absolut realistisch und - sehr wichtig - ohne Übertreibungen schreibt. Ich habe früher auch einige aktive und passive SM-Erfahrungen gemacht und weiss deshalb, was möglich ist und was nicht.
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spanker_eric3 出版商 3 年 前
artherzod : Thank you for the kind remarks !
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spanker_eric3 出版商 3 年 前
tamina44 : Danke, ich freue mich, dass dir dieser Epilog gefällt. In der Tat sind wir uns über die Handlung und die Rolle der Unterwürfigen einig
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artherzod 3 年 前
spanker_eric3 : Good series of stories thanks! 
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tamina44 3 年 前
Ganz genau so soll es sein. Der Meister soll erst mit Schlagen aufhören, wenn beim Mädchen die Tränen fliessen und es jämmerlich schluchzt. Und jedes Mal, wenn es hart auf ihren Arsch geschlagen wurde und es die intensiven Schmerzen verspürt, soll der Meister den Analplug aus dem Arschloch ziehen und ihm einen kräftigen Arschfick verpassen. wobei der Analplug ihm zum Aufbewahren durchaus in den Mund gesteckt werden kann. Oder das Girl soll - was noch demütigender ist - sich vor dem Meister und allfälligen Zuschauern die Fotze selber zum Orgasmus masturbieren müssen. Ein oder noch besser mehrere Orgasmen bei einem Spanking sind wichtig, damit die Mädchen sich der Tortur täglich und freiwillig unterziehen.
spanker_eric3 出版商 3 年 前
artherzod : Thank you - this is the epilogue to the week long 4x4 story - a standard medium plug from any sex shop will temperately widen the aperture of her anus for Tom's use  
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artherzod 3 年 前
Yet another great read! Thanks. I might have missed a bit, what sort of butt plug is it? :smile: 