Lisa's Milk Problem
Lisa is a 32-year-old single mother, 5'11", large 36H breasts, green eyes, and light blonde hair who lived in a house in an upscale neighborhood. She divorced about a year ago and is now raising her four month old girl Paige on her own. She is very attractive, has a slim frame with large, round breasts, wide hips, not a big booty but a decent ass. Her chest got a lot of stares from men. Because her breasts were so supple and sagging, they would jiggle uncontrollably, especially when she walked in high heels.
Lisa was facing an unusual problem in her life right now. Paige has experienced a condition called breast milk jaundice. The doctors advised her to use baby-feed formula and not to breastfeed until this condition resolves on its own in a few weeks. Lisa agreed to what the doctors wanted her to do and the resulting swelling in her breasts made it painful. Her breasts felt swollen and full all the time and not having a mouth to feed made her drip milk at random times.
Things did not go better as Paige was not able to suck hard enough. The pain just didn't seem to go away as Paige struggled with breastfeeding. It was many endless nights of using the breast pump but a lot of the time she was not able to pump and had to deal with the pain and many stained shirts.
Going to the doctors revealed that she had clogged ducts. The one doctor seemed impressed at the size of her nipples as they now jutted out of her tit more than an inch. She needed to use a heavy padded bra, or her nipples would be seen in anything she wore. The initial diagnosis was clogged ducts. The doctors were suspicious if the problem was beyond that, and they ordered a special micro-ultrasound test to examine the milk ducts located deep inside her breasts. To their surprise, they found it was a rare case of narrow ducts. Lisa had abundant milk producing glands inside her breasts but her milk ducts (tubes carrying milk outwards all the way towards the nipple pores) were narrower than of average women.
The doctors explained with the help of a diagram of breast anatomy, that how this made it even harder for her breasts to let go of all the milk. Human milk has several components, including fats, a more solid component and is like butter. Under normal circumstances, the butter is dissolved in the milk as it is emptied regularly. The stagnation was causing the solid component to separate further narrowing her already narrow ducts and the lactiferous sinuses (a sinus where milk ducts from the entire breast converge) located underneath the areola, making her even more clogged, and causing her the pain.
After all this intensive assessment and identifying the exact causes of this problem, Lisa was advised to do the same things that she was already doing and knew from looking online. She shook her head. Lisa walked out with only medication for the pain and embarrassment that the one doctor probably got erect from looking at her breasts and seeing her large, oversized nipples.
Every morning, Lisa would look outside the window as she drank her coffee at the dinner table. She did not know many neighbors, but she noticed that the house next to the one right across the street had three black male tenants. She learned that they were resident doctors working at a nearby hospital as they left for work in scrubs or white coats, and stethoscopes. She would talk to them when she watered her plants. They had rented the house across the street, and were living as roommates for their residency, probably because the rent in the neighborhood was too high, and the location was close to the hospital. She learned their names -- Jason, Tom, and Jim. They seemed in their early 30s, well-built, muscular, and athletic. Jim was shorter than her, whereas the other two were as tall as her. She found all of them attractive, but Jason was the one she was most attracted to. Jason had a French beard, big arms, and huge shoulders.
One night around 9 PM, Paige was crying uncontrollably, and she couldn't understand why. She was thinking of taking her to the ER, but she saw Jason sitting out on his front porch with the lights on. She took Paige over to Jason after he agreed to have a look.
He examined her ears and nose and says, "It must be a common cold. There is some inflammation, but the over the counter medicines from the local d**g store should immediately help."
He continues, "You don't need to take her to the ER unless this just doesn't stop the crying until early morning."
Jason saved her a visit to an ER. This was really helpful because Lisa was facing financial struggles since the last few months. The c***d was not her ex-husband's, but the guy she had dated after her divorce. He had disappeared after he learned that she got pregnant.
The medicines helped, and the next day, Lisa went over to thank Jason when she saw him return from work. He invited her into their living room. She first thanked him and then they were just doing small talk. A wet spot appeared on her t-shirt; Jason's eyes went there. She is dismayed to find out she was leaking milk.
Seeing her reaction Jason says, "I'm sorry, please don't be embarrassed. I understand. It's a common problem with lactating mothers."
"Thank you for understanding, but my problem is much worse than it looks."
Jason nodded his head and then answered her, "I'm a pediatric resident doctor and I see this problem often in new mothers who are breastfeeding for the first time."
Lisa's eyes lit up. "Really?" Her heart skipped a beat as she was not told this before and felt like Jason could be her savior.
He shrugged and smiled making the problem seem trivial. "Your baby sometimes does not have the suction needed to help you express your milk. A strong suction...for example a man's mouth sucking would draw out the milk and open up your ducts."
For the first time she felt like her main problem was solved, but she now wondered who she could get.
Before she could think about who, Jason smiled at her. "I don't mind helping you out. Let me see your problem breast."
It was odd him bringing it up but taking away the pain seemed perfect. She looked around to see if anyone was nearby as exposing her tits was something she did not do often. She lifted her shirt up and held her breath as her large tits flopped out showing off their weight and size as they bounced slightly. They now hung in front of him like udders of milk for a hungry mouth.
Jason examined them. He led her to the kitchen and had her sit on the counter too for easy access. Both his roommates are on duty tonight, so she doesn't have to worry about anyone walking in on them.
She lifts her huge left breast, which is bigger than her head, with her both hands and offers it to him.
Jason is turned on to see her large pink nipple inviting his mouth. He notices that her skin is milky white, soft, and her breast very ripe, and sagging a little with the weight from all the milk. The nipple is large, one of the largest he has seen as a doctor, but they are also aesthetic. They are about one and a half inches long when not erect, and the areola is quite large with bumps make them look very ripe. After all, her tits are 36H. Jason is incredibly turned on to see that, but he does well to hide it and appear thoroughly professional.
He moves closer to the nipple and takes a moment to admire it. It is moist, glistening, pink, raw, with visible pores which are the opening of her ducts. It's a nipple of a fully lactating mom, a source of rich, nourishing fluid of life, full of love.
Jason engulfs the nipple and the surrounding areola in his mouth. He takes a moment to acknowledge the huge flesh underneath the warm skin of the nipple and areola with his tongue. He now closes his eyes and applies gentle suction, and starts working his jaws, just like a baby would after latching onto a mother's nipple. There is no milk at first. He responds by increasing the suction pressure. Milk now follows but very slowly. Lisa is impressed by how he knows to latch so well.
After 15 minutes of suckling, the breasts are slightly drained. She still has some residual milk, but the engorgement is gone. Lisa finally has some relief.
He says with a friendly smile, "You should be good for the night."
Lisa is so delighted that she's not engorged for the first time in so many days. She thanks him. He offers her water and juice after that feeding saying she needs to keep hydrated.
Here's where Jason's devious side comes out. He mixes domperidone in her orange juice, unbeknown to her. Domperidone is a d**g that increases lactation, knowing that she's going to be engorged even more with this d**g with her existing problem. He shares his number and asks her to text him or call him if she needs help with suckling her milk out again. She agrees with a smile and returns home.
As expected, by afternoon on the next day, Lisa's tits are filled with milk. She is now very engorged, much more than she usually was, and in severe pain. The domperidone has made it worse. She calls Jason asking for his advice. He says he is sorry to hear that. He wants to help her like last night, but he won't be home until 8 PM. She says that she's going to be in a lot of pain by then, she will have to be patient. Jason then reassures her and suggests a plan.
He says that she would need both her breasts sucked aggressively and simultaneously. The problem with her ducts is much more severe than he initially thought. They need to be dilated using more than just sucking, which he did last night. If the suckling involved some additional forces on the nipple such as stretching, biting, chewing motions, tugging, and a stronger suction than he did last night, it might help.
Her nipple and areola would experience all kinds of sensations, and all this would help the milk ejection letdown reflex (which is based on sensory stimulation).
He goes on to explain in a very technical way how the proposed treatment would also keep her breasts ripe and always ready for the infant. Also, suckling leads to bonding, which in turn enhances the milk flow. This happens due to love hormones released in a nursing woman's blood when a human jaw is suckling. A grown adult male jaw sucking is better than baby or a pump. It needs to be done in a right way keeping in mind the anatomy of the nipple and the underlying ducts. The bonding in this case is even stronger and it would benefit her breasts, fertility, and overall health.
Jason further says that this will eventually help her to develop a strong milk ejection letdown reflex. Lisa is trying to listen and comprehend amidst the severe pain and tightness in her breasts. All she senses is that Jason is trying to help her, and she's happy to learn that he is trying so hard to solve her problem using his expert medical knowledge. The pain and pressure in her breasts are clouding her mind, and she's unable to think of this situation from any other angle. She's also a little turned on by this conversation, but right now her main problem is the engorgement. There is just a lot of buildup of the milk to be taken care of right now.
Jason further explains that the milk flow is further enhanced if someone penetrated her while she was being suckled. This would definitely increase the chances of achieving a letdown reflex. Therefore, she needs two mouths and one guy inside her for this plan to work.
He further hints that it is possible to try this plan because he had two doctor roommates-- Tom and Jim-- who might be happy to help. And they would do it the right way because they have medical knowledge on breast anatomy and lactation.
Lisa agrees to trying this intensive sucking treatment proposed by him, hoping it would help her. Jason again says that he's very sorry that she's in pain right now, but they could start working on her as soon as they are back at 8PM.
She arrives at their house at 8 PM in anticipation of relieving the pain as soon as possible and possibly trying a new solution for her problem which has been getting worse throughout the day, and the last few weeks. She brings Paige along in a stroller because the sucking treatment is going to take a while, and she can't leave Paige alone at home. She feels safe at the doctors' and they suggested that would be fine. She puts Paige to sleep in the next room.
Then they get together in Jason's bedroom on his king-sized bed. He lays a cover on his mattress as he knows it's going to get messy. He takes her t-shirt and nursing bra off.
Her breasts drop out of the bra like two heavy bouncing objects. Her nipples and the entire breast jiggle, but less than usual because the skin is so taut tonight. Her nipple is wet, with a drop of milk, glistening reddish pink in color, the veins around her nipple appear engorged. She knows the pain is because of the milk and is eager to let these men suck it out.
The three men now start working on her. Jason tells her that she will get a letdown tonight if his plan works. She's thrilled to hear that because she badly wants a letdown because she's never had one. "Let alone a letdown, I've never even had a proper flow with the pump suction," she says to herself.
Jason further suggests that the letdown can be even more efficient and faster if there was anal penetration involved at the same time her pussy was penetrated. Because that would release even more love hormones in her body, which would help milk ejection. She is surprised to hear this because this wasn't the original plan he discussed on the phone. Jason explains to her this added exercise as a part of her treatment is only to help her. Lisa believes him; she's now mentally prepared for a double penetration session.
Jason came up with this new idea impromptu; he realizes that they now need one more person. They have only three people for a job that needs four. He calls his coworker and friend Tyler, a nurse at the same hospital. Tyler is a black guy, 5'6", in his early 20s. Jason says that they are all tested and confirms that everyone is clean because the things they will be doing will involve exchanging fluids. Jason assures Lisa that Tyler will be gentle with her ass and use lots of lube. His cock is not as big as theirs, and she wouldn't feel any pain or discomfort, and that he will explain to Tyler exactly how to do it right in this situation, which is different than the conventional anal sex that can hurt. Lisa agrees. Tyler arrives in 5 minutes as he doesn't live far away.
Lisa feels relieved as he arrives, as she knows that her breasts are going to get finally drained.
Tyler quickly undresses and lies on his back. Lisa is impressed to see his chiseled abs. Looking at Lisa's beautiful body, the smell of her skin, and the smell of cunt arouses Tyler, and his cock gets instantly hard. Jason insists that he be generous with the lube, to which Tyler agrees. Tyler slowly takes off her panties and asks Lisa if she is ready. Lisa looks at Jason for approval. He suggests to her a position such that she is on top of Tyler, on her back, with her ass resting against the tip of his cock. He tells her that her sphincter would slowly dilate. Tyler starts rubbing the tip of cock against her anal opening as she opens up. He massages her back and buttock, trying to get her to relax. He loves touching her soft skin.
The men in the room can now smell her sex, and they are all incredibly turned on by it. Tom and Jim position themselves by her side. They first start massaging her breasts as they tell her, "This is to loosen the milk, and massage the ducts, and get the breast ready to let go of the milk as we suck it out." Lisa feels so proud of herself that tonight she is with these guys who know what they are doing. She has an embarrassed, half smile on her face that she is trying to hide.
Tom and Jim now stop massaging her breasts and will start sucking soon.
They tell her, "Jason will penetrate you after we have worked on your nipple to a certain extent."
"We will try our best to coax out the milk from your entire breast first. We will try to remove most of it. It might be difficult to get all of it out which is why we will depend on the letdown to empty the rest. That will hopefully happen when Jason gets into the picture to penetrate you."
Lisa's anal sphincter dilates to let more of Tyler's cock in. Tyler starts with slow, gentle strokes, going deeper with each stroke at a very slow pace. Her ass eventually accommodates his girth. After a few minutes, Tyler is now more than halfway in her ass and slowly thrusting until he goes all the way in. He caresses her arms and back to make her feel relaxed, loved, and cared. Lisa now utters a few moans. Tyler has an average-sized cock which works great for this occasion because Lisa was worried about getting hurt in the ass from a bigger cock. Tyler begins to slowly fuck Lisa with slow, gentle strokes, going deeper at a very slow pace, only making gentle love to her and is not working towards his own orgasm. Her ass eventually accommodated all of his cock. He feels her body reciprocating, her warm ass is gripping, holding on to his entire cock.
At this point, Jason crawls on top of Lisa. He goes by her right ear and whispers, "I want you to know that this treatment session is for your milk problem. For it to work effectively, I would advise you to mentally be in a submissive state of mind. Let the guys use your nipples as they wish. We are going to work on dilating your ducts as we talked earlier. They are doctors, and they know what they are doing. You may completely trust them."
"I would say just "give" your nipples, "surrender" your nipples to these guys for the night. Let them do what they want. They will be aggressive with your nipples, but only to the extent that's going to help you; they will be careful not to damage anything under that nipple."
"Do you understand? And is that okay?
Lisa nods, "Yes, I understand. I will do my best to follow what you said"
Jason responds that, "Then you should let them know that you are okay with them using you tonight as they wish."
Lisa then says out loud to Tom and Jim who are sucking her nipples, "These nipples belong to you for the night. I fully trust you two. You may use my nipples as you wish. I will accept all sensations you are giving to my nipples. We have also agreed to vaginal and anal penetration, which I trust you will be gentle with. I have not had sex for a long time."
She goes on, "I will not resist or stop you at any time. If I do, you may stop me. I know you are doing it for my good, and I will understand. And I appreciate it."
Lisa isn't sure if this is her submissive side talking or if she's being a good patient for these doctors. She trusts them, she wants this to work, and she is also beginning to enjoy it a little.
Jim, who is on her left nipple says, "Okay, thanks! We wanted to know that."
They proceed to work on her nipples. They begin by licking her areola from the outside, slowly moving towards the center, then licking the nipple and its tip.
They first try a gentle suck. There is just a faint taste of the milk. There is hardly any milk coming with this suction.
They tell her that they need to stimulate the sensory nerve endings of her nipple first to see if milk flows. This is called the milk ejection reflex and it should normally express milk, like how it works when babies suck. They let her know this, and that they will be increasing the intensity in steps.
Their mouths go back to latch on her nipples. Now, along with the suction, they also flick the tip of her nipple with their tongue.
Lisa gasps in response and feels tingles of pleasure firing from the tip of her nipples. She's now getting increasingly turned on. The sexual aspect of tonight's exercise now starts catching up on Lisa
At the same time, her ass has warmed up to Tyler's cock. He is comfortably inside her, and he feels her canal become more moist, more lubricated on its own.
Tom and Jim now wrap their lips around her areola, taking her entire teat in their mouths. They slowly increase the suction.
Lisa utters a light moan with the sudden increase in suction. She places her hands on their shoulders and then starts caressing their heads. She is loving the attention her nipples are getting; it's a different feeling than with Paige sucking. She notices that other than the bonding with a soul nourishing from you, there is an added sexual element to the bonding tonight. This is two adult males drinking from her, drawing out nourishment from her body which was meant for a baby.
Tom and Jim notice that despite their increased suction, Lisa's breasts are still not giving out milk at a speed they are meant to. They look at each other and signal with a nod that they need to up take it one step higher. They now start stimulating her nipple in multiple ways. They are not only sucking the entire teat with greater force, but they bring their entire jaw and tongue in play. They press the nipple on the roof of their mouth with their tongues. They start squeezing her teat in their mouth with chewing motions of their strong jaws, just like how babies do.
Lisa starts writhing and her breathing becomes deep and erratic. This is the first time she is ever felt these sensations on her nipple.
The new, more intense stimulation is finally showing results. Lisa's milk flow increases. Lisa's breasts are now actively releasing the milk although the release is still very slow.
Tom and Jim now bring their teeth into play. Lisa's writhes uncontrollably as their teeth sc**** against her sensitive nipple and areola skin. As they are sucking and nibbling her teat, they massage it using their tongue along its length in rhythmic motions to push the butter out of the clogged ducts. They can feel the milk drawn out in their mouths with every stroke of their tongue.
The men pause for a second. Lisa wonders why. She opens her eyes to see them putting their tongue studs on, and then resume the suckling. She is slightly nervous about what is coming next, but she remembers what Jason told he. She needs to submit herself; she needs to trust them.
Tom and Jim resume drawing out her milk as they were, but now with metal tongue studs on. As they are coaxing milk out of her teats with their tongue, the metal stud is now scr****g against Lisa's nipple and stimulating it in an entirely different way. Lisa didn't expect this and loves how it feels. She moans in low pitch with every stroke of their tongue.
She's never had the sensation of metal grinding her nipple meat before. She's writhing in pleasure even more now. It feels like her delicate nipple flesh is squeezed between the upper palate on one side and the hard stud and soft tongue on the other side. Powerful waves of pleasure are sweeping from her nipple to her pussy. She's getting increasingly wet and a drop of pussy juice appears at her pussy lips
After two minutes of working her nipples in this manner, her milk is still not flowing fast enough as it should in a letdown. Tom and Jim pause for a second and talk to each other on what to do next.
She's already having a hard time handling this, but they need to take this one level further.
They bring two-inch nails into the play. Both of them pokes the nail on one side of the nipple flesh, not hard enough that it pierces the skin, squeezing the nipple flesh between the nail on one side and their tongue with studs on the other side, and resume rubbing, massaging the nipple flesh along the length of the nipple, coaxing the milk out of the duct openings with greater force than before.
Lisa finds this sensation on her nipple completely new and unbearably pleasurable. Her entire nipple, areola, and flesh underneath are on fire. It feels like her nipples are being loved and punished at the same time.
"Punished" by the cold harsh metal object because they haven't been behaving well when it comes to releasing the milk. "Loved" by the soft, warm tongue giving soothing and gentle pleasure to the nipples to coax them to let go of the milk. She feels her nipples being "used" or "toyed" with, but in a way to help her.
Poor Lisa was already having a hard time, but now she's facing another type of pleasure that her mind cannot process. These pleasure sensations are so overwhelming that she is now whimpering, letting out low volume high-pitched squeals with every stroke of their tongue rubbing the nipple meat against the nail, holding on to the shoulders.
She is loving that her nipples are being taken by these guys. They are taking complete control of it, and she knows that resisting them is also not good for her, because this is a part of the milking treatment.
She raises her head to watch them with a sensual glance, their mouths passionately working her nipples. She's already in love with them, she kisses their foreheads.
Lisa is building towards an orgasm for the first time from just her nipples being worked.
Tom and Jim are either getting a little too excited or trying harder to help her achieve a let down; they start poking the nail a little deeper but without piercing the skin. The nails they are using on her don't have a sharp tip; they had slightly grounded the tip against a hard surface to make it less easy to pierce the skin.
Lisa whimpers in pain and pleasure, grimacing when the nail is poked too hard into her nipple meat as it is causing a hot burning pleasure sensation. She is experiencing the highest levels of pleasure in the night so far. There are tears in her eyes. She keeps planting multiple short, repeated kisses on the foreheads of the two mouths doing this to her. Her orgasm is building.
Waves of pleasure are sweeping throughout her body; each wave stronger than the previous one. She starts arching her back and thrusting her hip. With an inevitable orgasm on its way, her nipples spurt out milk from each duct opening from the combination of strong suction from their mouths and the stroke of tongue squeezing on her nipple meat against the metal nail.
As orgasm hits Lisa, her body starts convulsing, her eyes roll, her entire body becomes rigid, her legs start kicking in the air.
She pushes Tom and Jim away, but they hold on tight.
She remembers what Jason said. She should let them take control, handle her nipples and not resist. She wants them to keep doing it and not stop.
Lisa's orgasm lasts for a minute. The men on her nipples now slow down to go easy with the stimulation. They remove their tongue studs and the nails from the action. Her nipples have had enough of that for now. They put their mouths back on the nipples and hold it in place allowing Lisa to recover. After two minutes, they lick her areola and nipples for a few minutes, followed by latching on once again. They begin sucking gently, gradually increasing the suction.
Lisa takes a moment to think about what's going on. She's so grateful that two strong adult male jaws are nursing from her to help with her milk problem. It is also so very sexually satisfying. Although she hasn't had a letdown, they have sucked out a significant amount of milk. Her skin feels less tight, but she knows that tonight's treatment session isn't over yet.
She's impressed that these men could take all of her nipple and areola in their mouths, something that her baby couldn't. This itself has made a huge difference. She feels lucky because she got the best deal-- a group of doctors, medical professionals who know what they are doing, which is so much better than an average man helping her. They are working on her nipple problem, and this would have never gotten worked out any better way.
After her orgasms, the milk starts flowing into their mouths faster than before. She can hear gulping sounds of the men swallowing. It's like a suck-swallow-suck cycle. She finds this incredibly erotic. Lisa is so turned on and wants to get fucked so badly that she subconsciously starts humping on the impaled Tyler's cock, but he holds her hip and stops her. He whispers in her ear, she needs to wait, and there's time for that. He holds her tightly so she can't move anymore. She gives in.
Tom and Jim now signal Jason that she's ready for vaginal penetration. Lisa hasn't had a letdown yet, although her milk is now flowing out faster than before. She remembers that Jason had mentioned that she would most likely achieve a letdown while she was penetrated vaginally during sucking. She was hoping that she would get a letdown by now but that didn't happen. Now she has to be penetrated which was the original plan.
Jason is turned on watching all the action so far. He walks in with his 8-inch, erect fat cock, and positions himself between her legs. Lisa's body is moist and shining from all the sweating that happened during her nipple orgasm.
Jason first plants gentle kisses on her inner thighs, her pussy lips and her clit hood, and then her lips. The way she smells down there further turns him on.
Jason desperately wants to fuck her now. He rubs the tip of his cock on her outer pussy lips and clit hood while staring into her eyes. Lisa is looking back at him with a heavy-lidded expression. Tyler is still deep in her ass. She's on her back, lying completely on Tyler's body. Jason holds her legs and spreads them wide getting ready to plunge his cock deep inside her.
Tom and Jim take over holding her legs for Jason. He asks her to relax and now starts rubbing the tip of his cock up and down her pussy's pink inner lips gently. Her entire pussy is extremely wet and leaking already. She pushes her hip towards his cock moaning softly.
Jason now penetrates her slowly. She watches with passion his thick, fat cock with prominent veins, glistening from her pussy juices slowly disappear completely inside her. She is amazed how pussy lips are wrapping around, gripping his thick cock, and how her pussy is able to accommodate all of it.
Her pussy badly wants it. All of it.
He follows up with slow strokes, going deeper with each stroke.
Eventually, he buries his cock deep inside her, all the way in. The tip of his cock is in the space near her cervix, and his balls resting against her ass cheeks, and pauses. Her pussy let him in like butter allowing a hot knife to go through it. The skin contrast between his big black cock and her pink pussy lips really turns her on. Jason now leans over her completely and kisses her.
Jason and Tyler are now fully hard, deep inside her pussy and ass. Tom and Jim are laying on each side with their faces on her breasts sagging outwards. They now stop just sucking, and resume using their lips, teeth, and tongue.
Lisa's mind is focused on her nipples because the sensations coming from there are becoming intense. The throbbing cocks inside her distract her momentarily, but her mind comes back to her nipples. This is because Jason and Tyler are still and haven't started pounding her yet. They want her to initiate the fucking movements.
Jason kisses her and whispers into her ear, "Do you want to get fucked by these two cocks?"
"Yes, I really want to, so badly. Why haven't you two started fucking me yet?" Lisa whispers back.
"If you want it, you should start. Start thrusting your hips front and back. I want YOU to be in control at this moment on, I want you to enjoy it."
Lisa nods with a smile.
Jason slowly moves his face towards her. She looks deeply into his eyes, holds his face, and kisses his thick lower lip. Jason responds by kissing back and start kissing each other passionately.
Lisa has been wanting badly to get pounded but she was waiting for them to initiate it. Now she knows.
In a dazed state of mind, high from all the pleasure, she starts gyrating her hips and then slowly starts moving her pelvis up and down. She can feel her pelvis fully stuffed with two large cocks, and her pelvis has clutched on to them, holding them inside her.
Now Lisa is fucking both her holes and getting her milk sucked out at the same time. Her mind still cannot decide which part of the body she should focus on-- her pussy and ass or the nipples.
Next few moments, Lisa experiences something that has never happened to her. Waves of pleasure beginning from her nipples pass through her body.
She feels hundreds of sharp, tingling sensations; some very painful, arising from deep inside her breasts. She winces for a second.
Lisa feels confused as what is happening. She has never experienced this sensation before. It's something completely new.
She doesn't know if this is something good or bad.
Lisa doesn't know that this is a sign of an oncoming letdown. Women experience tingling sensations in their breasts before an oncoming letdown. Milk is going to gush out of her nipples on its own for the first time like it never did before.
Lisa's milk letdown begins.
Her milk gushes out of her nipples at a peak pace. Tom and Jim are getting a mouthful of milk all of a sudden but they keep up swallowing all of it. They pause for a second and release their mouths.
Tom tells Lisa, "Look here," showing her her letdown.
Lisa becomes ecstatic with a smile on her face and teary eyes.
"That's so beautiful. I'm so happy!! I thought I was never going to get this!! I am soooo happy!! Thank you so much!!! I feel like more of a whole woman for the first time."
She is so impressed by what these men have accomplished. She remembers what Jason said on the phone in the afternoon.
"He was right!" she tells herself.
Lisa has a full, beautiful smile suggesting satisfaction on her face, "I've never seen that kind of milk flowing from my nipples. I always wished I had it. Thank you so much again guys. I really appreciate it," she puts her face into Jason's neck, wrapping her arms around him and starts crying of happiness.
Tom and Jim rub her back and shoulder affectionately.
"You are on the right track with us taking control of your nipples now. Soon, they will start giving out milk with a good flow for good, and your problem will be taken care of."
Tom and Jim resume their latch on her nipples taking as much of her nipple meat in their mouth and start sucking her nipples in a suck-swallow-suck cycle, just like babies do, trying to keep up with the speed at which the milk is flowing out from her giant nipple.
Lisa lying sandwiched between Jason and Tyler, hugging by his neck, starts moaning again as the two men dutifully suckle on her with intensity.
Jason and Tyler resume thrusting into Lisa.
Lisa's hips start reciprocating with increasing pace and intensity.
She knows that she is now building towards an orgasm from penetration. It's been a year since she's divorced and got pregnant with the first guy she dated, and he left her. She's never had sex since then and needed this badly.
Lisa wimpers, "I want you to fuck me," getting louder.
"Fuck me."
Now even louder and in an authoritative tone.
"Fuck me!! Fuck meeee!! I want you to fuck my pussssyyy and my asss."
Jason and Tyler respond, "Yes ma'am."
Something is coming over Lisa now. She is increasingly turning into a sexual a****l, from a "patient" tonight from this point on.
"Please both of you fuck me, fuck me hard, harder, pleeeeaaase," she begs. "I'm done waiting for this now, it's been too long," she complains. "Fuccckk!"
Jason and Tyler oblige. They now start pounding into her pussy and ass rhythmically, one goes in as the other comes out. Lisa's body is responds by thrusting back, matching their strokes. It feels like a purely carnal ceremony for her tits, pussy and ass. Her slim, milky white hips are slapping against two big, muscular ones.
Obscene wet, slurpy sounds of mixing love juices and flesh slapping against flesh fill the room. This, combined with her thrusting movements, is rubbing the inner walls of her pussy and ass with tremendous sexual friction, firing sensations of pleasure to her spine and all of her body. Lisa starts now moaning at the top of the voice. Thankfully, Paige is asleep in the next room.
Lisa wants this moment to never end. She is theirs. She has given her body to these four men for the night, and her nipples to two doctors for oral treatment, and she's proud of her decision.
Lisa moves her hands to hold Jason by his muscular butt and with her legs spread wider, allowing him to thrust his hips deeper into her. She's rhythmically moving her hips fucking Jason on the upwards motion, and guiding Tyler's cock deep into her ass on the downward motion, servicing her pussy and ass with every cycle of movement.
Her body is entirely on top of Tyler's, and she is not even using her arms for support and control during this delicate double penetration act, which can hurt her if gone out of control. She is like a rag doll between these men, letting them control her body, use her. She is so opened up to these men because they warmed her up slowly. Tyler, despite being in her ass, made her feel so comfortable and didn't let it hurt her, makes her feel very affectionate towards him. She turns her head sideways and kisses him to tell him that she appreciates that.
As she approaches her orgasm, she looks into Jason's eyes with a heavy-lidded passionate expression. She is thinking about him and is so grateful to him for making this happen. She pulls his face towards her and kisses him passionately.
Tyler, on the other hand is massaging, kneading the soft pliable flesh of her 36H breasts with his big hands and strong fingers. He is intently squeezing the ducts that are located deep inside her massive breast flesh. Because of this, her ducts are getting stroked and emptied forwards, and thereon the milk is emptied even faster to the two mouths sucking her teats.
Tom and Jim now get into the act to catch up with the milk that Tyler is squeezing forward. To create a greater suction force on her ducts located deep inside her large breasts, they are no more just sucking with pressure at the nipple, but also tugging on her long teats, holding them by biting into the base of her areola with their teeth. They are pulling the teat outwards, away from her chest, drawing the milk out with each stroke, squeezing and massaging the nipple meat between their tongue and upper jaw.
Lisa feels like her soul is now being sucked out of her body from her teats, watching her body getting used, and pleased to new levels she never knew existed. Her breathing becomes increasingly heavy and ragged. She just can't handle it anymore. Her mind is struggling to process all the pleasure waves coming. She tries to move away using her hands, but they grab them firmly and move them out of the way, and pin them over her head. With their other hand, they hold her by her waist on each side tightly to keep her in place. With all this going on, Tom, who is on the left nipple, now slides his left hand between Jason and Lisa reaching for her clit. He finds it and starts gently rubbing her clit, gradually increasing the intensity.
All this becomes just too much to handle for Lisa. She cannot take it anymore.
It is a sensory overload of pleasure sensory; she's worried if she can handle this and not pass out. Her body starts quivering and bucking, and her eyes start rolling. The pleasure is so unbearable that her body is trying to escape it. But her mind wants it. Her mind really wants it.
She's lucky to be in this zone. This may or may not ever happen again in her life. She is so happy that these men are forcing her to endure it. They know what she wants, what she needs.
Lisa knows that she can't keep resisting. She shouldn't. She needs to give in completely. She feels that she is being an ungrateful, bad girl. With this realization, Lisa lets go of her inhibitions. She mentally opens herself to all incoming sensory reception, welcoming every sensation coming in from these four men, and wanting even more.
She lets her sexual being inside her take control this moment. And after all, they are also trying to help her. She wants them to use her, to let all the incoming love sensations in, let them go all the way deep inside her, inside her heart, her soul.
Her nipples, her milk, her breasts, her body, her soul is theirs. They own all of it. She is theirs.
Tom and Jim now become even more aggressive with the suction and tugging on her nipples. They forcefully tug her nipples with their teeth drawing milk out with each draw. Her pink, tender nipple flesh at this point is so sensitive that she can feel every spurt of milk spraying out from the duct openings.
Lisa moans and squeals loudly with every draw. "Oooooh.... Ooooh... Ooooooh" watching the two mouths alternatively.
She is approaching another orgasm.
Jason and Tyler know that this is the most important phase when maximum milk needs to be drawn out. They get into the act. They start thrusting into her alternatively, allowing her to focus on the sensations coming from her pussy and ass, one at a time. But the strokes are deep and powerful, amplifying the build-up of her orgasm. Lisa feels like a dam inside is about to burst soon.
A drop of tears starts rolling down her cheek. Her moist eyes are locked deep into Jason's eyes with an intense, passionate look. She's so overwhelmed with pleasure that she is no longer moaning. She is entirely silent. Her breathing stops, her body becomes frozen, waiting for an onslaught of a powerful orgasm. Her now eyes roll up and then shut close.
"Yes, Yes, Yes," she cries in a high pitched voice. Each "Yes" louder than the previous one.
Lisa transitions to uttering incomprehensible words and sounds in high pitch. "Yess. ... Give.... me, give eeett........giiveeeee", following by high pitched mewing moans.
Orgasm hits Lisa like a freight train. She cries out loud, "Oh! Gaaaaawwddd," bucking her hips followed by violent shaking of her entire body.
She is in another world. Her thighs start shaking like jelly, legs kicking in the air. She feels like she is about to pass out from so much pleasure.
She pushes the guys away with her arms and elbow because the pleasure is just too much to handle. But Jason and Tyler are merciless and relentless. They do not stop fucking her; they keep fucking with the same intensity watching her "suffer" with so much pleasure. And they do a good job holding their place despite her pushing them away, thanks to their muscular strength. Tyler, Tom, and Jim hold her so tight, pinning her wrists above her head, so that she's not able to get away or push them away. In retrospect, this is exactly what Lisa wanted. Her body didn't know what her mind wanted. She wanted them to make her fully experience every sensation they were giving her.
Tom and Jim also had a job to do. It was also important that her breasts be continuously sucked and drained throughout this orgasm. Lisa's breasts are giving away a lot of milk in rapid spurts in the letdown through the orgasm. It was crucial that they stopped her from pushing them away during the orgasm to avoid leftover milk residue in her breasts.
Halfway through the orgasm, Lisa's body slows down convulsing, and her resistance subsides because she's getting exhausted and powerless. She is left with no choice but to accept the incoming pleasure sensations from the four men. Tom and Jim now loosen their grip on her but keep sucking. Jason and Tyler have held on to their orgasm so far. Jason is still pounding into her with long deep slow strokes. His cock is moving in and out of her pussy effortlessly because she has gushed a lot of pussy juice. Tyler is being gentle with her ass because he doesn't want her anal sphincter to get hurt. Lisa is still in a state of trance as her orgasmic wave is waning.
Tyler loudly moans "Aaaaaaah", cumming in her ass. He feels like a hot silky canal is tightly gripping his dick and the pulsations of his dick is being absorbed by it, his love seed being accepted by her depths. He holds her still in place because Jason is not done yet.
With her first orgasmic wave receding, Lisa feels the next one coming.
"Fuuuucccck, fuck yes. Fuuuuuuuuucccckkkk," she moans in a high-pitched low voice, with teary eyes.
Jason picks up his pace. He is now into "bull" mode, like a wild a****l, full of energy relentlessly pounding into her with fast, deep strokes all the way in and out. Lisa feels his cock like a hot piston rod pounding her to the depths, her pussy folds welcoming each stroke. Every time he draws his cock out, her pussy is waiting in anticipation for the next. His black skin is shining from the sweat, his strong muscles becoming prominent. He is like a hot sex-god like figure fucking a hot woman. His each thrust is so hard that its momentum is transferred to Tyler, and thereon on the bed. The entire bed is shaking with each thrust. Lisa's body is like a rag doll. She would get knocked out of the bed with this kind of pounding, but thanks to Tyler holding her with his arms, hugging her torso and the other two men holding her in place she remained on the bed.
Lisa screams, "Yes, fuck me, fuck me, take me, take... that ...pussy, fuck... me, yes..., yes.., oh yeah, fuck....fuck."
Jason bursts his nut like a volcano shooting hot lava deep inside her pussy.
"Oooooh my God, Aaaaaargh, Uuuuuuhhh, aaaahh, aaaaah, aaaah."
Jason buries his cock balls deep inside Lisa at the peak of his orgasm, with his big balls resting on her ass cheeks. Lisa's pussy is tightly spasming around his cock because she's still in the middle of her orgasm. It's like her pussy has a mind of its own. Jason's glistening. The mix of their love juices ooze out of her pussy despite the cock and pussy being such a tight fit.
Lisa's pussy spasms slowly recede as her orgasm wanes. She is fully exhausted. She shuts her eyes and collapses on Tyler's body with a smile on her face, a feeling of release, contentment, satisfaction.
Jason spent up from his orgasm collapses on top of her, catching up his breath.
Lisa lays sandwiched between Jason and Tyler, yelping, rambling incomprehensible words, and thanking them in between, kissing Jason's neck and Tyler's arm wrapping her. There's a wet puddle of fluids under her. Her legs are still lightly quivering like jelly. Jason looks at her face, feeling lucky that he is at that moment on top of one of the prettiest, most attractive moms, loaded with natural beauty, with perfect skin, and breasts so perfect that they could start a World War. He feels fortunate among all the men in the world. He wonders where this is going to lead to in the near future.
Tom and Jim now stop sucking as the milk flow has stopped. They now need to get away to masturbate to release the tension in their balls. However, they don't want to bother Lisa, as she's had a lot. They let her catch her breath because she's already exhausted. They have done their milk draining job well, and her breasts seem quite deflated than when she walked in.
Tom returns after cleaning up and says, "The bruises will take a few days to heal."
Although there are no surface abrasions or cuts on her nipple, he returns with an antibiotic ointment. Both Tom and Jim apply it to the nipple and areola skin that they worked on.
Jim says, "Although the risk of skin infection is low because there is no break or cut in the skin from our teeth, studs and the nails, this ointment should help." Lisa feels so loved, cared for. "That these guys are so caring", she says to herself.
For the next couple of hours, Lisa lay there, snuggling Jason and Tyler as she recovers and regains her strength, planting kisses on their bodies all this time, thanking them again and again. They also hold her, caress her.
Lisa now gets up. Jim hands her a few towels to wipe up. She put her clothes on. She tightly hugs Tom and Jim and thanks them for what they did tonight. She's very grateful. She says that she's feeling a complete relief from engorgement for the first time in many weeks. She winks and says that her nipples will be sore, but she's going to like that.
All the doctors together explain to her that she will start seeing a difference in her milk outflow and her nipples will increase in size over the next few weeks if they keep doing this and her ducts will become normal or even wider as her nipples get slightly bigger and longer. The thought of this turns her on.
They say that she will never have that milk problem again and that once Paige starts doing better, she can nurse her more than she did before and can have as much milk as she wants. The doctors said that they would always be ready to suck out the excess milk outside this group treatment when needed help. They would not need her to use condoms or birth control because the prolactin hormone released in her body from breastfeeding is a natural birth control. Lisa is so happy to hear this.
Lisa now felt like a new woman, a more feminine version of her, more fertile, a more attractive version of her. The doctors look forward to her next milk draining and fucking session as they have prescribed this treatment once every 4 to 5 days. They are now planning to move this session to the basement, where she could moan as loudly as she wanted to, without being worried about the neighbors.
They've already ordered a plush Tantra chair so they could penetrate her in multiple positions, and some vibrating and sucking toys for her nipples. They set up hot lights with focus reflectors in the basement as the heat can enhance milk flow, and there's also a shower in the basement for a hot water bath to loosen the milk in her milk bags.
Lisa's milk problem is taken care of now. Jason mentioned to his roommates about the thought of breeding her in the future as a group. They agree to raise the k** together if she gets knocked up, and they plan to propose this idea to her in the future. Deep down, Lisa wants the same thing. She is sore everywhere tonight, but she's so happy because there's a solution for her milk problem now, and she's never been so sexually satisfied. She's thinking about living this new lifestyle and seeing how things go.
Lisa was facing an unusual problem in her life right now. Paige has experienced a condition called breast milk jaundice. The doctors advised her to use baby-feed formula and not to breastfeed until this condition resolves on its own in a few weeks. Lisa agreed to what the doctors wanted her to do and the resulting swelling in her breasts made it painful. Her breasts felt swollen and full all the time and not having a mouth to feed made her drip milk at random times.
Things did not go better as Paige was not able to suck hard enough. The pain just didn't seem to go away as Paige struggled with breastfeeding. It was many endless nights of using the breast pump but a lot of the time she was not able to pump and had to deal with the pain and many stained shirts.
Going to the doctors revealed that she had clogged ducts. The one doctor seemed impressed at the size of her nipples as they now jutted out of her tit more than an inch. She needed to use a heavy padded bra, or her nipples would be seen in anything she wore. The initial diagnosis was clogged ducts. The doctors were suspicious if the problem was beyond that, and they ordered a special micro-ultrasound test to examine the milk ducts located deep inside her breasts. To their surprise, they found it was a rare case of narrow ducts. Lisa had abundant milk producing glands inside her breasts but her milk ducts (tubes carrying milk outwards all the way towards the nipple pores) were narrower than of average women.
The doctors explained with the help of a diagram of breast anatomy, that how this made it even harder for her breasts to let go of all the milk. Human milk has several components, including fats, a more solid component and is like butter. Under normal circumstances, the butter is dissolved in the milk as it is emptied regularly. The stagnation was causing the solid component to separate further narrowing her already narrow ducts and the lactiferous sinuses (a sinus where milk ducts from the entire breast converge) located underneath the areola, making her even more clogged, and causing her the pain.
After all this intensive assessment and identifying the exact causes of this problem, Lisa was advised to do the same things that she was already doing and knew from looking online. She shook her head. Lisa walked out with only medication for the pain and embarrassment that the one doctor probably got erect from looking at her breasts and seeing her large, oversized nipples.
Every morning, Lisa would look outside the window as she drank her coffee at the dinner table. She did not know many neighbors, but she noticed that the house next to the one right across the street had three black male tenants. She learned that they were resident doctors working at a nearby hospital as they left for work in scrubs or white coats, and stethoscopes. She would talk to them when she watered her plants. They had rented the house across the street, and were living as roommates for their residency, probably because the rent in the neighborhood was too high, and the location was close to the hospital. She learned their names -- Jason, Tom, and Jim. They seemed in their early 30s, well-built, muscular, and athletic. Jim was shorter than her, whereas the other two were as tall as her. She found all of them attractive, but Jason was the one she was most attracted to. Jason had a French beard, big arms, and huge shoulders.
One night around 9 PM, Paige was crying uncontrollably, and she couldn't understand why. She was thinking of taking her to the ER, but she saw Jason sitting out on his front porch with the lights on. She took Paige over to Jason after he agreed to have a look.
He examined her ears and nose and says, "It must be a common cold. There is some inflammation, but the over the counter medicines from the local d**g store should immediately help."
He continues, "You don't need to take her to the ER unless this just doesn't stop the crying until early morning."
Jason saved her a visit to an ER. This was really helpful because Lisa was facing financial struggles since the last few months. The c***d was not her ex-husband's, but the guy she had dated after her divorce. He had disappeared after he learned that she got pregnant.
The medicines helped, and the next day, Lisa went over to thank Jason when she saw him return from work. He invited her into their living room. She first thanked him and then they were just doing small talk. A wet spot appeared on her t-shirt; Jason's eyes went there. She is dismayed to find out she was leaking milk.
Seeing her reaction Jason says, "I'm sorry, please don't be embarrassed. I understand. It's a common problem with lactating mothers."
"Thank you for understanding, but my problem is much worse than it looks."
Jason nodded his head and then answered her, "I'm a pediatric resident doctor and I see this problem often in new mothers who are breastfeeding for the first time."
Lisa's eyes lit up. "Really?" Her heart skipped a beat as she was not told this before and felt like Jason could be her savior.
He shrugged and smiled making the problem seem trivial. "Your baby sometimes does not have the suction needed to help you express your milk. A strong suction...for example a man's mouth sucking would draw out the milk and open up your ducts."
For the first time she felt like her main problem was solved, but she now wondered who she could get.
Before she could think about who, Jason smiled at her. "I don't mind helping you out. Let me see your problem breast."
It was odd him bringing it up but taking away the pain seemed perfect. She looked around to see if anyone was nearby as exposing her tits was something she did not do often. She lifted her shirt up and held her breath as her large tits flopped out showing off their weight and size as they bounced slightly. They now hung in front of him like udders of milk for a hungry mouth.
Jason examined them. He led her to the kitchen and had her sit on the counter too for easy access. Both his roommates are on duty tonight, so she doesn't have to worry about anyone walking in on them.
She lifts her huge left breast, which is bigger than her head, with her both hands and offers it to him.
Jason is turned on to see her large pink nipple inviting his mouth. He notices that her skin is milky white, soft, and her breast very ripe, and sagging a little with the weight from all the milk. The nipple is large, one of the largest he has seen as a doctor, but they are also aesthetic. They are about one and a half inches long when not erect, and the areola is quite large with bumps make them look very ripe. After all, her tits are 36H. Jason is incredibly turned on to see that, but he does well to hide it and appear thoroughly professional.
He moves closer to the nipple and takes a moment to admire it. It is moist, glistening, pink, raw, with visible pores which are the opening of her ducts. It's a nipple of a fully lactating mom, a source of rich, nourishing fluid of life, full of love.
Jason engulfs the nipple and the surrounding areola in his mouth. He takes a moment to acknowledge the huge flesh underneath the warm skin of the nipple and areola with his tongue. He now closes his eyes and applies gentle suction, and starts working his jaws, just like a baby would after latching onto a mother's nipple. There is no milk at first. He responds by increasing the suction pressure. Milk now follows but very slowly. Lisa is impressed by how he knows to latch so well.
After 15 minutes of suckling, the breasts are slightly drained. She still has some residual milk, but the engorgement is gone. Lisa finally has some relief.
He says with a friendly smile, "You should be good for the night."
Lisa is so delighted that she's not engorged for the first time in so many days. She thanks him. He offers her water and juice after that feeding saying she needs to keep hydrated.
Here's where Jason's devious side comes out. He mixes domperidone in her orange juice, unbeknown to her. Domperidone is a d**g that increases lactation, knowing that she's going to be engorged even more with this d**g with her existing problem. He shares his number and asks her to text him or call him if she needs help with suckling her milk out again. She agrees with a smile and returns home.
As expected, by afternoon on the next day, Lisa's tits are filled with milk. She is now very engorged, much more than she usually was, and in severe pain. The domperidone has made it worse. She calls Jason asking for his advice. He says he is sorry to hear that. He wants to help her like last night, but he won't be home until 8 PM. She says that she's going to be in a lot of pain by then, she will have to be patient. Jason then reassures her and suggests a plan.
He says that she would need both her breasts sucked aggressively and simultaneously. The problem with her ducts is much more severe than he initially thought. They need to be dilated using more than just sucking, which he did last night. If the suckling involved some additional forces on the nipple such as stretching, biting, chewing motions, tugging, and a stronger suction than he did last night, it might help.
Her nipple and areola would experience all kinds of sensations, and all this would help the milk ejection letdown reflex (which is based on sensory stimulation).
He goes on to explain in a very technical way how the proposed treatment would also keep her breasts ripe and always ready for the infant. Also, suckling leads to bonding, which in turn enhances the milk flow. This happens due to love hormones released in a nursing woman's blood when a human jaw is suckling. A grown adult male jaw sucking is better than baby or a pump. It needs to be done in a right way keeping in mind the anatomy of the nipple and the underlying ducts. The bonding in this case is even stronger and it would benefit her breasts, fertility, and overall health.
Jason further says that this will eventually help her to develop a strong milk ejection letdown reflex. Lisa is trying to listen and comprehend amidst the severe pain and tightness in her breasts. All she senses is that Jason is trying to help her, and she's happy to learn that he is trying so hard to solve her problem using his expert medical knowledge. The pain and pressure in her breasts are clouding her mind, and she's unable to think of this situation from any other angle. She's also a little turned on by this conversation, but right now her main problem is the engorgement. There is just a lot of buildup of the milk to be taken care of right now.
Jason further explains that the milk flow is further enhanced if someone penetrated her while she was being suckled. This would definitely increase the chances of achieving a letdown reflex. Therefore, she needs two mouths and one guy inside her for this plan to work.
He further hints that it is possible to try this plan because he had two doctor roommates-- Tom and Jim-- who might be happy to help. And they would do it the right way because they have medical knowledge on breast anatomy and lactation.
Lisa agrees to trying this intensive sucking treatment proposed by him, hoping it would help her. Jason again says that he's very sorry that she's in pain right now, but they could start working on her as soon as they are back at 8PM.
She arrives at their house at 8 PM in anticipation of relieving the pain as soon as possible and possibly trying a new solution for her problem which has been getting worse throughout the day, and the last few weeks. She brings Paige along in a stroller because the sucking treatment is going to take a while, and she can't leave Paige alone at home. She feels safe at the doctors' and they suggested that would be fine. She puts Paige to sleep in the next room.
Then they get together in Jason's bedroom on his king-sized bed. He lays a cover on his mattress as he knows it's going to get messy. He takes her t-shirt and nursing bra off.
Her breasts drop out of the bra like two heavy bouncing objects. Her nipples and the entire breast jiggle, but less than usual because the skin is so taut tonight. Her nipple is wet, with a drop of milk, glistening reddish pink in color, the veins around her nipple appear engorged. She knows the pain is because of the milk and is eager to let these men suck it out.
The three men now start working on her. Jason tells her that she will get a letdown tonight if his plan works. She's thrilled to hear that because she badly wants a letdown because she's never had one. "Let alone a letdown, I've never even had a proper flow with the pump suction," she says to herself.
Jason further suggests that the letdown can be even more efficient and faster if there was anal penetration involved at the same time her pussy was penetrated. Because that would release even more love hormones in her body, which would help milk ejection. She is surprised to hear this because this wasn't the original plan he discussed on the phone. Jason explains to her this added exercise as a part of her treatment is only to help her. Lisa believes him; she's now mentally prepared for a double penetration session.
Jason came up with this new idea impromptu; he realizes that they now need one more person. They have only three people for a job that needs four. He calls his coworker and friend Tyler, a nurse at the same hospital. Tyler is a black guy, 5'6", in his early 20s. Jason says that they are all tested and confirms that everyone is clean because the things they will be doing will involve exchanging fluids. Jason assures Lisa that Tyler will be gentle with her ass and use lots of lube. His cock is not as big as theirs, and she wouldn't feel any pain or discomfort, and that he will explain to Tyler exactly how to do it right in this situation, which is different than the conventional anal sex that can hurt. Lisa agrees. Tyler arrives in 5 minutes as he doesn't live far away.
Lisa feels relieved as he arrives, as she knows that her breasts are going to get finally drained.
Tyler quickly undresses and lies on his back. Lisa is impressed to see his chiseled abs. Looking at Lisa's beautiful body, the smell of her skin, and the smell of cunt arouses Tyler, and his cock gets instantly hard. Jason insists that he be generous with the lube, to which Tyler agrees. Tyler slowly takes off her panties and asks Lisa if she is ready. Lisa looks at Jason for approval. He suggests to her a position such that she is on top of Tyler, on her back, with her ass resting against the tip of his cock. He tells her that her sphincter would slowly dilate. Tyler starts rubbing the tip of cock against her anal opening as she opens up. He massages her back and buttock, trying to get her to relax. He loves touching her soft skin.
The men in the room can now smell her sex, and they are all incredibly turned on by it. Tom and Jim position themselves by her side. They first start massaging her breasts as they tell her, "This is to loosen the milk, and massage the ducts, and get the breast ready to let go of the milk as we suck it out." Lisa feels so proud of herself that tonight she is with these guys who know what they are doing. She has an embarrassed, half smile on her face that she is trying to hide.
Tom and Jim now stop massaging her breasts and will start sucking soon.
They tell her, "Jason will penetrate you after we have worked on your nipple to a certain extent."
"We will try our best to coax out the milk from your entire breast first. We will try to remove most of it. It might be difficult to get all of it out which is why we will depend on the letdown to empty the rest. That will hopefully happen when Jason gets into the picture to penetrate you."
Lisa's anal sphincter dilates to let more of Tyler's cock in. Tyler starts with slow, gentle strokes, going deeper with each stroke at a very slow pace. Her ass eventually accommodates his girth. After a few minutes, Tyler is now more than halfway in her ass and slowly thrusting until he goes all the way in. He caresses her arms and back to make her feel relaxed, loved, and cared. Lisa now utters a few moans. Tyler has an average-sized cock which works great for this occasion because Lisa was worried about getting hurt in the ass from a bigger cock. Tyler begins to slowly fuck Lisa with slow, gentle strokes, going deeper at a very slow pace, only making gentle love to her and is not working towards his own orgasm. Her ass eventually accommodated all of his cock. He feels her body reciprocating, her warm ass is gripping, holding on to his entire cock.
At this point, Jason crawls on top of Lisa. He goes by her right ear and whispers, "I want you to know that this treatment session is for your milk problem. For it to work effectively, I would advise you to mentally be in a submissive state of mind. Let the guys use your nipples as they wish. We are going to work on dilating your ducts as we talked earlier. They are doctors, and they know what they are doing. You may completely trust them."
"I would say just "give" your nipples, "surrender" your nipples to these guys for the night. Let them do what they want. They will be aggressive with your nipples, but only to the extent that's going to help you; they will be careful not to damage anything under that nipple."
"Do you understand? And is that okay?
Lisa nods, "Yes, I understand. I will do my best to follow what you said"
Jason responds that, "Then you should let them know that you are okay with them using you tonight as they wish."
Lisa then says out loud to Tom and Jim who are sucking her nipples, "These nipples belong to you for the night. I fully trust you two. You may use my nipples as you wish. I will accept all sensations you are giving to my nipples. We have also agreed to vaginal and anal penetration, which I trust you will be gentle with. I have not had sex for a long time."
She goes on, "I will not resist or stop you at any time. If I do, you may stop me. I know you are doing it for my good, and I will understand. And I appreciate it."
Lisa isn't sure if this is her submissive side talking or if she's being a good patient for these doctors. She trusts them, she wants this to work, and she is also beginning to enjoy it a little.
Jim, who is on her left nipple says, "Okay, thanks! We wanted to know that."
They proceed to work on her nipples. They begin by licking her areola from the outside, slowly moving towards the center, then licking the nipple and its tip.
They first try a gentle suck. There is just a faint taste of the milk. There is hardly any milk coming with this suction.
They tell her that they need to stimulate the sensory nerve endings of her nipple first to see if milk flows. This is called the milk ejection reflex and it should normally express milk, like how it works when babies suck. They let her know this, and that they will be increasing the intensity in steps.
Their mouths go back to latch on her nipples. Now, along with the suction, they also flick the tip of her nipple with their tongue.
Lisa gasps in response and feels tingles of pleasure firing from the tip of her nipples. She's now getting increasingly turned on. The sexual aspect of tonight's exercise now starts catching up on Lisa
At the same time, her ass has warmed up to Tyler's cock. He is comfortably inside her, and he feels her canal become more moist, more lubricated on its own.
Tom and Jim now wrap their lips around her areola, taking her entire teat in their mouths. They slowly increase the suction.
Lisa utters a light moan with the sudden increase in suction. She places her hands on their shoulders and then starts caressing their heads. She is loving the attention her nipples are getting; it's a different feeling than with Paige sucking. She notices that other than the bonding with a soul nourishing from you, there is an added sexual element to the bonding tonight. This is two adult males drinking from her, drawing out nourishment from her body which was meant for a baby.
Tom and Jim notice that despite their increased suction, Lisa's breasts are still not giving out milk at a speed they are meant to. They look at each other and signal with a nod that they need to up take it one step higher. They now start stimulating her nipple in multiple ways. They are not only sucking the entire teat with greater force, but they bring their entire jaw and tongue in play. They press the nipple on the roof of their mouth with their tongues. They start squeezing her teat in their mouth with chewing motions of their strong jaws, just like how babies do.
Lisa starts writhing and her breathing becomes deep and erratic. This is the first time she is ever felt these sensations on her nipple.
The new, more intense stimulation is finally showing results. Lisa's milk flow increases. Lisa's breasts are now actively releasing the milk although the release is still very slow.
Tom and Jim now bring their teeth into play. Lisa's writhes uncontrollably as their teeth sc**** against her sensitive nipple and areola skin. As they are sucking and nibbling her teat, they massage it using their tongue along its length in rhythmic motions to push the butter out of the clogged ducts. They can feel the milk drawn out in their mouths with every stroke of their tongue.
The men pause for a second. Lisa wonders why. She opens her eyes to see them putting their tongue studs on, and then resume the suckling. She is slightly nervous about what is coming next, but she remembers what Jason told he. She needs to submit herself; she needs to trust them.
Tom and Jim resume drawing out her milk as they were, but now with metal tongue studs on. As they are coaxing milk out of her teats with their tongue, the metal stud is now scr****g against Lisa's nipple and stimulating it in an entirely different way. Lisa didn't expect this and loves how it feels. She moans in low pitch with every stroke of their tongue.
She's never had the sensation of metal grinding her nipple meat before. She's writhing in pleasure even more now. It feels like her delicate nipple flesh is squeezed between the upper palate on one side and the hard stud and soft tongue on the other side. Powerful waves of pleasure are sweeping from her nipple to her pussy. She's getting increasingly wet and a drop of pussy juice appears at her pussy lips
After two minutes of working her nipples in this manner, her milk is still not flowing fast enough as it should in a letdown. Tom and Jim pause for a second and talk to each other on what to do next.
She's already having a hard time handling this, but they need to take this one level further.
They bring two-inch nails into the play. Both of them pokes the nail on one side of the nipple flesh, not hard enough that it pierces the skin, squeezing the nipple flesh between the nail on one side and their tongue with studs on the other side, and resume rubbing, massaging the nipple flesh along the length of the nipple, coaxing the milk out of the duct openings with greater force than before.
Lisa finds this sensation on her nipple completely new and unbearably pleasurable. Her entire nipple, areola, and flesh underneath are on fire. It feels like her nipples are being loved and punished at the same time.
"Punished" by the cold harsh metal object because they haven't been behaving well when it comes to releasing the milk. "Loved" by the soft, warm tongue giving soothing and gentle pleasure to the nipples to coax them to let go of the milk. She feels her nipples being "used" or "toyed" with, but in a way to help her.
Poor Lisa was already having a hard time, but now she's facing another type of pleasure that her mind cannot process. These pleasure sensations are so overwhelming that she is now whimpering, letting out low volume high-pitched squeals with every stroke of their tongue rubbing the nipple meat against the nail, holding on to the shoulders.
She is loving that her nipples are being taken by these guys. They are taking complete control of it, and she knows that resisting them is also not good for her, because this is a part of the milking treatment.
She raises her head to watch them with a sensual glance, their mouths passionately working her nipples. She's already in love with them, she kisses their foreheads.
Lisa is building towards an orgasm for the first time from just her nipples being worked.
Tom and Jim are either getting a little too excited or trying harder to help her achieve a let down; they start poking the nail a little deeper but without piercing the skin. The nails they are using on her don't have a sharp tip; they had slightly grounded the tip against a hard surface to make it less easy to pierce the skin.
Lisa whimpers in pain and pleasure, grimacing when the nail is poked too hard into her nipple meat as it is causing a hot burning pleasure sensation. She is experiencing the highest levels of pleasure in the night so far. There are tears in her eyes. She keeps planting multiple short, repeated kisses on the foreheads of the two mouths doing this to her. Her orgasm is building.
Waves of pleasure are sweeping throughout her body; each wave stronger than the previous one. She starts arching her back and thrusting her hip. With an inevitable orgasm on its way, her nipples spurt out milk from each duct opening from the combination of strong suction from their mouths and the stroke of tongue squeezing on her nipple meat against the metal nail.
As orgasm hits Lisa, her body starts convulsing, her eyes roll, her entire body becomes rigid, her legs start kicking in the air.
She pushes Tom and Jim away, but they hold on tight.
She remembers what Jason said. She should let them take control, handle her nipples and not resist. She wants them to keep doing it and not stop.
Lisa's orgasm lasts for a minute. The men on her nipples now slow down to go easy with the stimulation. They remove their tongue studs and the nails from the action. Her nipples have had enough of that for now. They put their mouths back on the nipples and hold it in place allowing Lisa to recover. After two minutes, they lick her areola and nipples for a few minutes, followed by latching on once again. They begin sucking gently, gradually increasing the suction.
Lisa takes a moment to think about what's going on. She's so grateful that two strong adult male jaws are nursing from her to help with her milk problem. It is also so very sexually satisfying. Although she hasn't had a letdown, they have sucked out a significant amount of milk. Her skin feels less tight, but she knows that tonight's treatment session isn't over yet.
She's impressed that these men could take all of her nipple and areola in their mouths, something that her baby couldn't. This itself has made a huge difference. She feels lucky because she got the best deal-- a group of doctors, medical professionals who know what they are doing, which is so much better than an average man helping her. They are working on her nipple problem, and this would have never gotten worked out any better way.
After her orgasms, the milk starts flowing into their mouths faster than before. She can hear gulping sounds of the men swallowing. It's like a suck-swallow-suck cycle. She finds this incredibly erotic. Lisa is so turned on and wants to get fucked so badly that she subconsciously starts humping on the impaled Tyler's cock, but he holds her hip and stops her. He whispers in her ear, she needs to wait, and there's time for that. He holds her tightly so she can't move anymore. She gives in.
Tom and Jim now signal Jason that she's ready for vaginal penetration. Lisa hasn't had a letdown yet, although her milk is now flowing out faster than before. She remembers that Jason had mentioned that she would most likely achieve a letdown while she was penetrated vaginally during sucking. She was hoping that she would get a letdown by now but that didn't happen. Now she has to be penetrated which was the original plan.
Jason is turned on watching all the action so far. He walks in with his 8-inch, erect fat cock, and positions himself between her legs. Lisa's body is moist and shining from all the sweating that happened during her nipple orgasm.
Jason first plants gentle kisses on her inner thighs, her pussy lips and her clit hood, and then her lips. The way she smells down there further turns him on.
Jason desperately wants to fuck her now. He rubs the tip of his cock on her outer pussy lips and clit hood while staring into her eyes. Lisa is looking back at him with a heavy-lidded expression. Tyler is still deep in her ass. She's on her back, lying completely on Tyler's body. Jason holds her legs and spreads them wide getting ready to plunge his cock deep inside her.
Tom and Jim take over holding her legs for Jason. He asks her to relax and now starts rubbing the tip of his cock up and down her pussy's pink inner lips gently. Her entire pussy is extremely wet and leaking already. She pushes her hip towards his cock moaning softly.
Jason now penetrates her slowly. She watches with passion his thick, fat cock with prominent veins, glistening from her pussy juices slowly disappear completely inside her. She is amazed how pussy lips are wrapping around, gripping his thick cock, and how her pussy is able to accommodate all of it.
Her pussy badly wants it. All of it.
He follows up with slow strokes, going deeper with each stroke.
Eventually, he buries his cock deep inside her, all the way in. The tip of his cock is in the space near her cervix, and his balls resting against her ass cheeks, and pauses. Her pussy let him in like butter allowing a hot knife to go through it. The skin contrast between his big black cock and her pink pussy lips really turns her on. Jason now leans over her completely and kisses her.
Jason and Tyler are now fully hard, deep inside her pussy and ass. Tom and Jim are laying on each side with their faces on her breasts sagging outwards. They now stop just sucking, and resume using their lips, teeth, and tongue.
Lisa's mind is focused on her nipples because the sensations coming from there are becoming intense. The throbbing cocks inside her distract her momentarily, but her mind comes back to her nipples. This is because Jason and Tyler are still and haven't started pounding her yet. They want her to initiate the fucking movements.
Jason kisses her and whispers into her ear, "Do you want to get fucked by these two cocks?"
"Yes, I really want to, so badly. Why haven't you two started fucking me yet?" Lisa whispers back.
"If you want it, you should start. Start thrusting your hips front and back. I want YOU to be in control at this moment on, I want you to enjoy it."
Lisa nods with a smile.
Jason slowly moves his face towards her. She looks deeply into his eyes, holds his face, and kisses his thick lower lip. Jason responds by kissing back and start kissing each other passionately.
Lisa has been wanting badly to get pounded but she was waiting for them to initiate it. Now she knows.
In a dazed state of mind, high from all the pleasure, she starts gyrating her hips and then slowly starts moving her pelvis up and down. She can feel her pelvis fully stuffed with two large cocks, and her pelvis has clutched on to them, holding them inside her.
Now Lisa is fucking both her holes and getting her milk sucked out at the same time. Her mind still cannot decide which part of the body she should focus on-- her pussy and ass or the nipples.
Next few moments, Lisa experiences something that has never happened to her. Waves of pleasure beginning from her nipples pass through her body.
She feels hundreds of sharp, tingling sensations; some very painful, arising from deep inside her breasts. She winces for a second.
Lisa feels confused as what is happening. She has never experienced this sensation before. It's something completely new.
She doesn't know if this is something good or bad.
Lisa doesn't know that this is a sign of an oncoming letdown. Women experience tingling sensations in their breasts before an oncoming letdown. Milk is going to gush out of her nipples on its own for the first time like it never did before.
Lisa's milk letdown begins.
Her milk gushes out of her nipples at a peak pace. Tom and Jim are getting a mouthful of milk all of a sudden but they keep up swallowing all of it. They pause for a second and release their mouths.
Tom tells Lisa, "Look here," showing her her letdown.
Lisa becomes ecstatic with a smile on her face and teary eyes.
"That's so beautiful. I'm so happy!! I thought I was never going to get this!! I am soooo happy!! Thank you so much!!! I feel like more of a whole woman for the first time."
She is so impressed by what these men have accomplished. She remembers what Jason said on the phone in the afternoon.
"He was right!" she tells herself.
Lisa has a full, beautiful smile suggesting satisfaction on her face, "I've never seen that kind of milk flowing from my nipples. I always wished I had it. Thank you so much again guys. I really appreciate it," she puts her face into Jason's neck, wrapping her arms around him and starts crying of happiness.
Tom and Jim rub her back and shoulder affectionately.
"You are on the right track with us taking control of your nipples now. Soon, they will start giving out milk with a good flow for good, and your problem will be taken care of."
Tom and Jim resume their latch on her nipples taking as much of her nipple meat in their mouth and start sucking her nipples in a suck-swallow-suck cycle, just like babies do, trying to keep up with the speed at which the milk is flowing out from her giant nipple.
Lisa lying sandwiched between Jason and Tyler, hugging by his neck, starts moaning again as the two men dutifully suckle on her with intensity.
Jason and Tyler resume thrusting into Lisa.
Lisa's hips start reciprocating with increasing pace and intensity.
She knows that she is now building towards an orgasm from penetration. It's been a year since she's divorced and got pregnant with the first guy she dated, and he left her. She's never had sex since then and needed this badly.
Lisa wimpers, "I want you to fuck me," getting louder.
"Fuck me."
Now even louder and in an authoritative tone.
"Fuck me!! Fuck meeee!! I want you to fuck my pussssyyy and my asss."
Jason and Tyler respond, "Yes ma'am."
Something is coming over Lisa now. She is increasingly turning into a sexual a****l, from a "patient" tonight from this point on.
"Please both of you fuck me, fuck me hard, harder, pleeeeaaase," she begs. "I'm done waiting for this now, it's been too long," she complains. "Fuccckk!"
Jason and Tyler oblige. They now start pounding into her pussy and ass rhythmically, one goes in as the other comes out. Lisa's body is responds by thrusting back, matching their strokes. It feels like a purely carnal ceremony for her tits, pussy and ass. Her slim, milky white hips are slapping against two big, muscular ones.
Obscene wet, slurpy sounds of mixing love juices and flesh slapping against flesh fill the room. This, combined with her thrusting movements, is rubbing the inner walls of her pussy and ass with tremendous sexual friction, firing sensations of pleasure to her spine and all of her body. Lisa starts now moaning at the top of the voice. Thankfully, Paige is asleep in the next room.
Lisa wants this moment to never end. She is theirs. She has given her body to these four men for the night, and her nipples to two doctors for oral treatment, and she's proud of her decision.
Lisa moves her hands to hold Jason by his muscular butt and with her legs spread wider, allowing him to thrust his hips deeper into her. She's rhythmically moving her hips fucking Jason on the upwards motion, and guiding Tyler's cock deep into her ass on the downward motion, servicing her pussy and ass with every cycle of movement.
Her body is entirely on top of Tyler's, and she is not even using her arms for support and control during this delicate double penetration act, which can hurt her if gone out of control. She is like a rag doll between these men, letting them control her body, use her. She is so opened up to these men because they warmed her up slowly. Tyler, despite being in her ass, made her feel so comfortable and didn't let it hurt her, makes her feel very affectionate towards him. She turns her head sideways and kisses him to tell him that she appreciates that.
As she approaches her orgasm, she looks into Jason's eyes with a heavy-lidded passionate expression. She is thinking about him and is so grateful to him for making this happen. She pulls his face towards her and kisses him passionately.
Tyler, on the other hand is massaging, kneading the soft pliable flesh of her 36H breasts with his big hands and strong fingers. He is intently squeezing the ducts that are located deep inside her massive breast flesh. Because of this, her ducts are getting stroked and emptied forwards, and thereon the milk is emptied even faster to the two mouths sucking her teats.
Tom and Jim now get into the act to catch up with the milk that Tyler is squeezing forward. To create a greater suction force on her ducts located deep inside her large breasts, they are no more just sucking with pressure at the nipple, but also tugging on her long teats, holding them by biting into the base of her areola with their teeth. They are pulling the teat outwards, away from her chest, drawing the milk out with each stroke, squeezing and massaging the nipple meat between their tongue and upper jaw.
Lisa feels like her soul is now being sucked out of her body from her teats, watching her body getting used, and pleased to new levels she never knew existed. Her breathing becomes increasingly heavy and ragged. She just can't handle it anymore. Her mind is struggling to process all the pleasure waves coming. She tries to move away using her hands, but they grab them firmly and move them out of the way, and pin them over her head. With their other hand, they hold her by her waist on each side tightly to keep her in place. With all this going on, Tom, who is on the left nipple, now slides his left hand between Jason and Lisa reaching for her clit. He finds it and starts gently rubbing her clit, gradually increasing the intensity.
All this becomes just too much to handle for Lisa. She cannot take it anymore.
It is a sensory overload of pleasure sensory; she's worried if she can handle this and not pass out. Her body starts quivering and bucking, and her eyes start rolling. The pleasure is so unbearable that her body is trying to escape it. But her mind wants it. Her mind really wants it.
She's lucky to be in this zone. This may or may not ever happen again in her life. She is so happy that these men are forcing her to endure it. They know what she wants, what she needs.
Lisa knows that she can't keep resisting. She shouldn't. She needs to give in completely. She feels that she is being an ungrateful, bad girl. With this realization, Lisa lets go of her inhibitions. She mentally opens herself to all incoming sensory reception, welcoming every sensation coming in from these four men, and wanting even more.
She lets her sexual being inside her take control this moment. And after all, they are also trying to help her. She wants them to use her, to let all the incoming love sensations in, let them go all the way deep inside her, inside her heart, her soul.
Her nipples, her milk, her breasts, her body, her soul is theirs. They own all of it. She is theirs.
Tom and Jim now become even more aggressive with the suction and tugging on her nipples. They forcefully tug her nipples with their teeth drawing milk out with each draw. Her pink, tender nipple flesh at this point is so sensitive that she can feel every spurt of milk spraying out from the duct openings.
Lisa moans and squeals loudly with every draw. "Oooooh.... Ooooh... Ooooooh" watching the two mouths alternatively.
She is approaching another orgasm.
Jason and Tyler know that this is the most important phase when maximum milk needs to be drawn out. They get into the act. They start thrusting into her alternatively, allowing her to focus on the sensations coming from her pussy and ass, one at a time. But the strokes are deep and powerful, amplifying the build-up of her orgasm. Lisa feels like a dam inside is about to burst soon.
A drop of tears starts rolling down her cheek. Her moist eyes are locked deep into Jason's eyes with an intense, passionate look. She's so overwhelmed with pleasure that she is no longer moaning. She is entirely silent. Her breathing stops, her body becomes frozen, waiting for an onslaught of a powerful orgasm. Her now eyes roll up and then shut close.
"Yes, Yes, Yes," she cries in a high pitched voice. Each "Yes" louder than the previous one.
Lisa transitions to uttering incomprehensible words and sounds in high pitch. "Yess. ... Give.... me, give eeett........giiveeeee", following by high pitched mewing moans.
Orgasm hits Lisa like a freight train. She cries out loud, "Oh! Gaaaaawwddd," bucking her hips followed by violent shaking of her entire body.
She is in another world. Her thighs start shaking like jelly, legs kicking in the air. She feels like she is about to pass out from so much pleasure.
She pushes the guys away with her arms and elbow because the pleasure is just too much to handle. But Jason and Tyler are merciless and relentless. They do not stop fucking her; they keep fucking with the same intensity watching her "suffer" with so much pleasure. And they do a good job holding their place despite her pushing them away, thanks to their muscular strength. Tyler, Tom, and Jim hold her so tight, pinning her wrists above her head, so that she's not able to get away or push them away. In retrospect, this is exactly what Lisa wanted. Her body didn't know what her mind wanted. She wanted them to make her fully experience every sensation they were giving her.
Tom and Jim also had a job to do. It was also important that her breasts be continuously sucked and drained throughout this orgasm. Lisa's breasts are giving away a lot of milk in rapid spurts in the letdown through the orgasm. It was crucial that they stopped her from pushing them away during the orgasm to avoid leftover milk residue in her breasts.
Halfway through the orgasm, Lisa's body slows down convulsing, and her resistance subsides because she's getting exhausted and powerless. She is left with no choice but to accept the incoming pleasure sensations from the four men. Tom and Jim now loosen their grip on her but keep sucking. Jason and Tyler have held on to their orgasm so far. Jason is still pounding into her with long deep slow strokes. His cock is moving in and out of her pussy effortlessly because she has gushed a lot of pussy juice. Tyler is being gentle with her ass because he doesn't want her anal sphincter to get hurt. Lisa is still in a state of trance as her orgasmic wave is waning.
Tyler loudly moans "Aaaaaaah", cumming in her ass. He feels like a hot silky canal is tightly gripping his dick and the pulsations of his dick is being absorbed by it, his love seed being accepted by her depths. He holds her still in place because Jason is not done yet.
With her first orgasmic wave receding, Lisa feels the next one coming.
"Fuuuucccck, fuck yes. Fuuuuuuuuucccckkkk," she moans in a high-pitched low voice, with teary eyes.
Jason picks up his pace. He is now into "bull" mode, like a wild a****l, full of energy relentlessly pounding into her with fast, deep strokes all the way in and out. Lisa feels his cock like a hot piston rod pounding her to the depths, her pussy folds welcoming each stroke. Every time he draws his cock out, her pussy is waiting in anticipation for the next. His black skin is shining from the sweat, his strong muscles becoming prominent. He is like a hot sex-god like figure fucking a hot woman. His each thrust is so hard that its momentum is transferred to Tyler, and thereon on the bed. The entire bed is shaking with each thrust. Lisa's body is like a rag doll. She would get knocked out of the bed with this kind of pounding, but thanks to Tyler holding her with his arms, hugging her torso and the other two men holding her in place she remained on the bed.
Lisa screams, "Yes, fuck me, fuck me, take me, take... that ...pussy, fuck... me, yes..., yes.., oh yeah, fuck....fuck."
Jason bursts his nut like a volcano shooting hot lava deep inside her pussy.
"Oooooh my God, Aaaaaargh, Uuuuuuhhh, aaaahh, aaaaah, aaaah."
Jason buries his cock balls deep inside Lisa at the peak of his orgasm, with his big balls resting on her ass cheeks. Lisa's pussy is tightly spasming around his cock because she's still in the middle of her orgasm. It's like her pussy has a mind of its own. Jason's glistening. The mix of their love juices ooze out of her pussy despite the cock and pussy being such a tight fit.
Lisa's pussy spasms slowly recede as her orgasm wanes. She is fully exhausted. She shuts her eyes and collapses on Tyler's body with a smile on her face, a feeling of release, contentment, satisfaction.
Jason spent up from his orgasm collapses on top of her, catching up his breath.
Lisa lays sandwiched between Jason and Tyler, yelping, rambling incomprehensible words, and thanking them in between, kissing Jason's neck and Tyler's arm wrapping her. There's a wet puddle of fluids under her. Her legs are still lightly quivering like jelly. Jason looks at her face, feeling lucky that he is at that moment on top of one of the prettiest, most attractive moms, loaded with natural beauty, with perfect skin, and breasts so perfect that they could start a World War. He feels fortunate among all the men in the world. He wonders where this is going to lead to in the near future.
Tom and Jim now stop sucking as the milk flow has stopped. They now need to get away to masturbate to release the tension in their balls. However, they don't want to bother Lisa, as she's had a lot. They let her catch her breath because she's already exhausted. They have done their milk draining job well, and her breasts seem quite deflated than when she walked in.
Tom returns after cleaning up and says, "The bruises will take a few days to heal."
Although there are no surface abrasions or cuts on her nipple, he returns with an antibiotic ointment. Both Tom and Jim apply it to the nipple and areola skin that they worked on.
Jim says, "Although the risk of skin infection is low because there is no break or cut in the skin from our teeth, studs and the nails, this ointment should help." Lisa feels so loved, cared for. "That these guys are so caring", she says to herself.
For the next couple of hours, Lisa lay there, snuggling Jason and Tyler as she recovers and regains her strength, planting kisses on their bodies all this time, thanking them again and again. They also hold her, caress her.
Lisa now gets up. Jim hands her a few towels to wipe up. She put her clothes on. She tightly hugs Tom and Jim and thanks them for what they did tonight. She's very grateful. She says that she's feeling a complete relief from engorgement for the first time in many weeks. She winks and says that her nipples will be sore, but she's going to like that.
All the doctors together explain to her that she will start seeing a difference in her milk outflow and her nipples will increase in size over the next few weeks if they keep doing this and her ducts will become normal or even wider as her nipples get slightly bigger and longer. The thought of this turns her on.
They say that she will never have that milk problem again and that once Paige starts doing better, she can nurse her more than she did before and can have as much milk as she wants. The doctors said that they would always be ready to suck out the excess milk outside this group treatment when needed help. They would not need her to use condoms or birth control because the prolactin hormone released in her body from breastfeeding is a natural birth control. Lisa is so happy to hear this.
Lisa now felt like a new woman, a more feminine version of her, more fertile, a more attractive version of her. The doctors look forward to her next milk draining and fucking session as they have prescribed this treatment once every 4 to 5 days. They are now planning to move this session to the basement, where she could moan as loudly as she wanted to, without being worried about the neighbors.
They've already ordered a plush Tantra chair so they could penetrate her in multiple positions, and some vibrating and sucking toys for her nipples. They set up hot lights with focus reflectors in the basement as the heat can enhance milk flow, and there's also a shower in the basement for a hot water bath to loosen the milk in her milk bags.
Lisa's milk problem is taken care of now. Jason mentioned to his roommates about the thought of breeding her in the future as a group. They agree to raise the k** together if she gets knocked up, and they plan to propose this idea to her in the future. Deep down, Lisa wants the same thing. She is sore everywhere tonight, but she's so happy because there's a solution for her milk problem now, and she's never been so sexually satisfied. She's thinking about living this new lifestyle and seeing how things go.
3 年 前