A long seduction campaign

Carol is a lovely dark haired beauty. Mid-30s. Married, but not so happily. Very obviously a sensuous person, and I quickly developed a crush on her. I really wanted to have her as a friend and female lover. I purposely stepped a little too close to her, and she didn't step backwards. Gently stroking her hair while telling her how lovely it was. Gently stroking her shoulder, and she didn't retreat. All good signs as I tested the water.

A smart woman, a mathematician and into statistics for some pharmacy corporation. Plays the cello. Great sense of humor. Oh god I'm in love lol. She is not a woman to be approached crudely or aggressively. No no. A woman to be romanced and flirted with.

So my campaign started with a regular girl friend lunch and shopping at a better store. Shoe shopping is always a good place to start. Try on a few dresses together and comment on her body. Her breasts are largish and a little ponderous, and she doesn't think they are pretty enough. No no I tell her they are quite lovely to me with soft brown nipples. I gently stroke the side of 1 breast and tell her not to ever get a breast reduction unless it's a medical thing. I show her my small breasts and the small scar close to my arm pit, where I had a lumpectomy. We talk about breast cancer. And that was our 1st date.

Next date, she greets me with a warm smile, hug and kiss on the cheek. We go off to a nail salon for a girlfriend manicure and pedicure date. She picks a pink polish, and I a dark red polish. This is a girl talk date, where we share a bit about our men, funny stories about dating in high school and college. I reveal that my BF and I both enjoy watching porno. Well that peaks her curiosity Both her eyebrows go up in surprise. What kind of porno do you like, she asks. I pause meaningfully with a little smile. I reply, well you won't think less of me will you, or label me as some sort of pariah? No no not at all. Well not to worry I tell her, we're not into whips and chains. We just like to watch couples, small sex parties, some lesbian love making. I wait for her reaction. Silence. Then I ask, do you ever watch porno? She says her husband does sometimes, but she's not interested. Oh I don't know I say. It seems to make lovemaking with my BF afterwards a little more exciting. I smile and leave it at that. A long silence follows. I laugh and say, Did I just put a bee in your bonnet? Watch some porno with your hubby, and see for yourself. If you don't like it you can always turn it off.

Next couple of dates are simple GF lunches, where I do a lot of listening. She was a late-bloomer sexually. Likes sex with her husband, but angry that he screws around some. I tell her both both me and my BF see other people sometimes. That jealousy is poison. That we have gone to sex parties and had a great time. She wants to know more about swinging. So I tell her some stuff about what I like to do. I tell her that married sex as the only socially acceptable way of sex is pure BS. We can have whatever we want with whomever we want, as long as it is consentual. Then I tell her that many swinger women enjoy sex with both men and women. Again silence, but I can hear the little gears in her mind whirring. I tell her not to worry that I would never approach her in a way that made her feel uncomfortable. I love my women friends. Most are just GFs, but a few are lovers too. When we part, there is a little bit of a longer and somewhat awkward goodbye hug. Will you call me, when you have time to do lunch again? This is my test for her. If she doesn't call, well it's a lost cause.

But glory be! She calls. I invite her to my place and tell her she can help me in the kitchen that I'm baking cookies. I have a cookie cutout kit and decorations. She shows up in the late morning, we do a few cookie batches. AFter some kitchen cleanup. I put my arms around her and tell her that I been thinking a lot about her. I pour us some wine and lead her into the den and put on some lovely Chopin piano nocturnes. We talk about music. She is surprised that I like opera. I wax enthusiastic about Marriage of Figaro and the 4 seasons of love. That Mozart was a great psychologist. That the librettist was a personal friend of Casanova. And then there's a long silent pause. I ask if I might kiss her. A long French kiss ensues. I know now that she is mine. I stroke her breasts. Then unbutton my blouse to reveal my breasts. She kisses them. I ask can we make love that afternoon? Without out a word, she kisses me and puts her hand on my crotch. Lots of kissing and breast caressing. I take her by the hand, and we go upstairs to the bedroom. I tell her that John, my BF, will not be home until much later -- much much later. I show her my scented oils, and she picks a very sweet floral one. We each put a few drops between our breasts and on our pubic hair. oh then mutual pussy petting ensues. Ooohs and aahs of pleasure. She goes down on me and tongues my clit. Rather well lol. And ditto, the favor is returned. I tell her not to bath, but to leave our sex odors on her body for her husband to enjoy. She asks if she can stay for a 3 way with my BF. And I say, no, not this time. This time was just for us. I would like for us to be female lovers and have just female only rendevous sometimes. That we can invite the men to enjoy us at other times. She gets it. I tell her that next time, I want her to play the cello for me. Oh lord, I'm such a hopeless romantic.
发布者 CleverWitch
3 年 前
SancheZ069 1 年 前
Hot seduction :smile:
prime-frank 1 年 前
An Exquisite Friend and Teacher, So Healthy and Erotic !! Inspirational Seduction !
xx1236 2 年 前
As a Bi male I'm into lesbian porn. Check my page & view my vids,galleries & stories..!!!