Some femmes participate in a strange and despicable contest, taboo for the eyes of society.
Femmes that have an earthly paradise between their legs, an insatiable creature that does not rest.
She waits in a missionary posture, four other women are with her, all forming a line.
Other four women with red sado masks appear from one of the hallways of the house.
“This is the final stage,” says the owner of the house. ”May the best woman win.”
Liza James breaths heavily, she looks back and notices the thick black strap-on hanging from that slim woman's belt.
“I have tried hard to get here, ”Liza closes her eyes.” I have been in this position for so long that my knees hurt, I cannot lose.”
“What happens, Liza James?”
“I want a second woman on me.”
“Are you sure about that, Liza?”
“Yes, madame.”
“As you wish, my dear.”
“Thank you, madame,” Liza rests her face against the ground and with her hands, opening both, her vagina and her anus, she closes her eyes. Insight her mind she whispers the stanza of a song, trying to ignore the penetration:
Take me, kiss me with your purple lips. Purple like the wine that bathes your breasts...
Some red leaves begin to fall.
The house is white, small and simple, a black door adorns the entrance with a knocker shaped like a woman's face with curved horns. The door is open, the contestant does not hesitate to enter.
Once inside, two vases painted with blue stripes give it a guardian air. In front, it can be perceived the portrait of a skinny white naked woman with long brown hair with her legs wide spread, exposing her vagina as if it were an invitation to a beautiful temple of lust.
Latoya stares at that painting. It captivates her, she wonders who could that dark-long haired white woman is. Latoya wears a knee-length dress flowered with red roses.
A few minutes later, a woman with short blonde hair with an exotic beauty shows up, her breasts are small and thick, she wears a long white dress.
“How can I help you?”
"I am Latoya and I come for the tournament."
"Oh, the tournament, well, please, follow me."
As they walks down the hall of the house, Latoya observes four women drinking Vodka in the dining room.
Who are they? Are they going to compete too?
“They are special guests, Latoya.”
“Oh, I see.”
“Yes, this is a homey place. They are here, how can I say? They are here to help us.”
“To help? How?”
“Latoya, you will know just in the right time.”
A drunken soft voice is heard from behind:
"I want to be her partner."
"Oh, Katna, you truly know how to choose."
“Partner, who, me? “asks the beautiful black-long haired.
“Yes, sometimes, we need partners during this contest.”
“That is right,” Katna touches Latoya’s face. “Sometimes we need partners, strong and beautiful like you.”
Katna is a woman with short black hair with small breasts, white skin and her left arm full of tattoos, she wears a thigh white tore apart- jean. She is topless.
"Hey what's your name, pretty woman?"
"I am Latoya."
"Do you really have a pretty hairy pussy?"
"I haven't shaved it in more than three months...Katna."
"I'm going to be the one that have that vagina, that monster vagina will drip in my mouth, remember that."
"I hope so." replies Latoya.
“This tongue is awaiting.”
"That is not for you to decide, Katna, come with me, Latoya, let’s continue.” The guide grabs Latoya’s right arm.
“OK, I am following you.”
“Luckily you can speak English, that’s good, some girls here are from other countries and that’s the only language they can communicate…we can communicate. One is from China and another one is from Australia.”
“I am prepared for this kind of situation.”
“Of course, there are not many contestants here but…humm…”
“Yes, I now, this is not a quite popular tournament at all.”
“You said so, Latoya, you said so. I am Aminora, by the way.”
“A pleasure, Aminora, you have a lovely short blonde hair.”
They arrive at a small living room, the housewife, a 42-year-old woman with shoulder-length black hair, is naked, sitting in a brown leather chair; at her sides are four women who are also naked, two of them wear masks. They all have something in common, their vaginas are monstrously hairy.
“I am madame Emerit, and you must be Latoya.”
“That’s right, madame.”
“I overheard that you have a hairy vagina.”
“I do.”
“Well, show us, then.”
“If you ask, I will show my monster.” Latoya lifts up her skirt, showing a white lingerie thong. Her pubic hair protrudes from the sides.
“Really marvelous and outstanding,” Madame Emerit stands up and approaches to LaToya and stares at her.
“Did I pass the test, madame?”
“Just one more thing.” Emerit walks to her, kneel and tongues like five times the clit of Latoya, after tasting her, Emerit stands up.” Very salty and delicious, we all hope to see you cumming soon.”
“That will depend of my partner.”
“The rules of the first stage are simple,” replies Emerit turning away from Latoya and cleaning her own mouth.” To all of you who are participating, your partner will suck your vagina for 3 minutes, after that, you engage in a fistfight with my girls, a fistfight of 2 minutes.”
“Fight, I used to be good at that.” says a redhead named Elouise basch.
“You, girls, after the fight, lie on the floor, open your legs wide and one by one we put a vibrator that will also last, two minutes, after that, the vibrator will be removed and one of my assistants will recognize which vagina has been the most who spilled its delicious juices, that will be Stage One. "
“What will happen with the girl that loses the fight?” Asks a beautiful blonde woman whose name is Vanessa Sweets, she is from Poland.
“She will get a punishment, she will be sent to the basement where a beautiful Chinese woman who called herself Estela Cabret, will be her “man”?
“So the losers go with her.” Another contestant, name Emerald from Australia asks. She is called the Green b**st for her lascivious behavior, and because her hair is green.
“Exactly, she will be our “demon” of this tournament.”
“I like demons.” Emerald smiles.
“We all like demons.” Emerit replies.
“And what type of punishment the loser would receive?” Vanessa Sweets asks while watching persistently to Emerald.
“That would be up to her. Any more questions? Girls with the most beautiful and hairy vaginas?”
“Madame, I would like to fight her,” a white woman named Edyta Herbus points out at Latoya.
“Do you agree with that, Latoya?”
“Why not, madame?”
“Great, another request?”
“And who am I going to fight, and who is going to suck my hairy vagina?” asks Emerald.
“You will soon know, all of you will know at the right time.”
“I got another request,” says one of the contestants.
“Oh, Katna, OK, please tell me.”
“Madame, I gotta be the partner of that woman, Latoya.
“Latoya was meant for Terry.”
“I will fight her, madame.”
“Ok, Katna,” Emerit addresses to Terry.”Do you accept Katna be the partner of Latoya instead of you?
“No, madame, I want to be the one who enjoy Latoya's juices.
“So, are you willing to fight Katna for the vagina of Latoya, Terry?”
“Yes, madame.”
“Well, I expected nothing less of you. Terry, my brash blonde Russian woman, I know you will give us a good fight. You both will. Terry and Katna will cross fists."
"I'm just curious, what will the taste of Latoya's aggressive vagina be like? I just want to know that, I don’t give a fuck about poor little Katna." Terry sees at Katna with a look that seems to give off fire.
"You will regret this, Terry," Katna threatens at the beautiful Russian blonde.”
“Latoya deserves a good tongue therapy. I just care about her hairy vagina, you can have the rest of her.” it is Terry's answer.
“Remove your clothes, Latoya,” Madame Emerit sits on the chair and crosses her legs.” Two gladiators will fight for the forest you have between your legs.”
Katna and Terri grab each other's hair and fall and roll on the ground. At first, Katna is winning as she punches in the face of her opponent with two strikes to the lower lip. But Terry picks up strength and turns on her stomach at the same time that she buries her long nails into Katna's neck, leaving small red marks.
The place is in silence, although it can be seen how nervous and anxious Latoya is, she touches her vagina and thinks:
“For my forest, for my hairy vagina these two women are killing each other. “
Both women stand up again, Katna kicks Terry's stomach with a front kick, but she resists, Terry takes a couple of steps back, and returns to the charge, jumping on Katna and when she takes her by the hair, Terry lashes Katna's head several times against the floor.
"Enough, both of you stop now." Emerit gives the order to cease.
Vanessa Sweets touches the shoulder of Terry to calms her down.
"OK, very good, I admit I've lost," Katna wipes her nose, which sheds a thin line of blood.
"You know the punishment, Katna."
"I know the punishment, Madame Emerit, and I accept it."
A completely naked woman in a sado mask takes Katna by the arm and leads her to the basement.
“Terry will be the partner of Latoya, Aminora will be the partner of Vanessa Sweets, Cara Melli, another of my sweet blonde one, you will be with Emerald, and our red hair, Elouise Basch will be with Edyta Herbus…you can start now, women with monster vaginas.” Madame Emerit after saying that, sits on her chair once again.
"I wish I could make you a k**."The blonde Terry tells Latoya as she approaches to her.
“You may…one day.”
“Yes, Latoya,” Terry replies. ”One day.”
Latoya, Emerald, Edyta, Elouise and Vanessa Sweets lie on the ground, put their hands behind their backs, and spread their legs wide.
Their vaginas begin to receive strong and hard licks.
Terry circles Latoya's black haloes with her soft fingers. Her tongue goes inside Latoya making circles. The beautiful Ukrainian closes her eyes for a few moments, then opens them and turns her head to the left side and watches the redhead Elouise, who is squeezing her own breasts and arching her back. Then turn her head to the right side and watches Edyta sucks Eloyse’s vagina with intensity and devotion.
“You are sucking her soul too.” Latoya smiles.
Suddenly she looks to her left and sees the beautiful Australian, Emerald, with her knees up to her face, receiving an intense licking from Cara Melli.
Latoya takes a deep breath, opens her eyes again and stares at the Russian woman, Vanessa Sweets, who is on her stomach, being "devoured" by Aminora, who also penetrates two finger on Vanessa’s anus.
"Edyta sucks Elouise's vagina, but she doesn't stop looking at me, she wants something from me, something Katna wanted." Latoya breaths and smile.
“You may stop now,” orders madame Emerit.”We may go to the dildo stage.”
One of her masked girls carries a glass of wine on a silver tray and stands next to Madame.
"All of you are good doing the oral sex, congratulations, girls. Let’s see how good you are with the dildos." Emerit takes a sip.
The dildos move in circles inside the contestants' vaginas, their inner lips spills their body fluids. Latoya breathes slowly and slowly, a little sweat runs down her forehead. She keeps staring at Terry, who seems to be concentrating on making circles with the dildo.
From Terry's forehead, some sweat also runs down.
After a few minutes, Emerit orders: "You may stop now."
The contestants slowly begin to stop.
“How was it? I wasn’t doing it hard, right?”
“No, Terry. You were just fine.”
“I truly wanted to be with you, Latoya.”
“Are you not hurt? You know, you had difficult fight with Katna.”
“I am, but it is OK. It was worth fighting for you.”
“You are good with your fists, Terry.”
“I am also good with my fingers.” Terry curls Latoya's public hairs on her index finger.
Madame inspects the vulvas of the participants, touching with the palm of her hands, one by one.
"It is a difficult decision, they are all wet, but in my opinion, the one that has gotten the most wet has been Vanessa Sweets, to which I declare that she is the winner of this phase, Vanessa Sweets is the winner of the dildo’s contest.”
“Don’t worry,” Terry whispers to Latoya. ”Your vagina is the wettest of them all.”
The huge plastic male member of the strap-fucking- machine goes in and out of Katna, she is lying on a bench with her hands tied. Next to her is a naked black-haired asian woman with a black mask that covers only her eyes.
"You are a beautiful bitch," she tells her. "I was already getting bored of being here alone in this basement, and I like how your hairy vagina sounds."
Katna breaths heavily.
“Do you hear them? Do you hear that sound?” Estela Cabret continues. “It is an intense oral sex, I could give you oral sex but that would satisfy you and I am here to punish you.”
“I lost and I deserve punishment.”
“Yes, you do,” Estela squeezes Katna's nipples. “You hear that? They stopped, they stopped with the dildos, now begins the fistfight.”
“I hear…”
“What do you hear, Katna?”
“Exactly, baby, you will soon have some company, now I am gonna stretch that pretty white fancy ass you have.”
“I deserve it, Mistress Estela.”
“Yes, you do.”
Estela looks in a drawer for synthetic gloves. She puts them on and looks at Katna with a wicked smile.
"Your anal cavity will be my passion." Estela smears Vaseline on the gloves and caresses Katna's black hole.
Katna sighs and closes her eyes.
First Estela inserts two fingers into her anus, Katna lifts her head trying to watch.
"I see your beautiful ass has already been fucked, did men with fat cocks also fuck that slutty ass of yours?"
"Very few," Katna is already sweating. "But I love women, women and dildos."
"My fist will be your dildo, Katna."
"I can," Katna sighs deeper and deeper, aching, aching and aroused at the same time." I can feel your whole fist."
"Say, I can feel your whole fist in my slut ass."
"I can feel your whole fist in my whore ass." Katna repeats.
"I like your obedience, I still need to work on your pussy, I want to know how much it can eat, is your monster hungry?"
"My monster is always hungry."
"I'm going to make an exception for your pussy, Katna. I know I told you I don't want to give you pleasure but pain, but sucking your pussy will be giving me pleasure for me."
"Madame, I, my pussy...my pussy is to serve you."
"That's the way I like it, docile and obedient." Estela's left hand caresses Katna's small breasts.
"It's...it's because I deserve punishment."
"You hear that, yes, I know you do. They've already fought again and you'll be going up soon."
Estela sucks Katna's furry, raging pussy like there's no tomorrow.
Edyta and Latoya throws punches at each other. The two women roll until they reach Emerit's high heels; Latoya presses Edyta's neck with her forearm and Edyta, in order to get rid of it, bites it, then Latoya takes the opportunity to punch her in the face. Emerit gives the order to stop, granting victory to the beautiful long black hair Ukrainian woman.
“You fought well.”Congrats Edyta while cleaning her bleeding nose.
“You are also a though one.” Replies Latoya.
“I guess so.”
"All right, women, next." Lightly applauds Madame Emerit.
Emerald and Aminora pull their hair and hit each other against the wall, both spinning and almost knocking a small white flowered- vase to the floor. Emerald grabs Aminora's waist and tries to throw herself onto the ground. Aminora at first resists, but ends up giving in, falling badly. Aminora surrenders.
"Emerald is the winner," Emerit says calmly.
“Congrats, Emerald,” Aminora shakes hand with the green hair woman.
“You were also a good one, Aminora,” Emerald praises her.
“There will be a break, we will return in five minutes.” Emerit sits and finishes her glass of wine.
“I think I am going to join them for a while, it seems a relax group, do you wanna come, Edyta?”
“I am not much into drinking, Latoya, but maybe later.”
“Ok, I see you soon.”
“Yes, Edyta,” she turns back.
“Do you think, after this tournament, you know, you and me…Latoya, you…?”
“Fuck with me? Yeah, sure, why not?
“Great, then…after this tournament…I guess.”
Latoya, completely naked, heads towards the dining room, where some women continue drinking Vodka.
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Some femmes participate in a strange and despicable contest, taboo for the eyes of society.
Femmes that have an earthly paradise between their legs, an insatiable creature that does not rest.
She waits in a missionary posture, four other women are with her, all forming a line.
Other four women with red sado masks appear from one of the hallways of the house.
“This is the final stage,” says the owner of the house. ”May the best woman win.”
Liza James breaths heavily, she looks back and notices the thick black strap-on hanging from that slim woman's belt.
“I have tried hard to get here, ”Liza closes her eyes.” I have been in this position for so long that my knees hurt, I cannot lose.”
“What happens, Liza James?”
“I want a second woman on me.”
“Are you sure about that, Liza?”
“Yes, madame.”
“As you wish, my dear.”
“Thank you, madame,” Liza rests her face against the ground and with her hands, opening both, her vagina and her anus, she closes her eyes. Insight her mind she whispers the stanza of a song, trying to ignore the penetration:
Take me, kiss me with your purple lips. Purple like the wine that bathes your breasts...
Some red leaves begin to fall.
The house is white, small and simple, a black door adorns the entrance with a knocker shaped like a woman's face with curved horns. The door is open, the contestant does not hesitate to enter.
Once inside, two vases painted with blue stripes give it a guardian air. In front, it can be perceived the portrait of a skinny white naked woman with long brown hair with her legs wide spread, exposing her vagina as if it were an invitation to a beautiful temple of lust.
Latoya stares at that painting. It captivates her, she wonders who could that dark-long haired white woman is. Latoya wears a knee-length dress flowered with red roses.
A few minutes later, a woman with short blonde hair with an exotic beauty shows up, her breasts are small and thick, she wears a long white dress.
“How can I help you?”
"I am Latoya and I come for the tournament."
"Oh, the tournament, well, please, follow me."
As they walks down the hall of the house, Latoya observes four women drinking Vodka in the dining room.
Who are they? Are they going to compete too?
“They are special guests, Latoya.”
“Oh, I see.”
“Yes, this is a homey place. They are here, how can I say? They are here to help us.”
“To help? How?”
“Latoya, you will know just in the right time.”
A drunken soft voice is heard from behind:
"I want to be her partner."
"Oh, Katna, you truly know how to choose."
“Partner, who, me? “asks the beautiful black-long haired.
“Yes, sometimes, we need partners during this contest.”
“That is right,” Katna touches Latoya’s face. “Sometimes we need partners, strong and beautiful like you.”
Katna is a woman with short black hair with small breasts, white skin and her left arm full of tattoos, she wears a thigh white tore apart- jean. She is topless.
"Hey what's your name, pretty woman?"
"I am Latoya."
"Do you really have a pretty hairy pussy?"
"I haven't shaved it in more than three months...Katna."
"I'm going to be the one that have that vagina, that monster vagina will drip in my mouth, remember that."
"I hope so." replies Latoya.
“This tongue is awaiting.”
"That is not for you to decide, Katna, come with me, Latoya, let’s continue.” The guide grabs Latoya’s right arm.
“OK, I am following you.”
“Luckily you can speak English, that’s good, some girls here are from other countries and that’s the only language they can communicate…we can communicate. One is from China and another one is from Australia.”
“I am prepared for this kind of situation.”
“Of course, there are not many contestants here but…humm…”
“Yes, I now, this is not a quite popular tournament at all.”
“You said so, Latoya, you said so. I am Aminora, by the way.”
“A pleasure, Aminora, you have a lovely short blonde hair.”
They arrive at a small living room, the housewife, a 42-year-old woman with shoulder-length black hair, is naked, sitting in a brown leather chair; at her sides are four women who are also naked, two of them wear masks. They all have something in common, their vaginas are monstrously hairy.
“I am madame Emerit, and you must be Latoya.”
“That’s right, madame.”
“I overheard that you have a hairy vagina.”
“I do.”
“Well, show us, then.”
“If you ask, I will show my monster.” Latoya lifts up her skirt, showing a white lingerie thong. Her pubic hair protrudes from the sides.
“Really marvelous and outstanding,” Madame Emerit stands up and approaches to LaToya and stares at her.
“Did I pass the test, madame?”
“Just one more thing.” Emerit walks to her, kneel and tongues like five times the clit of Latoya, after tasting her, Emerit stands up.” Very salty and delicious, we all hope to see you cumming soon.”
“That will depend of my partner.”
“The rules of the first stage are simple,” replies Emerit turning away from Latoya and cleaning her own mouth.” To all of you who are participating, your partner will suck your vagina for 3 minutes, after that, you engage in a fistfight with my girls, a fistfight of 2 minutes.”
“Fight, I used to be good at that.” says a redhead named Elouise basch.
“You, girls, after the fight, lie on the floor, open your legs wide and one by one we put a vibrator that will also last, two minutes, after that, the vibrator will be removed and one of my assistants will recognize which vagina has been the most who spilled its delicious juices, that will be Stage One. "
“What will happen with the girl that loses the fight?” Asks a beautiful blonde woman whose name is Vanessa Sweets, she is from Poland.
“She will get a punishment, she will be sent to the basement where a beautiful Chinese woman who called herself Estela Cabret, will be her “man”?
“So the losers go with her.” Another contestant, name Emerald from Australia asks. She is called the Green b**st for her lascivious behavior, and because her hair is green.
“Exactly, she will be our “demon” of this tournament.”
“I like demons.” Emerald smiles.
“We all like demons.” Emerit replies.
“And what type of punishment the loser would receive?” Vanessa Sweets asks while watching persistently to Emerald.
“That would be up to her. Any more questions? Girls with the most beautiful and hairy vaginas?”
“Madame, I would like to fight her,” a white woman named Edyta Herbus points out at Latoya.
“Do you agree with that, Latoya?”
“Why not, madame?”
“Great, another request?”
“And who am I going to fight, and who is going to suck my hairy vagina?” asks Emerald.
“You will soon know, all of you will know at the right time.”
“I got another request,” says one of the contestants.
“Oh, Katna, OK, please tell me.”
“Madame, I gotta be the partner of that woman, Latoya.
“Latoya was meant for Terry.”
“I will fight her, madame.”
“Ok, Katna,” Emerit addresses to Terry.”Do you accept Katna be the partner of Latoya instead of you?
“No, madame, I want to be the one who enjoy Latoya's juices.
“So, are you willing to fight Katna for the vagina of Latoya, Terry?”
“Yes, madame.”
“Well, I expected nothing less of you. Terry, my brash blonde Russian woman, I know you will give us a good fight. You both will. Terry and Katna will cross fists."
"I'm just curious, what will the taste of Latoya's aggressive vagina be like? I just want to know that, I don’t give a fuck about poor little Katna." Terry sees at Katna with a look that seems to give off fire.
"You will regret this, Terry," Katna threatens at the beautiful Russian blonde.”
“Latoya deserves a good tongue therapy. I just care about her hairy vagina, you can have the rest of her.” it is Terry's answer.
“Remove your clothes, Latoya,” Madame Emerit sits on the chair and crosses her legs.” Two gladiators will fight for the forest you have between your legs.”
Katna and Terri grab each other's hair and fall and roll on the ground. At first, Katna is winning as she punches in the face of her opponent with two strikes to the lower lip. But Terry picks up strength and turns on her stomach at the same time that she buries her long nails into Katna's neck, leaving small red marks.
The place is in silence, although it can be seen how nervous and anxious Latoya is, she touches her vagina and thinks:
“For my forest, for my hairy vagina these two women are killing each other. “
Both women stand up again, Katna kicks Terry's stomach with a front kick, but she resists, Terry takes a couple of steps back, and returns to the charge, jumping on Katna and when she takes her by the hair, Terry lashes Katna's head several times against the floor.
"Enough, both of you stop now." Emerit gives the order to cease.
Vanessa Sweets touches the shoulder of Terry to calms her down.
"OK, very good, I admit I've lost," Katna wipes her nose, which sheds a thin line of blood.
"You know the punishment, Katna."
"I know the punishment, Madame Emerit, and I accept it."
A completely naked woman in a sado mask takes Katna by the arm and leads her to the basement.
“Terry will be the partner of Latoya, Aminora will be the partner of Vanessa Sweets, Cara Melli, another of my sweet blonde one, you will be with Emerald, and our red hair, Elouise Basch will be with Edyta Herbus…you can start now, women with monster vaginas.” Madame Emerit after saying that, sits on her chair once again.
"I wish I could make you a k**."The blonde Terry tells Latoya as she approaches to her.
“You may…one day.”
“Yes, Latoya,” Terry replies. ”One day.”
Latoya, Emerald, Edyta, Elouise and Vanessa Sweets lie on the ground, put their hands behind their backs, and spread their legs wide.
Their vaginas begin to receive strong and hard licks.
Terry circles Latoya's black haloes with her soft fingers. Her tongue goes inside Latoya making circles. The beautiful Ukrainian closes her eyes for a few moments, then opens them and turns her head to the left side and watches the redhead Elouise, who is squeezing her own breasts and arching her back. Then turn her head to the right side and watches Edyta sucks Eloyse’s vagina with intensity and devotion.
“You are sucking her soul too.” Latoya smiles.
Suddenly she looks to her left and sees the beautiful Australian, Emerald, with her knees up to her face, receiving an intense licking from Cara Melli.
Latoya takes a deep breath, opens her eyes again and stares at the Russian woman, Vanessa Sweets, who is on her stomach, being "devoured" by Aminora, who also penetrates two finger on Vanessa’s anus.
"Edyta sucks Elouise's vagina, but she doesn't stop looking at me, she wants something from me, something Katna wanted." Latoya breaths and smile.
“You may stop now,” orders madame Emerit.”We may go to the dildo stage.”
One of her masked girls carries a glass of wine on a silver tray and stands next to Madame.
"All of you are good doing the oral sex, congratulations, girls. Let’s see how good you are with the dildos." Emerit takes a sip.
The dildos move in circles inside the contestants' vaginas, their inner lips spills their body fluids. Latoya breathes slowly and slowly, a little sweat runs down her forehead. She keeps staring at Terry, who seems to be concentrating on making circles with the dildo.
From Terry's forehead, some sweat also runs down.
After a few minutes, Emerit orders: "You may stop now."
The contestants slowly begin to stop.
“How was it? I wasn’t doing it hard, right?”
“No, Terry. You were just fine.”
“I truly wanted to be with you, Latoya.”
“Are you not hurt? You know, you had difficult fight with Katna.”
“I am, but it is OK. It was worth fighting for you.”
“You are good with your fists, Terry.”
“I am also good with my fingers.” Terry curls Latoya's public hairs on her index finger.
Madame inspects the vulvas of the participants, touching with the palm of her hands, one by one.
"It is a difficult decision, they are all wet, but in my opinion, the one that has gotten the most wet has been Vanessa Sweets, to which I declare that she is the winner of this phase, Vanessa Sweets is the winner of the dildo’s contest.”
“Don’t worry,” Terry whispers to Latoya. ”Your vagina is the wettest of them all.”
The huge plastic male member of the strap-fucking- machine goes in and out of Katna, she is lying on a bench with her hands tied. Next to her is a naked black-haired asian woman with a black mask that covers only her eyes.
"You are a beautiful bitch," she tells her. "I was already getting bored of being here alone in this basement, and I like how your hairy vagina sounds."
Katna breaths heavily.
“Do you hear them? Do you hear that sound?” Estela Cabret continues. “It is an intense oral sex, I could give you oral sex but that would satisfy you and I am here to punish you.”
“I lost and I deserve punishment.”
“Yes, you do,” Estela squeezes Katna's nipples. “You hear that? They stopped, they stopped with the dildos, now begins the fistfight.”
“I hear…”
“What do you hear, Katna?”
“Exactly, baby, you will soon have some company, now I am gonna stretch that pretty white fancy ass you have.”
“I deserve it, Mistress Estela.”
“Yes, you do.”
Estela looks in a drawer for synthetic gloves. She puts them on and looks at Katna with a wicked smile.
"Your anal cavity will be my passion." Estela smears Vaseline on the gloves and caresses Katna's black hole.
Katna sighs and closes her eyes.
First Estela inserts two fingers into her anus, Katna lifts her head trying to watch.
"I see your beautiful ass has already been fucked, did men with fat cocks also fuck that slutty ass of yours?"
"Very few," Katna is already sweating. "But I love women, women and dildos."
"My fist will be your dildo, Katna."
"I can," Katna sighs deeper and deeper, aching, aching and aroused at the same time." I can feel your whole fist."
"Say, I can feel your whole fist in my slut ass."
"I can feel your whole fist in my whore ass." Katna repeats.
"I like your obedience, I still need to work on your pussy, I want to know how much it can eat, is your monster hungry?"
"My monster is always hungry."
"I'm going to make an exception for your pussy, Katna. I know I told you I don't want to give you pleasure but pain, but sucking your pussy will be giving me pleasure for me."
"Madame, I, my pussy...my pussy is to serve you."
"That's the way I like it, docile and obedient." Estela's left hand caresses Katna's small breasts.
"It's...it's because I deserve punishment."
"You hear that, yes, I know you do. They've already fought again and you'll be going up soon."
Estela sucks Katna's furry, raging pussy like there's no tomorrow.
Edyta and Latoya throws punches at each other. The two women roll until they reach Emerit's high heels; Latoya presses Edyta's neck with her forearm and Edyta, in order to get rid of it, bites it, then Latoya takes the opportunity to punch her in the face. Emerit gives the order to stop, granting victory to the beautiful long black hair Ukrainian woman.
“You fought well.”Congrats Edyta while cleaning her bleeding nose.
“You are also a though one.” Replies Latoya.
“I guess so.”
"All right, women, next." Lightly applauds Madame Emerit.
Emerald and Aminora pull their hair and hit each other against the wall, both spinning and almost knocking a small white flowered- vase to the floor. Emerald grabs Aminora's waist and tries to throw herself onto the ground. Aminora at first resists, but ends up giving in, falling badly. Aminora surrenders.
"Emerald is the winner," Emerit says calmly.
“Congrats, Emerald,” Aminora shakes hand with the green hair woman.
“You were also a good one, Aminora,” Emerald praises her.
“There will be a break, we will return in five minutes.” Emerit sits and finishes her glass of wine.
“I think I am going to join them for a while, it seems a relax group, do you wanna come, Edyta?”
“I am not much into drinking, Latoya, but maybe later.”
“Ok, I see you soon.”
“Yes, Edyta,” she turns back.
“Do you think, after this tournament, you know, you and me…Latoya, you…?”
“Fuck with me? Yeah, sure, why not?
“Great, then…after this tournament…I guess.”
Latoya, completely naked, heads towards the dining room, where some women continue drinking Vodka.
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