Are girls the Dominant sex?

Story 1. I was so excited about the idea of it, I could not even utter the words to ask him to fuck me. My hormones were raging, coursing through my body, my nipples were in a state of permanent erection, as was my clitoris and my panties were bunched tightly between my labia, soaked beyond the point of even having a small dry point anywhere, I ached to feel his cock penetrate me, my heart fluttered, my knees knocked against each other, my throat was dry and my tongue was engaged in a never ending licking of my lips, when I confronted him when he answered his side door, choosing my entrance so no one else would know and stop me.

I stood there in my infantile clothing, nervously believing he might even reject me, even now when I think back to this moment I laugh at the idea a man would say, "No", to a girl asking to be fucked.

I reached behind my back and eased my grey flannel dress up to expose my bum, not that he could see it, but the cotton of my floral panties felt warm and inviting as my fingers sought the elastic that held them in place over my narrow hips, and I began to ease them down over my slim hips, and I could feel the tight elastic slide over the curvature of my small ass and settle at the tops of my thighs, as he leaned in and started to kiss my mouth.

His arms went around my waist and I reached up to encircle his neck, drawing my short skirt up and exposing my bum to his large hands, which he filled each of my cheeks with, all the time easing my panties onto my thighs and down my legs until they slipped down to my socks and booties, where they lay until I kicked them off and opened my legs for him to feel my wet crotch.

He turned me towards the small bed in the corner, and ushered me there, "Lie down", he commanded, and I sat down first and then lay back, "Turn over, lie on your face", he said, as my eyes watched excitedly as he undid his flies and open his pants, "let me see your arse", he continued, as I pulled my skirt up and exposed my bum to him, his voice became thick with excitement, "Open your arse, pull your cheeks apart", he said, and I felt his weigh cause the mattress to sink under his weight as he knelt between my open legs, his reflection in the mirror caught me eye, as he knelt there looking down at my brown to pink jewel, stroking his cock, his rigid veinous meat being readied to pry open my virgin holes and make me a woman for life. I raised my arse to meet his downward thrust, he missed my brown hole and plunged into the wetness of my virgin cunt, ploughing ever deeper until he stopped and bruised my cervix and just bent to fill my gaping cavity, before pulling back and driving even harder back in, making me gasp, and my eyes bulge in wonderment, as he started humping me, I was just a little girl on the end of his big cock, his mind full of the pleasure he felt swallowed up inside my pussy, and then he reached down and removed himself from my womanised cunt, and pressed against my puckered raised bum, "This will make you remember me", he said between gritted teeth, he was wiping my bum crack with my sweet cunt lubricant, and prying open my sphincter muscle, he was going to bugger me and I was powerless to stop him, it seemed I was as eager to know that forbidden feeling of a man inside your arse shooting his baby juice and having his cock choked with your sphincter, ass fucking was all the rage in school, girls who took it up the bum were a hit with the boys, no wonder we learn at an early age to swing our hips as we walked, we were really telling the boys we have a backdoor pleasure under our knickers, one more pleasurable than the one at the front, and he knew this, so I braced myself to be reamed and left a gaping mess, lying face down on that little bed.

Story 2. "What's it like", he asked me, lying beside me on my bed? I turned and looked into his blue enquiring eyes. As c***dren we were inseparable, but now, as teens were aware sexually, of our physical differences, whenever we were close to each other. He had caught me in states of undress and I had caught him masturbating, wanking off to one of dad's old girly magazines. There was something else about him that turned me on whenever I felt the urge to get off, his curiosity and the fact he was still a virgin, desperate to know about my body and the tremendous feelings you get when you are connected when fucking, connected by a cock, like one being sucking off against each other, connected at the crotch and exchanging the most sacred of bodily fluids, lubricated by the girls fanny, and massaged by her muscles to coax that fluid from his balls, and if successful, taking over her body as it nurtures the growing baby inside her, no wonder men go crazy wanting more than a kiss and a promise of fidelity, only to step aside when another man goes deep inside her and fertilises her egg, he wants to kill her in grief of his loss.

Of course we have protection to prevent that happening, but those primeval feelings don't know that, and that's what makes sex for the first time so exciting, so when I looked at my younger sidling, I felt a surge of sexual feeling, I could give him that first experience, and he would always be mine in that sense, and as I lay there I could feel my heat inside my panties, turn to wetness, as my pussy responded to my thoughts, swelled with blood and prepared herself for penetration, and my eyes traversed his upper body and rested on his crotch bulge, "You want to fuck me to find out", I barely said to him, my throat tight my mouth dry and heart pounding in my chest?

I turned on my side to face him, "You know what it's like when you wank yourself", I said reaching down to his flies and gripping the zipper, and easing it down, his eyes wide in expectation, "well, it's a thousand times better, I continued siting up and taking off my sweater to reveal my naked breasts and rigid nipples, the look on his face seeing my tits for real and not on the two dimensional paper he wanked off to, drove me on, I think I wanted it more than he did at that moment, as I got up and stripped naked and towered over him, yes he was my brother, but he was also a cock in search of a pussy to fuck, and my pussy wanted it as badly as he did, so to hell with all that i****t bullshit, as I straddled him and felt his slide right up his big sister's cunt, and all I could hear was the bed creak and groan under our humping bodies, the wonderment of how something just a year before was accepted as normal, seeing ourselves naked and dispassionate, now stoked with sex hormones burning brightest fuel our desires, as he clung to my tits, squeezing them like a mad baker kneading dough, how I ground down hard on his pubic bone to eke out another feeling under my crushed clitoris, as his cock filled my pussy to the delight of my kegal mussels, this was sex like it should be, forbidden by men who discovered those forbidden joys, only girls and boys locked away together eventually find by accident, fuck them and fuck your sibling my heart sang, as my body was overwhelmed by my orgasm, realising my brother had already had his, that smile on his face said it all, as we collapsed into each other, promising to keep our fucking a secret, and promising not to stop having this pleasure for years to come.
发布者 Fridagirl
2 年 前
tamina44 2 年 前
Es gibt zum Glück noch Leute, die Geschwisterliebe nicht verteufeln, sondern befürworten und praktizieren, am besten angeleitet von den Eltern. Es ist doch nichts Abnormales, wenn die ältere Schwester dem jüngeren Bruder anbietet, ihm das Ficken beizubringen, wenn bei den Geschwistern das sexuelle Interesse erwacht. Zudem hat Geschlechtsverkehr innerhalb der Familie den Vorteil, dass man seine Sexpartner nicht mühsam ausserhalb der Familie suchen muss. Sex in der Familie ist auch geeignet, das Gefühl der Zusammengehörigkeit und die Liebe zueinander zu fördern. Was gibt es Schöneres?
Fridagirl 出版商 2 年 前
My uncle is diabetic and his medication gives him the same problem, a slow wank with my hand and my tongue rimming his total area down there, made him cum, but you can use Viagra, as long as your hypertension is under control, but then again feeling my tongue up your arsehole might negate that, lol, but seriously, yes I think you can have orgasms with me or any other women you meet. My oldest was 74 years old, and I was just sixteen
Fridagirl 出版商 2 年 前
why would you think yourself not capable of fucking me
Fridagirl 出版商 2 年 前
perhaps wherever he is, but it appears you want it more than him
tam55 2 年 前
Nice couple of stories Frida xx
n2oral 2 年 前
Only a sister can fulfill the fantasies that a hormone driven young brother has every day and you are the perfect introduction to that sweet mysterious place we dream of thrusting into until we feel that blessed relief that only a woman’s fleshy sheath can provide…
AMBDS 2 年 前
Love it, Frida