The Home Stretch! Derby Day Fun, pt 2
Howdy yall!
Thanks for joining me for part 2 of my Derby Day festivities!
If you haven't read part 1 yet, you really will need to do so:
OK, so part 2 starts out with me reclining back on my elbows on the floor by the hot tub, naked except for a pair of darling pink and white heels (that I would NEVER be able to look at the same way again). I had just finished having sex with Deacon and currently had about a pint of his Chunky Cum Chowder coating my face and hair. His chubby black body was beside me naked and panting and wheezing, looking like a shaved orangutan with Bill Duke's face, who may or may not be going into cardiac arrest.
Sounds romantic, right? Unfortunately this sweet moment of after-glow was interrupted as I heard the unmistakable sound of Tyrone's scratchy voice in the other room and getting closer, "Deacon where da fug you at?"
I quickly kicked my heels off and immediately slid into the water while Deacon began grumbling and getting to his feet. It was easy enough to just dip my head under to rinse all the "stuff" off my face and hair. I lifted my head back up out of the water and by the time I'd wiped my eyes clear, Tyrone was standing there grinning and staring at my boobs. I gave him a quick wave and smile back. Deacon had slipped into the white fluffy hotel robe and had the unlit cigar back in his mouth.
They conferred about the party that was growing in the front room, all the people that Deacon had invited up to celebrate with him. I think Deacon was now conflicted in that while he surely wanted to show off to all theses folks and live it up with them, part of him wished he could just chill with me back in the hot tub alcove. Oh well, too late for that now! He needed to go play host for awhile, and I assured him that: 1) no, I did NOT want to join him out there with all the party-goers and 2) YES, I would be more than fine just chilling back here in the hot tub room for the rest of the evening! I was choosing to consider the hot tub room more as a mini-vacation and less of a prison cell.
He noded and left in his robe, dragging Tyrone along with him. Tyrone was still leering at me in the tub, but Deacon told him: "you comin with me to figure this shit out. You can get some of that later." LOL, talking about me like I was a commodity or something...which I guess I was. "Pretty White Woman" *is* a commodity to black men and I could tell Deacon was still enjoying playing the part of Hood High Roller with a cute naked blonde in the hot tub at his disposal. Heck, I was enjoying the scenario and playing my part as well!
Now that I was alone, I settled into what was going to be my new home for the next couple of hours. I used the bathroom and then grabbed a glass of water to hydrate. I dug my compact mirror out of my purse and checked my face...hey, not too bad, all things considered! The Derby party I had attended earlier in the day was at a house with a pool...meaning I had worn water-proof make-up just in case. Now, water-proof make-up does NOT work 100% of course, but I had enough eye-liner and color on my face that I did NOT look like a drowned rat! Of course my hair was already wrecked and sweat-soaked from wearing that Godforesaken Derby hat before it was ever sprayed with Deacon's nut. Now that it had been completely submerged in the hot tub, it would now start drying in wild loose curls, which was kind of a loose and sexy look that I felt fit the situation!
Before he left, Deacon had said for me not to worry, that no one would know I was back here. But let's be realistic: he WANTED to show off the sexy naked blonde in his hot tub! Of course he did! And I told him that I wasn't too worried if a *few* people knew I was back there or saw me. I didn't want a parade of strangers back there, but to be honest: part of me WANTED him to show me off! A little, that a select few. I told him that I trusted him on this.
And as I looked at myself in the small mirror, at my minimal make-up and wet-soon-to-be-wild hair, I knew I was only somewhat recognizable if I ran into anyone later outside this evening. I dug thru my purse again and found this pair of over-sized designer sunglasses I had. They were RIDICULOUS huge and gold-rimmed, that someone had given me as a gift that I kept in my purse for emergencies and rarely wore. However, they kinda fit this vibe and actually looked appropriate on a naked blonde in a hot tub at a Derby party! I looked like a rock star or Kardashian or whatever!
So I settled into the water with my shades on, cool water by my side, and phone in hand to scroll social media. The music was still faintly thumping in the next room and ya know what? I kinda liked this! It was nice and relaxing and very self-indulgent. The water felt AMAZING on my body, which was currently in that state of sexual cool-down mode where I was still pleasantly tingling. I had come while having sex with Deacon, so the URGENCY was gone...but I was now in that quietly stealthy kind of horniness, images of what I'd just done still fresh in my head. I put the sensitive soles of my feet over one of the jets in the tub and it caused my entire body to quiver.
After awhile Deac popped back in still wearing his robe, chains, unlit cigar, and glass in hand like a ghetto Hugh Hefner. He let me know that the party will be spilling from the front room to the bedroom, like he'd mentioned earlier. The bedroom would be more private, while the hot tub room would be the MOST private. He assumed that I would like the hot tub room door closed and locked? I told that was correct! He apologized for being away and promised to join me soon. Would I like some champagne? While I do not drink much at all, I figured one glass in the hot tub would be nice so why not?
I heard the key in the hot tub door when he returned a few minutes later and when it swung open, I very briefly saw other people in the room behind him. And apparently they saw a glimpse of me, too, as I heard a "DAMN!" just before the door closed. Deac only had one glass of champagne which he passed to me to share, sayiing that he had more on the way. His robe hit the floor and he began stepping into the tub, announcing that he was "gonna chill wit me fo a minute". When we had been in the tub together earlier it had been much more urgent sexually, but this time we just hung out together and shared the glass of champagne, letting him sprawl back like a king and bask in the glow of the naked white body beside him. Some casual kissing and rubbing against each other, some footsie under the water, some light boob appreciation, etc.
Our private canoodling was interrupted by the sound the door lock being engaged.
"Damn...Tyrone!" Deacon muttered.
Of course it would make sense that Tyrone had the other key to the hot tub room. The door opened a bit and sure enough, there was Tyrone's face with MC Hammer glasses peeking in.
"Hey Deac!" he said over the din of the music. "Look who show up!"
And then opened the door a little further to reveal another older black man beside him.
"Its Ole Tone!"
Deacon's face lit up.
"Tone!" he exclaimed and stood up, stopping about half way just before his crotch was revealed to "Ole Tone".
"Get yo ass in here!" he said as he grabbed for a towel to cover himself.
"You need to meet Ole Tone..." he grumbled to me as he slipped his robe back on.
So...this was a lot to take in. I immediately got a little anxious when that door opened and a strange negro was standing there. And more strange negroes behind him, trying to peek in . Tyrone pushed Ole Tone in and closed the door and locked it.
"Ole Tone" looked to be in the same basic age bracket as Tyrone and Deacon, so late 50s/early 60s. He was wearing his Derby suit, which I imagined was also his church suit. Seersucker and a bow tie...he looked more "black church" whereas Deac and Tyrone were dressed more "70s pimp on a street corner". He was a little taller than the other two with an average-shaped grandpa body...thicker than Tyrone (who was skinny) but nowhere as thick as Deacon. Short conservative afro with lots of grey and wearing glasses. No facial hair.
So for your visual: if Deacon was Bill Duke and Tyrone was MC Hammer, Tone was more like...Bill Cosby, I guess? LOL.
OK, maybe a bad example...but the visual works. :)
I assumed "Ole Tone" was short for Tony or Antonio, but this was never confirmed. The men apparently hadn't seen each other for awhile and began catching up a bit, most Deacon talking about his amazing luck at the track. I felt a little bit like an eavsesdropper in the hot tub. I had instinctively sunk down to my chin in the tub when Tyrone rattled the lock and opened the door, so that only my face and hair were above water.
Tone was looking over Deacon's shoulder at me while Deacon talked, stealing glances at me, checking me out. I smiled and waved at him and he smiled back. He had an expression of bemusement, like: "is this really happening right now?" Suddenly Deac noticed that Tone's attention was divided and quickly turned to me as well. He immediately introduced Tone to me and I took a deep breath and stood up out of the water to shake the man's hand.
I swear that I wasn't doing it in slow motion, but it sure FELT like I was standing in slow motion! I was looking directly at Tone to get his reaction, but I could see out of my peripheral vision my breasts emerge, parting the water and letting it run off and around them. The polite but slightly strained expression on his face immediately melted as his eyes naturally went right to my chest. He visablly flinched when I took his extended hand to shake it. He was trying his best to be polite and maintain eye contact with me, his eyes clearly DYING to cut down!
I moved from the center of the tub to climb up the steps on the side where Tone stood, now directly in front of him, my entire body from the knees down now exposed. He had leaned forward to shake my hand and I took advantage of that my using other other hand to reach up and grip the back of his neck to pull him closer for a quick "MUUUUUUAHHHH" kiss on the lips. Nothing wildly sexual, but a little more than just an innocent "Hello" peck, too. I did NOT release his hand that I had been shaking.
"Nice to meet you, Mr Tone!" I said in a very perky voice, like we were at a dinner party and I wasn't naked and dripping wet before him.
"Aint she somethin....?" Deacon said with pride. Tone was only able to gurgle out an affirmative response that yes, I was indeed somethin... :)
At this point, Tone had dropped all pretense of politeness and was blatantly staring at my bare body, his eyes running up and down my dripping wet boobs and pussy. I was tingling all over being visually inspected by him.
"Are you going to get in with me, Mr Tone?" I said, now holdiing his hand with both of mine and gently tugging him towards me as I stepped back and off the top step. This caused my pussy to slip just below the warm bubbling water and the sensation made me shiver.
"Oh, I don't know about all that!" he immediately began protesting...but NOT pulling his hand away, I noticed.
Deacon urged him to get in with me and *I* urged him to get in with me, but Tone was clearly struggling. Shy? I guess so...maybe he just needed some encouragment? So I pulled his hand toward me and placed it on my left breast. OH MY! That look on his face, not sure how to describe it! His eyes glazed with pure lust...I shivered again as his big thumb flicked across my nipple which currently had the size and consistency of a thimble. I let one hand drift to my right breast and we began kneading and massaging my boobs in unison.
He had gone down to one knee by the edge of the tub so he could lean in and get even closer. My toes were pressed against the top step, as close I could get without getting out of the tub myself. His head was leaning in closer and closer...I used my left hand, the one NOT on my slip again behind his head to pull him towards me even more. We were now nearly forehead to forehead, both of us still looking down at his big calloused hand on my tender tinging tit.
I suddenly lunged foward with my mouth to meet his and we had a replay of our HELLO lip smack, only this time with the sexiness dialed up 1000%! Our lips melted together and he gasped...which allowed me to immediately slip my tongue in his mouth and flick it around lasciviously like a horny snake. After some brief lip smacking and tongue wrestling, I tilted my head back...which of course is the international symbol for: kiss my neck. Which he did!
In fact those big fat purple lips of his moved quickly from my neck, down my chest, and to my breast! YAY!
He had a fat dark pink tongue that made big sloppy laps all over my breast before he finally wrapped his lips around my nipple and began sucking! YAY again! I moaned and my back arched involuntarily. I snuck a glance over at Deacon, who was sitting back on the bench and grinning broadly.
Tone's hand that had previously on my breast had slid down until it was on my side just above my left hip. I eased my left hand from the back of his head down to that hand, then moved it to my center and down. Gripping his hand, I felt his fingers graze my bellybutton, my "bikini area", my clit. The last of course sent a shock wave thru my body and my hips instinctively arched towards his hand. His big strong black fingers at my pussy lips...and then slipping inside me.
OK, NOW it was getting good! I moaned again and clamped my pussy around his fingers and began squeezing and grinding my hips. He was still sucking furiously on my nipples, moving back and forth between both of them, and I was panting and encouraging him in his ear. I had known this ugly old black man less than 5 minutes and he was fingering me and sucking on my titties! All while Deacon watched approvingly! I absolutely LOVE stuff like this!
I reached forward with my free hand to touch the front of his pants, return the favor if you will. He had quite a nice-sized lump there and I felt "something" in there twitch and move when I touched it. I gave it a very firm but gentle LOVING squeeze...Ole Tone seemed to be sporting a very nice-sized package, and I felt my tongue instinctively come out of my mouth to lick at my suddenly-dry lips.
And then...
"Hold on now!" Tone suddenly said, puling his lips away from my nipples, his hand from my pussy, and his body just back far enough so that his crotch was out of my reach. He was shaking his head and said he wasn't "sure bout all this!"
OK, so I was surprised but not shocked. I mean, this must have been alot for him to absorb in a very short amount of time. I was used to having fun with strangers like this, but I know not every one is. I took his right hand, the one that had been in my pusssy...the fingers still wet from being inside me. I told him that it was "no problem" and that he was still welcome to join me in the tub and just hang out, take things slower. Deacon was also urging him to just be cool and that yes, he was welcome to hang out in here as much as he wanted.
Ole Tone was clearly torn and was once again staring at my nakedness. I still held onto his hand, now with both of mine, and had it against my upper chest. Not on my boobs in a lusty way. I peeked down and saw his middle 2 fingers, black and glistening with my pussy fluids and without thinking dipped my head to taste me on them. My flavor swirled in my mouth and I moaned, pulling them deeper all the way past my lips. Unable to stop myself from sucking deeply on them or to stop myself from purring loudly as I did.
I slowly looked up to make eye contact with him while I sucked hard on his fingers. Smiling up at him, then sucking hard and making my cheeks cave in around his fingers. More or less level with his crotch, which was not lost on either of us. Cutting my eyes towads it, seeing the wet handprint I'd left there. His free hand now following my eyes there and touching his own junk, massaging slowly in time with my finger-sucking. Let me say again, that Ole Tone had what appeared to be a MASSIVE package, and my whole body was longing for him to move his hand up from it and to his belt and zipper.
"Go on, dawg," Deacon encouraged him. "Go head and let her suck it."
and then:
"She love shit like that...."
Oh my! Those words grumbling up from Deacon's black barrel chest made my whole body shiver and every exposed part suddenly erupted in goose pimples. I nodded up at Tone to let him know that Deacon was absolutely correct, that I DID indeed "love shit like this!" I was mentally encouraging Tone to GET THAT ZIPPER DOWN! And I was hopeful as his features were wilting and he looked like he was about to do just that, when...
"I better not!" he suddenly said, pulling his fingers out of my mouth as he jumped to his feet and reached for the door handle. "Not right now, anyway."
I no doubt looked disappinted and Deacon quickly asked if he was sure?
Tone was stammering and clearly shook up, saying that: yeah, not right now...but maybe...later? ...he said that THIS (pointing at me LOL) was cool...and he appreciated the offer....but...maybe later...just not right now...etc.
He opened the door enough to step outside and I gave him a playful frowny face and waved 'bye' at him.
"See you later?" I said in a pouty little girl voice, and his eyes glazed over one last time and he nodded urgently before slipping out and shutting the door. Once again I saw some black faces just beyond the door staining to peek in...I wonder what THEY would say about the offer that Ole Tone had just turned down? LOL.
"Damn," Deacon said getting up from the bench. "Don't know why ole boy bug like that..."
Well, I kinda do. I mean, while I was disappointed, this HAD TO HAVE BEEN pretty over-whelming for Tone.
I was telling a friend about this and he was stunned, like: "why did he chicken out?", like no guy would turn down a blowjob from me. But, there were a lot of factors to consider here: he could have been married and this was going too far. He seemed more conservative than Deacon/Tyrone. He very well may have been religious. Maybe the fact that Deacon was right there and that there were other people just outisde the door was throwing him off. Or some combination of these factors. While I've found that a large majority (80-90%) of black guys have no problem whipping their dicks out in front of their buddies for a sexual encounter, a small percent just wasnt into that. Tone seemed to probably fall into that bucket.
"oh well, his loss," I said, just shrugging my shoulders and reclining back in the tub. "Maybe next time..."
Deacon laughed and agreed it was DEFNITLEY Tone's loss...then announced that he'd ordered more chamapagne and needed to go check on it. I asked if he could please order me some water? And he said that YEP, he'd already ordered me a "big ass bottle of fancy water" that was on its way. I gasped and told him that was VERY sweet of him and thanked him for taking such good care of me. He leaned down and we shared a hot meltly sexy kiss. HIs hand slipped down to rest on a breast while one of mine slipped up inside his robe to massage his big fuzzy coconut balls.
He pulled away with a chuckle, saying he didn't need to be walking his party with a big hard-on! LOL.
So sank back into the tub as he left the rooom...another flash of people in the next room, rowdy black voices talking over the music thumping.
Me letting the warm water continue to jet against me in strategic place, thinking about "Ole Tone" and what just happened and what ALMOST happened. Rubbing the sensitive soles of feet over a hot jet, lightly touching my body, wondering if he was thinking of me right now, what we could be doing right now. Wondering if he will "think" of me later on? Wondering if he'll allow his lust to overcome whatever other roadblocks he was having and maybe swing back by later?
The next time Deacon returned a few minutes later, there was a room service waiter with him.
And not just ANY room service waiter, but a familar face! :)
Oh, this WAS going to be a fun evening after all!
Part 3 coming soon!
Thanks for joining me for part 2 of my Derby Day festivities!
If you haven't read part 1 yet, you really will need to do so:
OK, so part 2 starts out with me reclining back on my elbows on the floor by the hot tub, naked except for a pair of darling pink and white heels (that I would NEVER be able to look at the same way again). I had just finished having sex with Deacon and currently had about a pint of his Chunky Cum Chowder coating my face and hair. His chubby black body was beside me naked and panting and wheezing, looking like a shaved orangutan with Bill Duke's face, who may or may not be going into cardiac arrest.
Sounds romantic, right? Unfortunately this sweet moment of after-glow was interrupted as I heard the unmistakable sound of Tyrone's scratchy voice in the other room and getting closer, "Deacon where da fug you at?"
I quickly kicked my heels off and immediately slid into the water while Deacon began grumbling and getting to his feet. It was easy enough to just dip my head under to rinse all the "stuff" off my face and hair. I lifted my head back up out of the water and by the time I'd wiped my eyes clear, Tyrone was standing there grinning and staring at my boobs. I gave him a quick wave and smile back. Deacon had slipped into the white fluffy hotel robe and had the unlit cigar back in his mouth.
They conferred about the party that was growing in the front room, all the people that Deacon had invited up to celebrate with him. I think Deacon was now conflicted in that while he surely wanted to show off to all theses folks and live it up with them, part of him wished he could just chill with me back in the hot tub alcove. Oh well, too late for that now! He needed to go play host for awhile, and I assured him that: 1) no, I did NOT want to join him out there with all the party-goers and 2) YES, I would be more than fine just chilling back here in the hot tub room for the rest of the evening! I was choosing to consider the hot tub room more as a mini-vacation and less of a prison cell.
He noded and left in his robe, dragging Tyrone along with him. Tyrone was still leering at me in the tub, but Deacon told him: "you comin with me to figure this shit out. You can get some of that later." LOL, talking about me like I was a commodity or something...which I guess I was. "Pretty White Woman" *is* a commodity to black men and I could tell Deacon was still enjoying playing the part of Hood High Roller with a cute naked blonde in the hot tub at his disposal. Heck, I was enjoying the scenario and playing my part as well!
Now that I was alone, I settled into what was going to be my new home for the next couple of hours. I used the bathroom and then grabbed a glass of water to hydrate. I dug my compact mirror out of my purse and checked my face...hey, not too bad, all things considered! The Derby party I had attended earlier in the day was at a house with a pool...meaning I had worn water-proof make-up just in case. Now, water-proof make-up does NOT work 100% of course, but I had enough eye-liner and color on my face that I did NOT look like a drowned rat! Of course my hair was already wrecked and sweat-soaked from wearing that Godforesaken Derby hat before it was ever sprayed with Deacon's nut. Now that it had been completely submerged in the hot tub, it would now start drying in wild loose curls, which was kind of a loose and sexy look that I felt fit the situation!
Before he left, Deacon had said for me not to worry, that no one would know I was back here. But let's be realistic: he WANTED to show off the sexy naked blonde in his hot tub! Of course he did! And I told him that I wasn't too worried if a *few* people knew I was back there or saw me. I didn't want a parade of strangers back there, but to be honest: part of me WANTED him to show me off! A little, that a select few. I told him that I trusted him on this.
And as I looked at myself in the small mirror, at my minimal make-up and wet-soon-to-be-wild hair, I knew I was only somewhat recognizable if I ran into anyone later outside this evening. I dug thru my purse again and found this pair of over-sized designer sunglasses I had. They were RIDICULOUS huge and gold-rimmed, that someone had given me as a gift that I kept in my purse for emergencies and rarely wore. However, they kinda fit this vibe and actually looked appropriate on a naked blonde in a hot tub at a Derby party! I looked like a rock star or Kardashian or whatever!
So I settled into the water with my shades on, cool water by my side, and phone in hand to scroll social media. The music was still faintly thumping in the next room and ya know what? I kinda liked this! It was nice and relaxing and very self-indulgent. The water felt AMAZING on my body, which was currently in that state of sexual cool-down mode where I was still pleasantly tingling. I had come while having sex with Deacon, so the URGENCY was gone...but I was now in that quietly stealthy kind of horniness, images of what I'd just done still fresh in my head. I put the sensitive soles of my feet over one of the jets in the tub and it caused my entire body to quiver.
After awhile Deac popped back in still wearing his robe, chains, unlit cigar, and glass in hand like a ghetto Hugh Hefner. He let me know that the party will be spilling from the front room to the bedroom, like he'd mentioned earlier. The bedroom would be more private, while the hot tub room would be the MOST private. He assumed that I would like the hot tub room door closed and locked? I told that was correct! He apologized for being away and promised to join me soon. Would I like some champagne? While I do not drink much at all, I figured one glass in the hot tub would be nice so why not?
I heard the key in the hot tub door when he returned a few minutes later and when it swung open, I very briefly saw other people in the room behind him. And apparently they saw a glimpse of me, too, as I heard a "DAMN!" just before the door closed. Deac only had one glass of champagne which he passed to me to share, sayiing that he had more on the way. His robe hit the floor and he began stepping into the tub, announcing that he was "gonna chill wit me fo a minute". When we had been in the tub together earlier it had been much more urgent sexually, but this time we just hung out together and shared the glass of champagne, letting him sprawl back like a king and bask in the glow of the naked white body beside him. Some casual kissing and rubbing against each other, some footsie under the water, some light boob appreciation, etc.
Our private canoodling was interrupted by the sound the door lock being engaged.
"Damn...Tyrone!" Deacon muttered.
Of course it would make sense that Tyrone had the other key to the hot tub room. The door opened a bit and sure enough, there was Tyrone's face with MC Hammer glasses peeking in.
"Hey Deac!" he said over the din of the music. "Look who show up!"
And then opened the door a little further to reveal another older black man beside him.
"Its Ole Tone!"
Deacon's face lit up.
"Tone!" he exclaimed and stood up, stopping about half way just before his crotch was revealed to "Ole Tone".
"Get yo ass in here!" he said as he grabbed for a towel to cover himself.
"You need to meet Ole Tone..." he grumbled to me as he slipped his robe back on.
So...this was a lot to take in. I immediately got a little anxious when that door opened and a strange negro was standing there. And more strange negroes behind him, trying to peek in . Tyrone pushed Ole Tone in and closed the door and locked it.
"Ole Tone" looked to be in the same basic age bracket as Tyrone and Deacon, so late 50s/early 60s. He was wearing his Derby suit, which I imagined was also his church suit. Seersucker and a bow tie...he looked more "black church" whereas Deac and Tyrone were dressed more "70s pimp on a street corner". He was a little taller than the other two with an average-shaped grandpa body...thicker than Tyrone (who was skinny) but nowhere as thick as Deacon. Short conservative afro with lots of grey and wearing glasses. No facial hair.
So for your visual: if Deacon was Bill Duke and Tyrone was MC Hammer, Tone was more like...Bill Cosby, I guess? LOL.
OK, maybe a bad example...but the visual works. :)
I assumed "Ole Tone" was short for Tony or Antonio, but this was never confirmed. The men apparently hadn't seen each other for awhile and began catching up a bit, most Deacon talking about his amazing luck at the track. I felt a little bit like an eavsesdropper in the hot tub. I had instinctively sunk down to my chin in the tub when Tyrone rattled the lock and opened the door, so that only my face and hair were above water.
Tone was looking over Deacon's shoulder at me while Deacon talked, stealing glances at me, checking me out. I smiled and waved at him and he smiled back. He had an expression of bemusement, like: "is this really happening right now?" Suddenly Deac noticed that Tone's attention was divided and quickly turned to me as well. He immediately introduced Tone to me and I took a deep breath and stood up out of the water to shake the man's hand.
I swear that I wasn't doing it in slow motion, but it sure FELT like I was standing in slow motion! I was looking directly at Tone to get his reaction, but I could see out of my peripheral vision my breasts emerge, parting the water and letting it run off and around them. The polite but slightly strained expression on his face immediately melted as his eyes naturally went right to my chest. He visablly flinched when I took his extended hand to shake it. He was trying his best to be polite and maintain eye contact with me, his eyes clearly DYING to cut down!
I moved from the center of the tub to climb up the steps on the side where Tone stood, now directly in front of him, my entire body from the knees down now exposed. He had leaned forward to shake my hand and I took advantage of that my using other other hand to reach up and grip the back of his neck to pull him closer for a quick "MUUUUUUAHHHH" kiss on the lips. Nothing wildly sexual, but a little more than just an innocent "Hello" peck, too. I did NOT release his hand that I had been shaking.
"Nice to meet you, Mr Tone!" I said in a very perky voice, like we were at a dinner party and I wasn't naked and dripping wet before him.
"Aint she somethin....?" Deacon said with pride. Tone was only able to gurgle out an affirmative response that yes, I was indeed somethin... :)
At this point, Tone had dropped all pretense of politeness and was blatantly staring at my bare body, his eyes running up and down my dripping wet boobs and pussy. I was tingling all over being visually inspected by him.
"Are you going to get in with me, Mr Tone?" I said, now holdiing his hand with both of mine and gently tugging him towards me as I stepped back and off the top step. This caused my pussy to slip just below the warm bubbling water and the sensation made me shiver.
"Oh, I don't know about all that!" he immediately began protesting...but NOT pulling his hand away, I noticed.
Deacon urged him to get in with me and *I* urged him to get in with me, but Tone was clearly struggling. Shy? I guess so...maybe he just needed some encouragment? So I pulled his hand toward me and placed it on my left breast. OH MY! That look on his face, not sure how to describe it! His eyes glazed with pure lust...I shivered again as his big thumb flicked across my nipple which currently had the size and consistency of a thimble. I let one hand drift to my right breast and we began kneading and massaging my boobs in unison.
He had gone down to one knee by the edge of the tub so he could lean in and get even closer. My toes were pressed against the top step, as close I could get without getting out of the tub myself. His head was leaning in closer and closer...I used my left hand, the one NOT on my slip again behind his head to pull him towards me even more. We were now nearly forehead to forehead, both of us still looking down at his big calloused hand on my tender tinging tit.
I suddenly lunged foward with my mouth to meet his and we had a replay of our HELLO lip smack, only this time with the sexiness dialed up 1000%! Our lips melted together and he gasped...which allowed me to immediately slip my tongue in his mouth and flick it around lasciviously like a horny snake. After some brief lip smacking and tongue wrestling, I tilted my head back...which of course is the international symbol for: kiss my neck. Which he did!
In fact those big fat purple lips of his moved quickly from my neck, down my chest, and to my breast! YAY!
He had a fat dark pink tongue that made big sloppy laps all over my breast before he finally wrapped his lips around my nipple and began sucking! YAY again! I moaned and my back arched involuntarily. I snuck a glance over at Deacon, who was sitting back on the bench and grinning broadly.
Tone's hand that had previously on my breast had slid down until it was on my side just above my left hip. I eased my left hand from the back of his head down to that hand, then moved it to my center and down. Gripping his hand, I felt his fingers graze my bellybutton, my "bikini area", my clit. The last of course sent a shock wave thru my body and my hips instinctively arched towards his hand. His big strong black fingers at my pussy lips...and then slipping inside me.
OK, NOW it was getting good! I moaned again and clamped my pussy around his fingers and began squeezing and grinding my hips. He was still sucking furiously on my nipples, moving back and forth between both of them, and I was panting and encouraging him in his ear. I had known this ugly old black man less than 5 minutes and he was fingering me and sucking on my titties! All while Deacon watched approvingly! I absolutely LOVE stuff like this!
I reached forward with my free hand to touch the front of his pants, return the favor if you will. He had quite a nice-sized lump there and I felt "something" in there twitch and move when I touched it. I gave it a very firm but gentle LOVING squeeze...Ole Tone seemed to be sporting a very nice-sized package, and I felt my tongue instinctively come out of my mouth to lick at my suddenly-dry lips.
And then...
"Hold on now!" Tone suddenly said, puling his lips away from my nipples, his hand from my pussy, and his body just back far enough so that his crotch was out of my reach. He was shaking his head and said he wasn't "sure bout all this!"
OK, so I was surprised but not shocked. I mean, this must have been alot for him to absorb in a very short amount of time. I was used to having fun with strangers like this, but I know not every one is. I took his right hand, the one that had been in my pusssy...the fingers still wet from being inside me. I told him that it was "no problem" and that he was still welcome to join me in the tub and just hang out, take things slower. Deacon was also urging him to just be cool and that yes, he was welcome to hang out in here as much as he wanted.
Ole Tone was clearly torn and was once again staring at my nakedness. I still held onto his hand, now with both of mine, and had it against my upper chest. Not on my boobs in a lusty way. I peeked down and saw his middle 2 fingers, black and glistening with my pussy fluids and without thinking dipped my head to taste me on them. My flavor swirled in my mouth and I moaned, pulling them deeper all the way past my lips. Unable to stop myself from sucking deeply on them or to stop myself from purring loudly as I did.
I slowly looked up to make eye contact with him while I sucked hard on his fingers. Smiling up at him, then sucking hard and making my cheeks cave in around his fingers. More or less level with his crotch, which was not lost on either of us. Cutting my eyes towads it, seeing the wet handprint I'd left there. His free hand now following my eyes there and touching his own junk, massaging slowly in time with my finger-sucking. Let me say again, that Ole Tone had what appeared to be a MASSIVE package, and my whole body was longing for him to move his hand up from it and to his belt and zipper.
"Go on, dawg," Deacon encouraged him. "Go head and let her suck it."
and then:
"She love shit like that...."
Oh my! Those words grumbling up from Deacon's black barrel chest made my whole body shiver and every exposed part suddenly erupted in goose pimples. I nodded up at Tone to let him know that Deacon was absolutely correct, that I DID indeed "love shit like this!" I was mentally encouraging Tone to GET THAT ZIPPER DOWN! And I was hopeful as his features were wilting and he looked like he was about to do just that, when...
"I better not!" he suddenly said, pulling his fingers out of my mouth as he jumped to his feet and reached for the door handle. "Not right now, anyway."
I no doubt looked disappinted and Deacon quickly asked if he was sure?
Tone was stammering and clearly shook up, saying that: yeah, not right now...but maybe...later? ...he said that THIS (pointing at me LOL) was cool...and he appreciated the offer....but...maybe later...just not right now...etc.
He opened the door enough to step outside and I gave him a playful frowny face and waved 'bye' at him.
"See you later?" I said in a pouty little girl voice, and his eyes glazed over one last time and he nodded urgently before slipping out and shutting the door. Once again I saw some black faces just beyond the door staining to peek in...I wonder what THEY would say about the offer that Ole Tone had just turned down? LOL.
"Damn," Deacon said getting up from the bench. "Don't know why ole boy bug like that..."
Well, I kinda do. I mean, while I was disappointed, this HAD TO HAVE BEEN pretty over-whelming for Tone.
I was telling a friend about this and he was stunned, like: "why did he chicken out?", like no guy would turn down a blowjob from me. But, there were a lot of factors to consider here: he could have been married and this was going too far. He seemed more conservative than Deacon/Tyrone. He very well may have been religious. Maybe the fact that Deacon was right there and that there were other people just outisde the door was throwing him off. Or some combination of these factors. While I've found that a large majority (80-90%) of black guys have no problem whipping their dicks out in front of their buddies for a sexual encounter, a small percent just wasnt into that. Tone seemed to probably fall into that bucket.
"oh well, his loss," I said, just shrugging my shoulders and reclining back in the tub. "Maybe next time..."
Deacon laughed and agreed it was DEFNITLEY Tone's loss...then announced that he'd ordered more chamapagne and needed to go check on it. I asked if he could please order me some water? And he said that YEP, he'd already ordered me a "big ass bottle of fancy water" that was on its way. I gasped and told him that was VERY sweet of him and thanked him for taking such good care of me. He leaned down and we shared a hot meltly sexy kiss. HIs hand slipped down to rest on a breast while one of mine slipped up inside his robe to massage his big fuzzy coconut balls.
He pulled away with a chuckle, saying he didn't need to be walking his party with a big hard-on! LOL.
So sank back into the tub as he left the rooom...another flash of people in the next room, rowdy black voices talking over the music thumping.
Me letting the warm water continue to jet against me in strategic place, thinking about "Ole Tone" and what just happened and what ALMOST happened. Rubbing the sensitive soles of feet over a hot jet, lightly touching my body, wondering if he was thinking of me right now, what we could be doing right now. Wondering if he will "think" of me later on? Wondering if he'll allow his lust to overcome whatever other roadblocks he was having and maybe swing back by later?
The next time Deacon returned a few minutes later, there was a room service waiter with him.
And not just ANY room service waiter, but a familar face! :)
Oh, this WAS going to be a fun evening after all!
Part 3 coming soon!
2 年 前