A Dark Horse...Derby Day Fun, pt 3

Howdy yall!

Thanks for joining me for part 3 of my Derby Day festivities!
If you haven't read parts 1 and 2 yet, what the heck?
Go catch up, now!


So when we last left off, I was settling back down into the hot tub.
I had just had a close call with Deacon's buddy Tone, who seemed a little freaked out from the scene and all the people and politely refused my offer of a blow job. I was a little disappointed of course, because I always especially love a *new* one, ie one I've never had before. I mean, I had already had sex with Deacon and had a feeling I would have Tyrone's black dick in my mouth before the evening was done. But in this crazy environment with so many black guys partying, I HAD to get at least ONE new one tonight...right?

Deacon had gone to check on the champagne he'd ordered (along with a "big ass bottle of fancy water" for me)...finally the door to the hot tub room swung open and there he was back along with the room service waiter...whom I recognized!

OK, so some back story:

As I've mentioned, I hang out at this hotel from time to time. There is a lounge downstairs that features (ahem) "urban" music and has a correspoonding urban clientele. This is where I met Tyrone and first hooked up with him. And I drop in here from time to time over the last 6 months now that I've moved back. Its a nice safe place for me since the chances are slim that I would run into family or friends or folks that I go to church with here.

Of course there are regulars and staff that see me frequently and I do often wonder what goes thru their mind when they see me?
I mean, a white woman who hangs out an "urban" lounge and hotel is probably there for only one reason, right? And its not just because she's a fan of the music. And as expected 99% of the staff is black and many are actual Africans.

So let's skip back to a couple months ago. I was spending time in a room with a gentleman I see from time to time called "Big Nate". He is a traveling businessman I met in the lounge late last year and we struck up a "friendship"...and of course by "friendship", I really mean that we hook up whenever he's in town to make out and doing fun nasty stuff. As his name indicates, "Big Nate" is, uh, BIG...ex college football player at least a foot taller than me and over 300 lbs. And since this is ME we're talking about , he's very very black. :) We have very much of a King Kong and Faye Wray vibe when we are together....wouldn't be hard to picture him carrying me up the side of the hotel while old-fashioined planes shot at him LOL.

This evening in particular we'd had some fun and decided we needed some refreshments before moving on to round 2. LIke I said, he's a big boy who needs fuel to burn! So he ordered up some room service. Now, any of yall who know me, know that I like to do this thing from time to time when I am hanging out with Negroes in hotel/motel rooms and someone comes to the door. I like to answer the door not wearing much and let the person opening the door see ME with a black guy in the background, very obvious what was going on. I usually have done this when ordering a pizza, letting the poor delivery driver (usually white) run his eyes over my body and then get a gut punch when he sees that this hot blonde is shacked up with a black guy. Hot right?

Anywho, this would be a little different in that its room service at a classy hotel. I slipped on Big Nate's dress shirt which naturally fit me like a very loose-fitting gown when I heard the knock on the door. Instead of some white pizza delivery guy, this was a very dark young black guy in his hotel worker's uniform, whom I had seen a couple times previously here at the hotel. I let his eyes wander all over me before stepping aside to let him in. When it came time to sign for the room service, I tiptoed the slip over to Big Nate, who was kicked back on the bed in his boxers like a king. And then I ran the slip back and handed it to the room service waiter.

While very brief, the whole encounter was hot in a different way from the usual white pizza delivery guys. I expected that the white guys would get a sick cuck feeling seeing me and a black man in a room together, but I wondered if this guy thought that HE might have a chance with me since HE was black, too? I thought about that black room service waiter afterwards and even brought him up to Tyrone once. Tyrone said that he knew the guy I was talking about and maybe we could arrange something for fun with him sometime?


I couldn't help but smile when I saw him and his face lit up in recognition when he realized it was ME sitting in that hot tub, the same blonde lady he'd seen around the hotel and the same one who answered the door in that BIG black man's shirt. He seemed genuinely happy to see me in a non-lustful way...that is, until I rose up out of the water, exposing my bare breasts to him. His smile faltered a bit as he eyes involuntarily dropped down.

I stepped forward with my arms out as if to give him a friendly hug, but stopped short when I realized I would get his uniform all wet. So insead I extended my hand so he could briefly shake it. I said it was nice to see him and got a look at his name tag. Tyrone had said that he thought his name was "Chuck", but according to his name tag it was probably more like CHUK, as he had a long-ass African name like Chukkadukkadingdong. He was AFRICAN! Not "African-American", but really AFRICAN! I mean, I knew he had only spoken in grunts and nods and one-syllable words previosly, but I never put it together that this was because he was AFRICAN!

Oh my!
Y'all know I have a soft, er I mean WET spot for AFRICANS!
I felt a shiver run thru my body and I was determined this was going to have a more positive outcome than Ol' Tone did.

His cart was right outside the door, and he quickly brought in a bottle of champagne and my "big ass bottle of fancy water", both on ice in silver serving buckets. Deacon closed the door behind him as Chuk began opening the bottles and pouring us each a glass of champagne and a glass of water for me. While he had been doing all this, I dried mysel off and wrapped the towel around me just under my arms to cover up, the towel just barely coming down below my butt.

I took my glass from him and took a sip, keeping my hand on his the entire time. Now that there was less danger of me getting his uniform wet, I stood on my tiptoes to whisper "Thank you!" and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. He was too dark to turn red, but he was obviously blushing at this LOL. Deacon had slipped a $100 bill into his other hand as a tip, but I still held onto the other one. I began stepping around the tub towards the bench on the other side of the door, indicating that he should follow me.

His eyes got big and he stopped, shaking his head and gesturing towards his watch.

"No! Work! Work!" he said desperately, his eyes moving from me to his watch and uniform to Deacon and back to me, etc.

Now the last thing I wanted to do was got the Chuk in any trouble, but I wasn't about to be denied this dark chocolate African treat! But it was Deacon who quickly chimed in:

"Don't worry about all that!" he said with a laugh as he put his roll of $100 bills back into the pocket of his robe. "I'll talk to your boss and tell 'em you up here helping us...aight?"

Chuk looked legitimately torn at this moment, his eyes still cutting back and forth. I have to admit that I appreciated his devotion to his job, especially in these times when its hard to find good loyal help like this. LOL, you can tell he's NOT an American! :)

"Go on, dawg," Deacon said to Chuk, slapping his back loudly in a way that was mostly a push towards me.
"I'll go call yo boss," he said while holding his finger and thumb alongside his face in the international 'call me' symbol. "You go on over there and sit down...."

Deacon was smiling and winking at him while he said all this, and Chuk's face finally loosened into a smile as well. He was clearly still a little uncertain about this whole situation, but Deacon wasn't taking 'no' for answer. Deacon left the hot tub room, presumably to call Chuk's boss and buy us a few minutes, and when he did, Chuk finally began taking steps towards me and I led him the rest of the way to the bench.

One of the best parts about how this was going down? My unspoken communication with Deacon!

We hadn't discussed me doing anything with the room service help...and to my knowledge, he did NOT know about my previous encounter with Chuk in Big Nate's room. I seriously doubt if Tyrone had mentioned it to him and I knew that I didn't .
But still, he got it right away when I stepped out of the water and took Chuk's hand...he KNEW what I had in mind. We passed a couple quick looks back and forth, smiling with our eyes, and we just KNEW. Of course it would be fun to him and all part of our role play to have the Hood High Roller offer up the hot white girl in his sauna as a "tip" for the room service waiter.

And oh, I haven't described Chuk yet!
Like I said, he is AFRICAN, meaning he is that extra shade of extra dark dark ebony. So dark he almost looks purple. In fact his lips WERE purple and naturally very very thick! He was really skinny, to the point where he almost looked like a skeleton that had been burned to a crisp. Like many super-dark Africans, his eyes were BIG with pitch-black pupils and had an almost blood-shot quality to them. He had very short close-cropped hair and was NOT what most women would consider handsome or even cute. He was wearing the hotel uniform of black pants, white shirt, clip-on bow tie, red jacket. Little gold nametag that said: Chukkadukkadingdong. Or whatever LOL.

I sat him down on the bench and immediately leaned forward until he and I were nearly nose to nose. I gave him a sweet little smile, lingering for a couple beats to let some tension build before letting our lips melt together. I felt his entire body tense up, and then slowly begin relaxing as I kissed him. I brought one hand to side of his burnt skeleton face as I began sucking and chewing on those big fat sexy purple lips of his. This was my favorite kind of kissing: a nice mix of sweet with some sexy, but mostly exploratory, really more like we were tasting each other. Slipping my tongue in his mouth, but not in an intrustive invading manner.

Reaching up with my free hand to tug at my towel and allow it to fall away from my body. I shivered at the sensation of the warm air on my bare body and I felt him tense up again as well. After dropping my towel, my free hand immediately traveled down to his hand and gently guided it to my waist. His hand rested there, just above my hip bone while we continued to smack lips loudly. Sensing that he was a little shy, I once again gently guided it upward. I gasped when his bony fingers reached my breast and threw my head back to moan. WIth our lips now disengaged, this gave him an opportunity to gaze upon my bare torso right in front of him.

I followed his eyes and we both took a few seconds to admire his black skinny fingers kneading my breast. His thumb flicked across my stiff pink nipple and I gasped again, followed by a naughty giggle. My free hand left his wrist and snaked down to the front of his pants, grazing the rather impressive lump that had risen in the front of them. Now it was HIS turn to gasp as I gently squeezed his package and began massaging it. The next moment was spent forehead-to-forehead and nearly nose-to-nose, breathing heavily in each others' faces while we mutually groped each other, his hand massaging my breast while I stroked his dick thru the front of his pants. Both of us panting and occasionally flinching in pleasure.

I was the first to break, quickly both hands to his zipper as I began lowering myself to my knees. As I moved down, my breast pulled away from his hand, causing his hand to drift up near my face...and I quckly turned my head to slip a couple of his fingers in my mouth. I looked him in the eye while I began sucking on his fingers, all while unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants with my trembling hands. His eyes were W I D E in anticipation. His English may have been spotty, but sucking-on-fingers-while-undoing-pants was some pretty easy to read sign language and I think he understood just what I had in mind.

Suddenly, I hooked my fingers into the waistband of both his pants and boxers and began tugging agressively. He quickly bent his back to allow them to slide past his butt and WAH-LA his pants were suddenly to his knees with his boxers right behind. You see, the waistband had apparently gotten snagged on something on the way down: his big loonnnnng black dick! I could see the outline of it straining mightily against the white cotton, and then after a slight hesitation, it suddenly SPRANG up out his boxers!

OH MY! This was quite a long black dick bobbing stiffly in the air like a diving board! From my angle it looked like it nearly slapped himself in the face, but Im sure that was an optical illusion. Still, I gasped at the sight of this very impressive hunk of dark chocolate manhood revealed before me, and laughed...not in a "ha-ha-that's funny-looking" way, but in a "HOLY CRAP LOOK AT THAT THING!" sort of way. Naturally Chuk beamed with pride, as he should have!

I quickly yanked his pants and boxers the rest of the way to the floor and then leaned in to inspect this masterpiece up close. It wasn't narrow by any stretch, but wasn't as thick as Deacon's soup can dick. But it was majestically long with very slight curve foward towards the end...a legit African Anaconda coming out for air! Hey, I will be the first to say that size can be overrated...it typically seems that white men are more obsessed with the size of black dicks than either black men or white women. But I have to say this was a very impressive one that would cause envy from white men and a little extra tingle in the girlie parts of gals like me...visually impressive!

I equate this next part to a wine tasting. I like to visually examine the new black (AFRICAN!) dick up close, allowing my face to get close enough to feel the heat radiating off it. Did you know that if you get close and if its quiet enough, you can actually hear the blood rushing thru one this size and can hear the heartbeat as it throbs? It was too loud in the next room for that unfortunately.

And then...I inhale. Ummmmmmm...my nose alongside his shaft and easing downward towards his balls. The primitive scent of his manhood wafting over me, like being in a cloud of his a****l musk. Letting it AFFECT me, causing my head to swim and my body to tingle. The African male scent always seems stronger and richer, meaty like roast beef or fine leather...and it always makes me swoon.

Lightly grazing the underside of his shaft with my cheek, feeling his dick brush against my hair as it throbbed in the air. Licking my lips and feeling them move against his balls, a sudden flash of salty flavor in my mouth causing my exposed nipples to stiffen almost painfully in the warm air.

Gently easing my tongue forward to FINALLY come in contact with his sweaty balls. Both of us moaning, him from the contact and me from the sudden rush of more of his salty flavor. My face now buried in his crotch, nose against the base of the underside of his shaft, NUZZLING his manhood, rubbing it all over my face as I got hornier and hornier. Of course this was all "hands-free" as I was running my fingernails of both hands up and down his calves and shins. I spread my lips around one large African testicle and gently sucked it into my mouth.

Like having warm avacados in my mouth, sucking on his big black balls as I gazed up at him. Looking up into his charred skeleton face, seeing him pant with his mouth hanging half-open, and his eyes glassy as he stared back down at me. That big black dick throbbing between us and partially blocking my view of his face. I swear I could feel his African tadpoles swimming around in those big black balls, percolating like water boiling the more I sucked on them. Waking them up in there and making them eager to burst free..."don't worry, little fellas...I'll get you out!"

Then licking my way up his shaft, applying sweet butterfly kisses and light sucks on the underside at the base of the head...which I've found to be a nice signature more. That seems to be an especially sensitive and over-looked spot on a guy...someone once pointed out that it would be on about the same spot as a clit on a woman and that made total sense to me. He was flinching and trembling as I worked on his fine fine manhood and I loved being in total control at that moment.

Now swirling my tongue all around the head for a bit before finally dabbing at the glistening blob of pre-come that had accumulated in the tip. Now it was MY turn for the eyes to roll back in my head and my body shiver at the flavor. Just like his ebony skin, African seed hits a little different, muskier and more robust. I pulled all I could into my mouth and swished it around like mouthwash or a vintage wine before swallowing. Yum!

Once again making sure to establish deeeep eye contact as I finally wrapped my lips around the engorged purple plum that was the head of his dick. Swirling it around, teasing and tasting a bit before making that first deeeeep suck on it, feeling my cheeks collapse around it from the pressure. Finallly breaking the seal on that first deep suck with a loud smacking sound.
We were now entering the "worship" phase of the BJ and I was more than ready to glorify my African prince and his tasty African Anaconda!

Another looonng ddeeeeeep suck, ending with a loud smack upon release of suction.
Every time with a little more passion and intensity. Me making happy little purring and moaning sounds in my throat, long protracted "MMMMMMMMMMMMM"s as I sucked deeply on his dick, eyes frequently rolling back in my head. Gradually working more and more of him further into my mouth. Hands-free at first but then gradually with one hand at the base of his dick holding it in place, slipping down to massage his balls, etc. My other hand slipping down to graze my clit while I worked on him.

The frenqency and pace of my sucks picking up naturally as I also took deeper sucks. The movements of my head taking on a very sexy rhythm and serpentine quality...aka "Mandi the Black Snake Charmer". I understand what the visual of my blonde head bobbing and moving has on black guys like him, and I always play up that aspect of it. Always careful not to over-do it with exaggerated head thrashing like you see in generic porn. But my blonde head bobbing in a nice and sexy cadence...

Oh, did I say: "bobbing"? Yes, eventually moving from more of a side to side lick and suck to head bobbing. My sexy lips wrapped around his work-of-art black dick and fucking it with my mouth. Feeling it tickle my tonsils. Of course I had no chance of deep throating anything as long as his dick, but beginning to take it as deeply as I could in my mouth. Pulling it completely out of my mouth and seeing half of his long black dick glisten with my saliva to check my progress, like checking the oil on a dipstick. Licking the sides and the head again before putting it back in my mouth to resume sucking him.

There was one moment when my knees began to ache from being on the hard floor and I quickly shifted up to my feet, squatting before him instead of kneeling. As I rose, his eyes got big...and I realized for a split second he thought I was getting up to...mount him? Yes, that was probably what he thought. And for a split second of my own, it crossed my mind how easy it would be to do exactly that. His pants were around his ankles and I was buck naked. His dick was hard enough to hammer nails and my pussy was dripping wet from how horny sucking his dick had made me. It had been long enough since screwing Deacon that my pussy would have been more than ready to accept Chuk's African Anaconda. And oh my, I had a certain flash of how it would feel poking up into my belly...

But no...as tempting as all that was, no. Not yet, not this time. For a number of reasons: no.
As easy as it had been to get wrapped up in worshipping his black dick, I suddenly remembered that we were in a small area of a hotel room that was currently hosting a Derby Party. There a number (10? 20? More?) people just on the other side of this door and very likely more in the adjoining room. And while Deacon surely bought him some time with his boss, Chuk was still on the clock.

But most importantly: I knew this was an AMAZING oral experience I was giving him, and I really wanted it to be a stand-alone event. If I climbed up on his monumental dick right now, he would probably explode in just a couple seconds. Literally. And that would be kind of a disappointing end to something that was currently quite majestic. No, it was better that we ended this like we started it, with him inside my worshipping mouth.

So instead of standing the rest of the way up, I used my new squatting postion to simply give myself better leverage to really lean into my sucking and head bobbing. I started back with a vengence, sucking HARD and bobbing my head faster and with greater intensity. The ragged groan that escaped him let me know he wasn't *too* disappointed I resumed sucking him intead of fucking him. While I would have been happy to keep sucking him the rest of the night, it was clear now that I was heading (no pun intended!) things toward the finish line and working to finish him off.

His hips were beginning to buck and flinch erratically and I knew we were getting close. His body was a bundle of tension that was driving towards release. Would it be overly-dramatic of me to say that I could hear tribal drums pounding louder and louder in my head in time with the strokes of his dick in and out of my mouth? Or were those the hooves of stallions I heard as we approached the finish line?

Either way, he gasped and then shouted out and IT WAS HAPPENING! His hands were flailing and I quickly guided one to the back of my head and grabbed the other one, our fingers interlocking. I braced myself for that first blast and oh my what an eruption it was! A thick squirt of rich African seed hit the back of my throat and I involuntarily gasped and flinched before swallowing it down. And then quckly re-set myself for all that was to follow. His eyes were wide as he lost absolute control and discharged wild spurts in my mouth.

Such an intimate thing for strangers to share! Here was this black boy I only had seen in passing now ejaculating into my mouth and I was happily swallowing every bit of it. The whole oral encounter had been both worshippful and (dare I say?) loving on my part, very intimate, and now it was ending in the most trusting and mutually respectful way possible. I had offered him a gift of my oral pleasure and he had accepted it...he was now in return offerring me the very essence of his manhood and I was very eagerly accepting that.

I maintained suction as he finished up, to the point where he began squirming and had to pull his dick out of my mouth. I smiled lazily up at him while rubbing his dick all over my lips and chin. He smiled back in a very dazed manner before I put his dick back back up to my mouth for a few final licks to clean him off.

I was still squatting in front of him and offering him my towel for a final wipe up, when I heard the door open. Chuk jumped up and I whirled around to see it was Deacon. He quickly apologized if he was interrupting us, and I quickly answered that no, we were just finishing up. And then I involuntarily wiped at my lips, as if to reinforce what "finishing up" meant. Chuk had pulled his pants and boxers up, and had a sheepish slightly embarrassed grin on his face as he buckled his belt. I rose to my tiptoes to give him a peck on his cheek and whispered "thank you!" to him.

Yes, I thanked HIM for letting me suck his long black dick and swallow his tasty African nut. :)

He tried to hurry out of the room, still looking somewhat unsure of what all just happened. Deacon held out his hand for a high 5 and they did one of those complicated hand-shake/slap/jive things that all black people just seem to instinctively know. Ending with Deacon pulling him forward for a guy-hug and hearty slap on the back! Deacon was smiling and laughing, clearly proud of him, and Chuk was beaming from ear-to-ear as he exited the room. I wiggled my fingers bye and told him that I would see him later...

If you've made it this far, I hope you've enjoyed hearing about this crazy crazy night of mine!
Please stay tuned for the 4th and FINAL chapter of my Derby Day fun!
发布者 mandilou0303
2 年 前
black4porn 1 年 前
You Really treated that African and Yourself {MOSTLY} to a REAL WONDERFUL DICK SUCKIN and CUM DUMP LOAD
Naughtynev69 1 年 前
raywmjr 2 年 前
Gene04 2 年 前
Ok, ill start with a few items;  very well written, with a descriptive flair.  Mandi the black snake charmer - ok i giggled, but deep down i know you speak the truth.  That spot just under the head - yes it is like the G-spit on a woman.  I was talking with another guy, and there is a name for that area, which escapes me at the moment.   It came up because i want a piercing, and it is in the running as a possible location !  LOL.  oh, and that "sick cuck feeling", i never get that.  If im with a lady i want her to have fun.  I know she will treat me right in the long-run.  Im always confident that an experienced woman understands that needs and wants are a two-way street.
jj4wp 2 年 前
Very nice Mandi! :smile:
blazerss 2 年 前
That was UNBIEVABLE mandilou!