My Neighbor and I
Where do I begin?
I guess the beginning... of course.
I’m a white female, 68, 5’ 8”, 125-pounds.
I’ve been by myself now for over 25 years, after the death of my husband from lung Cancer. He put up a brave fight but, in the end, it got the better of him and he passed quietly at home with me by his side. We never had any c***dren and I wonder how my life would be if I’d had a couple of k**s.
Oh well, no sense in living in the past.
The only company I’ve had in these 25 yeas has been my neighbor, Henry. He’s 72, 6’ 3”, 245-pounds and built like a brick shithouse!
I watched him many times as he’s tended his garden in his back yard, hoeing and chopping weeks, picking the veggies once they’re ready, all that in just his faded blue jeans, with no shit on, sweat running down the middle of his back.
Needless to say, I’d have may daydream fantasies about him.
Every Sunday we have lunch together, either at his place or mine, or out somewhere where we don’t mind people looking as us, two old seniors – one black as coal and the other as white as a fluffy cloud hanging in the sky – but we don’t mind. We’re enjoying ourselves and don’t pay attention to what others think.
Henry has a huge German Shepherd who keeps me company once and a while, mainly when I’m sitting on the front porch reading the latest best seller of doing my cross stitching. He lays at my feet and just knowing he’s there comforts me, especially when Henry is away doing whatever it is he does. He’s never told me what he’s into and, frankly, I don’t care. It’s none of my business.
I’ve noticed a couple of times lately that other black men are with him, but they never leave the house and are usually only there for a couple of hours and then they’re gone, almost like they’ve never been there.
Occasionally he has some white couples over but they never stay long, either.
One day, about 2 months ago, something happened next door that caught my attention.
Oscar – the German Shepherd – ran up to my house and started whining and scratching at the front door. I knew something had to be wrong by the way he was action, so I left the house and followed him to Henry’s place.
When I got there the front door was ajar and I could hear some groaning coming from deeper in the house.
“Henry,” I called out. “Are you OK?”
Now, I didn’t want to go inside someone else’s house without being asked but something didn’t feel right, so I entered the living room.
The noise was coming from upstairs so I went to the bottom of the stairs, looked up, and shouted, “Henry? Are you OK?”
“I’ll be right down, Ester,” came the reply.
It wasn’t long before he joined me at the base of the stairs, wearing his usual faded jeans but with an old, ragged T-shirt covering his torso.
“Oscar came over to the house and he was acting like something was wrong, so I came right over to check on you.”
“I appreciate it, Ester, I do. I just slipped in the bedroom while painting the ceiling and must have knocked myself out for a bit. Oscar was probably scared something worse had happened,” he explained, rubbing the back of his head.
Now that I looked, I could see what appeared to be fresh paint splattered on both his shirt and jeans.
“Hey there, you ain’t no young man anymore, you old geezer, you need to be careful.”
“I know,” he said, “but that room ain’t gonna paint itself, you know. Want to see what I’ve done so far?” he asked.
“Sure, why not?”
Leading me up the stairs, we turned to the right, into the ‘guest’ room. He’d painted the walls a nice lavender shade and the ceiling was white, only a small corner of the ceiling had to be finished. I guessed that was what he was doing when he fell. A chair was overturned in the corner, so I guessed he’d been standing on it while painting.
“You need something steadier that some random chair,” I told him.
“It’s all I’ve got right now. I’ve never needed a ladder for anything, as most of the outside of the house is covered in brick and vinyl siding.”
“I love the color. Why lavender?” I asked
“I’ve always liked that color and just decided it. time to do the room, so I went to the hardware store, looked at several shades, decided on this one and, as they say, ‘the rest is history’.”
I had to laugh. Here’s Henry, a huge man by many standards, painting a room in his house lavender. As far as I know he’s never been married and I’ve never seen a woman stay more than a couple of hours in the house with him.
“Ester, would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night?” he suddenly asked.
“Well, I don’t remember having anything to do on my calendar, so yes, I’d love to. Here or are we going out?”
“I was thinking of taking you to that new restaurant downtown. I’ve heard a lot of talk about it and how good the food is.”
“I’ve heard the same thing, so let’s do it.”
We went downstairs and I gave him a huge hug before leaving.
“Just be careful up there,” I told him.
“Only gotta finish that last corner and then I’m done,” he replied.
I returned to the house and just as I was stepping onto the porch a white Ford pick-up pulled into his driveway. A nice looking black man got out, waved to me, and proceeded up the steps to Henry’s house, where he knocked on the door, waited a few minutes, and then entered when Henry opened the door for him. I’ve seen him there before, several times lately, so it never crossed my mind that something might be going on.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Welcome once again, Randy” the man was greeted as Henry closed the door behind him. “What brings you out this way, today?
The man was nervous, you could see how jittery he was just standing there.
“I’ve come to tell you that I won’t be coming back.”
“Why is that?” Henry asked.
“I’ve found someone. We’ve been dating a while now and it’s starting to get serious.”
“I’m happy for you, Randy. I truly am. I’ve been hoping the right guy would come along and sweep you off your feet. I’m getting to be too old for you anyway and besides, we both knew this was only a temporary thing. Can I get you something?” Henry asked as he turned into the kitchen.
“No thanks... nothing to drink... anyway.”
Henry turned around, a big grin on his face.
“One last time, I suppose.”
“OK. Let’s go upstairs, where we’ll be more comfortable, OK?”
Once in the bedroom the curtains were closed, as well as the door, and both men began undressing.
“Do you mind if I ask you why you wanted this one more time?” Henry asked.
“Well, we’ve been seeing each other now for almost 5 years and while I’ve enjoyed the company, and the ‘benefits’ I didn’t want to make a scene with you and I though it would be better if we parted on equal terms.”
“Equal terms, huh.”
“Something like that. Honestly, Henry, you’re the best I’ve ever been with and I know what you’re into, with all the other guys and those white couples and it’s never bothered me at all. I know you do some weird ship with the white couple, what with Oscar and all, and I was content with what we had, but then Raymond came along and...” He fidgeted around a while as he remove his pants and briefs, revealing his uncut 8-inch cock. It was slowing hardening as he talked.
“I’ve loved every minute we’ve had together, Henry, and I just didn’t feel right by doing this on the phone or in an email. I had to do this face-to-face, so that we’d both be alright with the situation.”
“Will you and Raymond...” Henry started but was cut off.
“We’ve talked about a lot of things, Henry, and that was one of them. I’ve expressly told him this relationship will be oral only. I’m not into the anal thing and I guess I never will be and he seems to be ok with that.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
Henry now stood before him, naked himself, stroking his uncut 8-inch manhood, moving his foreskin up and over his cockhead several times, producing a large amount of pre-cum, telling Randy how ready he was.
With no further delays, Randy dropped to his knees and proceeded to lick Henry’s cock up and down, licking his balls and sucking each one into his mouth before returning to the hardened pole in front of him.
Henry pushed him away, just long enough for him to sit on the edge of the bed, get comfortable, and once again allow the younger man to dine on his cock.
Randy once again began to lick the shaft and he rose up and down on the with each stroke of his tongue. Once he got to the foreskin-covered head he did what he always did, he sucked on that extra over-hang - 3-inches of excess skin – protruding from the end of the cockhead. He loved feeling that extra 3-inches slide against his tongue as he probed it, sucked it, licked inside it, and just overall enjoyed the feeling of that extra skin moving about in his mouth. While he was also uncut, his extra skin was just enough to cover his own cockhead, with about ½-inch of overhang.
“Get up here and let’s 69 for a while,” Henry told him.
Without another word, the two men went about satisfying each other with their mouths, the same thing they’d done for the past 5 years.
Like Randy, Henry was strictly an ‘oral only’ bisexual. He didn’t even so much as like a finger up his butt, which suited Randy just fine because he was the same way. Oral was it... period!
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
When Henry was a younger man (somewhere in his late 30s or early 40s) he’d discovered the art of sucking cock. As a black man it was hard to find someone with similar tastes, as most black Sure, they loved to have white men such their cocks, but that was it. Usually, they degraded the poor white men and left them feeling nauseated by what they’d done. Some liked it... others never did it again, as far as he knew.
He put ads in adult magazines stating what he was looking for and was surprised at the responses he got. Some were good and others were just nasty, calling him names and hoping he’d get AIDs of something like that. He never paid any attention to those replies and quickly deleted them. The nicer ones he answered, sometimes sending a pic of his uncut cock and sometimes just a written answer with no pics. He stated he wanted someone his age or older, as older men really turned him on to no end. He also stated he only wanted men with uncut cocks, no circumcised ones would be accepted. That dwindled the ‘supply’ drastically, as most men now had been cut right after being born.
It was much later that he got involved with white couples, only couples, no single white women allowed. While bisexual, he much preferred the company of the males and enjoyed watching the men with their wives as he serviced them.
When he was in his early 60s, he found a new ‘kink’, one that would stay with him the rest of his life.
Chapter 2
When Henry was 61, he came across an ad like none he’d ever seen before and it intrigued him to no end so he found himself doing a bit of research on the Internet and his curiosity was piqued, to say the least.
He went online and found stories and videos and the more he watched the more his interest grew until finally, he place an ad of his own, but this one, for the first time, had nothing to do with sexual satisfaction... for now.
He was looking for a mature male dog, somewhere between the ages of 2 and 4 that hadn’t been neutered. He didn’t care if it was from someone who no longer could afford the pet, if it came from a shelter, or it was simply found wondering around a neighborhood.
He got several replies the second day the ad appeared and he answered each one.
The first was a couple getting ready to transfer for the husband’s job and they were unable to take the dog with them. Unfortunately, this one had been in an accident and was missing one of his back legs. No-go for that one.
The nest was from a shelter. The dog in question was due to be euthanized the following week and once Henry saw him, he knew this a****l had potential. He gladly paid the fees required and waited 3 days for the inoculations to be done then he picked him up and went home. Once they were home he decided to name him Oscar.
Next, he advertised in adult magazines and on adult websites looking for females who were looking for such services.
He was totally surprised at the number of responses he received and he had to go through each one to determine who he would choose.
In the end, he had 4 candidates. All were in their middle to late 20s, single, and ‘looking for adventure’. 3 were white and the last was black.
He started with the white women first, emailing each one from his protected server, and asking questions on why, when and how they’d like to proceed.
He contacted the black woman last, not because of her race, but the fact that she was the oldest of them, being 28. She was a college graduate and had a good job as an accountant at one of the city’s largest accounting firms.
Surprisingly it was the black female who contacted him first, only hours after he sent his email.
He sat at his desk and read her reply. I read...
‘Mr. Morrison,
While we may not know each other personally, I was quite shocked to hear from you in this regard. This is a fantasy of mine that I’ve had for years and yes, I would love to learn how to do ‘it’ with a dog. I’ve watched videos, read stories, and have talked about it with one of my dearest friends, who had done ‘this’ before. She’s tried to ‘enlist’ me to this cause but I’ve been very hesitant to do so. As I stated above, it’s been a fantasy and if you’re willing to accept me that I’d be happy to join you in your endeavor.
Henry was intrigued with this response but wanted to wait and see if he heard from his other ‘candidates’. He didn’t have to wait long. The next day, he got responses from all the other women.
“Mr. Morrison,
I thank you for your consideration for this endeavor, but at this time I must decline. I’ve recently been transferred to another state for a new job and therefore I humbly decline. It would have been a great experience, I’m sure, as I’ve fantasized about something like this for quite some time, even ‘experimenting’ with a neighbor’s dog licking me ‘down there’. Again, thank you but I will be unable to do this.
The next response was one he certainly crossed off his list.
‘Mr. Morrison,
Thank you for your consideration on this subject but I’ve recently been diagnosed with Breast Cancer and therefore will be unable to participate in this at this time. I start Chemo treatments next week and I’m sure that I’ll be physically unable to ‘perform’ as required. Thank you for considering me though.
The last one would certainly be a great candidate.
‘Mr. Morrison,
I’d be more than thrilled to be a part of your ‘group’ as I’ve ‘experimented’ in this ‘area’ for some time and do have a bit of experience in ‘those matters’. Please feel free to contact me again when you’ve set a schedule and I’ll be happy to join you.
Now he had 2 candidates to work with, now he needed someone with ‘experience’ who’d be willing to help him learn more about mating females with dogs. He searched the Yellow Pages, looking for kennels, shelters, even veterinarians who might have some knowledge on were he could find such a person, obviously it had to be a female.
Over the next 2 weeks he called and visited many of the sites until he finally got an inkling of where to find such a person. Oddly enough it was from one of the vets who provided the information. He went to visit her and discuss what he was looking for.
He arrived at the clinic as it was closing, as he’d been instructed, and waited for Dr. Thelma Hawkins in the reception area. Once everyone had left, and the doors were locked, she escorted his to her office, where the discussion would take place.
“Nice to meet you, Dr. Hawkins,” Henry said as they shook hands and he was directed to the chair directly in front of her desk.
“So nice to meet you, too, Mr. Morrison.”
“Please, Henry. Mr. Morrison was my father.”
“Sure, Henry. Why don’t you call me Thelma?”
“Now, shall we get down to ‘business’?” Henry asked.
“What is it that you particularly want to know?”
“As we discussed over the phone, I’m looking for a female who has had experience with a****ls... in a ‘sexual’ way.”
“Meaning you want someone who’s had dogs as sexual partners, right?”
“It’s highly unusual for something like this to happen and, as a professional, I shouldn’t even be talking to you about it. It is against the law and, if you’re discovered, you could face possible jail time, not to mention being added to the sexual predator list.”
“I’m aware of all that.”
“Then why are you coming to me?”
“Because you appeared to know more than you’re willing to discuss over the phone or even on the Internet in emails.”
“That’s because the Internet is a place that is monitored for such things and phones can be listened to without our knowledge.”
“Therefore, it’s best discussed in person, in privacy, with no one else around, if you get my meaning.”
“I do... so, what do you want to know?”
“Do you personally know anyone with that sort of experience that would be willing to help me with a private enterprise?”
Apparently, Dr. Hawkins was thinking, as she tapped her fingertips on her desk.
“Personally, I know of 2 such women and I know – for sure – that one of them would definitely be interested in what you’re proposing.”
“And they are...”
“First, let me make one thing clear. Neither one of these ladies is to be called by her formal name. Neither one will be at the same place at the same time. Finally, you must assure me that their privacy will be assured at all times.”
“I can certainly do that. I have my own place, with only one neighbor, several miles outside the city limits. It’s remote, somewhat isolated and, as I’ve said already, only one neighbor whom I assure you will not be a problem.”
“How close is this neighbor?”
“Within a couple hundred yards of my house.”
“Why won’t she be a problem?”
“Because she’s going to be a participant in this as well.”
“Does she know this?”
“Not yet, but I assure you, she will and she’ll be a willing participant, as well.”
“How many people will be involved in this?”
“Well, certainly me and my neighbor, the person – or persons – you recommend, and 2 others I’ve already vetted and are willing to be a part of this.”
“All female, I assume.”
“Except for me... of course.”
Once again, silence, as thinking was being done.
Dr. Hawking turned her chair away from Henry as she thought. He could see her bobbing her head as she considered his proposal and, after a couple of minutes, she turned to face him again and said, “One of those people will be myself.”
He tried to hide his surprise... but couldn’t.
“Didn’t expect that did you?”
“No, I didn’t.”
“As a practicing vet, I’ve come across a number of women who partake in such endeavors and been an a****l lover for almost 15 years myself.”
“So why are you interested in this?”
“I’ve been approached by various women over the years wanting to learn how to train their dogs to have sex with them. Most I’ve turned away, not wanting to get caught in a ‘sting operation’, as I’ve known quite a to happen in the past. I’ve got a great reputation as a vet and I want to keep it that way. I’ve also trained at least 3 women on this, so I do know quite a bit about it.”
“That will certainly help, as I’ve no working knowledge myself. I’m wanting someone who can help me train my dog to please women and know that I’m doing it right and in a safe manner.”
“Let me get in touch with this other person and see if she’s interested, as I’m sure she will be. She’d been doing this sort of thing for over 10 years now and I was the one who got her started. She’d one of my best clients and also a very personal friend.”
Henry rose from his seat and extended his hand across the desk, where Dr. Hawkins also stood and completed the handshake.
“I’ll be in touch within the next couple of days,” she told him.
As he was escorted out of the building his thoughts ran like wildfire, perhaps this was going to happen after all.
‘I certainly hope so,’ he thought.
Chapter 3
Ester approached the house next door, climbed the steps, knocked on the door, to have it answered by Henry, wearing his usual faded jeans and T-shirt.
“Hello, Ester. What can I do for you today?”
“I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me, Henry. I’m not trying to be nosy, but I am curious about a few things.”
“Let’s sit on the porch and do this, it’s such a beautiful day out and I haven’t turned on the air-conditioner just yet.”
Once they were comfortably seated, he turned to her and asked, “What’s bothering you, Ester?”
“Nothing’s really bothering me, Henry, but I’m just wondering about all the comings and goings on here lately. There seems to be a lot of traffic lately, at all hours of the day, and I’ve noticed that most of the visitors are men. Henry, are you gay?”
“Well, well, right to the point, I see. No, Easter, I’m not gay. Rather, I’m bisexual as I enjoy both men and women. Does that bother you knowing that now?”
Ester turned a bright shade of red when he told her that.
“No, it doesn’t bother me. I was rather hoping...” she was too embarrassed to finish her statement.
“Ester, are you hitting on me, after all these years?”
“It’s ok, Ester, nothing to be embarrassed about. To be honest, I find you to be quite attractive.”
“Yes. I’ve seen you watching me when I’m working in the garden, rather intently, I might add.”
“I didn’t realize you’d noticed.”
“How could I not, Ester? Even at your age, you’re something for the eye to behold and I’d have to be blind to not notice.”
“But that black gentleman that was here yesterday...” she started.
“It was the last time he’ll be here. He came by to tell me he’d found someone else and last night was a ‘farewell’ for both of us. Honestly, I’m going to miss him. Now, let me ask you something, please.”
“Only fair, I guess. Go ahead.”
“Why aren’t you attached? Surely an attractive woman such as you would have gentlemen callers coming and going, as well.
The redness returned to her face.
“Well, I’ve never considered anyone after the hubby passed. I just wasn’t interested in doing anything anymore, didn’t want to be ‘attached’ and ‘tied down’ again. I admit, I do like my freedom but it can be lonely at times. I keep myself entertained with my hobbies. I don’t have a TV – never wanted one – so I sit on the porch and read or do my cross-stitching.”
“I’ve seen you out there many times.”
“For a gentleman your age, you seen to keep busy. I like watching you from the house, especially when you’re in the garden... without your shirt on.” She paused a minute to fan herself with her hand. “There’s not much of an age difference between us and I’ve wondered...”
“... what it would be like to be with a black man?” Henry finished.
“Well... yes, I have thought about it. Does that bother you?”
He stood up, grabbed her hand, pulled her close, and gave her a huge kiss.
At first, she was shocked but then he felt her relax and return the kiss and it wasn’t long before their tongues were entangled in each other’s mouth.
The kiss lasted only a brief moment, but they held on to each other quite a bit longer, Ester nestling her head just below his shoulder, after all he was a bit taller than she is.
“That was wonderful,” she told him. “You have the softest lips.”
“Thank you. I can honestly tell you that no one has ever told me that.”
“Well, you do.”
“Would you like to take this a bit further?” he asked.
“But you said the air-conditioner isn’t on yet, won’t it be hot inside?”
“I do have a ceiling fan, and it’s running 24/7, so the room is comfortable.”
“In that case, lead the way.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The bedroom was neatly made, all the pillows in place, the spread quite lovely, and it was indeed quite cool with the fan running.
Henry approached the bed, sat and patted it, indicating that she should join him, which she gladly did.
“Please, let me start,” Ester told him.
“By all means, go ahead,” came the answer.
She stood in front of him, between his legs, and gently tugged his T-shirt up and over his head, revealing his 6-pack, which she swooned at a bit. Next she grabbed his hands and pulled, or tried to pull, him to his feet. Being much larger, and heavier, he had to help with this, but that didn’t matter at all. She unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants and lowered the zipper, slowly pushing his jeans towards the floor, where he slowly stepped out once the topped his feet. She pushed him down again and pulled off his sandals and socks, wondering is the saying was true about feet and genitals. She left his briefs on for the moment.
Now, it was her turn and she stood there as he admired her, while propping his head in his hand with his elbow on the bed.
“Lovely view from here,” he told her. “Can’t wait to see the rest.”
“Well, ready whenever you are.”
Quickly he stood up, drew her close and once again kissed her with the most erotic kiss she’d ever had.
‘By God, this man can kiss,’ she thought as she surrendered her body to him.
She stood there as he reached behind her and slowly, lowered the zipper of her dress. Next, he pulled off her shoulders and let it drop. There was no slip, as she never wore one. He unclasped her bra, pulling it off her chest, revealing her C-cup breasts. Her nipples stood out a good ½-inch from her globes, with little or no acerola visible. It looked like all she had were her rock-hard nipples. He leaned down a bit and took one in his mouth, running his tongue around it and then switched to the other, giving it the same attention. Next were her panties, pink in color with frills around the waist. As he pulled them down, he was amazed to see her mons was hairless.
‘Um, just how I like it,’ he thought.
As he lowered the panties he gently nibbled her skin down to her belly button and further until he reached her mons and gently licked between her vaginal lips, drawing a moan from here.
Once they were both naked, he pulled down the covers and gently laid her in the middle, where he joined her.
“Just a minute,” she told him and completely surprised him when she removed her wig, revealing her bald head. “I have Alopecia,” she told him. “Not a hair anywhere on my body. I hope you’re not offended.”
“Offended? Hell, no. I think you’re beautiful, bald head and all. I had wondered if you shaved your mons, but now that I know, it’s even sexier than you can imagine.”
“Thank you. I was worried about it and almost didn’t do anything. Then I figured you’d eventually find out, so what the heck, and decided to display myself in all my hairless glory.”
“Well, I won’t have to worry about hair getting stuck between my teeth, will I,” he chuckled.
She joined him with her laughter.
“No, you won’t.”
The ice was now broken and the loving began.
Chapter 4
By the time Henry and I were done I was so exhausted I slept for 3 hours. I’d never been so tired and thoroughly worked over in all my life. I’d thought sex with my dearly departed was good, but compared to what Henry did... I’ll never complain about sex again for as long as I live. That man knows how to fuck a woman and how to make her feel appreciated. I think we carried on for almost 4 hours. I’ve never known anyone with such staying power, his cock never seemed to droop. We’ll be doing this again, for sure.
~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Never have I had a woman so anxious to be pleased - and used - as Ester was. That lady, while she may be old, certainly taught me a few things and believe me, I’ve seen a lot of ‘things’ in my lifetime.
We both slept for about 3 hours and once we were up, we enjoyed a shower together, me massaging her body and she does the same for me. The warm water and her hands were quite a combination. Don’t even ask me about her mouth...
As a bisexual man I thought I knew all there was about giving blow-jobs, but she taught me a few things that thoroughly amazed me. That woman’s a sex-machine on two legs.
We’ll be sharing the same bed again sometime... either mine or hers.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The following Monday Thelma stopped by the house (She insists that I call her Thelma and not Dr. Hawkins, which is fine with me.) She was accompanied by her assistant at the clinic, Fay, whom she assured me was fully up-to-date with the subject we’d discussed in her office.
We adjourned to the living room, where I served cold lemonade, and began our talks.
“Let me understand this, Mr. Morrison,” Fay started, but he interrupted her.
“Please, we’re all informal here so just call me Henry, OK?”
“Fine, Henry. Thelma tells me you’re wanting to start some type of center here where you’ll train ladies the art of b********y, or dog fucking. Am I right?”
“Yes, you are.”
“What got you interested in this?” Thelma asked.
“I’ve been reading articles online about it. I’ve also read stories, some of which are supposedly true, about the women who regularly fuck their K-9 companions. I’ve watched videos and listed to audios of such things. I’ve also found a lot of online chat sites devoted to such things and I’ve occasionally joined in, just to see what all the hype is about.”
“It’s not hype, let me assure you, Henry,” Fay said. “I’ve been fucking my dog, Rambo, for the last 5 years and have been completely satisfied with the results.”
“I’ve also gotten involved,” stated Thelma. “Fay got me interested it and, being a vet, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to indulge myself in the lifestyle. Mind you I don’t do it with the ‘patients’, that would be unethical, not to mention what an embarrassment it would be if the ‘patients’ decided to take actions with their owners.”
“I’ve been approached by several ladies who are interested in learning how to mate with their dogs,” Fay added. “Most are middle to lower-class ladies who have either read about it or been told about it by trusted friends. I even know a couple of the richer ladies who regularly indulge, in private clubs, many of which I’ve attended over the years. I’ve gotten to know a lot of those ladies and we get along quite well. There’s a secrecy that surrounds those groups, I’m sure you’d understand the reason for that, and therefore only a very few ‘personally selected’ females are asked to partake with the group. Here in town, I personally know 4 such ladies and also know a few more who are interested in learning how to train their dogs. This is what you’re attempting to do, right? Train their a****ls to fuck them on demand?”
“Do either of you know of any such establishments?”
Both shook their heads.
“Then I think this is something that might be of interest to those wishing to have such training done for their a****ls. I’ve been a dog owner for years now and I know that they’re not just ‘dogs’ they’re our ‘c***dren’ and we treat them as such. Am I right?”
The ladies looked at each other and nodded in agreement.
“I thought so.”
“How to you want to get started?” Fay asked.
“Well, I’d like to employ one of you to help me get started. After all, you do have ‘personal knowledge’ about such things and, as I’m quite lacking in that area, your help would be greatly appreciated.”
“Since I work full-time that leaves me out,” Thelma stated, “but with Fay only working a couple days a week, I’m sure she’d be agreeable to help you, am I right, Fay?”
“I’d love to,” came the happy reply.
“What we need to do next is get some kennels built.”
“I’ve already ordered some, they should be delivered by the end of the week,” Henry told them.
“Good. What kind?” asked Fay.
“They’re the metal ones, easy to assemble and can be put up, or taken down, fairly quickly.”
“How may are coming?” asked Thelma.
“I’m ordered 3 to start, if we need more, I can get them. I would like to keep the limit to 3 though, so that we don’t get too far ahead of ourselves and take on more than we can handle. Don’t you agree?”
The women looked at each other and eagerly agreed.
“I was going to suggest at least 4 at the same time, but I think 3 would be much easier to handle,” Thelma said and Fay readily agreed.
“Want to show us where you’re going to put them?”
Leading the ladies through the house and out the back door, he showed them the spot he’d chosen.
“Looks good,” said Fay. “Plenty of shade and nice and ‘open’ nothing to block any views.”
“I wanted someplace like this,” he told them. “I wanted to make sure there was plenty of air circulating around the kennels as well as plenty of sunlight. I’ve got sheet metal pieces coming, as well, to use as covers on the top, to keep out the rain as much as possible.”
“What about houses for them?”
“Ordered, as well. They should get here the same day as the kennels.”
“You seem to have thought of everything.”
“I try to plan ahead when I decide I want to do something.”
“What will your neighbor think of all this?”
“She’ll be fine, in fact I’m going to tell her about all this when I take her out for dinner tonight.”
“How do you think she’ll react?” asked Fay.
“To tell the truth, I have absolutely no idea. I know she’s quite open-minded and I’m sure she’ll take it as she does anything else. I’m not worried.”
With all the ‘arrangements’ for the housing done they returned to the living room and talked how they wanted to get started.
“I’ll leave that up to Fay,” Henry told them. “After all, she’s the one with the experience and I’m sure she knows how to contact potential clients. Of course, we’ll have to come up with non-disclosure agreements for everyone to sign, and confidentiality will be guaranteed. I’ll keep the records on-site here and in a safe place. I added a basement to the house shortly after I moved out here and located my ‘private’ office down there. I’ve got a built-in safe and everything can go in there.”
“OK, you said the kennels will be here by the end of the week, right?” Fay asked.
“OK, I’ll start making contacts with those I know and see what happens. I’m sure some of the ladies have talked to their closest friends about what they’re doing and they’re probably curious and want to know more. After I get in touch with them, I’ll let you know.”
“In the meantime, I’ll get started on the paperwork for the clients to read and sign.”
With the preliminaries done, Henry escorted them to their vehicle and returned to the living room, where he called Ester and invited her over.
Chapter 5
“Thank you again for that wonderful evening,” Ester told him as they approached his house. They were in her car, since his was tied up with all the materials for the kennels.
“You still haven’t told me what all that’s for,” she probed.,
“I’m having some kennels erected for an endeavor I’m planning. Hopefully it’ll bloom into a business.”
“What kind of business could it be if dogs are involved. Perhaps training them for police work, guide dogs, you know, that sort of thing.”
“I’ll let you in on it shortly and, hopefully, you’ll want to take part.”
“Really? Do you think so?”
“I hope so, anyway.”
“Shall I drop you off at your place, or...”
A moment of silence then, “I think your place will be just fine,” he answered.
A smile radiate across her face and he knew he’d made the right decision.
Once they were inside, he grabbed her around the waist, turned her around, and planted a very romantically inclined kiss on her lips.
As they stood there and kissed, her hands roamed down his torso and eventually settled on his crotch, only to be greeted by a very solid hard-on.
“Is that a banana in your pocket...”
She didn’t have to finish, as he said, “I’m excited to be with you, Ester. You’re the most exciting woman I’ve been with in years and I hope we can continue.”
“You don’t see me shoving you out the door, do you?” she laughed.
“Shall we continue this upstairs?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” she answered and took his by his hand and pulled him after her as they ascended the stairs, heading to her bedroom.
It didn’t take them long to get out of everything and soon she was lying on her bed, legs spread as wide as she could get the, with Henry feasting on her lovely vagina, drinking in the juices she was plentifully creating for him.
“Hmm,” he moaned. “Quite tasty.”
He moved up her body slowly, teasing her bellybutton on the way and eventually stopping at her wonderful breasts, carefully and erotically sucking on each eraser-hard nipple, nibbling each and causing her to moan with pleasure.
As me moved further up her torso until he reached her magnificent breasts and started sucking on the eraser-hard nipples, gently nibbling on each one, making them feel harder than they were. Locking his arms beneath her knees he pushed them back until they were touching those wonderful nipples, rubbing them with each movement they made. Slowly, he inched his 8-inches into her vagina, feeling the chute tightening around him with each plunge. He was in no hurry and he instinctively knew she wasn’t, either. Once his full length was in her he started to thymically thrust back and forth, causing her to moan louder.
While Henry didn’t have the biggest cock she’d ever had, he sure knew how to use it to drive her to new heights. He’d take turns with each inward thrust, moving his cock from side to side as he slid in, then he’d do up and down movements, touching parts inside her that had never had that kind of stimulation.
She loved it and moaned louder to let him know.
“Don’t cum in me just she,” she told him. “I want to taste your cum.”
Reluctantly he slowly withdrew and collapsed next to her, and proceeded to use her mouth on him, starting with is neck, moving to his nipples, then lower to his bellybutton and further done, bypassing his cock at first, and concentrating on his balls. Slowly she licked each one, sucking each into her mouth and rolling them around with her tongue. She did this for about 5-minutes, before licking upward and sliding her tongue along the length of his cock until she got to the uncut head, which amazed her. She loved the way it felt in her mouth, with that 3-inch overhang dangling against her tongue and she probed into it with her tongue, getting a good taste of the pre-cum that had accumulated inside.
“Hmm,” she moaned and he joined her.
‘Damn that feels so fucking good,’ he thought.
Next she attempted again to deep throat him but could only manage about 6- of his 8-inches, pushing the foreskin down his shaft and sucking on the purpliest-pink cock head... it felt so smooth against her tongue and she slavered on that for about 5-minutes before pulling up, leaving the foreskin in her mouth.
“I’m gonna cum if you keep that up.”
“Good, that’s what I’m hoping for.”
When she resumed her sucking, she did something he’d never felt before... she began humming! It was a feeling of absolute pleasure as the vibrations from her mouth cascaded down his stalk.
As she pulled back a bit, she was rewarded with the first jet of cum, completely filling her mouth so she had to hurriedly swallow so she didn’t choke, because the next jet wasn’t too far behind. In fact, she counted 6 huge jets hitting the back of her throat and then down into her stomach. She continued to suck – and hum – for another couple of minutes, wanting to make sure she’d gotten drop of his precious fluids.
“Stop! It’s too sensitive now.”
Reluctantly she pulled her mouth off him, wiped her mouth to catch the remaining drops that had slip past her lips, and laid beside him, almost as drained as he was.
“Where in the hell did you learn to do that?” he asked.
“Believe it or not, it was my late husband who taught me that little trick. Worked quite well with him and I see it did the same for you as well.”
“Probably the best blow-job I’ve ever gotten, from a man or a woman. Damn, you’re truly a remarkable woman.” With that he leaned over and kissed her, with her returning the kiss, sticking her still cum-coated tongue into his mouth.”
“Not bad,” he told her.
“Thanks, I try to do the best I can.”
“You certainly did that.”
The hugged each other, rolled in a spooning position, and drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 6
The next week was a busy one for Henry and Fay. Together they got the kennels up and ready, adjusted the garage behind the house, where the training would take place, and made sure all the needed documents were online and ready to use, especially the nondisclosure pieces.
The day after all that was done was scheduled to be an off day and the following day Fay would bring her dog and a new one for their first session in the barn.
Ester watched all the activity from her windows and wondered what Henry was up to.
She’d find out sooner than she thought.
Henry knocked on her door his off day and asked is she minded watching Oscar as her was going to be away most of the day.
“Not a problem, Henry. I could use some company right now.”
“Thanks.” They shared a kiss and he left, with Oscar sitting right beside her in the living room.
“Now you behave yourself while I finish things upstairs.”
Oscar just sat there, as if he understood all she was saying then curled up on the braided rug in the living room and quickly went to sleep.
‘Wish I could fall asleep that easily,’ she thought as she returned to her chores. She gathered the dustpan and broom and ascended the stairs to finish the bedroom and the bathroom.
As she was working thoughts of the last time she and Henry were together came to mind, and she found herself fantasizing about that time with him. She remembered how good he’d made her feel and the way he told here she did the same for him.
Her bed up still not made, so she laid there for a while, daydreaming about sucking his cock and the feeling she’d had when he shot his abundant load into her mouth. She could almost taste right then and there, and wished he was here now so she could do it again.
‘Look at me,’ she thought, ‘an old woman thinking about and craving sex with a still older man, and a black man at that! I never dreamed it could be so good. Yeah, after Tony died, I never thought I’d feel this way again, but Henry’s different. Tony hit all the right buttons but it seems like Henry’s found buttons I never knew I had. Was his experiences with men that made him different?’
Without realizing it, her hand drifted down her body and settled on her panties, which were already wet from her daydreaming. Lifting her hips she pulled them down and began to massage her clit, moaning at the thoughts of the previous love-making by the two of them. After a few minutes of digital stimulation, she pulled them completely off, reached into the bed side table and took out her vibrating dildo. Pulling her legs apart slightly, she inserted the dildo into her and began pumping it in and out of her soggy vagina. Her juices were running wild and it wasn’t long before that was a huge wet spot under her, but she paid no attention that that.
What really got her attention is what happened next.
Oscar had been sleeping in the living room when his highly sensitive nose caught a fragrance he’s not sniffed in a long time. He vaguely remembered it from his past, long before Henry and adopted him, and his ears pricked up and he could hear the faint moaning from upstairs. He got up to investigate and ended up in Ester’s bedroom, where she lay on her bed, legs wide open, and doing something between those legs. He didn’t understand what she was doing, but he did recognize the odors emanating from her lower body and he moved closer.
At first Ester thought the daydreaming was starting to feel real and got lost in the orgasm that slowly developed and completely overtook her body. She shivered and shook as the feeling subsided and another one built inside her.
‘Damn! That feels so good!’
She laid there and just got lost in the feeling of something doing miraculous things to her body, almost as if Henry were here and providing the oral stimulation himself. Then she felt something quite different.
Something cold and wet was not pressing further into her vagina and she finally opened her eyes and looked down her body, only to see Oscar there, licking her opening with a vigor she had no idea he had.
While at first, she was repelled at what was happening, she laid back down and let Oscar have his moment... it felt so damn good!
‘And I thought Henry had a magnificent tongue! Damn, this is much better. He’s going in further then Henry did. DAMN!’
She laid there through 3 more orgasms, each one more powerful than the last, but by the fourth one, the high was almost gone and her poor clitoris was getting to be quite sensitive, so she reached down and pushed him away.
Oscar tried to keep going but she told him, “I can’t take anymore right now, boy. Perhaps we can do more later.”
‘More later!’ she thought, ‘what in the world made me say that? He’s a dog, for heaven’s sake! But it felt so damn good,’ she reasoned.
“I wonder if Henry knows about this?” she said out loud.
Chapter 7
The next day Ester went over to Henry’s, knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. When he didn’t answer right away, she left the porch to see if he was working in the back yard and that’s where she found him, without his shirt on, sweating like crazy, as he worked on the sheet metal roofs of the kennels.
“When you have a few minutes we need to talk,” she yelled up at him.
“Can it wait? I’m almost done here and then I’d like to take a shower, unless you’d like to join me,” he joked.
“I’ll meet you in the bathroom,” was her answer, with a huge smile on her face.
She retraced her steps and this time entered the house, went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and got Henry a nice tall glass of iced water, know he’d be needing it after all that work and sweating that much.
‘Damn, he looks so good when he’s working like that,’ she thought. ‘I need to check on him more often.’
10-minutes later he joined her, thanked her for the cold water, and they both sat at the table and just looked at each other, admiring them in their own fashion.
“What’d you want to talk about?” he asked.
“It’s about Oscar.”
“Is he OK?”
“Yes, he’s fine. I know you got him from a shelter, but did you learn anything about him before you got him?”
“No, not really. I just went looking for a dog, found one I liked and then got him. They gave him all the necessary shots and a week later I brought him home. Why?”
“Well...” she started. “I really don’t know how to approach this, so I guess it’s better if I give you a demonstration.”
With that she called Oscar into the kitchen, raised her skirt, revealing no panties, just her bald snatch, spread her legs and called the dog over.
He immediately went for her snatch and started licking her like he’d done earlier.
“Hmmm,” she quickly moaned and scooted further onto the edge of the chair, giving Oscar a better angle to get at her.
“What the hell?” Henry blurted out. “How did you get him to do that?”
Through her ragged breathing and gasping, she muttered, “I didn’t. He just did it on his own.”
“Hey, would I lie about something like this? I’ve never been probed so deeply with a tongue in my whole life. He get’s in there much further than you do, my dear man.”
All this time Henry thought he’d been needing to get dogs trained for what he wanted to do and all the time he had a cunt-lapping dog of his own and didn’t even know it.
“I’ll be right back,” he told her and left the room.
He went to the den and got his cell phone out and called the shelter where he’d gotten Oscar. He asked is he could have some information of the former owner and wondered if he should get in touch with them.
“Here’s the information, you’ve asked for,” said the receptionist. “I hope he’s not given you any problems. The former owner had to get rid of him because she was moving to an apartment that didn’t allow pets. She told me she didn’t want to do it and hoped that we could find him a good home to be happy in.”
He wrote down the information and repeated the number to her, to make sure he hadn’t transposed any of the numbers, then he sat in the chair for a while, trying to comprehend what he’d just witnessed with Ester and Oscar.
‘WOW,’ was the only thing that came to mind. He replaced the phone in the charger and returned to the kitchen, just as Oscar was finishing up his ‘snack’ and retreated to a corner of the room to lick himself and then quickly went to sleep.
“Just like a male, get done and take a nap,” Ester laughed.
“Hey, I take exception to that,” he k**ded her.
“Well, we both slept afterwards, didn’t we?” she teased.
“I guess we did, at that,” he returned.
Silence for a few moments as he drank the last of his water and Ester straightened her skirt, covering herself up, even though he loved looking at her naked body, especially down there,’ he thought.
“I think it’s time I told you something,” he started. “You know I’ve put up kennels in the back, right?”
She nodded in agreement.
“Well, I’ve had an idea for quite some time now and finally decided to go with it. I checked resources, as few as there seem to be, and decided I liked the idea.”
“And what idea was that?”
“I wanted to train dogs to service their mistresses.”
“WHAT? Are you k**ding? You want to train dogs to fuck women?”
“I’ve read a lot of stories on the Internet about such things and it got me excited. I’ve been in touch with several ladies who trained their dogs to do what Oscar just did... and more.”
“What did you find out?”
“I’ve talked to a local female vet and she and her assistant came over a week or so ago and we sat in the living room and discussed it. Turns out her assistant is a ‘dog-lover’ and was anxious to help me get started. The vet has also indulged but, with her schedule, it’s hard for her to come over and help get it all started. The assistant, Fay, is due here in two days to talk things over and let me know how to proceed.”
“Two days, you say.”
“Can I be here?”
“After what you just witnessed you have to ask?”
She could tell he was blushing a bit from his reaction.
“Sorry, didn’t think of that.”
“Well, you should have. I must tell you, that was one hell of an oral orgasm Oscar gave me a while ago. Yesterday he gave me four of them... all mind-shattering and leaving me wanting more.”
“Was he that good?”
“You bet he was. Don’t get me wrong, sir, you do one hell of an oral stimulation yourself, but you don’t get in as far as that tongue of his does and it’s quite nimble, as well. Once inside me he moves it around all over me and damn, that feels so good.”
“Glad to know I’m about to be replaced,” he chuckled.
“Oh, there’s no chance of that. You’re one hell of a lover and I wouldn’t replace you for anything else on earth. I’m willing to try penetration with him, if we’re able to, but I’ll certainly more information before I do. Do you think Fay could help me with that?”
“I’m sure she could. In fact, I’ll bet she’ll be eager to get you started.”
“Let me talk to Fay first and see what she thinks and then we’ll go from there, OK?”
With that, that got up hugged and kissed, then retreated upstairs to the much-needed shower... together, chucking their clothing as they went. By the time the bathroom as reached, they were both in their birthday-suits, grabbing at each other and, at one time, she dropped to her knees and gave him a bit of a blow-job, just to get warmed up. The whole time he was pinching and rolling her eraser-hard nipples and squeezing her breasts, both moaning with pleasure.
The diverted to the bedroom, flopped on the bed, and she begged him to fuck her, which he willingly did.
Only after they were done did the shower get taken.
Chapter 8
Two days later Fay showed up with her dog, Walter, a grey colored Great Dane.
“So glad to finally be able to get out here again. This is Walter. He’s 4 and just loves to give women his own ‘personal’ attention.
“Welcome back, Fay, glad you could make it. Can I get you something to drink?”
“Just cold water, please.”
“Coming right up,” he said as he retreated to the kitchen. “Why don’t you join me, I’ve got some interesting news for you, and I think you’ll be surprised.”
“You’ve got my attention,” she replied as she followed him through the house.
Once the water was given, they both sat at the kitchen table and Henry began.
“There’s been a development to the circumstances here and I think you should know about it. Please, feel free to tell Thelma, too.”
“Now you’ve got my interest piqued,” she said.
“My neighbor, Ester, came over with some astonishing news the other day and it really floored me. Seems like my dog, Oscar, has already been trained in the ways of b********y.”
“Really. He surprised Ester with a nice ‘oral presentation’ the other day and she just told me about it two days ago. He’s a rescue, so I got in though with the kennel I got him from and requested whatever information they might have on the previous owner. I got that info yesterday but haven’t acted on it just yet. I wanted to run this by you first.”
“How did Ester tell you about this?”
“She came over two days ago, sat right there where you are now, pulled up her skirt, spread her legs and called Oscar, who dove right in and orally satisfied her and she had at least one orgasm right there from just his oral servicing.”
“Wow!” was all she could say.
“What happened next?”
“Well, being the horny couple we are, and yes, we are a ‘couple’, we went right upstairs and I fucked her. We’ve been ‘together’ for a while.”
“Two old farts, huh?” Fay laughed.
“Yes, I guess we are, thought I’m a bit older than she is.”
“Age isn’t important, is it?”
“No, I guess it’s not.”
“OK, so where do you want to go from here?”
“Well, I’m planning on calling the former owner and see if we can meet and talk things over. Perhaps I can even persuade her to be a part of our ‘training team’. I’m assuming she’s got the ‘knowledge’ of what to do and how to do it and it would be a huge plus for the actual training.”
“What about Ester? Is she willing to help as well?”
“I haven’t broached that subject just yet. I mean, all she’d had is oral from Oscar. I don’t know if she’s willing to get down and let him fuck her just yet, but I will be talking to her about it. She’s already asked about the kennels and what I plan to do here.
“What have you told her?”
“She knows I want to train dogs to fuck their owners, as I told her right here after Oscar’s demonstration, and she seemed interested in wanting to know more.”
“Well, since you’ve got a call to make, and I have several things I need to get done, I’ll say we’re finished here... for now at least, and take my leave, Call me when you have more.”
“I apologize that we didn’t get anything accomplished today but hopefully I’ll be able to tell you more next time.”
With that he escorted her to the front of the house and watched her drive away. He had a feeling she was a bit disappointed that nothing was done but was sure that would be taken care of sooner than later.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Hello?” came the feminine answer.
“Hello,” he replied, “you don’t know me but I have a feeling we have a mutual friend and I’m reasonably sure you want to meet up with him again.”
“And what ‘mutual friend’ would that happen to be?” she asked.’
“I call him Oscar. I’m not sure what you called him, but he’s an excellent cunt-lapper, if you know what I mean.”
Dead silence as the phone on the other end was dropped. A moment later she returned.
“I’m sorry... did you say ‘cunt-lapper’?”
“I believe you heard me correctly. Did you happen to take him to a kennel because you could no longer have him with you? I picked him up a while ago and I had no idea of his ‘talents’ at the time, but a dear lady friend of mine got to experience his ‘training’ and told me about it. Hell, she showed me what he could do. Honestly, I had no idea. Would you like to see him?”
“Oh, yes! I’ve missed him so much.”
“May I ask your name, please?”
“Cynthia, and yours, please.”
“Oh, Henry, thank you so much for calling me. I’ve missed him so much and I was hoping he’d go to a good home. Is he happy? Is he well? Oh, I have a million questions right now but can’t think of any right now.”
“Yes, he’s just fine and quite happy. In fact, since his ‘visit’ with my neighbor, he’s running around here like he’s king of the world, the canine world that is.”
“When can I see him?”
“Whatever is convenient for you. I’m retired so I’m at home almost all the time, unless I’m with my neighbor, who is right next door so I’ll know when you arrive.”
“Is tomorrow too early?”
“No, it’s not.”
“Thank you. What time should I be there?”
“Like I said, whenever you want to come, just give me a call and let me know you’re on your way. I’m sure your phone has recorded my number.”
“Yes, it has. I’ll call you as soon as I’ve left apartment. Again, Henry, thank you so much.”
“You’re very welcome, Cynthia. See you tomorrow. Bye.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
When Ester answered the door, she wasn’t surprised to see Henry standing there, holding a freshly cut cluster of flowers from his garden in his hand, presenting them to her.
“Lovely flowers for a lovely lady,” he said.
“Oh, they’re so pretty. Come on in and let me get a vase to put them in.” She retreated to the kitchen, returning a few minutes later with a vase, arranged the flowers, and set them on the table in the middle of the room. Then she gave him a hug and a very welcome kiss.
“What brings you over, not that you need an invitation?” she asked.
As they sat on the sofa he explained.
“Fay was here a little while ago and I told her about your discovery of Oscar’s ‘talents’ and she was as surprised as I was when you demonstrated it for me the other day. After she left, I got the information from the kennel about Oscar and it included the former owner’s telephone number, so I called here and we had a nice chat.”
“What did she have to say?”
“She’s coming over tomorrow. Would you like to be there when she arrives?”
“Because I think you should meet her. She’s apparently the one who trained Oscar to begin with and, since he’s already ‘done’ you, I think you have a lot in common and it might just be the ice-breaker needed to get the ball rolling, so to speak.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Just be there... answer any questions she might have... help her to feel at ease. I’m sure she’ll be pretty nervous with me but with a woman present, she might relax and ‘let it all out’.”
“I’d love to be there. Thank you for asking. What’s her name?”
“Cynthia. I didn’t get a last name and I didn’t ask. I figured anonymity might be the right thing now.”
“You’re probably right on that bit. It’s gonna be hard enough as it is for her. What did you tell her?”
“I started out by saying, and I quote, ‘I’m not sure what you called him, but he’s an excellent cunt-lapper, if you know what I mean’.”
She laughed.
“You didn’t!” she said...
“Couldn’t think of a better way to ‘break the ice’ with her and it surely got her attention... she dropped her phone.”
They snuggled close to each other, Henry wrapping his arms around her and, she reaches over and grabs the outline of his growing cock.
“Shall we take this upstairs?” she asked.
He needed no further prodding, as he stood up, grabbed her hand, and they slowly ascended the steps. Once again, clothing was discarded along the way and by the time the bed was reached, both were displayed in their birthday suits, her already dripping with anticipation and his as rock-solid as he could get. They did away with the preliminaries and just went at each other like two dogs in heat. He turned her over, so that she was on her hands and knees at the edge of the bed and proceeded to enter with one swift movement of his hips, going as deep into her as he could. She just moaned louder and louder with each thrust, moving her hips in a side-to-side motion that she knew he loved, occasionally moving up and down, as well.
They made love in silence, except for their moans of enjoyment, fully satisfied with each other’s movements, knowing what it was all leading up to.
With once final lunge, he emptied his cum into her, she reaches back, clasps his ass cheeks and pulling his as far into her as she could get him. Once they were done, his dismounted, climbed onto the bed and Ester took over.
She licked his body, sucking on his nipples, then his bellybutton and going further until she reached his sparce pubic hairs, which he kept shortly trimmed, and took his softening tool into her mouth, working it until it was once again rock-solid and wanting more attention. The feel of his foreskin retracting down his stalk always fascinated her and she loved the way it felt. She cleaned off both their juices and them moved down to his balls, taking each into her mouth and sucking and cleaning them as well. Next, she began to lick below his balls and stopped just short of licking his asshole.
He couldn’t believe what she was doing. None of his previous lovers had ever gone that far on him, but just the same, it was a new and highly stimulating piece of erotica and he’d have to make sure it was done again.
Slowly she retraced her steps, coming back to his balls, his still rock-solid cock, where she spent an extra amount of time, then up to his bellybutton again, then his nipples, then further up until she reached his shoulders, where she licked and kissed his neck and then moved down a bit and licked his underarms, eliciting moans of pleasure as she went along.
She gave him a very erotic kiss, with lots of tongue work, then descended once again to his cock, which had deflated a bit, causing his foreskin to cover his cockhead once again. She licked and sucked on that for a bit, drawing it as far into her mouth as she could, then returned to his cockhead, where proceeded to suck and lick until he shot another load into her mouth, which she quickly swallowed.
Once she was done, she moved up further onto the bed, lying beside him, wrapped her arms around him and they both fell asleep.
He didn’t get a chance to tell her how good it had felt until the next morning.
Chapter 9
Cynthia called around 11 the next morning and asked when she could come over. Henry told her anytime would be OK and thanked her for calling first.
“Well, I had to call,” she told him, “I need directions!” and laughed along with him.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Cynthia’s on her way over. When can you get here?” he asked Ester. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she pulled up within the next 30 minutes.”
“Just as soon as I get dressed. I just got out of the shower. See you shortly,” she said and hit end on her smartphone.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Henry and Ester were enjoying a nice cold glass of lemonade when they heard the vehicle pull into his driveway. Henry looked at his watch, “25-minutes. Told you she’d get here quickly,” he chuckled.
“I’d imagine she’s anxious to be reunited with Oscar, or whatever she called him,” Ester replied.
“Yes, I’m sure she is.”
Getting up from the table they entered the living room and approached the front door, just as the knock sounded. Opening it, they were greeted by a slim, very attractive black woman, probably in her middle to late 30s.”
“I hope I have the right place. Mr. Henry?” she asked.
“That’s me and it’s just Henry, please. Won’t you come in?”
Oscar must have heard the familiar voice because he came galloping into the living room and practically knocked his former mistress to the floor.”
“Oh, Rocky, I’m so happy to see you again!” she wailed, tears running down her face. “I’m so glad you remember me. I’ve missed you so much.” She hugged his with great joy and finally sat on the floor, where Rocky/Oscar joined her in her lap and let her rub his belly all over.
“Well, it seems I found the right former owner,” Henry said.
“Yes, I believe you have,” returned Ester.
They stood there for a few minutes and then took seats on the sofa while Cynthia and Rocky/Oscar reacquainted themselves with each other.
Finally, she joined them on a chair opposite the sofa.
“How long has it been?”
“Almost 6 months. I really hated to give him up... we had such a strong bond and it was like I was throwing away a huge piece of my heart. Thank you so much for calling me. I can see that he’s definitely been well taken care of.”
They sat there and chatter for an hour or so let Cynthia have some ‘alone time’ with Rocky/Oscar, since it’d been a while, which she truly seemed to enjoy. Henry could tell that she wanted some ‘private time’ – alone – with him and he and Ester retreated to the kitchen where they discussed what was going to happen next.
“I’d really love to get the training started as soon as possible,” he told her, “but I’m worried that we don’t have what we need the most.”
“And just what would that be?”
“I would love to have someone who’s had ‘real time’ experience, in the privacy of their own home, to be a part of this.”
Before Ester could interrupt, he continued, “Yes, I know you’re going to say Fay will be here, but I’m not sure that’ll be enough. Sure, she’s got the experience with the dogs at the clinic, but has she had time alone... I mean “Alone” with any of them in such a way that’s the mating is all that’s focused on. She hasn’t told me about where all her mating happens, whether it’s at her place or at the clinic and I’m guessing most of it’s at the clinic where the other dogs are witnessing what’s happening. I’m sure it must be some kind of distraction to hear all the other dogs howling, wanting in on the ‘action’ as it may be.”
“I think I can help you with that,” came Cynthia’s voice. “Sorry to barge in, but I overheard you talking. Are you going to be training dogs to service their mistresses? If so, then perhaps I can be of assistance.”
They all looked at each other and finally, Henry invited her to join them at the table and offered her some lemonade, which she graciously accepted.
Henry started, “I’ve been planning this for some time. I’ve approached Dr. Hawkins and her assistant, Fay, and they’re both willing to help me.”
“I know Dr. Hawkins, she was Rocky’s vet. Very nice and it was she who first introduced me to the act of ‘doggy love’.”
“Oh, really?” said Ester.
“Yes. I’ve known her for almost the entire time she’s had the clinic, which would be about 10 years now. We’d often meet after we got off work and discuss how our days went. Most of the time we ended up talking about how sexually frustrated we were, since neither of us dated and didn’t know anyone we were particularly interested in. We even discussed if we had lesbian tendencies, which we don’t, what we could do to relieve our sexual tensions. About 6 years ago she got in touch with me and asked me if I knew anything about b********y. Of course, I hadn’t, but it did pique my interest, so I went online when I got home and did some research and found I was getting quite excited from what I was reading. I found I was wet ‘down there’ and had to do something so I went to my bedroom and used “Buster”, my 8-inch vibrator to ease the yearning.”
“What did you do after that?” Henry asked,
“Well, I found some story sites that had some nice stories about women mating with their dogs and that got me going to no end. I read just about everything posted and then, just as I was getting into it, the website was closed down and I’ve not found anything even close to it again.”
“The next day I called Thelma and we started our own little exploration group... me, Thelma and her new assistant, Fay. Fay, as it turns out, is quite knowledgeable on the subject. She’s the one who hooked me up with Rocky. I think you’ll be happy with what Fay can do for your ‘business’ and won’t be at all disappointed.”
“Thank you,” said Henry.
“One more thing,” she added. “I’d like to be a part of your enterprise, if you don’t mind.”
“Yes. I think it would be a great opportunity to be with Rocky again and to be able to tell the ladies what they can expect once the training begins. After all, I do have a couple of years of ‘dog loving’ under my belt, so to speak.”
“Yes, I guess you do. Let me discuss it with Ester, Thelma, and Fay and I promise I will get back to you.”
“Thank you. One more thing,” she added. “Do you mind if Rocky and I have some private time with each other? It’s been so long and I truly want to be with him again.”
Henry answered, “I have no problem with that at all, my dear. In fact, I’ve even set up the basement bedroom for you to use. I had a feeling that if you were the previous owner, and Rocky/Oscar let me with no doubt, that you’d like some time with him. Just through that door, down the stairs and I think you’ll find everything you might need to enjoy your reunion with your former pet.”
Tears ran down her face as she got up, went around the table, and gave him a huge hug.
“I can’t thank you enough, Henry. Thank you.”
“My pleasure. I have to warn you though, I do have cameras set up down there, so don’t be surprised if Ester and I enjoy the ‘action’ between the two of you. OK?”
“That’s fine with me. You won’t be releasing anything, will you?”
“No, there are no recording devices set up down there, just a live feed.”
All three rose and Cynthia called Rocky/Oscar and they both disappeared down the stairs, after making sure the door was closed.
“Cameras?” asked Ester.
“Well, you never now when they might be needed.”
“And just what are we going to do while we ‘entertain’ ourselves by watching.”
“Oh, I’m sure we can think of something...”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Once downstairs, Cynthia quickly disrobed and sat on the rug-covered cement floor. She’d come prepared and hadn’t worn any panties or a bra, just the sun dress she’d worn over here.
Rock didn’t waste any time. As soon as his former mistress was fully unclothed he moved in, licking her face and then down to her tiny mounds, nibbling on her nipples as she’d taught him to, nice and tenderly and with not too much pressure.
She patted his head as he did this and then moved down his back and slowly moved to his belly, where she quickly found his sheath and began to manipulate it, pulling it back and forth until his cock slowly emerged. He was already dripping and it quickly covered her hand, gradually dripping to the rug.
‘Hope they’ve got a good run cleaner,’ she thought as she quickly moved back and forth, drawing more pre-seminal fluids from him.
She’d never had a boyfriend, or even dated, so she was unfamiliar with a man’s anatomy. She’d seen pictures but had never seen a grown man’s penis, never held one in her hands. She was only familiar with the shape and consistency of her pet’s appendage. She knew every square inch of his 8-inch cock, as it measured from the tip to the back of his knot. When she’d first tried to mate with him it took a while for her vagina to get accustomed to something other than her vibrator, which was only a 6-incher and not very wide. Rocky/Oscar’s girth was 3½-inches a good inch wider than the vibrator.
She stroked him until all but his knot was showing and then she urged him onto his stomach, rubbing him at the same time and lowered her head and began to lick her familiar ‘toy’, as she called it. She licked on it, from the pointed tip to the still fully-covered knot, several times until she was sure she’d covered the whole length. Then, ever so slowly, she moved her mouth into position, opening and covering that appendage with her mouth, closing around the base and them bobbing back and forth. She’s in no hurry. After all, it’s been 6 months since she enjoyed the feeling of him in her mouth once again and she was aiming to enjoy it for a while, no matter how long it took.
‘I hope Henry will understand,’ she thought.
Luckily dogs have a robust recovery time so she knew that once he jetted his cum in her mouth, it wouldn’t be long before he was ready to mate with her.
Rocky/Oscar was just happy to be with his mistress once again. He hadn’t had anything like this inn a long time, except for when he’d tongued Ester to a couple of orgasms earlier in the week. He did what he did best, laid there and enjoyed what his mistress was doing to him once again.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Upstairs, naked and lying on the bed, Henry and Ester were in their own state of mind, watching what was happening in the basement, while enjoying their own embraces.
Ester was once again using her humming method on his cock, which had already been rock-solid as they climbed the stairs and straining to be released from the clothing he wore. He just laid back, hands behind his head, loving the manipulations to his cock and enjoying the show on the 60-inch flatscreen TV. There was no sound, as he didn’t really want to hear all the moaning and such. It was just nice to lay back, be sucked to a roaring finish, and watch Cynthia and his dog.
Ester moved down to his balls, utilizing the same humming technique as she’d used on his cock, and lick and sucked each one into her mouth, rolling her tongue around each one, then lifting his balls and working on their underside, as she’d done once before. This time though, she went further. Bracing her hands on the underside of his legs, she pushed the up and over his lower body and began to lick further down towards his asshole.
That bit of maneuvering caught his completely off guard and for a moment he forgot what was on the screen before him and gave one of the deepest moans he’d ever given.
“Damn, girl. Don’t stop!”
Momentarily looking up, she said, “I’m not planning to, dear,” and resumed her licking all way down where she licked his rosebud and gently probed it with her tongue.
“You’re going to have me coming all over myself if you don’t stop.”
Looking up, “Good, go for it.”
After a couple more strokes of her tongue, that’s exactly what he did. He launched several long ropes of cum all over his chest and belly, some of it ending up on his chin.
“Damn!” was all he could say.
She got up off her knees and sat beside him on the bed.
“I take it that you enjoyed it,” she stated.
“Damn right I did. Where did you learn to do that?”
“My husband loved for me to lick his ass and butt, so I thought I’d try it out on you and see what your reactions were. I’m so happy you like it.”
“You see the mess you caused.”
“Well, let me take care of that then,” and she licked and sucked all his load, moving slowly up his body, only stopping once she’d licked the last remaining vestiges from his stubble-covered chin.
“Gotta shave, sweetheart,” she reminded him.
“I know,” was all he said as she resumed sucking on his cock, getting him hard again so she could climb on top and lower herself on that rod of enjoyment.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Downstairs, the action had moved further along.
Rocky/Oscar was now positioned behind her, anxiously doing his best to drive his canine cock into the moist pocked he loved so much. Finally, he found the right spot and drove his cock into his mistress once again, eliciting loud moans of delight from her.
“Oh, Rocky, it’s been so long. Drive it deep, darling, and show mama what you’ve been missing these past 6 months.”
He did just that and it wasn’t long before he was jackhammering into her with blurring speed, getting into her as deep as he could. What seemed like 30-minutes was shorter by far, but he soon was shooting his load into her once again, after shoved his knot into her, plugging her hole to keep is cum inside her.
Once it was done, it took approximately 15-minutes for that knot to shrink enough that he could pull out, and then he licked all his cum out of her, probing his tongue as deep into her as he could get, grinding at her clitoris with every other stroke, pushing her to another orgasm. Once done, he retreated to the far side of the rug, laid down, and cleaned himself.
“Oh, dear, let me help you with that.”
She crawled over to him and gently took his cock into her mouth, replacing his mouth, and licked lightly along his shaft, knowing he’d be quite sensitive for a while. Then she climbed onto the bed and drifted off to a very contented, dreamless, sleep.
Chapter 10
“That was truly amazing,” Ester said as they laid in the bed cuddling each other.
“I know. Now do you see why I wanted to start the business?” he asked.
“Yes, I do. I think you’ll do very well with it, too. Are you going to approach Cynthia about helping as well?”
“I’m seriously thinking about it. With what you just witnessed, don’t you that it’s a good decision?”
“I do, and I want to be a part of it as well. First though, I’ve got to get her to show me how to do that.”
“Hell yes. If Oscar can lick me to one of the best orgasms I’ve ever had – not counting you, of course – then I think it’s only right that I should ‘go all the way’ with him as well. He’s obviously well trained and knows what to do, so why not?”
“Yeah,” he thought out loud, “why not?”
They briefly embraced, kissing each other while she massaged his enlarging cock, gave it a quick suck, then got up and got dressed.
“Hey! You can’t leave me like that!”
“Oh, yeah? Just watch,” she said as she finished with her skirt.
“Where you going?”
“Where else... downstairs and to the basement, we have a lot to talk about and the sooner, the better. Bye for now, lover.”
‘I’ll just lay here and watch to see what happens,’ he thought, resting his head in his hands, and laying back on the pillow. ‘I’m sure something else will happen.’
And it did.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Ester knocked on the basement door and waited for an answer before she entered and climbed down the stairs, to be greeted by Rocky/Oscar and her feet hit the cement floor. He rushed up to her, almost knocking her down, and wanted to be petted, so that’s what she did.
“Are you OK?” she asked Cynthia.
“Never better. I didn’t realize just how much I missed him and out time together.” She patted the bed, “Why don’t you sit beside me while we talk.”
“Thank you.”
“I understand that Rocky’s showed you some of his talents, right?”
“Yes. He did oral on me and just about knocked my socks off. He has one amazing tongue there and it reached inside me further than anything has before. Simply mind-bowing, to say the least.”
“So, you can understand why I missed him so much, can’t you?”
“I certainly can. Listen, I came down here because...”
“Because you want to learn to love him like I do, right?”
“Yes. I’m rather embarrassed asking but after watching the two of you... well, I’ve been yearning to know what it feels like.”
“Can’t say that I blame you. I know most women would find something like degrading, but believe me, once you’ve had a dog’s cock in you, it’ll be pure heaven.”
“Do you still go out with men?
“Occasionally, especially since I had to leave Rocky behind. That was the hardest part of moving to a new place, the owners don’t allow pets. I was heart-broken when I found that out, it devastated me for a while, but I eventually came to terms with it and did what I had to do.”
They both sat there, looking at each other, wondering what was going each one’s mind.
Cynthia broke the silence first.
“What do you want to know?”
“When do you want to get started?”
“Well... is now a good time? I mean, after all Oscar seems to be up for it,” noticing his dangling cock between his legs.
“Yes, he has a great recovery time, doesn’t he? After 10- or 15-minutes he’s ready to go again, not once-and-done like most of the men I know.”
“Then you don’t know Henry,” Ester said. “That man has the staying power of a teenager and, for his age, it seems like he’s ready just as soon as he’s finished!”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
He had to smile inwardly at that statement, which wasn’t in anyway false.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Well, since I’m already undressed, would you care to join me?”
Not having to be asked twice, Ester quickly dropped her skirt to the floor, followed by her top and again sat on the bed.
“Such a nice body,” Cynthia told her.
“You mean for an ‘old lady’, right?”
“No. Since I work at a clinic, I see old ladies all the time and believe me, you look way better than some of them do. I notice there’s hardly any sag to your breasts.”
“Truthfully, there’s not much to sag, is there?”
“They’re quite lovely,” and she reached out and cupped her C-cup breasts, noticing the lack of any areola around her nipples, which were standing out, rock-hard like big pencil erasers.
“Thank you. Hmm, that feels good,” she moaned with the gentle massing.
“Have you have been with a woman?”
“Once, when I was recovering after my husband passed, but that was a long time ago.”
Leaning closer, Cynthis took one of the nipples into her mouth, rotating her tongue around the hard bits. While doing so, she continued to pinch and rub her other nipple, soon moving to that one and laving it with her mouth and tongue as well.
“Hmm, you have a great mouth.”
“Hmm,” came the reply but the mouthing didn’t stop.
Gently, Cynthia pushed her to her back and started to slather all along her body, starting at here next, returning briefly to the nipples, licking and sucking down to her bellybutton, where she paid more attention to that indentation, probing with her tongue. She then got off the bed and kneeled by the side, pushing Ester’s legs apart, exposing her ‘lady parts’ to her full view.”
Looking up, she said, “No hair. I like that!”
“Hmm,” was the reply as she started at the knees and slowly moved upwards, licking around her mons and avoiding it for a while, until Ester started to try and move herself into a position that brought her mons directly under her mouth, which Cynthia avoided time and time again.
“Oh, stop teasing me, damn it! Get on with it. Can’t you see how wet I’m getting?”
Looking up, she said, “Yes, and I’m loving every minute of it. It’s been a while since I’ve had an nice pussy to eat, so don’t rush me!” And she started licking once again.
She could see the other woman’s juices beginning to collect on the sheet beneath her and, while she wanted this to last a while longer, decided it was time to ‘drink from the fountain’, and she finally dove right in.
“Ahh,” Ester moaned with the first contact of Cynthia’s tongue to her clit, raising her hips in response to the wonderful feeling she was getting.
‘Not even Henry is this good,’ she thought. ‘Maybe she can teach him a thing or two.’
It wasn’t long before the first orgasm hit... and it was a huge one, too. She laid there, rocking her hips from side to side, up and down, trying her best to get as much of the woman’s tongue into her.
‘Only a woman knows what a woman likes to have done to her,’ she thought. ‘I’ll have to take notes and remember this when it’s my time to do her.’
‘Do her? Am I truly thinking about returning the favor? Hell, why not. It wouldn’t be the first pussy I’ve drunk from and, with her around, I’m quite sure it won’t be the last. Wonder if Fay is into this stuff, too. Will have to find out.’
As her 3rd strong orgasm passed over her body, Cynthia backed up, stood, and joined her once again on the bed.
“Well, what?”
“Don’t lie to me, Ester. I know how much you were enjoying this. Now comes the best part. Rocky,” she said, “lick.”
Rocky/Oscar didn’t have to be told twice. He trotted across the room, nearing the smell that had assaulted his senses, and moved into position, right between Ester’s legs, and quickly took to the task at hand. His tongue dove right in, well past the areas Cynthia and lapped upon, twisting his tongue around her clit and bring another powerful orgasm to her already wracked body.
Her juices began to flow once again as the oral assault took place, only this time it was Rocky/Oscar that was once again doing it to her.
“Pull your knees back,” Cynthia told her. “It’ll give him better access and he’ll be able to go deeper into you.”
“Ahh...” as all she could moan out, the sensations ravishing her body were unheard of. First Cynthia and now Rocky/Oscar were having their ways with her and she was loving every moment of it.
Cynthia leaned over and began sucking her nipples once again, further highlighting the massive feelings radiating throughout her body. She was tingling all over... the goosebumps were covering her body... she felt electrified. This twin assault on her body was something that had never happened to her before. Sure, she’d been double-teamed when Tony was alive, but that was completely different from what was happening to her now.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
‘Damn,’ he thought as he watched the display before him. ‘Those are definitely two of the hottest ladies I know. Gonna have to try something with Cynthia while she’s here... if Ester’s up to it, that is. Damn, I hope she is.’
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
After watching Ester enjoy the tongue-lashing, (she thought she’d counted at least 3 heavy orgasms from the dog) she said, “Rocky, down.”
“Oh, does he have to stop right now? That was so damn good!”
“Now, my dear, it’s time for the ‘real’ thing. Get off the bed and get on your hands and knees, with your ass up in the air.”
She did as asked and positioned herself as directed.
“Rocky, mount!” was all she said.
It was all that was needed.
In a flurry of movement, Rocky/Oscar moved from the edge of the rug, where he’s been cleaning himself, and was on her back quickly.
Ester didn’t even have to help him, as he found his ‘target’ on the first lunge and entered her completely, driving all his 8-inches into her cavity. Once there, the jackhammering began.
She’s never had anything like this happen to her before. She was used to a gentle entry and a slow rhythmic ‘bouncing’ as the penetration continued, sometimes a little harder, but never, NEVER, something this fast. She felt herself being pushed along the carpet with each inner thrust.
Then it happened.
Something stabbed at her labia and wanted entry, but it was way too big for that.
“That’s the knot, dear. There will be a bit of pressure as he gains entry but once inside, it’ll be like nothing you’ve ever felt before. Once its inside you, it’ll be rubbing your G-spot and creating multiple orgasms, so just enjoy it.”
“Will it hurt?”
“Since you’ve never had a knot before, it’s gonna sting for a while then that will disappear and the pleasure will resume.”
“You sure?”
“Believe me, I’m sure, dear. I’m sure.”
Then it happened.
With a bit of a ‘plop’ the knot entered her vagina, and the stinging was more of a sharp pain than anything else, but slowly it disappeared and she could feel it rubbing against her G-spot, causing a massive orgasm as it did.
She could feel his hot liquid entering her body and filling the void that was inside her... and it felt good!
They were tied for about 10-minutes before he backed out and began licking his leaking juices from his new lover, then retreated to the edge of the rug once again and began cleaning himself once more.
Ester collapsed onto the rug, all her energy completely gone now. She could no longer hold herself up and she dearly wanted to sleep.
Chapter 11
Ester woke up the next morning, covered with the soft, downy spread that covered her bed. Slowly she opened her eyes and found Henry staring at her.
“Well, did you have a good time? Did you learn anything?” He flopped on the downy pillow next to her, resting his head in one hand, using an elbow as a prob.
“And just what is that supposed to mean?” she asked.
“You know what I mean. I watched the whole thing and I must say, I’m truly astonished how just how long it took to get to the doggy mating. Did you and Cynthia have a good time before the ‘main event’?
She blushed a bright red at the mention of the union between the two of them.
“That wasn’t why I went down there, and you know it.”
“Yes, I do know it, but what a wonderful show it was. I never realized two women could please each other is such a fashion. I’m glad to know you enjoyed it.”
“But... I didn’t do anything! It was all Cynthia, I assure you.”
“As I said, I know. Remember, I’m watching as she goes down on you and you seemed to enjoy it immensely, too.”
“Well...” the redness returned to her face, only darker.
“That’s what I thought. Now, about the mating...”
“It was amazing! I’ve never been fucked so hard and for such a short time. I have no idea of how long it took, but whole ride was simply amazing. Feeling that dog’s cock enter me was an experience I want to have again.”
“In total, I’d say it lasted just over 5-minutes.”
“Well, it sure seemed longer to me.”
Reaching over to her, Henry began to massage her breasts, tweaking her nipples and causing her to moan just a bit.
“Don’t stop,” she told him and reached between them, finding his lower body already exposed and his cock a raging pole, ready for her use. She pushed the spread down to the edge of the bed with her feet and climbed on top of him, reaching down and guiding his ‘missile’ into her ‘silo’ and moaned out loud with each downward movement until the whole thing was encased in her body, they she sprawled out on his chest and just laid there for a moment or two, enjoying the feeling of that hardness inside her.
“Now, that’s more like it,” he told her, as he kissed the top of her head.
“I know. I love the feeling and will never get tired of it. Rocky/Oscar may have had his way with me but he didn’t fill me up like you do,” and she ended with an amazing kiss, which he readily returned.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Once they were dressed and sitting at the kitchen table, having and afternoon meal, Henry got up and called Cynthia.
“Hello, Cynthia. I was wondering if you’re available tomorrow afternoon. I have something I’d like to discuss with you.”
“I’m always here. Would an earlier time be alright with you?”
“Let me ask Ester. Be right back,” he put his phone on hold and turned towards her.
“She wants to know if she can come earlier,” he told her. “OK with you?”
“Fine with me.”
Taking off the hold he answered, “That’s fine. What time do you want to come over?”
“Whenever you’re available is fine with me. I know you’re retired but not sure of your daily schedule.”
“9 sound OK to you?”
“Not a problem at this end.”
“Good, see you then,” and he disconnected.
They finished cleaning the table and retired to the porch, as the weather had cooled and it felt rather ‘Spring-ish’, which suited both just fine.
“I meant to ask... do you have anything planned?” Henry asked her.
“You mean other that screwing you? Not really,” she laughed, leaned forward, and planted a kiss on his lips.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
By 9:30 the next afternoon they all sat around the dining room table... Henry, Ester, Cynthia, and Fay had also joined them.
“Damn,” Fay said, “I do wish you had recording capabilities on the web-cam of yours. I would’ve loved to see that footage,” after she’d learned of Ester’s mating with Oscar. “I’ll bet it was truly wonderful. Damn,” she repeated.
“The footage before that wasn’t too bad, either,” Henry added and Ester joyfully punched his arm.
“OK,” Henry started. “We need to get down to business. First on the agenda, Cynthis, would you like to be a part of our ‘training team?’”
“Training team?” she asked.
“Oh, forgot to mention it. I’m planning to start a training camp here with the sole purpose of training dogs to mate with their mistresses. I’ve already talked it over with Ester and Fay and, after witnessing your time with Rocky/Oscar, I think you’d make a great trainer. After all, look how long it got you to ger Ester mated with him. Wouldn’t you agree, Ester?”
“Yes, I think so,” came the reply.
Fay joined the.
“I need a bit more information, if you don’t mind, Henry.”
“Oh, sorry. Cynthia is the former owner of Oscar, who she called Rocky, thus the Rocky/Oscar notation from earlier. Ester is the real discoverer here. Rocky/Oscar used his talented tongue to introduce her to the joys of doggy love.”
“You mean...”
“Yes, he means that Rocky/Oscar tongued me to some amazing orgasms with only his tongue and nothing else. Truly an introduction to what was to come later,” Ester replied. “The rest of the introduction came a couple days later and you’ve already heard that tale, so no sense in repeating it.”.
“OK,” Fay returned. “I understand that but what has the got to do with Rocky/Oscar?”
Cynthia now joined the conversation.
“He was my dog first and I had him trained to pleasure me in my times of need. It turned out to be one of the best things I ever did. After his trainer was killed in an accident at the kennel, he owned it was up to me to take over. Now, he was well-trained from the beginning but he still needed encouragement from time to time, so used whatever I thought would get his attention...”
“... using jellies and peanut butter, right,” Fay finished.
“Yes, and it worked. I shaved myself to make the application easier and a lot less messy for him and he took to it right away. As soon as he was finished with whatever I used, he’d stick that long, wet tongue inside me and I’d go absolutely berserk. The orgasms were beyond description.”
“Tell me about it,” Fay responded and her hand went right to her crotch, where she rubbed herself, trying to ease the feelings between her legs... not that it did any good.
“OK, people, we’re not here for personal enjoyment right now, so let’s concentrate on the issue at hand. I suggest we take a few minutes and collect ourselves before this gets out of hand.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
An hour later they all returned and got back to business.
“As I was saying,” continued Cynthia, “Rocky took to it like it was something he had to do. He wanted to mate with me all the time. I think I took him 6 times the first day.”
“6 times in a day?” asked Ester. “WOW!”
“And that was just the beginning. I couldn’t have any of my friend over, as he wanted to stick his head between their legs and that got to be rather embarrassing after a while. I lost a lot of girlfriends because of that but, in the end, I also found women who were willing to let something more that a probe between their legs happen. So, I formed my own little group of ladies appeared to be interested. The first was Thelma.”
“What?” gasped Fay. “I thought I was the one to show her.”
“Sorry, Fay, but that’s not the way it went down.”
‘And I thought I was the one to show her,” Fay thought.
“Anyway, once Thelma learned how to handle her dogs the rest went on quite easily.”
“Wait a minute,” Henry interrupted. “Thelma never mentioned this to me, she had me believing it was Fay who got her started.”
“Yes, well, it was planned that way. I didn’t want word getting out about what I’d started. After all, in most states its i*****l to copulate with a****ls and this had to be strictly kept quiet for all our benefits. I’m sure you can understand, Henry. After all, you were planning to do this privately, weren’t you?”
“Yes, I was. I know about the laws but I also know of the want for something like this. I’ve personally received over 100 emails from women wanting to learn after anonymously posting ads over the Internet.”
“You have?” asked Ester.
“I’ll tell you more later, dear.”
“Anyway,” he continued, “that was why I got in touch with Thelma to begin with. One of the replies mentioned her by name and told me I should start there and that’s why I eventually did. It was though her that I learned of Fay and her ‘association’ with the male dogs in the kennel. No offense, Fay, but I wanted her to be the one to approach you first.”
“None taken,” came the reply from Fay.
“Does anyone object to me inviting Thelma to the next meeting? It’ll have to be on a Sunday, as she’s usually busy Monday thru Saturday.”
On one objected so he made a mental note to call her sometime that week.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“That went pretty well,” Ester said the next day. “When does the training start?”
“Probably tomorrow or the next day. I want to make sure all the dogs are here and the last will be delivered in the morning.”
“How many do we now have?”
“4. I don’t want to have more than 5 here at any one time, it might prove to be difficult and I want this to go as smoothly as possible.”
They were lying in bed, nude of course, with Ester riding his cock, with him bouncing up and down in rhythm with her. He reached up and fully encased her nipples in his hands, twisting and tweaking them as he know she liked. All the while she was also pumping on him and twisting and turning her hips, getting a greater feeling inside her body.
“I do love how your body feels against mine,” he told her.
“Ditto, k**do.”
“k**do! I’m too old to be called ‘k**do’,” he protested.
“I’ll call you whatever I like... k**do,” and she laughed but never stopped her movements.
“Here it come,” he told her.
“I know, I can feel it. Fill me up, lover.”
He pumped and pumped until he was almost finished and then pushed her up and off his slightly diminishing stalk and she laid beside and began her oral tiding about, taking his slowing rising foreskin into her mouth, probing with her tongue, and getting the remaining drops within, then focused her attention on drawing out the last from his shaft by sucking as if it were a straw in her mouth instead of his cock, completely draining him.
“Damn, that was good,” she said after she’d finished was sprawled out beside him once again.
“Yes, my dear, it was.” Then, completely out of the blue, he asked, “Have you ever thought about selling your place and moving in with me? I mean, you do spend most of your time here and I just thought...”
“No! I’m not selling. There are a ton of memories in that place and besides, where would I put all my stuff? I’m not putting it in storage, that’s for sure.”
“Just asking.”
“OK, don’t forget it.”
“I won’t.”
They continued to snuggle for a while longer and then he asked, “Would you consider marriage?”
“At our age? Who are you k**ding?”
“Again, just a thought. OK then, would you like to live here with me instead?”
Silence for a few minutes, then she climbed back on top of him and said, “I thought you’d never ask,” and they both laughed.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Early the next morning the final dog arrived.
“What do you plan on calling them?” Ester asked.
“For now, no names. I’ll leave that up to whomever gets them after we’re though here. Right now, they’re just A, B, C, D, and E.”
“How romantic,” she snidely remarked
The first 3 dogs were German Shepherds, while the 4th was a Great Dane and the 5th an Rottweiler. The Shepherds were a mix of dark and light browns while the Dane was completely grey. The Rot was black, with brown around his nose and under his eyes.
“They’re nice looking a****ls,” came a voice from behind.
Cynthia had arrived.
“Yes, they are,” Henry answered. “You ready to get started.”
“That’s what I’m here for... boss.”
Chapter 12
The day started bright and early that Sunday.
Henry attended to the kennels while he waited for Cynthia and Thelma to arrive. He made sure the dogs were watered and fed and moved to the basement, where the training would take place there and he wanted to make sure it was all set up.
The rug and been replaced by some AstroTurf, along with most of the furniture, leaving only 2 beds with pillows upon them. The turf had been sprayed with something to make it softer on the hands and knees, while the beds only had white sheets on them.
The web-cam had been replaced with one allowing for recording of all the experiences taking place here, and stored on a separate server, in another room in the outdoor shed, cooled by the newly installed air-conditioner, a precaution they all felt was needed, since summer was in full bloom and the temps around here could easily reach 103-degrees outside... and sometimes higher inside.
Fay was the first to arrive, followed by Thelma and then Claudia.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
They all sat around the dining room table talking about what to do next.
“I’d like to volunteer for the first round,” Cynthis told them.
“Well, I do have the most experience among all of us,” and she indicated the other 3 ladies around the table. “Don’t forger, it was me who introduced Thelma to this and, while she’s become quite adept at doggy love, I think I should be the first to try with the ‘newbies’ (as she called the. She just refused to use the alphabetical names Henry used on them) and see what I can do with them. I’ll start with one of the German Shepherds and go from there.”
“Which one?” asked Henry.
“Does it matter?”
“Not really. Just thought I’d ask is all.”
“I’ll go downstairs and get ready and the rest of you can monitor the progress on the cams.” She rose from the table and disappeared through the basement door, closing it behind her.
The rest moved to the living room, where the cams had been programed for the viewing and got comfortable... anxious to see the progress.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The first thing she did was activate all the cams, now locate in 4 different positions, to better catch the ‘action’, so to speak. She then sat on the bed, after disrobing, waiting for the first dog to arrive. She’d come prepared and hadn’t worn any underwear, making sure she had clean changes in her backpack. She was anxious and giddy, wanting to get started to see how the new dog would perform for her... and her audience watching above.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Henry decided to start with ‘E’ this go round, and retrieved him from the kennel, approached the house and opened the newly install door to the basement, giving access to the room without having to go through the house, which would make all this much easier.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Once the new door opened and the dog entered, she knew the time had come.
She’d already coated a few ‘dog toys’ with the jam and had laid them directly in front of the door, about 6’ into the room. Next, she’d rubbed the jam on her inner thighs, moving up to her valley, where she applied another swath, then sat on the floor and waited.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
As soon as he entered the room the odor of the jam drew his attention to the objects in front of him and he approached the warily, not knowing what to expect. He pounced on them, quickly devouring the jam and looking around for more.
Then another scent got his attention.
Jam... mixed with something else... something aroused his loins and he began his search.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Cynthia had begun to masturbate the moment the dog entered the room. She knew the jam was just a ‘distraction’ while she got ready for the ‘main event’.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Everyone in the living room was glued to the images being broadcast in front of them. They’d see the dog enter the basement, quickly take care of the ‘bait’, as it were, and now they watched as it all unfold right in front of their eyes.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Cynthia did all she could do to develop an orgasm as soon as possible, sticking several fingers from one hand into her vagina while continually rubbing her clit with fingers of the other... and it was working.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
As he moved around the room the odor would lighten and, when he turned in another direction, the odor got stronger once again, so he continue on that pathway until he encounter the human female, sitting on the floor, hurriedly rubbing between her legs. The aroma was stronger there, mixed with something else... the smell of a creature in heat, something his body responded to quite well.
He crouched to a smaller form, looking from side to side, not wanting any surprises to disrupt his from his goal. The closer he got the stronger that smell got until it finally overran his senses and he moved right between her legs, sniffing and detecting the jam applied there.
As he got closer, he stuck out his tongue and began to lick, quacking removing the jam and moving further up her inner legs, where the scent of ‘heat’ grew stronger the closer he got. He switched to the other leg and quickly disposed of all the ‘treat’ – as he thought of it – from her leg and moved further towards her. The odor was getting stronger and his nose started to twitch and she sniffed what waited for him between those legs and the opening right behind it.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
‘Don’t show any fear,’ she kept repeating to herself as the dog got closer to his target.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Finally, he was close enough so that the aroma overwhelmed him and he pushed his snout into the gaping hole before him, quickly removing the remaining jam and now concentrating on the object he was most interested in... the juices running freely down her crack, leaving a small puddle on the surface below her.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
All of them wanted to get closer to the TV to better see what was happening. Due to the position of the cams, they were able to see the whole thing... from the licking off the jam on her legs to pressing his snout into her the first time.
Thelma and Fay were busy rubbing their own clits as they watched.
Henry and Ester just hugged each other and watched.
“This is amazing,’ he said out loud, loud enough for all to hear.
“Yes, it is,” returned Ester.
“So hot,” Thelma said.
“Definitely,” responded Fay.
Soon all thoughts of discussions were left behind and all were watching the scene before them.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Ahh,” she moaned at the first contact.
‘Damn, that feels so good,’ she thought.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Meanwhile, the dog was thoroughly enjoying his ‘meal’ and he lapped and swallowed as fast as he could, drawing more and more from the female before him.
His furry head scratched her inner thighs and she thought they’d have to make sure the facial fur was trimmed shorter and a conditioner used to soften it up.
Her first orgasm hit like a freight train, causing her to inhale deeply.
‘Wasn’t expecting one so soon,’ she thought, ‘and damn, it was a good one, too.’
Her body arched off the floor with the 2nd one, causing her to gasp and catch her breathe.
The 3rd was even stronger than she’d anticipated and she slumped to her right side as it took control of her body, causing her to shake and moan loudly, also causing everyone upstairs to take a deep breathe, as well.
Slowly, she recovered enough to get off the floor and onto the bed, where she collapsed once again.
The dog followed her... he wasn’t quite done with her.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
As she lay there, catching her breathe again, the dog moved in and once again began licking on her legs, forcing them to open, gaining access to her inner most regions again and, once he was there, he intended to enjoy it as long as he could.
Her legs hung off the edge of the bed, open widely, once again allowing her to get the enjoyment of his tongue slathering all along her inner most lady parts, which again triggered another, slightly less intense, orgasm. She slumped backwards and relaxed.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
This was the opening he’d been hoping for... the fully exposed inner parts of her hole and, out of pure instinct, she spread her legs further and allowed him to place his front legs on the outer side of her legs and press upward until his dangling cock reached its target, her wide open vagina.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Upstairs, everyone was glued to the TV.
“What’s going on here?” Henry asked to no one in particular. “All he did was give her a good licking and now he’s wanting to fuck her. How did this happen?”
No one answered, they were all staring, wide-eyed, at the screen before them, anxious to see what happened next but already knowing.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Cynthia stared between her legs and saw what was coming at her. It appeared to be at least 8-inches long, with a huge knot behind it, its pointed tip already dripping with his pre-cum, which would make it easier to get inside her. Not that it was needed, she was dripping herself, waiting for the moment of ‘first contact’.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
As soon as his tip touched her, he jammed forward, driving his whole 8-inches into her with one motion... and then he really got going.
It was like a jackhammer was being inserted into her. The rapid movements were something she was familiar with, after all she’d been fucking her dog for a while, but it still felt quite different, but very enjoyable just the same.
It didn’t take long before he locked his know into her and began filling her with his seed, doing his damnedest to get her pregnant with his puppies but he didn’t know that wouldn’t happen, but he enjoyed it just the same.
She felt every spurt as it shot into her cavity, filling her completely in a short time.
Once he stopped, he stood there, waiting for his knot to deflate so he could pull out.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
6-minutes later he was able to disengage and, with a loud ‘plop’ pulled from her and began doing his ‘duty’ by cleaning her of all the escaping juices overflowing from her, giving her yet another orgasm. Once he was finished, he moved to the edge of the room and properly cleaned himself.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
In the room above all were aghast after watching what had happened.
“That was one hell of a show. Are you sure its all be record?” Fay asked Henry.
He got up, crossed the room to check the monitor, and replied, “Safe and sound on the hard drive,” a huge smile on his face. “I’ll be back in a few,” and he disappeared into the kitchen and down to the basement, where he retrieved “E” and took him out to him pen, making sure he had enough water.
‘I bet he’s worn out after all that,’ he thought.
Returning to the house, he found the others at the kitchen table, talking about what had happened below.
“That was something I never expected,” Fay said as he sat down.
“I’ll say. I thought all he’d do was lick her to several orgasms, not end up fucking the hell outta her,” Ester said.
“Well, I’ll tell you one thing,” another voice chimed in, “that was probably one of the best dog fucks I’ve had in a while, and quite a surprise, as well,” she said as she took a seat, picking up a glass and filling it with lemonade from the iced pitcher on the center of the table.
“Damn, I needed that,” she said after draining the glass.
“I’ll bet you did,” said Thelma. “How was it?”
“Like I said, one of the best dog fucks I’ve had in a while. I never expected him to mount me on the first session. I thought it would take at least 2 or 3 sessions before we got to that.”
“Hold on a minute,” Henry interjected. “I need to make a phone all,” and he disappeared into the living room, where his phone was still on the charger.
Locating the desired number, he hit speed-dial and waited for an answer.
“Hi, Ed. Got a question for you concerning the dog I bought from you.”
“Go ahead, ask away.”
“How old was he when you got him?”
“Hell, I’ve had him since the day he was born. Why?”
“Nothing important, just curious is all. Thanks. Talk to you later. By the way, when will you have any more Shepherds for sale?”
“You looking for another one already, Henry?”
“Not right now but definitely in the future. Thanks again,” and he disconnected.
“What was that about?” asked Thelma.
“Just checking out a theory. I called the man I bought that dog from, to see if there had been any previous owners.”
“And...” they all said at once.
“... and he’s had his since he was born, so there’s no previous history of having sex with a human female.”
“What?” said Thelma.
“No history of this happening before,” and he sat at the table, just as surprised as everyone else.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The next couple of days were as surprising as the first one.
Fay was next, using the same techniques Cynthia had used... with almost the same results, this time with the Great Dane.
Thelma followed, with the Rottweiler, and this time it did take 2 days before mounting was achieved.
Ester was the last, this time with “A”, and like Thelma and her dog, it took 2 days to get to mounting.
That left “B”, “C”, and “D” to be worked with. They all decided a few days rest was needed and agreed to meet the following Sunday to finish what they’d started.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Well, dear sir,” started Ester, “What’s next on the list?”
“We have to find buyers now. I’ve already placed ads for the those we’ve already worked with.”
“Will what we’ve done be enough?”
“No. I think what’s needed now is to train those buyers to the ways of dog fucking and we can do that right here, as we did with the initial training. We can’t just let them come in, buy one, and take it home without some kind of knowledge on their parts. After all, this will most likely be the first time for each one and they need to be assured that they’re getting what they paid for, and that it’s all been properly done.”
“Sounds like a solid plan.”
“Now, where were we?”
They resumed their lovemaking, each one caressing the other, systematically erotizing whatever part of the body they were touching.
Ester laid her head on his chest and gripped his steel scepter, slowing moving up and down, drawing all that foreskin up and over, completely covering his cockhead, then withdrawing it, once again exposing the purplish-colored piece. She lowered herself and took that rod into his mouth, using her humming technique that he loved so well, and began to lick and suck on him. She moved her body to where it now straddled his, lying on his chest, with her opening directly over his mouth then settled on his face and soon felt his tongue lapping her clit... driving her to her first orgasm of the day.
Using his talented tongue, he employed something similar to what she’d taught him, humming into her and creating a sensation he knew she loved, causing her to push downward as far as she could onto his face, but now hard enough to cut off his breathing.
After about 20-minutes of oral stimulation by both, she rolled off his, his cock still rock-solid, even after shooting heavily into her mouth, .as he then rolled on top of her, driving his rod into her as deeply as he could.
Pleasurable moans escaped from both the whole time and soon he brought to another delightful orgasm and she gasped as he shot another huge load into her drawing moans from deep within her.
They then collapsed and drifted off to a well-need sleep.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Meanwhile, Cynthia was enjoying a moment or two with Rocky/Oscar down in the basement.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
At almost the same time, Thelma and Fay were locked together kissing each other and caressing each other’s breasts, while allowing dogs from the clinic to pleasure them with their mouths.
Chapter 13
All was quiet for the next few days and the crew settled down a bit and the training to instill in the dogs what they were intended to do for their mistresses. Eventually Henry felt all the requirements had been achieved and they were now ready to be sold and a new batch brought in for training.
Earlier he’s posted ads on various b********y sites and thus far only gotten a few responses, so he decided to up-date the ads with the newest information.
‘In reference to the above ad (It was to be posted right below the original one) I now have 5, fully trained dogs, 3 Shepherds, 1 Great Dane, and 1 Rottweiler available for sale. I think someone would be please and quite satisfied with my results, so please contact me at the above email and we can conduct our business.’
Admittedly it wasn’t the best he could have done, but the meaning was direct and that was his real intention, get their attention with availability and let them do the rest.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Ester was in the basement with the Dane, enjoying his oral manipulations between her legs. She’s moved in with Henry earlier in the week and decided it was time she joined in with the training and the continued updating, as Fay, Cynthia, and Thelma weren’t always available during the week and, beside that, it was something she was very much enjoying. The copulating was great but it was the tongues that really turned her on because they could reach so much further inside her and do things that a cock just couldn’t do, like swirling around inside her and touching placed that otherwise weren’t touched at all.
She’d just come down from her 3rd orgasm when Henry entered through the outside door, where he stood and admired the woman he loved and cherished.
Once the action settled down, he approached the bed and sat next to her.
“Having a good time down here?” he asked
After catching her breathe she replied, “One of the best this week. This baby,” she petted the Dane after he’d finished his duties and retreated to the edge of the room, taking care of himself now, “has the best tongue of all of them put together.”
“I take it that’s why you spend so much time with him then, right?”
Taking his hand, and giving it a gentle squeeze, she said, “Yes, but I do look forward to when we get together, too. You’re the best human lover I’ve ever had, and yes, that includes Tony. He was good, and did a great job with what he had, but until you and I got together...” Nothing else had to be said, Henry knew what she was talking about.
“So, what have you been up to with I’ve been down here?” she asked.
“Setting up appointments for a couple of the responses that have finally come through.”
“Anyone jump out at you so far?”
“The first is Alice, 28, single. She’s had some experiences with a dog but never had one of her own. She’s recently moved to a place in the county and can now afford to have one of her own. She’s an attorney with a law firm about 40 miles from here. From reading her answer I’m taking it that she’s excited to have a dog to pleasure her.”
“And the 2nd?”
“Antonia, a black woman, 25, also with a bit of experience but also never had a dog of her own. She’s an engineer at a firm not too far from here. Her appointment’s at 11:00 tomorrow afternoon.”
“That should be enough time to get things taken care of and not here when the other arrives. Smart, dear.”
“Thank you. That was my intention. If somehow, they do get together, it won’t have been here. This isn’t a dating service. I prefer to keep the location as remote as possible with only the buyers themselves visiting. I’ll make it clear that if the dogs need additional training, we’ll be available, at an extra cost of course.”
“Of course. Have you considered a try-out for them, so they’ll know what they’re getting?”
“Yes, I have. I want to make it short though, just enough to let them know how well trained they are. I’m thinking a bit of oral will be enough. Of course, we’ll be monitoring it all upstairs, after letting them know they’re being watched and recorded.”
“Will anyone else be with them down there?”
“No. It’ll be awkward enough for them, knowing they’re being watched and I don’t want to feel like we’re taking advantage of them. I have installed a new sound system though, one that will allow me – or you – to let them know when their trial is up so we can conclude the deal and have them gone before the next customer arrives.”
“Well, it seems like you’ve got it all covered... for now. Shall we both get cleaned up a bit and retire upstairs for our own one-on-one?”
Pulling her to her feet and planting a kiss on her red lips, he answered, “I thought you’d never ask.”
With a laugh from both, they climbed the stairs to the kitchen and then further into the house and upstairs to the bedroom.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Alice arrived about 10-minutes early.
‘Really ready for this?’ Henry thought as he answered.
The image in front of him wasn’t what he’d expected. He thought Alice would be a demure young woman learning about her body and wanting to go further then she’d gone before.
What stood in front of him was not how he’d pictured her.
Alice stood 5’ 3”, blonde hair, some of the bluest eyes he’d ever seen, and dressed in a flower-covered frock, low shoes – no heels – and shook his hand firmly, not as a woman would.
“Hello, you must be Henry,” she said.
“Yes, I am. Please come in and we’ll go to the kitchen to complete the paperwork.”
“I’m sorry, but can I see the dogs first, please?”
“Yes, of course. Right this way,” and he led her though the kitchen, out the back door and towards the kennels.”
“Oh, they’re all so... pretty.”
“I thought you’d like them. Since you’re the first customer you get to choose which one you’d like to try and purchase.”
“Can I try them all?” she asked sheepishly.
“Afraid not. I do have other customers coming and I don’t want to wear them all out with the first one.”
Blushing heavily, she said she understood and began walking back and forth in front of the kennels, looking at each one and trying to decide which one she wanted. The Shepherd all looked nice while the Dane was large but quite what she was looking for. The Rottweiler... she was scared of that one so quickly returned to the Shepherds.
“What are their names?”
“They have been given any at this time. I thought it best not to confuse them in case the new owners chose something more fitting for them.”
“Makes sense,” and she paced back and forth for about 5-minutes and when she finally turned around, she pointed and said, “That one,” indicating “C”.
He retrieved the leash hanging on the side of the kennel, opened it, attached the leash and they went back to the house, entering at the lower door.
“I’m going to give you 15-minutes to get to know him and, perhaps, let him taste you. I’ll be upstairs. I do want to let you know that you will be monitored,” and he pointed out the cameras “This is for your safety first, as well as to judge the compatibility with the dog. I’ll leave you now. Enjoy yourself.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Just as soon as the door closed Alice dropped her frock and revealed she’d not work any underwear. Her body was nice and her breasts, while not too large, were slightly smaller than Ester’s. Her nipples were already rock-hard and looked to be begging to be attended to. Her groin was perfectly trimmed with a light appearance of dark hair, in the form of an arrow, pointing downward.
“OK, boy. Let’s see what you’ve got down there.” She guided the dog to lay on the floor and coaxed him onto his back, his legs sticking up, his belly exposed and his sheath within easy reach. She massaged that enclosure, getting this cock to slowly emerge and, when it did, she immediately leaned over and took the end into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it and enjoying the flavors she was getting.
Pulling off for a minute she told him, “You taste delicious, boy,” and returned to sucking on the cock, which by then had reached its full extension, which she quickly swallowed all the way to the slightly exposed knot.
After her oral ministrations it was time to see what he could do for her, so she sat back on the floor, pulled a pillow from the bed, propped her butt on it, and spread her legs.
“OK, boy, lick!”
That was all the instruction he needed as he attack the hole in front of him, driving his tongue as far into her as she could.
“Oh, yes,” she wailed. “So good! Keep going, I’m going to cum...” and she did.
She knew her time was limited so she reached between her legs, pulled her outer lips open further, finding her clit and rubbing it to enhance her coming orgasm and, when it happened, she flopped onto her back and pulled him into her, wanting to get more of that talented tongue into her. Once she was sure the orgasm was over, she pushed him back and he crossed the room and began to clean himself, after leaving a somewhat large liquid spot on the floor when he’d ejaculated. She sat back up once she caught her breath, reached to the spot, dipped her fingers into it and licked them clean.
Looking up at the camera, she said, “This one will do perfectly.”
“I’ll be right down to get you,” Henry told her as he watched her regain her feet, get dressed, and waited at the bottom of the steps for him.
“How did you like he,” he asked once they were sitting at the table and finishing the paperwork.
“Simply amazing and just what I was hoping for. I can’t wait to get him home and mate. Where is he?” she asked, looking around.
“They’re not allowed in this part of the house, just the basement. We don’t want them to get too comfortable in the surroundings up here and feel like this is where they belong. Once you get him home then it’s up to you where you keep him. Right now, he’s strictly an outside dog, but I’m sure you’ll be able to convince him otherwise. Have you decided on a name for him?”
“Oliver,” she replied.
“Any particular reason?”
“Not really. It was the first name I came across in looking for boy names.”
“You looked up names on the Internet?”
“Yes. I couldn’t decide what I wanted to name him, so thought a little help might come in handy.”
The paperwork was finished, the payment made, Oliver delivered to him along with all his paperwork for his shots and worming. She escorted him to her car and they drove off.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Well, that seemed to go well,” Ester said as he returned to the kitchen.
“Yes, it did. Want to see the footage?”
“Already watched it. She seemed quite pleased with him.”
“I know. I’m happy it went so well. Now, I have to get ready for Antonia.” He looked at the clock above the sink and said, “she should be here in about an hour. In the meantime, how about we go and entertain ourselves for a bit.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
They never made it upstairs. With no one else around they discarded their clothing as the left the kitchen, leaving a trail behind the, and went right to the living room, where she pushed him onto the sofa and proceeded to pump his already expanding rod and then began sucking on his foreskin as is slowly withdrew down his dick, with only about a ½-inch remaining on his cockhead, where she licked under it and drew in the already gathering pre-cum.
“Hmm, you do that so well, my dear.”
“Hmm,” she replied, never removing her mouth, but instead began the humming that he simply loved so much.
“Not gonna last too long like that.”
Sure enough, it wasn’t 10-minutes later when he unloaded a large supply of cum into her sucking mouth. When he was done, it was his turn, so her pulled her up, laid her on the sofa where he’d just been, pried open her legs and began is oral assault on her womanhood, drinking in the juices that were rapidly appearing between those luscious lips of hers. Another 15-minutes – and 2 orgasms later – he finally backed off and pulled her to a sitting position, where he wrapped his arms around her and said, “Now, we have to pick up our cloths, take a quick shower, and get ready for that next appointment.
“I’d rather be doing something else, but I understand. Business first,” and soon they were in the shower, bathing each other, masturbating each other to another orgasm, then got out, dried off, put on clean clothes and went back downstairs.
“Whew, this place smells of sex!” Ester exclaimed.
“I wonder why?” came back the sarcastic reply, as he retrieved a can of freshener and went around the room dispelling it to clear the air.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Antonia arrived almost 15-minutes late and she was slightly out of breath when Henry answered the knocking on the door.
‘Gotta get that doorbell fixed,’ he reminded himself.
“You must be Antonia,” he greeted her as he opened the door and let her in.
“I’m so sorry to be late. There was an accident that tied up traffic,” she explained.
“Not a problem, my dear. Can I get you something to drink?”
“Water will be fine, thank you.”
They adjourned to the kitchen, where all the paperwork was laid out.
“Can I see them?” she asked, after draining the bottled water. “I’ve waited so long...” and left the rest hanging.
“Sure, we can, right this way.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
After showing off the dogs, Antonia just stood in front of the Dane’s kennel staring at him.
“I take it he’s the one you want.”
“Oh yes, I’ve always wanted a Great Dane of my own but, when I was younger my parents told me he’d be too much to handle, much less feed a dog of that size, but I’ve always been interested in them.”
“Shall we take him inside?”
“What’s his name?”
“We don’t name them here but rather leave that up to the new owner. We’d rather be the first to name him.”
“Goliath, that’s gonna be his name.”
‘Not very original, but hey, he may be hers,’ he thought.
“Would you like to give him a test run?”
“Oh, can I?”
“Certainly, just follow me,” and he leased the dog and they headed back to the house, entering the lower door into the basement.
“You have 15-minutes for your test run, my dear, so take advantage of it. You’ll notice that I have cameras set up down here, for your safety in case something goes wrong and I can be down here in no time and take care of it. Any questions before I leave the 2 of you alone?”
“None that come to mind right now.”
‘Voyeur for sure,’ she thought as he ascended the steps and disappeared through the doorway, closing the door behind him.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Well, Goliath, shall we get started? Times’ a wasting, and I don’t want to waste any more than I have to.”
Goliath just sat there and watched as she uncovered her light mocha-brown skin, shining with sweat. Off came the skirt, blouse, panties, and finally, her bra, revealing a set of A-cup breasts with already rock-hard nipples poking out, perhaps an inch.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
‘Damn, one of the nicest bodies I’ve seen in a long time. Her chest is almost flat and she probably didn’t even need that bra, but still a radiating beauty all the same. Some guy’s gonna miss out on this beauty, for sure,’ he thought as he watched the monitor in the living room.
“What’s got you so horned up?” asked Ester as she sat beside him.
He pointed at the monitor.
“OH, I see. Lovely thing, isn’t she?”
All he could do was nod his head in the affirmative.
“Cat got your tongue?” she asked as he continued to stare.
Finally, he found his voice, “Have you ever seen such a beautiful woman in your life?”
“Many times, now pull that tongue back into your mouth and let’s see what happens down there.”
“Yes, dear.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Once all the clothing was off, she sat on the edge of the bed, spreading her legs, revealing a completely bald mons, her juices already dripping onto the floor.
“Eat,” was all she said and that was all that was needed.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Both of them were glued to the monitor as the activity took place below. They watched as the command was given and saw Goliath shove his nose into her and lick like the world was about to end.
“Well, it has been 3 days since his last training, so I’m not surprised how fast he went to work. He’s probably got the longest tongue of any of them and believe me, I know how that feels, literally.”
They both laughed slightly, while she wriggled her had into his shorts and grabbed his rock-solid organ.
“Watch it there, my dear. We only have 10-minutes left before Goliath’s trial is over and I don’t particularly want to be caught with my pants down.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
‘My god, how deep can he go?’ she wondered. ‘I’ve never been probed this deeply before.’
When she told Henry she has a little experience, she’d meant just that. Her one – and only – exposure to a****l love had been when she was 18 and the neighbor’s dog had licked her, while she still had her panties on, and that one instance determined what she’d wish for, until she was old enough to be on her own, with her own place, and finally feel what it was like to have a dog penetrate her with his tongue and then – later – with his canine appendage.
Her first orgasm from a dog came shortly thereafter and caught her completely off guard, but when it did hit, she screamed out in joy and collapsed back onto the bed, doing her best to catch her breath.
“No more... no more right now. Damn, you’re good and I can’t wait to get you home. Goliath, you’re gonne quite busy when we do get home.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Well, it’s been confirmed, hasn’t it? I’ll get started on the paperwork and dear, would you like the honor of escorting her upstairs, please?”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
As they sat at the table, with her signing the ownership papers, Ester joined them.
“Do you need something to drink, MS Antonia?” she asked.
“Yes, please, that would be nice.”
After handing her the glass, she sat down with them.
“May I ask you something, MS Antonia?” she asked
“This wasn’t a second-time experience, was it?”
“What do you mean,” Henry asked.
Looking directly at Antonia, she said, “My first experience was something like yours, my dear, but I ended up removing my panties so he could get in deeper. I saw that on your face when he first licked you.”
“No, ma’am, it wasn’t the first time but it was the first time a dog’s tongue got inside me. I was taken unawares the first time and didn’t know what to do, so left my panties on. I’ve always wondered what something like today would be like. I was a bit afraid at the start but had already decided that it was going to happen and I was going to enjoy it.”
“Did you?” they both asked at the same time.
“You bet I did!” she replied.
“I’m glad,” Ester said.
“May I ask you something, ma’am?”
“What was your first time like?”
“Well, for one thing I was much older than you were. In fact, the first time happened at my house,” she pointed next door, “and it was Oscar, Henry’s dog, that introduced me to it. Like your first time, it startled me but in the end I let it continue and man, am I ever glad I did. It’s one of the best experiences in my life, next to this man, of course.”
“You mean, you two are...”
“Lovers? Yes, we are, and I share him with Oscar occasionally, as well.”
“Oh my!”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Did you see the look on her face when I told her we’re lovers?”
“Yes, I did. Like 2 old folks can’t enjoy a happy sex life.”
“Do we?”
“Damn right we do. Now that all that’s done, shall we retire and finish what you started earlier?”
“Any more appointments today?”
“Nope, that was the last one but I do have 2 more on Friday.
With arms wrapped around each the retreated to the house, up the stairs, and to the bedroom where they once again attended to each other’s needs
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Later that same day, he called Ed to let him know he’d be needing 3 more dogs.
Chapter 14
The appointments for Friday were with 2 white ladies. The first was Josephine, 25, single, and with one brief experience. The other was Ashley, 23, single but engaged, with several encounters with girlfriends.
“That second one sounds interesting,” Ester said as they sat the table looking over other responses to the ad.
“Yes, she does. I do wonder about Josephine though, with her brief encounter, I’m wondering if it’s something like Antonia’s experience.”
“You never know, do you?”
Josephine was scheduled to be at the house later that afternoon while Ashley would be there on Saturday.
“How did it go with Ed?”
“He’s got 2 more lined up for us, a Shepherd and another Dane. He told me working on another Rottweiler but not sure right now. I reminded them they all had to be no more than a year old and intact.”
“What did he say after that?”
“He assured me that the Shepherd and the Dane were good, he’d raised them himself and sold them to a friend of his.”
“Yes, but the guy was killed in a hunting accident and the widow asked Ed to take them back, as she didn’t want them, which he gladly did.”
“Shame about the friend.”
“Yes, it is.”
Looking at the kitchen clock he noted that he had to get ready for the next appointment, getting the paperwork in order, making sure the dogs were watered and well-rested. “I’ll be back shortly, my love,” and kissed her on the way out.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
As he approached the kennel for the Rott he noticed it wasn’t locked... the gate was closed and the dog was inside.
‘I’ll have to see what happened here. Can’t afford for them to get out and roam around, not that there are any close by neighbors, but still...’ he left the thought dangling.
His phone vibrated, letting him know a message waited for him, so he pulled it from his pocket and noticed it was from Ester.
‘Your appointment just called. She’s going to be a bit late and asked if that was OK. I told her it was and thanked her for letting us know. She didn’t say why and I didn’t ask. XOXO’
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Josephine arrived 45-minutes late, out of breath and apologizing for being so late.
“I had a blowout on the way over and it took forever for roadside assistance to show up.”
“Those things happen,” Ester told her as she showed the young lady to the kitchen, where Henry was already sitting at the table.
“She had a blowout,” she told him.
“Thank you so much for not cancelling the appointment, I really want to do this.”
“Not a problem, Josephine. None at all. Our hours here are quite flexible and I never see more than 2 people in one day, so everything is just fine. Now, I have 3 dogs left, 2 German Shepherds and a Rottweiler, you OK with that?”
“Yes, that’s fine. My family has had both breeds as pets and I’ve been quite comfortable around them. Can I see them?”
“Sure, just follow me,” and he led her out to the kennels.
“Wow, they’re so beautiful. I’m going to have a hard time picking out just one of them.”
“Take your time, there’s no rush.” He sat in a nearby lawn chair and watched as she walked back and forth admiring all 3 dogs. Every now and then she’d stoop at one of the kennels and talk to the dog inside, doing that with all three before making up her mind and announcing, “I’d like to try the Rott, if that’s ok with you.”
“That’s fine,” and he removed the dog from the enclosure, leashed him up, and then both went to the basement. Once inside, he gave her the same speech he’d given the others, including the cameras and audio hookups.
“I know 15-minutes is long enough but perhaps it’ll give you an idea of what he can do and he’s been trained for both oral and insertion. I’ll head upstairs and then you can have your time with him here. OK?”
“Sure, thank you.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Once again, he and Ester sat on the sofa and watched the action below.
“I feel like a peeping Tom,” she said.
“Then leave. I’m not gonna leave you all alone here to watch... that! I don’t think so.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Once Henry had closed the door she disrobed, revealing a beautiful, young body. She measured 28-24-32. She wasn’t thin... she had some meat on her bones, but it was all proportioned in the right areas. Her breasts were almost flat with only the nipples jutting forward, standing at attention, ready for some action. Her mons was completely shaved, revealing a darkish pink around the outer reaches of her pussy and apparently, she was quite aroused, as a small leak of liquid could be seen trailing down her inner thighs.
“OK, boy... show me what you got!”
She pushed him on his side and began to inspect his weapon, as she thought of it, and rubbed and pulled on his sheath until the red probe appeared, already wet with his own fluids, nice and pointed, as she remembers all dogs were.
“Hmm, this looks tasty,” she told him and then dropped her head to his belly and engulfed what was already visible. “Hmm, yes, it is tasty,” before devouring is appendage, taking it as far into her mouth as she could. This lasted for about 5-minutes.
“Don’t want you shooting too soon,” she told him, as she propped against the bed and spread her legs, saying, “Lick!”
And boy, did he ever!
“Ahh,” she moaned as he delved into her honey hole with all the muster he could. He twisted it inside of her hole, quacking gathering all the coming juices, not wanting to miss one ounce of the precious fluid.
“Ahh... coming,” she told him. “Coming so good...”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Ester was busy doing her own oral on her lover and neither were paying too much attention of the goings on downstairs, that is until she started moaning and coming all over the dog’s tongue and into his mouth.
She pulled off and said, “Sounds like she’s having a good time down there.”
“Don’t worry about that, I’m almost there and her 15-minutes is almost over, too,” and he shot 7 strong streams of cum into her mouth as he finished saying that.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“OK, Josephine, your time is over. I’ll give you some time to collect yourself and get dressed and then Ester will be down to escort him back to his kennel.”
“OK. Thanks for letting me know. I won’t be but a few minutes.”
“Take your time, dear. We’re in no hurry up here.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
As she sat at the table she asked, “What’s his name? I forgot to ask earlier.”
“We don’t name them here. It was decided that the owner should have the privilege of naming him once she signed the papers. Have you chosen a name?”
“Yes, I have... Buster.”
“May I ask about your previous encounter with a dog, if you don’t mind that is.”
“It’s not a problem. I was staying at a friend’s house one night, about 2 years ago, and she told me all how she’d trained him to be intimate with her. O course I didn’t believe her... until she showed me. She called him into the bedroom and sat on the floor and said ‘lick’ and he just jammed his snout into her groin and began earnestly licking her down there. She asked me if I wanted to try it but I was too embarrassed to be seen doing something like that but she insisted. I ended up jacking him off and even licked the tip a bit, getting some of his pre-cum on my tongue. We sat up and talked about it for a while then she got on her hands and knees and said ‘fuck’. He jumped right onto her back and starting hunching at her but was having a hard time getting the location right, so she asked me to help. She told me she still had to assist him with penetration and would I please line him up and I did. I was surprised, to say the least. I’d heard of b********y, even looking it up on the Internet, but have never witnessed it until then. Once he was fully inside... it was amazing. I knew I had to try it but never did. I’ve been wanting to do this for 2 years now and finally got up the courage to do it and, when I saw your ad, I knew this was the right time.”
“So, have you mated with one yet?” Ester asked.
“Just once, at my friend’s house about 3 months ago. It was amazing. Sure, it hurt at first but once he established a rhythm the pain eased and I enjoyed it.”
“Have you taken the knot yet?”
“Not yet, but I’m anxious to try it.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Now that as interesting, don’t you think,” she asked him after Josephine and signed the papers, took possession of Buster, and left.
“Yes, it was. Got me all worked up.”
“I see,” she said as she gripped his manhood through his pants. “Shall we go upstairs so I can ease your tension a bit?”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Thelma closed the clinic at 12:00 on Saturdays. Saturday afternoons and Sundays were the only days she had off. If an emergency came up, she had two other vets who would cover it for her. Right now, she had business to take care of in the back and Fay was going to help her.
“He’s one beautiful piece of meat,” Fay told her when she entered the back room, which was already set up for their little adventure.
Susan Whitmore had brought Maxwell in for boarding, while she visited her mother. Susan was a dear friend of Thelma’s and the two of them shared their love of their dogs and so, with Susan’s permission, of course, she and Fay were going to have a good seeing to from the huge Great Dane.
The benches were out, all padded and ready, and the mattress was lying on the floor for their use. All that needed to be done was for Thelma to lock up the clinic and join Fay, who was already undressed and waiting, as Maxwell serviced her with his talented tongue.
“I see you couldn’t wait,” she said as she entered the room. “I don’t blame you one bit. That dog is a sex fiend once he get the smell of pussy up his nose.”
“Don’t I know it! I do believe he has the longest tongue of any dog I’ve ever encountered.”
“I agree with you on that one, but don’t hog it all to yourself. I’m ready,” as she’d undressed the minute the door was closed. There were no windows back here so they didn’t have to worry about being spied on. All the doors were locked and Thelma had the only keys.
“What if something comes up, like the last time?” Fay asked
“I’ve made arrangement with the clinic downtown to handle all the emergencies this weekend, so no one will interrupt us.”
While Fay was enjoying the oral ministrations from Maxwell, Thelma had already gotten on her knees and was busily licking and sucking on Fay’s small tits... her nipples had already turned to stone-like appendages, so she easily sucked on each one, gently biting and nibbling one while massaging the other, tweaking and pinching and eliciting moans from her lover. She reached down with one hand and began rubbing the protruding clit, getting moans from Fay, who spread her legs as wide open as she could get them.
Turning towards each other, they gave each a deep, tongue-probing.
Maxwell was pushed aside for a while as the two embraced each other and turned to a 69, each delving into the other’s wet opening, and licking the dripping juices each had expelled, Fay on the bottom and Thelma on the top.
“Oh,” groaned Thelma, as she felt Maxwell’s tongue probe into her. She pulled back just a minute and said, “I’ve needed that all day,” and then returned to the pussy-lapping she was giving to her lover.
“You sure know what you’re doing down there, don’t you?” Fay said.
“I’ve had plenty of practice, haven’t I?”
“You certainly have... now don’t stop.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
On the other side of town, a different scenario was taking place at the same time.
Antonia was introducing her lover the basics of b********y.
Jasmine was also 25, black, built like a woman men love to admire, but she’s a lesbian and has no interest in males at all. She’s never been on a date with one, never witnessed a male erection, never even seen a real dick, just pictures in magazines and that was something she didn’t look at too often.
“Are you sure about this Ant?”
“Listen, I know what you like and don’t like, but this is different, believe me. Once you try this you’ll be hooked.”
“I’m not so sure about that.”
“Trust me. Have I ever led you in the wrong direction before?”
“OK, smart ass, you know what I mean. Just watch me for a while and tell me what you think, OK?”
“Goliath,” she called. “Come... lick.”
The huge dog bounded into the room like he owned the place and, in a way, he did. He saw his mistress sitting on the edge of the bed, legs spread wide open, and he immediately shoved his snout into her hole, digging deep with his tongue.
“Oh, yes,” she moaned. “Trust me, you’re gonna love this.”
20-minutes later...
It was now Jasmine getting attended to and she was going wild, shaking her hips from side to side, up and down, and pushing her lower boy at the dog, wanting to get more of that tongue into her crevice. She had 3 huge orgasms before he withdrew and retreated to his corner, licking himself.
“Well, I’ll be damned!”
“How did you like it?” Antonia asked.
“I didn’t like it... I absolutely loved it!”
“See, I told you you would, didn’t I?”
“I never wouldn’t dreamed something like that could feel so good and, my god, those orgasms were the best I’ve had in ages. I hate to tell you this, girl, but he’s gonna be getting a lot of me in the future.”
“You think that was good... just wait till he fucks you!”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Meanwhile, out in the country...
“Come on, Oliver, show mama what you got there,” Alice said. She was anxious to get started on her new endeavor and stood - completely naked as the say she was born - and called her new pet to her.
“You and I are going to have so much fun here,” she said as she stroked his head, working her way down to his back, to his side and, finally, to his belly, where she grabbed his sheath and started to stroke him. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this, so I hope I’m not disappointed,” as his cock started to expose itself, already dripping with his pre-cum.
She coaxed him to his back and pushed his sheath as far as she could, finally getting a good look at what he had down there and she wasn’t disappointed, either.
‘Hmm, that looks good enough to eat,’ she thought.
“I know I’ve already treated you this one, Oliver, but I just have to do it again,” and she leaned forward and engulfed his whole canine dick into her mouth, slightly gagging as it hit the back of her throat.
‘Gotta be careful there,’ she though and she licked and sucked on the tool, taking advantage of being alone with him for the first time. ‘Truly alone,’ she thought, as her first time she’d had an unseen audience above her but here, in her own home, privacy was assured, so she had nothing to worry about.
She sucked him for about 10-minutes, not wanting to let him cum until he was firmly inside her... she wanted to feel that canine appendage inside her as he shot his load into her vagina, wanted to feel the warmth of his fur on her back as he lunged into her, she turned around and got oh her hands and knees, butt up in the air, and said, “Mount!”
It took a couple of minutes for him to find the location his dick was aiming for and she finally reached between her legs, grabbed on to him, and guided him into her for the first time.
“Ahh,” she moaned when she felt him fully inside.
Then the fucking began in earnest!
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“I do hope our customers are satisfied with their purchases,” Ester said, as they laid in bed with her hand firmly grasping his cock, moving up and down, watching that lovely foreskin slide up and over his cockhead and then back down again.
“You really enjoy doing that, don’t you,” he said.
“Yes, I do. Tony was cut so I never had the advantage of something like this and you have so much! I love feeling it in my mouth, sucking on it like a straw and dragging all your essence out, feel it swirling around in my mouth and then swallowing it all.”
“I’m glad you’re satisfied,” he told her.
“Oh yes, I’m very much satisfied.”
She was silent for a moment and he asked if she was OK.
“Yes, just remembering Tony,” she responded. “I didn’t realize how much I missed the sex until you came around,” rubbing his chest and pinching his nipples as she spoke. “I’ve gotten quite fond of you, Henry. I want to stay with you for the rest of my life.”
“Well, you’ll certainly get no objections from me,” he told her, as he pulled up and gave her a big kiss. “I’ve grown quite fond of you, as well and I’m also glad we hooked up.”
She punched him on his arm and said, “You make it seem like a cheap thrill!”
“Oh, it’s a thrill alright, and it ain’t cheap, either!”
The kissed each other, her still fondling his rampant cock, him with his hand in her slit, rubbing on her clit, and getting a minor orgasm from her.
Once again, she lowered her head and took that magnificent weapon into her mouth and sucked and licked him until he shot 6 strings of cum into her mouth, then they both hugged, turned over, spooning each other, and went to sleep.
Chapter 15
The next two weeks flew by.
They’d gotten 1 new dog and had already trained him when he was bought within a day.
So far they’d sold to 4 white females and 3 black females, which kind of surprised everyone, as they all thought all their customers would be white women. Up until they sold the first dog to Antonia none of them had ever heard of black women being into b********y.
“Just goes to show you how wrong we all were,” commented Ester as they all sat around the kitchen table, planning to get another 2 dogs before the end of the week. Henry had already found another seller who had a German Shepherd and a Great Dane for sale and was assured the seller had had them since they were born. According to the records at Thelma’s office both were only 2 months short of 2-years-old, and they were looking forward to getting them.
“If no one has any objections,” started Henry, “I think this is going to be the last of them for a while. I think we all need a break and personally, Ester and I have planned go take some time away from here for a week or so.”
“I think it’s a great idea,” agreed Fay. “I know we’ve all worked hard these past weeks and I agree, it’s time for a break, especially from the routine we’ve established here already.”
A quick vote was taken and they all agreed that a break was definitely needed, both their minds as well as their bodies.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
There were two appointments the next day, both white women and the first arrived at 9:00 that morning.
Amanda was 32, recently divorced, and was looking to expand on the experiences she’d already had with their dog, which the ex- decided to take with him when he left. Needless to say, she was quite heartbroken and desperately wanted a replacement.
Ester met her as she was climbing the stairs on the porch.
“Hello, I’m Ester. Welcome to our home. Henry will meet you inside but I wanted to have a chat with you out here first, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course not,” and she sat on of the patio chairs as Ester sat next to her.
“I’m curious about a few things you mentioned in your response to our ad.”
“OK. Ask all you want, I’ve nothing to hide here.”
“Good. First, how did you get into b********y?”
“It was an accident, to tell the truth. I was cleaning up the house one day and was dressed in only my housecoat and a pair of slippers. I was sweeping under the bed when Bailey came into the room, only I didn’t realize it until he stuck his nose between my legs.”
“That was it?”
“Well, I’d had a heavy session with my dildo just 30-minutes earlier and had gotten a good climax and sat in the bathroom and wound down.”
“OK, what brought on the masturbation session?”
“Rob and I had just had a huge fight when he found out I knew about his affair with his secretary. He told me I didn’t satisfy him anymore and was no longer in love with me... he said he wanted a divorce, which completely tore me up inside. I still love him and I didn’t know what I was going to do.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that. Divorce isn’t nice. Any c***dren?”
“No, I had cervical Cancer when I was 19 and everything was removed as a precaution, so I’m unable to get pregnant and I think that bothered him. He didn’t say anything and I thought we were happy.”
“How long did the marriage last?”
“4 years, 6 months, 14 days,” she giggled, then started crying.
Ester went into the house and came back with a box of tissues, handing it to her.
“I take it you still miss him.”
“Which one, Rob or Bailey?”
“Why Bailey, of course.” And they both laughed.
“Anyway, to get back to your original question... I sat there for about 10-minutes, coming down from the climax, and started cleaning the house, something I do every weekend. I was kneeling beside the bed, sweeping underneath, when Bailey made his presence known to me.”
“What did you do?”
“I was startled at first and then, when his tongue hit my already sensitive clit, I lost it. I think I moaned loudly and it must have scared him, because he backed away for a moment and then went right back to licking me down there. I was in nirvana, it felt that good. I hadn’t had oral for almost 3 months, just before I told Rob I knew of his affair, and damn... it felt good and I guess I needed the attention.”
“What happened next?”
“Well, he stopped and I whined, wanting more, and then he lept on my back and I could feel his cock trying to penetrate me. I was frustrated so I reached between my legs, grabbed hold of him, and helped him find his target. At first, I was shocked, as he just jammed it into me, ramming into me... heaving and going as fast as he could. I thought it would be nice and gently, like when Rob and I had sex, but instead it was a ‘wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am moment and before I realized what was happening, he jammed his knot into me and emptied his balls. I felt each jettison of his cum as he shot his load into me... it felt so damn good, too.”
“I know that feeling.”
“You’ve also done it?” She sounded surprised that someone else fucked their dog.
“Yes, quite a few times and I’ve personally helped with the training of most of our dogs right here in our house.”
“Really. I, too, was taken by surprise and I loved it. I shared my experience with Henry...”
“We were already lovers before that and I found out his plans after I told him what happened and, as they say, the rest is history.”
“Do you enjoy it?”
“Very much.”
“It’s so nice to know I’m not alone in this. I’ve never told anyone I just told you. I was too embarrassed, to tell the truth and I didn’t think anyone would believe me. I also thought I’d be shunned by my family and friends and when Rob took Bailey with him, I had no idea about what I’d do.”
“I take it you didn’t tell your husband.”
“Oh, no. I was afraid of what he’d do to Bailey, and I didn’t want him hurt.”
“Understandable, and I’m glad you were up front with me. Now, I think you’ve answered everything I wanted to know so, shall we go inside and continue?”
“Yes, please.”
“Good, just follow me.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The sale with Amanda went smoothly, she didn’t even want to try out her new purchase, she was in a hurry to get him home and work with him privately. She’d chosen the last Rott and Henry assured her that if she needed anything all she had to do was call, giving her business card.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The next appointment was with Monica, 28, who already had experience with dogs, having just lost her own dog when it was hit and killed. She chose the last Great Dane, completed all the paperwork, again deciding to take him home where she could enjoy his lovemaking.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Well, that leaves 2 Shepherds and that’ll be it. To tell you the truth,” he said to Ester, “I’ll be glad to have some time away from here for a while. I honestly had no idea what I’d have to put into this to make it work... a lot more work than I expected.”
“Are you sorry you did it?”
“No, not at all. I’d already decided to do it even before you told me of your mating with Oscar, and that just drove me to do it more, and I was excited about it, too.”
“I know. I’ve seen your looks as we were training them all, I could see the joy you had when you sold each one, knowing you had a satisfied buyer.”
“Yes, I guess I did. Are you sorry you participated in it all?”
“Not one bit, you idiot. I’ve enjoyed every moment, from the first time with Oscar, to finally making love with you, my darling, to training and meeting such lovely people as Thelma, Fay, Cynthia, and all those ladies who bought the dogs. For the first time since Tony passed, I had the time of my life and I wouldn’t want to change it for anything else in the world.”
“I love you,” he said as he reached across the table and took her hand in his.
“And you know I love you, too, you sweet man.”
“I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a nap...” he said.
“... and a little nookie, as well, huh?”
“If you insist.”
They got up, took each other’s hand, kissed deeply and then headed upstairs... to the bed they shared.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
This time they waited until they were in the bedroom before removing each other’s clothes.
“Let me do you, first,” Ester told him.
“Fine with me,” he responded, standing still and holding his arm up, so she could start with his shirt.
She wasted no time and slowly unbuttoned the shirt, start from the bottom and working her way up. Once there, she removed it and began licking his body, starting with his face, kissing him deeply, and moving down to his lower neck and then to his rock-hard nipples, sucking on each one, humming the entire way.
“Oh, you know how much I love it when you do that.”
“Um-hm,” she teased back. “And I love your reactions when I do, too.”
She moved to his bellybutton as she slowly undid his belt, pulled his zipper down, undid the button and let them drop to the floor. Once they hit the floor, she moved to his boxers and began to fondle his growing erection, while moving lower with her mouth. Moving her had inside his boxers, she massaged his hardness and them pushed them to the floor, too, and descended once again and slowly drew into her mouth the remaining foreskin that still partially covered his purplish colored cockhead, continuing the humming as she slowly descended down his entire length. While she wasn’t able to complete deep throat his tool, she went as far as she could, enjoying the feeling of his hardness in her mouth.
Now it was her turn, so she stood up and allowed him to remove her blouse and bra, lifting her breasts, one at a time, to his mouth, sucking and licking each rock-hard nipple, drawing soft moans from her.
He looked up, stood straighter, and kissed her deeply, pushing his tongue into her mouth, where they kissed for a few, long, minutes.
Now he, too, began to slowly descend her body, stopping once again at her delicious breasts and once more sucking each nipple into his hot mouth.
Again, she moaned, louder this time, gripping his head and holding him closer to her.
He released the last nipple and moved to her bellybutton and licked and probed there, as well and then pushed down her skirt and inserted his right hand into her panties. He loved the soft feeling he found there, especially since she was unable to grow hair down there – or anywhere else on her body. It was something that really turned him on to no end.
He slowly inserted a finger into her opening, drawing it over her clitoris, causing her to go weak in the knees, enough that he feared she’d fall backward, so he gently pushed her back until her the back of her knees contacted the mattress, where he pulled out his finger, removed her panties, and laid her on the bed, where he knew she’d be more comfortable and then he continued to lick and caress her body, now starting at her bent knees and moving upward until he reached that wonderful bald pussy, where he cover her opening with his mouth and probed into her with his tongue.
“Oh, yeah, lover. Eat me,” she whispered.
He had not intention of stopping, as he probed as deeply as he could and then moved back enough to lick and swallow her slowly escaping juices, concentrating on her labia as well as her clitoris, which had her humping up into his face, drawing his closer.
After she’d had her 3rd climax, she reached down and pulled him up on the bed, with a little assistance from him, of course, then she crawled on top of him and began her oral assault on his body once again, this time starting with his cock and sucking on him, and again, humming at the same time, until he finally shot a huge load, which she greedily swallowed and continued to suck until she felt his foreskin gathering in her mouth, probing it with her tongue and getting the last vestiges of his cum before slipping off him and lying at his side.
“Damn, darling, you sure know how to please a man, don’t you?”
“So I’ve been told,” she answered.
“Well, I’ve to rest a bit before we continue, you know I’m not as young as I used to be, and quite frankly, neither are you.”
“Don’t remind me, but remember this, you’ll always and forever be older than I am,” she laughed and he joined her.
They ended up taking a nap, wrapped in each other’s arms.
Chapter 16
Once the last dog was gone, it was time to store all the files, arrange for the dismantling of the kennels and finally, decide where he and Ester were going to go for their vacation.
Thelma and Fay had taken the last dog, since no new answers had appeared in the last week, which meant and Cynthia was quite happy with her continued education on the art of loving your pet.
Antonia was quite happy with her dog and her ongoing affair with Jasmine.
All the ‘loose ends’ were finally taken care of and now it was just the two of them. No more dogs to feed and take care of, no more appointments to be scheduled. It felt good to have nothing to do.
“I think you did a great job with what we’ve accomplished here. You should be proud of yourself,” she told Henry. “I know I’ve learned a lot, had a blast learning it, as well as participating in the training and getting to know you much better, my dear.”
“Thank you. Honestly, I don’t know what I’d have done if you hadn’t been here. My plans wouldn’t have been as successful if you hadn’t accidently found out about Oscar and his talents.”
“I know. I think about that first time and always amaze myself... I mean, not going overboard with my reactions to that first licking and eventual fucking. I can truly tell you that I’ve never been fucked so hard in my life, no offense of course, but fucking a dog is so much different than a man. Not only are their cocks larger – and longer – but their staying power is just wonderful.”
“I can tell you that I don’t fully understand it, my dear. Once I read all that information online and discovered how abundant it is and that women do enjoy engaging their dogs for sex, I just couldn’t get it out of my mind.”
“Now that it’s all behind us, where do you want to go for the next two weeks?” he asked her.
“I haven’t thought too much about it. I’ve heard of several nudist colonies further south of us and thought it might be nice to go there for a while.”
“How about a cruise?” he asked.
“Never entertained the idea of spending so much time on a boat, not sure if I’d be seasick or not.”
“Just asking.”
“Understood, but I was thinking about something further from home, where we can truly be ourselves and not be afraid of what people think about 2 old fogies being so in love and together.”
“Who’s and old fogie, you old fart?”
“I guess that makes both of us old farts then, right?” he laughed and pulled her closer and gave her a deep kiss. “No matter where we go, we’ll be with each other and I want you to know how much I do love you.”
“I love you, too, dear.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The next day Henry decided to get up early and serve her breakfast in bed, something he’d never done before and, after last night’s activities, he felt she deserved to have something special.
When he entered the kitchen, he glanced out the window, over to her house and noticed a “For Sale” sign being taken down in the front yard.
‘I see she finally sold the old place, wonder who bought it,’ he thought, then moved to the refrigerator and pulled out the eggs and bacon, along with some canned biscuits.
As he stood in front of the stove, working on the eggs, flipping the bacon a couple of times, and checking to make sure he didn’t burn the biscuits, he thought about the night before and how much in love he was with her. They seemed like the perfect couple.
‘I’m so blessed to have found her,’ he thought. ‘I honestly don’t know how my life would’ve turned out if we hadn’t met.’
Once the meal was ready, he placed it on a tray and carried it upstairs, hoping to surprise her.
Instead, the surprise would be on him.
As he entered the bedroom he called out, “Wake up sleepyhead, I’ve fixed your favorite breakfast and I do hope you’re hungry. After last night I could eat a horse,” he joked as he turned towards the bed and noticed she wasn’t moving.
Sitting beside her she gently shook her but got no response. He set the tray on the floor and reached for her hand and finding it cold and clammy.
“Ester, wake up, dear,” he prompted.
No response.
“Ester, quit k**ding around, you’re beginning to scare me.”
Still... nothing.
He took her by the shoulders and shook her upper body.
“ESTER!” he shouted, then he pulled her close to him in a bearhug, knowing full well what had happened, during the night she’d quietly passed away.
“NO!” he shouted, tears running down his face as he talked to her.
“You can’t leave me like this,” he told her. “What am I going to do without you?”
His crying turned into sods and his whole body was racked with tremors as he pulled her closer, trying to warm her body, but it was useless... she was gone.
He continued to hold her close and sob at the same time. Time seemed to crawl as he sat there, rocking back and forth on the bed while telling her how much he loved her.
Finally, he gently laid her back down and continued to hold her hand, tears dripping from his cheeks and landing on her arm, then he finally laid her hand on her stomach and stood up on shaky legs. He thought he’d pass out but remained standing as he searched the room for his cell phone.
He found the name he was looking for and hit send, listening until the call was answered.
“Hello?” from the other end.
“Cynthia,” he said, “she’s gone,” and tears started once again. He had to stop and collect himself before he could continue.
“What do you mean, gone?” she asked him.
“Ester died...” and he could go no further, collapsing onto the floor, racked with sobs once again.
He dropped the phone but could hear her tell him, “I’ll be right there,” and she hung up.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Before leaving the house, she called Thelma and gave her the news.
“Oh, no! I’ll call Fay and we’ll meet you there. Are you OK?” She asked.
“No, not really. I just got off the phone with him and he’s awfully upset right now. He was sobbing when I hung up. I told him I’d be right over but I knew I had to call you first.”
“You did the right thing, dear. Fay and I will meet you there as soon as we can,” and she disconnected and called Fay, telling her the news.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The three ladies met at the bottom of the porch, embracing each other, and were hugging when Henry opened the door and met them as they rushed up the stairs, reaching out to hug him, tears now drying on his cheeks, and he tried his best to smile for them.
“She’s at peace now,” he said, new tears forming as he spoke.
“Let’s go inside,” Thelma suggested, and they all gathered in the living room.
“Do you know what happened?” asked Fay.
He just shook his head in response, still finding it difficult to talk.
“It’s OK,” she told him. “Where is she? Can we see her?”
He could only nod his head and nodded upstairs.
“We’ll be right back, dear. Cynthia, would you stay with him while we go upstairs?”
“Sure,” came the answer, as she moved to sofa, taking his hand and pulling him into an embrace.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
5 days later the services were held and Ester was laid to rest next to her departed husband. She’d wanted to lay next to Henry but he thought it best that she be next to him.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The next day they all gathered at the gravesite, fresh dirt piled high with all the flowers covering the top of the mound, holding hands, with tears running down all their faces. They stood there for a while, in silence, knowing Henry was still in shock after losing her. The agreed to meet later at his house, leaving the cemetery. Thelma drove him home and stayed with him until he insisted that he’d be OK and she should go home.
“I’ll come back later and we can decide what to do with all this food,” indicating the tables and counter covered with food brought by his and her many friends.
“At least I won’t starve,” he joked, hugging her and thanking her for such a good friend.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
He stood at the window in their bedroom and stared at the moving van unloading furniture anld other odds and ends and the new owners moved in. He hadn’t had a chance to see who they were but he hoped they enjoyed their new home.
Out of the corner of his eye a dog romped into view and he thought the a****l looked familiar but couldn’t place hi just yet.
Then a woman appeared. She sat on a chair on the porch and looked over at his house, staring at the window he was looking out and soon she was joined by another woman, both black, as she sat in the chair next to her.
He back, afraid they’d seen him staring at them and then... he recognized the first woman.
He smiled, headed downstairs, exited the house, and went over to re-meet his neighbor.
The End
I guess the beginning... of course.
I’m a white female, 68, 5’ 8”, 125-pounds.
I’ve been by myself now for over 25 years, after the death of my husband from lung Cancer. He put up a brave fight but, in the end, it got the better of him and he passed quietly at home with me by his side. We never had any c***dren and I wonder how my life would be if I’d had a couple of k**s.
Oh well, no sense in living in the past.
The only company I’ve had in these 25 yeas has been my neighbor, Henry. He’s 72, 6’ 3”, 245-pounds and built like a brick shithouse!
I watched him many times as he’s tended his garden in his back yard, hoeing and chopping weeks, picking the veggies once they’re ready, all that in just his faded blue jeans, with no shit on, sweat running down the middle of his back.
Needless to say, I’d have may daydream fantasies about him.
Every Sunday we have lunch together, either at his place or mine, or out somewhere where we don’t mind people looking as us, two old seniors – one black as coal and the other as white as a fluffy cloud hanging in the sky – but we don’t mind. We’re enjoying ourselves and don’t pay attention to what others think.
Henry has a huge German Shepherd who keeps me company once and a while, mainly when I’m sitting on the front porch reading the latest best seller of doing my cross stitching. He lays at my feet and just knowing he’s there comforts me, especially when Henry is away doing whatever it is he does. He’s never told me what he’s into and, frankly, I don’t care. It’s none of my business.
I’ve noticed a couple of times lately that other black men are with him, but they never leave the house and are usually only there for a couple of hours and then they’re gone, almost like they’ve never been there.
Occasionally he has some white couples over but they never stay long, either.
One day, about 2 months ago, something happened next door that caught my attention.
Oscar – the German Shepherd – ran up to my house and started whining and scratching at the front door. I knew something had to be wrong by the way he was action, so I left the house and followed him to Henry’s place.
When I got there the front door was ajar and I could hear some groaning coming from deeper in the house.
“Henry,” I called out. “Are you OK?”
Now, I didn’t want to go inside someone else’s house without being asked but something didn’t feel right, so I entered the living room.
The noise was coming from upstairs so I went to the bottom of the stairs, looked up, and shouted, “Henry? Are you OK?”
“I’ll be right down, Ester,” came the reply.
It wasn’t long before he joined me at the base of the stairs, wearing his usual faded jeans but with an old, ragged T-shirt covering his torso.
“Oscar came over to the house and he was acting like something was wrong, so I came right over to check on you.”
“I appreciate it, Ester, I do. I just slipped in the bedroom while painting the ceiling and must have knocked myself out for a bit. Oscar was probably scared something worse had happened,” he explained, rubbing the back of his head.
Now that I looked, I could see what appeared to be fresh paint splattered on both his shirt and jeans.
“Hey there, you ain’t no young man anymore, you old geezer, you need to be careful.”
“I know,” he said, “but that room ain’t gonna paint itself, you know. Want to see what I’ve done so far?” he asked.
“Sure, why not?”
Leading me up the stairs, we turned to the right, into the ‘guest’ room. He’d painted the walls a nice lavender shade and the ceiling was white, only a small corner of the ceiling had to be finished. I guessed that was what he was doing when he fell. A chair was overturned in the corner, so I guessed he’d been standing on it while painting.
“You need something steadier that some random chair,” I told him.
“It’s all I’ve got right now. I’ve never needed a ladder for anything, as most of the outside of the house is covered in brick and vinyl siding.”
“I love the color. Why lavender?” I asked
“I’ve always liked that color and just decided it. time to do the room, so I went to the hardware store, looked at several shades, decided on this one and, as they say, ‘the rest is history’.”
I had to laugh. Here’s Henry, a huge man by many standards, painting a room in his house lavender. As far as I know he’s never been married and I’ve never seen a woman stay more than a couple of hours in the house with him.
“Ester, would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night?” he suddenly asked.
“Well, I don’t remember having anything to do on my calendar, so yes, I’d love to. Here or are we going out?”
“I was thinking of taking you to that new restaurant downtown. I’ve heard a lot of talk about it and how good the food is.”
“I’ve heard the same thing, so let’s do it.”
We went downstairs and I gave him a huge hug before leaving.
“Just be careful up there,” I told him.
“Only gotta finish that last corner and then I’m done,” he replied.
I returned to the house and just as I was stepping onto the porch a white Ford pick-up pulled into his driveway. A nice looking black man got out, waved to me, and proceeded up the steps to Henry’s house, where he knocked on the door, waited a few minutes, and then entered when Henry opened the door for him. I’ve seen him there before, several times lately, so it never crossed my mind that something might be going on.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Welcome once again, Randy” the man was greeted as Henry closed the door behind him. “What brings you out this way, today?
The man was nervous, you could see how jittery he was just standing there.
“I’ve come to tell you that I won’t be coming back.”
“Why is that?” Henry asked.
“I’ve found someone. We’ve been dating a while now and it’s starting to get serious.”
“I’m happy for you, Randy. I truly am. I’ve been hoping the right guy would come along and sweep you off your feet. I’m getting to be too old for you anyway and besides, we both knew this was only a temporary thing. Can I get you something?” Henry asked as he turned into the kitchen.
“No thanks... nothing to drink... anyway.”
Henry turned around, a big grin on his face.
“One last time, I suppose.”
“OK. Let’s go upstairs, where we’ll be more comfortable, OK?”
Once in the bedroom the curtains were closed, as well as the door, and both men began undressing.
“Do you mind if I ask you why you wanted this one more time?” Henry asked.
“Well, we’ve been seeing each other now for almost 5 years and while I’ve enjoyed the company, and the ‘benefits’ I didn’t want to make a scene with you and I though it would be better if we parted on equal terms.”
“Equal terms, huh.”
“Something like that. Honestly, Henry, you’re the best I’ve ever been with and I know what you’re into, with all the other guys and those white couples and it’s never bothered me at all. I know you do some weird ship with the white couple, what with Oscar and all, and I was content with what we had, but then Raymond came along and...” He fidgeted around a while as he remove his pants and briefs, revealing his uncut 8-inch cock. It was slowing hardening as he talked.
“I’ve loved every minute we’ve had together, Henry, and I just didn’t feel right by doing this on the phone or in an email. I had to do this face-to-face, so that we’d both be alright with the situation.”
“Will you and Raymond...” Henry started but was cut off.
“We’ve talked about a lot of things, Henry, and that was one of them. I’ve expressly told him this relationship will be oral only. I’m not into the anal thing and I guess I never will be and he seems to be ok with that.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
Henry now stood before him, naked himself, stroking his uncut 8-inch manhood, moving his foreskin up and over his cockhead several times, producing a large amount of pre-cum, telling Randy how ready he was.
With no further delays, Randy dropped to his knees and proceeded to lick Henry’s cock up and down, licking his balls and sucking each one into his mouth before returning to the hardened pole in front of him.
Henry pushed him away, just long enough for him to sit on the edge of the bed, get comfortable, and once again allow the younger man to dine on his cock.
Randy once again began to lick the shaft and he rose up and down on the with each stroke of his tongue. Once he got to the foreskin-covered head he did what he always did, he sucked on that extra over-hang - 3-inches of excess skin – protruding from the end of the cockhead. He loved feeling that extra 3-inches slide against his tongue as he probed it, sucked it, licked inside it, and just overall enjoyed the feeling of that extra skin moving about in his mouth. While he was also uncut, his extra skin was just enough to cover his own cockhead, with about ½-inch of overhang.
“Get up here and let’s 69 for a while,” Henry told him.
Without another word, the two men went about satisfying each other with their mouths, the same thing they’d done for the past 5 years.
Like Randy, Henry was strictly an ‘oral only’ bisexual. He didn’t even so much as like a finger up his butt, which suited Randy just fine because he was the same way. Oral was it... period!
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
When Henry was a younger man (somewhere in his late 30s or early 40s) he’d discovered the art of sucking cock. As a black man it was hard to find someone with similar tastes, as most black Sure, they loved to have white men such their cocks, but that was it. Usually, they degraded the poor white men and left them feeling nauseated by what they’d done. Some liked it... others never did it again, as far as he knew.
He put ads in adult magazines stating what he was looking for and was surprised at the responses he got. Some were good and others were just nasty, calling him names and hoping he’d get AIDs of something like that. He never paid any attention to those replies and quickly deleted them. The nicer ones he answered, sometimes sending a pic of his uncut cock and sometimes just a written answer with no pics. He stated he wanted someone his age or older, as older men really turned him on to no end. He also stated he only wanted men with uncut cocks, no circumcised ones would be accepted. That dwindled the ‘supply’ drastically, as most men now had been cut right after being born.
It was much later that he got involved with white couples, only couples, no single white women allowed. While bisexual, he much preferred the company of the males and enjoyed watching the men with their wives as he serviced them.
When he was in his early 60s, he found a new ‘kink’, one that would stay with him the rest of his life.
Chapter 2
When Henry was 61, he came across an ad like none he’d ever seen before and it intrigued him to no end so he found himself doing a bit of research on the Internet and his curiosity was piqued, to say the least.
He went online and found stories and videos and the more he watched the more his interest grew until finally, he place an ad of his own, but this one, for the first time, had nothing to do with sexual satisfaction... for now.
He was looking for a mature male dog, somewhere between the ages of 2 and 4 that hadn’t been neutered. He didn’t care if it was from someone who no longer could afford the pet, if it came from a shelter, or it was simply found wondering around a neighborhood.
He got several replies the second day the ad appeared and he answered each one.
The first was a couple getting ready to transfer for the husband’s job and they were unable to take the dog with them. Unfortunately, this one had been in an accident and was missing one of his back legs. No-go for that one.
The nest was from a shelter. The dog in question was due to be euthanized the following week and once Henry saw him, he knew this a****l had potential. He gladly paid the fees required and waited 3 days for the inoculations to be done then he picked him up and went home. Once they were home he decided to name him Oscar.
Next, he advertised in adult magazines and on adult websites looking for females who were looking for such services.
He was totally surprised at the number of responses he received and he had to go through each one to determine who he would choose.
In the end, he had 4 candidates. All were in their middle to late 20s, single, and ‘looking for adventure’. 3 were white and the last was black.
He started with the white women first, emailing each one from his protected server, and asking questions on why, when and how they’d like to proceed.
He contacted the black woman last, not because of her race, but the fact that she was the oldest of them, being 28. She was a college graduate and had a good job as an accountant at one of the city’s largest accounting firms.
Surprisingly it was the black female who contacted him first, only hours after he sent his email.
He sat at his desk and read her reply. I read...
‘Mr. Morrison,
While we may not know each other personally, I was quite shocked to hear from you in this regard. This is a fantasy of mine that I’ve had for years and yes, I would love to learn how to do ‘it’ with a dog. I’ve watched videos, read stories, and have talked about it with one of my dearest friends, who had done ‘this’ before. She’s tried to ‘enlist’ me to this cause but I’ve been very hesitant to do so. As I stated above, it’s been a fantasy and if you’re willing to accept me that I’d be happy to join you in your endeavor.
Henry was intrigued with this response but wanted to wait and see if he heard from his other ‘candidates’. He didn’t have to wait long. The next day, he got responses from all the other women.
“Mr. Morrison,
I thank you for your consideration for this endeavor, but at this time I must decline. I’ve recently been transferred to another state for a new job and therefore I humbly decline. It would have been a great experience, I’m sure, as I’ve fantasized about something like this for quite some time, even ‘experimenting’ with a neighbor’s dog licking me ‘down there’. Again, thank you but I will be unable to do this.
The next response was one he certainly crossed off his list.
‘Mr. Morrison,
Thank you for your consideration on this subject but I’ve recently been diagnosed with Breast Cancer and therefore will be unable to participate in this at this time. I start Chemo treatments next week and I’m sure that I’ll be physically unable to ‘perform’ as required. Thank you for considering me though.
The last one would certainly be a great candidate.
‘Mr. Morrison,
I’d be more than thrilled to be a part of your ‘group’ as I’ve ‘experimented’ in this ‘area’ for some time and do have a bit of experience in ‘those matters’. Please feel free to contact me again when you’ve set a schedule and I’ll be happy to join you.
Now he had 2 candidates to work with, now he needed someone with ‘experience’ who’d be willing to help him learn more about mating females with dogs. He searched the Yellow Pages, looking for kennels, shelters, even veterinarians who might have some knowledge on were he could find such a person, obviously it had to be a female.
Over the next 2 weeks he called and visited many of the sites until he finally got an inkling of where to find such a person. Oddly enough it was from one of the vets who provided the information. He went to visit her and discuss what he was looking for.
He arrived at the clinic as it was closing, as he’d been instructed, and waited for Dr. Thelma Hawkins in the reception area. Once everyone had left, and the doors were locked, she escorted his to her office, where the discussion would take place.
“Nice to meet you, Dr. Hawkins,” Henry said as they shook hands and he was directed to the chair directly in front of her desk.
“So nice to meet you, too, Mr. Morrison.”
“Please, Henry. Mr. Morrison was my father.”
“Sure, Henry. Why don’t you call me Thelma?”
“Now, shall we get down to ‘business’?” Henry asked.
“What is it that you particularly want to know?”
“As we discussed over the phone, I’m looking for a female who has had experience with a****ls... in a ‘sexual’ way.”
“Meaning you want someone who’s had dogs as sexual partners, right?”
“It’s highly unusual for something like this to happen and, as a professional, I shouldn’t even be talking to you about it. It is against the law and, if you’re discovered, you could face possible jail time, not to mention being added to the sexual predator list.”
“I’m aware of all that.”
“Then why are you coming to me?”
“Because you appeared to know more than you’re willing to discuss over the phone or even on the Internet in emails.”
“That’s because the Internet is a place that is monitored for such things and phones can be listened to without our knowledge.”
“Therefore, it’s best discussed in person, in privacy, with no one else around, if you get my meaning.”
“I do... so, what do you want to know?”
“Do you personally know anyone with that sort of experience that would be willing to help me with a private enterprise?”
Apparently, Dr. Hawkins was thinking, as she tapped her fingertips on her desk.
“Personally, I know of 2 such women and I know – for sure – that one of them would definitely be interested in what you’re proposing.”
“And they are...”
“First, let me make one thing clear. Neither one of these ladies is to be called by her formal name. Neither one will be at the same place at the same time. Finally, you must assure me that their privacy will be assured at all times.”
“I can certainly do that. I have my own place, with only one neighbor, several miles outside the city limits. It’s remote, somewhat isolated and, as I’ve said already, only one neighbor whom I assure you will not be a problem.”
“How close is this neighbor?”
“Within a couple hundred yards of my house.”
“Why won’t she be a problem?”
“Because she’s going to be a participant in this as well.”
“Does she know this?”
“Not yet, but I assure you, she will and she’ll be a willing participant, as well.”
“How many people will be involved in this?”
“Well, certainly me and my neighbor, the person – or persons – you recommend, and 2 others I’ve already vetted and are willing to be a part of this.”
“All female, I assume.”
“Except for me... of course.”
Once again, silence, as thinking was being done.
Dr. Hawking turned her chair away from Henry as she thought. He could see her bobbing her head as she considered his proposal and, after a couple of minutes, she turned to face him again and said, “One of those people will be myself.”
He tried to hide his surprise... but couldn’t.
“Didn’t expect that did you?”
“No, I didn’t.”
“As a practicing vet, I’ve come across a number of women who partake in such endeavors and been an a****l lover for almost 15 years myself.”
“So why are you interested in this?”
“I’ve been approached by various women over the years wanting to learn how to train their dogs to have sex with them. Most I’ve turned away, not wanting to get caught in a ‘sting operation’, as I’ve known quite a to happen in the past. I’ve got a great reputation as a vet and I want to keep it that way. I’ve also trained at least 3 women on this, so I do know quite a bit about it.”
“That will certainly help, as I’ve no working knowledge myself. I’m wanting someone who can help me train my dog to please women and know that I’m doing it right and in a safe manner.”
“Let me get in touch with this other person and see if she’s interested, as I’m sure she will be. She’d been doing this sort of thing for over 10 years now and I was the one who got her started. She’d one of my best clients and also a very personal friend.”
Henry rose from his seat and extended his hand across the desk, where Dr. Hawkins also stood and completed the handshake.
“I’ll be in touch within the next couple of days,” she told him.
As he was escorted out of the building his thoughts ran like wildfire, perhaps this was going to happen after all.
‘I certainly hope so,’ he thought.
Chapter 3
Ester approached the house next door, climbed the steps, knocked on the door, to have it answered by Henry, wearing his usual faded jeans and T-shirt.
“Hello, Ester. What can I do for you today?”
“I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me, Henry. I’m not trying to be nosy, but I am curious about a few things.”
“Let’s sit on the porch and do this, it’s such a beautiful day out and I haven’t turned on the air-conditioner just yet.”
Once they were comfortably seated, he turned to her and asked, “What’s bothering you, Ester?”
“Nothing’s really bothering me, Henry, but I’m just wondering about all the comings and goings on here lately. There seems to be a lot of traffic lately, at all hours of the day, and I’ve noticed that most of the visitors are men. Henry, are you gay?”
“Well, well, right to the point, I see. No, Easter, I’m not gay. Rather, I’m bisexual as I enjoy both men and women. Does that bother you knowing that now?”
Ester turned a bright shade of red when he told her that.
“No, it doesn’t bother me. I was rather hoping...” she was too embarrassed to finish her statement.
“Ester, are you hitting on me, after all these years?”
“It’s ok, Ester, nothing to be embarrassed about. To be honest, I find you to be quite attractive.”
“Yes. I’ve seen you watching me when I’m working in the garden, rather intently, I might add.”
“I didn’t realize you’d noticed.”
“How could I not, Ester? Even at your age, you’re something for the eye to behold and I’d have to be blind to not notice.”
“But that black gentleman that was here yesterday...” she started.
“It was the last time he’ll be here. He came by to tell me he’d found someone else and last night was a ‘farewell’ for both of us. Honestly, I’m going to miss him. Now, let me ask you something, please.”
“Only fair, I guess. Go ahead.”
“Why aren’t you attached? Surely an attractive woman such as you would have gentlemen callers coming and going, as well.
The redness returned to her face.
“Well, I’ve never considered anyone after the hubby passed. I just wasn’t interested in doing anything anymore, didn’t want to be ‘attached’ and ‘tied down’ again. I admit, I do like my freedom but it can be lonely at times. I keep myself entertained with my hobbies. I don’t have a TV – never wanted one – so I sit on the porch and read or do my cross-stitching.”
“I’ve seen you out there many times.”
“For a gentleman your age, you seen to keep busy. I like watching you from the house, especially when you’re in the garden... without your shirt on.” She paused a minute to fan herself with her hand. “There’s not much of an age difference between us and I’ve wondered...”
“... what it would be like to be with a black man?” Henry finished.
“Well... yes, I have thought about it. Does that bother you?”
He stood up, grabbed her hand, pulled her close, and gave her a huge kiss.
At first, she was shocked but then he felt her relax and return the kiss and it wasn’t long before their tongues were entangled in each other’s mouth.
The kiss lasted only a brief moment, but they held on to each other quite a bit longer, Ester nestling her head just below his shoulder, after all he was a bit taller than she is.
“That was wonderful,” she told him. “You have the softest lips.”
“Thank you. I can honestly tell you that no one has ever told me that.”
“Well, you do.”
“Would you like to take this a bit further?” he asked.
“But you said the air-conditioner isn’t on yet, won’t it be hot inside?”
“I do have a ceiling fan, and it’s running 24/7, so the room is comfortable.”
“In that case, lead the way.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The bedroom was neatly made, all the pillows in place, the spread quite lovely, and it was indeed quite cool with the fan running.
Henry approached the bed, sat and patted it, indicating that she should join him, which she gladly did.
“Please, let me start,” Ester told him.
“By all means, go ahead,” came the answer.
She stood in front of him, between his legs, and gently tugged his T-shirt up and over his head, revealing his 6-pack, which she swooned at a bit. Next she grabbed his hands and pulled, or tried to pull, him to his feet. Being much larger, and heavier, he had to help with this, but that didn’t matter at all. She unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants and lowered the zipper, slowly pushing his jeans towards the floor, where he slowly stepped out once the topped his feet. She pushed him down again and pulled off his sandals and socks, wondering is the saying was true about feet and genitals. She left his briefs on for the moment.
Now, it was her turn and she stood there as he admired her, while propping his head in his hand with his elbow on the bed.
“Lovely view from here,” he told her. “Can’t wait to see the rest.”
“Well, ready whenever you are.”
Quickly he stood up, drew her close and once again kissed her with the most erotic kiss she’d ever had.
‘By God, this man can kiss,’ she thought as she surrendered her body to him.
She stood there as he reached behind her and slowly, lowered the zipper of her dress. Next, he pulled off her shoulders and let it drop. There was no slip, as she never wore one. He unclasped her bra, pulling it off her chest, revealing her C-cup breasts. Her nipples stood out a good ½-inch from her globes, with little or no acerola visible. It looked like all she had were her rock-hard nipples. He leaned down a bit and took one in his mouth, running his tongue around it and then switched to the other, giving it the same attention. Next were her panties, pink in color with frills around the waist. As he pulled them down, he was amazed to see her mons was hairless.
‘Um, just how I like it,’ he thought.
As he lowered the panties he gently nibbled her skin down to her belly button and further until he reached her mons and gently licked between her vaginal lips, drawing a moan from here.
Once they were both naked, he pulled down the covers and gently laid her in the middle, where he joined her.
“Just a minute,” she told him and completely surprised him when she removed her wig, revealing her bald head. “I have Alopecia,” she told him. “Not a hair anywhere on my body. I hope you’re not offended.”
“Offended? Hell, no. I think you’re beautiful, bald head and all. I had wondered if you shaved your mons, but now that I know, it’s even sexier than you can imagine.”
“Thank you. I was worried about it and almost didn’t do anything. Then I figured you’d eventually find out, so what the heck, and decided to display myself in all my hairless glory.”
“Well, I won’t have to worry about hair getting stuck between my teeth, will I,” he chuckled.
She joined him with her laughter.
“No, you won’t.”
The ice was now broken and the loving began.
Chapter 4
By the time Henry and I were done I was so exhausted I slept for 3 hours. I’d never been so tired and thoroughly worked over in all my life. I’d thought sex with my dearly departed was good, but compared to what Henry did... I’ll never complain about sex again for as long as I live. That man knows how to fuck a woman and how to make her feel appreciated. I think we carried on for almost 4 hours. I’ve never known anyone with such staying power, his cock never seemed to droop. We’ll be doing this again, for sure.
~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Never have I had a woman so anxious to be pleased - and used - as Ester was. That lady, while she may be old, certainly taught me a few things and believe me, I’ve seen a lot of ‘things’ in my lifetime.
We both slept for about 3 hours and once we were up, we enjoyed a shower together, me massaging her body and she does the same for me. The warm water and her hands were quite a combination. Don’t even ask me about her mouth...
As a bisexual man I thought I knew all there was about giving blow-jobs, but she taught me a few things that thoroughly amazed me. That woman’s a sex-machine on two legs.
We’ll be sharing the same bed again sometime... either mine or hers.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The following Monday Thelma stopped by the house (She insists that I call her Thelma and not Dr. Hawkins, which is fine with me.) She was accompanied by her assistant at the clinic, Fay, whom she assured me was fully up-to-date with the subject we’d discussed in her office.
We adjourned to the living room, where I served cold lemonade, and began our talks.
“Let me understand this, Mr. Morrison,” Fay started, but he interrupted her.
“Please, we’re all informal here so just call me Henry, OK?”
“Fine, Henry. Thelma tells me you’re wanting to start some type of center here where you’ll train ladies the art of b********y, or dog fucking. Am I right?”
“Yes, you are.”
“What got you interested in this?” Thelma asked.
“I’ve been reading articles online about it. I’ve also read stories, some of which are supposedly true, about the women who regularly fuck their K-9 companions. I’ve watched videos and listed to audios of such things. I’ve also found a lot of online chat sites devoted to such things and I’ve occasionally joined in, just to see what all the hype is about.”
“It’s not hype, let me assure you, Henry,” Fay said. “I’ve been fucking my dog, Rambo, for the last 5 years and have been completely satisfied with the results.”
“I’ve also gotten involved,” stated Thelma. “Fay got me interested it and, being a vet, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to indulge myself in the lifestyle. Mind you I don’t do it with the ‘patients’, that would be unethical, not to mention what an embarrassment it would be if the ‘patients’ decided to take actions with their owners.”
“I’ve been approached by several ladies who are interested in learning how to mate with their dogs,” Fay added. “Most are middle to lower-class ladies who have either read about it or been told about it by trusted friends. I even know a couple of the richer ladies who regularly indulge, in private clubs, many of which I’ve attended over the years. I’ve gotten to know a lot of those ladies and we get along quite well. There’s a secrecy that surrounds those groups, I’m sure you’d understand the reason for that, and therefore only a very few ‘personally selected’ females are asked to partake with the group. Here in town, I personally know 4 such ladies and also know a few more who are interested in learning how to train their dogs. This is what you’re attempting to do, right? Train their a****ls to fuck them on demand?”
“Do either of you know of any such establishments?”
Both shook their heads.
“Then I think this is something that might be of interest to those wishing to have such training done for their a****ls. I’ve been a dog owner for years now and I know that they’re not just ‘dogs’ they’re our ‘c***dren’ and we treat them as such. Am I right?”
The ladies looked at each other and nodded in agreement.
“I thought so.”
“How to you want to get started?” Fay asked.
“Well, I’d like to employ one of you to help me get started. After all, you do have ‘personal knowledge’ about such things and, as I’m quite lacking in that area, your help would be greatly appreciated.”
“Since I work full-time that leaves me out,” Thelma stated, “but with Fay only working a couple days a week, I’m sure she’d be agreeable to help you, am I right, Fay?”
“I’d love to,” came the happy reply.
“What we need to do next is get some kennels built.”
“I’ve already ordered some, they should be delivered by the end of the week,” Henry told them.
“Good. What kind?” asked Fay.
“They’re the metal ones, easy to assemble and can be put up, or taken down, fairly quickly.”
“How may are coming?” asked Thelma.
“I’m ordered 3 to start, if we need more, I can get them. I would like to keep the limit to 3 though, so that we don’t get too far ahead of ourselves and take on more than we can handle. Don’t you agree?”
The women looked at each other and eagerly agreed.
“I was going to suggest at least 4 at the same time, but I think 3 would be much easier to handle,” Thelma said and Fay readily agreed.
“Want to show us where you’re going to put them?”
Leading the ladies through the house and out the back door, he showed them the spot he’d chosen.
“Looks good,” said Fay. “Plenty of shade and nice and ‘open’ nothing to block any views.”
“I wanted someplace like this,” he told them. “I wanted to make sure there was plenty of air circulating around the kennels as well as plenty of sunlight. I’ve got sheet metal pieces coming, as well, to use as covers on the top, to keep out the rain as much as possible.”
“What about houses for them?”
“Ordered, as well. They should get here the same day as the kennels.”
“You seem to have thought of everything.”
“I try to plan ahead when I decide I want to do something.”
“What will your neighbor think of all this?”
“She’ll be fine, in fact I’m going to tell her about all this when I take her out for dinner tonight.”
“How do you think she’ll react?” asked Fay.
“To tell the truth, I have absolutely no idea. I know she’s quite open-minded and I’m sure she’ll take it as she does anything else. I’m not worried.”
With all the ‘arrangements’ for the housing done they returned to the living room and talked how they wanted to get started.
“I’ll leave that up to Fay,” Henry told them. “After all, she’s the one with the experience and I’m sure she knows how to contact potential clients. Of course, we’ll have to come up with non-disclosure agreements for everyone to sign, and confidentiality will be guaranteed. I’ll keep the records on-site here and in a safe place. I added a basement to the house shortly after I moved out here and located my ‘private’ office down there. I’ve got a built-in safe and everything can go in there.”
“OK, you said the kennels will be here by the end of the week, right?” Fay asked.
“OK, I’ll start making contacts with those I know and see what happens. I’m sure some of the ladies have talked to their closest friends about what they’re doing and they’re probably curious and want to know more. After I get in touch with them, I’ll let you know.”
“In the meantime, I’ll get started on the paperwork for the clients to read and sign.”
With the preliminaries done, Henry escorted them to their vehicle and returned to the living room, where he called Ester and invited her over.
Chapter 5
“Thank you again for that wonderful evening,” Ester told him as they approached his house. They were in her car, since his was tied up with all the materials for the kennels.
“You still haven’t told me what all that’s for,” she probed.,
“I’m having some kennels erected for an endeavor I’m planning. Hopefully it’ll bloom into a business.”
“What kind of business could it be if dogs are involved. Perhaps training them for police work, guide dogs, you know, that sort of thing.”
“I’ll let you in on it shortly and, hopefully, you’ll want to take part.”
“Really? Do you think so?”
“I hope so, anyway.”
“Shall I drop you off at your place, or...”
A moment of silence then, “I think your place will be just fine,” he answered.
A smile radiate across her face and he knew he’d made the right decision.
Once they were inside, he grabbed her around the waist, turned her around, and planted a very romantically inclined kiss on her lips.
As they stood there and kissed, her hands roamed down his torso and eventually settled on his crotch, only to be greeted by a very solid hard-on.
“Is that a banana in your pocket...”
She didn’t have to finish, as he said, “I’m excited to be with you, Ester. You’re the most exciting woman I’ve been with in years and I hope we can continue.”
“You don’t see me shoving you out the door, do you?” she laughed.
“Shall we continue this upstairs?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” she answered and took his by his hand and pulled him after her as they ascended the stairs, heading to her bedroom.
It didn’t take them long to get out of everything and soon she was lying on her bed, legs spread as wide as she could get the, with Henry feasting on her lovely vagina, drinking in the juices she was plentifully creating for him.
“Hmm,” he moaned. “Quite tasty.”
He moved up her body slowly, teasing her bellybutton on the way and eventually stopping at her wonderful breasts, carefully and erotically sucking on each eraser-hard nipple, nibbling each and causing her to moan with pleasure.
As me moved further up her torso until he reached her magnificent breasts and started sucking on the eraser-hard nipples, gently nibbling on each one, making them feel harder than they were. Locking his arms beneath her knees he pushed them back until they were touching those wonderful nipples, rubbing them with each movement they made. Slowly, he inched his 8-inches into her vagina, feeling the chute tightening around him with each plunge. He was in no hurry and he instinctively knew she wasn’t, either. Once his full length was in her he started to thymically thrust back and forth, causing her to moan louder.
While Henry didn’t have the biggest cock she’d ever had, he sure knew how to use it to drive her to new heights. He’d take turns with each inward thrust, moving his cock from side to side as he slid in, then he’d do up and down movements, touching parts inside her that had never had that kind of stimulation.
She loved it and moaned louder to let him know.
“Don’t cum in me just she,” she told him. “I want to taste your cum.”
Reluctantly he slowly withdrew and collapsed next to her, and proceeded to use her mouth on him, starting with is neck, moving to his nipples, then lower to his bellybutton and further done, bypassing his cock at first, and concentrating on his balls. Slowly she licked each one, sucking each into her mouth and rolling them around with her tongue. She did this for about 5-minutes, before licking upward and sliding her tongue along the length of his cock until she got to the uncut head, which amazed her. She loved the way it felt in her mouth, with that 3-inch overhang dangling against her tongue and she probed into it with her tongue, getting a good taste of the pre-cum that had accumulated inside.
“Hmm,” she moaned and he joined her.
‘Damn that feels so fucking good,’ he thought.
Next she attempted again to deep throat him but could only manage about 6- of his 8-inches, pushing the foreskin down his shaft and sucking on the purpliest-pink cock head... it felt so smooth against her tongue and she slavered on that for about 5-minutes before pulling up, leaving the foreskin in her mouth.
“I’m gonna cum if you keep that up.”
“Good, that’s what I’m hoping for.”
When she resumed her sucking, she did something he’d never felt before... she began humming! It was a feeling of absolute pleasure as the vibrations from her mouth cascaded down his stalk.
As she pulled back a bit, she was rewarded with the first jet of cum, completely filling her mouth so she had to hurriedly swallow so she didn’t choke, because the next jet wasn’t too far behind. In fact, she counted 6 huge jets hitting the back of her throat and then down into her stomach. She continued to suck – and hum – for another couple of minutes, wanting to make sure she’d gotten drop of his precious fluids.
“Stop! It’s too sensitive now.”
Reluctantly she pulled her mouth off him, wiped her mouth to catch the remaining drops that had slip past her lips, and laid beside him, almost as drained as he was.
“Where in the hell did you learn to do that?” he asked.
“Believe it or not, it was my late husband who taught me that little trick. Worked quite well with him and I see it did the same for you as well.”
“Probably the best blow-job I’ve ever gotten, from a man or a woman. Damn, you’re truly a remarkable woman.” With that he leaned over and kissed her, with her returning the kiss, sticking her still cum-coated tongue into his mouth.”
“Not bad,” he told her.
“Thanks, I try to do the best I can.”
“You certainly did that.”
The hugged each other, rolled in a spooning position, and drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 6
The next week was a busy one for Henry and Fay. Together they got the kennels up and ready, adjusted the garage behind the house, where the training would take place, and made sure all the needed documents were online and ready to use, especially the nondisclosure pieces.
The day after all that was done was scheduled to be an off day and the following day Fay would bring her dog and a new one for their first session in the barn.
Ester watched all the activity from her windows and wondered what Henry was up to.
She’d find out sooner than she thought.
Henry knocked on her door his off day and asked is she minded watching Oscar as her was going to be away most of the day.
“Not a problem, Henry. I could use some company right now.”
“Thanks.” They shared a kiss and he left, with Oscar sitting right beside her in the living room.
“Now you behave yourself while I finish things upstairs.”
Oscar just sat there, as if he understood all she was saying then curled up on the braided rug in the living room and quickly went to sleep.
‘Wish I could fall asleep that easily,’ she thought as she returned to her chores. She gathered the dustpan and broom and ascended the stairs to finish the bedroom and the bathroom.
As she was working thoughts of the last time she and Henry were together came to mind, and she found herself fantasizing about that time with him. She remembered how good he’d made her feel and the way he told here she did the same for him.
Her bed up still not made, so she laid there for a while, daydreaming about sucking his cock and the feeling she’d had when he shot his abundant load into her mouth. She could almost taste right then and there, and wished he was here now so she could do it again.
‘Look at me,’ she thought, ‘an old woman thinking about and craving sex with a still older man, and a black man at that! I never dreamed it could be so good. Yeah, after Tony died, I never thought I’d feel this way again, but Henry’s different. Tony hit all the right buttons but it seems like Henry’s found buttons I never knew I had. Was his experiences with men that made him different?’
Without realizing it, her hand drifted down her body and settled on her panties, which were already wet from her daydreaming. Lifting her hips she pulled them down and began to massage her clit, moaning at the thoughts of the previous love-making by the two of them. After a few minutes of digital stimulation, she pulled them completely off, reached into the bed side table and took out her vibrating dildo. Pulling her legs apart slightly, she inserted the dildo into her and began pumping it in and out of her soggy vagina. Her juices were running wild and it wasn’t long before that was a huge wet spot under her, but she paid no attention that that.
What really got her attention is what happened next.
Oscar had been sleeping in the living room when his highly sensitive nose caught a fragrance he’s not sniffed in a long time. He vaguely remembered it from his past, long before Henry and adopted him, and his ears pricked up and he could hear the faint moaning from upstairs. He got up to investigate and ended up in Ester’s bedroom, where she lay on her bed, legs wide open, and doing something between those legs. He didn’t understand what she was doing, but he did recognize the odors emanating from her lower body and he moved closer.
At first Ester thought the daydreaming was starting to feel real and got lost in the orgasm that slowly developed and completely overtook her body. She shivered and shook as the feeling subsided and another one built inside her.
‘Damn! That feels so good!’
She laid there and just got lost in the feeling of something doing miraculous things to her body, almost as if Henry were here and providing the oral stimulation himself. Then she felt something quite different.
Something cold and wet was not pressing further into her vagina and she finally opened her eyes and looked down her body, only to see Oscar there, licking her opening with a vigor she had no idea he had.
While at first, she was repelled at what was happening, she laid back down and let Oscar have his moment... it felt so damn good!
‘And I thought Henry had a magnificent tongue! Damn, this is much better. He’s going in further then Henry did. DAMN!’
She laid there through 3 more orgasms, each one more powerful than the last, but by the fourth one, the high was almost gone and her poor clitoris was getting to be quite sensitive, so she reached down and pushed him away.
Oscar tried to keep going but she told him, “I can’t take anymore right now, boy. Perhaps we can do more later.”
‘More later!’ she thought, ‘what in the world made me say that? He’s a dog, for heaven’s sake! But it felt so damn good,’ she reasoned.
“I wonder if Henry knows about this?” she said out loud.
Chapter 7
The next day Ester went over to Henry’s, knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. When he didn’t answer right away, she left the porch to see if he was working in the back yard and that’s where she found him, without his shirt on, sweating like crazy, as he worked on the sheet metal roofs of the kennels.
“When you have a few minutes we need to talk,” she yelled up at him.
“Can it wait? I’m almost done here and then I’d like to take a shower, unless you’d like to join me,” he joked.
“I’ll meet you in the bathroom,” was her answer, with a huge smile on her face.
She retraced her steps and this time entered the house, went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and got Henry a nice tall glass of iced water, know he’d be needing it after all that work and sweating that much.
‘Damn, he looks so good when he’s working like that,’ she thought. ‘I need to check on him more often.’
10-minutes later he joined her, thanked her for the cold water, and they both sat at the table and just looked at each other, admiring them in their own fashion.
“What’d you want to talk about?” he asked.
“It’s about Oscar.”
“Is he OK?”
“Yes, he’s fine. I know you got him from a shelter, but did you learn anything about him before you got him?”
“No, not really. I just went looking for a dog, found one I liked and then got him. They gave him all the necessary shots and a week later I brought him home. Why?”
“Well...” she started. “I really don’t know how to approach this, so I guess it’s better if I give you a demonstration.”
With that she called Oscar into the kitchen, raised her skirt, revealing no panties, just her bald snatch, spread her legs and called the dog over.
He immediately went for her snatch and started licking her like he’d done earlier.
“Hmmm,” she quickly moaned and scooted further onto the edge of the chair, giving Oscar a better angle to get at her.
“What the hell?” Henry blurted out. “How did you get him to do that?”
Through her ragged breathing and gasping, she muttered, “I didn’t. He just did it on his own.”
“Hey, would I lie about something like this? I’ve never been probed so deeply with a tongue in my whole life. He get’s in there much further than you do, my dear man.”
All this time Henry thought he’d been needing to get dogs trained for what he wanted to do and all the time he had a cunt-lapping dog of his own and didn’t even know it.
“I’ll be right back,” he told her and left the room.
He went to the den and got his cell phone out and called the shelter where he’d gotten Oscar. He asked is he could have some information of the former owner and wondered if he should get in touch with them.
“Here’s the information, you’ve asked for,” said the receptionist. “I hope he’s not given you any problems. The former owner had to get rid of him because she was moving to an apartment that didn’t allow pets. She told me she didn’t want to do it and hoped that we could find him a good home to be happy in.”
He wrote down the information and repeated the number to her, to make sure he hadn’t transposed any of the numbers, then he sat in the chair for a while, trying to comprehend what he’d just witnessed with Ester and Oscar.
‘WOW,’ was the only thing that came to mind. He replaced the phone in the charger and returned to the kitchen, just as Oscar was finishing up his ‘snack’ and retreated to a corner of the room to lick himself and then quickly went to sleep.
“Just like a male, get done and take a nap,” Ester laughed.
“Hey, I take exception to that,” he k**ded her.
“Well, we both slept afterwards, didn’t we?” she teased.
“I guess we did, at that,” he returned.
Silence for a few moments as he drank the last of his water and Ester straightened her skirt, covering herself up, even though he loved looking at her naked body, especially down there,’ he thought.
“I think it’s time I told you something,” he started. “You know I’ve put up kennels in the back, right?”
She nodded in agreement.
“Well, I’ve had an idea for quite some time now and finally decided to go with it. I checked resources, as few as there seem to be, and decided I liked the idea.”
“And what idea was that?”
“I wanted to train dogs to service their mistresses.”
“WHAT? Are you k**ding? You want to train dogs to fuck women?”
“I’ve read a lot of stories on the Internet about such things and it got me excited. I’ve been in touch with several ladies who trained their dogs to do what Oscar just did... and more.”
“What did you find out?”
“I’ve talked to a local female vet and she and her assistant came over a week or so ago and we sat in the living room and discussed it. Turns out her assistant is a ‘dog-lover’ and was anxious to help me get started. The vet has also indulged but, with her schedule, it’s hard for her to come over and help get it all started. The assistant, Fay, is due here in two days to talk things over and let me know how to proceed.”
“Two days, you say.”
“Can I be here?”
“After what you just witnessed you have to ask?”
She could tell he was blushing a bit from his reaction.
“Sorry, didn’t think of that.”
“Well, you should have. I must tell you, that was one hell of an oral orgasm Oscar gave me a while ago. Yesterday he gave me four of them... all mind-shattering and leaving me wanting more.”
“Was he that good?”
“You bet he was. Don’t get me wrong, sir, you do one hell of an oral stimulation yourself, but you don’t get in as far as that tongue of his does and it’s quite nimble, as well. Once inside me he moves it around all over me and damn, that feels so good.”
“Glad to know I’m about to be replaced,” he chuckled.
“Oh, there’s no chance of that. You’re one hell of a lover and I wouldn’t replace you for anything else on earth. I’m willing to try penetration with him, if we’re able to, but I’ll certainly more information before I do. Do you think Fay could help me with that?”
“I’m sure she could. In fact, I’ll bet she’ll be eager to get you started.”
“Let me talk to Fay first and see what she thinks and then we’ll go from there, OK?”
With that, that got up hugged and kissed, then retreated upstairs to the much-needed shower... together, chucking their clothing as they went. By the time the bathroom as reached, they were both in their birthday-suits, grabbing at each other and, at one time, she dropped to her knees and gave him a bit of a blow-job, just to get warmed up. The whole time he was pinching and rolling her eraser-hard nipples and squeezing her breasts, both moaning with pleasure.
The diverted to the bedroom, flopped on the bed, and she begged him to fuck her, which he willingly did.
Only after they were done did the shower get taken.
Chapter 8
Two days later Fay showed up with her dog, Walter, a grey colored Great Dane.
“So glad to finally be able to get out here again. This is Walter. He’s 4 and just loves to give women his own ‘personal’ attention.
“Welcome back, Fay, glad you could make it. Can I get you something to drink?”
“Just cold water, please.”
“Coming right up,” he said as he retreated to the kitchen. “Why don’t you join me, I’ve got some interesting news for you, and I think you’ll be surprised.”
“You’ve got my attention,” she replied as she followed him through the house.
Once the water was given, they both sat at the kitchen table and Henry began.
“There’s been a development to the circumstances here and I think you should know about it. Please, feel free to tell Thelma, too.”
“Now you’ve got my interest piqued,” she said.
“My neighbor, Ester, came over with some astonishing news the other day and it really floored me. Seems like my dog, Oscar, has already been trained in the ways of b********y.”
“Really. He surprised Ester with a nice ‘oral presentation’ the other day and she just told me about it two days ago. He’s a rescue, so I got in though with the kennel I got him from and requested whatever information they might have on the previous owner. I got that info yesterday but haven’t acted on it just yet. I wanted to run this by you first.”
“How did Ester tell you about this?”
“She came over two days ago, sat right there where you are now, pulled up her skirt, spread her legs and called Oscar, who dove right in and orally satisfied her and she had at least one orgasm right there from just his oral servicing.”
“Wow!” was all she could say.
“What happened next?”
“Well, being the horny couple we are, and yes, we are a ‘couple’, we went right upstairs and I fucked her. We’ve been ‘together’ for a while.”
“Two old farts, huh?” Fay laughed.
“Yes, I guess we are, thought I’m a bit older than she is.”
“Age isn’t important, is it?”
“No, I guess it’s not.”
“OK, so where do you want to go from here?”
“Well, I’m planning on calling the former owner and see if we can meet and talk things over. Perhaps I can even persuade her to be a part of our ‘training team’. I’m assuming she’s got the ‘knowledge’ of what to do and how to do it and it would be a huge plus for the actual training.”
“What about Ester? Is she willing to help as well?”
“I haven’t broached that subject just yet. I mean, all she’d had is oral from Oscar. I don’t know if she’s willing to get down and let him fuck her just yet, but I will be talking to her about it. She’s already asked about the kennels and what I plan to do here.
“What have you told her?”
“She knows I want to train dogs to fuck their owners, as I told her right here after Oscar’s demonstration, and she seemed interested in wanting to know more.”
“Well, since you’ve got a call to make, and I have several things I need to get done, I’ll say we’re finished here... for now at least, and take my leave, Call me when you have more.”
“I apologize that we didn’t get anything accomplished today but hopefully I’ll be able to tell you more next time.”
With that he escorted her to the front of the house and watched her drive away. He had a feeling she was a bit disappointed that nothing was done but was sure that would be taken care of sooner than later.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Hello?” came the feminine answer.
“Hello,” he replied, “you don’t know me but I have a feeling we have a mutual friend and I’m reasonably sure you want to meet up with him again.”
“And what ‘mutual friend’ would that happen to be?” she asked.’
“I call him Oscar. I’m not sure what you called him, but he’s an excellent cunt-lapper, if you know what I mean.”
Dead silence as the phone on the other end was dropped. A moment later she returned.
“I’m sorry... did you say ‘cunt-lapper’?”
“I believe you heard me correctly. Did you happen to take him to a kennel because you could no longer have him with you? I picked him up a while ago and I had no idea of his ‘talents’ at the time, but a dear lady friend of mine got to experience his ‘training’ and told me about it. Hell, she showed me what he could do. Honestly, I had no idea. Would you like to see him?”
“Oh, yes! I’ve missed him so much.”
“May I ask your name, please?”
“Cynthia, and yours, please.”
“Oh, Henry, thank you so much for calling me. I’ve missed him so much and I was hoping he’d go to a good home. Is he happy? Is he well? Oh, I have a million questions right now but can’t think of any right now.”
“Yes, he’s just fine and quite happy. In fact, since his ‘visit’ with my neighbor, he’s running around here like he’s king of the world, the canine world that is.”
“When can I see him?”
“Whatever is convenient for you. I’m retired so I’m at home almost all the time, unless I’m with my neighbor, who is right next door so I’ll know when you arrive.”
“Is tomorrow too early?”
“No, it’s not.”
“Thank you. What time should I be there?”
“Like I said, whenever you want to come, just give me a call and let me know you’re on your way. I’m sure your phone has recorded my number.”
“Yes, it has. I’ll call you as soon as I’ve left apartment. Again, Henry, thank you so much.”
“You’re very welcome, Cynthia. See you tomorrow. Bye.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
When Ester answered the door, she wasn’t surprised to see Henry standing there, holding a freshly cut cluster of flowers from his garden in his hand, presenting them to her.
“Lovely flowers for a lovely lady,” he said.
“Oh, they’re so pretty. Come on in and let me get a vase to put them in.” She retreated to the kitchen, returning a few minutes later with a vase, arranged the flowers, and set them on the table in the middle of the room. Then she gave him a hug and a very welcome kiss.
“What brings you over, not that you need an invitation?” she asked.
As they sat on the sofa he explained.
“Fay was here a little while ago and I told her about your discovery of Oscar’s ‘talents’ and she was as surprised as I was when you demonstrated it for me the other day. After she left, I got the information from the kennel about Oscar and it included the former owner’s telephone number, so I called here and we had a nice chat.”
“What did she have to say?”
“She’s coming over tomorrow. Would you like to be there when she arrives?”
“Because I think you should meet her. She’s apparently the one who trained Oscar to begin with and, since he’s already ‘done’ you, I think you have a lot in common and it might just be the ice-breaker needed to get the ball rolling, so to speak.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Just be there... answer any questions she might have... help her to feel at ease. I’m sure she’ll be pretty nervous with me but with a woman present, she might relax and ‘let it all out’.”
“I’d love to be there. Thank you for asking. What’s her name?”
“Cynthia. I didn’t get a last name and I didn’t ask. I figured anonymity might be the right thing now.”
“You’re probably right on that bit. It’s gonna be hard enough as it is for her. What did you tell her?”
“I started out by saying, and I quote, ‘I’m not sure what you called him, but he’s an excellent cunt-lapper, if you know what I mean’.”
She laughed.
“You didn’t!” she said...
“Couldn’t think of a better way to ‘break the ice’ with her and it surely got her attention... she dropped her phone.”
They snuggled close to each other, Henry wrapping his arms around her and, she reaches over and grabs the outline of his growing cock.
“Shall we take this upstairs?” she asked.
He needed no further prodding, as he stood up, grabbed her hand, and they slowly ascended the steps. Once again, clothing was discarded along the way and by the time the bed was reached, both were displayed in their birthday suits, her already dripping with anticipation and his as rock-solid as he could get. They did away with the preliminaries and just went at each other like two dogs in heat. He turned her over, so that she was on her hands and knees at the edge of the bed and proceeded to enter with one swift movement of his hips, going as deep into her as he could. She just moaned louder and louder with each thrust, moving her hips in a side-to-side motion that she knew he loved, occasionally moving up and down, as well.
They made love in silence, except for their moans of enjoyment, fully satisfied with each other’s movements, knowing what it was all leading up to.
With once final lunge, he emptied his cum into her, she reaches back, clasps his ass cheeks and pulling his as far into her as she could get him. Once they were done, his dismounted, climbed onto the bed and Ester took over.
She licked his body, sucking on his nipples, then his bellybutton and going further until she reached his sparce pubic hairs, which he kept shortly trimmed, and took his softening tool into her mouth, working it until it was once again rock-solid and wanting more attention. The feel of his foreskin retracting down his stalk always fascinated her and she loved the way it felt. She cleaned off both their juices and them moved down to his balls, taking each into her mouth and sucking and cleaning them as well. Next, she began to lick below his balls and stopped just short of licking his asshole.
He couldn’t believe what she was doing. None of his previous lovers had ever gone that far on him, but just the same, it was a new and highly stimulating piece of erotica and he’d have to make sure it was done again.
Slowly she retraced her steps, coming back to his balls, his still rock-solid cock, where she spent an extra amount of time, then up to his bellybutton again, then his nipples, then further up until she reached his shoulders, where she licked and kissed his neck and then moved down a bit and licked his underarms, eliciting moans of pleasure as she went along.
She gave him a very erotic kiss, with lots of tongue work, then descended once again to his cock, which had deflated a bit, causing his foreskin to cover his cockhead once again. She licked and sucked on that for a bit, drawing it as far into her mouth as she could, then returned to his cockhead, where proceeded to suck and lick until he shot another load into her mouth, which she quickly swallowed.
Once she was done, she moved up further onto the bed, lying beside him, wrapped her arms around him and they both fell asleep.
He didn’t get a chance to tell her how good it had felt until the next morning.
Chapter 9
Cynthia called around 11 the next morning and asked when she could come over. Henry told her anytime would be OK and thanked her for calling first.
“Well, I had to call,” she told him, “I need directions!” and laughed along with him.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Cynthia’s on her way over. When can you get here?” he asked Ester. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she pulled up within the next 30 minutes.”
“Just as soon as I get dressed. I just got out of the shower. See you shortly,” she said and hit end on her smartphone.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Henry and Ester were enjoying a nice cold glass of lemonade when they heard the vehicle pull into his driveway. Henry looked at his watch, “25-minutes. Told you she’d get here quickly,” he chuckled.
“I’d imagine she’s anxious to be reunited with Oscar, or whatever she called him,” Ester replied.
“Yes, I’m sure she is.”
Getting up from the table they entered the living room and approached the front door, just as the knock sounded. Opening it, they were greeted by a slim, very attractive black woman, probably in her middle to late 30s.”
“I hope I have the right place. Mr. Henry?” she asked.
“That’s me and it’s just Henry, please. Won’t you come in?”
Oscar must have heard the familiar voice because he came galloping into the living room and practically knocked his former mistress to the floor.”
“Oh, Rocky, I’m so happy to see you again!” she wailed, tears running down her face. “I’m so glad you remember me. I’ve missed you so much.” She hugged his with great joy and finally sat on the floor, where Rocky/Oscar joined her in her lap and let her rub his belly all over.
“Well, it seems I found the right former owner,” Henry said.
“Yes, I believe you have,” returned Ester.
They stood there for a few minutes and then took seats on the sofa while Cynthia and Rocky/Oscar reacquainted themselves with each other.
Finally, she joined them on a chair opposite the sofa.
“How long has it been?”
“Almost 6 months. I really hated to give him up... we had such a strong bond and it was like I was throwing away a huge piece of my heart. Thank you so much for calling me. I can see that he’s definitely been well taken care of.”
They sat there and chatter for an hour or so let Cynthia have some ‘alone time’ with Rocky/Oscar, since it’d been a while, which she truly seemed to enjoy. Henry could tell that she wanted some ‘private time’ – alone – with him and he and Ester retreated to the kitchen where they discussed what was going to happen next.
“I’d really love to get the training started as soon as possible,” he told her, “but I’m worried that we don’t have what we need the most.”
“And just what would that be?”
“I would love to have someone who’s had ‘real time’ experience, in the privacy of their own home, to be a part of this.”
Before Ester could interrupt, he continued, “Yes, I know you’re going to say Fay will be here, but I’m not sure that’ll be enough. Sure, she’s got the experience with the dogs at the clinic, but has she had time alone... I mean “Alone” with any of them in such a way that’s the mating is all that’s focused on. She hasn’t told me about where all her mating happens, whether it’s at her place or at the clinic and I’m guessing most of it’s at the clinic where the other dogs are witnessing what’s happening. I’m sure it must be some kind of distraction to hear all the other dogs howling, wanting in on the ‘action’ as it may be.”
“I think I can help you with that,” came Cynthia’s voice. “Sorry to barge in, but I overheard you talking. Are you going to be training dogs to service their mistresses? If so, then perhaps I can be of assistance.”
They all looked at each other and finally, Henry invited her to join them at the table and offered her some lemonade, which she graciously accepted.
Henry started, “I’ve been planning this for some time. I’ve approached Dr. Hawkins and her assistant, Fay, and they’re both willing to help me.”
“I know Dr. Hawkins, she was Rocky’s vet. Very nice and it was she who first introduced me to the act of ‘doggy love’.”
“Oh, really?” said Ester.
“Yes. I’ve known her for almost the entire time she’s had the clinic, which would be about 10 years now. We’d often meet after we got off work and discuss how our days went. Most of the time we ended up talking about how sexually frustrated we were, since neither of us dated and didn’t know anyone we were particularly interested in. We even discussed if we had lesbian tendencies, which we don’t, what we could do to relieve our sexual tensions. About 6 years ago she got in touch with me and asked me if I knew anything about b********y. Of course, I hadn’t, but it did pique my interest, so I went online when I got home and did some research and found I was getting quite excited from what I was reading. I found I was wet ‘down there’ and had to do something so I went to my bedroom and used “Buster”, my 8-inch vibrator to ease the yearning.”
“What did you do after that?” Henry asked,
“Well, I found some story sites that had some nice stories about women mating with their dogs and that got me going to no end. I read just about everything posted and then, just as I was getting into it, the website was closed down and I’ve not found anything even close to it again.”
“The next day I called Thelma and we started our own little exploration group... me, Thelma and her new assistant, Fay. Fay, as it turns out, is quite knowledgeable on the subject. She’s the one who hooked me up with Rocky. I think you’ll be happy with what Fay can do for your ‘business’ and won’t be at all disappointed.”
“Thank you,” said Henry.
“One more thing,” she added. “I’d like to be a part of your enterprise, if you don’t mind.”
“Yes. I think it would be a great opportunity to be with Rocky again and to be able to tell the ladies what they can expect once the training begins. After all, I do have a couple of years of ‘dog loving’ under my belt, so to speak.”
“Yes, I guess you do. Let me discuss it with Ester, Thelma, and Fay and I promise I will get back to you.”
“Thank you. One more thing,” she added. “Do you mind if Rocky and I have some private time with each other? It’s been so long and I truly want to be with him again.”
Henry answered, “I have no problem with that at all, my dear. In fact, I’ve even set up the basement bedroom for you to use. I had a feeling that if you were the previous owner, and Rocky/Oscar let me with no doubt, that you’d like some time with him. Just through that door, down the stairs and I think you’ll find everything you might need to enjoy your reunion with your former pet.”
Tears ran down her face as she got up, went around the table, and gave him a huge hug.
“I can’t thank you enough, Henry. Thank you.”
“My pleasure. I have to warn you though, I do have cameras set up down there, so don’t be surprised if Ester and I enjoy the ‘action’ between the two of you. OK?”
“That’s fine with me. You won’t be releasing anything, will you?”
“No, there are no recording devices set up down there, just a live feed.”
All three rose and Cynthia called Rocky/Oscar and they both disappeared down the stairs, after making sure the door was closed.
“Cameras?” asked Ester.
“Well, you never now when they might be needed.”
“And just what are we going to do while we ‘entertain’ ourselves by watching.”
“Oh, I’m sure we can think of something...”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Once downstairs, Cynthia quickly disrobed and sat on the rug-covered cement floor. She’d come prepared and hadn’t worn any panties or a bra, just the sun dress she’d worn over here.
Rock didn’t waste any time. As soon as his former mistress was fully unclothed he moved in, licking her face and then down to her tiny mounds, nibbling on her nipples as she’d taught him to, nice and tenderly and with not too much pressure.
She patted his head as he did this and then moved down his back and slowly moved to his belly, where she quickly found his sheath and began to manipulate it, pulling it back and forth until his cock slowly emerged. He was already dripping and it quickly covered her hand, gradually dripping to the rug.
‘Hope they’ve got a good run cleaner,’ she thought as she quickly moved back and forth, drawing more pre-seminal fluids from him.
She’d never had a boyfriend, or even dated, so she was unfamiliar with a man’s anatomy. She’d seen pictures but had never seen a grown man’s penis, never held one in her hands. She was only familiar with the shape and consistency of her pet’s appendage. She knew every square inch of his 8-inch cock, as it measured from the tip to the back of his knot. When she’d first tried to mate with him it took a while for her vagina to get accustomed to something other than her vibrator, which was only a 6-incher and not very wide. Rocky/Oscar’s girth was 3½-inches a good inch wider than the vibrator.
She stroked him until all but his knot was showing and then she urged him onto his stomach, rubbing him at the same time and lowered her head and began to lick her familiar ‘toy’, as she called it. She licked on it, from the pointed tip to the still fully-covered knot, several times until she was sure she’d covered the whole length. Then, ever so slowly, she moved her mouth into position, opening and covering that appendage with her mouth, closing around the base and them bobbing back and forth. She’s in no hurry. After all, it’s been 6 months since she enjoyed the feeling of him in her mouth once again and she was aiming to enjoy it for a while, no matter how long it took.
‘I hope Henry will understand,’ she thought.
Luckily dogs have a robust recovery time so she knew that once he jetted his cum in her mouth, it wouldn’t be long before he was ready to mate with her.
Rocky/Oscar was just happy to be with his mistress once again. He hadn’t had anything like this inn a long time, except for when he’d tongued Ester to a couple of orgasms earlier in the week. He did what he did best, laid there and enjoyed what his mistress was doing to him once again.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Upstairs, naked and lying on the bed, Henry and Ester were in their own state of mind, watching what was happening in the basement, while enjoying their own embraces.
Ester was once again using her humming method on his cock, which had already been rock-solid as they climbed the stairs and straining to be released from the clothing he wore. He just laid back, hands behind his head, loving the manipulations to his cock and enjoying the show on the 60-inch flatscreen TV. There was no sound, as he didn’t really want to hear all the moaning and such. It was just nice to lay back, be sucked to a roaring finish, and watch Cynthia and his dog.
Ester moved down to his balls, utilizing the same humming technique as she’d used on his cock, and lick and sucked each one into her mouth, rolling her tongue around each one, then lifting his balls and working on their underside, as she’d done once before. This time though, she went further. Bracing her hands on the underside of his legs, she pushed the up and over his lower body and began to lick further down towards his asshole.
That bit of maneuvering caught his completely off guard and for a moment he forgot what was on the screen before him and gave one of the deepest moans he’d ever given.
“Damn, girl. Don’t stop!”
Momentarily looking up, she said, “I’m not planning to, dear,” and resumed her licking all way down where she licked his rosebud and gently probed it with her tongue.
“You’re going to have me coming all over myself if you don’t stop.”
Looking up, “Good, go for it.”
After a couple more strokes of her tongue, that’s exactly what he did. He launched several long ropes of cum all over his chest and belly, some of it ending up on his chin.
“Damn!” was all he could say.
She got up off her knees and sat beside him on the bed.
“I take it that you enjoyed it,” she stated.
“Damn right I did. Where did you learn to do that?”
“My husband loved for me to lick his ass and butt, so I thought I’d try it out on you and see what your reactions were. I’m so happy you like it.”
“You see the mess you caused.”
“Well, let me take care of that then,” and she licked and sucked all his load, moving slowly up his body, only stopping once she’d licked the last remaining vestiges from his stubble-covered chin.
“Gotta shave, sweetheart,” she reminded him.
“I know,” was all he said as she resumed sucking on his cock, getting him hard again so she could climb on top and lower herself on that rod of enjoyment.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Downstairs, the action had moved further along.
Rocky/Oscar was now positioned behind her, anxiously doing his best to drive his canine cock into the moist pocked he loved so much. Finally, he found the right spot and drove his cock into his mistress once again, eliciting loud moans of delight from her.
“Oh, Rocky, it’s been so long. Drive it deep, darling, and show mama what you’ve been missing these past 6 months.”
He did just that and it wasn’t long before he was jackhammering into her with blurring speed, getting into her as deep as he could. What seemed like 30-minutes was shorter by far, but he soon was shooting his load into her once again, after shoved his knot into her, plugging her hole to keep is cum inside her.
Once it was done, it took approximately 15-minutes for that knot to shrink enough that he could pull out, and then he licked all his cum out of her, probing his tongue as deep into her as he could get, grinding at her clitoris with every other stroke, pushing her to another orgasm. Once done, he retreated to the far side of the rug, laid down, and cleaned himself.
“Oh, dear, let me help you with that.”
She crawled over to him and gently took his cock into her mouth, replacing his mouth, and licked lightly along his shaft, knowing he’d be quite sensitive for a while. Then she climbed onto the bed and drifted off to a very contented, dreamless, sleep.
Chapter 10
“That was truly amazing,” Ester said as they laid in the bed cuddling each other.
“I know. Now do you see why I wanted to start the business?” he asked.
“Yes, I do. I think you’ll do very well with it, too. Are you going to approach Cynthia about helping as well?”
“I’m seriously thinking about it. With what you just witnessed, don’t you that it’s a good decision?”
“I do, and I want to be a part of it as well. First though, I’ve got to get her to show me how to do that.”
“Hell yes. If Oscar can lick me to one of the best orgasms I’ve ever had – not counting you, of course – then I think it’s only right that I should ‘go all the way’ with him as well. He’s obviously well trained and knows what to do, so why not?”
“Yeah,” he thought out loud, “why not?”
They briefly embraced, kissing each other while she massaged his enlarging cock, gave it a quick suck, then got up and got dressed.
“Hey! You can’t leave me like that!”
“Oh, yeah? Just watch,” she said as she finished with her skirt.
“Where you going?”
“Where else... downstairs and to the basement, we have a lot to talk about and the sooner, the better. Bye for now, lover.”
‘I’ll just lay here and watch to see what happens,’ he thought, resting his head in his hands, and laying back on the pillow. ‘I’m sure something else will happen.’
And it did.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Ester knocked on the basement door and waited for an answer before she entered and climbed down the stairs, to be greeted by Rocky/Oscar and her feet hit the cement floor. He rushed up to her, almost knocking her down, and wanted to be petted, so that’s what she did.
“Are you OK?” she asked Cynthia.
“Never better. I didn’t realize just how much I missed him and out time together.” She patted the bed, “Why don’t you sit beside me while we talk.”
“Thank you.”
“I understand that Rocky’s showed you some of his talents, right?”
“Yes. He did oral on me and just about knocked my socks off. He has one amazing tongue there and it reached inside me further than anything has before. Simply mind-bowing, to say the least.”
“So, you can understand why I missed him so much, can’t you?”
“I certainly can. Listen, I came down here because...”
“Because you want to learn to love him like I do, right?”
“Yes. I’m rather embarrassed asking but after watching the two of you... well, I’ve been yearning to know what it feels like.”
“Can’t say that I blame you. I know most women would find something like degrading, but believe me, once you’ve had a dog’s cock in you, it’ll be pure heaven.”
“Do you still go out with men?
“Occasionally, especially since I had to leave Rocky behind. That was the hardest part of moving to a new place, the owners don’t allow pets. I was heart-broken when I found that out, it devastated me for a while, but I eventually came to terms with it and did what I had to do.”
They both sat there, looking at each other, wondering what was going each one’s mind.
Cynthia broke the silence first.
“What do you want to know?”
“When do you want to get started?”
“Well... is now a good time? I mean, after all Oscar seems to be up for it,” noticing his dangling cock between his legs.
“Yes, he has a great recovery time, doesn’t he? After 10- or 15-minutes he’s ready to go again, not once-and-done like most of the men I know.”
“Then you don’t know Henry,” Ester said. “That man has the staying power of a teenager and, for his age, it seems like he’s ready just as soon as he’s finished!”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
He had to smile inwardly at that statement, which wasn’t in anyway false.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Well, since I’m already undressed, would you care to join me?”
Not having to be asked twice, Ester quickly dropped her skirt to the floor, followed by her top and again sat on the bed.
“Such a nice body,” Cynthia told her.
“You mean for an ‘old lady’, right?”
“No. Since I work at a clinic, I see old ladies all the time and believe me, you look way better than some of them do. I notice there’s hardly any sag to your breasts.”
“Truthfully, there’s not much to sag, is there?”
“They’re quite lovely,” and she reached out and cupped her C-cup breasts, noticing the lack of any areola around her nipples, which were standing out, rock-hard like big pencil erasers.
“Thank you. Hmm, that feels good,” she moaned with the gentle massing.
“Have you have been with a woman?”
“Once, when I was recovering after my husband passed, but that was a long time ago.”
Leaning closer, Cynthis took one of the nipples into her mouth, rotating her tongue around the hard bits. While doing so, she continued to pinch and rub her other nipple, soon moving to that one and laving it with her mouth and tongue as well.
“Hmm, you have a great mouth.”
“Hmm,” came the reply but the mouthing didn’t stop.
Gently, Cynthia pushed her to her back and started to slather all along her body, starting at here next, returning briefly to the nipples, licking and sucking down to her bellybutton, where she paid more attention to that indentation, probing with her tongue. She then got off the bed and kneeled by the side, pushing Ester’s legs apart, exposing her ‘lady parts’ to her full view.”
Looking up, she said, “No hair. I like that!”
“Hmm,” was the reply as she started at the knees and slowly moved upwards, licking around her mons and avoiding it for a while, until Ester started to try and move herself into a position that brought her mons directly under her mouth, which Cynthia avoided time and time again.
“Oh, stop teasing me, damn it! Get on with it. Can’t you see how wet I’m getting?”
Looking up, she said, “Yes, and I’m loving every minute of it. It’s been a while since I’ve had an nice pussy to eat, so don’t rush me!” And she started licking once again.
She could see the other woman’s juices beginning to collect on the sheet beneath her and, while she wanted this to last a while longer, decided it was time to ‘drink from the fountain’, and she finally dove right in.
“Ahh,” Ester moaned with the first contact of Cynthia’s tongue to her clit, raising her hips in response to the wonderful feeling she was getting.
‘Not even Henry is this good,’ she thought. ‘Maybe she can teach him a thing or two.’
It wasn’t long before the first orgasm hit... and it was a huge one, too. She laid there, rocking her hips from side to side, up and down, trying her best to get as much of the woman’s tongue into her.
‘Only a woman knows what a woman likes to have done to her,’ she thought. ‘I’ll have to take notes and remember this when it’s my time to do her.’
‘Do her? Am I truly thinking about returning the favor? Hell, why not. It wouldn’t be the first pussy I’ve drunk from and, with her around, I’m quite sure it won’t be the last. Wonder if Fay is into this stuff, too. Will have to find out.’
As her 3rd strong orgasm passed over her body, Cynthia backed up, stood, and joined her once again on the bed.
“Well, what?”
“Don’t lie to me, Ester. I know how much you were enjoying this. Now comes the best part. Rocky,” she said, “lick.”
Rocky/Oscar didn’t have to be told twice. He trotted across the room, nearing the smell that had assaulted his senses, and moved into position, right between Ester’s legs, and quickly took to the task at hand. His tongue dove right in, well past the areas Cynthia and lapped upon, twisting his tongue around her clit and bring another powerful orgasm to her already wracked body.
Her juices began to flow once again as the oral assault took place, only this time it was Rocky/Oscar that was once again doing it to her.
“Pull your knees back,” Cynthia told her. “It’ll give him better access and he’ll be able to go deeper into you.”
“Ahh...” as all she could moan out, the sensations ravishing her body were unheard of. First Cynthia and now Rocky/Oscar were having their ways with her and she was loving every moment of it.
Cynthia leaned over and began sucking her nipples once again, further highlighting the massive feelings radiating throughout her body. She was tingling all over... the goosebumps were covering her body... she felt electrified. This twin assault on her body was something that had never happened to her before. Sure, she’d been double-teamed when Tony was alive, but that was completely different from what was happening to her now.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
‘Damn,’ he thought as he watched the display before him. ‘Those are definitely two of the hottest ladies I know. Gonna have to try something with Cynthia while she’s here... if Ester’s up to it, that is. Damn, I hope she is.’
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
After watching Ester enjoy the tongue-lashing, (she thought she’d counted at least 3 heavy orgasms from the dog) she said, “Rocky, down.”
“Oh, does he have to stop right now? That was so damn good!”
“Now, my dear, it’s time for the ‘real’ thing. Get off the bed and get on your hands and knees, with your ass up in the air.”
She did as asked and positioned herself as directed.
“Rocky, mount!” was all she said.
It was all that was needed.
In a flurry of movement, Rocky/Oscar moved from the edge of the rug, where he’s been cleaning himself, and was on her back quickly.
Ester didn’t even have to help him, as he found his ‘target’ on the first lunge and entered her completely, driving all his 8-inches into her cavity. Once there, the jackhammering began.
She’s never had anything like this happen to her before. She was used to a gentle entry and a slow rhythmic ‘bouncing’ as the penetration continued, sometimes a little harder, but never, NEVER, something this fast. She felt herself being pushed along the carpet with each inner thrust.
Then it happened.
Something stabbed at her labia and wanted entry, but it was way too big for that.
“That’s the knot, dear. There will be a bit of pressure as he gains entry but once inside, it’ll be like nothing you’ve ever felt before. Once its inside you, it’ll be rubbing your G-spot and creating multiple orgasms, so just enjoy it.”
“Will it hurt?”
“Since you’ve never had a knot before, it’s gonna sting for a while then that will disappear and the pleasure will resume.”
“You sure?”
“Believe me, I’m sure, dear. I’m sure.”
Then it happened.
With a bit of a ‘plop’ the knot entered her vagina, and the stinging was more of a sharp pain than anything else, but slowly it disappeared and she could feel it rubbing against her G-spot, causing a massive orgasm as it did.
She could feel his hot liquid entering her body and filling the void that was inside her... and it felt good!
They were tied for about 10-minutes before he backed out and began licking his leaking juices from his new lover, then retreated to the edge of the rug once again and began cleaning himself once more.
Ester collapsed onto the rug, all her energy completely gone now. She could no longer hold herself up and she dearly wanted to sleep.
Chapter 11
Ester woke up the next morning, covered with the soft, downy spread that covered her bed. Slowly she opened her eyes and found Henry staring at her.
“Well, did you have a good time? Did you learn anything?” He flopped on the downy pillow next to her, resting his head in one hand, using an elbow as a prob.
“And just what is that supposed to mean?” she asked.
“You know what I mean. I watched the whole thing and I must say, I’m truly astonished how just how long it took to get to the doggy mating. Did you and Cynthia have a good time before the ‘main event’?
She blushed a bright red at the mention of the union between the two of them.
“That wasn’t why I went down there, and you know it.”
“Yes, I do know it, but what a wonderful show it was. I never realized two women could please each other is such a fashion. I’m glad to know you enjoyed it.”
“But... I didn’t do anything! It was all Cynthia, I assure you.”
“As I said, I know. Remember, I’m watching as she goes down on you and you seemed to enjoy it immensely, too.”
“Well...” the redness returned to her face, only darker.
“That’s what I thought. Now, about the mating...”
“It was amazing! I’ve never been fucked so hard and for such a short time. I have no idea of how long it took, but whole ride was simply amazing. Feeling that dog’s cock enter me was an experience I want to have again.”
“In total, I’d say it lasted just over 5-minutes.”
“Well, it sure seemed longer to me.”
Reaching over to her, Henry began to massage her breasts, tweaking her nipples and causing her to moan just a bit.
“Don’t stop,” she told him and reached between them, finding his lower body already exposed and his cock a raging pole, ready for her use. She pushed the spread down to the edge of the bed with her feet and climbed on top of him, reaching down and guiding his ‘missile’ into her ‘silo’ and moaned out loud with each downward movement until the whole thing was encased in her body, they she sprawled out on his chest and just laid there for a moment or two, enjoying the feeling of that hardness inside her.
“Now, that’s more like it,” he told her, as he kissed the top of her head.
“I know. I love the feeling and will never get tired of it. Rocky/Oscar may have had his way with me but he didn’t fill me up like you do,” and she ended with an amazing kiss, which he readily returned.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Once they were dressed and sitting at the kitchen table, having and afternoon meal, Henry got up and called Cynthia.
“Hello, Cynthia. I was wondering if you’re available tomorrow afternoon. I have something I’d like to discuss with you.”
“I’m always here. Would an earlier time be alright with you?”
“Let me ask Ester. Be right back,” he put his phone on hold and turned towards her.
“She wants to know if she can come earlier,” he told her. “OK with you?”
“Fine with me.”
Taking off the hold he answered, “That’s fine. What time do you want to come over?”
“Whenever you’re available is fine with me. I know you’re retired but not sure of your daily schedule.”
“9 sound OK to you?”
“Not a problem at this end.”
“Good, see you then,” and he disconnected.
They finished cleaning the table and retired to the porch, as the weather had cooled and it felt rather ‘Spring-ish’, which suited both just fine.
“I meant to ask... do you have anything planned?” Henry asked her.
“You mean other that screwing you? Not really,” she laughed, leaned forward, and planted a kiss on his lips.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
By 9:30 the next afternoon they all sat around the dining room table... Henry, Ester, Cynthia, and Fay had also joined them.
“Damn,” Fay said, “I do wish you had recording capabilities on the web-cam of yours. I would’ve loved to see that footage,” after she’d learned of Ester’s mating with Oscar. “I’ll bet it was truly wonderful. Damn,” she repeated.
“The footage before that wasn’t too bad, either,” Henry added and Ester joyfully punched his arm.
“OK,” Henry started. “We need to get down to business. First on the agenda, Cynthis, would you like to be a part of our ‘training team?’”
“Training team?” she asked.
“Oh, forgot to mention it. I’m planning to start a training camp here with the sole purpose of training dogs to mate with their mistresses. I’ve already talked it over with Ester and Fay and, after witnessing your time with Rocky/Oscar, I think you’d make a great trainer. After all, look how long it got you to ger Ester mated with him. Wouldn’t you agree, Ester?”
“Yes, I think so,” came the reply.
Fay joined the.
“I need a bit more information, if you don’t mind, Henry.”
“Oh, sorry. Cynthia is the former owner of Oscar, who she called Rocky, thus the Rocky/Oscar notation from earlier. Ester is the real discoverer here. Rocky/Oscar used his talented tongue to introduce her to the joys of doggy love.”
“You mean...”
“Yes, he means that Rocky/Oscar tongued me to some amazing orgasms with only his tongue and nothing else. Truly an introduction to what was to come later,” Ester replied. “The rest of the introduction came a couple days later and you’ve already heard that tale, so no sense in repeating it.”.
“OK,” Fay returned. “I understand that but what has the got to do with Rocky/Oscar?”
Cynthia now joined the conversation.
“He was my dog first and I had him trained to pleasure me in my times of need. It turned out to be one of the best things I ever did. After his trainer was killed in an accident at the kennel, he owned it was up to me to take over. Now, he was well-trained from the beginning but he still needed encouragement from time to time, so used whatever I thought would get his attention...”
“... using jellies and peanut butter, right,” Fay finished.
“Yes, and it worked. I shaved myself to make the application easier and a lot less messy for him and he took to it right away. As soon as he was finished with whatever I used, he’d stick that long, wet tongue inside me and I’d go absolutely berserk. The orgasms were beyond description.”
“Tell me about it,” Fay responded and her hand went right to her crotch, where she rubbed herself, trying to ease the feelings between her legs... not that it did any good.
“OK, people, we’re not here for personal enjoyment right now, so let’s concentrate on the issue at hand. I suggest we take a few minutes and collect ourselves before this gets out of hand.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
An hour later they all returned and got back to business.
“As I was saying,” continued Cynthia, “Rocky took to it like it was something he had to do. He wanted to mate with me all the time. I think I took him 6 times the first day.”
“6 times in a day?” asked Ester. “WOW!”
“And that was just the beginning. I couldn’t have any of my friend over, as he wanted to stick his head between their legs and that got to be rather embarrassing after a while. I lost a lot of girlfriends because of that but, in the end, I also found women who were willing to let something more that a probe between their legs happen. So, I formed my own little group of ladies appeared to be interested. The first was Thelma.”
“What?” gasped Fay. “I thought I was the one to show her.”
“Sorry, Fay, but that’s not the way it went down.”
‘And I thought I was the one to show her,” Fay thought.
“Anyway, once Thelma learned how to handle her dogs the rest went on quite easily.”
“Wait a minute,” Henry interrupted. “Thelma never mentioned this to me, she had me believing it was Fay who got her started.”
“Yes, well, it was planned that way. I didn’t want word getting out about what I’d started. After all, in most states its i*****l to copulate with a****ls and this had to be strictly kept quiet for all our benefits. I’m sure you can understand, Henry. After all, you were planning to do this privately, weren’t you?”
“Yes, I was. I know about the laws but I also know of the want for something like this. I’ve personally received over 100 emails from women wanting to learn after anonymously posting ads over the Internet.”
“You have?” asked Ester.
“I’ll tell you more later, dear.”
“Anyway,” he continued, “that was why I got in touch with Thelma to begin with. One of the replies mentioned her by name and told me I should start there and that’s why I eventually did. It was though her that I learned of Fay and her ‘association’ with the male dogs in the kennel. No offense, Fay, but I wanted her to be the one to approach you first.”
“None taken,” came the reply from Fay.
“Does anyone object to me inviting Thelma to the next meeting? It’ll have to be on a Sunday, as she’s usually busy Monday thru Saturday.”
On one objected so he made a mental note to call her sometime that week.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“That went pretty well,” Ester said the next day. “When does the training start?”
“Probably tomorrow or the next day. I want to make sure all the dogs are here and the last will be delivered in the morning.”
“How many do we now have?”
“4. I don’t want to have more than 5 here at any one time, it might prove to be difficult and I want this to go as smoothly as possible.”
They were lying in bed, nude of course, with Ester riding his cock, with him bouncing up and down in rhythm with her. He reached up and fully encased her nipples in his hands, twisting and tweaking them as he know she liked. All the while she was also pumping on him and twisting and turning her hips, getting a greater feeling inside her body.
“I do love how your body feels against mine,” he told her.
“Ditto, k**do.”
“k**do! I’m too old to be called ‘k**do’,” he protested.
“I’ll call you whatever I like... k**do,” and she laughed but never stopped her movements.
“Here it come,” he told her.
“I know, I can feel it. Fill me up, lover.”
He pumped and pumped until he was almost finished and then pushed her up and off his slightly diminishing stalk and she laid beside and began her oral tiding about, taking his slowing rising foreskin into her mouth, probing with her tongue, and getting the remaining drops within, then focused her attention on drawing out the last from his shaft by sucking as if it were a straw in her mouth instead of his cock, completely draining him.
“Damn, that was good,” she said after she’d finished was sprawled out beside him once again.
“Yes, my dear, it was.” Then, completely out of the blue, he asked, “Have you ever thought about selling your place and moving in with me? I mean, you do spend most of your time here and I just thought...”
“No! I’m not selling. There are a ton of memories in that place and besides, where would I put all my stuff? I’m not putting it in storage, that’s for sure.”
“Just asking.”
“OK, don’t forget it.”
“I won’t.”
They continued to snuggle for a while longer and then he asked, “Would you consider marriage?”
“At our age? Who are you k**ding?”
“Again, just a thought. OK then, would you like to live here with me instead?”
Silence for a few minutes, then she climbed back on top of him and said, “I thought you’d never ask,” and they both laughed.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Early the next morning the final dog arrived.
“What do you plan on calling them?” Ester asked.
“For now, no names. I’ll leave that up to whomever gets them after we’re though here. Right now, they’re just A, B, C, D, and E.”
“How romantic,” she snidely remarked
The first 3 dogs were German Shepherds, while the 4th was a Great Dane and the 5th an Rottweiler. The Shepherds were a mix of dark and light browns while the Dane was completely grey. The Rot was black, with brown around his nose and under his eyes.
“They’re nice looking a****ls,” came a voice from behind.
Cynthia had arrived.
“Yes, they are,” Henry answered. “You ready to get started.”
“That’s what I’m here for... boss.”
Chapter 12
The day started bright and early that Sunday.
Henry attended to the kennels while he waited for Cynthia and Thelma to arrive. He made sure the dogs were watered and fed and moved to the basement, where the training would take place there and he wanted to make sure it was all set up.
The rug and been replaced by some AstroTurf, along with most of the furniture, leaving only 2 beds with pillows upon them. The turf had been sprayed with something to make it softer on the hands and knees, while the beds only had white sheets on them.
The web-cam had been replaced with one allowing for recording of all the experiences taking place here, and stored on a separate server, in another room in the outdoor shed, cooled by the newly installed air-conditioner, a precaution they all felt was needed, since summer was in full bloom and the temps around here could easily reach 103-degrees outside... and sometimes higher inside.
Fay was the first to arrive, followed by Thelma and then Claudia.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
They all sat around the dining room table talking about what to do next.
“I’d like to volunteer for the first round,” Cynthis told them.
“Well, I do have the most experience among all of us,” and she indicated the other 3 ladies around the table. “Don’t forger, it was me who introduced Thelma to this and, while she’s become quite adept at doggy love, I think I should be the first to try with the ‘newbies’ (as she called the. She just refused to use the alphabetical names Henry used on them) and see what I can do with them. I’ll start with one of the German Shepherds and go from there.”
“Which one?” asked Henry.
“Does it matter?”
“Not really. Just thought I’d ask is all.”
“I’ll go downstairs and get ready and the rest of you can monitor the progress on the cams.” She rose from the table and disappeared through the basement door, closing it behind her.
The rest moved to the living room, where the cams had been programed for the viewing and got comfortable... anxious to see the progress.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The first thing she did was activate all the cams, now locate in 4 different positions, to better catch the ‘action’, so to speak. She then sat on the bed, after disrobing, waiting for the first dog to arrive. She’d come prepared and hadn’t worn any underwear, making sure she had clean changes in her backpack. She was anxious and giddy, wanting to get started to see how the new dog would perform for her... and her audience watching above.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Henry decided to start with ‘E’ this go round, and retrieved him from the kennel, approached the house and opened the newly install door to the basement, giving access to the room without having to go through the house, which would make all this much easier.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Once the new door opened and the dog entered, she knew the time had come.
She’d already coated a few ‘dog toys’ with the jam and had laid them directly in front of the door, about 6’ into the room. Next, she’d rubbed the jam on her inner thighs, moving up to her valley, where she applied another swath, then sat on the floor and waited.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
As soon as he entered the room the odor of the jam drew his attention to the objects in front of him and he approached the warily, not knowing what to expect. He pounced on them, quickly devouring the jam and looking around for more.
Then another scent got his attention.
Jam... mixed with something else... something aroused his loins and he began his search.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Cynthia had begun to masturbate the moment the dog entered the room. She knew the jam was just a ‘distraction’ while she got ready for the ‘main event’.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Everyone in the living room was glued to the images being broadcast in front of them. They’d see the dog enter the basement, quickly take care of the ‘bait’, as it were, and now they watched as it all unfold right in front of their eyes.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Cynthia did all she could do to develop an orgasm as soon as possible, sticking several fingers from one hand into her vagina while continually rubbing her clit with fingers of the other... and it was working.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
As he moved around the room the odor would lighten and, when he turned in another direction, the odor got stronger once again, so he continue on that pathway until he encounter the human female, sitting on the floor, hurriedly rubbing between her legs. The aroma was stronger there, mixed with something else... the smell of a creature in heat, something his body responded to quite well.
He crouched to a smaller form, looking from side to side, not wanting any surprises to disrupt his from his goal. The closer he got the stronger that smell got until it finally overran his senses and he moved right between her legs, sniffing and detecting the jam applied there.
As he got closer, he stuck out his tongue and began to lick, quacking removing the jam and moving further up her inner legs, where the scent of ‘heat’ grew stronger the closer he got. He switched to the other leg and quickly disposed of all the ‘treat’ – as he thought of it – from her leg and moved further towards her. The odor was getting stronger and his nose started to twitch and she sniffed what waited for him between those legs and the opening right behind it.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
‘Don’t show any fear,’ she kept repeating to herself as the dog got closer to his target.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Finally, he was close enough so that the aroma overwhelmed him and he pushed his snout into the gaping hole before him, quickly removing the remaining jam and now concentrating on the object he was most interested in... the juices running freely down her crack, leaving a small puddle on the surface below her.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
All of them wanted to get closer to the TV to better see what was happening. Due to the position of the cams, they were able to see the whole thing... from the licking off the jam on her legs to pressing his snout into her the first time.
Thelma and Fay were busy rubbing their own clits as they watched.
Henry and Ester just hugged each other and watched.
“This is amazing,’ he said out loud, loud enough for all to hear.
“Yes, it is,” returned Ester.
“So hot,” Thelma said.
“Definitely,” responded Fay.
Soon all thoughts of discussions were left behind and all were watching the scene before them.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Ahh,” she moaned at the first contact.
‘Damn, that feels so good,’ she thought.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Meanwhile, the dog was thoroughly enjoying his ‘meal’ and he lapped and swallowed as fast as he could, drawing more and more from the female before him.
His furry head scratched her inner thighs and she thought they’d have to make sure the facial fur was trimmed shorter and a conditioner used to soften it up.
Her first orgasm hit like a freight train, causing her to inhale deeply.
‘Wasn’t expecting one so soon,’ she thought, ‘and damn, it was a good one, too.’
Her body arched off the floor with the 2nd one, causing her to gasp and catch her breathe.
The 3rd was even stronger than she’d anticipated and she slumped to her right side as it took control of her body, causing her to shake and moan loudly, also causing everyone upstairs to take a deep breathe, as well.
Slowly, she recovered enough to get off the floor and onto the bed, where she collapsed once again.
The dog followed her... he wasn’t quite done with her.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
As she lay there, catching her breathe again, the dog moved in and once again began licking on her legs, forcing them to open, gaining access to her inner most regions again and, once he was there, he intended to enjoy it as long as he could.
Her legs hung off the edge of the bed, open widely, once again allowing her to get the enjoyment of his tongue slathering all along her inner most lady parts, which again triggered another, slightly less intense, orgasm. She slumped backwards and relaxed.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
This was the opening he’d been hoping for... the fully exposed inner parts of her hole and, out of pure instinct, she spread her legs further and allowed him to place his front legs on the outer side of her legs and press upward until his dangling cock reached its target, her wide open vagina.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Upstairs, everyone was glued to the TV.
“What’s going on here?” Henry asked to no one in particular. “All he did was give her a good licking and now he’s wanting to fuck her. How did this happen?”
No one answered, they were all staring, wide-eyed, at the screen before them, anxious to see what happened next but already knowing.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Cynthia stared between her legs and saw what was coming at her. It appeared to be at least 8-inches long, with a huge knot behind it, its pointed tip already dripping with his pre-cum, which would make it easier to get inside her. Not that it was needed, she was dripping herself, waiting for the moment of ‘first contact’.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
As soon as his tip touched her, he jammed forward, driving his whole 8-inches into her with one motion... and then he really got going.
It was like a jackhammer was being inserted into her. The rapid movements were something she was familiar with, after all she’d been fucking her dog for a while, but it still felt quite different, but very enjoyable just the same.
It didn’t take long before he locked his know into her and began filling her with his seed, doing his damnedest to get her pregnant with his puppies but he didn’t know that wouldn’t happen, but he enjoyed it just the same.
She felt every spurt as it shot into her cavity, filling her completely in a short time.
Once he stopped, he stood there, waiting for his knot to deflate so he could pull out.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
6-minutes later he was able to disengage and, with a loud ‘plop’ pulled from her and began doing his ‘duty’ by cleaning her of all the escaping juices overflowing from her, giving her yet another orgasm. Once he was finished, he moved to the edge of the room and properly cleaned himself.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
In the room above all were aghast after watching what had happened.
“That was one hell of a show. Are you sure its all be record?” Fay asked Henry.
He got up, crossed the room to check the monitor, and replied, “Safe and sound on the hard drive,” a huge smile on his face. “I’ll be back in a few,” and he disappeared into the kitchen and down to the basement, where he retrieved “E” and took him out to him pen, making sure he had enough water.
‘I bet he’s worn out after all that,’ he thought.
Returning to the house, he found the others at the kitchen table, talking about what had happened below.
“That was something I never expected,” Fay said as he sat down.
“I’ll say. I thought all he’d do was lick her to several orgasms, not end up fucking the hell outta her,” Ester said.
“Well, I’ll tell you one thing,” another voice chimed in, “that was probably one of the best dog fucks I’ve had in a while, and quite a surprise, as well,” she said as she took a seat, picking up a glass and filling it with lemonade from the iced pitcher on the center of the table.
“Damn, I needed that,” she said after draining the glass.
“I’ll bet you did,” said Thelma. “How was it?”
“Like I said, one of the best dog fucks I’ve had in a while. I never expected him to mount me on the first session. I thought it would take at least 2 or 3 sessions before we got to that.”
“Hold on a minute,” Henry interjected. “I need to make a phone all,” and he disappeared into the living room, where his phone was still on the charger.
Locating the desired number, he hit speed-dial and waited for an answer.
“Hi, Ed. Got a question for you concerning the dog I bought from you.”
“Go ahead, ask away.”
“How old was he when you got him?”
“Hell, I’ve had him since the day he was born. Why?”
“Nothing important, just curious is all. Thanks. Talk to you later. By the way, when will you have any more Shepherds for sale?”
“You looking for another one already, Henry?”
“Not right now but definitely in the future. Thanks again,” and he disconnected.
“What was that about?” asked Thelma.
“Just checking out a theory. I called the man I bought that dog from, to see if there had been any previous owners.”
“And...” they all said at once.
“... and he’s had his since he was born, so there’s no previous history of having sex with a human female.”
“What?” said Thelma.
“No history of this happening before,” and he sat at the table, just as surprised as everyone else.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The next couple of days were as surprising as the first one.
Fay was next, using the same techniques Cynthia had used... with almost the same results, this time with the Great Dane.
Thelma followed, with the Rottweiler, and this time it did take 2 days before mounting was achieved.
Ester was the last, this time with “A”, and like Thelma and her dog, it took 2 days to get to mounting.
That left “B”, “C”, and “D” to be worked with. They all decided a few days rest was needed and agreed to meet the following Sunday to finish what they’d started.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Well, dear sir,” started Ester, “What’s next on the list?”
“We have to find buyers now. I’ve already placed ads for the those we’ve already worked with.”
“Will what we’ve done be enough?”
“No. I think what’s needed now is to train those buyers to the ways of dog fucking and we can do that right here, as we did with the initial training. We can’t just let them come in, buy one, and take it home without some kind of knowledge on their parts. After all, this will most likely be the first time for each one and they need to be assured that they’re getting what they paid for, and that it’s all been properly done.”
“Sounds like a solid plan.”
“Now, where were we?”
They resumed their lovemaking, each one caressing the other, systematically erotizing whatever part of the body they were touching.
Ester laid her head on his chest and gripped his steel scepter, slowing moving up and down, drawing all that foreskin up and over, completely covering his cockhead, then withdrawing it, once again exposing the purplish-colored piece. She lowered herself and took that rod into his mouth, using her humming technique that he loved so well, and began to lick and suck on him. She moved her body to where it now straddled his, lying on his chest, with her opening directly over his mouth then settled on his face and soon felt his tongue lapping her clit... driving her to her first orgasm of the day.
Using his talented tongue, he employed something similar to what she’d taught him, humming into her and creating a sensation he knew she loved, causing her to push downward as far as she could onto his face, but now hard enough to cut off his breathing.
After about 20-minutes of oral stimulation by both, she rolled off his, his cock still rock-solid, even after shooting heavily into her mouth, .as he then rolled on top of her, driving his rod into her as deeply as he could.
Pleasurable moans escaped from both the whole time and soon he brought to another delightful orgasm and she gasped as he shot another huge load into her drawing moans from deep within her.
They then collapsed and drifted off to a well-need sleep.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Meanwhile, Cynthia was enjoying a moment or two with Rocky/Oscar down in the basement.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
At almost the same time, Thelma and Fay were locked together kissing each other and caressing each other’s breasts, while allowing dogs from the clinic to pleasure them with their mouths.
Chapter 13
All was quiet for the next few days and the crew settled down a bit and the training to instill in the dogs what they were intended to do for their mistresses. Eventually Henry felt all the requirements had been achieved and they were now ready to be sold and a new batch brought in for training.
Earlier he’s posted ads on various b********y sites and thus far only gotten a few responses, so he decided to up-date the ads with the newest information.
‘In reference to the above ad (It was to be posted right below the original one) I now have 5, fully trained dogs, 3 Shepherds, 1 Great Dane, and 1 Rottweiler available for sale. I think someone would be please and quite satisfied with my results, so please contact me at the above email and we can conduct our business.’
Admittedly it wasn’t the best he could have done, but the meaning was direct and that was his real intention, get their attention with availability and let them do the rest.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Ester was in the basement with the Dane, enjoying his oral manipulations between her legs. She’s moved in with Henry earlier in the week and decided it was time she joined in with the training and the continued updating, as Fay, Cynthia, and Thelma weren’t always available during the week and, beside that, it was something she was very much enjoying. The copulating was great but it was the tongues that really turned her on because they could reach so much further inside her and do things that a cock just couldn’t do, like swirling around inside her and touching placed that otherwise weren’t touched at all.
She’d just come down from her 3rd orgasm when Henry entered through the outside door, where he stood and admired the woman he loved and cherished.
Once the action settled down, he approached the bed and sat next to her.
“Having a good time down here?” he asked
After catching her breathe she replied, “One of the best this week. This baby,” she petted the Dane after he’d finished his duties and retreated to the edge of the room, taking care of himself now, “has the best tongue of all of them put together.”
“I take it that’s why you spend so much time with him then, right?”
Taking his hand, and giving it a gentle squeeze, she said, “Yes, but I do look forward to when we get together, too. You’re the best human lover I’ve ever had, and yes, that includes Tony. He was good, and did a great job with what he had, but until you and I got together...” Nothing else had to be said, Henry knew what she was talking about.
“So, what have you been up to with I’ve been down here?” she asked.
“Setting up appointments for a couple of the responses that have finally come through.”
“Anyone jump out at you so far?”
“The first is Alice, 28, single. She’s had some experiences with a dog but never had one of her own. She’s recently moved to a place in the county and can now afford to have one of her own. She’s an attorney with a law firm about 40 miles from here. From reading her answer I’m taking it that she’s excited to have a dog to pleasure her.”
“And the 2nd?”
“Antonia, a black woman, 25, also with a bit of experience but also never had a dog of her own. She’s an engineer at a firm not too far from here. Her appointment’s at 11:00 tomorrow afternoon.”
“That should be enough time to get things taken care of and not here when the other arrives. Smart, dear.”
“Thank you. That was my intention. If somehow, they do get together, it won’t have been here. This isn’t a dating service. I prefer to keep the location as remote as possible with only the buyers themselves visiting. I’ll make it clear that if the dogs need additional training, we’ll be available, at an extra cost of course.”
“Of course. Have you considered a try-out for them, so they’ll know what they’re getting?”
“Yes, I have. I want to make it short though, just enough to let them know how well trained they are. I’m thinking a bit of oral will be enough. Of course, we’ll be monitoring it all upstairs, after letting them know they’re being watched and recorded.”
“Will anyone else be with them down there?”
“No. It’ll be awkward enough for them, knowing they’re being watched and I don’t want to feel like we’re taking advantage of them. I have installed a new sound system though, one that will allow me – or you – to let them know when their trial is up so we can conclude the deal and have them gone before the next customer arrives.”
“Well, it seems like you’ve got it all covered... for now. Shall we both get cleaned up a bit and retire upstairs for our own one-on-one?”
Pulling her to her feet and planting a kiss on her red lips, he answered, “I thought you’d never ask.”
With a laugh from both, they climbed the stairs to the kitchen and then further into the house and upstairs to the bedroom.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Alice arrived about 10-minutes early.
‘Really ready for this?’ Henry thought as he answered.
The image in front of him wasn’t what he’d expected. He thought Alice would be a demure young woman learning about her body and wanting to go further then she’d gone before.
What stood in front of him was not how he’d pictured her.
Alice stood 5’ 3”, blonde hair, some of the bluest eyes he’d ever seen, and dressed in a flower-covered frock, low shoes – no heels – and shook his hand firmly, not as a woman would.
“Hello, you must be Henry,” she said.
“Yes, I am. Please come in and we’ll go to the kitchen to complete the paperwork.”
“I’m sorry, but can I see the dogs first, please?”
“Yes, of course. Right this way,” and he led her though the kitchen, out the back door and towards the kennels.”
“Oh, they’re all so... pretty.”
“I thought you’d like them. Since you’re the first customer you get to choose which one you’d like to try and purchase.”
“Can I try them all?” she asked sheepishly.
“Afraid not. I do have other customers coming and I don’t want to wear them all out with the first one.”
Blushing heavily, she said she understood and began walking back and forth in front of the kennels, looking at each one and trying to decide which one she wanted. The Shepherd all looked nice while the Dane was large but quite what she was looking for. The Rottweiler... she was scared of that one so quickly returned to the Shepherds.
“What are their names?”
“They have been given any at this time. I thought it best not to confuse them in case the new owners chose something more fitting for them.”
“Makes sense,” and she paced back and forth for about 5-minutes and when she finally turned around, she pointed and said, “That one,” indicating “C”.
He retrieved the leash hanging on the side of the kennel, opened it, attached the leash and they went back to the house, entering at the lower door.
“I’m going to give you 15-minutes to get to know him and, perhaps, let him taste you. I’ll be upstairs. I do want to let you know that you will be monitored,” and he pointed out the cameras “This is for your safety first, as well as to judge the compatibility with the dog. I’ll leave you now. Enjoy yourself.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Just as soon as the door closed Alice dropped her frock and revealed she’d not work any underwear. Her body was nice and her breasts, while not too large, were slightly smaller than Ester’s. Her nipples were already rock-hard and looked to be begging to be attended to. Her groin was perfectly trimmed with a light appearance of dark hair, in the form of an arrow, pointing downward.
“OK, boy. Let’s see what you’ve got down there.” She guided the dog to lay on the floor and coaxed him onto his back, his legs sticking up, his belly exposed and his sheath within easy reach. She massaged that enclosure, getting this cock to slowly emerge and, when it did, she immediately leaned over and took the end into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it and enjoying the flavors she was getting.
Pulling off for a minute she told him, “You taste delicious, boy,” and returned to sucking on the cock, which by then had reached its full extension, which she quickly swallowed all the way to the slightly exposed knot.
After her oral ministrations it was time to see what he could do for her, so she sat back on the floor, pulled a pillow from the bed, propped her butt on it, and spread her legs.
“OK, boy, lick!”
That was all the instruction he needed as he attack the hole in front of him, driving his tongue as far into her as she could.
“Oh, yes,” she wailed. “So good! Keep going, I’m going to cum...” and she did.
She knew her time was limited so she reached between her legs, pulled her outer lips open further, finding her clit and rubbing it to enhance her coming orgasm and, when it happened, she flopped onto her back and pulled him into her, wanting to get more of that talented tongue into her. Once she was sure the orgasm was over, she pushed him back and he crossed the room and began to clean himself, after leaving a somewhat large liquid spot on the floor when he’d ejaculated. She sat back up once she caught her breath, reached to the spot, dipped her fingers into it and licked them clean.
Looking up at the camera, she said, “This one will do perfectly.”
“I’ll be right down to get you,” Henry told her as he watched her regain her feet, get dressed, and waited at the bottom of the steps for him.
“How did you like he,” he asked once they were sitting at the table and finishing the paperwork.
“Simply amazing and just what I was hoping for. I can’t wait to get him home and mate. Where is he?” she asked, looking around.
“They’re not allowed in this part of the house, just the basement. We don’t want them to get too comfortable in the surroundings up here and feel like this is where they belong. Once you get him home then it’s up to you where you keep him. Right now, he’s strictly an outside dog, but I’m sure you’ll be able to convince him otherwise. Have you decided on a name for him?”
“Oliver,” she replied.
“Any particular reason?”
“Not really. It was the first name I came across in looking for boy names.”
“You looked up names on the Internet?”
“Yes. I couldn’t decide what I wanted to name him, so thought a little help might come in handy.”
The paperwork was finished, the payment made, Oliver delivered to him along with all his paperwork for his shots and worming. She escorted him to her car and they drove off.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Well, that seemed to go well,” Ester said as he returned to the kitchen.
“Yes, it did. Want to see the footage?”
“Already watched it. She seemed quite pleased with him.”
“I know. I’m happy it went so well. Now, I have to get ready for Antonia.” He looked at the clock above the sink and said, “she should be here in about an hour. In the meantime, how about we go and entertain ourselves for a bit.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
They never made it upstairs. With no one else around they discarded their clothing as the left the kitchen, leaving a trail behind the, and went right to the living room, where she pushed him onto the sofa and proceeded to pump his already expanding rod and then began sucking on his foreskin as is slowly withdrew down his dick, with only about a ½-inch remaining on his cockhead, where she licked under it and drew in the already gathering pre-cum.
“Hmm, you do that so well, my dear.”
“Hmm,” she replied, never removing her mouth, but instead began the humming that he simply loved so much.
“Not gonna last too long like that.”
Sure enough, it wasn’t 10-minutes later when he unloaded a large supply of cum into her sucking mouth. When he was done, it was his turn, so her pulled her up, laid her on the sofa where he’d just been, pried open her legs and began is oral assault on her womanhood, drinking in the juices that were rapidly appearing between those luscious lips of hers. Another 15-minutes – and 2 orgasms later – he finally backed off and pulled her to a sitting position, where he wrapped his arms around her and said, “Now, we have to pick up our cloths, take a quick shower, and get ready for that next appointment.
“I’d rather be doing something else, but I understand. Business first,” and soon they were in the shower, bathing each other, masturbating each other to another orgasm, then got out, dried off, put on clean clothes and went back downstairs.
“Whew, this place smells of sex!” Ester exclaimed.
“I wonder why?” came back the sarcastic reply, as he retrieved a can of freshener and went around the room dispelling it to clear the air.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Antonia arrived almost 15-minutes late and she was slightly out of breath when Henry answered the knocking on the door.
‘Gotta get that doorbell fixed,’ he reminded himself.
“You must be Antonia,” he greeted her as he opened the door and let her in.
“I’m so sorry to be late. There was an accident that tied up traffic,” she explained.
“Not a problem, my dear. Can I get you something to drink?”
“Water will be fine, thank you.”
They adjourned to the kitchen, where all the paperwork was laid out.
“Can I see them?” she asked, after draining the bottled water. “I’ve waited so long...” and left the rest hanging.
“Sure, we can, right this way.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
After showing off the dogs, Antonia just stood in front of the Dane’s kennel staring at him.
“I take it he’s the one you want.”
“Oh yes, I’ve always wanted a Great Dane of my own but, when I was younger my parents told me he’d be too much to handle, much less feed a dog of that size, but I’ve always been interested in them.”
“Shall we take him inside?”
“What’s his name?”
“We don’t name them here but rather leave that up to the new owner. We’d rather be the first to name him.”
“Goliath, that’s gonna be his name.”
‘Not very original, but hey, he may be hers,’ he thought.
“Would you like to give him a test run?”
“Oh, can I?”
“Certainly, just follow me,” and he leased the dog and they headed back to the house, entering the lower door into the basement.
“You have 15-minutes for your test run, my dear, so take advantage of it. You’ll notice that I have cameras set up down here, for your safety in case something goes wrong and I can be down here in no time and take care of it. Any questions before I leave the 2 of you alone?”
“None that come to mind right now.”
‘Voyeur for sure,’ she thought as he ascended the steps and disappeared through the doorway, closing the door behind him.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Well, Goliath, shall we get started? Times’ a wasting, and I don’t want to waste any more than I have to.”
Goliath just sat there and watched as she uncovered her light mocha-brown skin, shining with sweat. Off came the skirt, blouse, panties, and finally, her bra, revealing a set of A-cup breasts with already rock-hard nipples poking out, perhaps an inch.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
‘Damn, one of the nicest bodies I’ve seen in a long time. Her chest is almost flat and she probably didn’t even need that bra, but still a radiating beauty all the same. Some guy’s gonna miss out on this beauty, for sure,’ he thought as he watched the monitor in the living room.
“What’s got you so horned up?” asked Ester as she sat beside him.
He pointed at the monitor.
“OH, I see. Lovely thing, isn’t she?”
All he could do was nod his head in the affirmative.
“Cat got your tongue?” she asked as he continued to stare.
Finally, he found his voice, “Have you ever seen such a beautiful woman in your life?”
“Many times, now pull that tongue back into your mouth and let’s see what happens down there.”
“Yes, dear.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Once all the clothing was off, she sat on the edge of the bed, spreading her legs, revealing a completely bald mons, her juices already dripping onto the floor.
“Eat,” was all she said and that was all that was needed.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Both of them were glued to the monitor as the activity took place below. They watched as the command was given and saw Goliath shove his nose into her and lick like the world was about to end.
“Well, it has been 3 days since his last training, so I’m not surprised how fast he went to work. He’s probably got the longest tongue of any of them and believe me, I know how that feels, literally.”
They both laughed slightly, while she wriggled her had into his shorts and grabbed his rock-solid organ.
“Watch it there, my dear. We only have 10-minutes left before Goliath’s trial is over and I don’t particularly want to be caught with my pants down.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
‘My god, how deep can he go?’ she wondered. ‘I’ve never been probed this deeply before.’
When she told Henry she has a little experience, she’d meant just that. Her one – and only – exposure to a****l love had been when she was 18 and the neighbor’s dog had licked her, while she still had her panties on, and that one instance determined what she’d wish for, until she was old enough to be on her own, with her own place, and finally feel what it was like to have a dog penetrate her with his tongue and then – later – with his canine appendage.
Her first orgasm from a dog came shortly thereafter and caught her completely off guard, but when it did hit, she screamed out in joy and collapsed back onto the bed, doing her best to catch her breath.
“No more... no more right now. Damn, you’re good and I can’t wait to get you home. Goliath, you’re gonne quite busy when we do get home.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Well, it’s been confirmed, hasn’t it? I’ll get started on the paperwork and dear, would you like the honor of escorting her upstairs, please?”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
As they sat at the table, with her signing the ownership papers, Ester joined them.
“Do you need something to drink, MS Antonia?” she asked.
“Yes, please, that would be nice.”
After handing her the glass, she sat down with them.
“May I ask you something, MS Antonia?” she asked
“This wasn’t a second-time experience, was it?”
“What do you mean,” Henry asked.
Looking directly at Antonia, she said, “My first experience was something like yours, my dear, but I ended up removing my panties so he could get in deeper. I saw that on your face when he first licked you.”
“No, ma’am, it wasn’t the first time but it was the first time a dog’s tongue got inside me. I was taken unawares the first time and didn’t know what to do, so left my panties on. I’ve always wondered what something like today would be like. I was a bit afraid at the start but had already decided that it was going to happen and I was going to enjoy it.”
“Did you?” they both asked at the same time.
“You bet I did!” she replied.
“I’m glad,” Ester said.
“May I ask you something, ma’am?”
“What was your first time like?”
“Well, for one thing I was much older than you were. In fact, the first time happened at my house,” she pointed next door, “and it was Oscar, Henry’s dog, that introduced me to it. Like your first time, it startled me but in the end I let it continue and man, am I ever glad I did. It’s one of the best experiences in my life, next to this man, of course.”
“You mean, you two are...”
“Lovers? Yes, we are, and I share him with Oscar occasionally, as well.”
“Oh my!”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Did you see the look on her face when I told her we’re lovers?”
“Yes, I did. Like 2 old folks can’t enjoy a happy sex life.”
“Do we?”
“Damn right we do. Now that all that’s done, shall we retire and finish what you started earlier?”
“Any more appointments today?”
“Nope, that was the last one but I do have 2 more on Friday.
With arms wrapped around each the retreated to the house, up the stairs, and to the bedroom where they once again attended to each other’s needs
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Later that same day, he called Ed to let him know he’d be needing 3 more dogs.
Chapter 14
The appointments for Friday were with 2 white ladies. The first was Josephine, 25, single, and with one brief experience. The other was Ashley, 23, single but engaged, with several encounters with girlfriends.
“That second one sounds interesting,” Ester said as they sat the table looking over other responses to the ad.
“Yes, she does. I do wonder about Josephine though, with her brief encounter, I’m wondering if it’s something like Antonia’s experience.”
“You never know, do you?”
Josephine was scheduled to be at the house later that afternoon while Ashley would be there on Saturday.
“How did it go with Ed?”
“He’s got 2 more lined up for us, a Shepherd and another Dane. He told me working on another Rottweiler but not sure right now. I reminded them they all had to be no more than a year old and intact.”
“What did he say after that?”
“He assured me that the Shepherd and the Dane were good, he’d raised them himself and sold them to a friend of his.”
“Yes, but the guy was killed in a hunting accident and the widow asked Ed to take them back, as she didn’t want them, which he gladly did.”
“Shame about the friend.”
“Yes, it is.”
Looking at the kitchen clock he noted that he had to get ready for the next appointment, getting the paperwork in order, making sure the dogs were watered and well-rested. “I’ll be back shortly, my love,” and kissed her on the way out.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
As he approached the kennel for the Rott he noticed it wasn’t locked... the gate was closed and the dog was inside.
‘I’ll have to see what happened here. Can’t afford for them to get out and roam around, not that there are any close by neighbors, but still...’ he left the thought dangling.
His phone vibrated, letting him know a message waited for him, so he pulled it from his pocket and noticed it was from Ester.
‘Your appointment just called. She’s going to be a bit late and asked if that was OK. I told her it was and thanked her for letting us know. She didn’t say why and I didn’t ask. XOXO’
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Josephine arrived 45-minutes late, out of breath and apologizing for being so late.
“I had a blowout on the way over and it took forever for roadside assistance to show up.”
“Those things happen,” Ester told her as she showed the young lady to the kitchen, where Henry was already sitting at the table.
“She had a blowout,” she told him.
“Thank you so much for not cancelling the appointment, I really want to do this.”
“Not a problem, Josephine. None at all. Our hours here are quite flexible and I never see more than 2 people in one day, so everything is just fine. Now, I have 3 dogs left, 2 German Shepherds and a Rottweiler, you OK with that?”
“Yes, that’s fine. My family has had both breeds as pets and I’ve been quite comfortable around them. Can I see them?”
“Sure, just follow me,” and he led her out to the kennels.
“Wow, they’re so beautiful. I’m going to have a hard time picking out just one of them.”
“Take your time, there’s no rush.” He sat in a nearby lawn chair and watched as she walked back and forth admiring all 3 dogs. Every now and then she’d stoop at one of the kennels and talk to the dog inside, doing that with all three before making up her mind and announcing, “I’d like to try the Rott, if that’s ok with you.”
“That’s fine,” and he removed the dog from the enclosure, leashed him up, and then both went to the basement. Once inside, he gave her the same speech he’d given the others, including the cameras and audio hookups.
“I know 15-minutes is long enough but perhaps it’ll give you an idea of what he can do and he’s been trained for both oral and insertion. I’ll head upstairs and then you can have your time with him here. OK?”
“Sure, thank you.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Once again, he and Ester sat on the sofa and watched the action below.
“I feel like a peeping Tom,” she said.
“Then leave. I’m not gonna leave you all alone here to watch... that! I don’t think so.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Once Henry had closed the door she disrobed, revealing a beautiful, young body. She measured 28-24-32. She wasn’t thin... she had some meat on her bones, but it was all proportioned in the right areas. Her breasts were almost flat with only the nipples jutting forward, standing at attention, ready for some action. Her mons was completely shaved, revealing a darkish pink around the outer reaches of her pussy and apparently, she was quite aroused, as a small leak of liquid could be seen trailing down her inner thighs.
“OK, boy... show me what you got!”
She pushed him on his side and began to inspect his weapon, as she thought of it, and rubbed and pulled on his sheath until the red probe appeared, already wet with his own fluids, nice and pointed, as she remembers all dogs were.
“Hmm, this looks tasty,” she told him and then dropped her head to his belly and engulfed what was already visible. “Hmm, yes, it is tasty,” before devouring is appendage, taking it as far into her mouth as she could. This lasted for about 5-minutes.
“Don’t want you shooting too soon,” she told him, as she propped against the bed and spread her legs, saying, “Lick!”
And boy, did he ever!
“Ahh,” she moaned as he delved into her honey hole with all the muster he could. He twisted it inside of her hole, quacking gathering all the coming juices, not wanting to miss one ounce of the precious fluid.
“Ahh... coming,” she told him. “Coming so good...”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Ester was busy doing her own oral on her lover and neither were paying too much attention of the goings on downstairs, that is until she started moaning and coming all over the dog’s tongue and into his mouth.
She pulled off and said, “Sounds like she’s having a good time down there.”
“Don’t worry about that, I’m almost there and her 15-minutes is almost over, too,” and he shot 7 strong streams of cum into her mouth as he finished saying that.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“OK, Josephine, your time is over. I’ll give you some time to collect yourself and get dressed and then Ester will be down to escort him back to his kennel.”
“OK. Thanks for letting me know. I won’t be but a few minutes.”
“Take your time, dear. We’re in no hurry up here.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
As she sat at the table she asked, “What’s his name? I forgot to ask earlier.”
“We don’t name them here. It was decided that the owner should have the privilege of naming him once she signed the papers. Have you chosen a name?”
“Yes, I have... Buster.”
“May I ask about your previous encounter with a dog, if you don’t mind that is.”
“It’s not a problem. I was staying at a friend’s house one night, about 2 years ago, and she told me all how she’d trained him to be intimate with her. O course I didn’t believe her... until she showed me. She called him into the bedroom and sat on the floor and said ‘lick’ and he just jammed his snout into her groin and began earnestly licking her down there. She asked me if I wanted to try it but I was too embarrassed to be seen doing something like that but she insisted. I ended up jacking him off and even licked the tip a bit, getting some of his pre-cum on my tongue. We sat up and talked about it for a while then she got on her hands and knees and said ‘fuck’. He jumped right onto her back and starting hunching at her but was having a hard time getting the location right, so she asked me to help. She told me she still had to assist him with penetration and would I please line him up and I did. I was surprised, to say the least. I’d heard of b********y, even looking it up on the Internet, but have never witnessed it until then. Once he was fully inside... it was amazing. I knew I had to try it but never did. I’ve been wanting to do this for 2 years now and finally got up the courage to do it and, when I saw your ad, I knew this was the right time.”
“So, have you mated with one yet?” Ester asked.
“Just once, at my friend’s house about 3 months ago. It was amazing. Sure, it hurt at first but once he established a rhythm the pain eased and I enjoyed it.”
“Have you taken the knot yet?”
“Not yet, but I’m anxious to try it.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Now that as interesting, don’t you think,” she asked him after Josephine and signed the papers, took possession of Buster, and left.
“Yes, it was. Got me all worked up.”
“I see,” she said as she gripped his manhood through his pants. “Shall we go upstairs so I can ease your tension a bit?”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Thelma closed the clinic at 12:00 on Saturdays. Saturday afternoons and Sundays were the only days she had off. If an emergency came up, she had two other vets who would cover it for her. Right now, she had business to take care of in the back and Fay was going to help her.
“He’s one beautiful piece of meat,” Fay told her when she entered the back room, which was already set up for their little adventure.
Susan Whitmore had brought Maxwell in for boarding, while she visited her mother. Susan was a dear friend of Thelma’s and the two of them shared their love of their dogs and so, with Susan’s permission, of course, she and Fay were going to have a good seeing to from the huge Great Dane.
The benches were out, all padded and ready, and the mattress was lying on the floor for their use. All that needed to be done was for Thelma to lock up the clinic and join Fay, who was already undressed and waiting, as Maxwell serviced her with his talented tongue.
“I see you couldn’t wait,” she said as she entered the room. “I don’t blame you one bit. That dog is a sex fiend once he get the smell of pussy up his nose.”
“Don’t I know it! I do believe he has the longest tongue of any dog I’ve ever encountered.”
“I agree with you on that one, but don’t hog it all to yourself. I’m ready,” as she’d undressed the minute the door was closed. There were no windows back here so they didn’t have to worry about being spied on. All the doors were locked and Thelma had the only keys.
“What if something comes up, like the last time?” Fay asked
“I’ve made arrangement with the clinic downtown to handle all the emergencies this weekend, so no one will interrupt us.”
While Fay was enjoying the oral ministrations from Maxwell, Thelma had already gotten on her knees and was busily licking and sucking on Fay’s small tits... her nipples had already turned to stone-like appendages, so she easily sucked on each one, gently biting and nibbling one while massaging the other, tweaking and pinching and eliciting moans from her lover. She reached down with one hand and began rubbing the protruding clit, getting moans from Fay, who spread her legs as wide open as she could get them.
Turning towards each other, they gave each a deep, tongue-probing.
Maxwell was pushed aside for a while as the two embraced each other and turned to a 69, each delving into the other’s wet opening, and licking the dripping juices each had expelled, Fay on the bottom and Thelma on the top.
“Oh,” groaned Thelma, as she felt Maxwell’s tongue probe into her. She pulled back just a minute and said, “I’ve needed that all day,” and then returned to the pussy-lapping she was giving to her lover.
“You sure know what you’re doing down there, don’t you?” Fay said.
“I’ve had plenty of practice, haven’t I?”
“You certainly have... now don’t stop.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
On the other side of town, a different scenario was taking place at the same time.
Antonia was introducing her lover the basics of b********y.
Jasmine was also 25, black, built like a woman men love to admire, but she’s a lesbian and has no interest in males at all. She’s never been on a date with one, never witnessed a male erection, never even seen a real dick, just pictures in magazines and that was something she didn’t look at too often.
“Are you sure about this Ant?”
“Listen, I know what you like and don’t like, but this is different, believe me. Once you try this you’ll be hooked.”
“I’m not so sure about that.”
“Trust me. Have I ever led you in the wrong direction before?”
“OK, smart ass, you know what I mean. Just watch me for a while and tell me what you think, OK?”
“Goliath,” she called. “Come... lick.”
The huge dog bounded into the room like he owned the place and, in a way, he did. He saw his mistress sitting on the edge of the bed, legs spread wide open, and he immediately shoved his snout into her hole, digging deep with his tongue.
“Oh, yes,” she moaned. “Trust me, you’re gonna love this.”
20-minutes later...
It was now Jasmine getting attended to and she was going wild, shaking her hips from side to side, up and down, and pushing her lower boy at the dog, wanting to get more of that tongue into her crevice. She had 3 huge orgasms before he withdrew and retreated to his corner, licking himself.
“Well, I’ll be damned!”
“How did you like it?” Antonia asked.
“I didn’t like it... I absolutely loved it!”
“See, I told you you would, didn’t I?”
“I never wouldn’t dreamed something like that could feel so good and, my god, those orgasms were the best I’ve had in ages. I hate to tell you this, girl, but he’s gonna be getting a lot of me in the future.”
“You think that was good... just wait till he fucks you!”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Meanwhile, out in the country...
“Come on, Oliver, show mama what you got there,” Alice said. She was anxious to get started on her new endeavor and stood - completely naked as the say she was born - and called her new pet to her.
“You and I are going to have so much fun here,” she said as she stroked his head, working her way down to his back, to his side and, finally, to his belly, where she grabbed his sheath and started to stroke him. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this, so I hope I’m not disappointed,” as his cock started to expose itself, already dripping with his pre-cum.
She coaxed him to his back and pushed his sheath as far as she could, finally getting a good look at what he had down there and she wasn’t disappointed, either.
‘Hmm, that looks good enough to eat,’ she thought.
“I know I’ve already treated you this one, Oliver, but I just have to do it again,” and she leaned forward and engulfed his whole canine dick into her mouth, slightly gagging as it hit the back of her throat.
‘Gotta be careful there,’ she though and she licked and sucked on the tool, taking advantage of being alone with him for the first time. ‘Truly alone,’ she thought, as her first time she’d had an unseen audience above her but here, in her own home, privacy was assured, so she had nothing to worry about.
She sucked him for about 10-minutes, not wanting to let him cum until he was firmly inside her... she wanted to feel that canine appendage inside her as he shot his load into her vagina, wanted to feel the warmth of his fur on her back as he lunged into her, she turned around and got oh her hands and knees, butt up in the air, and said, “Mount!”
It took a couple of minutes for him to find the location his dick was aiming for and she finally reached between her legs, grabbed on to him, and guided him into her for the first time.
“Ahh,” she moaned when she felt him fully inside.
Then the fucking began in earnest!
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“I do hope our customers are satisfied with their purchases,” Ester said, as they laid in bed with her hand firmly grasping his cock, moving up and down, watching that lovely foreskin slide up and over his cockhead and then back down again.
“You really enjoy doing that, don’t you,” he said.
“Yes, I do. Tony was cut so I never had the advantage of something like this and you have so much! I love feeling it in my mouth, sucking on it like a straw and dragging all your essence out, feel it swirling around in my mouth and then swallowing it all.”
“I’m glad you’re satisfied,” he told her.
“Oh yes, I’m very much satisfied.”
She was silent for a moment and he asked if she was OK.
“Yes, just remembering Tony,” she responded. “I didn’t realize how much I missed the sex until you came around,” rubbing his chest and pinching his nipples as she spoke. “I’ve gotten quite fond of you, Henry. I want to stay with you for the rest of my life.”
“Well, you’ll certainly get no objections from me,” he told her, as he pulled up and gave her a big kiss. “I’ve grown quite fond of you, as well and I’m also glad we hooked up.”
She punched him on his arm and said, “You make it seem like a cheap thrill!”
“Oh, it’s a thrill alright, and it ain’t cheap, either!”
The kissed each other, her still fondling his rampant cock, him with his hand in her slit, rubbing on her clit, and getting a minor orgasm from her.
Once again, she lowered her head and took that magnificent weapon into her mouth and sucked and licked him until he shot 6 strings of cum into her mouth, then they both hugged, turned over, spooning each other, and went to sleep.
Chapter 15
The next two weeks flew by.
They’d gotten 1 new dog and had already trained him when he was bought within a day.
So far they’d sold to 4 white females and 3 black females, which kind of surprised everyone, as they all thought all their customers would be white women. Up until they sold the first dog to Antonia none of them had ever heard of black women being into b********y.
“Just goes to show you how wrong we all were,” commented Ester as they all sat around the kitchen table, planning to get another 2 dogs before the end of the week. Henry had already found another seller who had a German Shepherd and a Great Dane for sale and was assured the seller had had them since they were born. According to the records at Thelma’s office both were only 2 months short of 2-years-old, and they were looking forward to getting them.
“If no one has any objections,” started Henry, “I think this is going to be the last of them for a while. I think we all need a break and personally, Ester and I have planned go take some time away from here for a week or so.”
“I think it’s a great idea,” agreed Fay. “I know we’ve all worked hard these past weeks and I agree, it’s time for a break, especially from the routine we’ve established here already.”
A quick vote was taken and they all agreed that a break was definitely needed, both their minds as well as their bodies.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
There were two appointments the next day, both white women and the first arrived at 9:00 that morning.
Amanda was 32, recently divorced, and was looking to expand on the experiences she’d already had with their dog, which the ex- decided to take with him when he left. Needless to say, she was quite heartbroken and desperately wanted a replacement.
Ester met her as she was climbing the stairs on the porch.
“Hello, I’m Ester. Welcome to our home. Henry will meet you inside but I wanted to have a chat with you out here first, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course not,” and she sat on of the patio chairs as Ester sat next to her.
“I’m curious about a few things you mentioned in your response to our ad.”
“OK. Ask all you want, I’ve nothing to hide here.”
“Good. First, how did you get into b********y?”
“It was an accident, to tell the truth. I was cleaning up the house one day and was dressed in only my housecoat and a pair of slippers. I was sweeping under the bed when Bailey came into the room, only I didn’t realize it until he stuck his nose between my legs.”
“That was it?”
“Well, I’d had a heavy session with my dildo just 30-minutes earlier and had gotten a good climax and sat in the bathroom and wound down.”
“OK, what brought on the masturbation session?”
“Rob and I had just had a huge fight when he found out I knew about his affair with his secretary. He told me I didn’t satisfy him anymore and was no longer in love with me... he said he wanted a divorce, which completely tore me up inside. I still love him and I didn’t know what I was going to do.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that. Divorce isn’t nice. Any c***dren?”
“No, I had cervical Cancer when I was 19 and everything was removed as a precaution, so I’m unable to get pregnant and I think that bothered him. He didn’t say anything and I thought we were happy.”
“How long did the marriage last?”
“4 years, 6 months, 14 days,” she giggled, then started crying.
Ester went into the house and came back with a box of tissues, handing it to her.
“I take it you still miss him.”
“Which one, Rob or Bailey?”
“Why Bailey, of course.” And they both laughed.
“Anyway, to get back to your original question... I sat there for about 10-minutes, coming down from the climax, and started cleaning the house, something I do every weekend. I was kneeling beside the bed, sweeping underneath, when Bailey made his presence known to me.”
“What did you do?”
“I was startled at first and then, when his tongue hit my already sensitive clit, I lost it. I think I moaned loudly and it must have scared him, because he backed away for a moment and then went right back to licking me down there. I was in nirvana, it felt that good. I hadn’t had oral for almost 3 months, just before I told Rob I knew of his affair, and damn... it felt good and I guess I needed the attention.”
“What happened next?”
“Well, he stopped and I whined, wanting more, and then he lept on my back and I could feel his cock trying to penetrate me. I was frustrated so I reached between my legs, grabbed hold of him, and helped him find his target. At first, I was shocked, as he just jammed it into me, ramming into me... heaving and going as fast as he could. I thought it would be nice and gently, like when Rob and I had sex, but instead it was a ‘wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am moment and before I realized what was happening, he jammed his knot into me and emptied his balls. I felt each jettison of his cum as he shot his load into me... it felt so damn good, too.”
“I know that feeling.”
“You’ve also done it?” She sounded surprised that someone else fucked their dog.
“Yes, quite a few times and I’ve personally helped with the training of most of our dogs right here in our house.”
“Really. I, too, was taken by surprise and I loved it. I shared my experience with Henry...”
“We were already lovers before that and I found out his plans after I told him what happened and, as they say, the rest is history.”
“Do you enjoy it?”
“Very much.”
“It’s so nice to know I’m not alone in this. I’ve never told anyone I just told you. I was too embarrassed, to tell the truth and I didn’t think anyone would believe me. I also thought I’d be shunned by my family and friends and when Rob took Bailey with him, I had no idea about what I’d do.”
“I take it you didn’t tell your husband.”
“Oh, no. I was afraid of what he’d do to Bailey, and I didn’t want him hurt.”
“Understandable, and I’m glad you were up front with me. Now, I think you’ve answered everything I wanted to know so, shall we go inside and continue?”
“Yes, please.”
“Good, just follow me.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The sale with Amanda went smoothly, she didn’t even want to try out her new purchase, she was in a hurry to get him home and work with him privately. She’d chosen the last Rott and Henry assured her that if she needed anything all she had to do was call, giving her business card.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The next appointment was with Monica, 28, who already had experience with dogs, having just lost her own dog when it was hit and killed. She chose the last Great Dane, completed all the paperwork, again deciding to take him home where she could enjoy his lovemaking.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
“Well, that leaves 2 Shepherds and that’ll be it. To tell you the truth,” he said to Ester, “I’ll be glad to have some time away from here for a while. I honestly had no idea what I’d have to put into this to make it work... a lot more work than I expected.”
“Are you sorry you did it?”
“No, not at all. I’d already decided to do it even before you told me of your mating with Oscar, and that just drove me to do it more, and I was excited about it, too.”
“I know. I’ve seen your looks as we were training them all, I could see the joy you had when you sold each one, knowing you had a satisfied buyer.”
“Yes, I guess I did. Are you sorry you participated in it all?”
“Not one bit, you idiot. I’ve enjoyed every moment, from the first time with Oscar, to finally making love with you, my darling, to training and meeting such lovely people as Thelma, Fay, Cynthia, and all those ladies who bought the dogs. For the first time since Tony passed, I had the time of my life and I wouldn’t want to change it for anything else in the world.”
“I love you,” he said as he reached across the table and took her hand in his.
“And you know I love you, too, you sweet man.”
“I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a nap...” he said.
“... and a little nookie, as well, huh?”
“If you insist.”
They got up, took each other’s hand, kissed deeply and then headed upstairs... to the bed they shared.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
This time they waited until they were in the bedroom before removing each other’s clothes.
“Let me do you, first,” Ester told him.
“Fine with me,” he responded, standing still and holding his arm up, so she could start with his shirt.
She wasted no time and slowly unbuttoned the shirt, start from the bottom and working her way up. Once there, she removed it and began licking his body, starting with his face, kissing him deeply, and moving down to his lower neck and then to his rock-hard nipples, sucking on each one, humming the entire way.
“Oh, you know how much I love it when you do that.”
“Um-hm,” she teased back. “And I love your reactions when I do, too.”
She moved to his bellybutton as she slowly undid his belt, pulled his zipper down, undid the button and let them drop to the floor. Once they hit the floor, she moved to his boxers and began to fondle his growing erection, while moving lower with her mouth. Moving her had inside his boxers, she massaged his hardness and them pushed them to the floor, too, and descended once again and slowly drew into her mouth the remaining foreskin that still partially covered his purplish colored cockhead, continuing the humming as she slowly descended down his entire length. While she wasn’t able to complete deep throat his tool, she went as far as she could, enjoying the feeling of his hardness in her mouth.
Now it was her turn, so she stood up and allowed him to remove her blouse and bra, lifting her breasts, one at a time, to his mouth, sucking and licking each rock-hard nipple, drawing soft moans from her.
He looked up, stood straighter, and kissed her deeply, pushing his tongue into her mouth, where they kissed for a few, long, minutes.
Now he, too, began to slowly descend her body, stopping once again at her delicious breasts and once more sucking each nipple into his hot mouth.
Again, she moaned, louder this time, gripping his head and holding him closer to her.
He released the last nipple and moved to her bellybutton and licked and probed there, as well and then pushed down her skirt and inserted his right hand into her panties. He loved the soft feeling he found there, especially since she was unable to grow hair down there – or anywhere else on her body. It was something that really turned him on to no end.
He slowly inserted a finger into her opening, drawing it over her clitoris, causing her to go weak in the knees, enough that he feared she’d fall backward, so he gently pushed her back until her the back of her knees contacted the mattress, where he pulled out his finger, removed her panties, and laid her on the bed, where he knew she’d be more comfortable and then he continued to lick and caress her body, now starting at her bent knees and moving upward until he reached that wonderful bald pussy, where he cover her opening with his mouth and probed into her with his tongue.
“Oh, yeah, lover. Eat me,” she whispered.
He had not intention of stopping, as he probed as deeply as he could and then moved back enough to lick and swallow her slowly escaping juices, concentrating on her labia as well as her clitoris, which had her humping up into his face, drawing his closer.
After she’d had her 3rd climax, she reached down and pulled him up on the bed, with a little assistance from him, of course, then she crawled on top of him and began her oral assault on his body once again, this time starting with his cock and sucking on him, and again, humming at the same time, until he finally shot a huge load, which she greedily swallowed and continued to suck until she felt his foreskin gathering in her mouth, probing it with her tongue and getting the last vestiges of his cum before slipping off him and lying at his side.
“Damn, darling, you sure know how to please a man, don’t you?”
“So I’ve been told,” she answered.
“Well, I’ve to rest a bit before we continue, you know I’m not as young as I used to be, and quite frankly, neither are you.”
“Don’t remind me, but remember this, you’ll always and forever be older than I am,” she laughed and he joined her.
They ended up taking a nap, wrapped in each other’s arms.
Chapter 16
Once the last dog was gone, it was time to store all the files, arrange for the dismantling of the kennels and finally, decide where he and Ester were going to go for their vacation.
Thelma and Fay had taken the last dog, since no new answers had appeared in the last week, which meant and Cynthia was quite happy with her continued education on the art of loving your pet.
Antonia was quite happy with her dog and her ongoing affair with Jasmine.
All the ‘loose ends’ were finally taken care of and now it was just the two of them. No more dogs to feed and take care of, no more appointments to be scheduled. It felt good to have nothing to do.
“I think you did a great job with what we’ve accomplished here. You should be proud of yourself,” she told Henry. “I know I’ve learned a lot, had a blast learning it, as well as participating in the training and getting to know you much better, my dear.”
“Thank you. Honestly, I don’t know what I’d have done if you hadn’t been here. My plans wouldn’t have been as successful if you hadn’t accidently found out about Oscar and his talents.”
“I know. I think about that first time and always amaze myself... I mean, not going overboard with my reactions to that first licking and eventual fucking. I can truly tell you that I’ve never been fucked so hard in my life, no offense of course, but fucking a dog is so much different than a man. Not only are their cocks larger – and longer – but their staying power is just wonderful.”
“I can tell you that I don’t fully understand it, my dear. Once I read all that information online and discovered how abundant it is and that women do enjoy engaging their dogs for sex, I just couldn’t get it out of my mind.”
“Now that it’s all behind us, where do you want to go for the next two weeks?” he asked her.
“I haven’t thought too much about it. I’ve heard of several nudist colonies further south of us and thought it might be nice to go there for a while.”
“How about a cruise?” he asked.
“Never entertained the idea of spending so much time on a boat, not sure if I’d be seasick or not.”
“Just asking.”
“Understood, but I was thinking about something further from home, where we can truly be ourselves and not be afraid of what people think about 2 old fogies being so in love and together.”
“Who’s and old fogie, you old fart?”
“I guess that makes both of us old farts then, right?” he laughed and pulled her closer and gave her a deep kiss. “No matter where we go, we’ll be with each other and I want you to know how much I do love you.”
“I love you, too, dear.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The next day Henry decided to get up early and serve her breakfast in bed, something he’d never done before and, after last night’s activities, he felt she deserved to have something special.
When he entered the kitchen, he glanced out the window, over to her house and noticed a “For Sale” sign being taken down in the front yard.
‘I see she finally sold the old place, wonder who bought it,’ he thought, then moved to the refrigerator and pulled out the eggs and bacon, along with some canned biscuits.
As he stood in front of the stove, working on the eggs, flipping the bacon a couple of times, and checking to make sure he didn’t burn the biscuits, he thought about the night before and how much in love he was with her. They seemed like the perfect couple.
‘I’m so blessed to have found her,’ he thought. ‘I honestly don’t know how my life would’ve turned out if we hadn’t met.’
Once the meal was ready, he placed it on a tray and carried it upstairs, hoping to surprise her.
Instead, the surprise would be on him.
As he entered the bedroom he called out, “Wake up sleepyhead, I’ve fixed your favorite breakfast and I do hope you’re hungry. After last night I could eat a horse,” he joked as he turned towards the bed and noticed she wasn’t moving.
Sitting beside her she gently shook her but got no response. He set the tray on the floor and reached for her hand and finding it cold and clammy.
“Ester, wake up, dear,” he prompted.
No response.
“Ester, quit k**ding around, you’re beginning to scare me.”
Still... nothing.
He took her by the shoulders and shook her upper body.
“ESTER!” he shouted, then he pulled her close to him in a bearhug, knowing full well what had happened, during the night she’d quietly passed away.
“NO!” he shouted, tears running down his face as he talked to her.
“You can’t leave me like this,” he told her. “What am I going to do without you?”
His crying turned into sods and his whole body was racked with tremors as he pulled her closer, trying to warm her body, but it was useless... she was gone.
He continued to hold her close and sob at the same time. Time seemed to crawl as he sat there, rocking back and forth on the bed while telling her how much he loved her.
Finally, he gently laid her back down and continued to hold her hand, tears dripping from his cheeks and landing on her arm, then he finally laid her hand on her stomach and stood up on shaky legs. He thought he’d pass out but remained standing as he searched the room for his cell phone.
He found the name he was looking for and hit send, listening until the call was answered.
“Hello?” from the other end.
“Cynthia,” he said, “she’s gone,” and tears started once again. He had to stop and collect himself before he could continue.
“What do you mean, gone?” she asked him.
“Ester died...” and he could go no further, collapsing onto the floor, racked with sobs once again.
He dropped the phone but could hear her tell him, “I’ll be right there,” and she hung up.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Before leaving the house, she called Thelma and gave her the news.
“Oh, no! I’ll call Fay and we’ll meet you there. Are you OK?” She asked.
“No, not really. I just got off the phone with him and he’s awfully upset right now. He was sobbing when I hung up. I told him I’d be right over but I knew I had to call you first.”
“You did the right thing, dear. Fay and I will meet you there as soon as we can,” and she disconnected and called Fay, telling her the news.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The three ladies met at the bottom of the porch, embracing each other, and were hugging when Henry opened the door and met them as they rushed up the stairs, reaching out to hug him, tears now drying on his cheeks, and he tried his best to smile for them.
“She’s at peace now,” he said, new tears forming as he spoke.
“Let’s go inside,” Thelma suggested, and they all gathered in the living room.
“Do you know what happened?” asked Fay.
He just shook his head in response, still finding it difficult to talk.
“It’s OK,” she told him. “Where is she? Can we see her?”
He could only nod his head and nodded upstairs.
“We’ll be right back, dear. Cynthia, would you stay with him while we go upstairs?”
“Sure,” came the answer, as she moved to sofa, taking his hand and pulling him into an embrace.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
5 days later the services were held and Ester was laid to rest next to her departed husband. She’d wanted to lay next to Henry but he thought it best that she be next to him.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The next day they all gathered at the gravesite, fresh dirt piled high with all the flowers covering the top of the mound, holding hands, with tears running down all their faces. They stood there for a while, in silence, knowing Henry was still in shock after losing her. The agreed to meet later at his house, leaving the cemetery. Thelma drove him home and stayed with him until he insisted that he’d be OK and she should go home.
“I’ll come back later and we can decide what to do with all this food,” indicating the tables and counter covered with food brought by his and her many friends.
“At least I won’t starve,” he joked, hugging her and thanking her for such a good friend.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
He stood at the window in their bedroom and stared at the moving van unloading furniture anld other odds and ends and the new owners moved in. He hadn’t had a chance to see who they were but he hoped they enjoyed their new home.
Out of the corner of his eye a dog romped into view and he thought the a****l looked familiar but couldn’t place hi just yet.
Then a woman appeared. She sat on a chair on the porch and looked over at his house, staring at the window he was looking out and soon she was joined by another woman, both black, as she sat in the chair next to her.
He back, afraid they’d seen him staring at them and then... he recognized the first woman.
He smiled, headed downstairs, exited the house, and went over to re-meet his neighbor.
The End
2 年 前