First Facial

By TKTrucker3

This is the story of the first facial I gave to the lovely woman that you see in my videos. In fact, this is the story of the first time I ever gave a facial to any woman. An experience I will never forget.

Being a huge fan of blowjobs as I am, I was constantly on the prowl for oversexed MILFs in the AOL Chat Rooms with titles that had to do with oral sex. There always seemed to be at least a few females present, and I am sure that I had been catfished on more than one occasion, but that's just part of the game you had to be willing to accept.
Over time, I finally hit it off really well with this woman who lived several states away from me. We seemed to be a perfect match, sexually, and had spent many evenings chatting with her, talking about different aspects of sex that we both enjoy. We had many chat sessions, both of us getting each other so horny, we would both end up cumming via cyber-sex.
The first time we talked over the phone, I was standing at a payphone just inside the door of a busy truck stop, and there was enough ambient noise, that I could talk in a low voice and still be heard by her. I successfully coached her into rubbing her clit and cumming for me, lying there on her and her husband's bed.
Over a period, we couldn't stand the pressure of not being able to fuck each other, I eventually proposed that I could stop by and see her on my next trip through her area. I will skip all the details of our first encounter, but I will just say that it was the hottest and most erotic sex that either of us had ever had up to that point.
We had spent all of seven hours together in a motel room just fucking and sucking, and just generally enjoying and exploring each others' sexual natures. We spent the afternoon trying out everything in the chat rooms that we had previously chatted about on many occasions, and she lived up to all of her claims.
Being well aware of my love of oral sex and, and that I had never given a woman a facial. I had experienced plenty of perfectly lovely blowjobs, but very disappointingly always ending with my spasming cock being emptied into a stroking hand, or shooting all over the place, in search of a desirable target. I am not the kind of man who will forcefully hold a woman's head and make her unwillingly take my load in her mouth, or hold her by the hair so she cannot move, unable to dodge an unwanted facial. That would not be a good way to end a perfectly good sexual encounter! She assured me that she was very much into sucking cock, and that a man's cum was considered a thing to be enjoyed as part of the fun, whether being shot directly into her soft, warm, sucking mouth and being hungrily swallowed down as soon as those hot, silky jets hit the back of her throat, or having the hot, steamy stuff shot onto her sexy, waiting face. I had told her that I had never cum by either of those methods, so part of her excitement about meeting me was to be the very first to do this for me.
Our time together, eventually, sadly, grew short, so I asked her if she would give me a final blowjob with my orgasm being specifically a facial. She was very willing and more than happy to oblige. I think she was excited and honored to accept my first facial load!
I can't recall the details of the cock sucking she was performing on me, but as you all know, she definitely knows what she's doing, and she did a wonderful job of coaxing my orgasm closer and closer with her talented lips and tongue. She had me half crazy with the thoughts of emptying my balls and decorating her face with a hot, slimy batch of jizz, and oh, was I ready for the experience!
When I was about ready to cum, I had her sit on the edge of the bed. I stood in front of her with one foot up on the mattress. Her head was perfectly positioned, and she resumed sucking me deeply with long strokes, caressing the head and shaft with her warm, wet tongue. I tend to ooze a considerable amount of pre-cum when I am especially excited, so the extra lubrication made things even sexier. She always finds this a special treat, and moans her approval of the slimy fluid spilling onto her tongue as she sucks, a sure sign to her that she's doing a good job. It didn't take long before I breathlessly announced that I was going to cum, although I'm sure she was perfectly aware that I was about ready to blast off.
She slid her mouth off my super hard prick, and looking up at me, licked the stray slime from her lips, and gulped it down with a gasp. The anticipation of jerking my cum geyser onto herself had her excited as well.
“Are you ready to gimme that facial now?”, she moaned. Continuing to stroke my slippery cock with her little hand, she studied my ballooning, shiny cock head for a moment, then up at my face, and I began to shoot volley after volley of pressurized jizm onto her face.
“Awww, fuck, yeah!”, she moaned, breathing heavily. “Shoot that cum all over my fucking face!”
I could not believe what I was experiencing, watching her jack my heavy load and aiming it onto her willing, upturned face. She panted excitedly as the hot load laid stream after stream of creamy sperm across various parts of her eager face.
At some point, my weakened, shaking legs began to collapse from under me, and I half way blacked out, ending up sprawled out next to her on the bed. When I began to regain my senses, she was hovering over me, her dripping, cum soaked face wearing a look of real concern.
“Are you okay, Tom?”, she cried, genuinely worried that I had had a heart attack or something.
I laughed at the sight of her and the situation and assured her that I was fine. I had just been such an intense orgasm!
“The first thing I thought was, 'How am I going to explain this to the police?'”, she admitted later.
I don't blame her for thinking that way. I'm sure it was a shock. Hell, she didn't even know my last name at that time.
Anyway, that's the story of my first facial experience. Every word is true, I swear. It was everything I had hoped for, and so is she. We have been together ever since and sometimes remember back and laugh at how it all happened. Her cock sucking are still just as good as ever, and I have told her many times, “Baby, your blowjobs could kill an ordinary man.”
发布者 TKTrucker3
2 年 前
squirtluvr1 8 月 前
black4porn 1 年 前
Yeah, that was a Knock Out dick suckin'
lets_get_laid 2 年 前
Really hot 