Soo I hear Mexican girls love white guys

Question for white guys, do u love Mexican women? If so why? And for Mexican women and Latinas do u love white American guys? If so why? I ask bcuz I have been hearing Latinas have a white fetish and want to have white babies. I also hear white guys have a thing for Latinas and some liking Latinas more than white women. Latina with white guy is a very common duo in USA. What are your thoughts?
2 年 前
Eur0pean_Fem 2 年 前
Ready2screw : Blacks are ugly. White guys are superior 
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sxe90 1 年 前
Ready2screw : Black guys are bottom of the barrel. If it wasn't for white people feeling sorry for them, they'd have nothing!
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ahmed_sumon6 1 年 前
Ready2screw : Serena Williams is sucking a white cock! She has abandoned blacks, HAHAHAHA!
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ahmed_sumon6 1 年 前
Ready2screw : Then keep fucking your own girls. Don't look to other girls.
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Ready2screw 2 年 前
Latinas love white until they try black. Once you go black, there’s no going back. 
harder_than_you 3 月 前
I think all beaner girls seeking to immigrate into the US of A should be required by law to suck at least 5 white penises before gaining admission
Revo87 3 月 前
escalade2020 : Thx bro! Exactly how i see it too, but i would add their unbelievable sexy accent on top and now it´s obvious, Latinas No.1 and all others No.2 together
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VictoriaAlvarez : ¡Me encantaría mantenerte entretenido!
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Annie_Chen : I know and so thankful for that too!!!  As I dearly love love love Asian women as well!!! Love to be friends with you if you would be so kind as to send me a friend request, please?  We can have lots of chats!!
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MarisolMartinez : ¡¡Como el tuyo!! Eres tan hermosa y sexy!! ¡¡Me encantaría ser tu amiga y amante, Marisol!!
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ahmed_sumon6 : এশিয়ান নারী, এশিয়ান মেয়েরা সাদা মোরগ ভালোবাসে!

Ēśiẏāna nārī, ēśiẏāna mēẏērā sādā mōraga bhālōbāsē!
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Eur0pean_Fem : Danke, das weiß ich zu schätzen, ich schätze Sie! Möchtest du mit mir befreundet sein?
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Si !!  It's hard to explain why, "the heart wants what the heart wants!"  
HarryRusper 12 月 前
I like latina girls, they have a nice frame - I am an Ass-lover though!
Ready2screw 1 年 前
mrsourdoughs : You’re wrong. How do I get my 50 bucks?
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escalade2020 1 年 前
mrsourdoughs : lol! I love Latina women! 
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mrsourdoughs 1 年 前
escalade2020 : According to the US Census you are as white as a German, so welcome aboard!
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mrsourdoughs 1 年 前
Ready2screw : 50 bucks you are a white male who is self-conscious of your small penis so you go online spouting off this nonsense like Johnny Bigdick as a form of pathetic role playing but even were you some very isolated rural black that lived where the few people dealing with you were too polite to say anything to you about this  bullshit, THE SECRET IS OUT, THE SCIENCE MAN PROVEN YOU AIN'T GOT ANY BIGGER MEMBERS THAN ANYONE ELSE.
Your notions of what is a white or black baby is due to your assumption mixed babies are essentially black babies, but this is not how actual blacks think and is the white perspective on the matter. Weirdo you are and ignorant, black women sometimes give birth to white babies because in the womb at one point everyone has white skin, blue eyes, etc. White peoples have these traits later into life, often for life, but sometimes other people will randomly have them pop up like that Nigerian couple in Britain that had their baby come out pale and blonde despite both parents being 100% Nigerian.
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mrsourdoughs 1 年 前
DupontEntertainment : if you are in America, its possible
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Love latinas! Long brown, hair, eyes is so sexy
StrongDesire-Nl 1 年 前
I find mexican women gorgeous, so would certainly be happy to find one to be with in a relationship
If possible I would yo 
Latina girls are often feminine calmer and v3
Latina women can be v3
comixguy 1 年 前
i am a white man, and i think that all latina women are beautiful, i want to have sex with them often
sxe90 1 年 前
Ready2screw : Blah blah blah
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escalade2020 1 年 前
MarisolMartinez : your skin color is so hot! It is a turn-on!
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escalade2020 1 年 前
As a Middle Eastern (almost white) guy I love all women especially latinas! They have nice big asses and thicc legs! 🍑
Ready2screw 1 年 前
sxe90 :  Haha. You’re so funny. The facts is that we will have ALL the white women. Young, old, fat, skinny. ALL OF THEM. Your wives, your moms, your grandmas, your daughters, your sisters, and your auntys. We will even have all you white men who think you are women. We would fuck ALL of you. And you all would love it and you will all come back for more. It’s just a matter of time. Now, shut up, get on your knees, get your tongue out and show me how much you LOVE my black cock. And if I feel any teeth, I’ll beat your ass. 
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Eur0pean_Fem : Let me fuck you to reward you
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