Soo I hear Mexican girls love white guys
Question for white guys, do u love Mexican women? If so why? And for Mexican women and Latinas do u love white American guys? If so why? I ask bcuz I have been hearing Latinas have a white fetish and want to have white babies. I also hear white guys have a thing for Latinas and some liking Latinas more than white women. Latina with white guy is a very common duo in USA. What are your thoughts?
2 年 前
Ēśiẏāna nārī, ēśiẏāna mēẏērā sādā mōraga bhālōbāsē!
Your notions of what is a white or black baby is due to your assumption mixed babies are essentially black babies, but this is not how actual blacks think and is the white perspective on the matter. Weirdo you are and ignorant, black women sometimes give birth to white babies because in the womb at one point everyone has white skin, blue eyes, etc. White peoples have these traits later into life, often for life, but sometimes other people will randomly have them pop up like that Nigerian couple in Britain that had their baby come out pale and blonde despite both parents being 100% Nigerian.